Development and Evaluation of A Generalized Rule-Based Control Strategy For Residential Ice Storage Systems
Development and Evaluation of A Generalized Rule-Based Control Strategy For Residential Ice Storage Systems
Development and Evaluation of A Generalized Rule-Based Control Strategy For Residential Ice Storage Systems
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In recent years, variable electricity pricing has become available to residential consumers to incentivize
Received 4 November 2018 demand reductions during midday peak hours. Thermal energy storage (TES) systems enable consumers
Revised 16 March 2019
to store cooling energy when demand is low and assist A/C operation during peak demand periods. How-
Accepted 18 May 2019
ever, the cost savings achievable using TES are highly dependent on how the system is operated for a
Available online 18 May 2019
given utility rate structure. This study investigates control strategies for a packaged chiller unit integrated
Keywords: with ice storage that leverage available residential utility rate structures in the U.S. to reduce consumer
Thermal energy storage electricity cost. The present work describes the development and evaluation of a generalized rule-based
Rule-based control control strategy inspired by the performance of an optimal controller that minimizes monthly electric-
Dynamic programming ity cost considering both time-of-use energy and demand charges. The generalized rule-based controller
Residential cooling systems is compared against the optimal controller as well as to heuristic control strategies for TES that were
originally developed for commercial buildings for a range of equipment cooling capacities, TES sizes, ge-
ographic locations, and residential utility rates. The total electricity cost is determined using a simulation
model that includes models for the chiller unit, ice storage tank, and secondary loop components, along
with a building load model. Results show that the generalized rule-based controller can approximate the
performance of the optimal controller within 20% for all cases tested, and within 10% of the optimal cost
in 53% of the cases tested. The controller also performs significantly better than the heuristic strategies
for commercial buildings that were evaluated.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction cost savings, cooling systems with integrated TES also offer other
benefits. High penetration of renewable electricity generation in
Thermal energy storage (TES) is a popular option for reduc- California and other states is leading to utility incentives that pro-
ing operating costs in commercial cooling systems; however, it is mote systems with better demand responsiveness, which can be
rarely considered in residential applications. One of the major rea- achieved with TES. The primary cooling equipment can also be
sons for this is the structure of utility rates. Commercial utility downsized due to the additional cooling capacity provided by the
rates typically have on-peak energy charges that incentivize off- TES, thereby providing an additional economic advantage for TES
peak energy use as well as demand charges that penalize high systems.
peak power consumption. By integrating TES with building chillers, The system under consideration is a residential-scale cooling
cooling (e.g. in the form of ice) can be generated and stored dur- system with integrated ice storage as depicted in Fig. 1. It consists
ing off-peak hours when electricity rates are low and then utilized of a packaged chiller, a water-glycol secondary loop, and an inter-
to provide cooling to the building during on-peak hours. Histori- nal melt ice-on-pipe storage tank. Points 1–4 in the dotted area
cally, residential utility rates have had a flat structure, so the in- represent the packaged chiller and points 5–8 represent the sec-
clusion of TES with residential cooling systems has not enabled ondary loop. The secondary loop connects the outdoor packaged
significant operating cost savings. However, in recent years, vari- chiller to the ice storage tank and an indoor air handling unit. A
able rates have become more available to residential customers, three-way valve at point 6 is used to control the charging and dis-
thereby changing the potential for cost savings. Beyond operational charging rate of the storage tank.
Many different control strategies have been developed for man-
aging the charging and discharging of TES systems in commer-
cial buildings as summarized in [17] and [21]. A particular em-
Corresponding author. phasis has been on the use of optimal control strategies, including
E-mail address: (N. Jain). model predictive control [5,13,22]. More recently, researchers have
0378-7788/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
100 A. Tam, D. Ziviani and J.E. Braun et al. / Energy & Buildings 197 (2019) 99–111
Fig. 2. Example of chiller operation using full storage control. Fig. 3. Example of chiller operation using chiller-priority control.
as well as the optimal controller for different geographic locations capacity relative to a conventional system. An example of chiller
and utility rates. operation using chiller-priority is shown in Fig. 3.
An outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we review Load-limiting storage-priority control is an alternative and rel-
existing heuristic control strategies and present sample residential atively simple strategy that is applied to partial-storage systems.
utility rates acquired from a survey of available rates. The system It uses load-forecasting to maximize the use of storage while at-
model is described in Section 3. An optimal controller is presented tempting to minimize peak chiller cooling rates during the on-peak
in Section 4, and the generalized rule-based controller is presented period. The control strategy separates each day into an off-peak
in Section 5. We compare the different control strategies through a unoccupied period, off-peak occupied period, and on-peak occu-
set of simulated case studies in Section 6 and summarize conclu- pied period. The on-peak and off-peak periods are defined by the
sions in Section 7. utility rate structure, and the unoccupied and occupied periods re-
flect the occupancy of the building. Storage is charged during the
off-peak unoccupied period using the entire chiller capacity, is dis-
2. Background
charged during the off-peak occupied period using chiller priority
to minimize the use of storage, and is discharged during the on-
2.1. Existing heuristic control strategies
peak occupied period with the chiller operating at the minimum
possible constant rate necessary for the storage to be at its min-
Here we review existing heuristic control strategies that will be
imum charge by the end of the on-peak period. This strategy re-
incorporated into the generalized rule-based controller described
quires forecasting of the on-peak cooling loads and uses this fore-
in Section 4. These include full storage, chiller-priority, and load-
cast along with the available storage capacity to determine the on-
limiting storage-priority control. A full storage control strategy shifts
peak period chiller cooling rate as
all on-peak cooling loads to the off-peak period. This control strat-
egy requires the system to be sized such that the storage can meet j=1
Q˙ on, j t − Qstorage
all on-peak cooling loads on the design day. The chiller operates at Q˙ chil l er,on = , (1)
maximum capacity during the off-peak period on the design day to
fully charge the storage. This approach results in a much larger sys- where Q˙ chil l er,on is the rate of cooling from the chiller during the
tem capacity when compared to a partial storage system, in which on-peak period (kW), Q˙ on is the cooling load during the on-peak
the storage is sized to meet only a portion of the on-peak cool- period (kW), t is the time interval (h), Qstorage is the available
ing load. Full storage control is able to achieve the most operating storage capacity (kWh), and ton is the duration of the on-peak pe-
cost savings because the chiller is not operated at all during the riod (h). The chiller cooling rate can be updated over time dur-
on-peak period, but this comes at the expense of a higher initial ing the on-peak period with improved forecasts and changes in
system cost. An example of full storage control is shown below in available storage capacity. Compared to chiller-priority, this control
Fig. 2 in which the chiller provides no cooling capacity during the strategy maximizes the use of storage, and tries to discharge the
on-peak period (shaded in gray). storage completely every day. This control strategy also minimizes
A typical chiller-priority control strategy has two distinct oper- the on-peak demand charge of each day because it operates the
ating modes: charging and discharging. The charging mode begins chiller at a minimum constant rate. An example of chiller opera-
during the off-peak period when the building is usually unoccu- tion using load-limiting storage-priority control is shown below in
pied. The chiller then operates at full cooling capacity until the Fig. 4.
storage is fully charged. In discharging mode, the chiller is oper- Drees and Braun [6] presented a rule-based controller that
ated to meet the building cooling load. If the load exceeds the combines elements of the chiller-priority and storage-priority
chiller capacity, then storage discharge occurs at a rate sufficient strategies, along with a demand-limiting algorithm. The demand-
to meet the load. Although chiller-priority is far from optimal, it limiting algorithm requires a measurement of the total building
is simple to implement and does not require load forecasting. The electrical use. A simpler version of this strategy that does not re-
primary operating cost savings are achieved by reductions in on- quire the power measurement is described in the ASHRAE Hand-
peak energy use and peak demand that occur for days with high book of HVAC Applications [18] and is a starting point for the
cooling loads. These savings are possible in comparison to a con- strategy presented in the current paper. The rule-based controller
ventional system because the chiller and storage are sized such makes decisions based on the utility rate structure and the build-
that the chiller must operate nearly continuously at maximum ca- ing’s occupancy period. It uses the chiller-priority charging strategy
pacity for the design day. This leads to significant downsizing in during the unoccupied period, but employs different discharging
102 A. Tam, D. Ziviani and J.E. Braun et al. / Energy & Buildings 197 (2019) 99–111
are the duration of the price periods and the difference in price
between different periods. There are four different types of TOU
rates: flat energy with TOU demand, TOU energy only, TOU energy
with anytime demand, and TOU energy with TOU demand.
