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Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

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Annex J

Construction Plan
and Cost Estimate
Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate


Table of Contents

J1 Conditions and Assumptions for Construction Plan and Schedule ............. J-1
J1.1 Workable Days .....................................................................................J-1
J1.2 Temporary Facilities ..............................................................................J-1
J1.3 Construction Materials ..........................................................................J-2
J1.4 Development Stage................................................................................J-2
J2 Construction Plan for Stage 1 Development ..................................................J-3
J2.1 Kaliwa Low Dam and Intake ................................................................J-3
J2.2 Kaliwa-Taytay 1st Waterway ................................................................J-4
J3 Construction Plan for Stage 2-1 Development ...............................................J-8
J3.1 Agos Dam..............................................................................................J-8
J3.2 Water Treatment Plant-Installation of Unit #2 ....................................J-10
J4 Construction Plan for Stage 2-2 Development .............................................J-11
J5 Construction Schedule ...................................................................................J-13
J6 Construction Cost Estimate ...........................................................................J-14
J6.1 Conditions and Assumptions ...............................................................J-14
J6.2 Method of Cost Estimate.....................................................................J-15
J6.3 Total Project Cost................................................................................J-16
J6.4 Annual Disbursement Schedule...........................................................J-16

List of Tables
Table J1.1 Monthly Rainfall at Infanta between 1991 and 2000 ................................ JT-1
Table J1.2 Mean Monthly Rainy Days in the Project Area ......................................... JT-1
Table J1.3 Estimated Suspended Days by major Construction Work Item.................. JT-1
Table J1.4 Number of Workable Days for Respective Works ..................................... JT-2
Table J6.1 Project Cost Summary ................................................................................ JT-4
Table J6.2 Construction Cost Summary....................................................................... JT-5
Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities......................................................................................... JT-7
Table J6.4 Summary of Annual Disbursement Schedule............................................ JT-19

List of Figures
Figure J1.1 Proposed Location Plan for Temporary Facilities ...................................... JF-1
Figure J5.1 Construction Schedule................................................................................ JF-2
Figure J5.2 Construction Program for Agos Dam and Agos Powerhouse .................... JF-3
Figure J5.3 Construction Program for Tunnels.............................................................. JF-4

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate


J1 Conditions and Assumptions for Construction Plan and Schedule

J1.1 Workable Days
The most reliable data source to be applied to rainfall analysis for the construction
planning of the Project is Infanta rainfall station located about 20 km downstream
from the proposed Agos Dam site. The annual rainfall at Infanta ranges from
2,500 mm to 6,000 mm with a mean annual rainfall of 4,000 mm according to the
daily rainfall records observed during a ten-year period between 1991 and 2000.
The monthly rainfall records at Infanta for the period are shown in Table J1.1.
As seen in the rainfall records, intensive rainfall is observed in the period between
October and January, which will especially affect the earthworks.
To work out the construction plan, the workable days for major construction
activities such as excavation, embankment, structural works, pipe laying, tunnel
works are determined based upon the above rainfall records.
The mean monthly rainy days by depth of rainfall are summarized in Table J1.2.
Then, the number of non-workable days due to rainfall is estimated for respective
items of works as shown in Table J1.3.

Based upon the above table and also taking into account the public holidays and
Sundays, monthly workable days for major construction works are estimated as
shown in Table J1.4.

The annual total and monthly mean workable days for the respective major work
items estimated above are summarized below:

Summary of Workable Day by Major Construction Work Item

Work Activities Annual Total Monthly Mean
Excavation 271 days 23 days
Embankment 247 days 21 days
Structural Works 263 days 22 days
Pipe laying 263 days 22 days
Tunneling 304 days 25 days

J1.2 Temporary Facilities

In order to carry out this large-scale project satisfactorily and to complete in time,
temporary facilities such as the employer/engineer’s site offices, contractor’s site
offices and camps, concrete batching plant, rock quarry, stockpile area, spoil bank,
etc. need to be well planned and organized. Proposed locations of each facility for
the Agos Dam site is tentatively planned in Figure J1.1, while the temporary
facilities for waterway will further be determined in the future taking into account
the respective site conditions. Power and water supply system is also to be
planned when respective facilities are set up.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J1.3 Construction Materials

Rock materials for the dam embankment, gravel for structure foundation, and
aggregate materials for concrete will be obtained from the proposed quarry site,
approximately 1 km upstream from the Agos Dam site. Excavated rock materials
from spillway will also be utilized for dam embankment. Excavated materials
from tunnel may also be utilized for structure foundation for the proposed water
treatment plant and reservoirs, depending upon the quality of the rock.
Construction materials other than the earth materials, i.e. cement, reinforcement,
fuel, explosives, timber, and plywood, are able to be procured in the local market.
Steel pipe of more than 3.0m diameter will be imported or a new pipe
manufacturing plant be alternatively established within the site, while the other
small diameter pipes (less than 3.0 m) can be procured in the local market.
Sheetpiles (for walling) and H-beams (for walling and strut) for trench excavation
for steel pipe installation will be imported.

J1.4 Development Stage

The project will be executed in 3 stages, each comprising the following work
Stage 1: 1st Waterway from Kaliwa Low Dam to Water Treatment Plant, and
Water Treatment Plant #1 and Waterway up to Service Reservoirs
Stage 2: Stage 2-1; Agos Dam and Water Treatment Plant #2
Stage 2-2; 2nd Waterway and Water Treatment Plant #3 & #4
The construction works will be procured through international and local
competitive bidding for the packages varying by type of the project (either
government project or BOT project) and also type of the construction works.
It is proposed that the preparatory works such as new access road construction
and/or existing road improvement are executed by local contractors prior to the
main construction works.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J2 Construction Plan for Stage 1 Development

J2.1 Kaliwa Low Dam and Intake
(1) General
Kaliwa Low Dam is regarded as the first stage (Stage 1) development of the
subsequent development of the Agos Dam. The main purpose of this first stage
development is to transfer the Kaliwa River water to Metro Manila at the earliest
possible time since the Agos Dam will require a longer lead time to complete.
The site is located some 1.5 km downstream of the confluence with the Ligundinan
Creek, where the riverbed elevation is around EL. 100 m.
(2) Kaliwa Low Dam
The dam is designed as a temporary structure of random fill using the materials
obtained from the intake and tunnel excavation works. The upstream face of the
dam is covered with impervious earth fill, which will also be obtained from the
nearby excavation work. Top portion of the upstream face and the whole
downstream face are protected with wood cribs filled with rocks to protect the face
from damage caused by the overtopping of river flow. The proposed plan of Kaliwa
Low Dam is shown in Figure F2.2 of Annex F.
The dam body will be constructed in 2 steps: firstly the construction of sand
flushing sluice and intake structures and secondary the embankment of dam body.
At each stage, a temporary cofferdam will be built with earth embankment to
dewater the work area. During the Step-1 period, the river flow will be discharged
dowsntream through the present river channel. During the Step-2 period, it will be
spilled downstream through a sand flush sluice constructed in the Step-1 period.
Earthworks will be carried out using bulldozer, backhoe, wheel loader, compaction
roller, dump truck, while concrete for sand flush sluice/channel will be placed by
means of crane with skip and concrete pump.
(3) Intake Structure
The intake structure, consisting of 2 nos. of water intake and gate shaft (one is for
the 1st waterway and the other for the 2nd waterway), will be constructed on the
right bank side of the Kaliwa Low Dam site in order to feed water to conveyance
tunnel (Tunnel No.1).
The whole intake structure comprising 2 intakes will be constructed under the 1st
stage project (Stage 1), since the area is flooded once the Agos Dam is impounded.
The work includes the full installation of the 1st intake equipment including gates,
hoist and stoplogs, while for the 2nd intake only the framework structure and a part
of Tunnel No.1 (some 30 m in length) will be constructed.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J2.2 Kaliwa – Taytay 1st Waterway

(1) General
The 1st waterway is planned to transfer water from Kaliwa Low Dam to service
reservoirs at Antipolo and Taytay. The general plan and profile of the waterway are
shown in Figure G1.1 of Annex G.
Raw water taken at Kaliwa Low Dam is transferred to the Morong Water Treatment
Plant through a 27.5-km long and 3.5 m-diameter tunnel (Tunnel No.1), and the
water treated at the water treatment plant will then be conveyed to the respective
reservoirs through pipelines and a tunnel (Tunnel No.2). The construction period is
planned to be 5 years in total.

A schematic layout is shown below together with indication of the lengths and the
proposed plan of tunneling work:

Water Conveyance Route

Kaliwa Low Dam
Antipolo Tunnel No. 1
NATM 2 NATM 1 Adit No.1
S/R (3.44 km) (2.95 km) TBM 2 (0.40 km)
(4.91 km)
Pump Pipeline (4.52 km) (11.78 km)
Station No.2
NATM 4 (4.20 km)
Adit No.3
NATM 5 (2.65 km) (2.00km)
(2.65 km)
Valve Adit No.2
Tunnel No.2 Valve Water (2.20 km)
Taytay House House
S/R Pipeline No.2 No.1
No.1-2 Pipeline
(1.00 km) No.1-1
(4.10 km)

(2) Tunnel No.1

Since the Tunnel No.1 is the most critical activities under the 1st waterway
construction, the tunneling method by using Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is
planned for the longest possible sections so that the earliest completion can be
Tunnel No. 1 is planned to have 5 excavation faces by providing 3 access adits.
Based upon the available geological information at this stage, it is planned that
about 16.7 km out of 27.5 km is driven by TBM, while the rest of the tunnel will be
constructed by New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) with shotcrete and rock-
bolt supporting. The 3 adits will also be excavated by NATM.
Typical tunnel section is a circular shape with 3.5m diameter in finished diameter
for both the TBM and NATM sections.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

The progress rate of tunneling by TBM is expected to be 400 m/month (although it

may be rather conservative figure) based on the available geological information
and the actual progress records in the Umiray-Angat Tunnel that attained a progress
of 540 m/month. The progress rate in the NATM sections is expected to be 130
m/month based on the available geological information and cycle-time analysis.
Approximately 450,000 m3 of tunnel muck will be produced from the tunnel
excavation. The majority of the muck will be disposed to respective spoil bank
located close to the work adit portals, while some of the muck will be used for
construction of internal temporary access roads at the site.
Upon the completion of the tunnel excavation, concrete lining of 350-mm thickness
will then be executed. The progress rate of concrete lining with use of telescopic
forms is estimated to be 1,000 m/month.
According to the geological information available at this stage, the tunnel will
encounter fault zones at several locations. In order to reduce the ingress water
and/or improve the ground conditions, auxiliary measures such as forepoling
grouting will be carried out during the course of tunnel excavation.
A noteworthy aspect is that the tunnel is presumed to pass a major fault assessed by
PHILVOLCS as an ‘assumed active fault’ at 25-km point from the waterway intake.
The tunneling work in this fault zone requires a careful planning. During the
excavation, a steel pipe, 600-800 mm in diameter depending on the fault length,
will be laid in the fault section as an evacuation way for construction workers in the
event of unanticipated occurrence of earthquakes. The tunneling method adopted
for the fault zone will be the NATM method.
In the sections of major faults, the tunnel is lined with steel pipe, surrounded by
low-density cellular concrete (say, 30 kg/cm2 in strength) so that the cellular
concrete can absorb any displacement caused by earthquakes.
(3) Valve House No.1
Valve House No.1 is constructed at the downstream end of Tunnel No.1 in order to
control the quantity of water flowing into the Morong Water Treatment Plant.
Quantities of the earthworks and concrete works are calculated at 74,000 m3 and
3,700 m3, respectively. In this construction stage (Stage 1), three butterfly valves
and three sleeve valves will be installed.
All the works, consisting of excavations, concrete building works and mechanical
installations, are of conventional type.
(4) Morong Water Treatment Plant (WTP) – 1st Development
The Morong Water Treatment Plant is planned to be constructed in 2 stages: a half
area in this Stage1 (for accommodating two plant units: #1 unit to be installed in
Stage 1 and #2 unit in Stage 2-1) and the remaining half area in Stage 2-2 (for #3
and #4 units).

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

The elevation of the area ranges from EL. 90-100 m in the relatively flat areas to
EL. 120 m on the hilltops. The area consists of a mixture of fruits plantation,
paddy field, uncultivated land and hilly areas with about 25 housings at scattered
locations. The plan envisages acquiring a total land of about 100 ha including
earth disposal area. The Stage 1 work will be constructed in the area of about 60 ha.
Earthworks to provide a 60 ha land require some 4 millions m3 of cut and fill.
Many kinds of heavy machinery such as 44 ton bulldozer with ripper, 10 m3 class
wheel loader, 3 m3 class backhoe (or larger), and 46 ton dump truck will be
employed to deal with about 4 million m3 earthworks within a limited construction
period. In order to dispose the surplus excavated materials, spoil bank is planned to
be secured at the nearby section.
Upon the completion of site formation works, structural works will then be carried
out at each location. The water treatment plant consists of many structures
including receiving well, mixing chamber, flocculation basin, sedimentation basin,
rapid sand filter, clear water basin, sludge thickening tank, and sludge drying bed.
The concrete will be produced at and transported from a central batching plant
installed at the site.
At the locations where the structural works will have been completed, the
mechanical and the electrical works will then be done accordingly.
(5) Pipelines
Embedded pipelines will be installed for the length of 5.1 km (main pipeline)
between the Morong WTP and Tunnel No.2 and 4.1 km (branch pipeline) between
Valve House No.2 and Antipolo Service Reservoir. The diameter is 3.4-3.3 m for
the main pipeline and 1.6 m for the branch pipeline, respectively.
The installation of pipes requires the excavation of a trench as deep as 6.6 m in the
sections of lowland area where soft silt-clay layers are dominant. The work will
require the use of steel sheetpile walling with strut supports. It is expected that
sheetpiling be needed for some 60 % of the total length of the pipelines to be
installed. The rest of the pipeline route will be installed after the open excavation
without sheetpiling.
Following the trench excavation, steel pipes of each 9m (or 6m) long segment will
then be installed in position by a 150-ton class capacity crawler crane. Each steel
pipe will be connected properly by the internal welding method.
Upon the completion of the pipe installation, backfill with adequate compaction
will be executed and sheetpile coffer-wall then removed. However, one side of
the sheetpile wall will be left in-situ without extraction, which would be used later
as a trench wall for the 2nd pipeline construction.
The similar construction method will be adopted for the 1.6m diameter pipeline.
It is estimated that the sheetpiling be needed for some 20 % section of the total
length of the pipeline.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

(6) Tunnel No.2

Tunnel No.2 (5.3 km long) will be constructed by NATM taking into account
varying geological conditions of different rocks foreseen for this tunnel route.
Limestone mass and confined groundwater are anticipated at the eastern half of this
tunnel. In order to reduce ingress water and/or improve ground conditions,
auxiliary measures including forepoling method are to be carried out during the
course of tunnel excavation.
In the middle part of the tunnel route, the tunnel passes beneath the Antipolo City
area, where many deep wells exist. Although the present plan foresees that the
tunnel does not pass through the aquifer rock zones, care will have to be made not
to affect the groundwater condition in the area. At the front face of tunneling, probe
holes will be drilled prior to the excavation and, if any notable water seepage is
observed, pre-excavation grouting will be made in order not to cause the excessive
ingress of groundwater. With this method, the tunneling will be able to pay a
maximum possible care for eliminating concerns for lowering groundwater levels
in the area.
The progress rate of tunnel construction by NATM is expected to be 80m/month.
The tunnel is to be excavated by 2 fronts from both portals at Teresa and Taytay.
Upon the completion of the tunnel excavation, concrete lining will be applied with
steel lining in partial sections. The gap between the tunnel-excavated surface and
steel pipe will be filled with concrete.
(7) Service Reservoirs
At this Stage 1, a reservoir of 180,000 m3 storage capacity will be constructed at
Taytay and a 30,000 m3 reservoir at Antipolo. The reservoir is of reinforced
concrete construction for both the sites.
The construction work is initiated with site clearance and site formation work by
using bulldozer, backhoe, compaction roller and dump truck. Following the site
formation work, structural works and equipment installation works will then be
done using crawler/truck crane and concrete pump. The conventional construction
methods will be adopted for all the works.
(8) Antipolo Pump Station
The proposed work is a conventional type of construction. Since soft silt-clay layer
overlies a part of the site, the pump house needs to be built on pile foundation. The
excavation for building foundation will require a proper drainage arrangement in
view of the location in paddy fields at the foot of hills where groundwater level is

