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Responsible Production A Systematic Review and Fut

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Received on: 02 April 2024 Revised on: 01 May 2024 Accepted: 05 May 2024

DOI: 10.47703/ejebs.v68i2.380

Responsible Production: A Systematic Review and

Future Research Directions
Aknur Zhidebekkyzy1 Dinara T. Kalmakova1* Anna Kotaskova2

Al-Farabi Kazakh National
University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 Responsible production (RP) aims to minimize negative
Pan-European University, consequences of active economic growth by producing and using
Bratislava, Slovakia resource-efficient and energy-efficient products and processes that
have a minimal negative impact on the environment and are safe for
employees, the community, and consumers. Despite the relevance of
Corresponding author: the RP concept, there are no systematic literature reviews containing
*Dinara T. Kalmakova – PhD thematic mapping and thematic evolution of research in this area.
candidate, Al-Farabi Kazakh Therefore, this study aims to identify relevant research areas,
National University. research interests' current state and evolution, and potential future
Email: dinara.kalmakova@kaznu. research directions on RP topics. A systematic review approach and
edu.kz content analysis were applied to achieve the study's aim. To conduct
a systematic review, a search was carried out for keywords such as
“responsible production" OR “sustainable production”. Then,
How to cite this article: further filtering by such criteria as subject category, document type,
Zhidebekkyzy, A., Kalmakova, and publication language took place. As a result, bibliographic data
D.T. & Kotaskova, A. (2024). from 858 papers became a research basis for descriptive analysis.
Data were derived from the Scopus database. The Biblioshiny tool
Responsible Production: A
was used for systematic review. Finally, the most relevant research
Systematic Review and Future
areas were identified, including sustainable supply chains, consumer
Research Directions. Eurasian behavior in the context of RP, and the impact of Industry 4.0 on the
Journal of Economic and Business realization of RP principles. According to the systematic review
Studies, 68(2), 50-73. results, scientific activity in RP research has increased significantly.
The role of supply chain management in achieving RP principles is
notable. The environmental aspects of RP, environmental
management, and environmental performance are particularly
Conflict of interest: relevant.
author(s) declare that there is no
conflict of interest KEYWORDS: Responsible Production, Sustainable Economic
Growth, Sustainable Development, Thematic Mapping, Thematic

SCSTI: 06.52.13

JEL Code: Q20, Q32, Q50

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: This research has been funded by the

Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AP19576593).

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Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
1. INTRODUCTION research areas, research interests' current state
and evolution, and potential future research
Current production systems based on directions on responsible production topics.
traditional practices and commercial The research question identified was “What is
technologies are generally unsustainable. The the current focus of scientific interest in
industrial sector, through its role in society, has responsible production research?”
contributed significantly to pollution and In order to provide an answer to this
exploitation of the environment. The research question, the structure of the current
accelerated industrialization of most countries paper is as follows: the data collection and
and the associated rapid environmental sampling methodology is reflected in Section 2.
degradation have raised concerns about the The research results and discussion are
unsustainability of current growth patterns presented in Section 3 by building thematic
(Tseng et al., 2013). The concept of responsible maps and networks, identifying thematic
production is aimed at mitigating the harmful evolution, and content analysis of the most
environmental and social consequences of influential papers. Section 4 provides
economic activity through the manufacture of conclusions and future research directions.
products and services, the use of processes and
systems that generate a minimum of harmful 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
emissions, save energy and natural resources,
are economically feasible, safe for employees, A few papers have conducted literature
the community and consumers and provide reviews on the concept of responsible
favorable social and creative conditions for the production. For instance, Roy and Singh (2017)
entire working population (The Lowell Center conducted systematic literature review on
Framework for Sustainable Products, 2009). sustainable production and consumption
Despite the undoubted relevance of the (SPaC). They revealed the business focus in
responsible production concept, there is a lack SPaC literature revolving around five critical
of systematic literature reviews containing themes like the conceptualization of SPaC, the
descriptive analysis, thematic evolution, and governing role of policy frameworks in the
mapping of the present state of research on this initiation and focus in SPaC literature, the
topic. The current review aims to fill these gaps guidance of SPaC transformation, strategic
by applying descriptive bibliographic analysis implementation issues, operational
containing thematic mapping and thematic implementation issues and maintaining the
evolution. Additionally, the existing reviews progress of implementation. However, Roy and
along with the concept of responsible Singh (2017) did not include bibliographic
production deal with the concept of responsible analysis in the form of a co-occurrence
consumption. The current review focuses only network, thematic evolution, and thematic
on the responsible production concept. mapping in their review. Moreover, as part of
Besides, the environmental aspects of the review, the authors consider sustainable
responsible production are the primary research production and sustainable consumption
object in existing reviews. This review seeks to concepts together. The authors use “sustainable
cover both the environmental and social production” as a keyword for publication
aspects of responsible production. searches, thus focusing mainly on the
Therefore, this study aims to undertake a environmental aspects of responsible
systematic literature review that contains a production.
descriptive part and content analysis. The R- Bonvoisin et al. (2017) provided a
package Bibliometrix, Biblioshiny tool (Aria & structured overview of the research field in
Cuccurullo, 2017; Biblioshiny) was applied for sustainable manufacturing with a particular
the descriptive part of the review. The aim of focus on manufacturing technology and
the current research is to identify relevant management. The authors highlighted

