Fluid Draw ENGB
Fluid Draw ENGB
Fluid Draw ENGB
FluidDraw P6 is an application for creating electro-pneumatic circuit
2. Getting started 46
2.1 Ribbon 46
2.2 Creating a new project 46
2.3 Organising projects, symbols and libraries 51
2.4 Inserting a symbol from the menu 52
2.5 Symbol libraries 54
2.5.1 Creating your own library 56
2.5.2 Creating new symbols 57
2.6 Project files 58
4. Editing circuits 61
5. Drawing frame 91
Chapter 1
1. Installation a nd lice nsing
Then you can select the target folder and start the installation.
You can use any PC in your network as the licence server. The
following conditions must be met for this:
— The client PCs must have access to the server PC via the LAN.
You can also copy the complete ticket number in the first input field
via the clipboard. The ticket number is then automatically distribut-
ed to the five input fields.
The table lists all licences for your ticket number. Free licences that
can be activated are displayed on a green background. If no free
licences are available, you will be informed. Every line contains a
number of licences of a product that can be activated or deactivat-
ed together.
Number of licences Specifies the maximum number of licences that can be activated or
CmContainer Contains the serial number of the CodeMeter container in which the
licences were activated. The container can be a hardware plug
(CmDongle) or a software-based licence (CmAct).
Found server
The individual activation steps are carried out via the Internet and
highlighted in colour.
Finally, you can close the activation wizard or have the current
licence information displayed for your ticket via Back to licence
overview .
You can now select the number of licences you want to deactivate.
This dialogue is skipped if only one licence is available.
The individual deactivation steps are carried out via the Internet
and highlighted in colour.
Finally, you can close the activation wizard or have the current
licence information displayed for your ticket via Back to licence
overview .
Finally, you can close the activation wizard or have the current
licence information displayed for your ticket via Back to licence
overview .
If you want to give back your licence, you must deactivate it.
3. If the licence server is not also the local computer, then the “
Server Access” option must be selected on the licence server.
Next to the list of connected CodeMeter containers, you can use the
“WebAdmin” button to have detailed licence information displayed
in the Internet browser and you can make various settings. The
WebAdmin is described in the next section.
On the licence server, you can use the CodeMeter Control Center to
check if your CodeMeter containers really are available or connect-
ed. More information on the CodeMeter Control Center can be
found in the Help for the program.
1.3.2 WebAdmin
First check if the new licences are available on the licence server.
Start the WebAdmin directly on the licence server and check on the
“Containers” tab if your CodeMeter container is available with the
corresponding licences.
If the licence server is not the local computer and if the licences are
to be available to other client computers, then the “ Server Access”
option must be selected. You can configure this on the “ Configura-
If your licence server is not listed, there may be one of two reasons
for this.
You should now be able to select the licence server at the bottom
left in the WebAdmin and you can then check on the “ Container”
tab if your CodeMeter container is available with the corresponding
licences on the licence server.
Chapter 2
2. Getting started
2.1 Ribbon
For clearer and easier operation with fewer mouse clicks, in Fluid-
Draw 6 a ribbon is used instead of the classic menu bars. The
classic menu bars are still available, however and can be activated
via the Options.
First specify the project file to which the new project is to be saved.
A dialogue box appears. The file extension that belongs to a project
file is “fdprj”. Then, the dialogue with the project properties auto-
matically opens.
On the Drawing Frame tab, you can select a drawing frame that is
to be used by default for all pages. Further information on the
drawing frame can be found in the section: Drawing frame.
If you select File New Page to add a new page to the project,
the properties dialogue for the new page automatically opens.
You can insert symbols in the new page and connect them with
lines. If you have selected a drawing frame in the project or on the
page, the size of the drawing is automatically set. If you want to
manually define the drawing size then deselect the “ Adopt from
drawing frame” option on the “ Drawing Size” tab and select the
drawing’s desired dimensions and orientation. If the drawing’s
dimensions are larger than your printer’s printing area then you can
distribute your drawing across several pages (tiles)
For a better overview you can create attributes for every circuit
The attribute table allows you to save any desired data in the form
of attribute value pairs. The associated placeholders (attributes
with the same name) in the drawing frame are replaced by the
values entered.
The Find Symbol dialogue window opens. You can enter search
terms in the “ Search” input line. The individual search terms are
separated by commas or blanks. The order of the entries and (up-
per or lower) case are irrelevant.
The symbols found are displayed in the two result lists. The library
hierarchy is displayed on the left side. Only those branches appear
that have the fitting symbols. An alphabetically sorted list with the
search hits is displayed on the right side. The symbol of the high-
lighted entry is displayed in the preview. When you have found the
desired symbol, you can select it using the OK button or by
double-clicking the corresponding line in the result list. The symbol
is then attached to the mouse pointer and is positioned on the
drawing area by a left-click.
You can use the Fuzzy Search option to activate a tolerance to also
get results in the event of input errors or spelling variants.
View Defines the size of the symbols displayed. Small , Normal and
Large are available.
Show All Symbols By default, the library contains the symbols and components nor-
mally used that are included in the Festo product catalogue. All
symbols can be displayed with the Show All Symbols option.
These also include those that FluidDraw uses internally e.g. to
assemble valve terminals.
Show default designation Reference letters that comply with the standard are already stored
for typical components. They are displayed by default in the symbol
at the top right. You can deactivate the display with this option if
you do not want it.
Assign reference designa- If a symbol does not have a default identification in the library or if
tion... you want to change it, you can assign an individual identification to
every symbol. A free number is automatically attached to this
identification when it is inserted on a page.
Copy to Other Library Copies the marked symbols to another library. The available librar-
ies are listed in a submenu. Only those libraries that are currently
open (i.e. that appear as tabs in the library window) and that are
not write-protected (indicated by the fact that no lock symbol is
displayed) appear here.
The standard library This library is supplied with FluidDraw and cannot be changed.
Symbol folder Circuit and symbol files stored on the data storage medium can be
used like libraries in FluidDraw. The files of the selected folder are
added as a library via the Library menu and the Add Existing
Symbol Folder... menu item. The library hierarchy exactly matches
the folder hierarchy. These libraries cannot be changed in Fluid-
Draw. Changes must be made directly on the data storage medium.
Own libraries You can create and subsequently edit new libraries via the Library
menu and the Create New Library... menu item (see section
Creating your own library). Using “drag and drop” you can move
the symbols and groups within the library as desired.
Paste Inserts the symbols from the clipboard in the library. These symbols
can also be sub-circuits.
Rename... Changes the text which libraries display below the symbol.
Add Existing Symbols... Opens a dialogue window for selecting symbol files, which are to be
copied as new symbols into the library.
Copy to Other Library Copies the marked symbols to another library. The available librar-
ies are listed in a submenu. Only those libraries that are currently
open (i.e. that appear as tabs in the library window) and that are
not write-protected (indicated by the fact that no lock symbol is
displayed) appear here.
New Sub-Folder... Creates a new hierarchy level below the active group. The active
group is the one that belongs to the area under the mouse pointer.
It is indicated by a dark blue colour.
Remove Sub-Folder Removes the hierarchy level at which the mouse pointer is.
Rename Sub-Folder... Allows the name of the hierarchy level to be changed at which the
mouse pointer is.
1. Draw symbol You can easily create a new symbol using the line, polyline, rectan-
gle, circle, ellipse, etc. drawing functions. Use these drawing ele-
ments to draw your desired symbol in an empty page. In order to
achieve this precisely, you can activate additional snap functions
such as Snap to End Point , Snap to Centre or Snap to Intersec-
tion using items on the ribbon page Edit . The Show Grid
option in the View page displays a grid in the background. This
has a grid width of 2 M by default. Grid width and style can be
adjusted in program options on the Appearance page.
2. Create macro object After you have drawn the symbol, select all elements of the symbol
and select Create Macro Object from the context menu in the
circuit or from the menu on page Home . The individual drawing
elements are then combined to form a single new symbol with its
own properties.
3. Define connectors Via the Define Connector item in the Insert menu, you can now
add pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical connectors to the symbol.
For the line routing of conduction lines it is optimal if these con-
nectors are placed in such a way that they are located at intersec-
tions with the grid.
4. Save symbol in own sym- Via the main menu item Create New Library... on the ribbon page
bol library Library you can create your own symbol library for your user
symbols. If you use this menu item and specify a file name, a new
empty symbol library is created. You can then drag and drop the
newly created symbol into the new library. When storing the symbol
in the library, you can assign your own symbol name and a descrip-
tion for the symbol.
Now you can use the new symbol from your user library just like a
symbol from the standard library in your projects.
FluidDraw project files have the file extension fdprj and are saved
as compressed XML files. An option in the Manage ribbon under
the Options... menu item in the General Save sub-menu allows
you to deactivate this compression so that the circuit files can be
viewed as plain text. This can be useful for version management
software, for example.
Chapter 3
3. Library, project window and object browser
The library window is firmly attached on the left side by default and
the project window and the object browser (if a project is open) are
on the right side.
To release the window from its position: connect the mouse pointer
to the upper edge of the window. Click and hold the left mouse
button. Move the window a small distance towards the centre of
the screen. Now release the left mouse button. Now you need to
move the library window to the bottom right and the project win-
dow to the bottom left. Once a window has been released from its
fixed position it can be moved freely.
To move the window back into its fixed position: connect the
mouse pointer to the upper edge of the window. Click and hold the
left mouse button. Move the window as far as possible to the right
or the left. Now release the left mouse button. This window snaps
into place. This enables you to fasten the library window in place on
the right and the project window on the left, for example. You can
also fasten both windows on the same side. In this case you can
move the desired window into the foreground by clicking the asso-
ciated tab.
Chapter 4
4. Editing circuits
Using the Find Symbol dialogue window and the libraries, you can
insert symbols in the circuit window to be edited. You can also
apply objects from any other window however, by marking them
and dragging them into the desired window. Alternatively, you can
also use the clipboard by selecting the Copy menu item after
highlighting the objects in the Home menu, moving the target
window to the foreground and selecting the Paste menu item in
the Home menu.
If you “drag” objects from one window to another using the mouse
pointer, they are copied. If you drag the objects within a window
from one position to another, they are moved. To copy objects
within a window, you must keep the Shift key pressed when you
move the mouse pointer. The corresponding operation is indicated
by the shape of the mouse pointer: during a shift operation a cross
with arrows appears and for copying there is also a plus symbol
in the bottom right corner of the cross.
There are two basic options for inserting symbols with part num-
bers and technical details in the circuit.
About the Festo product The product catalogue represents a complete database of the
catalogue available Festo products. If you wish to insert the associated sym-
bols with part numbers and technical details for certain products
then select the Insert menu item from the From Festo Cata-
logue... menu. The Insert from catalogue dialogue window ap-
pears. Enter your key words in the “ Search” input line. The upper
table contains the search result. Highlighting a row there displays
the associated symbol in the preview. Select a product by double-
clicking a table row or using the Add to Selection button. Select-
ed products are collected in the lower table. When exiting the
dialogue window the symbols of the selected products are inserted
into the circuit window. The symbols contain the part numbers and
technical details of the previously selected products in the form of
attribute value pairs.
If you are using a custom product database you can select it in the
Product Database list box. You can use the selected database in the
same way as the Festo product catalogue.
If you want to insert shopping baskets from the Festo Online Shop,
you must log on with the corresponding user account at Festo.
On request, FluidDraw can memorise your login data for the Festo
Online Shop. This data is stored in encrypted form in the registra-
tion database for the currently logged-on Windows user. Use this
convenient option only if you are sure that no unauthorised person
uses the PC with your Windows login.
You can make the settings that influence the creation of the symbol
designations and accessories using the Tools tab under the
Manage menu item in the Product Catalogue menu. If desired
FluidDraw can automatically generate text elements derived from
the type attribute of the associated symbol.
You can get a more compact, but outdated view for some products
by selecting the Insert legacy valve terminal symbols option under
Manage / Product Catalogue:
Number of pages Defines how many pages the valve terminal is to be distributed to.
Distance between blocks Defines the space between two blocks on a page.
Draw connection lines If there are several separate blocks on a page, you can connect
them using lines.
Accumulate interruptions The connectors are on the left and right sides of the deleted sym-
bols that are connected via interruptions to the previous or follow-
ing pages. FluidDraw can summarise these connectors for a better
overview and only create a single interruption.
→ Now, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer
to the connector you want to connect to the first one.
The shape of the mouse pointer shows you when you are over
the connector. If the mouse pointer is over a connector to which a
line is already connected, the prohibited sign appears and no
line can be created.
→ Let go of the mouse button once you have hit the second
You can define how the connectors of different objects are auto-
matically connected in the General Connector Links tab under the
Options... menu item in the Manage menu. The following two
figures show this function.
If you are over a line segment, the mouse pointer is converted into
a crosshair .