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J3 Construction Plan for Stage 2-1 Development

J3.1 Agos Dam
(1) General
Agos Dam is located just downstream of the confluence of the Kanan and Kaliwa
Rivers, about 20 km upstream of the river mouth of the Agos River. A
hydropower plant is planned to be built at the downstream toe of the dam.
Acquisition of lands and re-settlement of the affected households will have to be
completed before the commencement of the construction works.
By the time when Agos Dam is completed, trees in the reservoir-impounding area
need to be thoroughly cut and removed in order to avoid the deterioration of
reservoir water quality after the impoundment.
Total construction period covering both the dam and hydropower plant is planned
to be nearly 6 years in total.
(2) River Diversion Work
Prior to the main dam construction, the river flow is to be diverted through 2
diversion tunnels of 10-m diameter, built one each on the both banks. The length
of the diversion tunnels is 1,589 m on the right bank and 772 m on the left bank,
respectively. The layout plan is as shown on Figure F4.1 of Annex F.
Two upstream cofferdams will be constructed; one each on the Kanan River and
Kaliwa River. In order to balance the water levels of the ponds created upstream of
the cofferdams, one connecting tunnel (water balance tunnel) with 6-m internal
diameter will also be constructed. The tunnel is unlined. The length of the tunnel is
372 m.
The diversion tunnels will be excavated by NATM using 3-boom hydraulic wheel
jumbo, side dump wheel loader, backhoe, and dump truck. Construction of the
tunnels is on the critical path of the project and hence the earliest completion is a
prerequisite requirement. Taking into account the progress rate and the length of
the tunnels, 4 sets of tunneling plants are planned to be used for the work. Two
sets will be used for the right bank diversion tunnel, one each at the inlet and outlet
portals, while the remaining 2 sets will be allocated for the left bank diversion
tunnel and connecting tunnel.
The monthly progress rate of tunnel excavation is expected to be 80 m/month based
on the available geological information, plants capacity, and cycle time analysis.
The temporary support for excavated tunnel will be provided with shotcrete and
rock bolts. Concrete lining work will follow the tunnel excavation works
accordingly. The tunnel wall and crown concrete will be placed at first by a
circular travelling form. The form is of a type allowing the travelling of muck cars
for the excavation work concurrently in progress. Invert concrete will be placed
separately afterward.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

Upon the completion of 3 tunnels in a period of about 13 months, the upstream and
downstream cofferdams will then be constructed to divert the river flow into the
diversion tunnels.
In order to avoid seepage through dam body and to prevent piping phenomenon, the
upstream face of the both cofferdams is designed to be covered with impervious
materials. Slurry wall with 800mm thickness will be constructed at the upstream
toe of both upstream cofferdams to prevent water seepage under the cofferdams.
An access road to the proposed quarry site will be constructed upon the completion
of the cofferdam embankment.
(3) Main Dam
The proposed dam is a concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) laid out as shown in
Figures F3.3 and F3.6 of Annex F.
Upon the completion of site clearance, excavation for the dam foundation will then
be executed from higher portion toward lower portion, while the earthworks at the
lowest portion need to await the diversion of river flow. Sufficient de-watering
system is to be established and maintained during the course of the excavation of
the lowest portion (at upstream toe of the dam), since the considerable amount of
underground water ingress is anticipated to take place through the upstream
riverbed. The excavation at this portion needs to be executed in the relatively dry
period, i.e. between February and September.
The excavation will be executed using bulldozer with ripper, backhoe, loader, and
dump truck. The rock excavation will be done in combination with blasting
In parallel with the excavation operation at the damsite, the proposed quarry site
(approximately 1 km from damsite) is to be developed and be made available by
the time when embankment for dam body will be commenced.
The dam embankment volume is estimated to be about 13,000,000 m3 in total.
The materials for the embankment will be obtained from the proposed quarry site
and partly from the spillway excavation. It is anticipated that 50% of the
excavated rock from spillway be re-used and filled for dam embankment.
The embankment work will be carried out using heavy machines such as bulldozer
for spreading and vibrating roller for compaction. Some 400,000 m3 of rockfill
will have to be embanked per month in order to achieve the scheduled completion.
The face slab concrete will be placed with slip form. Concrete will be delivered to
the dam site by agitator trucks from a batching plant and further conveyed to the
placing location by concrete chute, crane with skip or concrete pump. The slip
form will move at a travelling speed of 1.5 m/hr and the concrete will continuously
be placed without making any horizontal joint once the work operation will be
started. The face slab concrete work will be carried out in 3 to 4 stages for the
whole surface of the dam.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

(4) Spillway
Spillway is located on the left side bank of the main dam.
Excavation work will be commenced from the higher portion to downward
direction along the chuteway by means of the bench cut method. The excavation
work for both earth and rock (about 9,000,000 m3 in total) will be carried out using
various heavy machines such as bulldozer, backhoe, crawler drill and dump truck in
combination with blasting operation (for rock portion). The selected rock
materials from the spillway excavation will be partly used for dam embankment as
stated above. Rock quantity expected to be usable for dam embankment is about
4,300,000 m3, while the rest will be hauled to the spoil bank.
Concrete work for the spillway construction, i.e. fore-bay structure, overflow weir,
chuteway and plunge pool walls, will be done by combination of various equipment
including fixed type tower crane, crawler/truck crane and concrete pump.
Electrical and mechanical works including radial gates (11m(h) x 14m(w) x 4 nos.)
and stoplogs will be carried out upon the completion of structural works.
Plunge pool will be excavated to the designated level after the left side diversion
tunnel will be closed and the downstream cofferdam will be relocated to further
downstream by about 300m. Closure of the left side diversion tunnel will have to
be done at the beginning of the dry season to allow the plunge pool construction to
be executed in the relatively dry period. During the course of excavation, proper
de-watering system is to be established and maintained since a considerable amount
of seepage water is anticipated.
(5) Hydropower Facilities
The hydropower plant and switchyard are constructed at the toe of the Agos Dam.
The works for power facilities consisting of intake structure, gate shaft, headrace
tunnel, penstock line and powerhouse will be carried out in parallel with the main
dam embankment and spillway construction.
Following the excavation works, concrete works for powerhouse substructure will
be carried out using the same equipment as used for the spillway construction.
Installation of overhead travelling crane in the powerhouse superstructure will be a
milestone event for the succeeding installation of generating equipment.
J3.2 Water Treatment Plant - Installation of Unit #2
In this Stage 2-1, an additional unit of water treatment plant is planned to be
installed in the adjacent area of Unit #1 that is to be installed under the Stage 1.
Since the site formation work is scheduled to be completed in the Stage 1, the work
involved at this stage will be limited to the structural and mechanical works for the
Unit #2.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J4 Construction Plan for Stage 2-2 Development

In order to double the water supply capacity, the 2nd waterway is planned to be
constructed in the Stage 2-2. The 2nd waterway is aligned to run in parallel with
the 1st waterway to be provided in the Stage 1.
(1) Waterway Intake
As described in Subsection J2.1 before, the structural works for the 2nd waterway
has already been constructed in the Stage 1. The works carried out in this stage
are mechanical works (installation of gates, hoists, stoplogs and trashracks) and the
associated electrical works.
All the mechanical works are to be installed and fixed at the proper positions using
crawler/truck crane. A crane with skip will handle the associated concrete work.
(2) Tunnel No.1
The same tunneling method (TBM and NATM) as proposed for the 1st tunnel will
be adopted for the 2nd stage tunnel as well. The tunneling work in the Stage 2-2
will be carried out with a more confidence as compared with the case of the 1st
tunnel, since the tunnel geology will have been clarified in detail through the
experience in the 1st tunnel.
The existing access adits, namely Adit No.1, Adit No.2, and Adit No.3 used in the
Stage 1, will also be utilized for the 2nd stage construction, after the necessary
repairs and/or reinforcement of damaged portions that may have taken place during
the elapse of time since the Stage 1. The construction period of the 2nd tunnel
could be reduced by about 1 year because of the immediate access to the tunnel site
through the existing adits.
(3) Valve House No.2
Since all the civil works will have already been completed in Stage 1, installation
of valves and associated equipment for the 2nd waterway will be carried out in this
(4) Morong Water Treatment Plant – 2nd Development
The plant will be expanded to double the production capacity by accommodating
Unit #3 and #4. The work is almost same as conducted in the Stage1. The site
formation work involves cut-and-fill of about 6,800,000 m3 for the expansion of the
plant area by 40 ha.
Plant units #3 and #4 will be installed in 2 successive stages at the interval of 3
(5) Pipelines
The pipelines will be laid in parallel with the 1st stage pipeline in principle. At
the locations where sheetpile coffer walling will have been applied in the 1st stage
construction, the distance between the pipes (edge to edge) will be the same as the
diameter of the pipes laid. In the sections where the open cut excavation will have

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

been applied in the 1st stage construction, the distance between the pipes (edge to
edge) will be about 10 m.
(6) Tunnel No.2
The 2nd tunnel will be excavated in parallel with the 1st tunnel in the upstream part.
The distance between the 2 tunnels is 20 m. The tunnel in the downstream part is
aligned so as to take a shortest length to the proposed outlet site in the Taytay
Service Reservoir.
A faster progress of the tunneling is expected since the work will be able to be
arranged with advance knowledge of in-situ geology obtained through the
experience in the 1st tunnel.
(7) Service Reservoirs and Pump House
The construction work at this stage is virtually the expansion of facilities by
building structures similar to those built under the Stage 1. The work will use the
same method as adopted in the Stage 1 work.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J5 Construction Schedule
Construction schedule of the proposed project was worked out in consideration of
required duration of each work activity, sequence of the works, progress rates,
seasonal constraints (weather and river flow conditions) and availability of
construction resources.
The proposed schedule is shown in a bar chart form in Figure J5.1. The detailed
programs for Agos Dam and tunnels are presented in Figure J5.2 and J5.3,

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J6 Construction Cost Estimate

J6.1 Conditions and Assumptions
The project cost was estimated based on the following conditions and assumptions:
(1) The project cost is composed of foreign currency (F.C.) portion and local
currency (L.C.) portion. The estimated cost is expressed in US dollar
(US$) for both the foreign and local currency components.
(2) The local currency component covers the cost of locally available materials
including cement, reinforcement steel, fuel, explosives and local labors.
The cost of imported machinery for mechanical and electrical works and
depreciation of construction equipment are allocated to the foreign currency
(3) The price level of the estimate is June 2002 and the exchange rate used in
the estimate is US$ 1.0 = Philippine Peso 52.0.
(4) Competent contractors selected through international competitive bidding
(ICB) and local competitive bidding (LCB) will undertake the construction
The unit prices of the works are determined by referring to the prevailing unit costs
of labors, construction materials and equipment in principle. The composition of
F.C. and L.C. is estimated applying an assumed percentage for each type of the
work based on the latest bidding information for the similar projects in the
Philippines and the other Asian countries.
Composition of F.C and L.C. by Type of Works
(Unit: %)
Work Items F.C. portion L.C. portion Total
1 Land acquisition / Resettlement 0 100 100
2 Construction Cost
Earthworks 60 40 100
Structural works 40 60 100
Metal works 85 15 100
Power generating plant and electrical 90 10 100
Tunnel excavation 80 20 100

The prices of the main materials for the cost estimate are summarized as follows:
Material Unit Price (US$)
Diesel Oil litter 0.25
Cement ton 65
Plywood m 6.5
Reinforcement Steel ton 320

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

J6.2 Method of Cost Estimate

The cost estimate for respective cost categories is made by the following manner:
(1) Preparatory Works
Preparatory works include the construction of new access road to the site, existing
road improvement, construction plant including batching plant and quarry plant,
offices, camps, power supply system, water supply system, and all other necessary
preparatory works required for proceeding with the main works.
The construction cost for the new access roads and existing road improvement are
estimated by the unit price method based on the lengths measured on 1:50,000 map.
The cost of other preparatory works is estimated on a lump sum basis at 12 % of
the cost of the main works.
(2) Civil Works
Construction cost of the civil works including earthworks, structural works,
tunneling works, pipe laying, etc. is estimated by the unit price method based on
the quantities measured from the preliminary design drawings.
(3) Metal Works and Electrical Equipment
For the metal works such as gate, penstock and valve, the unit price method is
applied. The weight of steel structures is estimated based on principal dimensions
proposed in the preliminary design.
For the power plant equipment and other electrical works, estimate on lump sum
basis is made based on the empirical cost formula taking account of various
parameters such as design head, discharge, capacity, dimensions, etc. The recent
bidding data for the similar works are also referred to in determining the respective
unit prices or lump sum cost.
(4) Land Acquisition and Resettlement Cost
Land acquisition and resettlement cost is estimated by the unit price method taking
into account the quantities revealed in EIA study. Since all the details have not been
defined at this study stage, adequate amount of contingency cost is included in the
estimate to cover unpredictable expenditures that may be arising in the actual
implementation stage.
(5) Engineering and Administration Cost
The cost for engineering service for detailed design, procurement of the works, and
construction supervision is estimated at 5.0% of the total of construction cost and
land acquisition/resettlement cost.
Administration expense of the executing agency is estimated at 2.5% of the total
cost of construction cost and land acquisition/resettlement cost.

Annex J Construction Plan and Cost Estimate

(6) Physical Contingency

Physical contingency is estimated at 15 % of the total cost of above items.
(7) Tax
Local tax imposed on the project cost is estimated at 10 % of the above total cost,
covering both the foreign currency portion and local currency portion.
(8) Price Contingency
Price contingency is estimated at assumed annual price escalation rates of 2.0 %
and 3.0 % for foreign currency portion and local currency portion, respectively.
J6.3 Total Project Cost
The total project cost is estimated at US$ 2,543 million equivalent (equivalent to
PhP 132.2 billion), comprising foreign currency portion of US$ 1,599 million (PhP
83.1 bullion equivalent) and local component of US$ 944 million equivalent (PhP
49.1 billion). The estimated project cost for each implementation stage is
summarized in Tables J6.1 and J6.2.

Estimated Total Project Cost

Description FC (106US$) LC (106US$) Total (106US$)
Construction Cost 917 482 1,399
Engineering Service 46 24 70
Administration Expense 23 12 35
Physical Contingency 148 78 226
Price Contingency 352 288 640
Tax 113 60 173
Total 1,599 944 2,543

The detailed bill of quantities is presented in Table J6.3.

J6.4 Annual Disbursement Schedule
The annual disbursement schedule is estimated based on the estimated project cost
and construction time schedule. The annual disbursement schedule is shown in
Table J6.4.