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challenges in four research areas, mainly approach is influenced by the general
manufacturing technologies, product principles outlined in academic works on
development, value creation networks, and conducting systematic reviews.
global manufacturing impacts. In their study, 2. Descriptive Bibliographic Analysis
the authors focus on the technological aspect of includes techniques such as thematic mapping,
sustainable production. Moreover, the review thematic evolution, and co-occurrence
does not contain a descriptive analysis in the networks. These methods are rooted in
form of thematic mapping and thematic bibliometrics and scientometrics, fields that
evolution analysis. study the quantitative aspects of academic
Lukman et al. (2016) conducted a content literature. Thematic mapping and thematic
analysis of 13 papers that focus on sustainable evolution are methods used to visualize the
consumption and production (SCP), identified development and relationships between themes
further challenges, and provided solutions in a body of literature over time. Co-occurrence
related to resource efficiency (ReE), networks visualize how key terms or concepts
sustainable water systems, sustainable within a literature corpus relate to one another.
management, cleaner production (CP), and 3. Content Analysis of Influential Papers is
sustainable urban development. However, based on citation counts to analyze their
there is no bibliographic and descriptive content is a common method in bibliometric
analysis in their research. Also, within the studies. It helps identify the most impactful
framework of this review, the authors consider studies within a field or topic and analyze
the concepts of sustainable production and trends and patterns in research themes.
consumption concurrently. 4. Use of Biblioshiny for Descriptive
Thus, a few available reviews on Analysis is an application of the R-package
sustainable production do not contain a 'Bibliometrix', which is specifically designed
descriptive bibliographic analysis, including for comprehensive science mapping analysis.
thematic maps and thematic evolution. This tool supports the implementation of the
Moreover, the existing reviews consider the bibliometric and scientometric methods
concepts of responsible production together mentioned above, providing capabilities for
with the concept of responsible consumption, data visualization and analysis that are integral
and focus mainly on the environmental aspects to systematic reviews in academic research.
of responsible production. The current review The overall methodology is influenced by
seeks to fill these gaps by applying descriptive the need for a comprehensive and systematic
bibliographic analysis containing thematic approach to analyze literature on responsible
mapping and thematic evolution. In addition, and sustainable production. The combination
this study considers both aspects of responsible of systematic literature review techniques with
production, namely environmental and social. bibliometric analysis tools allows for a detailed
exploration of both the environmental and
2. METHODOLOGY social aspects of production, aiming to fill gaps
identified in previous literature reviews. Such
The methodology of the systematic an approach is aimed at ensuring that the
literature review is based on various findings are robust, reproducible, and provide a
established practices in the field of clear picture of the current state of research in
bibliometrics and systematic review. the field.
1. Systematic Literature Review - is The initial search results, in the context of
commonly used in various academic fields to current study, included articles published up to
synthesize the research on a given topic and including February 2024. The basic search
comprehensively. It involves a structured query applied keywords such as “responsible
search and selection process to collect relevant production" OR "sustainable production". As a
literature and critically analyze its content. This result, 13,168 papers were generated.

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Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
Along with “responsible production", we management, and accounting subject
used the keyword “sustainable production”, categories; this step generated 1,231 papers.
which is tightly linked to the responsible Article or review document type selection was
production concept and is commonly used in the next stage, which gave 913 outcomes. The
the scientific literature. The responsible last stage was publication language choice, for
production concept is aimed at studying both review papers in English were chosen. This
the environmental and social aspects of step yielded 858 papers, and this final sample
production, while the sustainable production was the focus of a descriptive analysis.
concept focuses mainly on environmental Biblioshiny software was used for descriptive
issues (Alayón et al., 2017). Thus, the inclusion analysis.
of the word “sustainable production” along For content analysis, 15 most influential
with “responsible production” in the search papers (according to total citations) were
query is explained by the intention to fully selected (Annex 1).
consider both the environmental and social The systematic literature review is
aspects of responsible production and ensure comprised of two distinct sections. Initially, the
the most comprehensive coverage of review undertakes a descriptive analysis, which
publications. utilizes a substantial collection of 858 papers
A brief reflection of key analysis stages is sourced from the Scopus database. This
depicted in Figure 1. The search query in the analysis encompasses several fundamental
Scopus database was conducted within the title components, including the co-occurrence
of the article, the abstract, and keywords. Then, network, thematic mapping, and thematic
the obtained results were restricted to business, evolution, among others.

Descriptive analysis based on Biblioshiny Co-occurrence network

(858 papers from Scopus database)

Thematic mapping

Content analysis
(15 most cited papers) Thematic evolution

FIGURE 1. Stages of analysis

Note: compiled by authors

Subsequently, the second section of the the selection of 858 articles derived from the
review focuses on content analysis, which is Scopus database.
conducted on the 15 most cited papers, as The descriptive analysis reveals the
determined by their total citation count. This dynamics of scientific production in the studied
methodical approach ensures a comprehensive field (Figure 2), the core journals involved in
examination of the existing literature. the study of responsible production (Figure 3,
Figure 4), and the scientific influence of
3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS countries in the field of responsible production
(Figure 5, Figure 6). Also, within the
The current section of the review contains framework of the descriptive analysis, trend
a descriptive analysis followed by a content topics, the current state and evolution of
analysis. The descriptive analysis is based on scientific interests in the field of responsible

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production in the form of thematic maps are annual scientific production on responsible
identified. Figure 2 shows the dynamics of production.

