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Factors Affecting The Reading Comprehension Proficiency of Grade 10 Students in Saint Anthony Center of Science and Technology

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Factors Affecting The Reading Comprehension Proficiency Of Grade 10

Students In Saint Anthony Center Of Science And Technology-

[paki capslock po yung title]

Pajarillaga, Lanz

Pajarillaga, Jennylyn

Sending, Rafael Kean

Tamayo, Mariel


Grade 11 Saint Therese General Academic Strand (GAS)





One of the most important abilities and the place where a person begins to learn

about everything around him is reading. To gain and achieve learning in school and

throughout life, this is essentially crucial. This ability enables students to make

connections between their prior experiences and their new learning, to comprehend

language, visuals, and their message, and to expand their understanding of practices

and ideas that will be passed down to future generations. Reading is one of the

macroskills in language learning (Cabigaoa, 2012; Cabigaos, 2012); hence, it is

important for students to improve their reading abilities in order to advance to more

advanced academic levels.

Reading is one of the most important skills that an individual must need to

learn. It serves as a gateway to every student to learn different subject. Comprehension

entails reading with a deep understanding by interpreting the meaning of the written

text, focusing not only on individual words or sentences but also on the connections

among the sentences within the discourse. Persons who do not know how to read may

experience difficulties and challenges in understanding.

According to (Elleman & Oslund’ (2019), Reading comprehension is one of the

most complex cognitive activities in which humans engage, making it difficult to teach,

measure, and research. (Kendeou and Spasnoudis (2015)), states that reading

comprehension is essential for successful functioning in our society. In virtually all

instances, the goal of reading is to identify the meaning or message of the text at hand.

Doing so involves the execution and integration of many processes.


Learning to read can be challenging endeavor for individuals. The difficulty that

some children encounter while reading should not be equated with their level of

intelligence or work ethic, children may encounter difficulties with reading due to a

range of factors such as limited exposure to books, speech and hearing impairments,

and lack of phonemic awareness. This affects the ability of a person to read and

understand a context.

The main reason why this research was conducted is to inestigate the factors

affecting the reading comprehension proficiency among Grade 10 students in St.

Anthony Center of Science and Technology. Inc. Furthermore, this study will serves as

an evidence to support and improve reading comprehension skills, and teach us the way

to accelerate the reading skills without affecting the processing of information.

Theoretical Framework

The Simple View of Reading (SVR), posits that reading comprehension is the

product of word decoding and linguistic comprehension (Gough & Tunmer, 1986).

Across many languages, research has shown that reading comprehension can be

explained by individual differences in these two components, though the relative

relationship of the components changes over time (Catts, 2018). Early in

development, decoding is more closely associated with reading comprehension than

linguistic competence, but once decoding is mastered, linguistic comprehension

becomes a better predictor of reading comprehension (e.g., Catts, Adlof, & Weismer,

2005). The SVR has been useful to researchers and practitioners by providing a

framework for understanding different profiles of struggling readers including

students who struggle primarily due to word-level problems (i.e., dyslexic),


comprehension issues (i.e., poor comprehender), or both (i.e., garden variety poor

reader). As useful as the model has been, it does not explicate the subcomponents of

language or cognitive processes that underlie reading comprehension (Catts, 2018).

Reading comprehension requires the coordination of multiple linguistic and

cognitive processes including, but not limited to, word reading ability, working

memory, inference generation, comprehension monitoring, vocabulary, and prior

knowledge (Perfetti, Landi, & Oakhill, 2005). The multifaceted nature of reading

comprehension is reflected in component models that consider subcomponents of

comprehension. Component models such as the direct and inferential mediation

model (DIME; Ahmed et al., 2016; Cromley, Snyder-Hogan, & Luciw-Dubas,

2010; Oslund, Clemens, Simmons, & Simmons, 2018; Oslund, Clemens, Simmons,

Smith, & Simmons, 2016) have been fairly consistent in their findings. These models

indicate that vocabulary, both directly and indirectly, is consistently the strongest

predictor of reading comprehension for younger adolescents.

(add some info explaining why did you choose these theories? Is it really connected

with your study? Can this really be helpful in supporting you research title?

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Factors affecting the reading comprehension

proficiency of grade 10 students in Saint Anthony Center of Science and Technology,


1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age:

1.2 Sex:

2. What are the greatest factors affecting student reading comprehension proficiency?

1.1 Visual impairment

1.2 Speech and language disorders

1.3 Lack of Parental Support

3. Is there any significant relationship between the factors affecting the reading

comprehension proficiency of students among Saint Anthony Center of Science and

Technology, Inc.?


There is no significant relationship between the factors affecting students’

reading comprehension proficiency among grade 10 students in Saint Anthony Center of

Science and Technology, Inc.

