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Cdot GDM

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Design Manual

August 24, 2021


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 CDOT INVOLVEMENT IN GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN PROCESS ............................................. 2
1.3 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECTS ...................................................................................................... 2


2.1 GEOTECHNICAL STANDARDS AND ORDER OF PRECEDENCE ............................................. 3
2.2 GEOTECHNICAL REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 3
2.3 GEOTECHNICAL SOFTWARE .................................................................................................. 3
2.4 FORMS ...................................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 3. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS ................................................................... 6

3.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 6
3.2 FIELD RECONNAISSANCE ....................................................................................................... 6
3.3 PLANNING OF FIELD EXPLORATIONS ................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Right-of-Way Permits............................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Right-of-Entry ........................................................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Environmental Clearances and Considerations ................................................... 7
3.3.4 Traffic Control Requirements ................................................................................ 8
3.3.5 Utility Locates........................................................................................................... 8
3.3.6 Notice of Intent ........................................................................................................ 8
3.3.7 Health and Safety ..................................................................................................... 9
3.3.8 Interaction with the Public..................................................................................... 9
3.4 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS FREQUENCY AND DEPTH ................................................... 9
3.5 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION METHODS ............................................................................. 11
3.5.1 Borings ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.5.2 Test Pits/Trenches ................................................................................................. 12
3.5.3 Borehole/Test Pit Abandonment ......................................................................... 12
3.5.4 Geophysical Surveys ............................................................................................... 13
3.5.5 Other Exploration Methods ................................................................................... 13
3.6 IN-SITU TESTING AND SAMPLING ....................................................................................... 14
3.6.1 Standard Penetration Test.................................................................................... 16
3.6.2 Modified California Sampler Penetration Test .................................................. 17
3.6.3 Thin-Walled Tube Samples ................................................................................... 17
3.6.4 Cone Penetration Testing ..................................................................................... 18
3.6.5 Rock Coring ............................................................................................................. 19
3.6.6 Other In-Situ Tests ................................................................................................. 19
3.7 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................................ 19
3.7.1 Borings ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.7.2 Observation Wells .................................................................................................. 20
3.7.3 Automated Groundwater Monitoring .................................................................. 21
3.7.4 In-Situ Sampling and Testing of Groundwater .................................................. 21
3.8 SOIL AND ROCK CLASSIFICATION AND LOGGING ............................................................. 21
3.8.1 Soil Classification ................................................................................................... 22

3.8.2 Rock Classification ................................................................................................. 23

CHAPTER 4. LABORATORY TESTING ................................................................................... 24

4.1 LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................ 24
4.2 TESTING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................ 24
4.2.1 Index Testing ........................................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Consolidation and Swell/Collapse Testing ......................................................... 25
4.2.3 Shear Strength Testing .......................................................................................... 26
4.2.4 Compaction Testing ............................................................................................... 26
4.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................... 27
4.4 SAMPLE RETENTION ............................................................................................................. 27

CHAPTER 5. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN ................................................................................. 28

5.1 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS ........................................................................................................ 28
5.1.1 Driven Piles.............................................................................................................. 28
5.1.2 Drilled Shafts........................................................................................................... 28
5.1.3 Lateral Loads for Deep Foundations ................................................................... 29
5.1.4 Load Testing of Deep Foundations ...................................................................... 29
5.2 FOUNDATIONS FOR SIGNS, LIGHTING, AND SIGNALS ..................................................... 30
5.3 EMBANKMENTS AND RETAINING WALLS ............................................................................ 30
5.3.1 Settlement ............................................................................................................... 30
5.3.2 Utilities .................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.3 Global Stability ....................................................................................................... 31
5.3.4 Permanent Cut Slopes ........................................................................................... 33
5.3.5 Retaining Walls ....................................................................................................... 33
5.4 FILL AND OTHER GEOTECHNICAL MATERIALS ................................................................. 33
5.5 SWELLING AND COLLAPSE-PRONE SOIL/ROCK ................................................................ 33
5.6 GEOTECHNICAL SEISMIC DESIGN........................................................................................ 33
5.7 GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS ................................................................................................... 34
5.8 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY SHEETS ....................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 6. CONSTRUCTION-PHASE SERVICES ................................................................. 35

