Adobe Scan 18 Jun 2021
Adobe Scan 18 Jun 2021
Adobe Scan 18 Jun 2021
3 Using patternhs
can do shape, that is, the torn edges lie flat and are
aighten the ends of the fabric. You
this even.
by means of three methods:
Fold white cottons and line neatly and
soak in cold water for several hours
or a hot dry iron over a damp pressing without nap. However, for checks, stripes and
cloth on ws. Fold the fabric WS out along fabric with a distinct floral design or large motifs,
the length of the fabric during the process ensure that the checks, stripes, florals or motifs
of steaming. match on the upper and the lower layer of the
Examine the fabric for flaws (faults) and mark fabric. This ensures that the pattern of the fabric
them with tailor's chalk or pins on the WS of will be cut on identical positions on both sides of
the fabriC. a piece. After matching the design, pin in
Examine the fabric design. Note whether so it does not shift or move out of position before
the fabric has a reversible or all-over design, cutting out.
a definite up and down or one-way design,
or whether it has a pile or nap. This has Single thickness
important considerations when placing Fold the fabric lengthwise with the selvedge
patterns onto the fabric and even when part
across the width of the material. This method is
folding the fabric.
particularly suitable for wider widths of fabric,
An instruction sheet gives several suggested such as 150 It is also suitable for
layouts. Select your layout, considering the
fabrics wi
or without
nap. It is necessary to match and pin
following points:
the view chosen checks, stripes or motifs, or distinct floral ae5
such as java.
38 Topic 4: Patterns
Cutting two layers for one-way
Selvedges For
one-way design fabrics and napped or pile
fabrics, if the fabric is folded crosswise, the
pile and nap on the top and bottom design,
layer face
opposite directions. To avoid this, cut off the
Lengthwise fold required length of fabric and place the two
with the pieces
design, pile or nap facing the samne
You can place a pattern piece twice on single fabric direction. The illustration shows the cut off fabric
for economic reasons, although it entails more and pieces placed together with the design facing
work. For example, one sleeve pattern can be cut one direction.
twice on single fabric. In such a case, the piece is
cut once with the RS up and once with the WS
If this is not done, there is a danger of
cutting two
pieces for the same side. Place the other pattern
pieces on the double thickness.
RSup WS up
Single thickness
Top layer Under layer
Exercise 4.3
Double thickness
1. Explain three methods of straightening the
ends of a fabric.
2. Explain how to check the grain of a fabric
and what to do to bring the fabric back in
shape if need be.
Folding crosswise for double 3. How would you know which
pattern pieces
thickness to use for a particular view?
Fold the fabric with a crosswise fold. Note that this
method is not suitable for pieces that have to be Laying pattern pieces onto tabric
placed on the fold, because the warp threads will Having selected a layout, arrange the pattern
run across the garment and it will not hang well.
pieces on the prepared fabric, as shown on
the layout. Make sure the pattern pieces all
Selvedges fit before beginning to pin. Pay particular
attention to:
the direction of the straight threads of
the material, that is, the direction of the
warp threads. Place the straight grainline
on a pattern piece parallel to the warp or
selvedge. As the stronger threads of the
material, the warp threads should run
down main parts of a garment for it to
hang well.
If there is no layoutfollow, such as when
using a drafted pattern, place the pattern
pieces in such a way that very little space is left
between the pieces
Start with the largest
pieces and fit in smaller
Place the pieces so that the
warp threads run
down the main parts of a
garment. Matching up stripes gives a
protessional finish
One-way designs or fabrics with a nap Matching stripes, and checks
or pile a
(as above) give
professional-looking finish. Manage this by
laying out on one-way design fabrics looking at the position of notches and ends o
and those with seams and
out facing one
nap or pile, lay the pieces
for the two
placing these at identical position
direction. The result is that the pieces to be joined.
design, pile or nap runs in the same The layout on the
on all direction top of the next
page shov
pieces. Lay and cut out with the placement of bodice pieces on checked
brushing upwards and the nap pile More fabric than that fabri
downwards running recommended on the
or in the direction that gives the pattern is
usually required.
desired effect.
40 Topic 4: Patterns
When placed to a fold, double the width is
obtained without a seam.
On an all-over or reversible
design, place
pattern pieces facing opposite directions
without affecting the appearance of the Pinning pattern pieces onto fabric
Use dressmaker's or lillikin pins for delicate
Avoid flaws or, alternatively, take care not to fabrics.
place flaws in conspicuous positions on the Pin the grainline first. To ensure that it runs
number. These
will fall off when the same
are cut off.
Transfer all dart positions, fold lines.
placement lines, button and buttonhole
Exercise 4.4
Tailor's chalk
1. Why is fabric usually folded when cutting
Use tailor's chalk of a colour
easily noticeable on symmetrical patterns?
the fabric to mark where
required. To use, remove 2. Suggest two points to consider when laying
Some pins
and fold back part to be marked. Marl
out symmetrical patterns.
in conjunction with a ruler for
straight lines. It 3. What is the main difference between
may be used on either side of the fabric.
symmetric and asymmetric pattern layouts?
4. How would you ensure that the
grainline is
pinned along a straight thread?
5. Explain how to place pattern pieces onto
striped fabric so that the stripes will match at
the seams.