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PUSHx 64

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Push Install Instructions for x64 Microsoft Windows* Operating Systems



A "Push," or unattended installation provides a means for network

administrators to easily install a Microsoft Windows* operating system
on similarly equipped systems. The network administrator can create a
bootable media that will automatically log into a central server and
install the operating system from an image of the Windows installation
directory stored on that server. This document provides instructions
for a basic unattended installation that includes the installation of
drivers for Intel(R) Networking Devices.

As part of the unattended installation, you can create Teams and

VLANs. If you wish to create one or more team/VLANs as part of the
unattended installation, you must also follow the instructions in the
"Instructions for Creating Teams and VLANs (Optional)" section of this


Intel(R) 10GbE Network Adapters do not support unattended driver


Setting up an Install Directory on the File Server


The server must be set up with a distribution folder that holds the
required Windows files. Clients must also be able to read this folder
when connecting via TCP/IP or IPX.

For illustration purposes, the examples in this document use the

network share *D:WINPUSH*. To create this share:

1. Create a directory on the server, (EX: *D:WINPUSH*).

2. Use the My Computer applet to locate the *D:WINPUSH* folder.

3. Right-click the folder and select Sharing. Select Share this


4. Give it a share name (EX: *WINPUSH*). This share name will be used
to connect to this directory from the remote target systems.

5. Adjust permissions as necessary and click OK.

Instructions for Creating Teams and VLANs (Optional)


If you wish to create teams/VLANS as part of the unattended

installation, you need to create a configuration file with the
team/VLAN information in it. To create this file you need a sample
system that has the same type of adapter(s) that will be in the
systems receiving the push installation. On the sample system, use
Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager to set up the adapters in
the team/VLAN configuration you want.

1. Prepare the distribution folder on the file server as detailed in

the following section.

2. Copy *SavResDX.vbs* from the Intel download to the configured

system. The file is located in the *APPS\WMI\* directory in the
Intel software download.

3. Open a command prompt on the configured system and navigate to the

directory containing *SavResDX.vbs*.

4. Run the following command:

cscript SavResDX.vbs save

A configuration file called *WmiConf.txt* is created in the same


5. Copy the *SavResDX.vbs* and *WmiConf.txt* files to the

*$OEM$$1WMIScr* directory on the file server.

6. Locate the batch file, *Install.bat*, in *$OEM$$1WMIScr*. Edit the

batch file by removing the comment that precedes the second START
command. The file should look like the following when finished:

Start /wait %systemdrive%\drivers\net\INTEL\APPS\ProsetDX\Winx64\

DXSetup.exe /qn /li %temp%\PROSetDX.log
REM Uncomment the next line if VLANs or Teams are to be installed.
Start /wait /b cscript %systemdrive%\wmiscr\SavResDX.vbs restore %systemdrive
%\wmiscr\wmiconf.txt > %systemdrive%\wmiscr\output.txt

Push Instructions

To prepare the distribution folder:

1. Copy the entire contents from the Windows Install DVD to

*D:WINPUSH*. Use Windows Explorer or XCOPY to maintain the same
directory structure as on the Windows Install DVD. When the copy is
complete, the Windows installation files should be in the
*D:WINPUSH* directory.

2. Use the Windows System Image Manager to edit/generate the

*Unattend.xml* file and save it to the *D:WINPUSH* directory.

3. Create the driver install directory structure and copy the driver
files to it.

Example: From a Windows command prompt where "e:" is the drive letter
of your CDROM drive:

# (Note: you must be in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\ directory to run PUSHCOPY)
pushcopy D:\WINPUSH [WIN8]
The above command creates the *$OEM$* directory structure and copy all
the necessary files to install the driver and Intel(R) PROSet for
Windows Device Manager. However, Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device
Manager is not installed unless the FirstLogonCommands is added as
seen in the example below:

CommandLine= %systemdrive%\WMIScr\Install.bat
Description= Begins silent unattended install of Intel PROSet for Windows Device
Order= 1

Deployment Methods

Boot using your WinPE 2.0 media and connect to the server containing
your Windows installation share.

Run the command from the *\ServerWINPUSH* prompt:

setup /unattend:<full path to answer file>


In the above procedure, setup runs the installation in unattended

mode and also detects the plug and play network adapters. All driver
files are copied from the shared directory to the target system
directories and installation of the OS and Network Adapters
continues without user intervention.

If you installed VLANs as part of the unattended installation, view

the results of the script execution in the *output.txt* file. This
file is in the same directory as the *SavResDX.vbs* file.

Microsoft Documentation for Unattended Installations


For a complete description of the parameters supported in

*Unattend.XML*, visit support.microsoft.com to view the Windows
Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) documentation.

Legal / Disclaimers

Copyright (C) 1998-2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in

this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the
information contained herein.

Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be
claimed as the property of others.

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