FIGURE 2. Annual scientific production

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Annual scientific production activity in 2007. After 2013, there has been an
The graph shows that from 1987 to 2000, explosive increase in the number of
there were almost no articles on this topic, publications on responsible production. In
except occasional articles appearing in some 2014, more studies were published than in the
years. The next period on the graph from 2001 previous two years. This trend of steady and
to 2013 is characterized by a smooth and stable steep publication activity growth occurred until
increase in publication activity on responsible 2023. It will likely continue in 2024: 36 articles
production, which indicates the gradually have already been published in the first quarter
increasing scientific interest in this topic. of 2024, as in 2015.
During this period, the number of publications Core sources are shown in Figure 3 and
averaged about 10, with peak publication Figure 4. Figure 3 shows most relevant sources.

FIGURE 3. Most relevant sources

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

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Most relevant sources the topic, the Journal of Manufacturing
The publication core of the topic is the Technology
Journal of Cleaner Production. It contains half Figure 4 shows core sources by Bradford’s
of the entire analyzed collection. By a Law.
considerable margin, with 31 publications on

FIGURE 4. Core sources by Bradford’s Law

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Management is in second place. The top The geographical influence of research on

five relevant sources included the International responsible production is reflected in Figure 5
Journal of Production Research, the and Figure 6. Next in Figure 5 there is data on
International Journal of Production Economics, citations by country.
Business Strategy, and the Environment.

FIGURE 5. Total number of citations per country

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

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Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
Geographical influence of research been cited about 2,500 times in total. This may
These figures reflect the countries with the indicate that research on responsible
most citations by two indicators: the total production is actively being conducted in the
number of citations and the average number of countries mentioned above, and these studies
citations per publication. Regarding total contribute to the analyzed area. However, total
citations, China and the UK are the leading citations may not adequately reflect the impact
countries. Each of these countries individually of published research.
accounts for about 4 thousand citations. India Next in Figure 6 there is data on average
and Italy are next in terms of the total number citations by country.
of citations: the studies of these countries have

FIGURE 6. Average article citations per country

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

The indicator of the average number of Switzerland, Slovenia, and the UK. In these
citations per publication considers the number countries, on average, one publication was
of publications and, therefore, can reflect the cited more than 100 times, indicating a
impact of published research more adequately. relatively high impact of research on
In terms of the average number of citations per responsible production in these countries.
publication, other countries are already leading, Next in Figure 7 there is data on Most
particularly Japan, Denmark, Luxembourg, relevant affiliations.

FIGURE 7. Most relevant affiliations

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

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As for the most relevant affiliations, Canada performed half of their research jointly
Shandong University has the most significant with foreign scientists.
number of publications on responsible The least intensive international
production; the second and third places are collaboration is observed in the United
occupied by De La Salle University and the Kingdom: out of 37 publications, only three
National Institute of Technology (Figure 7). were conducted jointly with foreign scientists.
The intensity of the international Out of 25 studies on responsible production in
collaboration is reflected in Figure 8. The most the USA, only two were conducted jointly with
intensive collaboration takes place in Australia. foreign scientists. The situation is similar in
There, out of 40 publications, 25 studies were Spain, Sweden, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and
conducted jointly with scientists from other Turkey.
countries. In Belgium, 11 out of 15 studies Figure 8 presents the number of documents
cooperated with foreign scientists. China and by country and type of collaboration.

FIGURE 8. Corresponding author’s country

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Figure 9 reflects trend topics in the field of of the trend topics. Life cycle assessment,
responsible production for the period from sustainable consumption, supply chain
2008 to 2024. Topics such as agriculture, management are the topics that were relevant
production, and environment remain relevant up to 2021. Certification as an integral
throughout the analyzed period, indicating mechanism for ensuring responsible
these topics' fundamental nature. The key ones production was widespread between 2011 and
were the terms sustainable production and 2018. Industry 4.0, renewable energy, additive
sustainability, occurring 171 and 111 times, manufacturing – all these topics are gaining
respectively, in the analyzed collection. The relevance since 2022.
circular economy, as a concept closely related Figure 9 describes trend of research terms
to responsible production, has also become one over time (2008-2024).

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FIGURE 9. Trend topics

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Three fields plot implications and technologies, including life

A three-field plot reflects the interrelation of cycle assessment, Industry 4.0 applications,
paper elements (Zhidebekkyzy et al., 2022). and supply chain management intricacies.
For example, figure 10 displays the In contrast, Germany appears more
specialization of countries and journals in selective, focusing predominantly on advanced
exploring a definite area of responsible technological aspects rather than the broader
production. scope of sustainable production. The country
The bulk of research outputs identified in shows a particular interest in Industry 4.0,
the study originates from countries such as reflecting its advanced industrial base and
China, Italy, India, and the United Kingdom, technological prowess.
highlighting their active participation in this Italy, meanwhile, has carved a niche in
domain. Brazil and Malaysia also emerge as exploring the life cycle assessment aspect of
significant contributors, especially among the responsible production, reflecting its
developing nations, showcasing their growing commitment to detailed environmental impact
involvement in sustainability research. studies. India, similar to Germany, shows a
Delving deeper into the attribute strong inclination towards integrating Industry
interconnections, China exhibits a remarkably 4.0 technologies within the framework of
broad and integrated approach to the study of responsible production, indicating a strategic
responsible production. This nation engages focus on modernizing its manufacturing
comprehensively in the field, from exploring sectors.
the foundational principles of sustainable Furthermore, supply chain management
production to investigating its practical within the context of responsible production