6.1 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 35
6.1.1 Design-Build Projects ............................................................................................. 35
6.1.2 Record Keeping ....................................................................................................... 35
6.2 TEMPORARY SHORING AND EXCAVATIONS ....................................................................... 35
6.3 DRIVEN PILES ........................................................................................................................ 36
6.3.1 Construction Observation ..................................................................................... 36
6.3.2 Static Load Testing ................................................................................................ 36
6.3.3 Dynamic Pile Testing with Signal Matching Analysis ........................................ 36
6.4 DRILLED SHAFTS ................................................................................................................... 37
6.4.1 Construction Observation ..................................................................................... 37
6.4.2 Static Load Testing ................................................................................................ 37
6.4.3 Integrity Testing ..................................................................................................... 37
6.5 MONITORING AND INSTRUMENTATION ............................................................................. 37
6.5.1 Geotechnical Instrumentation Plan .................................................................... 38

6.5.2 Monitoring Frequency and Baseline Measurements .......................................... 39
6.5.3 Action Levels ........................................................................................................... 40
6.5.4 Pre-Construction Surveys ...................................................................................... 40
6.5.5 Vibration Monitoring .............................................................................................. 40
6.5.6 Settlement Monitoring ........................................................................................... 40
6.5.7 Lateral Movement Monitoring .............................................................................. 40
6.5.8 Other Instruments .................................................................................................. 41
6.5.9 Data Reduction and Reporting ............................................................................. 41

2-1 Standards for CDOT Geotechnical Work ........................................................................... 3
2-2 Accepted Geotechnical Software For CDOT Projects ........................................................ 4
3-1 Common Sources Of Geotechnical And Geological Literature And Data ........................... 6
3-2 Minimum Requirements For Subsurface Explorations ................................................... 10
3-3 In-Situ Tests And Sampling Methods For Subsurface Explorations ................................. 15
5-1 Minimum Acceptable Factors Of Safety – Global Stability .............................................. 32


A Example Field Forms (For Reference Only)

B Geotechnical Report Checklist


Project Geotechnical Engineer (Project GEO): The Geotechnical Engineer of Record.

A Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado and responsible for the
geotechnical work performed on the project. The Project GEO may be a CDOT
Geotechnical Engineer or a Geotechnical Consultant.

CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services Representative (SGSR): Representative of the

CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services assigned to a project in cases where the Project
GEO is a Geotechnical Consultant.

Geotechnical Field Exploration: A program of exploring surface and subsurface

conditions at a site through review of available literature, visual observations, non-
destructive testing, subsurface explorations, or any other method that provides
geotechnical data for design and construction of the project.

Subsurface Exploration: Any subsurface exploration to determine subsurface

conditions or the engineering properties of the subsurface materials. A subsurface
exploration may include soil borings, test pits, trenches, rock coring/boring, and in-
situ testing such as cone-penetration tests, and field permeability tests.


This Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM) is a compilation of procedures and

methodologies that should be followed in the completion of geotechnical studies. The
requirements of this manual should be followed by both Colorado Department of
Transportation (CDOT) engineers and consultant Project Geotechnical Engineers
(Project GEOs) for all CDOT projects.