T distributor Defines the representation of the basic T-distributor. Here you can
select whether the distributor should be represented as a filled
circle or a simple intersection.
After connecting two connectors, you can adapt the position of the
lines. You can move the line segments parallel by moving the
mouse pointer on the relevant line segment. The “line start” form
of the mouse pointer shows you when you have hit the line.
If you only want to move the individual line segment in the case
described above then release the mouse button after highlighting
the line segment. Click the segment again and move it while keep-
ing the mouse button pressed.
You can also define the style, colour and drawing layer of the lines
by double-clicking a line segment or highlighting the line segment
and selecting the Home menu item in the Properties... menu.
The Line Properties dialogue window opens. Select the Drawing
Properties tab in this window. The settings are applied to the entire
line section as far as the next connector or T-distributor.
Straight connection line By default, FluidDraw automatically creates all lines orthogonally.
However, it some cases it may be desirable to create a straight
connection between two connectors.
Identification You can enter a text for identifying this connector at the input line.
The identification is shown in the circuit drawing if the Display
option is selected.
Note: Please note that this symbol list is only available if a line is
not connected to the connector in question. If you wish to connect a
line to a sealed connector you first have to remove the blanking
plug or silencer. To do this select the empty field in the symbol list
with the connector terminators. The alignment of the connector
terminator can be set via the radio buttons.
Type of connector Selects the connector type. The following are available: “ Pneumat-
ic”, “ Hydraulic”, “ Electric” and “ Electric (Label)”.
Define multiple connectors Multiple connectors can be set one after the other if this option is
active. You can cancel the action by pressing the Esc key.
Note: Bear in mind that the Delete menu item or the Del key
does not delete the connector, only any connected line.
If you require a specific valve that you cannot find in the FluidDraw
standard library, you can use the valve editor to create your own
valve symbols.
Left Actuation – Right Actua- You can select the actuation types of the valve from the “ Manual-
tion ly”, “ Mechanically” and “ Pneumatically/ Electrically” categories
for both sides of the valve. Click the button with the mouse pointer
and select a symbol element. A valve can have multiple actuation
types at the same time. If you do not want an actuation from a
category then select the empty field in the list. You can also define
whether each side should have a spring return, pilot control, pneu-
matic spring or external supply.
Valve Body A configurable valve can have a maximum of four switching posi-
tions. A valve body can be selected for every switching position.
Initial Position This is for defining which switching position the valve should as-
sume in the normal position. Note: When making the definition,
make sure that it does not contradict any spring return.
Dominant Signal This is for indicating graphically whether the right-hand signal or
the left-hand signal is to dominate if two equally strong signals are
Pneumatic Spring This is for defining whether a pneumatic spring is to ensure the
return on the corresponding side.
External Supply This creates another connector via which the external supply of the
controller is connected.
Pilot air exhaust Creates a symbol for releasing the pilot exhaust air into the envi-
Pilot air exhaust (ducted) This creates a further connector via which the pilot exhaust air is
If you require a specific cylinder that you cannot find in the Fluid-
Draw standard library, you can use the cylinder editor to create
your own cylinder symbols.
Cylinder Type Click the button with the arrow to open the list of the symbol ele-
ments. Select a cylinder type. Defines whether the cylinder is to be
single-acting or double-acting.
Piston Click the button with the arrow and select a symbol element for the
piston. Define whether the cylinder is to have end-position cushion-
ing and whether it can be adjusted.
Piston Rod Click the button with the mouse pointer and select a symbol ele-
ment for the piston rod.
Piston Position You can use the slide ruler to specify the relative piston position in
increments of 25 %. 0 % stands for a completely retracted piston
and 100 % stands for a completely extended piston.
You can also rotate symbols using the mouse pointer by dragging
the edge of the symbol. In order to do this FluidDraw must be in
Enable Rotate mode. This mode can be activated or deactivated
on the Edit ribbon page with the Enable Rotate menu item.
→ Keep the mouse button pressed and move the mouse pointer
until the desired angle of rotation is established. The angle
changes in 15 degree steps.
Chapter 5
5. Drawing fra me
Inherit From Project If this option is activated then the drawing frame specified in the
project is copied into the circuit. The path and the file used are
displayed in the “ Frame File” line.
Select... This button is used to open a dialogue that can be used to select a
frame provided. These frame files are to be found in the frm direc-
Reload File Reloads the frame from the specified file. That can be practical if
the drawing frame was changed in the meantime.
Edit... Opens the frame file for editing in the drawing frame editor.
Reload Frame Attributes When you insert a drawing frame, the attributes of the drawing
frame are listed. These attributes are saved with the project or with
the circuit drawing and can be edited and deleted. You can use the
Reload Frame Attributes to reload all attributes from the drawing
frame and thus update the attribute list of the project or of the
circuit drawing.
All available frame files are displayed as a tree on the left side. The
desired drawing frame can be selected in this tree. The drawing
frame is then displayed in the preview.
You can find a detailed description of the options for managing the
drawing frames in the section: Manage templates
You can use the drawing frame editor to create new drawing frames
and edit existing frames.
Alternatively, you can open the editor via the properties of the
project or of an individual page. Select a drawing frame first on the
Drawing Frame tab and then press the Edit... button to open this
frame in the editor to edit it.
1. Drawing page
2. Outer frame
3. Page dividers
5. Header
The drawing space that can be used with the drawing page is de-
fined by the inner frame. The following diagram illustrates the
previously mentioned elements:
In the following steps, you have the option of changing all proper-
ties of these elements.
On this page of the editor, you can assign a designation and change
the size and alignment of the drawing frame. At the top, you can
either select one of the specified default sizes from the stored list
or enter your complete own dimensions. You can adapt the align-
ment of the frame below.
You have the option here of designing the outer and inner frame
lines according to your requirements.
At the top you can select the line width, line type and colour prop-
erties for the corresponding frame line. If desired, you can also
remove one line or both lines from the drawing by means of the
check box.
In the centre, you can set the outer edge between the outer frame
line and the edge of the drawing page, as well as the inner edge
between the two frame lines. Your changes of the set values are
displayed to you directly in the preview on the right side.
At the top, on the left side, you can configure the labelling proper-
ties of the individual rows. In the area below, you can configure the
labelling properties of the individual columns.
For the distribution of the rows and columns you can either specify
a fixed number or a specific height or width.
You can adjust and design the header according to your require-
ments here.
General design and layout of The header within the drawing frame consists of a table with a
the header specific number of columns and rows. Either a fixed text, an attrib-
ute link or an image can be entered in the individual cells of the
Using the Select template... button at the top edge of the tab,
you can open a dialogue that you can use to load predefined head-
ers into the editor.
You can use the dialogue to select a template for the header. Either
use one of the integrated templates or select a user-defined tem-
plate. The selected header is displayed to you as a preview on the
right side.
Selecting/highlighting cells You can select individual cells of the table by left-clicking them. The
selected cell is then displayed with a thicker, blue border. The
contents of the selected cell, its cell properties and the dimensions
of the corresponding row and column are shown below the dis-
played table.
You can highlight an area with several cells by moving the mouse
over further cells while keeping the left mouse button pressed.
Alternatively, you can click the first and last cell one after the other
while keeping the Shift key pressed. You can highlight several
cells not connected by clicking them with the mouse and keeping
the Ctrl key pressed. The selected area is given a thick blue
Adjusting the table structure You can change the number of rows and columns of the current
table by right-clicking a cell within the table. A context menu ap-
pears for the currently selected cell. You can find commands for
adding an deleting rows or columns below the Insert and Delete
menu items.
Several cells can be joined to form one cell within the table. Such a
joined cell then covers several columns and/or several rows.
To connect several cells, highlight them first in the table and then
click the Merge cells button on the menu bar above the table
displayed. Only a rectangular continuous cell area can be connect-
ed. When the connection is established, only the contents and
formatting from the top left cell of the highlighted area are re-
tained. The Split cells button is available to separate a joined cell.
Entering a fixed text You can enter a fixed text in a cell by double-clicking the cell with
the left mouse button. An input cursor appears in the cell and you
can enter the desired text directly. You can also highlight a cell and
press the F2 function key to activate direct cell input.
Text formatting You can change the text formatting of a cell using the menu bar
above the displayed table. Select those cells in the table whose
formatting you want to change. Then, click the corresponding
button on the menu bar or select the desired value.
Using the menu bar, you can change the following formatting
— Font
— Font size
— Background colour
— Font colour
If you select a cell in the table, the font and font size of the selected
cell are automatically displayed on the menu bar. The buttons for
the font style, and horizontal and vertical alignment are enabled
according to the current setting in the cell.
Inserting images You can insert an image in a cell by selecting the desired cell and
then clicking the Choose picture... button below the displayed
table. A dialogue appears that you can use to select your image for
insertion. The file formats Bitmap, JPEG, PNG and GIF are support-
The path and the file name of the selected image are displayed to
you after selecting the image in the input field using the button and
the image is displayed in the highlighted cell of the table. The size
of the image is adapted taking the correct width-to-height ratio of
the cell into account. The maximum width or height of the cell is
always utilised for display purposes. Increase the size of the cell if
the displayed image is to be increased in size.
A newly inserted image is linked to the cell via the path and the file
name. That is indicated by the selected External Link check box. For
each subsequent use of the drawing frame, the image is reloaded
Setting frame lines The frame lines in a cell are influenced using the Borderlines
button on the menu bar above the displayed table. Select those
cells in the table that you want to give a frame. Then click the small
triangle at the right edge of the button to open a selection menu of
the available frame lines.
You can set the desired frame for the highlighted cells from this
menu. By selecting No border , you remove all existing borders
from the selected cells. Your frame selection is transferred to the
button and can be set for other cells by clicking the button directly.
Frame attributes and varia- In addition to the previously described contents of the fixed texts
bles and images, variable elements can also be inserted in the header,
whose value is determined later on when the drawing frame is used
in a specific project or page. These are drawing frame attributes,
which are managed later on in the properties of the project or page,
The available attributes are displayed to you on the left side of the
dialogue in a list view. You can find predefined attributes, prede-
fined variables and user-defined attributes in this list.
You can store default values for attributes in the drawing frame. To
do this. double-click the corresponding placeholder in the attribute
list and enter the desired default value. It is then displayed in the
header instead of the placeholder for the attribute. However, the
placeholder is still entered in the corresponding cell. Later on when
the drawing frame is used, the entered default value is transferred
as an attribute value to the diagram. However, it can be changed at
any time there. By entering a default value, you also have the
option of checking if the text formatting and the size of the cell are
The attribute list on the page on which the table is displayed con-
tains the following predefined variables:
— Page number
— Description
— Installation
— Circuit
— Location
— File Name
You can adjust the position of the header within the drawing frame
Select the desired position from the specified options. The modified
position of the header is displayed to you in the preview on the
right side.
Not only those files created with the drawing frame editor can be
used as drawing frames. In addition, it is also possible to use each
individual sheet of an existing project as a drawing frame in anoth-
er project. This way you have the possibility to enrich a drawing
frame with other elements.
The following example shows how you can add a watermark with
text to a given drawing frame:
→ Select and assign a drawing frame that you want to enrich with
additional objects.
You can also insert a text object that will contain an attribute value
of the project or sheet. For this insert a new text object with a
simple text like “ReleaseStatus”. Additionally set the option At-
tribute Link within the properties of the text object. The text will
then be shown in angle brackets. The entered text “ReleaseStatus”
will be the new frame attribute that will show up in the project
attributes where you can enter a value for it.
→ Save the new project with the enhanced drawing frame and
close it.
→ Klick with the right mouse button on the topmost node with the
label Drawing Frame and select Add Existing Files... from the
context menu.
Now you can use the page with the enhanced drawing frame as
drawing frame in your projects.
→ Select and assign the new enhanced drawing frame for the
project. (In this example the page with a watermark.)
When you have created an additional frame attribute, you will find
it in the project properties in the Attributes tab. There you can
enter an attribute value analogue to the other attributes from the
title block and it will show up in the prepared text field.
— The project with the extended drawing frame can also contain
several sheets, e.g. with different contents. The appropriate
frame can be selected according to requirements.
If the page dividers are displayed you can customise them using
the mouse so that they match the graphical representation of the
drawing frame, for example. This customisation can be done in
different ways:
The opposite margin is not moved and the columns or rows are
resized proportionally.
Columns and rows can be inserted and removed using the and
The labelling type and the number of rows and columns can be
defined using the button. The settings are saved as page proper-
ties. The following dialogue window is opened:
Adopt from drawing frame If this option is activated then all settings that have been defined in
the drawing frame are adopted.
Numbering Numbers, lower case letters or upper case letters can be used for
First Item Defines the first numbering item. Numbering is continued in the
same way starting with this element.
Skip letters ‘I’ and ‘O’ If this option is active, the letters “I” and “O” are not used for
numbering. That prevents any risk of confusion with the numbers
“1” and “0”.
