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BTech Sem III Scheme and Syllabus

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OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

OP Jindal University

Scheme and Syllabus

B Tech

Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering
Session- 2024-25
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Scheme of Teaching and Examination
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering (III - Semester)

Type of Periods Scheme of Exam. and Credit

Course per week Marks L+(T+P)
S. Board of (NEP)
Subject Code SUBJECT PRE /2
No. Study Total
TA Marks
1 SOE-B-ME-23-301 ME CC Computational Mathematics 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
2 SOE-B-ME-23-302 ME CC Thermo-Fluids-I 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
3 SOE-B-ME-23-303 ME CC Computer-Aided Machine Drawing 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
4 SOE-B-ME-23-304 ME CC Mechanics of Materials 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
5 SOS-B-HUM-23-301 HUM VAC Health Wellness Yoga and Sports 0 0 2 00 25 25 50 1
6 SOE-B-ME-23-305 ME SEC Metrology & Mechanical Measurement 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
7 SOE-B-ME-23-306 ME SEC Scientific Computing Lab 0 0 4 – 30 20 50 2
8 SOE-B-ME-23-307 ME CC Thermo-Fluids-I Lab 0 0 2 – 30 20 50 1
9 SOE-B-ME-23-308 ME CC Computer-Aided Machine Drawing Lab 0 0 2 – 30 20 50 1
10 SOE-B-ME-23-309 ME CC Mechanics of Materials Lab 0 0 2 - 30 20 50 1
TOTAL 15 0 12 150 245 355 750 21
L: Lecture; T: Tutorial; P: Practical
CC: Core Course; AECC: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses; GE: Generic Elective
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Program: B.Tech Semester: III

Name of the Course: Computation Mathematics Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-301
Credits: 3 No of Hours: 03 hours/week Max Marks: 100

Course Description:
This course offers lecture to impart teaching and learning to develop problem solving approaches to
Engineering problem using complex variable, Laplace Transform, Numerical Methods, Probability and
basic statistics. This course covers fundamental concepts of complex variable, Laplace Transform,
Numerical Methods, Probability and basic statistics.

Course Outcomes:
After Completion of the course Students will be able to:
CO Course Outcome
CO1 Apply Laplace transform to solve the differential equations.
CO2 Understand various Numerical methods to solve differential and integral
Analyze and apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions to mathematical
CO3 problems and estimate errors in the calculation of various
CO4 Analyze statistical data and to use the basic probability rules
CO5 To know the importance of probability, random variables and distributions in solving
various mechanical engineering problems.


Unit I: Laplace Transform

Definition; Transform of elementary functions; Properties of Laplace transform; Transform of
derivatives & integrals; Multiplication by tn; Division by t; Inverse Laplace Transform; Convolution
theorem; Unit step function; Unit impulse function; Periodic function; Application to solution of
ordinary differential equations.

Unit II: Numerical Methods

Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; integration by trapezoidal and
Simpson’s rules; single and multi-step methods for differential equations.

Unit III: Complex Variables

Analytic functions; Cauchy-Riemann equations; Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula;
Taylor and Laurent series.

Unit IV: Basic Statistics and Probability

Descriptive measures: Measures of central tendency; Measures of dispersion; Measures of skewness
and Measures of kurtosis; Theory of probability: Basic probability theory; Axiom of probability; Some
elementary theorems; Conditional probability; Bayes’ theorem.

Unit V: Random variables and Probability distribution

Discrete Random variables; Discrete probability Distribution; Discrete probability distribution
function; Continuous Random variables; Continuous probability distribution; Continuous probability
distribution function; Expectation; Variance; Standard deviation; Moments; Moments generating
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
function; Coefficient of skewness and coefficient of kurtosis; Binomial, Poisson, Normal and
exponential distributions.

Text Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal – Khanna Publishers.
2. Statistical Methods by N G Das – McGraw Hill
3. Fundamentals of Statistics by S C Gupta – Himalaya Publishing House
4. Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science by Dr. B.S. Grewal – Khanna Publishers.
5. Numerical Methods by S. S. Sastry – Prentice Hall Inc. India.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering. Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig – John Wiley & Sons.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyengar – Narosa Publishing House.
3. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation by M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar
& R. K. Jain – Wiley Eastern Limited
4. John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Irwin Miller Marylees Miller –
PEARSON Publication
5. Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Richard L. Scheaffer, Madhuri S. Mulekar, James T.
McClave – Cengage Learning.
6. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Sheldon M. Ross –
Elsevier Academic Press.