Table J1.1 Monthly Rainfall at Infanta between 1991 and 2000
(Unit: mm)
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
1991 176 384 94 176 171 404 164 201 82 270 406 455 2,983
1992 234 122 104 134 164 104 495 266 172 535 637 233 3,199
1993 228 190 77 45 95 191 149 277 218 409 406 1,493 3,777
1994 468 148 187 116 162 416 63 105 274 423 165 412 2,940
1995 360 503 110 120 217 461 305 271 704 725 481 1,366 5,623
1996 395 181 174 809 123 357 222 64 102 420 899 367 4,112
1997 319 321 142 46 206 50 416 73 356 190 125 241 2,485
1998 114 41 - 40 109 232 208 204 126 784 476 1,536 3,869
1999 569 328 438 719 235 186 181 394 208 562 950 1,221 5,991
2000 362 372 292 180 243 347 231 100 403 766 789 1,021 5,105
Mean 323 259 180 238 172 275 243 195 265 508 533 834 4,026

Table J1.2 Mean Monthly Rainy Days in the Project Area

(Unit : Number of days)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
0 6.1 11.6 14.0 15.7 14.2 12.0 11.2 13.8 10.2 8.1 4.8 4.0 125.7
0<R<=5 11.1 8.0 9.1 7.4 8.1 7.7 9.0 9.0 9.8 6.6 8.3 8.3 102.4
5<R<=10 4.2 2.2 3.2 1.5 3.8 3.2 4.0 2.9 2.9 4.6 4.4 3.6 40.5
10<R<=20 4.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.2 3.1 4.2 4.2 4.1 36.2
20<R<=30 2.5 1.8 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.6 1.8 0.9 1.2 2.5 2.5 3.1 20.6
30<R<=40 0.8 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.6 0.7 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.6 11.0
40<R 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.7 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 3.8 4.4 6.3 28.5
Total 31.0 28.0 31.0 30.0 31.0 30.0 31.0 31.0 30.0 31.0 30.0 31.0 365.0

Table J1.3 Estimated Suspended Days by Major Construction Work Item

(Unit: Number of days)
Rainfall (mm) Excavation Embankment Structure Pipe Laying Tunnel
0<Rainfall<=5 0 0 0 0 0
5<Rainfall<=10 0 0 0 0 0
10<Rainfall<=20 0 0.5 0 0 0
20<Rainfall<=30 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0
30<Rainfall<=40 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0
40<Rainfall 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0

Table J1.4 Number of Workable Days for Respective Works (1/2)

Workable Days for Excavation Works

(Unit: Number of days)
HOLIDAY Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
National 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 9.0
Sunday 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 52.1
Rain 2.8 2.4 1.6 2.3 1.8 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.8 5.0 5.8 7.9 39.6
Overlap 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.6 6.8
Suspended 7.7 6.4 7.6 7.2 6.8 7.6 6.2 6.2 6.7 8.6 10.1 12.6 93.9
Workable 23.3 21.6 23.4 22.8 24.2 22.4 24.8 24.8 23.3 22.4 19.9 18.4 271.1

Workable Days for Embankme nt Works

(Unit: Number of days)
NATIONAL 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 9.0
SUNDAY 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 52.1
RAIN 6.2 4.3 3.1 3.9 3.4 5.0 4.5 3.8 5.0 8.4 9.2 11.5 68.0
OVERLAP 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.2 1.6 2.4 11.5
SUSPENDED 10.5 8.0 8.8 8.5 8.1 9.4 8.2 7.6 8.6 11.5 12.9 15.5 117.6
WORKABLE 20.5 20.0 22.2 21.5 22.9 20.6 22.8 23.4 21.4 19.5 17.1 15.5 247.4

Workable Days for Structural works

(Unit: Number of days)
HOLIDAY 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 9.0
SUNDAY 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 52.1
RAIN 4.1 3.3 2.1 2.8 2.2 3.6 3.1 2.7 3.4 6.3 7.1 9.5 49.9
OVERLAP 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.9 8.5
SUSPENDED 8.7 7.1 8.0 7.6 7.2 8.3 7.0 6.6 7.3 9.7 11.1 13.9 102.5
WORKABLE 22.3 20.9 23.0 22.4 23.8 21.7 24.0 24.4 22.7 21.3 18.9 17.1 262.5

Table J1.4 Number of Workable Days for Respective Works (2/2)

Workable Days for Pipe Laying Works

(Unit: Number of days)
HOLIDAY 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 9.0
SUNDAY 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 52.1
RAIN 4.1 3.3 2.1 2.8 2.2 3.6 3.1 2.7 3.4 6.3 7.1 9.5 49.9
OVERLAP 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.9 8.5
SUSPENDED 8.7 7.1 8.0 7.6 7.2 8.3 7.0 6.6 7.3 9.7 11.1 13.9 102.5
WORKABLE 22.3 20.9 23.0 22.4 23.8 21.7 24.0 24.4 22.7 21.3 18.9 17.1 262.5

Workable Days for Tunneling Works

(Unit: Number of days)
HOLIDAY 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 9.0
SUNDAY 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 52.1
RAIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
OVERLAP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SUSPENDED 5.3 4.3 6.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 61.1
WORKABLE 25.7 23.7 24.7 24.7 25.7 24.7 26.7 26.7 25.7 26.7 24.7 24.7 303.9

Table J6.1 Project Cost Summary

Description F.C. (US$) L.C. (US$ equiv.) Total (US$ equiv.)

Stage 1 Kaliwa Low Dam + 1st Waterway
(1) Kaliwa Low Dam + 1st Waterway (excluding WTP #1)
Land Acquisition & Resettlement excluding WTP #1 0 20,970,525 20,970,525
Kaliwa Low Dam (Temporary) 8,846,139 7,219,177 16,065,316
Waterway to Valve House No.1 123,157,716 40,292,011 163,449,727
Valve House No.1 2,377,927 1,102,818 3,480,745
Waterway from WTP to Reservoir 75,991,207 28,563,732 104,554,939
Sub-total for (1) 210,372,988 98,148,264 308,521,252

(2) Water Treatment Plant #1 0

Land Acquisition & Resettlement for WTP #1 and #2 0 2,556,516 2,556,516
Waterway Facility (WTP #1) 67,793,676 33,983,004 101,776,681
Sub-total for (2) 67,793,676 36,539,521 104,333,197

TOTAL for Stage 1 278,166,664 134,687,785 412,854,449

Stage 2-1 Agos Dam + WTP #2

(1) Agos Dam
Land Acquisition & Resettlement 0 16,702,920 16,702,920
Agos Dam 236,686,200 153,611,623 390,297,823
Agos Hydropower Facility 54,417,488 10,970,794 65,388,282
Sub-total for (1) 291,103,688 181,285,336 472,389,024

(2) Water Treatment Plant #2 + Service Reservoirs #2 47,769,758 26,113,283 73,883,041

TOTAL for Stage 2-1 338,873,446 207,398,619 546,272,065

Stage 2-2 Kaliwa Angono 2nd Waterway + WTP #3 & #4

(1) 2nd Waterway (excluding WTP #3)
Land Acquisition & Resettlement excluding WTPs 0 6,265,486 6,265,486
Kaliwa Low Dam (Temporary) 239,652 159,768 399,420
Waterway to Valve House No.1 100,288,106 34,273,271 134,561,376
Valve House No.1 1,239,235 137,693 1,376,928
Waterway from WTP to Reservoir 63,448,980 24,938,261 88,387,241
Sub-total for (1) 165,215,973 65,774,478 230,990,451

(2) Water Treatment Plant #3

Land Acquisition & Resettlement for WTP #3 & #4 0 3,931,064 3,931,064
Waterway Facility 66,694,307 36,715,879 103,410,186
Sub-total for (2) 66,694,307 40,646,943 107,341,250

(3) Water Treatment Plant #4 + Service Reservoir #4 68,219,974 34,159,294 102,379,268

TOTAL for Stage 2-2 300,130,254 140,580,715 440,710,969

A. Total Construction Cost including Land Acquisition and Resettlement 917,170,364 482,667,119 1,399,837,483

B. Engineering Service (A x 5.0%) 45,858,518 24,133,356 69,991,874

C. Administration Expense (A x 2.5%) 22,929,259 12,066,678 34,995,937

D. Physical Contingency ((A+B+C) x 15%) 147,893,721 77,830,073 225,723,794

TOTAL PROJECT COST at 2002 Price 1,133,851,863 596,697,226 1,730,549,088

E. Tax ((A+B+C+D) x 10%) 113,385,186 59,669,723 173,054,909

F. Price Contingency 351,835,550 287,865,450 639,701,000

TOTAL FUND REQUIREMENT * 1,599,072,599 944,232,398 2,543,304,997

* Based on a proposed implementation schedule. Excluding interest during construction

Table J6.2 Construction Cost Summary (1/2)
Stage 1 Kaliwa Low Dam + 1st Waterway F.C. L.C. TOTAL
1 Kaliwa Low Dam + 1st Waterway (excluding WTP #1)
(1) Land Acquisition & Resettlement excluding WTP #1
Land Acquisition 0.0 6,260,125.0 6,260,125.0
Resettlement and Compensation 0.0 14,710,400.0 14,710,400.0
Sub-total for (1) 0.0 20,970,525.0 20,970,525.0
(2) Kaliwa Low Dam (Temporary)
Preparatory Works 1,671,014.9 1,255,626.1 2,926,641.0
Kaliwa Low Dam 3,966,391.0 3,429,734.0 7,396,125.0
Intake Structure 3,208,733.0 2,533,817.0 5,742,550.0
Sub-total for (2) 8,846,138.9 7,219,177.1 16,065,316.0
(3) Waterway to Valve House no.1
Preparatory Works 13,838,326.7 4,745,572.6 18,583,899.3
Tunnel No.1 109,319,389.2 35,546,438.6 144,865,827.8
Sub-total for (3) 123,157,715.9 40,292,011.2 163,449,727.1
(4) Valve House No.1
Preparatory Works 270,849.3 128,873.4 399,722.7
Valve House Portion 1,887,347.0 779,273.0 2,666,620.0
Tailrace Portion 219,730.5 194,672.0 414,402.5
Sub-total for (4) 2,377,926.8 1,102,818.4 3,480,745.2
(5) Waterway from WTP to Reservoir
Preparatory Works 8,921,379.3 3,580,042.8 12,501,422.1
Pipeline No.1-1 (3.4m dia., 4.1km) 14,865,605.0 3,713,163.9 18,578,768.9
Pipeline No.1-2 (3.3m dia., 1.0km) 3,523,902.6 856,605.1 4,380,507.7
Valve House No.2 879,907.8 477,208.4 1,357,116.2
Pipeline No.2 (1.6m dia., 4.2km) 5,256,619.0 1,264,170.0 6,520,789.0
Surge Tank 17,194.8 23,167.2 40,362.0
Pumping Station #1 & #2 (80MLD) 10,521,727.9 3,107,370.1 13,629,098.0
Antipolo Service Reservoir #1 & #2 (30,000 m3) 1,654,962.5 1,433,382.6 3,088,345.1
Tunnel No.2 20,439,312.5 6,241,662.5 26,680,975.0
Taytay Service Reservoir #1 (180,000 m3) 9,910,595.2 7,866,960.1 17,777,555.3
Sub-total for (5) 75,991,206.7 28,563,732.4 104,554,939.2

Total for 1 210,372,988.3 98,148,264.1 308,521,252.4

2 Water Treatment Plant #1

(1) Land Acquisition & Resettlement for WTP #1 and #2
Land Acquisition 0.0 2,435,096.0 2,435,096.0
Resettlement and Compensation 0.0 121,420.4 121,420.4
Sub-total for (1) 0.0 2,556,516.4 2,556,516.4
(2) Waterway Facility
Preparatory Works 7,424,322.4 3,748,179.1 11,172,501.5
Water Treatment Plant #1 (910 MLD) 60,369,353.7 30,234,825.4 90,604,179.1
Sub-total for (2) 67,793,676.1 33,983,004.5 101,776,680.6

Total for 2 67,793,676.1 36,539,520.9 104,333,197.0

TOTAL for Stage 1 278,166,664.4 134,687,785.0 412,854,449.4

Stage 2-1 Agos Dam + WTP #2

1 Agos Dam
(1) Land Acquisition & Resettlement
Land Acquisition 0.0 4,098,028.8 4,098,028.8
Resettlement and Compensation 0.0 12,604,890.7 12,604,890.7
Sub-total (1) 0.0 16,702,919.5 16,702,919.5
(2) Agos Dam
Preparatory Works 29,869,079.3 22,642,796.4 52,511,875.7
Agos Dam
Diversion Works 51,626,278.0 19,121,432.0 70,747,710.0
Main Dam 53,305,395.0 40,255,930.0 93,561,325.0
Landslide Protection Measures 3,900,000.0 2,600,000.0 6,500,000.0
Rock Quarry for Dam Embankment 35,287,344.1 23,524,896.1 58,812,240.1
Spillway 62,698,103.6 45,466,568.4 108,164,672.0
Sub-total (2) 236,686,200.0 153,611,622.8 390,297,822.8
(3) Agos Hydropower Facility
Preparatory Works 5,830,445.2 1,175,442.2 7,005,887.3
Intake Structure 819,341.6 200,787.4 1,020,129.0
Headrace Tunnel 741,004.0 315,766.0 1,056,770.0
Penstock Line 5,211,437.0 2,219,778.0 7,431,215.0
Powerhouse 1,260,336.0 1,551,759.0 2,812,095.0
Tailrace 553,476.0 706,189.0 1,259,665.0
Switchyard 378,507.4 253,078.5 631,585.9
Hydromechanical and Hydroelectric Works 0.0
Hydromechanical works 2,225,300.0 392,700.0 2,618,000.0
Hydroelectrical Work 37,397,641.1 4,155,293.5 41,552,934.5
Sub-total (3) 54,417,488.2 10,970,793.6 65,388,281.7

Total for 1 291,103,688.1 181,285,335.9 472,389,024.0

2 Water Treatment Plant #2 + Service Reservoir #2

Preparatory Works 5,118,188.3 2,797,851.8 7,916,040.1
Water Treatment Plant #2 (Expansion 910 MLD) 36,160,243.3 17,053,355.5 53,213,598.8
Taytay Service Reservoir #2 (180,000 m3) 6,491,326.2 6,262,075.8 12,753,402.0
Total for 2 47,769,757.8 26,113,283.1 73,883,040.9

TOTAL for Stage 2-1 338,873,446.0 207,398,619.0 546,272,064.9

Table J6.2 Construction Cost Summary (2/2)
Stage 2-2 Kaliwa-Angono 2nd Waterway + WTP #3 & #4
1 2nd Waterway (excluding WTP #3)
(1) Land Acquisition & Resettlement excluding WTPs
Land Acquisition 0.0 5,977,163.0 5,977,163.0
Resettlement and Compensation 0.0 288,322.5 288,322.5
Sub-total for (1) 0.0 6,265,485.5 6,265,485.5
(2) Kaliwa Low Dam (Temporary)
Kaliwa Low Dam 239,652.0 159,768.0 399,420.0
Sub-total for (2) 239,652.0 159,768.0 399,420.0
(3) Waterway to Valve House No.1
Preparatory Works 10,745,154.2 3,672,136.2 14,417,290.3
Tunnel No.1 89,542,951.4 30,601,134.7 120,144,086.1
Sub-total for (3) 100,288,105.6 34,273,270.9 134,561,376.4
(4) Valve House No.1
Preparatory Works 132,775.2 14,752.8 147,528.0
Valve House Portion 1,069,200.0 118,800.0 1,188,000.0
Tailrace Portion 37,260.0 4,140.0 41,400.0
Sub-total for (4) 1,239,235.2 137,692.8 1,376,928.0
(5) Waterway from WTP to Reservoir
Preparatory Works 6,798,105.0 2,671,956.5 9,470,061.5
Pipeline No.1-1 (3.4m dia., 4.1km) 12,217,715.6 3,245,889.3 15,463,604.9
Pipeline No.1-2 (3.3m dia., 1.0km) 2,568,812.2 686,615.5 3,255,427.7
Pipeline No.2 (1.6m dia., 4.2km) 4,504,079.6 1,114,888.7 5,618,968.3
Surge Tank 17,194.8 23,167.2 40,362.0
Pumping Station (installation of additional pumps) 4,771,525.4 842,033.9 5,613,559.3
Antipolo Service Reservoir #3 (Expansion 30,000 m3 x 2 units) 2,968,351.3 2,699,345.9 5,667,697.2
Tunnel No.2 (Steel lined; 3.4m dia., 5.7km ) 20,439,312.5 6,241,662.5 26,680,975.0
Taytay Service Reservoir #3 (Expansion 180,000 m3) 9,163,883.7 7,412,701.3 16,576,585.0
Sub-total for (5) 63,448,980.2 24,938,260.7 88,387,240.9
Total for 1 165,215,973.0 65,774,477.9 230,990,450.9