Chapter 6
6. Additional tools for creating dr awings
6.1.1 Grid
For arranging the symbols and inserting the lines it is often practi-
cal to show a point or line grid. You can activate or deactivate the
display of the grid using the View menu item in the Show Grid
menu. You can define more grid settings in the Manage menu
under the Options... menu item on the Representation Grid tab.
Pay attention to the red dashed lines that appear if two or more
connectors lie below each other.
Snap to Connector
Snap to Centre
Snap to Intersection
Press the Ctrl key and keep it pressed during a drawing opera-
tion to temporarily deactivate the object snap function.
6.1.4 Rulers
The rulers can be shown and hidden via View Show Rulers .
They are displayed at the left-hand as well as the upper edge of the
circuit window.
Like with most other settings, you can also define drawing layers
separately for the project, a project node or a page. When you
create a new project, the default settings defined under Manage
in Options... / Drawing Layers are copied. You can change these
settings at any time individually in the properties of a project node
or page.
Inherit From Parent Node If this option is selected, defined drawing layers are used for the
page in the project or in the parent project node.
Copy from global options This is for copying the settings defined under Manage in Op-
tions... / Drawing Layers.
Please note that the global settings are then copied once. If the
global settings for the drawing frame change later on, the locally
copied drawing layers are retained. That ensures that the appear-
ance of the circuit diagrams does not depend on the user’s individ-
ual settings.
Default Layer You can select the drawing layer where newly inserted objects
should be placed here. If you do not want the symbol level to be
changed when objects are inserted then select the “ Preserve
Object Layer” option.
Line Style Defines the line style of the objects in this drawing layer.
Line Width Defines the line width of the objects in this drawing layer.
The selection of the different object types can be used in two ways:
— Set the desired object types before selecting them. With this
option, you define which object types are to be highlighted dur-
ing subsequent selection operations. This filter can be used if
you simply click an object, when you create a rectangle and al-
so with the Select All command. Only objects that meet the
selection criterion are highlighted.
After using the selection filter, make sure to switch back to the All
Objects option to be able to fully edit your circuit diagram again.
Active Drawing Layer Only With this option, the selection only applies to the selected drawing
You can thus selected the standard drawing layer without changing
any highlighted objects.
→ Now select the drawing layer you want to edit from the drop-
down list.
You can now combine the Active Drawing Layer Only option with
the other criteria.
Protect connector texts That prevents any inadvertent displacement of the connector texts
if you want to move a symbol.
6.5 Cross-references
The option also exists to reference any object within a project from
a cross-reference symbol. The cross-reference is unidirectional in
this case: from the cross-reference to the target object. This allows
several cross-references to refer to the same object.
Link If this option is activated then the label entered represents a link to
a target object. The cross-reference only works in the direction of
the target object in this case. This option can be combined with the
Show Location option to show the location of the target object.
Target Text
Display Target Text If this option is activated then the above-mentioned text from the
Target Text field is displayed below the text for this cross-reference.
Jump to Target Pressing this button opens the circuit window that contains the
corresponding cross-reference. The relevant symbol is indicated by
an animation.
The font, text colour and alignment of the texts to be displayed can
also be customised.
/ Page number. Page Column The description of the page and the
page number is specified in the Properties dialogue window for the
circuit. The page number is a predefined placeholder that can be
used in text components and drawing frames, among other things.
Inherit From Parent Node Defines whether the representation rules for the parent node
should be applied.
Copy from global options This is for copying the settings defined under Manage in Op-
tions... / Cross Reference Representation.
Please note that the global settings are then copied once. If the
global settings for displaying the cross-reference change later on,
the locally copied options are retained. That ensures that the ap-
pearance of the circuit diagrams does not depend on the user’s
individual settings.
Jump to Target Using this button you can jump to the corresponding cross-
The Insert ribbon page contains the Draw and Object groups
with the following buttons:
Switches to the mode for drawing a conduction line. You can start
by choosing whether you would like to draw a pneumatic, hydraulic
or electric conduction line.
The Edit ribbon page enables the definition of the line attributes:
The graphical elements are drawn with the specified line style.
The graphical elements are drawn with the specified line width.
Any change to the line attributes does not only apply to drawing
elements that will be inserted in the future, but also to any current-
ly highlighted objects. In this case, you will be asked whether the
properties are also to be transferred to the currently highlighted
6.6.1 Hatching
First Pattern You define the settings for the first hatching here.
Second Pattern A second hatching can be activated as an option that can be com-
bined with the first pattern.
6.6.3 Image
External Link If the option is selected FluidDraw only saves one link to the image
file. If this option is deselected, however, the image is embedded in
the circuit. This is the option to be preferred if you want to forward
or archive the circuit drawing.
6.6.4 Line
6.6.5 Rectangle
Hatching If this option is active, the specified hatching is used to fill the
Scale/rotate With this option, you define if the hatching is to be scaled and
rotated with the drawing element or whether the set angles and
spaces should be retained for the hatching, regardless of the
drawing element.
6.6.6 Circle
A circle is drawn by defining the centre and the radius. You can
draw a circular arc by subsequently entering a start angle and an
end angle in the Properties dialogue window for the circle under
Drawing Properties.
Hatching If this option is active, the specified hatching is used to fill the
Scale/rotate With this option, you define if the hatching is to be scaled and
rotated with the drawing element or whether the set angles and
spaces should be retained for the hatching, regardless of the
drawing element.
6.6.7 Ellipse
Hatching If this option is active, the specified hatching is used to fill the
Scale/rotate With this option, you define if the hatching is to be scaled and
rotated with the drawing element or whether the set angles and
spaces should be retained for the hatching, regardless of the
drawing element.
Fill Area If this option is active, the inner area of the polyline is filled with the
specified colour.
Hatching If this option is active, the inner area of the polyline is filled with the
specified hatching.
Scale/rotate With this option, you define if the hatching is to be scaled and
rotated with the drawing element or whether the set angles and
spaces should be retained for the hatching, regardless of the
drawing element.
You can move the existing vertices by clicking and dragging them.
The mouse pointer changes to when you mouse over an existing
vertex. If the mouse pointer is over a line without a vertex is
displayed and a new vertex is inserted as soon as you click.
On the Insert ribbon page in the Link group select the Conduc-
tion Line... menu item.
Type of connection line Selects the conduction line type. The following are available: “
Pneumatic”, Hydraulic and “ Electric”.
Define multiple lines Multiple conduction lines can be set one after the other if this
option is active. You can cancel the action by pressing the Esc
6.6.10 Interruption/potential
If conduction lines are spread over several pages then the line ends
can be assigned interruptions. Interruptions can be used to define
that a conduction line is only interrupted in the drawing and is
continued elsewhere. An interruption can be assigned an identifica-
tion and linked with another interruption. The location of the linked
interruption can be displayed at the source interruption. If an
electric interruption is used with an electric line then this interrup-
tion represents a potential. The use of electric potentials is de-
scribed under Potentials and conduction lines.
A dialogue window opens where you can make various settings for
the interruption to be inserted.
Define multiple connectors Multiple interruptions can be set one after the other if this option is
active. You can cancel the action by pressing the Esc key.
Target Interruptions can refer to each other in pairs. The opposite interrup-
tion can be selected from a list or entered directly in the list box.
Browse... opens a dialogue window where all interruptions are
displayed in a tree structure and can be selected. Only interrup-
tions that are not linked are shown in the list if the Only Free Inter-
ruptions/Potentials option is active.
Jump to Target If the interruption is linked with another interruption then this
button can be used to jump to the opposite interruption.
Show Location If this option is activated and the interruption is linked with another
interruption then the position of the opposite interruption is dis-
played as a page coordinate (e.g. page number/column).
Using the Check Drawing menu item in the Page menu you can
have FluidDraw check your drawing for possible drawing errors.
FluidDraw displays the following messages where necessary:
— Superimposed objects
— Superimposed lines
— Open connectors
— Incompatible connections
— Missing translations
— Unassigned cables
— Unassigned terminals
Chapter 7
7. The object browser
The tab for the object browser is on the right side below the project
window by default. This window can be attached just like the library
or the project window, removed from the main window and hidden.
The tree view of the object browser provides you with a quick
overview of the components used, their hierarchy, links and their
The context menu that you can access using the right mouse button
provides more functions. You can jump to the object here, copy it,
delete it or open the properties.
You use the filter criteria to determine which object types are to be
displayed in the object browser. For a better overview, you can hide
the complete filter area using the corresponding button. If you
press the button again, the filter options are displayed again.
Match case Defines whether the (upper or lower) case is to be taken into ac-
count in the filter text in the input field.
Whole word With this option, only those objects are displayed that contain the
filter text as a complete word.
Wild cards You can apply this option to use placeholders in the filter text. The
asterisk “*” stands for any number of characters of any kind and
the question mark “?” represents precisely one character of any
kind. If e.g. the Whole word and Wild cards options are active,
when the filter entry “MM*” is made objects with the identification
“MM1” and also with the identification “MM23” is displayed. If you
enter “MM?” only “MM1”fits because the question mark replaces
the “2” in “MM23” . The “3” remains, which is not detected by the
placeholder. As the Whole word option is set “MM23” is not dis-
Chapter 8
8. Manage Pr oduct Database
Product Database Using this drop-down list you can select the product database that
you want to manage.
New... Using this button you can create a new product database. You will
then be asked for a file name under which the product database
should be saved.
Open... Opens a file selection dialogue window that you can use to open an
existing FluidDraw product database.
Import... Opens a file selection dialogue window that you can use to open an
external product database. The database must be in CSV (Comma-
Separated Values) format, which most database programs can
generate. Further settings for import are described further below.
Products This tab displays the product database as a table. The “ Supplier”
attribute features a drop-down list containing all suppliers that can
be selected. The suppliers are listed on the Supplier tab.
Supplier This tab lists all suppliers in the product database. Further suppli-
ers can also be added and provided with additional information.
Add Attribute... Further attributes can be added to both the Products table and the
Supplier table.
Attribute Properties... Opens a dialogue window where the attribute properties can be
defined. The dialogue window is described further below.
Assign Symbol... Opens a dialogue window where you can select a symbol that is
assigned to the highlighted product.
Delimiter Defines the separator that can be used to distinguish the attrib-
Text Identificator Defines whether and how quotation marks have been added to
Column Assignment Defines the attributes (columns) to be imported from the database
and the attributes predefined in FluidDraw that they should be
assigned to. The data type of the attribute can also be specified.
You can select all attributes using the Select All button and
reverse the selection using the Invert Selection button.
First Table Row Defines the row from which the data records are to be imported.
Preview Displays a preview of the data records that are being imported.
Delimiter Defines the separator that can be used to distinguish the attrib-
Column Selection Defines the attributes to be exported. You can select all attributes
using the Select All button and reverse the selection using the
Invert Selection button.
Column Header Defines whether an additional first row containing the attribute
names as column headers should be exported.
Preview Displays a preview of the data records that are being exported.
Predefined Online Service For most of the components in the Festo product catalogue there is
additional information that can be accessed via the Internet. It
includes documentation, CAD drawings, product images, spare
parts, etc. These sources for the highlighted component can be
User Defined Attribute If this option is selected you can specify an attribute name and type
for the new attribute.
You can list and remove the attributes in the Attribute Proper-
ties... and Products tables using the Supplier button. The “
Supplier”, “ Part number” and “ Symbol” attributes cannot be
Chapter 9
9. Manage Transl ation Ta bles
Text IDs can be used in user-defined attributes for both the attrib-
ute name and the attribute value. The text is displayed on a yellow
background in the set language in the corresponding dialogue
windows. As soon as you want to edit an attribute name or attrib-
ute value the text ID is displayed again in the corresponding field.
Search Enter a language text here to find the associated text ID. You do not
need to enter the text in full; you can select the desired row direct-
The selected text ID is displayed in the text box after you confirm
the selection.
If the user-defined attributes are used in parts lists then they are
displayed in the parts lists in the corresponding language. Note
that the predefined attributes are independent of the chosen lan-
guage in the translation table. The language of the predefined
attributes is defined by the language set for the Festo product
Translation Table Using this drop-down list you can select the translation table that
you want to manage.
New... Using this button you can create a new translation table. You will
then be asked to specify a file name under which the translation
table should be saved.
Open... Opens a file selection dialogue window that you can use to open an
existing FluidDraw translation table.
Import... Opens a file selection dialogue window that you can use to open an
external translation table. The translation table must be in CSV
Remove From List Removes the selected translation table from the drop-down list.
The associated file is not changed.
Extract Project Texts If you want to create a new translation table for an existing project,
you can use it to collect the texts used in the project and use them
as an initial list for the translations.
Extract Page Texts If you want to create a new translation table for an existing page,
you can use it to collect the texts used in the page and use them as
an initial list for the translations.
Delete Deletes the highlighted language entry from the translation table.
Languages... Opens a dialogue window that lists all languages and can be used
to remove a language.