CO–PO & PSO Correlation

CO Program Outcomes PSO

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 2 1 1 2
CO2 1 1
CO3 2 1 2
CO4 2 2 2 1 2
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Note: 1: Low 2.: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Program: B.Tech Semester: III
Name of the Course: Thermo Fluids - I Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-302
Credits: 3 No of Hours: 3 hours/week Marks: 100

Course Description:
Thermo Fluids I introduces students to the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and fluid
mechanics. Through theoretical understanding and practical applications, students will gain the skills
necessary to analyze and solve problems related to thermal and fluid systems, preparing them for
advanced studies in the field of mechanical engineering.

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to:

Course Outcome

Explain the basic concepts of thermodynamics, state and apply the first law of
CO1 thermodynamics for various systems, and evaluate the feasibility of a
thermodynamic process/cycle using the second law of thermodynamics.
Develop fundamental relations between commonly encountered
CO2 thermodynamic properties and to use various equations of state and heat
capacities to evaluate thermodynamic properties
Understand the basic fundamentals of fluid mechanics and solve problems of
CO3 simple fluid-based systems including pressures and forces on submerged
Analyze the different types of fluid flow and determine the velocity and
acceleration of a fluid particle at a given location in flow field
Implement Bernoulli’s equation to solve fluid flow problems and boundary
layer concept to evaluate the lift and drag forces on a submerged body.

First Law of Thermodynamics: Introduction, thermodynamic state and equilibrium, modes of energy,
work and heat transfer, first law referred to cyclic and non-cyclic processes, internal energy and
enthalpy, conservation of energy for an open system (flow process).
Second law of thermodynamics: Limitations of the First Law – thermal reservoir, heat
engine, heat pump, parameters of performance, second law of thermodynamics, Kelvin- Planck and
Clausius statements and their equivalence, PMM of second kind, reversibility and irreversibility, causes
of irreversibility, Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem, absolute thermodynamic temperature scale.
Entropy: Clasius theorem, the property of entropy, the inequality of Clausius, entropy principle and its
applications, entropy change during different thermodynamic processes, introduction to availability.

Thermodynamic Relationships: Maxwell’s equations, T-ds equations, difference in heat capacities,
coefficient of volume expansion and isothermal compressibility, adiabatic compressibility, ratio of
specific heat, energy equations, Joule-Kelvin effect, Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
Equation of state: Ideal gas equation of state, deviation of real gas from ideal gas, Vander Waal’s
equation of state.
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Properties of fluid: Fluid, ideal and real fluid, properties of fluid: mass density, weight density, specific
volume, specific gravity, viscosity, surface tension, capillarity, vapor pressure, compressibility and bulk
modulus. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
Fluid Statics: Pressure, Pascal’s law, hydrostatic law, hydrostatic force on submerged plane and curved
surface, buoyancy and flotation.

Unit- IV:
Fluid Kinematics: Description of fluid motion, Lagrangian and Eulerian approach, type of fluid flow,
type of flow lines line, streak line, streamline, stream tube. Continuity equation, acceleration of a fluid
particle, rotational flow, rotation and vorticity, circulation, stream and potential function.

Fluid Dynamics: Euler’s Equation, Bernoulli’s equation and its practical application, venturimeter,
orifice meter, nozzle, pitot tube. Impulse momentum equation, moment of momentum equation.
Boundary Layer Theory: Boundary layer definition and characteristics, momentum equation, laminar
and turbulent boundary Layer, total drag, separation, introduction to drag and lift.

Text Books:
1. Thermodynamics- An Engineering Approach – Cengal& Boles – McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Thermodynamics – P.K. Nag – TMH Publishers.
3. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering – D.S. Kumar– Kataria& Sons – New Delhi
4. A text of Fluid Mechanics – R. K. Rajput – S. Chand & Company Ltd., Delhi

References Books:
1. Fundamental of engineering thermodynamics- R.Yadav ,CPH, Allahabad
2. Thermal Science & Engineering – D.S. Kumar – S.K. Kataria& Sons
3. Fundamental of Thermodynamic- Claus Borgnakke, Richard E. Sonntag, Wiley, Delhi
4. An Introduction to Thermodynamics-Y.V.C.Rao University Prass, Hyderabad
5. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Machines-R.K.Bansal-Laxmi Publications., Delhi
6. Mechanics of Fluid – B.S. Massey – English Language Book Society (U.K.)
7. Fluid Mechanics- Yunush A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala- TMH, Delhi

CO-PO & PSO Correlation

Program Outcome PSO

CO Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1
CO2 2 1 1 2
CO3 2 1 1 2 1
CO4 2 1 1 1 2 1
CO5 3 1 1 1 3 1
Note: 1: Low 2.: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Program: B.Tech Semester: III

Name of the Course: Computer-Aided Machine Drawing Course Code: SOE–B–ME-23-303
Credits: 3 No of Hours: 03 hours/week Max Marks: 100

Course Description: Introduce students to the fundamentals and standards of engineering drawing for
machine components. Teaching the preparation of assembly and disassembly drawings of important
valves and machine components used in mechanical engineering applications.