Scope and delimitation

This study focuses on analyzing the factors that affect reading comprehension

proficiency among grade 10 students at Saint Anthony Center of Science and

Technology, Inc. The research aims to explore potential interventions to address reading

comprehension issues among students. The respondents of this study will be Grade 10

students. This study will be conducted in Saint Anthony Center of Science and

Technology, Inc.

Significance of the study

Education is the process of developing behavior, skills, and knowledge through

practice and experience in search of high-quality learning. The conclusions drawn from

this study could significantly contribute to the extensive understanding of student

achievement. The potential outcomes of this research are expected to be highly

significant and advantageous specifically to the following:

Students: Having proficient reading comprehension skills enables students to

effectively utilize their reading for various purposes such as responding to inquiries,

articulating viewpoints, or innovating. Essentially, they can extrapolate information

from their readings to engage in higher-order thinking tasks. Proficiency in

comprehension serves as a fundamental component in the developmental process of


Teachers: Assisting students in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, and

experiences is essential for them to develop into proficient and keen readers.

Future Researchers: It will be beneficial to the future researchers for they will gain

insights from this study. It is concluded that the remaining gaps in this research data

will be addressed, providing valuable information to researchers interested in this


Definition of terms

In order to enhance comprehension of the footings utilized in this study, the

definition of terms provides explanations.


 Factors- Something that helps produce or influence a result.

 Reading- The action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or


 Comprehension- Ability to understand.

 Proficiency- Advancement in knowledge or skills.

 Analyzing- Discover or reveal something through detailed examination.

 Insight- The capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a

person or thing.

 Deficiency- A failing or shortcoming.

 Information- Facts provided or learned about something or someone.

Conceptual Framework


(where is your diagram? Please attach here a diagram showing the relationship

betwenem the variables)


Conceptual framework consist of Independent and Dependent Variable. Under the

Independent Variable are the demographic profile of Grade 10 Students in terms of age

and sex. On the other hand, the Dependent Variable is the level reading comprehension

proficiency of Grade 10 Students.




This chapter presents a brief reviews of literature and studies, both local and

foreign that is related to this study. Exploring various methods, acquiring new

knowledge, and creating processes and procedures involve the utilization of imagination

and skills by researchers. The ability to comprehend text comprehensively enables

individuals to lead more fulfilling lives, a focal point of research. The rapidly evolving

landscape necessitates.

Researchers seek to investigate the factors influencing the reading

comprehension proficiency of tenth-grade students, aiming to understand the

importance of proficient reading in our everyday lives. (Navarette et al,. (2019) stated

that, Several factors could be ascribed to this problem and one of them is the

insufficiency of teachers in terms of pedagogical knowledge. Many of them felt

unprepared to teach reading skill and strategies; they focused more on assessing

students' reading comprehension rather than teaching them how to comprehend better.

According to (Huyen & Anh (2022)) They were asked about the factors that they

thought to have the greatest effects on reading comprehension. The findings indicated

that a majority of participants identified challenges in vocabulary, grammatical

structures, and unfamiliarity with the subject matter as key obstacles, with vocabulary

being highlighted as the most problematic. Moreover, the participants perceived that

true/false questions, sentence completion questions, tasks such as summary or table


completion, and multiple-choice questions impeded their comprehension of the reading

tasks. Furthermore, deducing meaning from the context was identified as the most

challenging strategy, while locating specific information to address the questions ranked

as the second most difficult task. The study also highlighted certain limitations.

Students with visual impairment use their reading and writing skills and Braille

alphabet or printed material alternatives. Student with visual impairment may develop

reading and writing skills in the level of their peers through appropriate teaching and

assessment activities, (Kizilaslan et al., (2020) . . (Ronjic, Laus & Vatavuk (2018) All

levels of visual impairment had the largest effect in the area of reading and accessing

information, slightly less in the area of mobility and independence, and the least effect

was in the area of emotional well-being. Based on the results, it is concluded that all

levels of visual impairment have negative effect on the quality of life.

In addition, a child diagnosed with a speech-language disorder, and especially a

receptive language disorder, will have difficulty understanding and processing verbal

information. When that information is presented in the form of something the child is to

remember for home or school, it can be difficult for the child to even understand what

was said, let alone the ability to remember it. The lack of ability to understand and

remember verbal information or instructions correctly can significantly impact the

child’s ability to complete tasks or assignments as expected. This can be very

problematic when a child is given instructions. (Sot et al., (2018)

Both decoding and listening comprehension are necessary for reading

comprehension across development, but their relative importance shifts as the texts

children encounter increase in complexity and as the topics they read about become less

familiar (Adlof et al., 2006; Foorman et al., 2018; Language and Reading Research

Consortium, 2015). In the primary grades, when children are “learning to read,” texts

are usually constructed with language simpler than what children are able to

comprehend in the spoken domain. Thus, reading comprehension is primarily

constrained by word reading. However, beginning around the second or third grade, as

most children are able to read words accurately and fluently and as children are

expected to “read to learn,” reading comprehension is primarily constrained by oral

language skills.