Delimiter Defines the separator that can be used to distinguish the lan-
Text Identificator Defines whether and how quotation marks have been added to
Column Assignment Defines the languages to be imported from the database and the
languages predefined in FluidDraw that they should be assigned to.
You can select all languages using the Select All button and
reverse the selection using the Invert Selection button.
First Table Row Defines the row from which the data records are to be imported.
Preview Displays a preview of the data records that are being imported.
Delimiter Defines the separator that can be used to distinguish the lan-
Column Selection Defines the languages to be exported. You can select all languages
using the Select All button and reverse the selection using the
Invert Selection button.
Column Header Defines whether an additional first row containing the language
names as column headers should be exported.
Preview Displays a preview of the data records that are being exported.
User Defined Language You can enter any language if this option is selected.
Chapter 10
10. Dime nsioni ng
The Insert ribbon in the Dimension group has the buttons that
you can used to select a corresponding mode for drawing the
dimension arrows. The following buttons are available:
Factor Determines the factor with which the real length is multiplied for
the displayed value. This is necessary if you are creating a drawing
with a scale other than 1:1.
Chapter 11
11. Equi pment identifications and desig nation conve ntions
The following attributes can be used for structuring and are put
together according to predefined conventions to form a complete
equipment identification:
— Installation
— Location
— Circuit
— Component
— Connector
— “=” Installation
— “+” Location
— “-” Component
— =G1+X1-B1
— -B1
— =G1+X1-A1-B1
Object Types For each symbol you can specify the designation convention to be
used. You can specify the designation conventions to be taken into
consideration during renumbering under Object Types. Only those
symbols with the appropriate convention are given a new identifi-
Renumber Unenumerated Only symbols that have not yet been given an identification are
Only (e.g. ?V1) taken into account.
Labelling Order The labelling order can be defined using the various buttons.
New Identification Contains the suggested new identification for the component. You
can change this suggestion. The new full identification is displayed
in the Full Identification field.
Displayed Identification Shows the new identification as it is displayed in the circuit. If the
Suppress Inherited Parts option is selected then parts of the identi-
fication such as “ Installation”, “ Circuit” or “ Location” are hidden
if they have been stored in the circuit diagram or project.
Designation Conventions The designation conventions for the component to be identified can
be selected here.
Inherit From Page If this option is not active the following identification components
can be defined for the symbol: “ Installation”, “ Location” and “
Circuit”. Only components that are used in the set designation
convention are available.
The Next button applies the new identification and the Skip
button leaves the old identification unchanged. The system then
continues with the next symbol.
Chapter 12
12. Compone nt attributes
Symbol Displays the name of the circuit symbol. The symbol name is used
to assign fitting products in the Festo product catalogue. The
symbol name cannot be changed by the user.
Part number The part number identifies a product unambiguously. You can enter
the part number manually or use the Find... button the product
catalogue to search for it. Only in the event of a selection via the
product catalogue are the component attributes stored in the
catalogue automatically applied. You can find these attributes in
the Properties dialogue window of the component on the Cata-
logue Properties tab.
Layer In this drop-down list, you define the drawing layer of the symbol.
Depending on the setting for drawing layers, the symbol might not
be displayed or might not be able to be edited. In order to make the
symbol visible or change its settings, you have to temporarily
activate the drawing layer in the Page or Project menu under
the Drawing Layers... menu item.
Identification Here you can assign an identification that uniquely identifies the
component in the circuit diagram. The identification is shown as
text in the circuit drawing if the “ Display” option is selected.
You can make more detailed settings for the equipment identifica-
tion on the Identification tab.
Display in Parts Lists Deselect this option if you do not want the symbol to appear in the
parts lists.
12.2 Identification
Treat as Contact Actuator If this option is activated then contacts can be linked with this
symbol and the symbol is assigned a contact image. This allows the
number of symbols that can actuate contacts to be extended as a
Parent Object If this option is activated then a parent object can be specified
whose identification is used to make up the full identification.
Parent objects can be selected via the list box or their full identifica-
tion entered directly. The “ Browse... ” button opens a dialogue
window that shows all objects in the project as a tree.
Inherit prefix/postfix If this option is deactivated then the separators that are inserted
before (prefix) or after (postfix) the identification can be specified.
The separators specified in the designation conventions are ig-
nored in this case. In combination with parent objects this enables
aspect changes as described in EN 81346-1.
Displayed Identification This field shows the equipment identification displayed in the
circuit diagram. If the Suppress Inherited Parts option is selected
then parts of the identification such as “ Installation”, “ Location”
or “ Circuit” are hidden if they have been stored in the circuit dia-
gram or project. The parts of the parent object’s identification are
also hidden if a parent object was specified.
Designation Conventions Here you define the designation convention to be used for the
identification. The following are available: Fluidics, Electrics, User
Defined and Free Input. The properties dialogue window for the
circuit where the designation conventions can be displayed and
customised is opened using the Designation Conventions...
Installation The Installation property that can be used as part of the identifica-
tion is defined in this field. If the Inherit From Parent Object option
is selected then the property is applied from the circuit, project or
specified parent object. This field is only visible if Installation is
used in the set designation convention.
Location The Location property that can be used as part of the identification
is defined in this field. If the Inherit From Parent Object option is
selected then the property is applied from the circuit, project or
specified parent object. This field is only visible if Location is used
in the set designation convention.
You can enter your own component attributes on the “ User Defined
Properties” tab.
Text Buffer When you edit a text box, you can use this button to insert a text
that you would have recently entered elsewhere. That saves work
and any input errors.
Translation Table... If you are editing a text box you can use this button to open a
search dialogue via which you can find the text ID for a language
text from the translation table.
A row can be deleted by first clicking the row to highlight it. The
highlighted row can then be deleted using the Del key.
You can add any attributes of your own by filling in the empty cells
in the last row.
Rotation Defines the rotation angle in degrees. The rotation angle can also
be defined using the mouse pointer. This is described in the sec-
tion: “Rotating symbols”.
Override Color If this option is selected, you can select a different colour for dis-
playing the symbol.
All product properties are stored at the main element. The second-
ary elements only have a description and a reference to the associ-
ated main element. In electrical engineering in particular, compo-
nents such as relays are divided into main and secondary elements
where the coil is the main element and the contacts are the sec-
ondary elements.
Main and secondary elements are linked using the symbol for the
secondary element. The circuit diagram detail shows a relay com-
prising a coil as the main element and two contacts as the second-
Main Component A compatible main element can be selected from a list. The main
element identification can also be entered directly as text.
Link If this box is given a check mark then the secondary element is
logically linked with the main component. If the main component is
then renamed, the link is retained and the identification of the
linked secondary element is adapted as appropriate to the main
element identification.
Find Target... If the secondary element is logically linked with a main element, a
search can be performed for the associated main element using this
Display If this box is given a check mark then the main element’s identifica-
tion is shown as the identification for the secondary element.
Suppress Inherited Parts If there are designation conventions assigned to the main element,
parent parts of the identification that are defined in the circuit
diagram or project are hidden.
If you now change the identification of the coil in “Q2” the logical
links mean that the identifications at the contacts are automatically
also changed to “Q2” .
Examples of this are relays with the coil as the main element and
the contacts as secondary elements as well as electromagnetic
directional control valves with the pneumatic symbol as the main
element and the valve solenoids as secondary elements in the
electrical part of the circuit diagram.
The following circuit diagram shows a solenoid valve and the sym-
bols for two separate solenoid coils. No link has been established
yet between the solenoid valve and the coils.
Electric Connector (Left) The identification for the left-hand solenoid coil can be entered in
this list box or selected from a list. When you click this field the
corresponding connector is highlighted in the preview. This helps to
locate the connector, particularly when dealing with turned or
mirrored symbols.
Link If this box is given a check mark then the solenoid coil is logically
linked with the connector at the solenoid valve. If the solenoid coil
is renamed the link is retained and the identifications of the coils at
the solenoid valve are changed to match the coil identifications.
Find Target... If the connector at the solenoid valve is logically linked with a coil a
search can be performed for the associated coil using this button.
Display If this box is given a check mark the coil’s identification is shown as
the identification for the solenoid valve connector.
The (electric) connectors of the solenoid valve are now linked with
the solenoid coils.
Edit Text Enter your text in the input field on the left side. You can also enter
a multi-line text. For a line break, press the Return key.
Alignment Defines the horizontal or vertical alignment of the text in the text
Fixed Width Normally, FluidDraw automatically adapts the width of the text
boxes to the text contents. You can define a fixed width with this
option if you do not want it. That may be practical if you have only
limited space. The text is then compressed, if necessary, in order
that it fits in the defined box.
Attribute Link If this option is activated a text that identifies a link to an attribute
is displayed instead of the text entered. The value of the selected
attribute is displayed in the circuit diagram. You can find a detailed
description of this function under Linking text components with
attributes. A Predefined variable... predefined placeholder such
as the page number can also be selected using the button.
Character Map... Opens a dialogue with all available characters to facilitate the input
of letters and symbols that cannot be accessed directly using the
Translation Language Defines the language from the selected translation table to be
used. The text is displayed in the selected language, provided the
selected translation table has a corresponding entry for this lan-
Translation Table... If you are editing a text box you can use this button to open a
search dialogue via which you can find the text ID for a language
text from the translation table.
Let us assume your project is called “Project1” and has the page
“Page1”. On it is a “V1”symbol whose value of the “supplier”
attribute you want to display, i.e. in the example the value “Festo”.
Note: You can open the dialogue window of an existing text com-
ponent by double-clicking it or using the Home menu and the
Properties... menu item.
→ Select the Attribute Link option and then click the Browse...
If the Attribute Link option is selected, the entered texts are not
displayed directly, but interpreted as attributes or predefined
variables. If a fixed text is to be displayed in addition to an attribute
or variable value, it can be inserted in quotation marks. Such text
constants must be in a line of their own, like also the links.
Alignment Defines the horizontal or vertical alignment of the text in the text
Note: You can also change the text size by selecting another font
size in the font type dialogue window. You open this dialogue
window using the Font... button under Text Attributes.
Find Target... The destination of a linked text is the attribute to which the text
refers. This button is used to open the Properties dialogue window
of the object that includes this attribute.
The individual tabs of the dialogue contain the same control ele-
ments as the dialogues of the individual objects.
If a specific setting does not have the same value for all objects
selected, this is indicated by the fact that the control element
indicates an “undefined” state or no value is entered. If you keep it
this way, the individual values of this property remain untouched
for the selected objects. If you change the value, however, it is
adopted for all objects selected.
Chapter 13
13. Managing proj ects
The folders and pages in the project tree can be moved interactively
with the mouse to change the order. You can also change the
hierarchy by dragging folders to another position. If you hold down
the Ctrl key, you can also move the nodes using the cursor keys
on the keyboard.
Under the Project menu item from the Properties... menu you
can define properties for the project. Properties that can be speci-
fied for both projects and circuits are described under Circuit and
project properties.
A page node is created beneath the project node for every page file
that belongs to the project. The page node is used to save all cir-
cuit-specific settings.
Open... Opens the selected page in a window. The window can also be
opened by double-clicking the node in the project tree.
Delete Deletes the selected page and removes it from the project.
Properties... In this dialogue window you can enter data for the page.
Here you can define the circuit dimensions and orientation, both of
which are relevant for printing.
Start number Defines the first page number of the new numbering.
Terminal strips The individual terminals are drawn in the circuit diagram. A terminal
strip can be entered in the properties dialogue for the terminals.
These terminal strips are not displayed as symbols, however, but
are managed by FluidDraw as global objects.
Cables The individual cable symbols are inserted in the circuit diagram. A
cable can be entered in the properties dialogue for the cable sym-
bols. Like the terminal strips, these cables are not displayed as
symbols but are also managed by FluidDraw as global objects.
Valve terminals If a valve terminal is created by inserting an order code, the corre-
sponding valve slices, end plates, etc. are to be found as grouped
symbols on a circuit page. These symbols represent actual compo-
nents. However, they should not appear individually in parts lists.
Instead the virtual “valve terminal” object includes all attributes to
be displayed in the parts lists. Such valve terminal objects are also
managed by FluidDraw as global objects.
Find Target, Jump to Target In the properties dialogue of a subordinate object, a terminal or a
cable symbol, you have the option of jumping to the corresponding
parent object.
Object browser Global objects are displayed in the object browser just like all other
objects on the pages of the project.
Manage Terminal Strips... , In the Project menu under Manage you can open special dia-
Manage Cables... , Manage logues that allow you to manage the various global objects. Here,
you can also open the corresponding properties dialogues, delete
Global Objects... objects or create new ones.
The associated coils are already internally linked with the solenoid
valve in the circuit diagram. Clicking one of the “electric connect-
ors” in the solenoid valve automatically highlights the correspond-
ing coil in the Unplaced Objects library.