2 Water Treatment Plant #3

(1) Land Acquisition & Resettlement for WTP #3 & #4
Land Acquisition 0.0 2,406,250.0 2,406,250.0
Resettlement and Compensation 0.0 1,524,814.4 1,524,814.4
Sub-total for (1) 0.0 3,931,064.4 3,931,064.4
(2) Waterway Facility
Preparatory Works 7,145,818.6 3,933,844.1 11,079,662.8
Water Treatment Plant #3 (Expansion 910 MLD) 59,548,488.5 32,782,034.5 92,330,523.0
Sub-total for (2) 66,694,307.1 36,715,878.7 103,410,185.8
Total for 2 66,694,307.1 40,646,943.1 107,341,250.2

3 Water treatment Plant #4 + Service Reservoir #4

Waterway Facility
Preparatory Works 7,309,282.9 3,659,924.3 10,969,207.2
Water Treatment Plant #4 (Expansion 910 MLD) 35,276,349.3 16,847,917.7 52,124,267.0
Pumping Station (Expansion 340 MLD) 15,091,847.0 3,679,438.1 18,771,285.1
Antipolo Service Reservoir #4 (Expansion 30,000 m3 x 3 units) 4,141,067.0 3,725,802.4 7,866,869.4
Taytay Service Reservoir #4 (Expansion 180,000 m3) 6,401,427.5 6,246,211.3 12,647,638.8
Total for 3 68,219,973.8 34,159,293.8 102,379,267.6

TOTAL for Stage 2-2 300,130,253.9 140,580,714.8 440,710,968.6

Grand Total 917,170,364.2 482,667,118.8 1,399,837,483.0

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (1/12)

Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)

Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
1 1 KALIWA LOW DAM + 1st WATERWAY (excluding WTP #1)
1 1 1 1 Land Acquisition & Resettlement excluding WTP #1
1 1 1 Land Acquisition L.S. 0.0 6,260,125.0 6,260,125.0
1 1 1 Resettlement L.S. 0.0 14,710,400.0 14,710,400.0
1 1 2 2 Kaliwa Low Dam (Temporary)
1 1 2 Preparatory Works
1 1 2 New Access m 500 180.0 120.0 300.0 90,000.0 60,000.0 150,000.0
1 1 2 Improvement m 8,000 90.0 60.0 150.0 720,000.0 480,000.0 1,200,000.0
1 1 2 Preparatory Works L.S. 861,014.9 715,626.1 1,576,641.0
1 1 2 Kaliwa Low Dam
1 1 2 1st stage cofferdam embankment m3 18,000 3.0 2.0 5.0 54,000.0 36,000.0 90,000.0
1 1 2 2nd stage cofferdam embankment m3 6,000 3.0 2.0 5.0 18,000.0 12,000.0 30,000.0
1 1 2 Open excavation, common m3 2,200 2.7 1.8 4.5 5,940.0 3,960.0 9,900.0
1 1 2 Open excavation, rock m3 19,900 7.5 5.0 12.5 149,250.0 99,500.0 248,750.0
1 1 2 Bckfilling m3 5,600 4.2 2.8 7.0 23,520.0 15,680.0 39,200.0
1 1 2 Embankment with random fill materials m3 163,600 4.2 2.8 7.0 687,120.0 458,080.0 1,145,200.0
1 1 2 Embankment with impervious matrerials m3 24,800 4.2 2.8 7.0 104,160.0 69,440.0 173,600.0
1 1 2 Cribs materials m2 10,800 4.2 2.8 7.0 45,360.0 30,240.0 75,600.0
1 1 2 Compacted gravel for crest m3 200 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,080.0 720.0 1,800.0
1 1 2 Face concrete m3 1,420 34.0 51.0 85.0 48,280.0 72,420.0 120,700.0
1 1 2 Structural concrete for sand flush way m3 24,000 34.0 51.0 85.0 816,000.0 1,224,000.0 2,040,000.0
1 1 2 Reinforcement ton 250 248.0 372.0 620.0 62,000.0 93,000.0 155,000.0
1 1 2 Mass concrete for sand flush way m3 17,050 32.0 48.0 80.0 545,600.0 818,400.0 1,364,000.0
1 1 2 Stoplog L.S. 280,500.0 49,500.0 330,000.0
1 1 2 Sand flush gate 5.0(h)x5.0(w) L.S. 425,000.0 75,000.0 500,000.0
1 1 2 Hoist (1no) L.S. 340,000.0 60,000.0 400,000.0
1 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 360,581.0 311,794.0 672,375.0
1 1 2 Intake Structure
1 1 2 Open excavation, common m3 200 2.7 1.8 4.5 540.0 360.0 900.0
1 1 2 Open excavation, rock m3 19,400 7.5 5.0 12.5 145,500.0 97,000.0 242,500.0
1 1 2 Backfilling m3 38,900 4.5 3.0 7.5 175,050.0 116,700.0 291,750.0
1 1 2 Structural concrete m3 16,430 34.0 51.0 85.0 558,620.0 837,930.0 1,396,550.0
1 1 2 Reinforcement ton 1,640 248.0 372.0 620.0 406,720.0 610,080.0 1,016,800.0
1 1 2 Mass concrete m3 8,350 32.0 48.0 80.0 267,200.0 400,800.0 668,000.0
1 1 2 Trashrack 10(h)x3.5(w), 12(h)x3.5(w) L.S. 71,400.0 12,600.0 84,000.0
1 1 2 Stoplog 0.3(h)x3.5(w)x12nos L.S. 170,000.0 30,000.0 200,000.0
1 1 2 Intake gate; 3.5(h)x3.5(w)x2nos, L.S. 714,000.0 126,000.0 840,000.0
1 1 2 Hoist (6no) L.S. 408,000.0 72,000.0 480,000.0
1 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 291,703.0 230,347.0 522,050.0
1 1 3 3 Waterway to Valve House No.1
1 1 3 Preparatory Works
1 1 3 New Access m 2,600 180.0 120.0 300.0 468,000.0 312,000.0 780,000.0
1 1 3 Improvement m 2,800 90.0 60.0 150.0 252,000.0 168,000.0 420,000.0
1 1 3 Preparatory Works L.S. 13,118,326.7 4,265,572.6 17,383,899.3
1 1 3 Tunnel No.1
1 1 3 Adit 1
1 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 800 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,160.0 1,440.0 3,600.0
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 10,998 149.6 37.4 187.0 1,645,300.8 411,325.2 2,056,626.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 82,373.0 20,638.3 103,011.3
1 1 3 Adit 2
1 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 800 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,160.0 1,440.0 3,600.0
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 60,490 149.6 37.4 187.0 9,049,304.0 2,262,326.0 11,311,630.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 452,573.2 113,188.3 565,761.5
1 1 3 Adit 3
1 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 800 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,160.0 1,440.0 3,600.0
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 54,991 149.6 37.4 187.0 8,226,653.6 2,056,663.4 10,283,317.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 411,440.7 102,905.2 514,345.9
1 1 3 NATM 1
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 43,150 149.6 37.4 187.0 6,455,240.0 1,613,810.0 8,069,050.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 14,768 50.0 75.0 125.0 738,400.0 1,107,600.0 1,846,000.0
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 359,682.0 136,070.5 495,752.5
1 1 3 NATM 2

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (2/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 50,317 149.6 37.4 187.0 7,527,423.2 1,881,855.8 9,409,279.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 17,221 50.0 75.0 125.0 861,050.0 1,291,575.0 2,152,625.0
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 419,423.7 158,671.5 578,095.2
1 1 3 NATM 3
Open excavation at inlet & outlet portals m3 1,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,700.0 1,800.0 4,500.0
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 66,114 149.6 37.4 187.0 9,890,654.4 2,472,663.6 12,363,318.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 22,627 50.0 75.0 125.0 1,131,350.0 1,697,025.0 2,828,375.0
Steel lining ton 100 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 106,250.0 18,750.0 125,000.0
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 556,547.7 209,511.9 766,059.7
1 1 3 TBM 1
1 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 0 2.7 1.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including TBM and m3 163,205 237.6 59.4 297.0 38,777,508.0 9,694,377.0 48,471,885.0
all temp. works (steel support, shotcrete,
grouting, power supply, etc.) other than
conc. Lining
1 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 49,868 50.0 75.0 125.0 2,493,400.0 3,740,100.0 6,233,500.0
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 2,063,545.4 671,723.9 2,735,269.3
1 1 3 TBM 2
1 1 3 Tunnel excavation including TBM and m3 68,025 237.6 59.4 297.0 16,162,740.0 4,040,685.0 20,203,425.0
all temp. works (steel support, shotcrete,
grouting, power supply, etc. other than
conc. lining)
1 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 20,785 50.0 75.0 125.0 1,039,250.0 1,558,875.0 2,598,125.0
1 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 860,099.5 279,978.0 1,140,077.5
1 1 4 4 Valve House No.1
1 1 4 Preparatory Works
1 1 4 New Access m 100 180.0 120.0 300.0 18,000.0 12,000.0 30,000.0
1 1 4 Improvement m 0 90.0 60.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1 4 Preparatory Works L.S. 252,849.3 116,873.4 369,722.7
1 1 4 Valve House Portion
1 1 4 Opencut excavation, common m3 23,600 2.7 1.8 4.5 63,720.0 42,480.0 106,200.0
1 1 4 Opencut excavation, rock m3 15,800 7.5 5.0 12.5 118,500.0 79,000.0 197,500.0
1 1 4 Backfill in random materials m3 16,900 4.5 3.0 7.5 76,050.0 50,700.0 126,750.0
1 1 4 Concrete for substructure m3 2,010 34.0 51.0 85.0 68,340.0 102,510.0 170,850.0
1 1 4 Concrete for superstructure m3 300 34.0 51.0 85.0 10,200.0 15,300.0 25,500.0
1 1 4 Reinforcement bar ton 770 248.0 372.0 620.0 190,960.0 286,440.0 477,400.0
1 1 4 Mechanical works L.S. 1,188,000.0 132,000.0 1,320,000.0
1 1 4 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 171,577.0 70,843.0 242,420.0
1 1 4 Tailrace Portion
1 1 4 Opencut excavation, common m3 9,200 2.7 1.8 4.5 24,840.0 16,560.0 41,400.0
1 1 4 Opencut excavation, rock m3 3,900 7.5 5.0 12.5 29,250.0 19,500.0 48,750.0
1 1 4 Backfill in random materials m3 4,600 4.5 3.0 7.5 20,700.0 13,800.0 34,500.0
1 1 4 Structural concrete m3 1,380 34.0 51.0 85.0 46,920.0 70,380.0 117,300.0
1 1 4 Reinforcement bar ton 120 248.0 372.0 620.0 29,760.0 44,640.0 74,400.0
1 1 4 Hydroelectrical works L.S 39,600.0 4,400.0 44,000.0
1 1 4 Miscellaneous L.S. 15% 28,660.5 25,392.0 54,052.5
1 1 5 5 Waterway from WTP to Reservoir
1 1 5 Preparatory Works
1 1 5 New Access m 2,600 180.0 120.0 300.0 468,000.0 312,000.0 780,000.0
1 1 5 Improvement m 4,500 90.0 60.0 150.0 405,000.0 270,000.0 675,000.0
1 1 5 Preparatory Works L.S. 8,048,379.3 2,998,042.8 11,046,422.1
1 1 5 Pipeline No.1-1 (3.4m dia., 4.1km)
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 225,332 2.7 1.8 4.5 608,396.7 405,597.8 1,013,994.5
1 1 5 Open excavation, rock m3 25,037 7.5 5.0 12.5 187,776.8 125,184.5 312,961.3
1 1 5 Steel pipe installaiton and fitting m 4,100 1,893.0 334.1 2,227.0 7,761,095.0 1,369,605.0 9,130,700.0
1 1 5 Concrete for foundation of steel pipe m3 1,600 34.0 51.0 85.0 54,400.0 81,600.0 136,000.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 80 248.0 372.0 620.0 19,840.0 29,760.0 49,600.0
1 1 5 Backfilling m3 211,908 4.5 3.0 7.5 953,586.0 635,724.0 1,589,310.0
1 1 5 Valves (air, isolating and drain) L.S. 297,500.0 52,500.0 350,000.0
1 1 5 Sheetpiling m 2,460 1,283.5 226.5 1,510.0 3,157,410.0 557,190.0 3,714,600.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 14% 1,825,600.6 456,002.6 2,281,603.2
1 1 5 Pipeline No.1-2 (3.3m dia., 1.0km)
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 54,202 2.7 1.8 4.5 146,344.3 97,562.9 243,907.2
1 1 5 Open excavation, rock m3 6,022 7.5 5.0 12.5 45,168.0 30,112.0 75,280.0
1 1 5 Steel pipe installaiton and fitting m 1,000 1,793.5 316.5 2,110.0 1,793,500.0 316,500.0 2,110,000.0
1 1 5 Concrete for foundation of steel pipe m3 100 34.0 51.0 85.0 3,400.0 5,100.0 8,500.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 5 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,240.0 1,860.0 3,100.0
1 1 5 Backfilling m3 51,399 4.5 3.0 7.5 231,295.5 154,197.0 385,492.5
1 1 5 Valves (air, isolating and drain) L.S. 212,500.0 37,500.0 250,000.0
1 1 5 Sheetpiling m 600 1,283.5 226.5 1,510.0 770,100.0 135,900.0 906,000.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 320,354.8 77,873.2 398,228.0
1 1 5 Valve House