We surveyed the different rate structures currently available to
residential customers across the United States using a database
( maintained by the National Renewable Energy Lab-
oratory [14]. Based on information from, there were
only 25 states that had some form of variable rates for residen-
tial buildings in 2012. This number has increased significantly in
recent years, and variable rates are now available in all 50 states,
with more companies incorporating demand charges as well. All
variable utility rates are optional for customers. We identified six
different structures based on combinations of energy and demand
charges: 1) flat energy only with no demand (50 states); 2) flat
energy with flat demand (19: AK, AZ, CO, FL, ID, IL, IN, IA, KY, MN,
Fig. 4. Example of chiller operation using load-limiting storage-priority control.
ND, OH, OK, SC, SD, TX, VT, WA, WY); 3) flat energy with on-peak
and off-peak demand (3: CO, FL, NC); 4) time-of-use (TOU) energy
only (48 states); 5) TOU energy with flat demand (4: AL, CO, GA,
strategies during the occupied period depending on economic con-
SC); and 6) TOU energy with on-peak and off-peak demand (4: AZ,
siderations. The strategy minimizes the use of storage (i.e., chiller-
NC, VA, WI). In this paper, we will consider all six of the afore-
priority) if it is not cost effective to replenish the discharged en-
mentioned rates in evaluating the proposed generalized rule-based
ergy (e.g., during the off-peak period) and if the current chiller
control strategy.
load is less than a target load limit. Alternatively, if the use of stor-
age would lower daily energy costs, and there is sufficient stor-
age to meet the remainder of the load for the occupied period 3. System model
without operating the chillers, then the chillers are turned off and
the load is met by storage alone (full-storage control strategy). In this section, we describe the system model used for evalu-
However, if there isn’t sufficient storage to meet the remainder of ating the performance of different control strategies. It consists of
the integrated loads over the discharge period, then the controller component models for an ice storage tank, a packaged chiller, the
switches to a load-limiting control strategy where the chiller op- building thermal load, and a secondary loop.
erates at the minimum constant load necessary to fully discharge
the storage over the discharge period. Finally, if the use of stor- 3.1. Ice storage model
age is not economical but the chiller load will be greater than a
target limit, the chiller load is restricted to the maximum of the An internal melt, ice-on-pipe storage model was developed for
target limit and the load-limiting value necessary to avoid prema- the secondary loop following the approach described by West and
ture storage discharge. The target load limit is reset to zero for Braun [19] in which heat transfer effectiveness is used to calculate
each new billing period (i.e., month) and then reset over time as the limit on the rate of change of energy in the ice storage tank.
the maximum of the previous target and the current load. Com- The model only considers latent charging and discharging. The rate
pared to the simpler chiller-priority control strategy, the rule-based at which energy is removed from the storage tank is calculated by
controller requires forecasting of future loads but results in signif-
icantly greater savings. Q˙ tank = ε m˙ tank c f (Ts − Tchw ), (2)
Q˙ chil l er,max
= 6.82 − (1.43 × 10−2 )Tchw + (5.38 × 10−5 )Tchw
Q˙ rated
− (3.61 × 10−3 )Tamb − (1.11 × 10−5 )Tamb
= 1.73 + (2.43 × 10−2 )Tchw − (7.01 × 10−5 )Tchw
− (2.01 × 10−2 )Tamb + (2.49 × 10−5 )Tamb
The variable Q˙ chil l er,max is the chiller maximum capacity (kW),
Q˙ rated is the chiller’s rated capacity (kW), Tchw is the chilled wa-
ter supply temperature (˚F), Tamb is the ambient temperature (˚F),
Fig. 5. Ice storage charging and discharging heat transfer effectiveness curves. COPactual is the chiller’s coefficient of performance at the specified
operating conditions (-), and COPrated is the chiller’s rated coeffi-
cient of performance (-). The effect of chiller part-load conditions
given by on the COP is neglected in this model. The map is normalized so
that different chiller sizes and efficiencies can be easily modeled.
εC = 0.92 − 0.62x + 4.93x2 − 17.05x3 + 24.02x4 − 12.12x5 , (5) The chiller model considered in this study is based on a rated ca-
pacity of 3-tons (10.55 kW) and a COP of 3 with a rating condition
εD = 0.49 + 0.81x − 0.98x2 + 0.67x3 . (6) of 95°F (35 °C) ambient temperature and 45°F (7 °C) chilled water
supply temperature.