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attracts substantial scholarly attention, disseminating diverse research encompassing
particularly from researchers in Australia, the all dimensions of responsible production. This
UK, the USA, and Italy. This focus underscores journal’s prominence underscores its pivotal
the global importance of optimizing supply role in shaping discourse and advancing
chain operations to enhance sustainability research in the field of sustainability and
across industries. responsible production practices.
The Journal of Cleaner Production stands Figure 10 describes the mapping of research
out as a premier publication venue, leading in contributions by country, topic, and journal.

FIGURE 10. Three-fields plot

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Co-occurrence Network The basic, central, and largest cluster is

R-package Bibliometrix with the “Sustainable production”. There are four
Biblioshiny tool was applied to build a co- critical clusters on the co-occurrence network
occurrence network. The author’s keywords (see Figure 11).
with Walktrap clustering algorithm were used.

FIGURE 11. Co-occurrence Network

Note: Compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

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The second largest cluster, closely related to studying how to achieve sustainable production
the “Sustainable production” node, is the and consumption, environmental
circular economy cluster. The concept of CE is sustainability, and prevent climate change with
essential for achieving responsible production. the help of the life cycle assessment concept.
There is a close relationship between CE Sustainable development has been allocated
cluster and Industry 4.0 which lets assume the to a separate cluster. This cluster focuses on
critical role of Industry 4.0 tools in applying CE corporate social responsibility, social
principles. Barriers, waste management, food responsibility, and responsible consumption.
waste are located within a cluster of CE, which Whereas previous clusters focused on the
indicates an active study of barriers to CE and environmental aspects of responsible
special scientific attention to food waste production, the sustainable development
management. cluster focused on the aspects of social
The next cluster is the life cycle assessment. responsibility.
Keywords such as sustainable production and Thematic map
consumption, climate change, environmental Figure 12 shows the current state-of-the-art
impact, and environmental sustainability are of responsible production research.
inside the cluster. This cluster is most likely

FIGURE 12. Thematic map

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

The author’s keywords were applied to al., 2023).

reflect the thematic map, and a minimum In the upper right quadrant, we find the
cluster frequency of 5 points was set. Besides, motor themes that are the most discussed topics
a total data sample of 858 papers was taken for in the field. About responsible production
the thematic mapping. research field, motor themes are carbon
The map has two dimensions: centrality (x- footprint, life cycle analysis and water
axis) and density (y-axis). Centrality refers to footprint. Inside the “carbon footprint” cluster
how important a particular theme is, while are two other keywords: crop production and
density refers to the development of the theme. wine. At the stage of transition to the category
The 2×2 matrix in the thematic map yields four of motor themes are eco-efficiency,
quadrants, where the size of the bubble refers sustainability indicators, and industrial
to the occurrence of the keywords (Madsen et symbiosis, as well as product design and

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sustainable consumption and production. such as certification, Brazil, consumer
In the lower right quadrant, we find the behaviour, consumption are likely to become
themes considered basic and transversal, with motor themes. Life cycle assessment is going
low levels of development but high levels of to turn into a central topic.
centrality and relevancy to the responsible In the lower left quadrant, the emerging or
production literature. According to the map, the declining themes are situated. These are energy
largest primary cluster is “sustainable consumption, multi-objective optimization,
production”. It consists of such keywords as and innovation.
sustainability, circular economy, sustainable The upper left quadrant consists of niche
consumption, industry 4.0, supply chain themes, which are well-developed but isolated
management, cleaner production, energy (niche) or highly specialized themes. Niche
efficiency, optimization, and environmental clusters include biomass, process integration,
performance. The second largest basic cluster process optimization, and process simulation.
is the “life cycle assessment” cluster, which, Among niche themes are energy, green supply
among other things, contains keywords such as chain, sustainable agriculture, food waste,
“waste management” and “industrial ecology”. coffee, triple bottom line, and standards.
Among other basic themes are climate change, Thematic evolution
renewable energy, sustainable manufacturing, Thematic evolution reveals changes in
remanufacturing, and biorefinery. Keywords theme temporal development (see Figure 13).