As soon as you drag a coil from the library into a circuit diagram it is
“used up” and removed from the library. The valve is entered as the
parent object for the coil.
Chapter 14
14. page a nd project properties
Properties The file name field displays the file name of the circuit or project
along with the complete path. The file name is transferred to the
Page number Here you can specify a page number. The page number can be
made up of any character string. The page number can be accessed
using the predefined placeholder“%PageNumber” . This place-
holder can also be used in text components and drawing frames.
Drawing Frame Here you can make settings for the drawing frame. This function is
described in the section: Drawing frame.
14.1 Attributes
Action The buttons in this column allow the following actions: if the attrib-
ute was created in the parent project node then the “ Find Target...
” action is available. Clicking this opens the Project or Circuit
dialogue window for the project node as the destination that con-
tains the corresponding attribute. If the attribute was created in the
same node then the “ Delete ” action that allows you to delete the
attribute is available.
Inherit From Project If the attribute was created in the same node then this option is
deactivated and greyed out. This applies to all attributes of the
project node since it does not have a parent node. For child nodes
the value of the attribute from the project node is copied when this
option is activated. After deactivating this option it is possible to
locally overwrite the attribute value.
Translation Table... If you are editing a text box you can use this button to open a
search dialogue via which you can find the text ID for a language
text from the translation table.
If reports are spread across several pages, the number of the sub-
page is added to the page number with a minus sign. If, for exam-
ple, the entered page number is “42-01” and the page displayed is
the third page in a report then the placeholder “%PageNumber” is
replaced by the character string “42-01-03”.
%PageDescription The description for the page is specified in the properties dialogue
window for the circuit diagram.
%PageFileName Stands for the file name of the page without the file path.
%PageFullFilePath Stands for the file name of the page with the full file path.
%PageFileDate Stands for the date of the most recent change to the circuit dia-
%PageFileTime Stands for the time of the most recent change to the circuit dia-
%ParentDescription Stands for the description of the page’s parent project node.
%ProjectFullFilePath Stands for the file name of the project with the full file path.
Page dividers can only be defined for pages. Editing page dividers
is described under Page dividers.
The Basic Unit Length tab is also to be found in the project set-
tings. The settings made on this tab are used as a template for
circuit diagrams created from scratch in the project tree.
14.4 Language
Inherit From Parent Node Copies the language settings from the parent project node.
Copy from global options This is for copying the settings defined under Manage in Op-
tions... / Language.
Product Catalogue Defines the language used for the Festo product catalogue. All
product attributes are displayed in the relevant language. The
predefined attributes are also displayed in this language.
Translation Language Defines the language from the selected translation table to be
used. The user-defined attributes are displayed in the selected
14.5 Encryption
Enable Encryption This option activates and deactivates encryption. When encryption
is activated the password to be used can be entered in the Pass-
word input field.
This tab is used to define the settings for the designation conven-
tions. You can find further information under Equipment identifica-
tions and designation conventions.
Copy from global options This is for copying the settings defined under Manage in Op-
tions... / Designation Conventions.
Frame Identification Defines that the identifications produced by the selected set of
conventions are framed.
Example The example shown illustrates the effects of the selected designa-
tion conventions.
This tab is used to define the settings for the cross-reference repre-
sentation. You can find further information under Cross-reference
representation. If the Inherit From Parent Node option is active
then the settings are applied from the parent project node.
Copy from global options This is for copying the settings defined under Manage in Op-
tions... / Cross Reference Representation.
This tab is used to define the settings for the crossing lines. You
can find more information under Line jumps. If the Inherit From
Parent Node option is active then the settings are applied from the
parent project node.
Copy from global options This is for copying the settings defined under Manage in Op-
tions... / Appearance.
Chapter 15
15. Tables
Tables can be inserted using the Insert menu under List . A table
is inserted at the position of the mouse pointer with a click like the
drawing elements. That opens a dialogue, which can be used to
define the initial size of the table. The table is then inserted in the
current page and the properties dialogue window opens for filling
in and formatting the table.
You can change the contents and formatting of the table using the
table’s properties dialogue window. The way to edit the table is
similar to that of familiar Office products.
To enter any text, highlight the desired cell using the mouse and
enter the text using the keyboard. To edit existing text in a cell
without overwriting it completely, press the F2 function key. That
takes you to the cell where you can edit the existing contents.
15.1.2 Formatting
Via the toolbar above the table in the properties dialogue, you can
change the formatting of the currently selected cells of the table.
You can define the column width and row height of the correspond-
ing columns and rows of the table interactively using the mouse. To
do this, move the mouse pointer to the edge of a cell in the table.
There, the mouse pointer is converted into a shift pointer and,
keeping the left mouse button pressed, you can move the edge of
the cell, thus changing the column width or row height.
Chapter 16
16. Reports
All those objects are listed in the predefined parts lists that have
set the “ Display in Parts Lists” ID in their properties. That applies
to the following elements of the project: main components, sub-
components, connection lines, terminal strips and cables.
All objects with the same part number, type, item name and suppli-
er are summarised in one line. The total number of components
summarised in the line is displayed in the Quantity column.
→ You can find the single position parts list on the left side of the
tree structure under Standard reports => Parts lists => Single
Position Parts List. Select Single Position Parts List. As soon as
you select the entry, a preview of the report is displayed on the
right side for the currently open project.
Confirm the properties dialogue and the parts list is inserted in the
circuit diagram at the point you selected.
You can use the properties dialogue of the parts list to define
important settings and adapt the parts list to a certain extent.
You can generally select the drawing layer at the top right and at
the bottom left, the Save as new template... button provides you
with the option of saving the current report as a new template.
In addition, the details of the parts list are defined on the individual
tabs of the properties dialogue, which are now explained in detail.
On the object selection tab, you can select which pages of the
project are to be taken into account in the parts list.
Include this page’s compo- Only lists the components of the page on which the parts list is
nents only positioned.
Include All Project Files Lists all components from all pages of the project.
Include Selected Files: Only lists the components from the selected pages of the project.
You can use the Column selection tab to influence which columns
are to be included in the parts list and how the parts list is sorted.
All columns are listed on the Selected columns table that are
currently included in the parts list. A column of the parts list is
displayed in every line with the following data:
Combination The first value found in the selected columns is output in the com-
bined column.
Concatenation The contents of the selected columns are displayed in the com-
bined column one after the other, separated by the specified sepa-
You can adapt the sort order of the parts list using the Sorting
button. Click this button to open the sort dialogue.
How the parts list is displayed on the page can be adjusted on the
Appearance tab. The changes made are displayed directly in the
The templates supplied for parts lists and accumulated parts lists
are designed to list components with stored catalog data from the
Festo catalog or from your own product database. If components
are inserted via the menu items Insert => From Festo Cata-
logue... or From Custom Database or subsequently assigned
catalog data via a part number, the evaluations immediately con-
tain the appropriate data. The situation is different if user-defined
attributes for type, supplier etc. are used and these are to be listed
in the parts list. To do this, the supplied template must be modified
accordingly. This is possible in the properties of an report in the
Column selection tab.
The standard templates for item BOMs and summarized BOMs are
designed to list the part number, type, and item name from the
catalog attributes, and description and vendor from the user-
defined attributes. You can recognize this by the placeholders
entered in the Contents column. “dki-attribute” refers to catalog
attributes and “user-attribute” to user-defined attributes.
If you do not use product databases in your project and store the
product data such as the type directly in the user-defined proper-
ties, the template must be adapted as follows:
→ Select the required attributes and add them to the parts list.
You can use the > button or drag and drop the columns into the
list of selected columns.
If you do not use any components with product data in your project,
you can delete the corresponding columns from the parts list by
selecting them and clicking Delete .
→ If you click such a field, you can change the contents. Finally,
confirm your input with Enter or by using the arrow up/down
keys to switch to another line.
Every parts list can be exported to a text file with separators. These
files can then easily be further processed with other applications,
such as spreadpage programs.
→ Highlight the parts list you want to export and open the context
menu. Select Export... from the context menu.
The following export dialogue appears in which you can define the
format for export.
Column Header If this option is selected, the column headings of the parts list are
displayed in the first line.
Quotation Marks If this option is selected, all values of the parts list are displayed in
quotation marks.
Delimiter You can define here which separators are to be used to separate
the individual columns.
Character Code Defines the character coding for the text file created. Change this
value if umlauts and special characters are not exported correctly.
After confirming the export dialogue, you can define the location
and file name of the text file to be created. Then, the parts list is
All components of a parts list that have a part number and for which
either Festo or nothing is entered as the supplier can be sent to the
Festo Online Shop and transferred to the shopping basket there. A
parts list may basically also include products of other suppliers,
which are filtered out during transmission to the Online Shop.
Tip: In principle, you only have to customize the parts list once to
meet your individual requirements. You can then use the Save as
new template... button in the parts list properties to save it as a
new template. You can then use your individual template instead of
the standard template for new part lists.
You can use the properties of the table of contents to have further
attributes of the individual pages displayed, such as date infor-
mation, change notes, etc.
→ You can find the table of contents in the tree under Standard
reports => Index / Directories => Table of contents. Select it
The object selection defines which of these objects from the project
are to be taken into account in the report. Should the report include
all connector lines or should it be a report of all components includ-
ing their connections? This is defined fundamentally with the object
selection and determines which properties and attributes are
available for displaying the results of the report.
You can use the “ Edit details... ” button in the properties dialogue
of a report to access the details of the report. You can specify in
detail there on the object selection tab which objects are to be
taken into account in the report.
The objects included in the report are listed under “ Selected ob-
jects”. You can use the “ Add ” button to select an object class and
add it to the report. You can use the Remove button to remove
the currently selected object class from the report again.
Simplified quick filter This option defines how the quick filters, which are explained
below, are displayed in the properties dialogue.
Hide page selection Defines whether the report can be limited to specific pages or not in
the properties dialogue.
If you press the Add button, the following dialogue appears for
selecting the object class:
The circuit diagram contains the three main components that meet
the filter criteria for selecting objects. In this example, the same
criterion is used as in the single position parts list (“ Display in
Parts Lists” must be set). Therefore, the result of the report has
three lines, one line for each component.
The report now not only contains the main components but also the
corresponding connectors of the main components. In this exam-
ple, components M1 and M2 each have two connectors and M3 has
one connector. Previously, only main components were listed in the
result. Where are the additional connectors now to be displayed?
For this. there are the following two options, that are distinguished
via the output mode:
In Next to each other output mode, the sub-objects are each dis-
played in the same line with their parent object. For the example,
this would then look like as follows:
The result now has five lines as the three components have a total
of five connectors.
Figure 16/15: Report result in ’below each other' mode with main
components and connectors
The result now has eight lines: three for the components and five
for the connectors. This representation highlights the hierarchy of
the objects. That can be further emphasised by colouring the object
classes, like in the example here.
In Next to each other output mode, the main objects are displayed
with their sub-objects together in one line, as described above. The
number of sub-objects determines the number of result lines. In
this case, the properties selected in the column selection refer to
the selected sub-objects. In the example above, that means that
only the identification of the corresponding connectors is displayed
in succession a column with the identification. In the example
above, this is the third column with the heading: Connector.
Filter criteria The selected object classes can be limited to specific objects using
a separate filter. It is thus e.g. possible to only have those compo-
nents of a specific supplier displayed or whose identification starts
with a specific letter.
A filter consists of one or more filter criteria that are listed in indi-
vidual lines. Every filter criterion consists of the following elements:
1. OP Defines the first operator for this filter criterion. The following
operators are available:
Operator meaning
= Is equal to
<> Unequal
{} Is empty
2. Value The value for the application with the second operator.
Comparison method Controls how the comparison operators such as greater than or
smaller than are applied. This is especially important for properties
that include both letters and numbers.
Quick filter If this ID is set, the filter criterion is provided in the properties
dialogue on the object selection tab as a quick filter. The filter
criterion value can thus be adapted quickly and directly in the
properties of the report and does not need to be changed in the
details of the report.
Lock operators Disables the operators against changes in the quick filter in the
properties dialogue. Only the value for the filter criterion can then
be changed in the properties dialogue, not the operator.
Display name Defines a display name for the selected property in the quick filter.
Filter logic
AND conjunction All criteria must be met in order that an object appears in the re-
User Defined The individual criteria are linked to each other by a user-defined
logic. It can be entered in the input field to the right of the selec-
tion. The individual criteria are addressed via their corresponding
ID number. AND and OR are available as the operators. Partial
expressions can be inserted in round brackets. The following filter
logic is thus e.g. possible: 1 AND (2 OR 3)
The filter logic is checked directly while it is entered and if there are
errors a note is displayed directly in the input field. As soon as the
entered filter logic is valid, it can be applied using the Apply button
and saved.
Selected columns The main element of the column selection is the table of selected
columns. All columns taken into account in the report are listed
here with the following data:
Column heading Freely selectable column heading for the corresponding column.
Contents The contents of the column. This is explained in more detail below.