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (3/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
1 1 5 Open excavation for substructure m3 5,121 2.7 1.8 4.5 13,826.7 9,217.8 23,044.5
1 1 5 Backfilling m3 1,407 4.5 3.0 7.5 6,331.5 4,221.0 10,552.5
1 1 5 Concrete for substructure m3 3,321 34.0 51.0 85.0 112,914.0 169,371.0 282,285.0
1 1 5 Superstructure m3 60 34.0 51.0 85.0 2,040.0 3,060.0 5,100.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 398 248.0 372.0 620.0 98,704.0 148,056.0 246,760.0
1 1 5 Valve L.S. 566,100.0 99,900.0 666,000.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 79,991.6 43,382.6 123,374.2
1 1 5 Pipeline to Antipolo Pumping Station
1 1 5 Pipeline No.2 (1.6m dia., 4.2km)
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 70,509 2.7 1.8 4.5 190,374.3 126,916.2 317,290.5
1 1 5 Open excavation, rock m3 5,782 7.5 5.0 12.5 43,365.0 28,910.0 72,275.0
1 1 5 Steel pipe installaiton and fitting m 4,200 687.7 121.4 809.0 2,888,130.0 509,670.0 3,397,800.0
1 1 5 Concrete for foundation of steel pipe m3 600 34.0 51.0 85.0 20,400.0 30,600.0 51,000.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 30 248.0 372.0 620.0 7,440.0 11,160.0 18,600.0
1 1 5 Backfilling m3 67,569 4.5 3.0 7.5 304,060.5 202,707.0 506,767.5
1 1 5 Valves (air, isolating and drain) L.S. 161,500.0 28,500.0 190,000.0
1 1 5 Sheetpiling m 840 1,283.5 226.5 1,510.0 1,078,140.0 190,260.0 1,268,400.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 12% 563,209.2 135,446.8 698,656.0
1 1 5 Surge Tank
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 500 2.7 1.8 4.5 1,350.0 900.0 2,250.0
1 1 5 Bckfilling m3 200 4.5 3.0 7.5 900.0 600.0 1,500.0
1 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 120 34.0 51.0 85.0 4,080.0 6,120.0 10,200.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 24 248.0 372.0 620.0 5,952.0 8,928.0 14,880.0
1 1 5 Miscelaneous L.S. 40% 4,912.8 6,619.2 11,532.0
1 1 5 Pumping Station #1 & #2 (80MLD)
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 77,496 2.7 1.8 4.5 209,239.2 139,492.8 348,732.0
1 1 5 Bckfilling m3 31,079 4.5 3.0 7.5 139,855.5 93,237.0 233,092.5
1 1 5 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 328 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,771.2 1,180.8 2,952.0
1 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 4,979 34.0 51.0 85.0 169,286.0 253,929.0 423,215.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 597 248.0 372.0 620.0 148,175.0 222,262.6 370,437.6
1 1 5 Pump house m2 900 340.0 510.0 850.0 306,000.0 459,000.0 765,000.0
1 1 5 Valve; 1,100mm pcs. 2 36,017.0 6,355.9 42,372.9 72,033.9 12,711.9 84,745.8
1 1 5 Valve; 1,600mm pcs. 1 64,830.5 11,440.7 76,271.2 64,830.5 11,440.7 76,271.2
1 1 5 flexible joint (1,600mm) pcs. 2 22,474.6 3,966.1 26,440.7 44,949.2 7,932.2 52,881.4
1 1 5 Booster pump pcs. 2 1,383,050.9 244,067.8 1,627,118.6 2,766,101.7 488,135.6 3,254,237.3
1 1 5 E & M Works other than booster pump L.S. 4,811,864.4 849,152.5 5,661,016.9
1 1 5 Guard House m2 100 340.0 510.0 850.0 34,000.0 51,000.0 85,000.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,753,621.3 517,895.0 2,271,516.3
1 1 5 Antipolo Service Reservoir #1 & #2 (30,000 m3)
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 61,555 2.7 1.8 4.5 166,198.5 110,799.0 276,997.5
1 1 5 Bckfilling m3 27,238 4.5 3.0 7.5 122,571.0 81,714.0 204,285.0
1 1 5 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 1,083 5.4 3.6 9.0 5,848.2 3,898.8 9,747.0
1 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 9,026 34.0 51.0 85.0 306,884.0 460,326.0 767,210.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 1,083 248.0 372.0 620.0 268,613.8 402,920.6 671,534.4
1 1 5 Valves L.S. 294,618.5 51,991.5 346,610.0
1 1 5 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 180,401.5 31,835.6 212,237.0
1 1 5 Guard House m2 100 340.0 510.0 850.0 34,000.0 51,000.0 85,000.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 275,827.1 238,897.1 514,724.2
1 1 5 Tunnel No.2 (Steel lined; 3.3m dia., 5.3km )
1 1 5 NATM 4
1 1 5 Open excavation at portal m3 1,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,700.0 1,800.0 4,500.0
1 1 5 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 35,123 179.5 44.9 224.4 6,305,281.0 1,576,320.2 7,881,601.2
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 5 Lining Concrete (Backfill Concrete) m3 11,933 50.0 75.0 125.0 596,650.0 894,975.0 1,491,625.0
1 1 5 Steel lining ton 2,662 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 2,828,375.0 499,125.0 3,327,500.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 486,650.3 148,611.0 635,261.3
1 1 5 NATM 5
1 1 5 Open excavation at portal m3 1,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,700.0 1,800.0 4,500.0
1 1 5 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 35,123 179.5 44.9 224.4 6,305,281.0 1,576,320.2 7,881,601.2
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
1 1 5 Lining Concrete (Backfill Concrete) m3 11,933 50.0 75.0 125.0 596,650.0 894,975.0 1,491,625.0
1 1 5 Steel lining ton 2,662 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 2,828,375.0 499,125.0 3,327,500.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 486,650.3 148,611.0 635,261.3
1 1 5 Taytay Service Reservoir #1 (180,000 m3)
1 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 881,871 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,381,051.7 1,587,367.8 3,968,419.5
1 1 5 Bckfilling m3 26,915 4.5 3.0 7.5 121,117.5 80,745.0 201,862.5
1 1 5 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,906 5.4 3.6 9.0 37,292.4 24,861.6 62,154.0
1 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 45,131 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,534,454.0 2,301,681.0 3,836,135.0
1 1 5 Reinforcement ton 5,416 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,343,098.6 2,014,647.8 3,357,746.4
1 1 5 Valves L.S. 1,391,478.1 245,555.0 1,637,033.0
1 1 5 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 1,416,337.2 249,941.9 1,666,279.0
1 1 5 Guard House m2 100 340.0 510.0 850.0 34,000.0 51,000.0 85,000.0
1 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,651,765.9 1,311,160.0 2,962,925.9

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (4/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
1 2 1 1 Land Acquisition & Resettlement for WTP #1 and #2
1 2 1 Land Acquisition L.S. 0.0 2,435,096.0 2,435,096.0
1 2 1 Resettlement L.S. 0.0 121,420.4 121,420.4
1 2 2 2 Waterway Facility
1 2 2 Preparatory Works
1 2 2 New Access m 0 180.0 120.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 2 2 Improvement m 2,000 90.0 60.0 150.0 180,000.0 120,000.0 300,000.0
1 2 2 Preparatory Works L.S. 7,244,322.4 3,628,179.1 10,872,501.5
1 2 2 Water Treatment Plant #1 (910 MLD)
1 2 2 Site Formation for #1 & #2
1 2 2 Open excavation,common m3 3,374,640 2.5 1.7 4.2 8,504,092.8 5,669,395.2 14,173,488.0
1 2 2 Open excavation, rock m3 843,660 6.3 4.2 10.5 5,315,058.0 3,543,372.0 8,858,430.0
1 2 2 Embanakment m3 109,200 4.2 2.8 7.0 458,640.0 305,760.0 764,400.0
Power Transmission/Substation Equipment
Transmission Lines L.S. 4,808,115.0 534,235.0 5,342,350.0
Substation Equipment L.S. 2,509,991.1 278,887.9 2,788,879.0
1 2 2 Receiving Well
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 9,281 2.7 1.8 4.5 25,058.7 16,705.8 41,764.5
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 1,030 4.5 3.0 7.5 4,635.0 3,090.0 7,725.0
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 204 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,101.6 734.4 1,836.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 2,056 34.0 51.0 85.0 69,904.0 104,856.0 174,760.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,186.6 91,779.8 152,966.4
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 1,041,609.6 183,813.5 1,225,423.0
1 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 120,349.5 40,098.0 160,447.5
1 2 2 Flocculation & Sedimentation Basin
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 247,488 2.7 1.8 4.5 668,217.6 445,478.4 1,113,696.0
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 17,495 4.5 3.0 7.5 78,727.5 52,485.0 131,212.5
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,098 5.4 3.6 9.0 32,929.2 21,952.8 54,882.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 30,763 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,045,942.0 1,568,913.0 2,614,855.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 3,076 248.0 372.0 620.0 762,922.4 1,144,383.6 1,907,306.0
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 4,863,151.8 858,203.3 5,721,355.0
1 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,490,378.1 818,283.2 2,308,661.3
1 2 2 Filter
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 74,858 2.7 1.8 4.5 202,116.6 134,744.4 336,861.0
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 6,189 4.5 3.0 7.5 27,850.5 18,567.0 46,417.5
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 1,912 5.4 3.6 9.0 10,324.8 6,883.2 17,208.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 20,265 34.0 51.0 85.0 689,010.0 1,033,515.0 1,722,525.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 2,432 248.0 372.0 620.0 603,086.4 904,629.6 1,507,716.0
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 4,807,542.2 848,389.8 5,655,932.0
1 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 1,267,986.1 589,345.8 1,857,331.9
1 2 2 Clear Water Reservoir
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 91,023 2.7 1.8 4.5 245,762.1 163,841.4 409,603.5
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 5,378 4.5 3.0 7.5 24,201.0 16,134.0 40,335.0
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,252 5.4 3.6 9.0 17,560.8 11,707.2 29,268.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 18,292 34.0 51.0 85.0 621,928.0 932,892.0 1,554,820.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 2,195 248.0 372.0 620.0 544,369.9 816,554.9 1,360,924.8
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 1,169,830.4 206,440.7 1,376,271.0
1 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 10% 262,365.2 214,757.0 477,122.2
1 2 2 Back Wash Water Storage
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 22,211 2.7 1.8 4.5 59,969.7 39,979.8 99,949.5
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 762 4.5 3.0 7.5 3,429.0 2,286.0 5,715.0
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 474 5.4 3.6 9.0 2,559.6 1,706.4 4,266.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 3,805 34.0 51.0 85.0 129,370.0 194,055.0 323,425.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 457 248.0 372.0 620.0 113,236.8 169,855.2 283,092.0
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 74,338.5 13,118.6 87,457.0
1 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 76,580.7 84,200.2 160,780.9
1 2 2 Thickening Tank
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 20,906 2.7 1.8 4.5 56,446.2 37,630.8 94,077.0
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 1,831 4.5 3.0 7.5 8,239.5 5,493.0 13,732.5
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 634 5.4 3.6 9.0 3,423.6 2,282.4 5,706.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 2,647 34.0 51.0 85.0 89,998.0 134,997.0 224,995.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 265 248.0 372.0 620.0 65,720.0 98,580.0 164,300.0
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 540,830.4 95,440.7 636,271.0
1 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 152,931.5 74,884.8 227,816.3
1 2 2 Sludge Drying Bed
1 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 72,117 2.7 1.8 4.5 194,715.9 129,810.6 324,526.5
1 2 2 Bckfilling m3 4,178 4.5 3.0 7.5 18,801.0 12,534.0 31,335.0
1 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,606 5.4 3.6 9.0 19,472.4 12,981.6 32,454.0
1 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 8,232 34.0 51.0 85.0 279,888.0 419,832.0 699,720.0
1 2 2 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
1 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 14,406.7 2,542.4 16,949.0
1 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 117,708.0 133,916.9 251,624.9
1 2 2 Others
1 2 2 Office m2 2,000 680.0 1,020.0 1,700.0 1,360,000.0 2,040,000.0 3,400,000.0
1 2 2 Chemicals Handling House m2 2,700 340.0 510.0 850.0 918,000.0 1,377,000.0 2,295,000.0

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (5/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
1 2 2 Chlorination House m2 1,500 340.0 510.0 850.0 510,000.0 765,000.0 1,275,000.0
1 2 2 Generator House m2 600 762.7 84.8 847.5 457,626.0 50,850.0 508,476.0
1 2 2 Guard House m2 150 340.0 510.0 850.0 51,000.0 76,500.0 127,500.0
1 2 2 Connecting pipes and E & M L.S. 8,957,287.8 995,254.2 9,952,542.0
1 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 30% 3,676,174.1 1,591,381.3 5,267,555.4

2 1 STAGE 2-1 AGOS DAM + WTP #2

2 1 1 1 Land Acquisition & Resettlement
2 1 1 Land Acquisition L.S. 0.0 4,098,028.8 4,098,028.8
2 1 1 Resettlement L.S. 0.0 12,604,890.7 12,604,890.7
2 1 2 2 Agos Dam
2 1 2 Preparatory Works
2 1 2 New Access m 13,000 180.0 120.0 300.0 2,340,000.0 1,560,000.0 3,900,000.0
2 1 2 Improvement m 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 1 2 Regional Development L.S. 2,591,024.8 3,886,537.2 6,477,562.0
2 1 2 Environmental mitigation measures L.S. 120,000.0 180,000.0 300,000.0
(Reforestation program)
2 1 2 Preparatory Works L.S. 24,818,054.5 15,716,259.2 40,534,313.7
2 1 2 Agos Dam
2 1 2 Diversion Works
2 1 2 Cofferdam
2 1 2 Dewatering during construction L.S. 900,000.0 600,000.0 1,500,000.0
2 1 2 Slurry Wall including all temporary m2 17,000 212.5 37.5 250.0 3,612,500.0 637,500.0 4,250,000.0
2 1 2 Open excavation, river deposit m3 1,200 2.7 1.8 4.5 3,240.0 2,160.0 5,400.0
2 1 2 Embankment, earth material (Cofferdam) m3 374,500 4.2 2.8 7.0 1,572,900.0 1,048,600.0 2,621,500.0
2 1 2 Embankment, rockfill material m3 833,500 4.2 2.8 7.0 3,500,700.0 2,333,800.0 5,834,500.0
2 1 2 Earthfill materials for downstream cofferd m3 17,300 4.2 2.8 7.0 72,660.0 48,440.0 121,100.0
2 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 966,200.0 467,050.0 1,433,250.0
2 1 2 Diversion Tunnel
2 1 2 Open excavation at tunnel portals, commo m3 61,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 164,700.0 109,800.0 274,500.0
2 1 2 Open excavation at tunnel portals, rock m3 39,500 7.5 5.0 12.5 296,250.0 197,500.0 493,750.0
2 1 2 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 221,800 149.6 37.4 187.0 33,181,280.0 8,295,320.0 41,476,600.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc. other than conc.
2 1 2 Steel support ton 75 1,190.0 210.0 1,400.0 89,250.0 15,750.0 105,000.0
2 1 2 Curtain grout m 1,200 42.0 63.0 105.0 50,400.0 75,600.0 126,000.0
2 1 2 Backfill grout m3 3,620 80.0 120.0 200.0 289,600.0 434,400.0 724,000.0
2 1 2 Concrete in approach channels and m3 240 34.0 51.0 85.0 8,160.0 12,240.0 20,400.0
tunnel portals
2 1 2 Reinforcement ton 2,080 248.0 372.0 620.0 515,840.0 773,760.0 1,289,600.0
2 1 2 Lining concrete for diversion tunnels m3 31,630 50.0 75.0 125.0 1,581,500.0 2,372,250.0 3,953,750.0
2 1 2 Diversion Gate L.S. 714,000.0 126,000.0 840,000.0
2 1 2 Bottom outlet valve L.S. 204,000.0 36,000.0 240,000.0
2 1 2 Plug concrete m3 5,500 32.0 48.0 80.0 176,000.0 264,000.0 440,000.0
2 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 3,727,098.0 1,271,262.0 4,998,360.0
2 1 2 Main Dam
2 1 2 Open excavation of river deposite m3 1,549,800 2.5 1.7 4.2 3,905,496.0 2,603,664.0 6,509,160.0
2 1 2 Open excavation for main dam, common m3 1,891,000 2.5 1.7 4.2 4,765,320.0 3,176,880.0 7,942,200.0
2 1 2 Open excavation for main dam, rock m3 1,134,200 6.3 4.2 10.5 7,145,460.0 4,763,640.0 11,909,100.0
2 1 2 Curtain grouting for dam m 34,100 42.0 63.0 105.0 1,432,200.0 2,148,300.0 3,580,500.0
2 1 2 Embankment, coarse transition m3 257,800 4.2 2.8 7.0 1,082,760.0 721,840.0 1,804,600.0
2 1 2 Embankment, fine transition m3 239,200 4.2 2.8 7.0 1,004,640.0 669,760.0 1,674,400.0
2 1 2 Embankment, quarried rock m3 7,631,070 1.2 0.8 2.0 9,157,284.0 6,104,856.0 15,262,140.0
2 1 2 Embankment, excavated rock m3 4,326,530 3.0 2.0 5.0 12,979,590.0 8,653,060.0 21,632,650.0
Embankment, random materials m3 142,400 3.0 2.0 5.0 427,200.0 284,800.0 712,000.0
2 1 2 Embankment, earth fii and random fill m3 947,900 3.0 2.0 5.0 2,843,700.0 1,895,800.0 4,739,500.0
(In front of face slab concrete)
2 1 2 Structural concrete for gallery m3 34.0 51.0 85.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 1 2 Structural Concrete for parapet wall m3 7,500 34.0 51.0 85.0 255,000.0 382,500.0 637,500.0
2 1 2 Reinforcement ton 5,800 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,438,400.0 2,157,600.0 3,596,000.0
2 1 2 Concrete in face slab m3 63,200 32.0 48.0 80.0 2,022,400.0 3,033,600.0 5,056,000.0
2 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 4,845,945.0 3,659,630.0 8,505,575.0
2 1 2 Landslide Protection Measures
2 1 2 Site clearance, excavation, and slope m3 1,000,000 3.9 2.6 6.5 3,900,000.0 2,600,000.0 6,500,000.0
2 1 2 Rock Quarry for Dam Embankment
2 1 2 Open excavation, common m3 150,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 405,000.0 270,000.0 675,000.0
2 1 2 Open excavation, rock m3 5,536,880 6.3 4.2 10.5 34,882,344.1 23,254,896.1 58,137,240.1
2 1 2 Spillway
2 1 2 Open excavation in spillway, common m3 2,304,700 2.5 1.7 4.2 5,807,844.0 3,871,896.0 9,679,740.0
2 1 2 Open excavation in spillway, rock m3 6,656,200 6.3 4.2 10.5 41,934,060.0 27,956,040.0 69,890,100.0
2 1 2 Backfilling m3 6,800 4.5 3.0 7.5 30,600.0 20,400.0 51,000.0
2 1 2 Structural concrete for spillway m3 52,200 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,774,800.0 2,662,200.0 4,437,000.0
2 1 2 Reinforcement ton 6,264 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,553,472.0 2,330,208.0 3,883,680.0

