Peer Evaluation
Peer Evaluation
Peer Evaluation
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Quality of Work Produces unacceptable Occasionally produces Meets minimum group Regularly produces Produces work that
work, fails to meet work that meets or project requirements. work that meets consistently exceeds
minimum group or minimum group or minimum requirements established group or
project requirements. project requirements. and sometimes exceeds project requirements.
project or group
Timeliness of Fails to meet deadlines Occasionally misses Regularly meets Consistently meets Consistently completes
Work set by group. deadlines set by group. deadlines set by group. deadlines set by group work ahead of schedule.
and occasionally
completes work ahead
of schedule.
Task Support Gives no task support to Sometimes gives task Occasionally provides Consistently provides Consistently gives more
other members. support to other task support to other task support to other task support than
members. group members. group members. expected.
Interaction Behavior is detrimental Behavior is inconsistent Regularly projects Consistently Consistently
to group. and occasionally appropriate team demonstrates demonstrates exemplary
distracts group behavior including: appropriate team team behavior.
meetings. listening to others, and behavior.
allowing his/her ideas
to be criticized.
Attendance Failed to attend the Attended 1%-32% of the Attended 33%-65% of Attended 66%-99% of Attended 100% of the
group meetings. group meetings. the group meetings. the group meetings. group meetings.
Responsibility Is unwilling to carry out Sometimes carries out Carries out assigned Consistently carries out Consistently carries out
assigned tasks. assigned tasks but never tasks but never assigned tasks and assigned tasks and
volunteers to do a task. volunteers to do a task. occasionally volunteers always volunteers for
for other tasks. other tasks.
Involvement Fails to participate in Sometimes participates Takes part in group Regularly participates in Consistently exceeds
group discussions and in group discussions and discussions and shares group discussion and group expectations for
fails to share relevant rarely contributes relevant information. sometimes exceeds participation and
material. relevant material for the expectations. consistently contributes
project. relevant material to
Timeliness of Work
Quality of Work
Group Members Names
Task Support