FIGURE 13. Thematic evolution

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

The period from 2001 to 2023 was taken to noticeable increase in publication activity. The
form the thematic evolution. The period from period from 2014 to 2023 is characterized by
1987 to 2000 was removed because, during this explosive growth in publication activity
period, the number of publications was (Figure 1), and it was decided that this period
insignificant. The year 2024 was deleted should be divided into two equal time intervals.
because this year began recently, and the The author’s keywords that appeared at a
picture of publication activity is incomplete. minimum seven times (min Freq.) per
The dataset was divided into three time subperiod were reflected in the formed three
periods. The degree of publication activity was thematic maps (Figures 13-15). In each
chosen as a key criterion for defining time thematic map, the y-axis evaluates the density,
slices. The first time slice (2001-2013) is and the x-axis evaluates the centrality of the
characterized by a smooth and barely defined themes. The spheres' size corresponds

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to the keywords' cumulative frequency cycle assessment concept in achieving
(Schöggl et al., 2020). environmental sustainability. Sustainable
From 2001 to 2013, the most relevant manufacturing strengthened its connection
keywords were sustainable production, supply with energy consumption, which is reflected in
chain management, life cycle assessment, and the transition of sustainable manufacturing to
Brazil. In the period 2014 to 2018, the topic of the field of energy consumption. The cleaner
sustainable production was split into three production concept has again detached itself
topics: sustainable production, China, and into an independent field of research after
supply chain. During this period, particular merging with the sustainable production
attention was given to supply chain concept in 2014-2018. LCA and biorefinery
management, and China's role in the issue of were incorporated into climate change, and the
responsible production was highlighted green supply chain moved into barriers. Such a
separately. LCA has moved to wine, reflecting thematic evolution suggests an increase in
the importance of production management at scientific interest in studying the impact of
every stage of the product lifecycle using the LCA and biorefinery on climate change, as
example of winemaking. well as an increase in the relevance of studying
Brazil and supply chain management were barriers to achieving a green supply chain.
united in a theme of “sustainable production,” Consumer behavior has emerged from
which suggests that in 2014-2018, supply chain sustainable production into a separate area,
management issues began to be considered indicating the formation of a self-standing
within the framework of the responsible scientific direction studying consumer
production concept, and Brazil became more behavior in the context of responsible
active in studying responsible production production. In addition, food waste has been
issues. transformed into hydrogen, indicating the
Besides cleaner production, certification relevance of studying hydrogen production
were also incorporated in sustainable from food waste.
production. Responsible production research between
From 2014 to 2018, the key topics 2001 and 2013
continued to be sustainable production, life Next, in Figure 14 there is provided data on
cycle assessment. responsible production between 2001 and
The topic “sustainable production and 2013.
consumption” has appeared among the key Sustainable development and waste
topics during this period. This fact may indicate management are this period's basic and
an awareness during this period of the close fundamental topics. The two most significant
relationship between responsible production motor clusters, characterized by both high
and responsible consumption and the relevance and high development, are
importance of the consumer's role in achieving sustainable production, which includes
responsible production principles. sustainable consumption and food, and
Other essential topics from 2014 to 2018 sustainability, which includes environment,
were ethics, multi-objective optimization, agriculture, and life cycle assessment.
sustainable manufacturing, and wine. From this, it can be concluded that in the
From 2019 to 2023, key research areas period 2001-2013, the scientific community
remain sustainable production, life cycle was intensively involved in problems of
assessment. New areas such as evolutionary responsible production and consumption with
computation, environmental sustainability, an emphasis on the food industry and
optimization, energy consumption, and palm agriculture, as well as mainly considering
oil are added. Besides, life cycle assessment environmental concerns. Other reasonably
was included in environmental sustainability, large clusters in this period are certification and
which indicates the increasing role of the life industrial ecology.

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They are both closely related to the suggests that the issues of eco-efficiency
sustainable production and sustainability indicators and their assessment have already
clusters. Another small-sized motor cluster is been studied by scientists during this period but
green supply chain management. The eco- were not so relevant. The clusters' cleaner
efficiency cluster is characterized by low production, innovation, and LCA belong to
relevance but high development, which made it emerging themes (Figure 14).
possible to classify it as a niche topic. This

FIGURE 14. Thematic map of responsible production research between 2001 and 2013

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Responsible production research between sustainable production and consumption

2014 and 2018 cluster. That is, during this period, special
During this period, the keywords attention was paid to energy efficiency issues
sustainable production and sustainable as a tool for achieving the principles of
consumption merged and formed a single responsible production.
cluster of sustainable production and The next largest primary cluster from 2014
consumption. Such a merger indicates that to 2018 is the life cycle assessment cluster,
these two concepts began to be studied in an which includes keywords such as carbon
inextricable connection. However, this footprint, climate change, environmental
combined cluster has moved from the category sustainability, and environmental impact. The
of motor topics to the category of basic ones, remaining basic clusters are biorefinery,
maintaining high relevance but losing its collaborative consumption, and optimization.
sophistication. This may be due to the As for motor topics, the largest motor
emergence of new topics and concepts within cluster is the cluster of sustainable production,
the vast field of responsible production. Within where sustainability and supply chain
the cluster of sustainable production and management were included. Compared to the
consumption, the keyword corporate social previous period, supply chain management
responsibility appeared, indicating that topic has become more relevant, by increasing
corporate social responsibility issues began to the number of occurrences from 2 to 11 and
be considered within the framework of the becoming part of the sustainable production
responsible production concept. In addition, cluster. The other three motor clusters are
energy efficiency is also located inside the supply chain, circular economy, and wine. The

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wine cluster contains keywords such as gaining relevance. The food waste
ecological footprint, land use, water footprint, management cluster belongs to niche topics
and willingness to pay. The combination of that are not yet very relevant but are actively
such keywords in the same cluster indicates being studied by scientists. This cluster
increased scientific interest in studying contains keywords such as food waste, food
ecological and water footprint in the production surplus, waste prevention. Another niche topic
processes. In addition, land use, as well as the is the green supply chain. Emerging or
willingness to pay a premium when buying declining topics include sustainability
products manufactured according to indicators, stability, and China (Figure 15).
responsible production principles, are also