The purposes of this GDM include the following:

• Outline the roles and interaction of CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services and
consultant engineers for CDOT projects.
• Identify standard procedures, practices, manuals, specifications, and
computer software for geotechnical work on CDOT projects, including
investigations, testing, design, and construction.
• Establish standards for presentation of geotechnical information,
including reports, boring logs, and laboratory test results.
• Define CDOT’s requirements and expectations for geotechnical work,
particularly where CDOT's expectations may differ from or are not clearly
addressed by the requirements of the referenced standards.
It is not the intent of this GDM to be all-inclusive. Where this GDM uses the terms
"include" or "including," the implied meaning is "including but not limited to." Address
all geotechnical issues that are pertinent to the project, regardless of whether or not
a given issue is specifically addressed by this GDM. Consult with CDOT Soils &
Geotechnical Services in developing an approach to geotechnical issues not
specifically addressed by this GDM or the referenced standards, and for clarification
as needed.

Wherever a publication is referenced in this GDM, the reference refers to the

current edition and all current interims, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the

As discussed in the GDM, CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services is available to review
submittals. CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services will provide comments on submittals
at its discretion. Allow adequate time (a minimum of 10 business days) for CDOT
Soils & Geotechnical Services to provide comments on submittals.

CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services recognizes the importance of engineering

judgment, schedule, and economy in geotechnical work for CDOT projects, and may

accept project-specific exceptions to the requirements of this GDM at its discretion.
Where the Project GEO concludes that a specific exception is justified and
advantageous to the project, document justification for the proposed exception in the
geotechnical report.

CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services maintains and updates this GDM to accommodate
advances in geotechnical engineering and American Association of State and Highway
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) practice, and welcomes comments and suggestions
to be considered for implementation in future editions.


At the outset of the project, the CDOT Region Project Manager should coordinate with
CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services (SGS) to notify the SGS of project initiation and
maintain communications. The CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services Manager will then
assign a CDOT SGSR, who will be available for consultation and coordination with the
Project GEO. As necessary, coordinate with the CDOT SGSR to discuss the field
investigation program, establish geotechnical design requirements, and to discuss
geotechnical design issues. The CDOT Region Project manager should submit draft
geotechnical reports via email to the CDOT SGSR. The GEO and CDOT Region Project
Manager should allow at least 10 business days for comment prior to finalizing
reports. The Project GEO bears the ultimate responsibility for all geotechnical work.


Conduct geotechnical work for CDOT Design-Build projects in accordance with the
standards listed by priority in the Project Request for Proposal (RFP).


Conduct all geotechnical work in accordance with the standards listed in Table 2-1.
In the case of conflicting requirements, the requirements of the highest priority
standard take precedence.


Priority Author or Title

1 CDOT Contract Documents for the Project
2 CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
3 CDOT Bridge Design Manual
4 CDOT Geotechnical Design Manual
5 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (Customary U.S. Units)
6 AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design
7 AASHTO LRFD Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals


In addition to the standards listed in Table 2-1, CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services
commonly uses other resources referenced in this GDM, and may refer to these
references in reviewing geotechnical work, including geotechnical field
investigations, reports, and design submittals.


Accepted software for use in geotechnical analysis is listed in Table 2-2 on the
following page. Other industry-accepted software may be used on CDOT projects. As
necessary, use other software or hand calculations to confirm software results.


Publisher Software Title Description

ADAMA MSEW Analysis of mechanically stabilized earth walls based on AASHTO
Engineering methods
ReSSA+ Analysis of reinforced soil slopes and MSE walls based on a unified
approach using limit equilibrium analysis
Bentley gINT Database management and reporting for geotechnical field and
Systems laboratory data
Microstation Computer aided design software used to generate project drawings
Plaxis2D, Plaxis3D Continuum modeling (finite element) of soil, rock, and structural
CivilTech AllPile Pile analysis for vertical, lateral, grout, settlement, and downdrag
Software LiquefyPro Liquefaction potential and settlement analysis
Shoring Suite Shoring design and analysis
Ensoft, Inc. APILE, GROUP, Axial and lateral analysis of deep foundations
PYWall Analysis of flexible retaining walls
FHWA All software Various
GeoMotions GeoMotions Suite, Earthquake analysis software
GEO-SLOPE QUAKE/W Dynamic analysis (finite element) for earth structures subjected to
International dynamic loads
Ltd. SEEP/W Analysis of groundwater seepage in soil and rock
SIGMA/W Stress and deformation analysis of earth structures
SLOPE/W Limit equilibrium analysis of earth and rock slopes
Itasca FLAC, FLAC3D, Continuum modeling (finite difference) of soil, rock, and structural
Consulting FLAC/Slope support
Group, Inc.
Pile Dynamics GRLWEAP, Pile driving analysis software
Rocscience Settle3 Three-dimensional analysis of vertical consolidation and settlement
under surface loads
Slide2, Slide3 Limit equilibrium analysis of earth and rock slopes
Dips, SWedge, Rock slope analysis software
RocFall, RocPlane
RockWare RockPack Kinematic rock slope analysis and design.
Colorado CRSP v. 4.0 Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program, Version 4.0
Survey and