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (6/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
2 1 2 Mass concrete for spillway m3 81,500 32.0 48.0 80.0 2,608,000.0 3,912,000.0 6,520,000.0
2 1 2 Spillway gate L.S. 3,196,000.0 564,000.0 3,760,000.0
2 1 2 Stoplog L.S. 93,500.0 16,500.0 110,000.0
2 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 5,699,827.6 4,133,324.4 9,833,152.0
2 1 3 3 Agos Hydropower Facility
Preparatory Works
Preparatory Works L.S. 5,830,445.2 1,175,442.2 7,005,887.3
2 1 3 Intake Structure
2 1 3 Open excavation for intake, common m3 5,500 2.7 1.8 4.5 14,850.0 9,900.0 24,750.0
2 1 3 Open excavation for intakey, rock m3 5,500 7.5 5.0 12.5 41,250.0 27,500.0 68,750.0
2 1 3 Backfilling m3 400 4.5 3.0 7.5 1,800.0 1,200.0 3,000.0
2 1 3 Structural concrete for intake structure m3 270 34.0 51.0 85.0 9,180.0 13,770.0 22,950.0
2 1 3 Reinforcement ton 27 248.0 372.0 620.0 6,696.0 10,044.0 16,740.0
2 1 3 Mass concrete for intake m3 40 32.0 48.0 80.0 1,280.0 1,920.0 3,200.0
2 1 3 Trash rack 6m(h) x 3.7m(w)x2nos L.S. 40,800.0 7,200.0 48,000.0
2 1 3 Intake gate 5.0m(h) x 5.0m(w)x1no L.S. 204,000.0 36,000.0 240,000.0
2 1 3 Stoplog 0.3m(h) x 5.0m(w)x10nos L.S. 187,000.0 33,000.0 220,000.0
2 1 3 Gate hoistx2nos L.S. 238,000.0 42,000.0 280,000.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 74,485.6 18,253.4 92,739.0
2 1 3 Headrace Tunnel
2 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 3,700 149.6 37.4 187.0 553,520.0 138,380.0 691,900.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
2 1 3 Steel support ton 20 1,190.0 210.0 1,400.0 23,800.0 4,200.0 28,000.0
2 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 1,360 50.0 75.0 125.0 68,000.0 102,000.0 170,000.0
2 1 3 Backfill grout m3 13 80.0 120.0 200.0 1,040.0 1,560.0 2,600.0
2 1 3 Reinforcement ton 110 248.0 372.0 620.0 27,280.0 40,920.0 68,200.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 67,364.0 28,706.0 96,070.0
2 1 3 Penstock Line
2 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 17,700 149.6 37.4 187.0 2,647,920.0 661,980.0 3,309,900.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
2 1 3 Steel support ton 40 1,190.0 210.0 1,400.0 47,600.0 8,400.0 56,000.0
2 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 10,590 50.0 75.0 125.0 529,500.0 794,250.0 1,323,750.0
2 1 3 Steel lining ton 1,220 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 1,296,250.0 228,750.0 1,525,000.0
2 1 3 Backfill grout m3 70 80.0 120.0 200.0 5,600.0 8,400.0 14,000.0
2 1 3 Reinforcement ton 850 248.0 372.0 620.0 210,800.0 316,200.0 527,000.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 473,767.0 201,798.0 675,565.0
2 1 3 Powerhouse
2 1 3 Open excavation for substructure, commo m3 36,200 2.7 1.8 4.5 97,740.0 65,160.0 162,900.0
2 1 3 Open excavation for substructure, rock m3 33,600 7.5 5.0 12.5 252,000.0 168,000.0 420,000.0
2 1 3 Backfilling m3 4,400 4.5 3.0 7.5 19,800.0 13,200.0 33,000.0
2 1 3 Concrete for substructure m3 13,800 34.0 51.0 85.0 469,200.0 703,800.0 1,173,000.0
2 1 3 Concrete for superstructure m3 1,590 34.0 51.0 85.0 54,060.0 81,090.0 135,150.0
2 1 3 Reinforcement ton 1,020 248.0 372.0 620.0 252,960.0 379,440.0 632,400.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 114,576.0 141,069.0 255,645.0
2 1 3 Tailrace
2 1 3 Excavation of river deposit m3 2,500 2.7 1.8 4.5 6,750.0 4,500.0 11,250.0
2 1 3 Excavation, common m3 19,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 51,300.0 34,200.0 85,500.0
2 1 3 Open excavation, rock m3 10,300 7.5 5.0 12.5 77,250.0 51,500.0 128,750.0
2 1 3 Concrete slab m3 750 34.0 51.0 85.0 25,500.0 38,250.0 63,750.0
2 1 3 Concrete for wall m3 8,100 34.0 51.0 85.0 275,400.0 413,100.0 688,500.0
2 1 3 Reinforcing bar ton 270 248.0 372.0 620.0 66,960.0 100,440.0 167,400.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 50,316.0 64,199.0 114,515.0
2 1 3 Switchyard
2 1 3 Open excavation, common m3 1,500 2.7 1.8 4.5 4,050.0 2,700.0 6,750.0
2 1 3 Rock embankment m3 52,100 4.2 2.8 7.0 218,820.0 145,880.0 364,700.0
2 1 3 Gravel bedding m3 22,300 5.4 3.6 9.0 120,420.0 80,280.0 200,700.0
2 1 3 Concrete for switchyard equipment m3 15 34.0 51.0 85.0 510.0 765.0 1,275.0
2 1 3 Reinforcement ton 1 248.0 372.0 620.0 297.6 446.4 744.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 34,409.8 23,007.1 57,416.9
2 1 3 Hydromechanical and Hydroelectric Works for Upper Headrace tunnel
2 1 3 Hydromechanical works
2 1 3 Diversion outlet works
2 1 3 Penstock L.S. 1,071,000.0 189,000.0 1,260,000.0
2 1 3 Tailrace gate (Roller gate) with gantry L.S. 280,500.0 49,500.0 330,000.0
2 1 3 Valve L.S. 204,000.0 36,000.0 240,000.0
2 1 3 Overhead Crane (120t) L.S. 467,500.0 82,500.0 550,000.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 202,300.0 35,700.0 238,000.0
2 1 3 Hydroelectrical Work
2 1 3 Generating equipment (Generator, main L.S. 22,770,000.0 2,530,000.0 25,300,000.0
transformer, etc.)
2 1 3 Transmission line L.S. 8,590,497.3 954,499.7 9,544,997.0
2 1 3 Substation & switchyard L.S. 2,637,358.2 293,039.8 2,930,398.0
2 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 3,399,785.6 377,754.0 3,777,539.5

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (7/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
2 2 Preparatory Works
2 2 Preparatory Works L.S. 5,118,188.3 2,797,851.8 7,916,040.1
2 2 Water Treatment Plant #2 (Expansion 910 MLD)
2 2 Receiving Well
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 9,281 2.7 1.8 4.5 25,058.7 16,705.8 41,764.5
2 2 Bckfilling m3 1,030 4.5 3.0 7.5 4,635.0 3,090.0 7,725.0
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 204 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,101.6 734.4 1,836.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 2,056 34.0 51.0 85.0 69,904.0 104,856.0 174,760.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 527,647.7 93,114.3 620,762.0
2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 68,960.3 31,038.5 99,998.8
2 2 Flocculation & Sedimentation Basin
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 247,488 2.7 1.8 4.5 668,217.6 445,478.4 1,113,696.0
2 2 Bckfilling m3 17,495 4.5 3.0 7.5 78,727.5 52,485.0 131,212.5
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,098 5.4 3.6 9.0 32,929.2 21,952.8 54,882.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 30,763 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,045,942.0 1,568,913.0 2,614,855.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 3,076 248.0 372.0 620.0 762,848.0 1,144,272.0 1,907,120.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 4,863,151.8 858,203.3 5,721,355.0
2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,490,363.2 818,260.9 2,308,624.1
2 2 Filter
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 74,858 2.7 1.8 4.5 202,116.6 134,744.4 336,861.0
2 2 Bckfilling m3 6,189 4.5 3.0 7.5 27,850.5 18,567.0 46,417.5
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 1,912 5.4 3.6 9.0 10,324.8 6,883.2 17,208.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 20,265 34.0 51.0 85.0 689,010.0 1,033,515.0 1,722,525.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 2,432 248.0 372.0 620.0 603,136.0 904,704.0 1,507,840.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 4,807,542.2 848,389.8 5,655,932.0
2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 1,267,996.0 589,360.7 1,857,356.7
2 2 Clear Water Reservoir
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 91,023 2.7 1.8 4.5 245,762.1 163,841.4 409,603.5
2 2 Bckfilling m3 5,378 4.5 3.0 7.5 24,201.0 16,134.0 40,335.0
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,252 5.4 3.6 9.0 17,560.8 11,707.2 29,268.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 18,292 34.0 51.0 85.0 621,928.0 932,892.0 1,554,820.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 2,195 248.0 372.0 620.0 544,360.0 816,540.0 1,360,900.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 1,005,592.5 177,457.5 1,183,050.0
2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 10% 245,940.4 211,857.2 457,797.7
2 2 Back Wash Water Storage
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 22,211 2.7 1.8 4.5 59,969.7 39,979.8 99,949.5
2 2 Bckfilling m3 762 4.5 3.0 7.5 3,429.0 2,286.0 5,715.0
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 474 5.4 3.6 9.0 2,559.6 1,706.4 4,266.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 3,805 34.0 51.0 85.0 129,370.0 194,055.0 323,425.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 457 248.0 372.0 620.0 113,336.0 170,004.0 283,340.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 74,338.5 13,118.6 87,457.0
2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 76,600.6 84,230.0 160,830.5
2 2 Thickening Tank
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 20,906 2.7 1.8 4.5 56,446.2 37,630.8 94,077.0
2 2 Bckfilling m3 1,831 4.5 3.0 7.5 8,239.5 5,493.0 13,732.5
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 634 5.4 3.6 9.0 3,423.6 2,282.4 5,706.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 2,647 34.0 51.0 85.0 89,998.0 134,997.0 224,995.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 265 248.0 372.0 620.0 65,720.0 98,580.0 164,300.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 540,830.4 95,440.7 636,271.0
2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 152,931.5 74,884.8 227,816.3
2 2 Sludge Drying Bed
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 72,117 2.7 1.8 4.5 194,715.9 129,810.6 324,526.5
2 2 Bckfilling m3 4,178 4.5 3.0 7.5 18,801.0 12,534.0 31,335.0
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,606 5.4 3.6 9.0 19,472.4 12,981.6 32,454.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 8,232 34.0 51.0 85.0 279,888.0 419,832.0 699,720.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
2 2 E & M Works L.S. 14,406.7 2,542.4 16,949.0
2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 117,708.0 133,916.9 251,624.9
2 2 Others
2 2 Chemicals Handling House m2 2,700 340.0 510.0 850.0 918,000.0 1,377,000.0 2,295,000.0
2 2 Chlorination House m2 1,500 340.0 510.0 850.0 510,000.0 765,000.0 1,275,000.0
2 2 Generator House m2 600 720.3 127.1 847.5 432,204.0 76,272.0 508,476.0
2 2 Connection pipes and E & M L.S. 8,957,287.8 995,254.2 9,952,542.0
2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 30% 3,245,247.5 964,057.9 4,209,305.4
2 2 Taytay Service Reservoir #2 (180,000 m3)
2 2 Open excavation, common m3 291,071 2.7 1.8 4.5 785,891.7 523,927.8 1,309,819.5
2 2 Bckfilling m3 23,415 4.5 3.0 7.5 105,367.5 70,245.0 175,612.5
2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,906 5.4 3.6 9.0 37,292.4 24,861.6 62,154.0
2 2 Concrete for structure m3 45,131 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,534,454.0 2,301,681.0 3,836,135.0
2 2 Reinforcement ton 5,416 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,343,168.0 2,014,752.0 3,357,920.0
2 2 Valves L.S. 520,084.4 91,779.6 611,864.0
2 2 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 1,083,180.5 191,149.5 1,274,330.0