Display Defines whether the column is displayed in the report result or not.
A hidden column can still be used for sorting and/or for grouping.
Function The column is only displayed in the table if the Group option is
selected. Defines the grouping function for the corresponding
column of the report.
Available columns The list of available columns is to be found on the left side of the
tab. All those properties and attributes are listed there that are not
included yet in the report. This is controlled using the Hide already
Adapting the selected col- You can add new columns of the report using the buttons between
umns the list with the available columns and the selected columns or
delete columns. Alternatively, you can use the Add button to
create a new empty column at the end of the list of columns and
use the Remove button to delete the currently selected column.
You can also transfer new columns from the list of available col-
umns via drag and drop to the list of the selected columns. This has
the benefit that you can define directly at which position the new
column is to be inserted.
You can use the two buttons to the right of the list of the selected
columns to change the order of the columns.
Contents of a column Normally only one placeholder is specified in the Contents field of
an individual column for a property of the objects to be listed. This
can e.g. be the part-number placeholder for the part numbers of
Sorting Every report can be sorted by one or more selected columns. The
sort order is set using a separate dialogue that can be accessed
using the Sorting button.
You can use the buttons above the sort criteria to add more sort
criteria, delete/copy existing criteria or change their order. The
columns of the sort criteria have the following contents:
16.5.3 Appearance
The table view of the report in the project can be set in a similar
manner to the object selection in the properties dialogue and also
in the details of the report. The options in the properties dialogue
are more limited than in the details of the report. The drawing
properties can only be edited in the properties dialogue.
Font size Adaptation of the font height in percent of the font used in the
report. The size of the table is not changed by this adjustment.
Additional Line Spacing Increases the height of all lines by the specified percentage factor.
(50% means that every line is displayed with 1.5 times the height.)
That does not change the font height.
Additional Cell Spacing Increases the width of all columns by the specified percentage
factor. (50% means that every column is displayed with 1.5 times
the width.)
Lines per Page You can also use this option to define how many lines of the report
result are to be displayed on each page. If this option is selected
and a value greater than 0 is entered, the report result is displayed
distributed among several pages. The specified number of lines
refers to the result lines below the header lines of the report. The
header of the report is repeated on every page.
Anchor Position The result of a report is created dynamically from the current data
of the project and is updated accordingly on a continuous basis.
That may change the size of the report on the page. You can use
this option to define which corner of the report is to have a fixed
position on the page. If the report is updated, this point remains
fixed and the report only grows in the other direction.
Scale Factor Defines the scaling of the report in the horizontal and vertical
You can use the Reset button to reset all values on this tab to the
default settings.
The basic table template for the table view of the report can be
adjusted in detail on the Appearance tab in the details of a report.
The table template defines the basic structure for the output of the
report in the project. The specified header lines are output once in
the header of the report and the position line is duplicated accord-
ing to the number of lines in the result. Therefore, the position line
is only displayed once here in the view of the template. Afterwards,
in the result of the report, it is naturally displayed several times, if
applicable. Unlike on the Appearance tab in the properties dia-
logue, this view is not a preview of the result of the report, it only
represents the structure.
Like in the position line, fixed texts and variables can be combined
in the header lines. However, unlike in the position lines it is not
necessary to insert a fixed text explicitly in quotation marks in the
header lines and if a variable could not be replaced it is retained in
the form of text.
Chapter 17
17. Functional diagra m
You can find the function diagram in the FluidDraw standard library.
You can apply the functions in the Edit menu to the function
diagram. Double-click the function diagram, or use the Home
page and the Properties... menu item to open the Functional
In Edit Mode, the objects can be adapted within the function dia-
gram. Objects can be moved and the size of free text boxes and
table text boxes can be changed.
To move an object, click it with the left mouse button and keep it
pressed. If you move the mouse, a preview of the new position of
the object is displayed. The object is moved to the new position
when you let go of the left mouse button.
To change the size of a text box, move the mouse pointer to the
edge (or to the corner if it is a free text box) until the cursor is
converted into the “change size” cursor. With a left-click and by
keeping the mouse button pressed, you can now adapt the size of
the text box. If a text box is reduced in size to the extent that the
text no longer fits in it, the font size is reduced. However, if the size
of the text box is increased, that will also increase the font size up
to the previously selected font size.
Selected objects (apart from diagram columns and table text boxes)
can be deleted by pressing the Del key.
Keeping the left mouse button pressed, you can move existing
vertices like in Edit Mode. Marked vertices are shown in grey. The
Del key is used to delete a selected vertex.
Text boxes can be inserted with a left-click in this mode. Free text
boxes can be created above the table text boxes, in the diagram
column and also below and to the right of the diagram. When you
create a text box, the text box dialogue opens, in which the text and
the font can be set. The text box is adapted to the text entered
when the dialogue is confirmed.
In “ Edit Mode”, you can change the size and the position of a text
box with the mouse pointer.
The signalling elements are aligned with the grid of the diagram
column by default. If the signalling element is to be positioned
freely, you can keep the Alt key pressed during positioning,
which prevents any alignment with the grid.
Keeping the left mouse button pressed, you can move signalling
elements like in Edit Mode.
Creating signal lines freely Vertices are added to the current line with a left-click. If no line is
selected, the first click creates a single vertex and the second click
creates a line to the second vertex. All other vertices are immedi-
ately added to the selected line, as shown in the preview. You can
press the Esc key to exit the mode completely and switch back to
Edit Mode.
To start a new signal line, you can cancel the current selection with
a right-click and start a new signal line with a left-click.
Individual vertices that do not belong to any signal line are deleted
when signal line mode is exited.
If you keep the Shift key pressed when setting a vertex, the new
point is aligned vertically or horizontally to the currently selected
vertex. To do this, the mouse pointer must be moved roughly to the
same height above / below or next to the starting point.
Creating signal lines from Every signalling element has a connecting point for signal lines.
signalling elements Starting at this point, signal lines can be automatically drawn to a
grid point. The editor creates a signal line with vertices and arrow
Creating signal lines between Signal lines can be created between vertices of the diagram lines
diagram vertices with support. After cancelling the selection (right-click with the
mouse), the cursor is moved over a vertex of the diagram line until
it changes and becomes a connecting cursor. If you now click with
the left mouse button, keep it pressed and move the mouse pointer
over another diagram line vertex, a preview of the new signal line is
Creating signal links Signal lines can be connected using signal links. If you move the
mouse pointer over a signal line, the mouse pointer is converted
into a connecting cursor. If the selection was previously empty, left-
click the signal line to create a signal link. It is used as the starting
point for the linked signal line. An existing signal line can also be
Signal links can be moved on the signal line in Edit Mode and,
unlike vertices, they cannot be positioned freely.
Text columns – Number Defines the number of table text boxes. If the number is changed,
all table text boxes are adapted to a standard size.
Text columns – Width Defines the width of the individual table text box. If the width is
changed, all table text boxes are set to the selected width.
Diagram columns – Number Defines how many grid columns the diagram column is to have. The
number of grid columns in the diagram column can also be changed
by pulling the right edge of the diagram.
Diagram columns – Width Defines how large the space is to be between the grid columns.
Color Opens the colour dialogue that enables the colour to be selected in
which the grid lines are drawn in the diagram columns.
Row height Defines the height of a row. Unlike the width of the individual table
table text boxes that can be subsequently adapted, all rows have
the same height. The height of the rows can also be adapted by
pulling the lower edge of the diagram.
Font... Opens the font dialogue that you can use to set the font and font
size. The function diagram editor also supports text in bold, italics,
crossed out and underlined.
Color Opens the colour dialogue that enables the font colour to be se-
Frame For free text boxes only: specifies whether a frame is to be drawn
around the text box. If no frame is drawn, the text box is displayed
on a transparent background. If this option is selected, the text box
is given a white background.
Width Defines the width of the current text box. If the size is changed the
current text is reduced in size if it is too long. If it is a table text box,
Height Defines the height of the current text box. If the size is changed the
current text is reduced in size if it is too high. If it is a table text box,
the height of all lines is adapted.
Horizontal adjustment Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the text box.
Vertical adjustment Specifies the vertical alignment of the text within the text box.
Negate text Negates the text in the text box. Like in mathematics, a line is
drawn over the actual text for this.
Using a text box as a table To format the contents of a text box like a table, you can use tabu-
lators. They are inserted by keeping the Ctrl key pressed while
pressing the Tab key. Each line can thus be split up into cells of
equal size that are arranged according to the alignment. Each text
box line can have a different number of cells. The arrangement of
text within the cell is thus highly flexible.
States – Number Specifies the number of states, thus defining the number of hori-
zontal lines of the diagram column.
States – Base state Defines the basic state of the diagram column. Diagram curves that
are drawn between two points in the basic state are displayed with
a thinner line.
Numbering – Number Specifies how many steps are to be numbered. 0 must be entered if
numbering is not to be carried out.
Numbering – Start number Defines the number with which numbering is to be started.
Numbering – Step width Defines the increment between two numbers. With an increment of
2 and a start number of 1, numbering would be 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
Representation – Display Specifies whether two arrows are to be displayed in the top left
arrows corner of the diagram column that point to the right and down-
Representation – Display grid Specifies whether the grid of the diagram column is to be dis-
Representation – Display text Defines whether a text box is to be displayed. The text box is dis-
1 played to the right of the horizontal arrow if the Display arrows
option is selected. The text box is linked to this diagram column
and cannot be moved to any other line.
Representation – Display text Defines whether a text box is to be displayed. The text box is dis-
2 played to the right of the vertical arrow if the Display arrows option
is selected. The text box is linked to this diagram column and can-
not be moved to any other line.
Representation – Line color Opens the colour dialogue that enables the colour of the diagram
lines to be selected.
Display description Defines whether a text box is to be displayed for labelling the
signalling element. The text box can be moved freely. However, it is
linked to the signal. When moving the signal, the text box is moved
along with it.
Color Opens the colour dialogue that enables the colour of the signalling
element to be selected.
Display description Inserts a text box that can be moved on the signal line.
Display additional descrip- Inserts a text box that can be used to add an additional description.
tion The text box can be positioned freely. However, it is linked to the
description on the signal line. If the text box is moved on the signal
line the additional description is moved along with it.
Start with arrow An arrow head is displayed at the start of the line. The arrow head
can be moved freely on the line.
End with arrow An arrow head is displayed at the end of the line. The arrow head
can be moved freely on the line.
Color Opens the colour dialogue that enables the colour of the signal line
to be selected.
Font... Opens the font dialogue that you can use to set the font and font
size. The function diagram editor also supports text in bold, italics,
crossed out and underlined.
Color Opens the colour dialogue that enables the font colour to be se-
Frame For free text boxes only: specifies whether a frame is to be drawn
around the text box. If no frame is drawn, the text box is displayed
on a transparent background. If this option is selected, the text box
is given a white background.
Horizontal adjustment Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the text box.
Vertical adjustment Specifies the vertical alignment of the text within the text box.
Negate text Negates the text in the text box. Like in mathematics, a line is
drawn over the actual text for this.
Use as default Specifies whether the selected settings are to be applied as the
default settings to all new text boxes.
The number of rows and their position in the function diagram can
be subsequently changed. Therefore, in addition to adding and
deleting rows, it is also possible to copy rows with their complete
contents or move them in the diagram.
Click the Add row button to add a new, empty row at the end of the
function diagram. The table text boxes are created with the default
settings (see Defining default settings).
Click the Insert row button to add a new, empty row in front of the
selected row. If an object is selected that is in a line, the new line is
inserted above the assigned line.
Click the Copy row button to copy the currently selected line and
insert it under the selected line. If an object is selected that is in a
line, the assigned line is copied.
Click the “ Move row up” and “ Move row down” buttons to move
the currently selected row up / down. If an object is selected, the
corresponding row is moved. All objects of the row are also moved,
apart from free text boxes. As vertices of signal lines are also af-
fected, moving a row can result in changes in the signal lines.
The mouse wheel can be used to scroll the view vertically (if scroll
bars are displayed). If you keep the Shift key pressed, you can
use the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally.
Chapter 18
18. Special functions for electric circuits
To open a dialogue window where you can make the settings dis-
played, press the Conduction Line... button in the Link group on
the Insert ribbon page.
You can then define the end points of the line with two consecutive
mouse clicks.
If you want to use a cable instead of a wiring you can assign a cable
object to the symbol using the properties dialogue window for the
cable symbol.
Cable – Wiring Defines whether the cable symbol represents a cable or wiring
comprising single wires. Any wiring is not listed in cable maps, etc.
If Wiring is selected then an identification can be specified that can
be displayed with Display Identification.
Wires In order to analyse cable maps the component connectors that join
a wire must be determined. The connectors are automatically
entered in the list box if they can be uniquely assigned. If a unique
assignment is not possible, the relevant connector must be select-
Reverse Direction The entries in the From and To columns are automatically defined
as the direction of the wires when creating the cable symbol. Click-
ing the Reverse Direction button reverses the directions of all
Renumber From: Clicking this button renumbers all wires defined by the cable sym-
bol, starting with the number entered in the list box.