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

Course Outcome
Understand the different types of production drawings, including limits, fits, and
CO1 tolerances, and the ability to interpret geometric tolerances and surface roughness
Draw various views of fasteners, riveted joints, and welded joints, including screw
threads, nuts, bolts, washers, and welding symbols.
Apply the principles of sectional views to create accurate sectional orthographic views
of machine elements, including different types of sections and hatching guidelines.
Develop detailed drawings from assembly drawings and vice versa, including
components such as cotter and knuckle joints, keys, clapper blocks, and tool posts.
Create assembly drawings for mechanical components, representing conventional
symbols for bearings, belts, pulleys, and various types of couplings and joints.

Unit – I: Fundamental of Drawing Standards:
Types of production drawings, size, shape and description; Limits, Fits and tolerances, Allocation of
fits for various mating parts, Tolerance data sheet, Tolerance table preparation, Geometric tolerance,
surface roughness and surface roughness symbols, reading the blue prints.

Unit – II: Fasteners and Riveted and welded joints:

Drawing of various views of Screw threads, metric and BSW threads, square threads and multi-start
threads, Nut bolts, washer, welding symbols, riveted joints, keys.

Unit – III: Sectional Views:

Introduction, Types of section, guidelines for hatching, examples of sectional orthography view on all
above types of sections of machine elements.

Unit – IV: Details Drawing:

Introduction to detail drawing, steps involved in preparing assembly drawing from details and vice
versa. Cotter and knuckle joint, Clapper block, Single tool post, Lathe; Milling tail stock etc. (any four)

Unit – V: Assembly Drawings:

I.S. conventional representation of bearings, Coupling, Cotter and knuckle joint, universal joint,
Plummer block, Lathe tool post, tool head of shaping machine, tail stock, machine vice, piston,
connecting rod, eccentric, screw jack, pipe vice. (any four)
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Text Books:
1. Machine Drawing by N.D. Bhatt, V. Panchal – Charotar Prakashan.
2. A text book of Machine Drawing by R.K. Dhawan – S. Chand, New Delhi.

Reference Books:
1. Machine Drawing by K. L. Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. V. Reddy – New Age International.
2. A textbook of Machine Drawing by K.C. John – Phi Learning.
3. I.S. Code: SP 46: 2003, Engg. Drg. Practice, Standard Publication.
4. Machine Drawing by P.S. Gill, B.D. – Kataria & Sons, Ludhiana, Katson Pb. House.

CO-PO & PSO Correlation

Program Outcome PSO

CO Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 2 2 2
CO2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
CO4 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2
CO5 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Program: B. Tech. Semester: III
Name of the Course: Mechanics of Materials Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-304
Credits: 3 No of Hours: 03 hours/week Max Marks: 100

Course Description:
This course serves as the foundation for many advanced techniques that enable engineers to design
machine components and mechanisms, predict failures, and understand the physical properties of
materials. "Mechanics of Materials" provides students with essential tools for analyzing stress, strain,
and deformation.

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to:

Course Outcome
Gain knowledge of different types of stresses, strains, and deformations induced in
mechanical components due to external loads.
Understand the distribution of various stresses in mechanical elements such as beams
CO2 and shafts, and be able to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for different
types of loads and support conditions.
CO3 Compute and analyze the stresses induced in beams and mechanical components.
CO4 Understand the effects of component dimensions and shapes on deformation and stress.
Analyze the buckling phenomenon in columns and the bending phenomenon in pressure


Simple Stresses and Strains: Introduction, Types of loads and deformation, Types of stresses and
strains, Hooke’s law, stress-strain diagram for ferrous and non-ferrous materials, Modulus of elasticity
(E), Modulus of rigidity (G) and Bulk modulus (K) of materials, Poisson’s ratio, volumetric strain,
Relation between E, G and K, Stresses in Bars of varying cross sections, composite sections, Thermal
stresses and strains, thermal stresses in composite sections, Strain energy, Resilience, Proof resilience,
Modulus of resilience, Gradually applied load, Suddenly applied loads and Impact loads.

Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams: Definitions, types of loading, types of beams, Shear
force and bending moment, sign conventions, S.F. and B.M. diagrams for Cantilever, simply supported
and subjected to Point loads, uniformly distributed loads and Combination of these loads, Point of
contra-flexure, numerical problems on above.