Official CDOT forms referenced herein are available at

https://www.codot.gov/library/forms. Unofficial example field forms are also
provided for information only in Appendix A.


Prior to commencing subsurface explorations, conduct a review of available

literature and records applicable to the project. Common sources of geotechnical
and geological literature and data useful for CDOT projects include those listed in
Table 3-1.


Source Type of Information

CDOT Digital files available upon request for recent projects
Older geotechnical reports; construction monitoring, and test reports, etc. are
available in hard copy at the North Holly Office Geotechnical Library –
arranged by highway and milepoint (e.g. I-70 MP 248 is filed as 070-248).
Some project files may be available as digital files upon request for certain
Geohazard instrumentation database (Contact CDOT Geohazards Program)
United States Geological Geologic maps, charts, books; probabilistic seismic hazard deaggregations
Colorado Geological Geologic maps, charts, books
State, County, and Local Well installation records; geological and geotechnical studies
Colorado Department of Well installation records (Division of Water Resources)
Natural Resources
Local Colleges and Theses and dissertations on geotechnical and geologic topics of local interest;
Universities out-of-print geologic publications
Various Government Aerial photographs (review with stereoscope may show features/details not
Agencies obvious to the naked eye); soil surveys (agricultural, engineering, etc.)


Following the literature review, the Project GEO should complete a site inspection.
Obtain as much information as possible prior to performing subsurface explorations,
including the following:

• Site accessibility and traffic-control considerations

• Topography
• Surface water and seepage
• Erosion patterns

• Surface features that may affect design, construction, and performance
of proposed facility
• Distress of any existing structures
Where applicable, obtain information regarding the soil (nature and thickness of
strata) and bedrock (lithology and structure) by observing natural and man-made
exposures, including riverbanks, escarpments, quarries, and highway and railway


Conduct and finalize planning of field explorations in advance of any field

exploration work. Obtain all permits and clearances and take all necessary
precautions (such as evaluations of potential hazards at or near the site) ahead of

3.3.1 Right-of-Way Permits

Most projects are anticipated to be within CDOT’s right-of-way (ROW) and will require
a CDOT Utility/Special Use Permit to perform field investigations. Additional permits
may be required by local jurisdictions and other agencies. The Project GEO should
obtain all necessary permits required to complete field investigations.

3.3.2 Right-of-Entry

If it is necessary to access private property to perform the field investigations, CDOT

regional ROW staff will coordinate right-of-entry (ROE) to the private properties, if
feasible. Any required fees will be applied to the Project or may need to be paid by
the Project GEO Consultant. The Project GEO may need to sign ROE agreements and
provide certificates of insurance, depending on the requirements of the property

3.3.3 Environmental Clearances and Considerations

The Project GEO should obtain any required environmental clearances and permits
prior to initiating field investigations. Record and immediately report evidence of
contamination observed during the explorations to the CDOT Regional Project
Manager and the SGSM.

3.3.4 Traffic Control Requirements

Provide traffic control for field investigations in accordance with the FHWA (2009)
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) with Revisions 1 and 2 (May
2012). Obtain appropriate traffic control plans and traffic control services.