On the “ Display Attributes” tab you can select the attributes of the
associated cable object that are to be displayed at the cable sym-
Number of Wires Enter the number of lines (wires) in the cable here. The number can
be higher than the lines below if, for example, a concrete cable has
unconnected wires. If the associated cable symbols covers more
lines than are defined in the cable object, a warning is output when
the page is checked and the corresponding entries are highlighted
in colour in the cable lists.
After you specify the identification for the cable and confirm the
dialogue, the cable object is created and the cable symbol is as-
signed to it.
Number of Wires Defines the number of lines (wires) in the cable. The number can be
higher than the lines covered by the associated cable symbols if,
for example, a concrete cable has unconnected wires. If the associ-
ated cable symbols covers more lines than are defined in the cable
object, a warning is output when the page is checked and the
corresponding entries are highlighted in colour in the cable lists.
The associated cable symbols are listed in rows in the table. You
can jump to the associated cable symbol using the “ Find... ”
button. The User Defined Properties tab in the properties dialogue
window for the cable symbol lists the cable-specific product proper-
ties such as Cable Type and Length. These properties and the
entries in the Cable tab are analysed in the cable map, etc.
All cables within a project can be listed and renamed using the
Manage Cables... button in the Manage group of the Project
ribbon page. You open the Properties... properties dialogue
window for the relevant cable object using the button.
You can add a new cable object to the project using the Create
New... button.
You can insert an associated cable map for a cable into the circuit
diagram. You do this by inserting a cable map into a circuit diagram
and then assigning a cable to this diagram.
A dialogue window then opens where you can assign the relevant
cable and customise the appearance.
A dialogue window then opens where you can select the associated
cables and customise the appearance.
As soon as you have set a new terminal this way the dialogue
window containing the settings for this terminal appears. You can
use this dialogue window to assign the terminal to a terminal strip.
This assignment can also be made or changed later.
Display If this box is given a check mark then the description entered is
displayed next to the terminal.
Pos. Defines the position of the terminal within the associated terminal
strip. An entry is only possible once the terminal has been assigned
to a terminal strip.
Display If this box is given a check mark then the terminal’s level is dis-
played next to the terminal.
Internal # External Changes the direction of the terminal. The direction is indicated in
the circuit by an arrow that shows which connector is inside the
control cabinet and which is outside. The arrow head points at the
control cabinet.
Terminal Strip Defines the terminal strip containing the terminal in question. The
list contains the terminal strips already created. You open the
properties dialogue window for the selected terminal strip using
Properties... . You can also create a new terminal strip using
Create New... .
Display Identification If this box is given a check mark then the identification for the
associated terminal strip is displayed next to the terminal.
The operation begins with a dialogue window where you can make
some settings for the new terminals. Above all you need to first
select an existing terminal strip or create a new one. If a suitable
terminal strip does not already exist then a prompt for creating a
new one automatically appears.
Description Defines how the new terminals are to be numbered. The Enumer-
ate Manually option allows you to specify a start number at which
numbering continues. Otherwise a free terminal from the selected
terminal strip is automatically used. The start number “2” was
specified in the example shown.
Display If this box is given a check mark then the description entered is
displayed next to the terminal.
Direction Defines the direction of the new terminals. The direction is indicat-
ed in the circuit by an arrow that shows which connector is inside
the control cabinet and which is outside. The arrow head points at
the control cabinet. The direction can also be changed later using
the properties dialogue window for the individual terminals.
Terminal Strip Defines the terminal strip containing the terminals in question. The
list contains the terminal strips already created. You open the
properties dialogue window for the selected terminal strip using
Properties... . You can also create a new terminal strip using
Create New... .
All properties can also be changed later at any time. You open the
properties dialogue window for a terminal strip via any terminal in
that terminal strip using the Properties... button.
External Target If the destination of a terminal inside the control cabinet is unam-
biguous due to the wiring, FluidDraw automatically enters the
identification for the connected component. Otherwise the list
contains the identifications of all objects that can be reached from
the terminal. The destination search can be controlled by selecting
a junction symbol as a T-distributor.
Internal Target The destinations of the terminals outside the control cabinet are
listed here. As with the internal destinations, unique links are
automatically entered.
All terminal strips within a project can be listed and renamed using
the Manage Terminal Strips... menu item from the Project
menu. You open the Properties... properties dialogue window
for the relevant terminal strip using the button.
You can add a new terminal strip to the project using the Create
New... button.
A new dialogue opens where you can define the properties of the
new terminal strip. The dialogue window is described under Creat-
ing terminal strips.
A dialogue window then opens where you can assign the relevant
terminal strip and customise the appearance.
You can set what are called links in a terminal strip. These links are
drawn in the circuit diagram as regular electric lines and marked as
links. The representation of the T-distributors can be customised
using their properties dialogue window. The following example
shows a circuit diagram with a terminal strip X1 with 10 terminals
and the associated terminal diagram. A link plug is to be set be-
tween terminals “7” and “8” at layer “1”, a link plug between “8”
and “9” at layer “2” and a wire link between “9” and “10”.
The properties dialogue window for the electric line opens. The
options for setting the links are in the top right:
FluidDraw tracks the line across one distributor point at most. This
means that the specified link finds the contacts “7” and “8”. This
link is represented in the terminal diagram as follows.
→ Proceed in the same way to set a link plug between “8” and “9”
at layer “2” and a wire link between “9” and “10”.
You can have all contacts in a contact image displayed in a list and
customise the appearance by double-clicking the contact image or
highlighting the contact image and selecting the Home menu item
from the Properties... menu.
The “ Contacts” tab lists all associated contacts. You can jump to
the corresponding contact in the circuit diagram using the Jump
to Target button.
Chapter 19
19. Circuit input and output
Printer Select the desired output device from the list of available printers.
Print to File Select this option if you want to output the print data to a file.
Print Project Files If you are working in a project, you can select which circuits and
parts lists are to be printed.
Scale You can increase or reduce the output size by entering a scaling
factor. If the dimensions of the area to be printed are larger than
the printable area on the paper then the printout is spread over
several pages (tiled). You can see the page divisions in the print
Page Here you can specify additional margins in order to manually cus-
tomise the print area.
Margins You can select which page the print preview displays.
Drawing Size Defines the paper size for import. The preview is also set to this
Include objects on paper Applies the objects in DXF format in the paper area.
Include objects on model Applies the objects in DXF format in the model area.
Fit to Paper Size Adapts the scaling in such a way that the complete drawing fits in
the paper area defined above.
Not all DXF programs make a distinction between paper and model
areas. This also depends on how the CAD drawing was created. The
preview in the import dialogue can be used in cases of doubt to
simply test which options produce the desired result.
Then, you will be asked to select a file name or enter a new one.
Resolution Defines the resolution. This setting is only available for specific
image formats.
Color depth Defines the colour depth. This setting is only available for specific
image formats.
Transparent background Sets a transparent background. This setting is only available for
specific image formats.
Encode unicode characters Displays umlauts and special characters with a special code. This
option is only necessary for the DXF format.
Export cross-reference links Exports termination points and other connected objects as links.
This option is only available for the DXF format.
Override Color Links that you click with the mouse during export can thus be
displayed in the defined colour. The existing links are thus easier to
recognise. This option is only available for the DXF format.
Total project pages equals When exporting, only the selected pages are counted and used for
selection the predefined variable "%TotalPages. This is mainly displayed in
the drawing frame as the total number of project pages.
Create overview page (PDF Use this option to create an overview page. This contains the se-
format only) lected project pages as thumbnails on a single page. This option is
only available for the PDF format.
Drawing Layers... Select which drawing layers you want to show or hide when export-
Target Size Define the desired scaling or the absolute export size here.
Chapter 20
20. Template ma nage me nt
You can select the template type whose templates you want to
organize on the left side of the dialogue. The currently selected
template type is always displayed on the right side.
The main element on the right side of the dialogue for template
management is a flexible folder structure similar to the project tree
in the project explorer or the Windows file system. How you can
adapt this folder structure to your own requirements is described in
detail below.
By default, the folder structure has two directory links below the
main folder for the corresponding template type. This is the refer-
ence to the default templates provided in the installation directory
of the program and also the reference to the user folder of the
current folder in which normally the user-defined templates are
stored. The reference to the installation directory cannot be
changed. The reference to the user folder can be changed, howev-
→ To do this, highlight the link and click the Edit... button below
the folder structure. You can then select another directory that
is to be searched for the user’s own templates.
The two default references to the default templates and to the user-
defined templates cannot be deleted, but they can be hidden.
Apart from the restrictions for these two predefined folders, you
can define the folder structure as desired. You can use the follow-
ing basic elements to define your own structure:
Create Copy... Creates a copy of the selected template in the file system. You can
use this function to create copies of the templates provided and
then adapt them to your own requirements.
Remove Removes the selected object from the folder structure. No files are
deleted from the file system when this is done. The button is not
available for the default directories or for the elements below a
directory link.
Chapter 21
21. Options
21.1.1 Language
Programme Defines the language for the program interface including dialogue
windows and messages.
Use classic style menus FluidDraw uses ribbons by default with pages and groups for dis-
playing the menus and buttons. If the “ Use classic style menus”
option is active, the classic menu representation is used.
Leave property dialogues The properties dialogues of various objects remain open by default
open until they are closed by the user. You can continue to work on the
circuit diagram while the dialogues are open. Any number of dia-
logues can remain open simultaneously. This performance is also
called non-modal.
21.1.4 Project
Undo operation across all If you want to undo an operation, use the corresponding Undo
project pages function. You can also undo multiple operations by using the func-
tion several times.
Create Unplaced Objects Some symbols such as for solenoid valves in the pneumatic dia-
gram require additional corresponding solenoid coils in the electri-
cal part. FluidDraw can automatically provide the corresponding
components in a special library when such objects are inserted. It is
on the left in the area with the component library. It is managed
separately for each open project and has the caption: Unplaced
FluidDraw can search the Internet for a new version when the
program starts. You can activate or deactivate the automatic search
Check for updates now... As soon as there is an Internet connection you can use this button
to trigger the search for a new FluidDraw version.
Compress Files FluidDraw normally compresses the stored files in order to save
memory capacity on the disk. If you deactivate the option the files
are saved as XML files without compression. You can find further
information in the Circuit files section.
Create Backup Files The “ Create Backup Files” option is used to create previous ver-
sions of stored files with the file extension bak. You can restore the
previous version this way.
Verify File Write Activate this option if you want to ensure after a save operation
that the file was written correctly.
Create Folder For New Pro- A folder with the project name where all project files are stored is
jects automatically created when a new project is created if this option is
Embed Image Files If you want to insert an image file in FluidDraw you will be request-
ed to select a file path. You have the choice of embedding the
image or of saving the file path as an external link.
You define the desired default setting here. If you frequently want
to forward or archive your circuit drawings, you should embed the
Please note that even if the option is selected the image is not
updated if the image file has changed. The file path is for your
information only. If you desire an automatic update, do not embed
the image but create an external link instead.
Retrieve additional data If this option is active, FluidDraw will attempt to obtain additional
when inserting products product properties via an Internet connection.
Products Specifies which products from the Festo product catalogue are to
be used, for example Europe or Festo worldwide.
Language Defines the language used for the Festo product catalogue.
Insert symbols with type If this option is selected, when components are inserted from the
attribute Festo product catalogue with the circuit symbol, a text box is auto-
matically inserted with a link to the attribute with the type designa-
tion of the product.
Insert FluidDraw symbol There are different symbol representations for some products. If
instead of catalogue symbol you insert anything from the Festo product catalogue you can
choose which symbol you want to apply. You define the default
setting with this option.
Insert legacy valve terminal FluidDraw can automatically convert order codes of some frequent-
symbols ly used valve terminals into the corresponding symbol representa-
tion. You can select here whether you prefer the new horizontal
representation or the vertical representation of the previous ver-
sion of FluidDraw.
Text fields for accessories If you insert accessories without symbol representation, texts
appear with the type designation of the products. You can limit the
number of text boxes inserted here.
Project Templates This is the default path for your own project templates.
Project Files This is the default path for opening and saving projects.
Library Files This is the default path for opening and saving libraries.
Drawing Frames This is the default path for opening and saving drawing frames.
Database Files This is the default path for opening and saving database files.
User defined reports This is the default path for your own reports, such as parts lists,
terminal diagrams, wiring lists, etc.
Translation Language Defines the language from the selected translation table to be
Pneumatic – Horizontal Pneumatic connectors that are on one horizontal line are automati-
cally connected when a symbol is inserted or moved.
Pneumatic – Vertical Pneumatic connectors that are on one vertical line are automatical-
ly connected when a symbol is inserted or moved.