Bending Stresses in Beams: Theory of simple bending, Position of Neutral axis and neutral surface,
Moment of resistance, Section Modulus of symmetrical sections, Bending stresses in symmetrical
section, and Beam of uniform strength.
Shear Stresses in Beams: Introduction, Shear stress equation, Distribution of shear stresses over
various sections.
Deflection of Beams: Introduction, Strength and Stiffness of a beam, Curvature of a bent beam,
Derivation of equation for slope and deflections of beam in case of cantilever & simply supported beam
loaded with point loads, uniformly distributed load.
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Torsion of Shaft: Definition of torsion, Torsion equation, Strength of solid and hollow circular shafts,
Calculation of shaft diameter on the basis of strength and stiffness for given power transmitted,
Torsional Rigidity, Maximum torque comparison of solid and hollow shaft, Size of shaft for a given
Principal Stresses: Principal plane, Principal stress, Tangential and Normal stress, Maximum Shear
stress, Major and Minor principal stresses derivation for different cases, Mohr’s circle graphical
method, Theories of Failure.

Columns and Struts: Definition, Crippling load, different end conditions, Slenderness ratio, equivalent
length, Euler’s theory, Limitation of Euler’s formula, Rankine’s formula, Rankine constant for different
Thin Pressure Vessels: Cylindrical and spherical vessels subjected to internal pressure, Hoop stress,
longitudinal Stress, Volumetric strain.

Case Study: Column & Strut, Beams and Torsion of Shaft.

1. R. K. Rajput- Strength of Material, S. Chand Publications, Delhi.
2. Timoshenko and Young- Elements of Strength of Materials, East-West Press.
3. Subramanyam-Strength of Materials, Oxford University Press, Edition 2005
4. B.C Punmia Ashok Jain, Arun Jain- Mechanics of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
5. Basavarajaiah and Mahadevappa -Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Singer Harper-Strength of Materials, Row Publications.

References Books
1. James M. Gere-Mechanics of Materials (5th Edition), Thomson Learning
2. S. Ramamrutham -Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai Pvt. Ltd.
3. S. S. Rattan-Mechanics of Materials, TMH Pvt. Ltd.
4. S. B. Junnarkar- Mechanics of Structures, Charotar Publication.

CO-PO/PSO Mapping

Course Program Outcome PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 2 2 1 - 1 - - 3 2
CO2 3 2 1 1 - 1 - - 3 2
CO3 3 2 2 1 - 1 - - 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 2 - 1 - - 3 3
CO5 2 3 2 1 - 1 - - 2 3
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Program: B.Tech Semester: III
Name of the Course: Health Wellness Yoga and Sports Course Code: SOE-B-HUM-23-301
Credits: 1 No of Hours: 02 hours/week Max Marks: 50

Course Introduction:
The course Health Wellness Yoga and Sports is designed to introduce students to the ancient practice
of yoga, exploring its history, philosophy, and various techniques. This course aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of yoga’s principles and practices, emphasizing physical postures
(asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, and the ethical foundations of yoga. Through
both theoretical knowledge and practical application, students will gain the tools to integrate yoga into
their daily lives for improved physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

Course Outcome
Understand the benefits, principles of practice of yoga and practice various simple
and basic physical posture for physical fitness.
CO2 Learn and practice various yogic asanas for better physical and mental health.

Learn and practice various yogic pranayams for better physical and mental health as
well as wellbeing.


Unit-1: Practical’s- Exercises for Health and Wellness-1

 Warm-Up and Cool Down - General & Specific Exercises
 Physical Fitness Activities
 Stretching Exercises
 Strengthening Exercises
 Cardiovascular Exercises
 Flexibility and Agility Exercises
 Assessment of BMI
 Relaxation techniques
 Pilates and Rehabilitation
Unit-2: Yoga & Asanas
 Pawanmuktasana Group
 Relaxation Asanas
 Meditation Asanas
 Standing Asanas
 Surya Namaskar
 Chandra Namaskar
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Unit 3: Yoga & Pranayama
 Pranayam
 Mudra
 Bandha
 Shatkarma

Textbooks and Reference Books

1. Kaminoff, L. et al (2007). Yoga Anatomy. Human Kinetics, USA.
2. Kirk, M. (2005). The Hatha Yoga Illustrated. Human Kinetics, USA.
3. Mukerji, A.P. (2010). The Doctorine and Practice of Yoga. General Books, LLC, New Delhi.
4. Norton, W.W. (2010). Yoga for Osteoporosis: The Complete Guide. W.W. Norton & Company,
5. Sarin N (2003). Yoga Dawara Rogoon Ka Upchhar. Khel Sahitya Kendra
6. Sri Swami Rama, (2001). Breathing. Rishikesh Sadhana Mandir Trust.
7. Bhat, Krishna K.: The Power of Yoga: SuYoga Publications Mangalore, 2006.