FIGURE 15. Thematic map of responsible production research between 2014 and 2018

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Responsible production research between additive manufacturing cluster, which includes

2019 and 2023 such keywords as environmental performance
Next in Figure 16 there is provided data on and remanufacturing. Other primary clusters
responsible production between 2019 and were optimization, life cycle assessment, and
2023. The largest basic cluster of this period is biodiesel.
the sustainable production cluster. From 2019 Life cycle assessment has become more
to 2023, the concepts of responsible actively studied, as evidenced by the transition
consumption and corporate social of the corresponding cluster from the basic
responsibility continue to be considered within category to the motor one. The life cycle
the framework of the responsible production assessment cluster contains keywords such as
concept. This fact indicates that the significant supply chain, energy efficiency,
role of consumers in achieving responsible manufacturing, and blockchain. It can be
production continues to be recognized, and assumed that the relationship between the life
corporate social responsibility has been firmly cycle and the supply chain is becoming
integrated into the concept of responsible increasingly relevant, as well as energy
production. efficiency at each stage of the life cycle, the use
of blockchain technologies in evaluating and
The second largest primary cluster is the analyzing the product life cycle.

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Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
The second largest motor cluster is the hydrogen and biogas from food waste.
climate change cluster. The content of this The life cycle assessment cluster, which
cluster indicates the significant role of includes keywords such as carbon footprint and
renewable energy, biomass, biorefinery in water footprint, is at the stage of transition from
climate change issues. The third largest motor niche topics to motor ones. Thus, there is an
cluster is barriers, including India's green increase in the relevance of carbon footprint
supply chain. The remaining motor clusters are and water footprint research within the product
hydrogen, which is an imperfect production. lifecycle. Another niche topic is efficiency.
The hydrogen cluster is moving from niche Emerging themes include triple bottom line,
topics to motor ones, reflecting the growing case study, and cleaner production (Figure 16).
importance of studying the issues of obtaining

FIGURE 16. Thematic map of responsible production research between 2019 and 2023

Note: compiled by authors based on Bibliometrix Biblioshiny tool

Content analysis results performance dimensions except for green

A qualitative content analysis was purchasing. Awasthi et al. (2018) presented an
additionally conducted to complement RP integrated framework for sustainable global
research's previous quantitative bibliographic supplier selection that considers sustainability
analysis. The period from 2014 to 2024 was risks from sub-suppliers.
taken for content analysis. This implied Consumer behaviour in the context of
defining the 15 most influential papers from the responsible production is the second most
RP literature, i.e., those with the highest total discussed research area. Gullstrandedbring et
citation score. The list of these 15 papers is al. (2016) examined consumer attitudes,
represented in Annex 1. motivations, and barriers relating to the three
The most discussed topic, according to the alternative consumption models, with
content analysis results, was the area of particular emphasis on furnishing products.
sustainable supply chains. Yildiz and Sezen The main motivation for the consumption of
(2019) evaluated the effects of green supply second-hand products is economic. The biggest
chain management practices on sustainability obstacle for people buying second-hand
performance in Turkish manufacturing firms. products for use in the home is that they are
The authors concluded that all GSCM seen as unsanitary. Materialism and the desire
dimensions are related to at least one of the

– 65 –
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
to own are severe barriers to the access-based environmental aspect of RP, in particular
consumption model. environmental management and environmental
The third most relevant topic is the impact performance, is of the greatest scientific
of Industry 4.0 on implementing responsible interest. The role of consumers in achieving the
production principles. Bag et al. (2021) goals of the responsible production concept is
identified thirty-five resources that are essential also important. Among all types of resources,
for the adoption of Industry 4.0. Also, the the issues of efficient use of energy resources
authors concluded that I4.0 adoption has a are at the forefront. The issues of responsible
positive relationship with sustainable production in the food industries, in particular,
production. Nascimento et al. (2019) proposed the issues of food waste management, are of
a circular business model for recycling waste particular relevance. The study of the impact of
and delivering new products, significantly industry 4.0 tools on achieving responsible
reducing resource consumption and optimizing production principles is also the focus of
natural resources by integrating web scholars’ attention.
technologies, reverse logistics, and AM. Reducing the negative effects of production
Other important topics were the sustainable processes, waste management at each stage of
management of food surplus and food waste the product life cycle, as well as achieving
and the role of life cycle assessment in environmental sustainability within the
supporting sustainable food systems. framework of the life cycle assessment concept
Papargyropoulou et al. (2014) propose the food are also relevant areas of research. The issues
waste hierarchy as a framework to identify and of water footprint and carbon footprint
prioritize the options for minimizing and throughout the product life cycle, in particular,
managing food surplus and waste throughout carbon footprint in crop and wine production,
the food supply chain. Bocken et al. (2014) are characterized by special relevance and
identified a wide range of examples of arouse active scientific interest. Although small
mechanisms and solutions that can contribute in size, the concepts of corporate social
to business model innovation for sustainability. responsibility and social responsibility formed
Annex 2 reflects main information on top 15 an independent cluster. Social responsibility
works on responsible production research. issues are also an object of current scientific
interest, although not yet as active as
5. CONCLUSIONS environmental responsibility issues.
Thematic mapping has shown that interest
This study sought to identify the current in topics such as sustainability indicators and
focus of scientific interest in responsible industrial symbiosis, as well as product design,
production research as well as possible future is steadily growing. There is an increase in the
research questions on this topic. A mixed- relevance of obtaining hydrogen and biogas
methods approach was applied to achieve the from food waste.
research aim, combining systematic Content analysis of the most influential
bibliographic analysis and content analysis. papers in the field of RP generated results that
According to the review results, scientific align with descriptive analysis. In particular,
activity on RP research has increased sharply according to the content analysis results,
since 2013. The core publication of responsible sustainable supply chains were the topic
production is the Journal of Cleaner discussed the most. The impact of green supply
Production. chain management practices on sustainability
According to the results of the co- performance and sustainable global supplier
occurrence network analysis and thematic selection is among the most relevant topics.
mapping, the role of supply chain management According to the content analysis results,
in achieving responsible production principles consumer behaviour in the context of
is significant. Also, at the moment, the responsible production is the second most