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (8/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,081,887.7 1,043,679.3 2,125,567.0
3 1 2ND WATERWAY (excluding WTP #3)
3 1 1 1 Land Acquisition & Resettlement excluding WTPs
3 1 1 Land Acquisition L.S. 0.0 5,977,163.0 5,977,163.0
3 1 1 Resettlement L.S. 0.0 288,322.5 288,322.5
3 1 2 2 Kaliwa Low Dam (Temporary)
3 1 2 Partial removal of dam body m3 66,570 3.6 2.4 6.0 239,652.0 159,768.0 399,420.0
3 1 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1 3 3 Waterway to Valve House No.1
3 1 3 Preparatory Works
3 1 3 Preparatory Works L.S. 10,745,154.2 3,672,136.2 14,417,290.3
3 1 3 Tunnel No.1
3 1 3 Adit 1
3 1 3 Modification L.S. 40,000.0 10,000.0 50,000.0
3 1 3 Adit 2
3 1 3 Modification L.S. 40,000.0 10,000.0 50,000.0
3 1 3 Adit 3
3 1 3 Modification L.S. 40,000.0 10,000.0 50,000.0
3 1 3 NATM 1
3 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 2.7 1.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 43,150 149.6 37.4 187.0 6,455,240.0 1,613,810.0 8,069,050.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
3 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 14,768 50.0 75.0 125.0 738,400.0 1,107,600.0 1,846,000.0
3 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 359,682.0 136,070.5 495,752.5
3 1 3 NATM 2
3 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 0 2.7 1.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 50,317 149.6 37.4 187.0 7,527,423.2 1,881,855.8 9,409,279.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
3 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 17,221 50.0 75.0 125.0 861,050.0 1,291,575.0 2,152,625.0
3 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 419,423.7 158,671.5 578,095.2
3 1 3 NATM 3
3 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 1,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,700.0 1,800.0 4,500.0
3 1 3 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 66,114 149.6 37.4 187.0 9,890,654.4 2,472,663.6 12,363,318.0
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
3 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 22,627 50.0 75.0 125.0 1,131,350.0 1,697,025.0 2,828,375.0
3 1 3 Steel lining ton 80 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 85,000.0 15,000.0 100,000.0
3 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 555,485.2 209,324.4 764,809.7
3 1 3 TBM 1
3 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 0 2.7 1.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1 3 Tunnel excavation including TBM and m3 163,205 237.6 59.4 297.0 38,777,508.0 9,694,377.0 48,471,885.0
all temp. works (steel support, shotcrete,
grouting, power supply, etc. other than
conc. lining)
3 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 49,868 50.0 75.0 125.0 2,493,400.0 3,740,100.0 6,233,500.0
3 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 2,063,545.4 671,723.9 2,735,269.3
3 1 3 TBM 2
3 1 3 Open excavation at portal m3 0 2.7 1.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1 3 Tunnel excavation including TBM and m3 68,025 237.6 59.4 297.0 16,162,740.0 4,040,685.0 20,203,425.0
all temp. works (steel support, shotcrete,
grouting, power supply, etc.) other than
conc. Lining
3 1 3 Lining Concrete m3 20,785 50.0 75.0 125.0 1,039,250.0 1,558,875.0 2,598,125.0
3 1 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 860,099.5 279,978.0 1,140,077.5
3 1 4 4 Valve House No.1
3 1 4 Preparatory Works
3 1 4 Preparatory Works L.S. 132,775.2 14,752.8 147,528.0
3 1 4 Valve House Portion
3 1 4 Mechanical works L.S. 972,000.0 108,000.0 1,080,000.0
3 1 4 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 97,200.0 10,800.0 108,000.0
3 1 4 Tailrace Portion
3 1 4 Hydroelectrical works L.S 32,400.0 3,600.0 36,000.0
3 1 4 Miscellaneous L.S. 15% 4,860.0 540.0 5,400.0
3 1 5 5 Waterway from WTP to Reservoir
3 1 5 Preparatory Works
3 1 5 Preparatory Works L.S. 6,798,105.0 2,671,956.5 9,470,061.5
3 1 5 Pipeline No.1-1 (3.4m dia., 4.1km)
3 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 225,332 2.7 1.8 4.5 608,396.7 405,597.8 1,013,994.5
3 1 5 Open excavation, rock m3 25,037 7.5 5.0 12.5 187,776.8 125,184.5 312,961.3
3 1 5 Steel pipe installaiton and fitting m 3,900 1,893.0 334.1 2,227.0 7,382,505.0 1,302,795.0 8,685,300.0
3 1 5 Concrete for foundation of steel pipe m3 1,600 34.0 51.0 85.0 54,400.0 81,600.0 136,000.0
3 1 5 Reinforcement ton 80 248.0 372.0 620.0 19,840.0 29,760.0 49,600.0

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (9/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
3 1 5 Backfilling m3 211,908 4.5 3.0 7.5 953,586.0 635,724.0 1,589,310.0
3 1 5 Valves (air, isolating and drain) L.S. 297,500.0 52,500.0 350,000.0
3 1 5 Sheetpiling m 2,340 518.5 91.5 610.0 1,213,290.0 214,110.0 1,427,400.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 14% 1,500,421.2 398,618.0 1,899,039.2
3 1 5 Pipeline No.1-2 (3.3m dia., 1.0km)
3 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 54,202 2.7 1.8 4.5 146,344.3 97,562.9 243,907.2
3 1 5 Open excavation, rock m3 6,022 7.5 5.0 12.5 45,168.0 30,112.0 75,280.0
3 1 5 Steel pipe installaiton and fitting m 800 1,793.5 316.5 2,110.0 1,434,800.0 253,200.0 1,688,000.0
3 1 5 Concrete for foundation of steel pipe m3 100 34.0 51.0 85.0 3,400.0 5,100.0 8,500.0
3 1 5 Reinforcement ton 1 248.0 372.0 620.0 248.0 372.0 620.0
3 1 5 Backfilling m3 51,399 4.5 3.0 7.5 231,295.5 154,197.0 385,492.5
3 1 5 Valves (air, isolating and drain) L.S. 212,500.0 37,500.0 250,000.0
3 1 5 Sheetpiling m 480 544.9 96.2 641.0 261,528.0 46,152.0 307,680.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 233,528.4 62,419.6 295,948.0
3 1 5 Pipeline to Antipolo Pumping Station
3 1 5 Pipeline No.2 (1.6m dia., 4.2km)
3 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 70,509 2.7 1.8 4.5 190,374.3 126,916.2 317,290.5
3 1 5 Open excavation, rock m3 5,782 7.5 5.0 12.5 43,365.0 28,910.0 72,275.0
3 1 5 Steel pipe installaiton and fitting m 4,200 687.7 121.4 809.0 2,888,130.0 509,670.0 3,397,800.0
3 1 5 Concrete for foundation of steel pipe m3 600 34.0 51.0 85.0 20,400.0 30,600.0 51,000.0
3 1 5 Reinforcement ton 1 248.0 372.0 620.0 248.0 372.0 620.0
3 1 5 Backfilling m3 67,569 4.5 3.0 7.5 304,060.5 202,707.0 506,767.5
3 1 5 Valves (air, isolating and drain) L.S. 212,500.0 37,500.0 250,000.0
3 1 5 Sheetpiling m 840 518.5 91.5 610.0 435,540.0 76,860.0 512,400.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 409,461.8 101,353.5 510,815.3
3 1 5 Surge Tank
3 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 500 2.7 1.8 4.5 1,350.0 900.0 2,250.0
3 1 5 Bckfilling m3 200 4.5 3.0 7.5 900.0 600.0 1,500.0
3 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 120 34.0 51.0 85.0 4,080.0 6,120.0 10,200.0
3 1 5 Reinforcement ton 24 248.0 372.0 620.0 5,952.0 8,928.0 14,880.0
3 1 5 Miscelaneous L.S. 40% 4,912.8 6,619.2 11,532.0
3 1 5 Pumping Station (installation of additional pumps)
3 1 5 Booster pump pcs. 3 1,383,050.9 244,067.8 1,627,118.6 4,149,152.6 732,203.4 4,881,356.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 15% 622,372.9 109,830.5 732,203.4
3 1 5 Pipeline to Antipolo Service Reservoir
3 1 5 Antipolo Service Reservoir #3 (Expansion 30,000 m3 x 2 units)
3 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 155,710 2.7 1.8 4.5 420,417.0 280,278.0 700,695.0
3 1 5 Bckfilling m3 35,276 4.5 3.0 7.5 158,742.0 105,828.0 264,570.0
3 1 5 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 2,166 5.4 3.6 9.0 11,696.4 7,797.6 19,494.0
3 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 18,052 34.0 51.0 85.0 613,768.0 920,652.0 1,534,420.0
3 1 5 Reinforcement ton 2,166 248.0 372.0 620.0 537,168.0 805,752.0 1,342,920.0
3 1 5 Valves L.S. 484,787.3 85,550.7 570,338.0
3 1 5 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 247,047.4 43,596.6 290,644.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 494,725.2 449,891.0 944,616.2
3 1 5 Tunnel No.2 (Steel lined; 3.3m dia., 5.3km )
3 1 5 NATM 4
3 1 5 Open excavation at portal m3 1,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,700.0 1,800.0 4,500.0
3 1 5 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 35,123 179.5 44.9 224.4 6,305,281.0 1,576,320.2 7,881,601.2
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
3 1 5 Lining Concrete (Backfill Concrete) m3 11,933 50.0 75.0 125.0 596,650.0 894,975.0 1,491,625.0
3 1 5 Steel lining ton 2,662 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 2,828,375.0 499,125.0 3,327,500.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 486,650.3 148,611.0 635,261.3
3 1 5 NATM 5
3 1 5 Open excavation at portal m3 1,000 2.7 1.8 4.5 2,700.0 1,800.0 4,500.0
3 1 5 Tunnel excavation including all temp. m3 35,123 179.5 44.9 224.4 6,305,281.0 1,576,320.2 7,881,601.2
works (steel support, shotcrete, grouting,
power supply, etc.) other than conc.
3 1 5 Lining Concrete (Backfill Concrete) m3 11,933 50.0 75.0 125.0 596,650.0 894,975.0 1,491,625.0
3 1 5 Steel lining ton 2,662 1,062.5 187.5 1,250.0 2,828,375.0 499,125.0 3,327,500.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 5% 486,650.3 148,611.0 635,261.3
3 1 5 Taytay Service Reservoir #3 (Expansion 180,000 m3)
3 1 5 Open excavation, common m3 1,104,271 2.5 1.7 4.2 2,782,762.9 1,855,175.3 4,637,938.2
3 1 5 Bckfilling m3 35,215 4.5 3.0 7.5 158,467.5 105,645.0 264,112.5
3 1 5 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,906 5.4 3.6 9.0 37,292.4 24,861.6 62,154.0
3 1 5 Concrete for structure m3 45,131 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,534,454.0 2,301,681.0 3,836,135.0
3 1 5 Reinforcement ton 5,416 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,343,168.0 2,014,752.0 3,357,920.0
3 1 5 Valves L.S. 1,391,478.1 245,555.0 1,637,033.0
3 1 5 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 1,083,180.5 191,149.5 1,274,330.0
3 1 5 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 833,080.3 673,881.9 1,506,962.3
3 2 1 1 Land Acquisition & Resettlement for WTP #3 & #4
3 2 1 Land Acquisition L.S. 0.0 2,406,250.0 2,406,250.0
3 2 1 Resettlement L.S. 0.0 1,524,814.4 1,524,814.4
3 2 2 2 Waterway Facility

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (10/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
3 2 2 Preparatory Works
3 2 2 Preparatory Works L.S. 7,145,818.6 3,933,844.1 11,079,662.8
3 2 2 Water Treatment Plant #3 (Expamsion 910 MLD)
3 2 2 Site Formation for #3 & #4
3 2 2 Open excavation,common m3 5,457,920 2.5 1.7 4.2 13,753,958.4 9,169,305.6 22,923,264.0
3 2 2 Open excavation, rock m3 1,364,480 6.3 4.2 10.5 8,596,224.0 5,730,816.0 14,327,040.0
3 2 2 Embanakment m3 384,800 4.2 2.8 7.0 1,616,160.0 1,077,440.0 2,693,600.0
Power Transmission/Substation Equipment
Transmission Lines L.S. 0.0
Substation Equipment L.S. 251,069.4 27,896.6 278,966.0
3 2 2 Receiving Well
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 9,281 2.7 1.8 4.5 25,058.7 16,705.8 41,764.5
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 1,030 4.5 3.0 7.5 4,635.0 3,090.0 7,725.0
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 204 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,101.6 734.4 1,836.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 2,056 34.0 51.0 85.0 69,904.0 104,856.0 174,760.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 1,041,609.6 183,813.5 1,225,423.0
3 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 120,356.5 40,108.4 160,464.9
3 2 2 Flocculation & Sedimentation Basin
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 247,488 2.7 1.8 4.5 668,217.6 445,478.4 1,113,696.0
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 17,495 4.5 3.0 7.5 78,727.5 52,485.0 131,212.5
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,098 5.4 3.6 9.0 32,929.2 21,952.8 54,882.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 30,763 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,045,942.0 1,568,913.0 2,614,855.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 3,076 248.0 372.0 620.0 762,848.0 1,144,272.0 1,907,120.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 4,863,151.8 858,203.3 5,721,355.0
3 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,490,363.2 818,260.9 2,308,624.1
3 2 2 Filter
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 74,858 2.7 1.8 4.5 202,116.6 134,744.4 336,861.0
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 6,189 4.5 3.0 7.5 27,850.5 18,567.0 46,417.5
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 1,912 5.4 3.6 9.0 10,324.8 6,883.2 17,208.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 20,265 34.0 51.0 85.0 689,010.0 1,033,515.0 1,722,525.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 2,432 248.0 372.0 620.0 603,136.0 904,704.0 1,507,840.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 4,326,355.5 763,474.5 5,089,830.0
3 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 1,171,758.7 572,377.6 1,744,136.3
3 2 2 Clear Water Reservoir
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 91,023 2.7 1.8 4.5 245,762.1 163,841.4 409,603.5
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 5,378 4.5 3.0 7.5 24,201.0 16,134.0 40,335.0
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,252 5.4 3.6 9.0 17,560.8 11,707.2 29,268.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 18,292 34.0 51.0 85.0 621,928.0 932,892.0 1,554,820.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 2,195 248.0 372.0 620.0 544,360.0 816,540.0 1,360,900.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 1,246,185.9 219,915.2 1,466,101.0
3 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 10% 269,999.8 216,103.0 486,102.8
3 2 2 Back Wash Water Storage
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 22,211 2.7 1.8 4.5 59,969.7 39,979.8 99,949.5
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 762 4.5 3.0 7.5 3,429.0 2,286.0 5,715.0
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 474 5.4 3.6 9.0 2,559.6 1,706.4 4,266.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 3,805 34.0 51.0 85.0 129,370.0 194,055.0 323,425.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 457 248.0 372.0 620.0 113,336.0 170,004.0 283,340.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 74,338.5 13,118.6 87,457.0
3 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 76,600.6 84,230.0 160,830.5
3 2 2 Thickening Tank
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 20,906 2.7 1.8 4.5 56,446.2 37,630.8 94,077.0
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 1,831 4.5 3.0 7.5 8,239.5 5,493.0 13,732.5
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 634 5.4 3.6 9.0 3,423.6 2,282.4 5,706.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 2,647 34.0 51.0 85.0 89,998.0 134,997.0 224,995.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 265 248.0 372.0 620.0 65,720.0 98,580.0 164,300.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 540,830.4 95,440.7 636,271.0
3 2 2 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 152,931.5 74,884.8 227,816.3
3 2 2 Sludge Drying Bed
3 2 2 Open excavation, common m3 72,117 2.7 1.8 4.5 194,715.9 129,810.6 324,526.5
3 2 2 Bckfilling m3 4,178 4.5 3.0 7.5 18,801.0 12,534.0 31,335.0
3 2 2 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,606 5.4 3.6 9.0 19,472.4 12,981.6 32,454.0
3 2 2 Concrete for structure m3 8,232 34.0 51.0 85.0 279,888.0 419,832.0 699,720.0
3 2 2 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
3 2 2 E & M Works L.S. 14,403.3 2,541.8 16,945.0
3 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 117,707.3 133,916.8 251,624.1
3 2 2 Others
3 2 2 Chemicals Handling House m2 2,700 340.0 510.0 850.0 918,000.0 1,377,000.0 2,295,000.0
3 2 2 Chlorination House m2 1,500 340.0 510.0 850.0 510,000.0 765,000.0 1,275,000.0
3 2 2 Generator House m2 600 720.3 127.1 847.5 432,204.0 76,272.0 508,476.0
3 2 2 Connecting pipes and E & M L.S. 8,957,287.8 995,254.2 9,952,542.0
3 2 2 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 2,163,498.4 642,705.2 2,806,203.6
3 3 Waterway Facility
3 3 Preparatory Works