CO, PO & PSO Correlation

Program Outcomes PSOs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2
CO2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3
CO3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 2
CO4 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3
CO5 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Program: B.Tech Semester: III
Name of the Course: Metrology and Mechanical Measurements
Course Code: SOE–B–ME305
Credits: 3 No of Hours: 3 hrs./week Max Marks: 100

Course Description:
The main objective of this course is to make students familiar with the mechanical measuring systems,
and the standard measurement methods. It further aims to make them to understand the basic
measurement systems in the real time engineering applications.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to

CO Course Outcome
CO1 Understand the working of linear and angular measuring instruments.
CO2 Demonstrate the ability to apply the principle of limits, fits and tolerance while designing and
manufacturing the components of their requirement.
CO3 Understand the fundamentals of various methods for the measurements of screw threads,
surface roughness parameters and the working of optical measuring instruments.
CO4 Demonstrate the ability to analyse the results of various measuring systems and instruments
for motion and dimensional measurements
CO5 Demonstrate the methods of measurement for various quantities like Pressure, temperature,
displacement, velocity and acceleration.


Linear and angular measurements, Interferometry, Measurement system analysis:
Meaning of Metrology, Precision, Accuracy, Methods and Errors in Measurement, Calibration.
Linear Measurement: Standards, Line Standards, End Standard, Wavelength Standard, Classification
of Standards, Precision and Non -Precision Measuring instruments and their characteristics, Slip
Interferometry: Introduction, Flatness testing by interferometry, NPL Flatness, Interferometer. Study
of Measuring Machines, Recent Trends in Engineering Metrology, use of interferometers for length,
angle and surface roughness measurement.
Angle Measurement: Sine bars, Sine Centers, Uses of sine bars, angle gauges, Auto Collimator Angle
Dekkor, Constant deviation prism.

Design of gauges, Interferometers and Comparators, Measuring machines:
Limits, Fits and Tolerances: Meaning of Limit, Fits and Tolerance, Cost – Tolerance relationship,
concept of Interchangeability, Indian Standard System.
Design of limits gauges: Types, Uses, Taylor ‘s Principle, Design of Limit Gauges, Three surface
Inspection of geometric parameters: Straightness, Flatness, Parallelism, Concentricity, Squareness,
and Circularity.
Comparators: Uses, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages of various types of Comparators.
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Surface finish measurement, Screw thread metrology, Gear metrology:
Surface finish measurement: Surface Texture, Meaning of RMS and CLA values, Roughness
Measuring Instruments, Tactile and Non-tactile measuring instruments, difference between waviness
and roughness, Grades of Roughness, Specifications, Assessment of surface roughness as per IS,
Relationship between surface roughness and Manufacturing Processes. Screw thread metrology:
External Screw Thread Terminology, Floating Carriage Instruments, Pitch and flank Measurement of
External Screw Thread, Application of Tool Maker ‘s Microscope, Use of Profile Projector. Gear
metrology: Spur Gear Parameters, Gear Tooth Thickness Measurement: Gear Tooth Vernier Caliper,
Constant Chord Method, Span Micrometer.

Introduction to mechanical measurements:
Importance of Measurements, Classification of measuring instruments, generalized measurement
system, types of inputs for measurements. Concepts such as Linearity, Sensitivity, Static error,
Precision, Reproducibility, Threshold, Resolution, Hysteresis, Drift, Span & Range etc. Errors in
Measurements, Classification of errors in measurements.

Measurement methods and devices:
Pressure measurement: Elastic pressure transducers viz. Bourdon tubes, diaphragm, bellows and
piezoelectric pressure sensors, High Pressure Measurements, Bridge man gauge. Temperature
measurement: Thermocouple, Resistance thermometers, Thermistors, Pyrometers. Liquid in glass
Thermometers, Bimetallic strip. Displacement measurement: Transducers for displacement
measurement, potentiometer, LVDT, Capacitance Types, Digital Transducers (optical encoder), Nozzle
Flapper Transducer. Velocity measurement: Tachometers, Tacho generators, Digital tachometers and
Stroboscopic Methods. Acceleration measurement: theory of accelerometer and vibrometers,
practical accelerometers, strain gauge based and piezoelectric accelerometers.
Introduction to electrical/electronic measurement: Current, Voltage, Frequency etc.