– 66 –
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
discussed research area. Consumer attitudes, focus of scientific interest. Future research
motivations, and barriers relating to directions derived from content analysis are
responsible consumption models are being reflected in Annex 3.
actively studied. The impact of Industry 4.0 on As for practical implications, the
the implementation of responsible production conclusions of this study may be useful for
principles is another area of research that has academic community representatives involved
been actively studied, according to the results in the study of responsible production issues, as
of content analysis, which is consistent with the well as for government bodies and the business
results of descriptive analysis. Responsible environment involved in the development and
business models and sustainable management implementation of responsible production
of food surplus and food waste are also the practices.


Writing – original draft: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Dinara T.Kalmakova

Conceptualization: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Dinara T.Kalmakova, Anna Kotaskova
Formal analysis and investigation: Dinara T.Kalmakova
Funding acquisition and research administration: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy
Development of research methodology: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Dinara T.Kalmakova
Resources: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Dinara T.Kalmakova, Anna Kotaskova
Software and supervisions: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Dinara T.Kalmakova
Data collection, analysis and interpretation: Dinara T.Kalmakova
Visualization: Dinara T.Kalmakova.
Writing review and editing research: Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Dinara T.Kalmakova, Anna Kotaskova


Papers selected for content analysis

No. Paper Total Citations

1 Bocken N, 2014 2144

2 Papargyropoulou E, 2014 961

3 Govindan K, 2018 738

4 Nascimento D, 2019 499

5 Rajeev A, 2017 438

6 Awasthi A, 2018 402

7 Notarnicola B, 2017 401

8 Glover JL, 2014 313

9 Yildiz Çankaya S, 2019 310

10 Esfahbodi A, 2016 273

11 Schäufele I, 2017 271

12 Franco MA, 2017 260

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Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
13 Gullstrand Edbring E, 2016 245

14 Akenji L, 2014 232

15 Bag S, 2021 205


Top 15 works on responsible production research selected for content analysis

No. Article Article Research Main findings Dep. Indep. Var. Methods
(author and type Topic/ question Var. adopted
1 Bocken N, review How can we The paper introduces N/A N/A a systematic
2014 encourage corporate sustainable business review
innovation that model archetypes to approach
significantly changes categorize mechanisms
the way companies and solutions for
operate to ensure sustainability in
greater sustainability?business models
2 Papargyrop empirical How to manage food The main findings N/A N/A Qualitative
oulou E, surplus and food include the proposal of data analysis
2014 waste more a food waste hierarchy through
sustainably? to challenge current interviews
waste management with
approaches specialists
3 Gullstrand empirical What are the attitudes Attitudes towards N/A N/A interviews
Edbring E, of young consumers buying second-hand with experts
2016 to the three models of products are primarily and an
consumption? What driven by practical and online
are the underlying economic reasons, with survey of
motivations and a lesser emphasis on consumers
obstacles relating to environmental
changing young concerns.
behaviour towards
consumption models?
4 Govindan review What are the drivers, The key conclusions N/A N/A a systematic
K, 2018 practices, and of the paper include review
barriers towards the the significance of approach
circular economy in government
a supply chain? engagement in
implementing the
circular economy in
supply chains, the
organizations face in
technological issues,
and the need for
awareness and
education in society
and among
5 Akenji L, Theoreti What is the - Green consumerism N/A N/A The
2014 cal effectiveness of is not an effective methodolog
paper green consumerism driver of sustainable y involves