3.3.5 Utility Locates

Review available utility plans prior to selecting subsurface exploration locations. All
utilities within the exploration boundaries shall be cleared per current State and
Local laws. Typical steps include marking areas of proposed subsurface explorations
with white paint (pavement or hard surfaces) or flagged stakes (soil or vegetated
surfaces). Perform utility locates through the Utility Notification Center of Colorado
(UNCC) at 811 or 1-800-922-1987 (also can be performed using the online service at
www.colorado811.org) at least two business days prior to the start of drilling or
digging. Contact any other entities, including Tier II utilities, (e.g., railroads,
irrigation companies, and private properties,) that may own or operate utilities in
the area, prior to the start of drilling or digging.

An on-site meeting with utility locators should be performed if the proposed

subsurface exploration locations are difficult to describe and/or the proposed
exploration is relatively close to underground utilities. Where the exploration is near
an existing utility, the utility company may also require that their representative
be present at the beginning of the investigation, and may require hand digging or
potholing to expose the utility.

Retain a private utility locating company if private utilities (i.e. utilities not located
through the UNCC), such as service lines and power lines for privately owned
overhead lighting, are present.

Visually observe the locations of overhead utilities in subsurface exploration areas.

Overhead utilities may limit or prevent safe access and operation of drill rigs.

3.3.6 Notice of Intent

The Code of Colorado Regulation (CCR) requires that a Notice of Intent (Notice) be
provided to the Colorado Division of Water Resources before drilling any test hole that
penetrates a confining layer or before installing a monitoring well (2 CCR 402-2). As
necessary, file a Notice at least three business days prior to drilling to the Colorado
Division of Water Resources by email at DWRpermitsonline@state.co.us. Forms and

other information are available online at https://dwr.colorado.gov/services/well-

3.3.7 Health and Safety

All work shall be done in compliance with CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction Section 107.06 (e), Project Safety & Health Requirements. Work
shall also comply with all federal (including Occupational Safety and Health
Administration [OSHA]), state, and local laws and ordinances. Conduct drilling using
appropriately trained and certified (as necessary) personnel equipped with
appropriate safety equipment.

3.3.8 Interaction with the Public

Conduct all interactions with the public with respect and courtesy. Cooperate with
property owners, public safety officers, and CDOT personnel to minimize and
mitigate potential impacts and hazards of field investigations.

Protect the public from falling and tripping hazards posed by test holes. During
operation of heavy equipment, maintain an exclusion zone around the impacted area
to protect the public.

Refer specific questions from the public regarding CDOT projects to the CDOT
Public Relations Office.


Subsurface explorations should be planned to obtain sufficient information to design

the project. Exercise engineering judgment in planning and performing subsurface
explorations. Consider the following:

• Type and criticality of Project elements

• Soil and rock formations and characteristics
• Subsurface variability at the site
• Lengths and widths of Project elements
• Loads to be imposed on the foundation materials
• Availability and applicability of previous investigations at the site
• Groundwater characteristics and conditions

Conduct subsurface explorations meeting the frequency and depth requirements
listed in Table 3-2. CPT probes may be used for some of the required test holes
where appropriate.


Structure Exploration Frequency Recommended Minimum Exploration

Pavement Design Refer to CDOT Pavement Design Manual.

Foundations See AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

Retaining Walls See AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

See requirements for spread footings in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Required at foundation locations where CDOT M&S Standards are not used or
Sign Structures and applicable.
Signal Poles See AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals.
3 along center of slide and at least
Landslide 10 feet below slip surface or as needed to
one boring above and below
Evaluation design proposed mitigation.
sliding area.
Every 200 to 600 feet, depending 10 feet below base of cut and into stable
Cut Slopes on subsurface conditions and soil/rock.
proposed construction.
2.0 times the embankment height, or 5 ft into
bedrock, whichever occurs first. Test holes
Every 200 to 600 feet, depending
for wide embankments on compressible soils
Embankments on subsurface conditions and
are required to characterize any
proposed construction.
compressible materials, regardless of
embankment height.

