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Science 10 - Module 25

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Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code
1 Hour

Gain Attention
What can you share you see the picture about mutation?

Inform Learners of objectives


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Describe the types of mutations that can affect genes;
2. Differentiate the different kinds of chromosomal mutation;
4. Understand the good and bad effects of mutation

5. explore the causes and effects of mutation.
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning

Directions: Tell whether the following mutation is HARMFUL or BENEFICIAL.

Write your answers on the space provided.
_____________1. Plants inability to make chlorophyll.
_____________2. Albinism in humans where an albino is sensitive to the effects of sun
_____________3. Mutation in blood proteins prevents viruses or parasites to thrive in
host organisms.
_____________4. Mutation in the color of a butterfly species protects itself from
_____________5. Mutation in certain body cells can cause cancer.

Present the content and provide learning

A change in the genetic code
results in the change in protein structure
or level of expression. This may lead to
changes in cellular properties and behavior
thus, the organism is affected. The change
in the genetic material of an organism is
called mutation and can be induced by
factors called mutagens. Mutagens can be
in the form of radiation, chemicals,
extremes of temperature, and even viral
infection. Mutations may be harmful. In
body cells, mutations can cause cancer,
while in sex cells it can cause birth defects. In plants, mutations may result in their
inability to make chlorophyll that eventually led to plant death. Another harmful
mutation is albinism in humans. Unlike normal persons, an albino cannot tolerate
excessive exposure under the sun. Mutations can sometimes be beneficial. Example
in blood proteins, it prevents viruses or parasites to thrive in host organisms.

In agriculture, traits of plants and animals could be modified by targeted or

random mutations. Mutations are said to be heritable if it occurs in sex cells. If the
eggs or sperms are affected, it can produce offspring with new characteristics. If
mutations occur in body or somatic cells, it is not hereditary. The defects cannot be
passed on to the offspring and is only observed in the individual.
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

Mutations may involve a change in the genes or in the chromosomes.

It can be of two types, namely:

1) Gene mutation
There is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene. It may be
caused by high energy radiation (e.g. X-rays and UV light), chemicals reacting with
DNA, and high temperature.

2) Chromosomal mutation
It occurs at the chromosome level resulting in gene deletion, duplication, or a change
in chromosome structure. It may be caused by parts of chromosomes breaking off
or incorrect combination.

The normal genetic content of the chromosome may be affected. Many

diseases are caused by the effects of inherited genes. In most cases, there is only a
small difference between the DNA sequence in the defective gene and a normal one.
This difference is enough to cause serious and often fatal diseases.

Consider what might happen if an incorrect amino acid was inserted in a

growing protein chain during the process of translation. Do you think this will affect
the structure of the entire molecule?

Read the two sentences below.

What happens when a single letter in the first sentence is changed?


Did you see that changing a single letter also changes the meaning of the sentence?

A change in nitrogenous base in a protein may yield a different amino acid

and a corresponding change in the protein structure and function.

What will happen if a single base is deleted from a DNA strand?

Deletion or insertion of a base may change the reading frame of the codon leading
to a frameshift mutation.

Read again the two sentences below.


Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

Mutations in chromosomes may

occur in a variety of ways.
Sometimes parts of chromosomes
are broken off and last during
mitosis or meiosis.

Here are the kinds of chromosomal mutations.

1) Translocation occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to
another chromosome.
2) Deletion refers to the loss of a
segment of DNA or chromosome.
3) Inversion involves the breakage of a
chromosome in two places in which
the resulting piece of DNA is reversed
and re-inserted into the chromosome.

Changes that affect the structure of chromosomes can cause

problems with growth, development, and function of the body’s systems.
These changes can affect many genes along the chromosome and disrupt
the proteins made from those genes.
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

Gain or loss of chromosome material results in chromosomal mutations or

aberrations. Human examples of genetic disorders are the following:

● Down’s syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21


● Edward’s syndrome in trisomy of chromosome 18. The second most common

trisomy after Down’s syndrome.

● Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY). Men with this condition are usually sterile and
tend to have longer arms and legs and to be taller than their peers. They are
often shy and quiet and have a higher incidence of speech delay.

● Turner’s syndrome. Female sexual characteristics are present but

underdeveloped. They often have a short stature, low hairline, abnormal eye
features, and bone development, and a “caved-in” appearance to the chest.

● “Cri du chat” is caused by the deletion of part of the short arm of

chromosome 5. The condition is so named because affected babies make
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

high-pitched cries that sound like a cat. Affected individuals haul wide-set
eyes, a small head and jaw, are moderately to severely mentally retarded, and
very short.
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

Human Karyotyping

It is estimated that one in 156 live births has some kind of chromosomal
abnormality. Some of the abnormalities associated with chromosome structure
and number can be detected by a test called karyotype. A karyotype is an image
of the full set of chromosomes of an individual that displays the normal number,
size, and shape. To produce a karyotype, chromosomes commonly derived from
actively dividing white
blood cells are stained
and photographed. You
inherit one chromosome
of each pair from your
mother and the other
from your father.
Altogether humans have
23 homologous pairs of
chromosomes or a total
of 46 chromosomes. The
23rd pair of
chromosomes is called
the sex chromosomes
while the first 23 pairs
are the body

Elicit Performance
Directions: Read the following questions and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
1. Genetic engineering includes techniques that transfer a specific
genetic information from one organism to another. This is referred to as ___________.
a. genetically engineered DNA
b. genetically engineered organism
c. recombinant DNA process
d. recombinant DNA technology
2. What do you call the organism whose genetic information has been altered using
recombinant DNA technology?
a. Genetically engineered organism
b. Genetically classified organism
c. Genetically modified organism
d. Genetically produced organism

3. In humans, what is the total number of chromosomes?

Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code
a. 23
b. 46
c. 47
d. 24
4. It is the change in the genetic material of an organism.
a. Mutation b. Mutagens c. Mutant d. Mutate
5. How many chromosomes are involved in translocation?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
6. What type of cell where mutation is not hereditary? It affects the individual but the
defects cannot be passed on to the offsprings.
a. sex cells
b. body cells
c. sex organs
d. reproductive organs
7. It is a trisomy of chromosome 18 which is the second common trisomy after
Down’s syndrome.
a. Klinefelter’s syndrome
c. Cri du chat
b. Turner’s syndrome
d. Edward’s syndrome
8. A kind of chromosomal mutation where there is a loss of a segment of DNA or
a. Deletion
b. Inversion
c. Translocation
d. Duplication
9. A type of mutation where there is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that
makes up a gene caused by high energy radiation, the reaction of chemicals, and
high temperature.
a. chromosomal mutation c. gene mutation
b. deletion d. inversion
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code
Here are the module’s key ideas:
● Mutation is a change in the genetic code results in the change in protein
structure or level of expression. This may lead to changes in cellular properties
and behavior thus, the organism is affected.
● There are two types of mutation: Gene mutation and chromosomal mutation

● Down’s syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21

● Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY). Men with this condition are usually sterile and tend
to have longer arms and legs and to be taller than their peers. They are often shy
and quiet and have a higher incidence of speech delay.

Assess performance
Direction: Identify the characteristic of the three genetic disorders. (1-15)

Klinefelter’s _________________________________________________
syndrome _________________________________________________

Down Syndrome

Turner’s _________________________________________________
syndrome _________________________________________________

Rubrics: Content – 3 pts, Supporting details – 2 pts, Total – 5 pts each

Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code
Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary Education. Project EASE Integrated
Science 1, Module 12. Inside the Earth.

Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary Education (2013). Science - Grade 8

Learner’s Module. Vibal Publishing House, Inc.

Punongbayan, R. et al. (1998). The Philippine Archipelago Volume 1. Tarbuck, E.J. et

al. (2009). Earth Science 12th ed.

Department of Education Learners Manual Science for Grade 10. First Edition. 2015.
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code
Module 25
Mutation: Changes in Genetic code

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