– 68 –
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
in driving society consumption and may clarifying
towards sustainable distract from urgent differences
consumption structural changes between
patterns? needed for sustainable green
development. consumeris
m and
6 Bag S, 2021 empirica What are the I4.0 adoption have a Sust productio exploratory
l required resources positive relationship aina n systems, factor
for I4.0 with sustainable ble human analysis
implementation in production prod resources, (EFA),
the context of ucti project testing using
sustainable on, managem PLS-SEM
production and Circ ent,
Circular Economy? ular managem
Can we establish a econ ent
relationship omy leadership
between I4.0 capa , green
adoption, biliti logistics,
sustainable es green
manufacturing and design
CE capabilities?
7 Franco MA, empirical What factors hinder the speed and quantity N/A N/A qualitative
2017 firms' ability to go of Cradle to Cradle research
fully circular and (C2C) products through
how do these factors manufactured and multiple
interact to move available to customers case studies
firms and industries and take-back
towards a circular partners depend on
production system? the availability of
basic materials and
component parts
8 Glover JL, empirical What are the factors The major findings of Sust Stakehold conducting
2014 affecting the the study include the aina ers across 70 semi-
acceptance of emphasis on cost ble the dairy structured
sustainable practices reduction and profit prac supply telephone
and energy maximization as tices chain, interviews
reduction strategies dominant logics in the impl Sustainabl with
in the dairy supply dairy supply chain, eme e practices stakeholders
chain? the significant power nted in the across the
of supermarkets in , dairy dairy supply
exerting pressure on level supply chain
sustainable practices of chain
9 Yildiz empirical What is the effect of The main findings Envi Green a plant-level
Çankaya S, different dimensions emphasize the ron purchasin survey,
2019 of green supply significance of GSCM men g, green using cross-
chain management in enhancing tal manufactu sectional
on economic, sustainability perf ring, green face-to-face
environmental, and performance orm distributio and e-mail
social performance ance n, green surveys
in the context of Eco packaging
corporate nom , green
sustainability? ic marketing

– 69 –
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
10 Schäufele I, review How do consumers' The paper emphasizes N/A N/A an online
2017 values, beliefs, and the complexity of literature
attitudes influence consumers' wine search
their purchase choices, the
behavior towards importance of
wine with sustainability cues as
sustainability credence attributes
11 Nascimento Review How can Industry - The Imp - Industry a qualitative
D, 2019 and 4.0 technologies be recommendation of a act 4.0 research
empirical integrated into circular model to of technologi method
circular economy reuse scrap electronic reusi es literature
practices to reuse devices ng -Additive review,
electronic waste and - Positive influence on mate manufactu interviews
scrap materials? business sustainability rials ring (AM) and focus
by reinserting waste on -Smart groups
into the supply chain reso productio
urce n systems
12 Rajeev A, Review Analyze the The study emphasizes N/A N/A Systematic
2017 progress of a lack of research literature
sustainability focusing on all three review
research within dimensions of
supply sustainability in
chain management supply chain
literature management
13 Awasthi A, empirical RQ1: What is the - Economic criteria Sust - Time fuzzy AHP
2018 best approach to had the highest aina - Space and VIKOR,
evaluate supplier weight, while global bilit - Density case study,
sustainability? risk had the least y - Mass and fuzzy
RQ2: Which weight among the perf - Fluid AHP.
sustainability sustainability criteria orm flow rate
criteria need to be considered. ance
considered for and
evaluating risks
sustainable of
suppliers? supp

– 70 –
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
14 Notarnicola empirical What are the issues - Life cycle thinking is N/A N/A discussing
B, 2017 and research crucial for sustainable challenges
preferences for life food supply chains. and research
cycle assessment in - Improving food priorities
supporting production and including
sustainable food consumption systems dedicated
supply chains? is essential for modeling
sustainable approaches
15 Esfahbodi empirical Does the adoption of - Implementation of Envi - linear
A, 2016 SSCM practices SSCM activities leads ron Sustainabl regression
result in a higher to higher men e analysis, a
level of environmental tal procureme one-way
environmental performance but not Perf nt ANOVA
performance and improved cost orm -
improved cost performance in ance Sustainabl
performance in emerging economies , e
emerging Cost distributio
economies? Perf n
orm -
ance Sustainabl
e design
t recovery


Selected opportunities for future research on responsible production

Research areas Suggestions and questions for future research

Case studies in responsible What are the cases of best practices, business models for the introduction of
production research area responsible production on the example of companies in various industries?
What are the features of the introduction of responsible production on the
example of companies from countries with different levels of per capita
Supply chain management in the How do organizational resources, organizational structure, and corporate
context of responsible culture affect the performance of implementing responsible production?
production What are sustainable supply chain management practices, issues, and models
on the most polluting industries across the world?
There is a necessity to include more industry specific studies, as the
responsible production needs and performance of all the industries are not
There is a need for more studies to develop better scales for measuring the
social impact of various supply chains
What are the effects of green supply chain management practices on
sustainability performance in non-manufacturing organizations like
wholesalers or retailers?
Does the application of SSCM activities lead to a higher level of
environmental performance and eventually result in enhanced cost
performance in emerging economies, in SMEs, in service sectors?

– 71 –
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024
Consumer behaviour in the Compare attitudes, motives and barriers to responsible consumption patterns
context of responsible in developed and developing countries, countries with different income levels,
production in different regions of the same country, among representatives of generations
X,Y, Z
Industry 4.0 and responsible To evaluate and compare the impact of industry 4.0 on the implementation
production success of responsible production principles in various industries
Responsible business models What is the role of social business model innovations in sustainability?
What is the impact of social business model innovations on corporate
economic and financial performance?


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Aknur Zhidebekkyzy – PhD, Associate Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Almaty, Kazakhstan. Email: aknur.zhidebekkyzy@kaznu.kz, ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-
* Dinara T.Kalmakova – PhD, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Email: dinara.kalmakova@kaznu.edu.kz, ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2733-8023

Anna Kotaskova – PhD, Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Email:

anna.kotaskova@gmail.com, ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7185-6541

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Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024

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