The subscript C represents charging and D represents discharg-
Fig. 6 shows cooling capacity and COP as a function of ambi-
ing. As shown in Fig. 5, there is a significant decrease in heat trans-
ent and chilled water temperatures. As the chilled water supply
fer effectiveness as the storage tank reaches full charge due to a
temperature decreases, the system loses capacity and efficiency be-
loss in surface area of the ice and water interface caused by the
cause of a lower evaporating temperature. Similarly, efficiency and
intersecting ice formations. Because of this decrease in heat trans-
capacity decrease with increasing ambient temperature due to a
fer effectiveness, the ice storage tank is oversized in this study so
higher condenser temperature. In short, there is an energy penalty
that 80% of the TES can be used to meet design day loads. There
for charging the storage tank that must be considered when evaluat-
is also a decrease in effectiveness in discharging mode as the TES
ing the performance of cooling systems integrated with TES.
is depleted, but the effect is smaller than for charging. Here we
only consider the latent capacity of the storage tank, so a state of
charge of 0 denotes a full tank of water at 0 °C (32°F), and a state 3.3. Building load model
of charge of 1 denotes a full tank of ice at 0 °C (32°F).
A simple conductance model with an internal gain was utilized
3.2. Packaged chiller model to generate building load profiles based on ambient temperatures.
Weather data for the typical meteorological year (TMY) was ob-
A residential-scale fixed-speed packaged chiller unit is modeled tained from the data set TMY3 provided by the National Solar Ra-
using the open-source ACHP (Air Conditioning/Heat Pump) tool diation Data Base [20]. Building load profiles were then calculated
[1]. ACHP uses detailed mechanistic models and includes thermo- according to
physical properties of working fluids from the CoolProp and Ref-
Q˙ load = U Ahouse (Tamb − Tzone ) + g˙ , (9)
Prop libraries [2,11] to calculate chiller performance and capacity
at different operating conditions. A performance map for the pack- where Q˙ load is the hourly cooling load (kW), UAhouse is the heat
aged unit considered here was developed using linear regression transfer coefficient (kW/ °C) calculated by choosing a design point
on the data generated from the ACHP. The map determines the of 3 tons (10.55 kW) at an ambient temperature of 35 °C, Tamb is
Fig. 6. Capacity and COP of the modeled packaged chiller at different ambient conditions and chilled water supply temperatures.
104 A. Tam, D. Ziviani and J.E. Braun et al. / Energy & Buildings 197 (2019) 99–111
the ambient temperature (°C), Tzone is the indoor temperature set- rate of the pump, ηpump is the pump efficiency (-), g is the accel-
point (°C), and ġ is the internal gain of the house (kW), which is eration due to gravity (m/s2 ), and hmax is the maximum delivery
assumed to be a constant 1 kW. head (m).
The ice storage, chiller, and building load models are integrated
with the secondary loop model to form a complete system model.
3.4. Secondary loop and integrated system models
For a given building load, chiller cooling rate or tank charging rate,
and state of charge, the pump flow rate and indoor coil return tem-
The secondary loop employs a mixture of 70% water and 30%
perature are determined by iterative solution of the secondary loop
glycol as the working fluid. Energy balances are applied to the in-
energy balance equations Eqs. (10)–((13)), subject to the constraint
door coil and chiller evaporator to relate the heat transfer rates to
defined in Eq. (14) as well as those for the component performance
temperature changes across the secondary fluid according to
models (e.g. maximum chiller capacity, heat effectiveness of the ice
Q˙ load = m˙ sc c f (Tcc,out − Tcc,in ), (10) storage tank, etc.). The building load varies with time as a result
of ambient temperature variations, with hourly temperatures ob-
tained from TMY3 data [20]. The ambient temperature also influ-
Q˙ chil l er = m˙ sc c f (Tcc,out − Tchw ), (11)
ences the COP of chiller. In order to simulate the model, it is nec-
where Q˙ load is the hourly cooling load (kW), Q˙ chil l er is the chiller essary to specify an initial state of the storage tank and a control
cooling rate (kW), m˙sc is the mass flow rate in the secondary loop strategy for varying the chiller cooling rate over time in response
(kg/s), Tcc,in is the supply temperature to the indoor coil ( °C), and to varying building loads and utility rates. For each time step, the
Tcc,out is the return temperature from the indoor coil ( °C). system of equations are solved and then the state of charge is up-
The storage charging (-) or discharging (+) rate, Q˙ tank , is re- dated according to Eq. (3). The system power consumption for each
lated to the load and chiller cooling rates using an overall en- time step in the simulation period is calculated using Eqs. (15)–
ergy balance on the secondary loop according to Eq. (12). The stor- (18). A solution flow diagram which shows an inner loop solution
age charging and discharging rates are limited by the heat trans- scheme for the secondary loop energy balance and an outer loop
fer effectiveness model presented in Eq. (2) and change over time for each step in time is shown in Fig. 7.