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (11/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
3 3 Preparatory Works L.S. 7,309,282.9 3,659,924.3 10,969,207.2
3 3 Water Treatment Plant #4 (Expansion 910 MLD)
3 3 Receiving Well
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 9,281 2.7 1.8 4.5 25,058.7 16,705.8 41,764.5
3 3 Bckfilling m3 1,030 4.5 3.0 7.5 4,635.0 3,090.0 7,725.0
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 204 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,101.6 734.4 1,836.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 2,056 34.0 51.0 85.0 69,904.0 104,856.0 174,760.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 486,228.1 85,805.0 572,033.0
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 10% 64,818.3 30,307.5 95,125.9
3 3 Flocculation & Sedimentation Basin
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 247,488 2.7 1.8 4.5 668,217.6 445,478.4 1,113,696.0
3 3 Bckfilling m3 17,495 4.5 3.0 7.5 78,727.5 52,485.0 131,212.5
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,098 5.4 3.6 9.0 32,929.2 21,952.8 54,882.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 30,763 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,045,942.0 1,568,913.0 2,614,855.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 3,076 248.0 372.0 620.0 762,848.0 1,144,272.0 1,907,120.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 4,863,151.8 858,203.3 5,721,355.0
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,490,363.2 818,260.9 2,308,624.1
3 3 Filter
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 74,858 2.7 1.8 4.5 202,116.6 134,744.4 336,861.0
3 3 Bckfilling m3 6,189 4.5 3.0 7.5 27,850.5 18,567.0 46,417.5
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 1,912 5.4 3.6 9.0 10,324.8 6,883.2 17,208.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 20,265 34.0 51.0 85.0 689,010.0 1,033,515.0 1,722,525.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 2,432 248.0 372.0 620.0 603,136.0 904,704.0 1,507,840.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 4,807,542.2 848,389.8 5,655,932.0
3 3 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 1,267,996.0 589,360.7 1,857,356.7
3 3 Clear Water Reservoir
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 91,023 2.7 1.8 4.5 245,762.1 163,841.4 409,603.5
3 3 Bckfilling m3 5,378 4.5 3.0 7.5 24,201.0 16,134.0 40,335.0
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,252 5.4 3.6 9.0 17,560.8 11,707.2 29,268.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 18,292 34.0 51.0 85.0 621,928.0 932,892.0 1,554,820.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 2,195 248.0 372.0 620.0 544,360.0 816,540.0 1,360,900.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 1,169,830.4 206,440.7 1,376,271.0
3 3 Micellaneous L.S. 10% 262,364.2 214,755.5 477,119.8
3 3 Back Wash Water Storage
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 22,211 2.7 1.8 4.5 59,969.7 39,979.8 99,949.5
3 3 Bckfilling m3 762 4.5 3.0 7.5 3,429.0 2,286.0 5,715.0
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 474 5.4 3.6 9.0 2,559.6 1,706.4 4,266.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 3,805 34.0 51.0 85.0 129,370.0 194,055.0 323,425.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 457 248.0 372.0 620.0 113,336.0 170,004.0 283,340.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 74,338.5 13,118.6 87,457.0
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 76,600.6 84,230.0 160,830.5
3 3 Thickening Tank
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 20,906 2.7 1.8 4.5 56,446.2 37,630.8 94,077.0
3 3 Bckfilling m3 1,831 4.5 3.0 7.5 8,239.5 5,493.0 13,732.5
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 634 5.4 3.6 9.0 3,423.6 2,282.4 5,706.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 2,647 34.0 51.0 85.0 89,998.0 134,997.0 224,995.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 265 248.0 372.0 620.0 65,720.0 98,580.0 164,300.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 540,830.4 95,440.7 636,271.0
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 152,931.5 74,884.8 227,816.3
3 3 Sludge Drying Bed
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 72,117 2.7 1.8 4.5 194,715.9 129,810.6 324,526.5
3 3 Bckfilling m3 4,178 4.5 3.0 7.5 18,801.0 12,534.0 31,335.0
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,606 5.4 3.6 9.0 19,472.4 12,981.6 32,454.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 8,232 34.0 51.0 85.0 279,888.0 419,832.0 699,720.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 247 248.0 372.0 620.0 61,256.0 91,884.0 153,140.0
3 3 E & M Works L.S. 14,406.7 2,542.4 16,949.0
3 3 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 117,708.0 133,916.9 251,624.9
3 3 Others
3 3 Chemicals Handling House m2 2,700 340.0 510.0 850.0 918,000.0 1,377,000.0 2,295,000.0
3 3 Chlorination House m2 1,500 340.0 510.0 850.0 510,000.0 765,000.0 1,275,000.0
3 3 Generator House m2 600 722.5 127.5 850.0 433,500.0 76,500.0 510,000.0
3 3 Guard House m2 150 340.0 510.0 850.0 51,000.0 76,500.0 127,500.0
3 3 Connection pipes and E & M works L.S. 8,957,287.8 995,254.2 9,952,542.0
3 3 Micellaneous L.S. 20% 2,173,957.6 658,050.8 2,832,008.4
3 3 Pumping Station (Expansion 340 MLD)
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 11,896 2.7 1.8 4.5 32,119.2 21,412.8 53,532.0
3 3 Bckfilling m3 2,279 4.5 3.0 7.5 10,255.5 6,837.0 17,092.5
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 328 5.4 3.6 9.0 1,771.2 1,180.8 2,952.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 4,979 34.0 51.0 85.0 169,286.0 253,929.0 423,215.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 597 248.0 372.0 620.0 148,175.0 222,262.6 370,437.6
3 3 Pump house m2 900 340.0 510.0 850.0 306,000.0 459,000.0 765,000.0
3 3 Valve; 1,100mm pcs. 2 36,017.0 6,355.9 42,372.9 72,033.9 12,711.9 84,745.8
3 3 Valve; 1,600mm pcs. 1 64,830.5 11,440.7 76,271.2 64,830.5 11,440.7 76,271.2
3 3 flexible joint (1,600mm) pcs. 2 22,474.6 3,966.1 26,440.7 44,949.2 7,932.2 52,881.4
3 3 Booster pump pcs. 5 1,383,050.9 244,067.8 1,627,118.6 6,915,254.3 1,220,339.0 8,135,593.3

Table J6.3 Bill of Quantities (12/12)
Unit Price (US$) Amount (US$)
Item No Description Unit Quantity
F.C L.C. Total F.C L.C. Total
3 3 E & M Works other than booster pump L.S. 4,811,864.4 849,152.5 5,661,016.9
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 2,515,307.8 613,239.7 3,128,547.5
3 3 Antipolo Service Reservoir #4 (Expansion 30,000 m3 x 3 units)
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 136,665 2.7 1.8 4.5 368,995.5 245,997.0 614,992.5
3 3 Bckfilling m3 9,714 4.5 3.0 7.5 43,713.0 29,142.0 72,855.0
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 3,249 5.4 3.6 9.0 17,544.6 11,696.4 29,241.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 27,078 34.0 51.0 85.0 920,652.0 1,380,978.0 2,301,630.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 3,249 248.0 372.0 620.0 805,752.0 1,208,628.0 2,014,380.0
3 3 Valves L.S. 710,974.0 125,466.0 836,440.0
3 3 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 583,258.1 102,927.9 686,186.0
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 690,177.8 620,967.1 1,311,144.9
3 3 Taytay Service Reservoir #4 (Expansion 180,000 m3)
3 3 Open excavation, common m3 291,071 2.7 1.8 4.5 785,891.7 523,927.8 1,309,819.5
3 3 Bckfilling m3 23,415 4.5 3.0 7.5 105,367.5 70,245.0 175,612.5
3 3 Compacted gravel for foundation m3 6,906 5.4 3.6 9.0 37,292.4 24,861.6 62,154.0
3 3 Concrete for structure m3 45,131 34.0 51.0 85.0 1,534,454.0 2,301,681.0 3,836,135.0
3 3 Reinforcement ton 5,416 248.0 372.0 620.0 1,343,168.0 2,014,752.0 3,357,920.0
3 3 Valves L.S. 520,084.4 91,779.6 611,864.0
3 3 E & M Works other than valves L.S. 1,008,264.9 177,929.1 1,186,194.0
3 3 Miscellaneous L.S. 20% 1,066,904.6 1,041,035.2 2,107,939.8

Table J6.4 Summary of Annual Disbursement Schedule
(Unit: 106 US$)
Year Stage 1 Stage 2-1 Stage 2-2 Total
2005 5 5
2006 7 1 9
2007 9 1 10
2008 9 3 12
2009 77 3 79
2010 141 3 144
2011 165 64 229
2012 169 174 343
2013 107 152 258
2014 141 2 142
2015 251 58 310
2016 190 143 332
2017 179 179
2018 173 173
2019 98 98
2020 0 0
2021 109 109
2022 111 111
Total 690 982 871 2,543
Note: Excluding price contingency and tax

Description 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Stage 1
Land Acquisition and Compensation
Kaliwa Low Dam
Access and preparatory works
Kaliwa Low Dam
Intake structure
Waterway to WTP
Access and preparatory works
Tunnel no.1
Waterway from WTP to Reservoirs
Access and preparatory works
Pipeline No.1-1
Pipeline No.1-2
Valve House
Pipeline No.2
Pumping Station
Antipolo Service Reservoir #1
Tunnel No.2
Taytay Service Reservoir #1
Water Treatment Plant #1
Land Acquisition and Compensation
Access and preparatory works
Site Formation
Structural Works and E & M
Stage 2-1
Land Acquisition and Compensation
Agos Dam
Access and preparatory works
Agos Dam
Diversion Works
Main Dam
Agos Hydropower Facility
Intake Structure
Headrace Tunnel
Surge Tank
Penstock Line
Power House
Hydro-mechanical works
Hydro-electrical Works

Water Treatment Plant #2

Access and preparatory works
Structural Works and E & M
Taytay Service Reservoir #2
Stage 2-2
Land Acquisition and Compensation
Kaliwa Low Dam
Kaliwa Low Dam
Waterway to WTP
Access and preparatory works
Tunnel no.1
Waterway from WTP to Reservoirs
Access and preparatory works
Pipeline No.1-1
Pipeline No.1-2
Valve House
Pipeline No.2
Pumping Station
Antipolo Service Reservoir #3
Tunnel No.2
Taytay Service Reservoir #3
Water Treatment Plant #3
Land Acquisition and Compensation
Access and preparatory works
Site Formation
Structural Works and E & M
Water Treatment Plant #4
Access and preparatory works
Structural Works and E & M
Pumping station (Expansion 340MLD)
Antipolo Service Reservoir #4
Taytay Service Reservoir #4

Figure J5.1 Construction Schedule

Description Quantity Unit Rate Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Preparatory Works 3.0

Diversion Tunnel
Right side Gate Closure (Right side diversion tunnel)
Upstream Portal 3.0 Water diversion
NATM 800 m 80 10.0 Plug Concrete
Downstream Portal 3.0
NATM 800 m 80 10.0
Left side Gate Closure (Left side diversion tunnel)
Upstream Portal 3.0 Water diversion
NATM 800 m 80 10.0 Plug Concrete
Connecting Tunnel
Downstream Portal 3.0
NATM 450 m 80 5.6

Upstream Cofferdam
Excavation 1,200 m3 100,000 0.0
To be completed within the dry season
Embankment 900,000 m3 100,000 9.0

Downstream Cofferdam Removal

Initial cofferdam 100,000 m3 70,000 1.4
Initial cofferdam for main dam Removal
2nd cofferdam 100,000 m3 100,000 1.0
Upon the closure of the left side diversion tunnel,
Slurry Wall Plant Mobilisation downstream cofferdam shall be relocated by 300m
Plant mobilisation/demobilisation for plunge pool construction
Shipment & delivery to the Site Demobilisation Commencement of
Kanan River 8,500 m2 1,700 5.0 Water Supply

Kaliwa River 8,500 m2 1,700 5.0

Main Dam Excavated material to Cofferdams Excavated material to Main Dam embankment
JF- 3

Excavation 4,500,000 m3 250,000 18.0 Ponding

(200,000 m3/month) (300,000 m3/month)
Embankment 13,000,000 m3 400,000 32.5
Embankment up to EL 50m to be
Facing Concrete 63,200 m3 5,000 12.6 completed in this dry season
Facing concrete to EL50
Excavation 9,000,000 m3 350,000 25.7
Excavated material to Cofferdams Excavated material to Main Dam
Concrete 120,000 m3 4,000 30.0

Gates & Others

Plunge Pool
Structural Works

Headrace Tunnel Portal

Tunnel excavati 700 m 100 7.0
Steel Lining 700 m 100 7.0
Intake Gate Shaft

Power House
Structural Works
E & M Works
Power Generation
Commencement of
Rock Quarry Power Generation
Site Clearance & Preparatory works
Quarry Plant
Rock Excavatio 4,300,000 m3 350,000 12.3 Plant set up
Rock excavation for concrete (aggregate)
Concrete Batching Plant
Site Clearance & Preparatory works
Plant set up
Batching Plant

Figure J5.2 Constrcution Program for Agos Dam and Agos Powerhouse
Length Unit Rate Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
1st Waterway
Tunnel No.1
Access to Portal 500 m
Portal 1 no
Adit 1 400 m 130 3.1
TBM 1 11,780 m 400 29.5
Conc. Lining 11,780 m 1,000 11.8 Concrete Lining

Access to Portal 900 m

Portal 1 no
Adit 2 2,000 m 130 15.4
TBM 2 4,910 m 400 12.3 Concrete Lining
Conc. Lining 4,910 m 1,000 4.9

Access to Portal 550

Portal 1 no
Adit 3 2,000 m 130 15.4
NATM 1 2,950 m 130 22.7
Conc. Lining 2,950 m3 1,000 3.0 Concrete Lining
NATM 2 3,440 m 130 26.5
Conc. Lining 3,440 m3 1,000 3.4 Concrete Lining

Access to Portal 600

Portal 1 no
NATM 3 4,520 m 130 34.8
Conc. Lining 4,520 m3 1,000 4.5
Concrete Lining

Tunnel No.2
Portal 1 no
NATM 4 2,650 m 80 33.1 Steel Lining
Steel lining 2,650 m 300 8.8
Backfill Concrete 2,650 m 300 8.8 Concrete Lining


NATM 5 2,650 m 80 33.1 Steel Lining

Steel lining 2,650 m 300 8.8
Backfill Concrete 2,650 m 300 8.8 Concrete Lining

2nd Waterway
Tunnel No.1
Portal 1 no Adit modification
Adit 1
TBM 1 11,780 m 400 29.5 Concrete Lining
Conc. Lining 11,780 m 1,000 11.8
Portal Adit modification
Adit 2 1 no
TBM 2 4,910 m 400 12.3 Concrete Lining
Conc. Lining 4,910 m 1,000 4.9
NATM 1 2,950 m 130 22.7 Concrete Lining
Conc. Lining 2,950 m3 1,000 3.0
Portal Adit modification
Adit 3 950 m 130 7.3
NATM 2 3,440 m 130 26.5 Concrete Lining
Conc. Lining 3,440 m 1,000 3.4
NATM 3 4,520 m 130 34.8
Conc. Lining 4,520 m3 1,000 4.5 Concrete Lining

Tunnel No.2
NATM 4 2,650 m 80 33.1 Steel Lining
Steel lining 2,650 m 300 8.8
Backfill Concrete 2,650 m 300 8.8 Concrete Lining

Portal 1 no
NATM 5 2,650 m 80 33.1 Steel Lining
Steel lining 2,650 m 300 8.8
Backfill Concrete 2,650 m 300 8.8 Concrete Lining

Figure J5.3 Constrcution Program for Tunnels

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