Text books:
1. Metrology & Measurement, Anand K Bewoor, Vinay A Kulkarni, McGraw-Hill.
2. Engineering Metrology, R.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
3. Engineering Metrology and Measurements, Raghavendra, Krishnamurthy, Oxford University
4. Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation, R. K. Rajput, S. K. Kataria & Sons.
5. A Text book of Engineering Metrology, I.C. Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications Pvt. Ltd. 6th Edition,

References Books:
1. Measurement Systems Application and Design, Ernest O. Doebelin, Dhanesh N. Manik, McGraw-
2. Metrology for Engineers, J.F.W. Galyer, C.R. Schotbolt, Cengage Learning EMEA Publishers.
3. Mechanical Measurements, T. Thomas, G. Beckwith, H. L. John, D. M. Roy, Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2007.
4. ASME, Hand book of Industrial Metrology, 1998.
5. Engineering Metrology, K. J. Hume, Macdonald & Co. Ltd.
6. Experimental Methods for Engineers, J. P. Holman, Mcgraw-Hill.
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
7. Practical Engineering Metrology, K.W.B. Sharp, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd.
8. Mechanical Measurements, Beckwith Marangoni and Lienhard, Pearson Education.
CO–PO/PSO Mapping

Course Program Outcome PSO

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
CO3 3 3 1 1 3 2
CO4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2
CO5 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 3
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Program: B.Tech Semester: III
Name of the Course: Scientific Computing Lab Course Code: SOE–B–ME-23-306
Credits: 2 No of Hours: 4 hrs./week Max Marks: 50

Course Description:
This course provides comprehensive understanding of key mathematical concepts and their
applications in engineering and scientific computing using MATLAB. The topics covered
include complex variables, Laplace transforms, numerical methods, basic statistics and
probability, random variables, and probability distributions. Through a combination of
theoretical lectures and practical MATLAB-based exercises, students will develop the
skills necessary to solve complex mathematical problems and apply these techniques in
various engineering and scientific contexts.

Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO Course Outcome
CO1 Able to use MATLAB effectively to analyze and visualize data
Apply a top–down, modular, and systematic approach to design, write,
CO2 test, and debug sequential MATLAB programs to achieve computational
Design and document computer programs and analyses in a careful and
CO3 complete manner so as to effectively communicate results, to facilitate
evaluation and debugging by another programmer, and to anticipate and
resolve user errors
CO4 Create and control simple plot and user–interface graphics objects in
CO5 Apply numeric techniques and computer simulations to solve
engineering–related problems

List of Experiments: (Minimum assignment 10)

1. MATLAB Basics: Introduction, operation with arithmetic, logarithmic

and trigonometric function.
2. Operations with arrays, polynomials, problem practice.
3. Script file, problem practice.
2. Function file, problem practice.
3. Programming: graphics, input / output.
4. Plotting of 2D and 3D curves, problem practice.
5. Roots: programming for general method.
6. Numerical integration formulas, numerical integration of functions.
7. Numerical differentiation, problem practice.
8. Ordinary differential equation problem practice.
9. Analyse and manipulate complex functions using MATLAB.
10. Laplace transforms using MATLAB.
11. Implement numerical algorithms for roots of algebraic and transcendental
equations using MATLAB.
12. MATLAB implementation of descriptive statistics.
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
13. MATLAB simulations of probability experiments.
14. MATLAB implementation of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals.
15. MATLAB implementation of random variable simulations

Text/Reference Books:
1. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB by Chapra S. C. – TMH publication.
2. MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers by Dukkipati R. V. – New Age
International Publishers.
3. Getting Started with MATLAB 7 by Pratap R. – Oxford University Press. 2005.
2. Engineering Mechanics Problem with MATLAB by Dukkipati R. V. & Srinivas
J. – New Age International Publishers.
3. A Handbook on Numerical Technique Lab: MATLAB Based Experiments by Mishra
K. K.I. K. – International Publication.

CO–PO/PSO Mapping

Course Program Outcome PSO

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 3 2 1 3 2
CO2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 1
CO4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 3
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Programme: B.Tech. Semester: III
Name of the Course: Thermo Fluids – I Lab Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-307
Credits: 1 No of Hours: 02 hours/week Max Marks: 50

Course Description: The Thermo Fluids I Lab complements the theoretical knowledge gained in
the Thermo Fluids I course through hands-on experiments. This practical experience is essential for
understanding and applying thermodynamic and fluid mechanics principles in real-world scenarios.

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to:

Course Outcome
Understand the basic concept of temperature measuring through different
Identify the key components and understand the low-pressure industrial boilers
CO3 Understand and apply Bernoulli’s theorem practically
Understand and use the basic pressure, velocity and flow rate measurement
Demonstrate the ability to work in teams and present the experimental outcomes
in form of report

List of Experiments:
(At least Ten experiments are to be performed by each student)

1. To study different types of temperature measurement techniques including the

Thermography approach.
2. To study Mountings & Accessories of a Boiler.
3. To study the Cochran Boiler and its Accessories and Mountings.
4. To study Lancashire and its Accessories and Mountings.
5. To study the Babcock Wilcox and its Accessories and Mountings.
6. To determine Meta centric height of floating body.
7. To study different types of manometers used for pressure measurement.
8. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem experimentally.
9. To measure the velocity of flow using Pitot tube.
10. To determine the coefficient of discharge of Venturi meter.
11. To determine the coefficient of discharge of Orifice meter.

Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:

1. Boiler mountings.
2. Boiler accessories.
3. Cochran boiler.
4. Lancashire boiler.
5. Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
6. Apparatus for determination of meta centric height.
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
7. Manometers and pressure gauge
8. Bernoulli’s apparatus.
9. Venturimeter Apparatus.
10. Orifice meter Apparatus
11. Complete setup for flow measurement using Pitot tube

CO-PO & PSO Correlation

Course Program Outcome PSO

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 3 2 2 - 1 - - 3 3
CO2 3 2 1 2 - 1 2 1 3 2
CO3 3 3 3 2 - 1 - - 3 3
CO4 3 3 2 2 - 1 - - 3 3
CO5 2 3 2 3 - 1 1 - 2 2

Note: 1: Low 2.: Moderate 3: High

OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Program: B.Tech Semester: III
Name of the Course: Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab
Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-308
Credits: 1 No of Hours: 2 hrs./week Max Marks: 50

Course Description:
Introduce students to the fundamentals and standards of engineering drawing for machine components.
Teaching the preparation of assembly and disassembly drawings of important valves and machine
components used in mechanical engineering applications.

Course Outcomes (COs): After completion of the course students will be able to:
Course Outcome
Understand the application of industry standards and techniques applied in Machine
Comprehend general projection theory, with an emphasis on the use of orthographic
projection to represent three–dimensional objects.
CO3 Apply sectional views to most practically represent engineered parts.
Draw details drawing of important parts used in major mechanical engineering
Draw assemble drawing of important parts used in major mechanical engineering


First angle method of Projection should be used.

1. One sheet consists of minimum 4 problems from Unit 1: Conventional representation & BIS
2. One sheet consists of minimum 4 problems from unit 2: Geometric tolerance, surface roughness
and surface roughness symbols
3. One sheet consists of minimum 4 problems from unit 3: sectional orthography views.
4. One sheet consists of minimum 2 problems from unit 4: Detail Drawing.
5. One sheet consists of minimum 2 problems from unit 5: Assembly Drawing.

(Minimum of Five experiments must be performed using standard CAD Software)

1. To create an orthographic projection of the given machine part by using CAD software.
2. To create an orthographic sectional view of the given machine part by using CAD software.
3. To create assemble of various Mechanical component
i. Flange coupling
ii. Knuckle joint.
iii. Cotter joint
iv. Stuffing Box
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
4. To create detailed drawings of various Mechanical component.

i. Flange coupling
ii. Knuckle joint.
iii. Cotter joint
iv. Stuffing Box

CO–PO/PSO Mapping

CO Number Program Outcome PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 3
CO2 3 3 2 2 1 2 - 1 3 2
CO3 3 3 2 2 1 2 - 1 3 2
CO4 3 3 3 2 1 2 - - 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 2 1 2 - - 3 3
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Programme: B. Tech. Semester: III
Name of the Course: Mechanics of Materials Lab Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-309
Credits: 1 No of Hours: 02 hours/week Max Marks: 50

Course Description: The objective of the Strength of Materials Lab is to demonstrate the basic
principles in the area of strength, mechanics of materials, and structural analysis to undergraduate
students through a series of experiments. In this lab, experiments are performed to measure the
properties of materials such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, and

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to:

Course Outcome

CO1 Demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials

Analyze and design structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion,

CO2 bending and combined stresses using the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and
elastic behavior of materials.
Utilize appropriate materials in design considering engineering properties, sustainability,
cost and weight.
Measure the properties of the materials such as impact strength, tensile strength,
compressive strength, hardness, ductility etc.
Perform engineering work in accordance with ethical and economic constraints related
to the design of structures and machine parts

List of Experiments (minimum 10 numbers):

1. To perform the Tensile Test of Mild Steel on Computerized U.T.M and to Draw Stress–Strain Curve
2. To perform the Compression test on Bricks, Concrete blocks using Computerized U.T.M and to
Draw Stress–Strain Curve
3. To perform the Shear test on ductile material using Computerized U.T.M and to Draw Stress–Strain
4. To determine strength of wood on U.T.M (i) Along the Grain (ii) Across the Grain.
5. To determine Izod and Charpy Value of the given mild steel specimen by Impact Testing Machine
6. To estimate Spring Constant under Tension and Compression.
7. To perform Torsion Test on circular bar.
8. To determine modulus of rigidity for the material of open and closed Coiled Helical Spring
Subjected to Axial Load by spring testing machine.
9. To study the Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine and to determine the Rockwell Hardness of the
given material
10. To study the Brinell Hardness Machine and to determine the Brinell hardness of the given material
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
11. To study the Cupping Test Machine and to determine Erichsen value of Mild Steel sheet.
12. Solve minimum two numerical of Strength of Material using MATLAB.
13. Solve minimum two numerical of Strength of Material using ANSYS.

Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:

1. Universal Testing Machine

2. Impact Testing Machine
3. Fatigue Testing Machine
4. Spring Testing Machine
5. Torsion Testing Machine
6. Cupping Testing Machine
7. Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine
8. Brinell Hardness Machine
9. MATLAB Software
10. ANSYS Software
CO–PO/PSO Mapping

CO Number Program Outcome PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 2 1 3 2
CO2 3 2 2 2 1 3 2
CO3 3 2 1 2 1 3 2
CO4 3 2 5 2 1 2 3
CO5 3 3 5 2 1 1 3 2
Note: 1: Low 2: Moderate 3: High
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Scheme of Teaching and Examination
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering (IV - Semester)

Type of Periods Scheme of Exam. and Credit

Course per week Marks L+(T+P)
S. Board of (NEP)
Subject Code SUBJECT PRE /2
No. Study Total
TA Marks
1 SOE-B-ME-23-401 ME CC Thermo-Fluids –II 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
2 SOE-B-CSE-23-401 CSE CC Data Science & Analytics 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
3 SOE-B-ME-23-402 ME CC Engineering Metallurgy 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
4 SOE-B-ME-23-403 ME CC Manufacturing Technology - I 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
5 SOE-B-ME-23-404 ME CC Kinematics of Machine 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 3
6 SOE-B-ME-23-405 ME GE Plant Maintenance & Safety 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 2
7 SOE-B-ME-23-406 ME CC Thermo-Fluids –II Lab 0 0 2 – 30 20 50 1
8 SOE-B-ME-23-407 ME CC Engineering Metallurgy Lab 0 0 2 – 30 20 50 1
9 SOE-B-ME-23-408 ME CC Manufacturing Technology - I Lab 0 0 2 – 30 20 50 1
10 SOS-B-HUM-23-401 HUM VAC Universal Human Values –II 3 0 0 - 30 20 50 3
TOTAL 20 0 06 165 230 355 750 23

L: Lecture; T: Tutorial; P: Practical

CC: Core Course; AECC: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses; GE: Generic Elective
OP Jindal Knowledge Park, Punjipathra, Raigarh-496109
Programme: B.Tech Semester: IV
Name of the Course: Thermo Fluids - II Course Code: SOE-B-ME-23-401
Credits: 3 No of Hours: 3 hours/week Max Marks: 100

Course Description: Thermo Fluids II builds upon the principles introduced in Thermo Fluids,
focusing on advanced thermodynamic and fluid mechanics concepts. The course overs properties of
pure substances, vapor and gas power cycles, laminar and turbulent flow, and flow through pipes.
Additionally, students will explore hydraulic and centrifugal pumps, hydraulic turbines, and
dimensional analysis. Through theoretical and practical applications, this course equips students with
the knowledge to analyze and optimize complex thermal and fluid systems in engineering.

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to:

Course Outcome
Draw and illustrate the property diagram for various phase change processes and solve
basic problems related to vapor cycle using steam table/Mollier chart
To understand different gas power cycles and solve problems related to gas power
CO3 Use appropriate equations and principles to solve pipe flow problems
Understand the working principles of various hydraulic machines viz. turbines, pumps
and access their performance
CO5 Perform dimensional analysis and identify important dimensionless parameters


Properties of Pure Substances: Thermodynamic properties of pure substances, phase transformations,
dryness fraction, Triple point, Critical state, p-v, p-T, T-s, h-s diagrams, P-V-T surfaces, – Properties
and processes of ideal vapour, use of steam tables and Mollier’s diagram.
Vapor Power Cycle: Simple steam power cycle, Rankine cycle; p-v, T-s and h-s diagrams, efficiency,
steam rate, heat rate. Comparison of Rankine and Carnot cycles, mean temperature of heat addition,
reheat cycle, regenerative cycle, and characteristics of ideal working fluids.

Gas power cycles: An overview of reciprocating engine, air standard cycle - Otto, Diesel, Dual cycle
- description and representation on P-V and T-S diagram, thermal efficiency, mean effective pressure,
comparison of cycles. An overview (only p-v and T-s diagram) of Stirling and Ericson cycle.

Laminar Flow: Reynold’s experiment, flow of viscous fluids in circular pipe, flow of viscous fluids
between two parallel plates - shear stress, pressure gradient relationship, velocity distribution, and drop
of pressure head.
Turbulent flow: Effect of turbulence, Expression for loss of head due to friction in pipes (Darcy-
Weisbach equation).
Flow through pipe: Loss of energy in pipes, pipe in series and parallel, equivalent pipe power
transmission through pipe.

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