with the state of charge. These rates also depend on the flow rate
through the storage tank, which is controlled to maintain a con- 4. Optimal control benchmark
stant temperature entering the indoor coil (state point 7 in Fig. 1)
as shown in Eq. (13). The mass flow rate through the storage tank An optimal controller was designed as a benchmark to de-
is constrained to be less than or equal to the secondary loop flow termine the minimum utility costs for providing cooling over a
rate as shown in Eq. (14). The chilled water supply temperature monthly billing period assuming that there are time-of-use en-
provided by the chiller is 25°F (−4 °C) for storage charging and ergy charges along with on-peak, off-peak, and anytime demand
45°F (7 °C) for storage discharging. The water glycol temperature charges. The problem is mathematically stated as
supplied to the indoor coils is set to be 5°F above the chilled wa- N
min J = Don + Do f f + Dany + k=1 Re,k PHVAC,k t
ter supply temperature to the storage tank during charging, and Don ,Do f f ,Dany ,
Q˙ tank,k for k=1,...,N (19)
5°F below the chilled water supply temperature to the storage tank
during discharging. s.t.
The total power consumption of the system is the sum of the x0 = xN (23)
power consumption of the chiller and the pump. The chiller power
consumption is calculated using the performance map developed PHVAC,k Rd,on γon ≤ Don (24)
from ACHP as shown in Eq. (15), while the pump power consump-
tion is calculated based on the maximum flow of the pump as
shown in Eq. (16). This study assumes a pump efficiency of 60%, a PHVAC,k Rd,o f f γo f f ≤ Do f f (25)
maximum pump flow rate of 1 kg/s, and a maximum delivery head
of 5 m based on products available on the market. PHVAC,k Rd,any γany ≤ Dany . (26)
Q˙ chil l er The variable J is the monthly utility cost for cooling ($), k is the
Pchil l er = (15) stage, N is the number of stages in the monthly billing period, Re
is the energy charge rate ($/kWh), t is the time interval (h), D
Ppump m˙ sc is the target demand cost for the monthly billing period ($), Rd is
= (16) the demand charge rate ($/kW), x0 is the initial state of charge of
Ppump,max m˙ max
the storage tank (-), xN is the storage state of charge at the end of
Ppump,max = η pump m˙ max ghmax (17) the simulation (-), and γ is a binary switch for demand charge (-)
with a value of 1 when the demand charge is applied for a time
PHVAC = (Pchil l er + Ppump ) (18) step and a value of 0 when the demand charge is not applied for
a time step. Note that the power consumption at stage k, PHVAC,k ,
The variable PHVAC is the HVAC power consumption (kW), Pchiller is itself a function of the storage charging/discharging rate at that
is the power consumption of the chiller (kW), Ppump is the power stage, Q˙ tank,k .
consumption of the pump (kW), Ppump,max is the maximum power The subscripts “on”, “off”, and “any” in this formulation refer
consumption of the pump (kW), m˙ max is the maximum mass flow to on-peak, off-peak, and anytime demand charges. The variable D
A. Tam, D. Ziviani and J.E. Braun et al. / Energy & Buildings 197 (2019) 99–111 105
Fig. 7. Ice storage system solution flow diagram with inner loop solution using energy balance equations.
Table 1
Sample residential utility rate.
Florida Power & Light 0.184 (<10 0 0 kWh) n/a 0.035(<10 0 0 kWh)
(FL) 0.204 (>10 0 0 kWh) 0.055(>10 0 0 kWh)
Fig. 11. Control logic for charging storage using the generalized rule-based controller.
Fig. 12. Control logic for discharging storage in the generalized rule-based controller.
priority. The on-peak chiller loading is determined using Eq. (1), This is because the chiller has a lower efficiency when charging
and the mid-peak chiller loading is determined using Eq. (29). the storage, and so reducing the amount of storage discharged can
tmid ton reduce the overall energy cost.
