Important Reminders - CLOS ENCODING
Important Reminders - CLOS ENCODING
Important Reminders - CLOS ENCODING
1. Familiarize yourself with the 11 tabs in the “New Loan Application” page in CLOS and the
information needed for each tabs.
a. Personal Information
b. Contact Information
c. Employment Information
d. Spouse Information
d.1 Personal Information
d.2 Contact Information
e. d.3 Employment Information
f. Financial Information
g. Dependent Information
h. Bank Reference
i. Loan Information
Co-Borrower Information
i.1 Personal Information
i.2 Contact Information
i.3 Employment Information
j. Collateral Information; and
k. Documentary Requirements
For the REFERRING Branch For the ENCODING Branch
2. All except tabs e, g, and k should be filled out 2. All except tabs e, g, and k should be filled
by the Encoding Branch. out by the Encoding Branch.
3. Tabs d. Spouse Information and i. Co-borrower 3. Tabs d. Spouse Information and i. Co-
information shall be filled out only if borrower information shall be filled out only
applicable. if applicable.
4. Using the Evaluation Sheet (excel file), assess 4. Ensure all source documents (i.e. Loan
and ensure that all source documents (i.e. Application, CIS, Marriage Cert., COE etc.)
Loan Application, CIS, Marriage Cert., COE are complete and ready before starting your
etc.) are submitted by the applicant. application in CLOS. CLOS sessions timeout
Each spouse, co-borrower and their spouse after 5 minutes of inactivity and lack a “Save”
should fill out CIS with DPC Form and submit function. Prepare to re-enter all information
the listed documents. if interrupted.
5. Make sure that forms are duly filled out and 5. Fill out/supply information in ALL
signed by the applicant/s and their spouse/s. highlighted fields in pages 2-6 to avoid
Take note of the details required in the CLOS delays. Credit Officers (CO) may require
(highlighted fields in pages 2-6). Other info any information for risk assessment,
could be obtained through interview. even if optional. Incomplete applications
6. Compute for the NDI of the Borrower to are returned to the Originator/Encoding
determine the Loan Amount to be endorsed. Branch and reported monthly.
7. Using the Endorsement Sheet, forward the 6. Do not forget to attach the source
loan application to the Encoding branch once documents before submitting the
completed. Do not forget to include the application.
Evaluation Sheet and the NDI Computation
Referring Branch should ensure that all the required details are available before endorsing to Encoding Branch.
Encoding Branch reserves the right to return endorsed loan applications with lacking data/information.
a. Personal Information
b. Contact Information
c. Employment Information
d. Spouse*
d.1 Personal Information (*Same Info are required for co-borrower and their spouse)
d. Spouse Information (continued)
d.2 Contact Information
h. Loan Information
and Purpose of Loan
should match.
If Mortgage Loan:
Loan Type: REL Multi-
Purpose of Loan:
If HOME Loan:
Loan Type: Choose
applicable loan type
except REM Multi-
Purpose of Loan:
Choose applicable
purpose except Multi-
Add-on-Rate (%)
If Mortgage Loan:
Use 10%
If HOME Loan:
Interest rate
applicable to applicant
based on fixing period
(6.00% to 7.50%)
If lot is owned
by the applicant,
check Lot
j. Collateral Information
TCT/CCT in the
Name of:
Indicate present
owner indicated
on the TCT of
the offered