Challenges in comprehending spoken language have been linked to various social

and academic risks in school-age children and adolescents diagnosed with

developmental language disorder (DLD). Effective interventions targeting oral language

comprehension are crucial to address linguistic challenges and enhance the future

outcomes of individuals with DLD. In this analysis, ‘efficacy’ is defined as the ability to

achieve desired outcomes and ‘effect size’ indicates the extent of efficacy. While specific

studies have suggested the effectiveness of speech and language therapy interventions

for this population (Ebbels et al., 2017), there is currently a lack of comprehensive

reviews focusing on oral language comprehension interventions and their efficacy

specifically in school-age children and adolescents with DLD.

Furthermore, according to (Bartolome, Mamat and Masnan (2017)) Parental

involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes to the

schooling of his/her children. Some schools foster healthy parental involvement, but

sometimes parents has hesitations if they will involve themselves with their children's

education. It has been advocated in Western countries. However, there is a body of

literature that examines the significance of social and cultural influences and the effects

of parents’ involvement in and expectations of their children’s development and

learning. It is important for schools to recognize the existence of cultural variations in

parent involvement because there are differences among parents with diverse

background on when, why, and how they are involved in their children's education.

Parenting is important in the Philippine society because family is viewed as a center to

one's social world. But, social contexts in which Filipino families are embedded have

changed rapidly over the past ten years. Children’s learning is increasingly moving

toward a broader vision of the 21st century learning. As children’s educations

increasingly occur across a range of settings, parents are uniquely positioned to help

ensure that these settings best support their children’s specific learning needs.

However, Several local researchers have conducted studies on parental

involvement and its impact on the reading proficiency of students. Marasigan et al.

(2019) demonstrated in their research that parental involvement is positively correlated

with students' reading achievement. When parents are actively engaged in reading

activities at home, students tend to perform better academically. Similarly, Bartolome et

al. (2020) identified parental involvement as the active participation of families in

children's learning and overall development both at home and in schools, as perceived

by teachers. Unfortunately, not all low-income parents are able to be involved in their

children’s education, which can have negative implications for children’s reading

development. The present study tested if the strength of the relation between low-

income parents’ involvement and children’s reading skills in first grade varied by the

amount of classroom reading instruction that children received at school (Gay,

Sonnenschein and Baker (2020)).


eading is an interactive process in which readers engage in constructing a

meaningful representation of a text through the use of effective reading strategies. These

strategies are deemed essential skills that have been particularly emphasized for

students' reading comprehension proficiency, Gilakjani & Sabouri (2016).

However, Duke, Ward and Pearson (2021) stated that Early implementation of

comprehension instruction is crucial, focusing on teaching word-reading skills and

fostering various bridging skills such as graphphonological semantic cognitive

flexibility, morphological awareness, and reading fluency to support reading

comprehension development. It is important to note that reading comprehension does

not occur automatically, even when fluency is well-established. Teaching about text

structures and features is also essential to enhance reading comprehension. The

processes involved in comprehension can differ based on the nature and purpose of the

reading material. Providing instruction on comprehension strategies has been proven to

enhance understanding. Additionally, expanding vocabulary and knowledge base plays a

key role in supporting reading comprehension development. Promoting active

engagement with text through activities like volume reading, discussing and analyzing

texts, and writing contributes to comprehension development. Furthermore,

instructional strategies that ignite reading motivation have been shown to improve

comprehension outcomes. A visual representation of this model is presented to

underscore the multi-layered approach required in effective comprehension




This chapter presents the research methodology of this study. This includes the

locale of the study, population of the study, sampling method, research design, data

collection procedure, and treatment of the study.

Research Design

This study will use descriptive method. Descriptive research design is used for the

purpose of collecting, recording, analyzing, and evaluating information based on current

conditions, in order to address inquiries regarding the who, what, when, where, and how

of a specific research study, ultimately yielding precise data.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Saint Anthony Center Of Science And Technology,

Inc Located at Poblacion Central General Tinio Nueva Ecija.

The Sample Sampling Technique

The respondents to this study will be the grade 10 students of Saint Antghony

Center Of Science And Technology, Inc. (add more info make it specific)

Research Instrument

The researcher will utilize a survey as a research instrument to gather the

necessary data for the study. The researcher will ensure that their questions align with

the statement of the problem in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers will formally request permission to conduct the study by sending a

letter. The study will be carried out by asking a series of questions through surveys in

order to collect data. Various technological devices, including laptops, cellphones, and

voice recorders, will be used by the researchers to gather evidence.



Elleman&Oslund(2019 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F








Kendeou and Spasnoudis (2015)






Navarette (2019)




Huyen & Anh (2022)




Kizilaslan et al., (2020) . . (Ronjic, Laus & Vatavuk (2018)




Adlof et al., 2006; Foorman et al., 2018; Language and Reading Research Consortium,




(Bartolome, Mamat and Masnan (2017))



Gilakjani & Sabouri (2016).




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