Q˙ mid,i t + j=1
Q˙ on, j t − Qstorage
Q˙ chil l er,mid = (29)
tmid 6. Controller evaluation
The variable Q˙ chil l er,mid is the rate of cooling from the chiller In this section, the monthly performance of the generalized
during the mid-peak period (kW), Q˙ mid is the cooling load during rule-based controller is evaluated through comparisons with the
the mid-peak period (kW), Q˙ on is the cooling load during the on- optimal benchmark controller and the simpler heuristic controllers
peak period (kW), Qstorage is the available storage capacity (kWh), previously developed for commercial buildings. Daily comparisons
and tmid is the duration of the mid-peak period (h). between the generalized rule-based controller and the optimal
If there is no demand charge during the off-peak period, the controller are then used to better understand the differences be-
controller uses chiller-priority to preserve the storage for the tween the two controllers. An ice storage system consisting of a
on-peak period. If there is an off-peak demand charge applied, 3-ton chiller and 125 gallons of ice storage was used in the sim-
then the controller chooses between chiller-priority and demand- ulations. The simulations assumed perfect weather forecasts and
limiting control. Demand-limiting control limits the system power used weather data from TMY3 for ambient conditions and build-
consumption based on the target demand cost described in the ing loads [20]. The simulations used hour-long time steps for all
charging logic, in order to avoid incurring a higher anytime or off- control strategies. In this paper, we consider only the electricity
peak demand cost that month. The controller operates the chiller consumption due to space cooling; other non-cooling electricity
at a constant rate determined by the target demand cost, and consumption, such as lighting and appliance use, can vary signifi-
the storage is discharged if the chiller cannot meet the cooling cantly across households and was not included. However, the non-
load. The controller utilizes the cooling load forecast to evaluate cooling electrical loads are generally small during a typical day-
whether demand-limiting control will be able to meet the entire time weekday on-peak period when the residence is unoccupied
cooling load before the start of the on-peak period. If the con- and typically small in relation to the peak power associated with
troller will not be able to meet the off-peak cooling load with the cooling system. Thus, it is expected that the optimal charging
demand-limiting control, then chiller-priority will be used to en- and discharging control of the ice storage would not change sig-
sure all cooling load is met. If the utility rate has a flat energy nificantly if non-cooling electrical usage were included. In order to
rate and no demand charge, the controller utilizes chiller-priority account for the effect of residential occupancy on the operation of
because there is no economic benefit of discharging the storage. the proposed cooling system, the indoor set-point temperature was
108 A. Tam, D. Ziviani and J.E. Braun et al. / Energy & Buildings 197 (2019) 99–111
Table 2
Utility rate parameters considered in monthly controller evaluation.
Table 3
Simulation parameters for cases in which the generalized rule-based controller exceeded 15% of
the minimal cost.
Location FL FL FL FL IN IN
Fig. 15. Comparison of chiller operation under generalized rule-based and optimal
control over two consecutive days using a TOU energy only utility rate in Miami,
Florida. ($0.06/kWh off-peak and $0.30/kWh on-peak, 4 h on-peak duration).
Fig. 17. Comparison of chiller operation under generalized rule-based and optimal
Fig. 16. Comparison of ice storage state of charge under generalized rule-based and control over two consecutive days using a TOU energy with on-peak and off-peak
optimal control over two consecutive days using a TOU energy only utility rate in demand utility rate in Miami, Florida. ($0.06/kWh off-peak energy, $0.18/kWh on-
Miami, Florida. ($0.06/kWh off-peak and $0.30/kWh on-peak, 4 h on-peak dura- peak energy, $10/kW off-peak demand, $20/kW on-peak demand, 8 h on-peak du-
tion). ration).
Table 5
Monthly cost comparison between controllers under TOU energy rate with on-peak and off-peak de-
mand in Miami, Florida.
forms the generalized rule-based controller over the entire month, Acknowledgement
and the biggest difference is in the on-peak demand cost.
Fig. 18 shows that both controllers have similar states of charge The authors would like to thank the Center for High Perfor-
on the first day, but the optimal controller charges the storage mance Buildings at Purdue University for their support of the re-
completely before the hottest day. The generalized rule-based con- search presented here.
troller is designed to limit the state of charge to 0.9 to avoid the
penalty of a decrease in heat transfer effectiveness discussed ear- References
lier. The optimal controller is able to achieve a lower on-peak de-
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