Electric – Horizontal Electric connectors that are on one horizontal line are automatically
connected when a symbol is inserted or moved.
Electric – Vertical Electric connectors that are on one vertical line are automatically
connected when a symbol is inserted or moved.
GRAFCET – Horizontal Connectors of GRAFCET objects that are on one horizontal line are
automatically connected when a symbol is inserted or moved.
GRAFCET – Vertical Connectors of GRAFCET objects that are on one vertical line are
automatically connected when a symbol is inserted or moved.
21.7.1 Warnings
Enable Background Check All circuits are checked during editing if this option is active. Only
the criteria that would lead to the warnings specified under “ Show
Warnings” are checked. Objects that caused an error are highlight-
ed in red in the circuit. If this option is not active then the check
Drawing Tools Objects that result in a warning are highlighted in red. If you also
activate this option the reason is displayed in an information win-
dow if you move the mouse over the relevant object.
Pen width Defines the default line width used to insert drawing elements.
21.8.2 View
Display Snap Radius To simplify the connection of connectors, FluidDraw draws a small
circle around the connector points of the circuit symbols. Deselect
Display Line Jump Defines the default setting for displaying line jumps. That improves
the recognisability for intersecting lines. You only set the default
value here. To change the representation on an existing page, you
can also find this option at the page and project settings.
21.8.3 Zoom
Mouse wheel Defines the direction and the additional key to be used to zoom in
and out using the mouse wheel.
21.8.4 Grid
To display the grid press the Show Grid button in the Drawing
Tools group on the View ribbon page.
Grid Width You set the width of the grid here. In addition to values such as
“mm” you can also specify the relative basic unit of length “M” .
This tab is used to define the default settings for the designation
conventions. You can find further information under Equipment
identifications and designation conventions.
Automatically frame identifi- Defines that the identifications are framed in the event of a free
cation for free input input without using the designation conventions.
Enumerate Automatically Defines that the identifications of newly inserted symbols are
automatically numbered.
Consider All Project Files All project files and not just the current circuit are taken into ac-
count for numbering if this option is active.
This tab is used to define the default settings for the cross-
reference representation. You can find further information under
Cross-reference representation.
This tab defines the font sizes to be used for objects newly inserted
into the circuit diagram.
Preview The defined fonts and font sizes are shown here according to an
This tab is used to define the default settings for the dimensions.
You can find further information under Dimension.
Layer Defines the drawing layer where the newly created dimensions are
Scale Factor Determines the factor with which the real length is multiplied for
the displayed value. This is necessary if you are creating a drawing
with a scale other than 1:1.
21.12.2 Preview
This tab is used to define the default settings of the drawing layers.
Default Settings Resets the settings of the drawing layers to the default values.
Chapter 22
22. Ribbon overview
The quick access bar provides some functions that are frequently
used and that are therefore available regardless of the currently
selected ribbon page.
Save File
Check Drawing
Connect Automatically
22.2 File
New / Page
Opens a new window for creating a new page that is added to the
current project.
New / Project
Opens the dialogue window for creating a new project.
Opens the dialogue window for selecting an existing project or a
circuit file. The most recently opened files can be selected for
opening from a list.
Save File
Saves the active project.
Save All
Saves all open projects.
Closes the active project.
DXF Import...
Opens the dialogue window for selecting a stored DXF file. The
selected file is then converted into a FluidDraw drawing. The origi-
nal file remains unchanged.
Exports the circuit drawing of the active window as BMP, JPG, GIF,
PNG, TIF, WMF, DXF, PDF or SVG file to the data storage medium.
22.3 Home
Inserts the objects from the clipboard into the active circuit.
Deletes the selected objects and inserts them in the clipboard.
If the circuit symbol is selected, opens the Properties dialogue
window for entering the component properties. It can also be used
to apply the attributes from the Festo product catalogue.
Select All
Highlights all objects of the active circuit.
Deletes the highlighted objects of the active circuit.
Delete Connector
Deletes the highlighted component connector.
Ungroup/Break Off
Deletes the highlighted groups or macro objects.
Create Cross-reference
Creates a cross-reference.
Rotates the highlighted objects 90 degrees clockwise. Grouped
objects are rotated around the centre of the group rectangle.
Rotates the highlighted objects 90 degrees anti-clockwise.
Grouped objects are rotated around the centre of the group rectan-
Mirrors the highlighted objects horizontally. Grouped objects are
mirrored at the axis of the group rectangle.
Drawing Layers
Fit to Window
Selects the zoom factor that allows the entire circuit drawing to fit
in the window.
Standard Size
Shows the circuit drawing in its original size.
View Detail
Defines the new view by drawing a rectangle with the left mouse
button pressed.
Previous View
Shows the circuit drawing in the last view. Activate this function
repeatedly to switch back and forth between the views last set.
Inserts a text at the mouse position.
Inserts an image file at the mouse position.
In this group, you can find functions for freely drawing graphical
elements such as lines, rectangles and circles.
Draws a line by defining two end points.
Draws a rectangle by defining two diagonally opposite corner
Draws a circle by defining the centre and the radius.
Draws an ellipse by defining a centre and two axially parallel radii.
From File...
Opens the dialogue window for selecting an existing text file in CSV
format that was created by export from the Festo product cata-
Conduction Line...
Opens a dialogue window that defines the settings for one or more
conduction lines that are to be inserted in the circuit diagram after
the dialogue window is confirmed.
Adds an interruption or an electric potential to the circuit diagram.
Define Connector...
Creates a new component connector the next time you use the left
mouse button to click a circuit symbol.
Inserts a terminal in the circuit diagram.
Multiple Terminals...
Inserts multiple terminals in the circuit diagram.
Inserts a fixed table in the page.
Inserts an report in the page.
22.5 Select
Object Types
All Objects
Main Components
Sub components
Connection Lines
Component Designations
Line Designations
Connector Designations
Cable Designations
Text Objects
Poly Lines
Drawing Layers
22.6 Edit
Enable Rotate
Activates and deactivates “Rotation permitted” mode that alloys
you to rotate symbols using the mouse pointer.
Enable Scale
Activates and deactivates “Scaling permitted” mode that allows
you to scale symbols using the mouse pointer.
Edit List/Table
Activates or deactivates “Edit Table” mode that allows you to edit
a table.
Connect Automatically
FluidDraw supports the automatic connection of connectors. You
can temporarily activate or deactivate the function with this option.
Snap to Intersection
Snap to Centre
Snap to Grid
Snap to Connector
Defines the drawing colour. This setting applies both to future
drawing operations, therefore also (on request) to the currently
marked objects.
Line Style
Line Style
Defines the line style. This setting applies both to future drawing
operations, therefore also (on request) to the currently marked
Start Cap
Defines how the beginning of the line is displayed. This setting
applies both to future drawing operations, therefore also (on re-
quest) to the currently marked objects.
End Cap
Defines how the end of the line is displayed. This setting applies
both to future drawing operations, therefore also (on request) to
the currently marked objects.
Defines how the T-distributor is displayed. This setting applies both
to future drawing operations, therefore also (on request) to the
currently marked objects.
22.7 View
Drawing Tools
Show Rulers
Shows or hides the rulers in the active circuit window.
Hides all connector descriptions regardless of the settings at the
Shows all connector descriptions regardless of the settings at the
Shows only the connector descriptions for those connectors with
the Display option activated.
Hides all arrows regardless of the settings at the terminals.
Shows only the arrows for those terminals with the Show Direction
option activated.
Shows all arrows regardless of the settings at the terminals.
Description, if available
Navigation Pane
Opens an overview window with a miniature view of the entire
circuit drawing. The currently visible part of the active window is
displayed as a white area. The non-visible part of the drawing is on
a grey background. By creating a rectangle with the mouse pointer
in the overview window, you can determine a section of the circuit
drawing that is displayed in the active window. Simply click in the
overview window with the left mouse button to move the visible
area while maintaining the zoom factor.
Cascades the windows.
Tile Horizontally
Arranges the windows below each other.
Tile Vertically
Arranges the windows next to each other.
Close All
Closes all open windows.
22.8 Page
Renumber Designations...
Opens a dialogue window enabling you to interactively renumber
the symbol identifications.
Manage Cables...
Opens a dialogue window enabling you to manage the cable ob-
jects in the circuit.
Drawing Size...
Opens a dialogue window enabling you to set the size of the draw-
Drawing Layers...
Opens a Drawing Layers dialogue window enabling you to set the
properties of the drawing layers.
Opens a dialogue window enabling you to set the circuit language.
22.9 Project
Renumber Designations...
Opens a dialogue window enabling you to interactively renumber
the symbol identifications.
Renumber Pages...
Opens a dialogue for renumbering the project pages.
Drawing Layers...
Opens a Drawing Layers dialogue window enabling you to set the
properties of the drawing layers.
Opens a dialogue window enabling you to set the project lan-
Opens the dialogue window for entering the project properties.
22.10 Library
Active Library
22.11 Manage
Manage templates...
Opens a dialogue window for managing templates.
Translation Tables...
Opens a dialogue window for managing translation tables.
Opens the dialogue window with program settings, file paths and
language options.
Note: Use this function if you feel that FluidDraw is behaving unex-
pectedly or files and windows appear to have suddenly disap-
Licence Information...
Opens the dialogue window with information on the licence cur-
rently used.
Manage Licences...
Opens the Online licence manager where the licences that belong
to a ticket number can be managed.
22.12 Help
User’s Guide
Displays the contents of the FluidDraw help pages.
Displays the index of the FluidDraw help pages.
Displays the search dialogue of the FluidDraw help pages.
Displays the FluidDraw programme information.
Chapter 23
23. Adjust Ribbon
Using the new “ Adjust ribbon” dialogue, the new user interface of
FluidDraw can be adjusted completely to the users individual
preferences. Besides adjusting the default configuration, all new
user configurations can be created, exported and imported. Chang-
es to the shortcuts are also possible using the dialogue.
You can access the configuration dialogue via the quick access at
the top of the window.
The tree view mode can be changed to the command view mode. In
command view mode, all commands are listed alphabetically on the
left side, providing easy access to select the desired command.
You can edit the user configuration using the mouse or the buttons
inside the dialogue. To add an element to the configuration, first
select the position inside the right tree view, where you want to
insert the new element.
You can also select elements from the left-hand tree by mouse and
drag them over into the right tree to copy them. An insert point is
shown for valid operations while dragging the element. Release the
mouse to perform the operation.
Using the “ New... ” button, you can create new pages, groups and
separators. After selecting the position in the right-hand tree to
insert the new element at, it is inserted by clicking the respective
entry in the “New” menu.
New pages are initially named “ New Page” whereas new groups
are initially named “ New Group”. Using the “ Rename... ” func-
tion, you can of course change the names to your liking. Being user
defined elements, the names will be shown in bold font.
Separators are added by using the “ New... ” – “ Separator” but-
ton. They get inserted after the selected command as well and will
be deleted on saving the configuration, if they are the last element
inside a group.
Not all elements support the large symbol appearance. This in-
cludes all commands displaying a check box or radio button them-
selves as well as separators.
Using the “ Reset ” button on the right side beneath the right-
hand tree, all changes can be reverted and the default configura-
tion is restored.
Using the “ Assign Shortcut...” button, you can access the configu-
ration dialogue for shortcuts. The dialogue allows for any assign-
ment of shortcuts to single commands. All currently assigned
shortcuts can also be viewed in the dialogue.
Each row in the command list shows the commands name, the
default position in the ribbon as well as the current shortcut.
First, select the command from the list you wish to customise and
select the shortcut text field afterwards. Shortcuts support an
arbitrary combination of the modifier keys Shift , Ctrl and Alt
and any regular key. You can also decide not to use the modifier
keys at all and directly assign a key. After selecting the text field,
press the shortcut you want to use on the keyboard. Assign the
showed shortcut by clicking the “ Assign” button.
Alignment ____________________________________________ 87
Alignment line _______________________________________ 117
Attribute link_________________________________________ 199
Auxiliary line _________________________________________ 117
Backup copies _______________________________________ 325
Blanking plug _________________________________________ 79
export___________________________________________ 315
Cable ___________________________________________ 290, 293
manage _________________________________________ 293
Cable list ____________________________________________ 295
Cable map ___________________________________________ 294
drawing _________________________________________ 150
Circle _______________________________________________ 139
check ___________________________________________ 150
input____________________________________________ 312
node ____________________________________________ 208
open ____________________________________________ 208
output __________________________________________ 312
print ____________________________________________ 312
properties _______________________________________ 208
Component attributes _________________________________ 181
files ____________________________________________ 325
Conduction lines______________________________________ 286
Configurable cylinders __________________________________ 84
Configurable directional control valves _____________________ 82
connect __________________________________________ 69
define ____________________________________________ 81
delete ____________________________________________ 82
identification ______________________________________ 79
properties ________________________________________ 79
seal _____________________________________________ 79