Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 4E (2014)
Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 4E (2014)
Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 4E (2014)
Hemodynamic Disorders 4
PBD9 Chapter 4: Hemodynamic Disorders
1 A 45-year-old woman who works while standing for 3 A 37-year-old woman has noticed a lump in her left
long periods notices at the end of her 8-hour shift that her breast over the past 2 months. On physical examination, the
lower legs and feet are swollen, although there was no swell- skin overlying the left breast is thickened, reddish orange,
ing at the beginning of the day. There is no pain or erythema and pitted. Mammography shows a 3-cm underlying density.
associated with this swelling. She is otherwise healthy and A fine-needle aspirate of the density is performed and on mi-
takes no medications; laboratory testing reveals normal liver croscopic examination shows carcinoma. Which of the follow-
and renal function. Which of the following mechanisms best ing mechanisms best explains the gross appearance of the skin
explains this phenomenon? of her left breast?
A Excessive free water intake A Chronic inflammation
B Hypoalbuminemia B Chronic passive congestion
C Increased hydrostatic pressure C Ischemic necrosis
D Lymphatic obstruction D Lymphatic obstruction
E Secondary aldosteronism E Venous thrombosis
2 A 56-year-old woman diagnosed with cancer in her left 4 A 7-year-old boy has had increasing lethargy for a week.
breast underwent a mastectomy with axillary lymph node On physical examination, he has periorbital edema and pit-
dissection. Postoperatively, she develops marked swelling of ting edema at the ankles, but is normotensive and afebrile.
the left arm that has persisted for 6 months. Now on physical Laboratory studies show marked albuminuria. He is given a
examination, her temperature is 36.9° C. Her left arm is not thiazide diuretic and his urine output increases and his edema
tender or erythematous, and it is not painful with movement resolves. Which of the following changes most likely potenti-
or to touch, but it is enlarged with a doughy consistency. ated his edema?
Which of the following is the most likely mechanism for these A Decreased aldosterone
findings? B Decreased renin
A Cellulitis C Increased albumin
B Congestive heart failure D Increased cortisol
C Decreased plasma oncotic pressure E Decreased antidiuretic hormone
D Lymphedema F Increased salt retention
E Sodium and water retention
F Phlebothrombosis
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32 UNIT I General Pathology
10 A superficial puncture wound from a needlestick injury 15 In an experiment, platelet function is analyzed. A sub-
leads to a small amount of bleeding in a healthy person. Sec- stance is obtained from the dense body granules of normal
onds after this injury occurs, the bleeding stops. Which of the pooled platelets from healthy blood donors. When this sub-
following mechanisms is most likely to stop small arteriolar stance is added to platelets obtained from patients with a
blood loss from this injury? bleeding disorder, no platelet aggregation occurs. Adding the
A Fibrin polymerization substance to platelets from a normal control group induces
B Neutrophil chemotaxis platelet aggregation. Which of the following substances is
C Platelet aggregation most likely to produce these effects?
D Protein C activation A Adenosine diphosphate
E Vasoconstriction B Antithrombin III
C Fibronectin
11 A 15-year-old girl incurs a cut to the sole of her foot D Fibrinogen
after stepping on a piece of broken glass. On examination, a E Plasminogen
superficial 0.5-cm laceration ceases to bleed within 5 minutes F Thromboxane A2
after application of local pressure. Which of the following
substances is released by endothelium and is most likely to
counteract platelet aggregation near this site of injury?
A Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
B Platelet-activating factor
C Prostacyclin
D Tissue-type plasminogen activator
E Thrombomodulin
F Thromboxane
16 A 12-year-old boy has a 10-year history of multiple soft 20 A 21-year-old woman has had multiple episodes of deep
tissue hemorrhages and acute upper airway obstruction from venous thrombosis during the past 10 years and one episode
hematoma formation in the neck. On physical examination, he of pulmonary thromboembolism during the past year. Labora-
has decreased range of motion of the large joints, particularly tory tests show that her prothrombin time (PT), partial throm-
the knees and ankles. He has no petechiae or purpura of the boplastin time (PTT), platelet count, and platelet function
skin. Laboratory studies show normal prothrombin time, el- studies all are normal. Which of the following risk factors is
evated partial thromboplastin time (PTT), and normal platelet the most common cause for such a coagulopathy?
count, but markedly decreased factor VIII activity. Which of A Antithrombin III deficiency
the following mechanisms best describes the development of B Factor V mutation
his disease? C Hyperhomocysteinemia
A Decrease in production of thrombin D Mutation in protein C
B Decrease in membrane phospholipid E Occult malignancy
C Failure of platelet aggregation F Oral contraceptive use
D Failure of fibrin polymerization G Smoking cigarettes
E Inability to neutralize antithrombin III
F Inability of platelets to release thromboxane A2 21 A 23-year-old woman has had altered consciousness and
slurred speech for the past 24 hours. A head CT scan shows a
17 A 58-year-old man has had episodes of prolonged epi- right temporal hemorrhagic infarction. Cerebral angiography
staxis in the past 6 months. On examination he has occult shows a distal right middle cerebral arterial occlusion. Within
blood detected in his stool. Coagulation studies show that his the past 3 years, she has had an episode of pulmonary embo-
prothrombin time is elevated, but his partial thromboplastin lism. A pregnancy 18 months ago ended in miscarriage. Labo-
time (PTT), platelet count, and platelet function are all normal. ratory studies show a false-positive serologic test for syphilis,
When his plasma is mixed with an equal amount of normal normal prothrombin time (PT), elevated partial thromboplas-
plasma, the prothrombin time corrects to normal. Which of the tin time (PTT), and normal platelet count. Which of the follow-
following underlying diseases is most likely to be associated ing is the most likely cause of these findings?
with these findings? A Antiphospholipid antibody
A Antiphospholipid syndrome B Disseminated intravascular coagulation
B Factor V Leiden mutation C Factor V mutation
C Hemophilia A D Hypercholesterolemia
D Scurvy E Von Willebrand disease
E Sepsis with Escherichia coli
F Vitamin K deficiency