PUSHx 64
PUSHx 64
PUSHx 64
The server must be set up with a distribution folder that holds the
required Windows files. Clients must also be able to read this folder
when connecting via TCP/IP or IPX.
4. Give it a share name (EX: *WINPUSH*). This share name will be used
to connect to this directory from the remote target systems.
Push Instructions
3. Create the driver install directory structure and copy the driver
files to it.
Example: From a Windows command prompt where "e:" is the drive letter
of your CDROM drive:
# (Note: you must be in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\ directory to run PUSHCOPY)
pushcopy D:\WINPUSH [WIN8]
The above command creates the *$OEM$* directory structure and copy all
the necessary files to install the driver and Intel(R) PROSet for
Windows Device Manager. However, Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device
Manager is not installed unless the FirstLogonCommands is added as
seen in the example below:
CommandLine= %systemdrive%\WMIScr\Install.bat
Description= Begins silent unattended install of Intel PROSet for Windows Device
Order= 1
Deployment Methods
Boot using your WinPE 2.0 media and connect to the server containing
your Windows installation share.
Legal / Disclaimers
Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be
claimed as the property of others.