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Digital literacy refers to the ability to use digital tools and technologies effectively, as

well as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to navigate the digital world. The
question of whether learners nowadays are digital literate is a complex one, as it depends
on various factors such as age, access to technology, and educational opportunities.

Moreover, digital literacy is crucial for learners in today’s world. It goes beyond
merely using computers. To become digitally literate, learners need to develop a range of
skills. They should be able to use technology to search for and create content, solve
problems, innovate, connect and communicate effectively online, collaborate with peers,
and discover and share new information. These skills are essential for their future careers
and overall success.

Based on my personal observations, many learners today demonstrate a level of

digital literacy, primarily due to the pervasive presence of technology in their lives. They
often grow up surrounded by smartphones, tablets, and computers, which fosters a
familiarity with digital interfaces and basic digital skills from an early age. Moreover,
educational institutions increasingly integrate technology into their curricula, exposing
students to digital tools and resources and recognizing its importance for career readiness,
educational success, and social engagement

However, it is important to note that not all learners may be equally proficient in
digital literacy. Some students may have limited access to technology or lack the necessary
resources and support to develop digital skills. Additionally, digital literacy is a rapidly
evolving field, and the challenges and risks associated with technology are constantly
changing. Therefore, it is crucial for learners to continuously update their digital skills and
knowledge to keep pace with technological advancements.

Also, the depth and breadth of digital literacy can vary widely among learners. Some
may possess only basic skills, such as using social media or browsing the internet, while
others may have more advanced abilities, such as coding, digital design, or data analysis.
Factors like access to technology, quality of education, and individual interest and
motivation play significant roles in determining the level of digital literacy.

Despite the widespread use of digital devices and platforms, there are still gaps in
digital literacy. Some learners may struggle with critical thinking when evaluating online
information, lack cybersecurity awareness, or have limited knowledge of digital privacy
issues. Additionally, disparities in access to technology and digital education exacerbate
inequalities in digital literacy.
In conclusion, while there is a growing emphasis on digital literacy in education and
society, the level of digital literacy among learners may vary depending on various factors. It
is important for educational institutions and individuals to prioritize digital literacy
education and provide ongoing support to ensure that learners are equipped with the
necessary skills to navigate the digital world effectively. While many learners today have
some degree of digital literacy, there is room for improvement, particularly in developing
more advanced skills and fostering a deeper understanding of digital technologies and their
implications. Educational efforts and initiatives to bridge the digital divide and promote
digital literacy are essential for ensuring that all learners can fully participate and succeed in
the digital age.

To prepare a learning material using a video, there are several steps I will take to
ensure it is effective and engaging for my learners: First, I will define my learning objectives.
To do this I would start by outlining the specific learning objectives I want to achieve with
the video. What do I want my learners to know, understand, or be able to do after watching
the video? “At the end of a video,the learners should be able to explain the process of
photosynthesis.” is an example of seting the learning objectives in preparing video lessons.
Secondly I will craft a storyboard. Story board creation means to create a storyboard
outlining the flow of the video. This will help me organize the content and visuals, ensuring
a logical and engaging sequence for learners to follow. In doing this, I would always put in
mind the objectives I want to achieve to my learners so that I will not be departed from the
storyboard I am creating. Third step is the Script Writing. I am going to write a script for the
video that aligns with my learning objectives. I will always consider to keep the language
clear, concise, and engaging to maintain the audience's or learner’s attention. Next, I will
gather visual assets. To do this, I will collect any visuals, animations, or graphics I plan to
include in the video to support the content and enhance understanding. Then, I am going to
record or create the video. I will use video recording equipment or software to create the
video. I will ensure the good lighting and audio quality for clear presentation. Alternatively,
I can also create animated videos using tools like Powtoon or Vyond. The next step is the
editing and post-production. I will edit the video to include visual enhancements, text
overlays, animations, or music to make it more engaging. Pay attention to pacing and
transitions between different topics. Also if applicable, I will incorporate interactivity. If the
video will be part of an interactive learning module, I will consider adding interactive
elements like quizzes, branching scenarios, or clickable hotspots to enhance learner
engagement. The I will make sure that there is an accessibility considerations. I will ensure
that the video is accessible to all learners by providing captions, transcripts, or audio
descriptions for those with disabilities. I will also test and gain some feedback from the
users. Before finalizing the video, I will test it with a small group of learners to gather
feedback on its effectiveness. If there is any feedback for improvements, I will make any
necessary revisions based on their input. And lastly, I will go on the distribution and
feedback collection of my crafted video. Once the video is ready, I will distribute it to my
learners through my chosen learning management system or platform. I will encourage
learners to provide feedback on the video to continuously improve my learning materials.

By following these steps, I can create a high-quality learning material using a video
that effectively communicates my content and engages my learners in a meaningful way.

An e-portfolio, short for electronic portfolio, is a digital collection of artifacts that represent a
person's achievements, skills, experiences, and learning journey. These artifacts can include documents,
images, videos, presentations, reflections, and other multimedia elements that showcase the
individual's growth and accomplishments. E-portfolios are often used to demonstrate learning
outcomes, skills development, and personal and professional growth. Whether it is advisable to give e-
portfolios as an output for learners depends on several factors:

In addition, e-portfolios encourage learners to reflect on their experiences, accomplishments,

and challenges, promoting deeper understanding and self-awareness. Helps provide a platform for
learners to showcase their skills, achievements, and learning progress in a dynamic and interactive
format. It allow learners to customize and personalize their portfolios to align with their unique goals,
interests, and strengths. It can be easily accessed and shared online, making it convenient for learners to
showcase their work to potential employers, educators, or peers. It also serve as a long-term record of a
learner's growth and development over time, providing a comprehensive view of their learning journey.
Learners may require guidance and support to create and manage e-portfolios effectively, especially if
they are not familiar with digital tools and platforms. It is important to clarify the purpose of the e-
portfolio and the intended audience. Learners should understand how their e-portfolio will be used and
who will be viewing it. Clear assessment criteria should be provided to learners to ensure that the e-
portfolios meet the desired learning outcomes and evaluation standards. Educators and learners need
to consider privacy and security issues when sharing personal information and work online. Safeguards
should be in place to protect sensitive data. E-portfolios should complement other forms of assessment
and not be the sole method of evaluation. Different assessment methods can provide a well-rounded
view of learners' progress and achievements. In conclusion, e-portfolios can be a valuable output for
learners, as they promote reflective learning, showcase skills, and support long-term development.
However, careful consideration should be given to factors such as technical skills, purpose, assessment
criteria, privacy, and balance with other assessments before implementing e-portfolios as a
requirement. When used thoughtfully and in alignment with learning objectives, e-portfolios can
enhance the learning experience and empower learners to share their accomplishments in a digital
format. An e-portfolio, short for electronic portfolio, is a digital collection of artifacts that represent a
person's achievements, skills, experiences, and learning journey. These artifacts can include documents,
presentations, videos, images, reflective writings, and other multimedia materials. E-portfolios allow
learners to showcase their skills, accomplishments, and growth over time in a digital format that is easily
accessible and shareable. It often include reflective components where learners can articulate their
thoughts, insights, and self-assessment of their learning experiences. This promotes deeper reflection on
their learning journey and enhances metacognitive skills. Learners can personalize their e-portfolios to
align with their interests, goals, and areas of expertise.

Overall, while e-portfolios offer numerous benefits as a means of documenting and showcasing learning
experiences and achievements, it's essential to consider the needs, preferences, and technical
capabilities of learners, as well as privacy and security concerns, before implementing them as an output
for learners.

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