Project conditions may require more and deeper test holes than specified by Table
3-2. As necessary, consult with the CDOT SGSM regarding requirements for the
subsurface investigation program. Wide embankments on compressible soils require
test holes with adequate depth and sampling to characterize any compressible
materials, regardless of embankment height. In all cases, perform sufficient
subsurface explorations to provide the information needed for the design and
construction of each project element. Base the extent and number of explorations on
the variability of subsurface conditions, design requirements, and engineering

It is not the intent of this GDM to require test holes in excessive quantities or
depths. In particular, test holes for walls and embankments need not extend t o
excessive depths in competent, incompressible strata.
Additional information describing considerations and requirements for subsurface
explorations can be found in the following references:

• FHWA Report No. FHWA ED-88-053, FHWA Checklist and Guidelines for
Review of Geotechnical Reports and Preliminary Plans and Specifications
(FHWA, 2003), Table 2.
• CDOT Field Materials Manual, Chapter 200.
• AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
• Landslides: Investigations and Mitigations, Transportation Research Board
(TRB) Special Report 247 (TRB, 1996).

Subsurface explorations may include borings, test pits, trenches, and other methods
that obtain measurements or observations of soil and rock. Purposes of explorations
include the following:

• Determine the extent and characteristics of natural soil and rock

• Obtain samples representative of the different soil and rock formations for
laboratory testing.
• Evaluate jointing or faulting in rock.
Investigate potentially unfavorable conditions such as springs, swamps, bogs,
seepage, slide areas, expansive soils or rock, collapsible soils, soft soils, weak soils
or rock, compressible soils, liquefiable soils, or other conditions that could affect
construction of highway structures or roadbed stability. Conduct field explorations
in accordance with the procedures of this GDM and relevant AASHTO and ASTM

3.5.1 Borings

Acceptable boring methods for geotechnical investigations include:

• Solid stem auger drilling. This method is acceptable only where hole
collapse or sloughing does not occur.
• Hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling. Take care during drilling to mitigate heave
and loosening of saturated, cohesionless soils. Alternative methods, such as
mud rotary drilling, may be required to control heave.
• Mud or Air rotary drilling. Casing may be required in very loose or porous
• Sonic core drilling.
• Down-the-hole hammer methods.
• Rock coring. Obtain downhole digital images or oriented cores where
Drilling methods will vary depending on subsurface conditions. Use drill crews
trained and equipped to perform explorations in the anticipated geologic

Record field observations on a Geological Boring Log – CDOT Form 1334 or equivalent.

3.5.2 Test Pits/Trenches

The Project GEO may use test pits for shallow soil investigations, such as pavement
subgrade investigations, and may use exploratory trenches for fault investigations,
collapsible soils identification, etc. Test pits and trenches are typically limited in
depth to about 10 feet below the ground surface, depending on the trench stability,
groundwater, and equipment limitations (e.g. backhoe reach). All trenching shall be
in accordance with OSHA guidelines for worker safety.

Take photographs of the sides of the excavation and maintain a log of the test pit or

3.5.3 Borehole/Test Pit Abandonment

Abandon boreholes in accordance with Rule 16 of 2 CCR 402-2 and with any applicable
permit requirements. Where borings extend through existing pavements, sidewalks,
bridge decks, etc., properly patch the surface of the hole with asphalt, grout, or
concrete to maintain public safety. Pavement repairs should be completed in
accordance with the requirements of applicable local agencies and the CDOT Region.

Upon completion of test pits or trenches, backfill excavations with the excavated
material or other suitable material, such as grout or flow fill. All excavations should
be backfilled in accordance with the requirements of applicable local agencies and
the CDOT Region.

Where excavations are located in agricultural areas or other areas used to support
plant growth, cover the backfilled excavation with topsoil so that the impacted
area will support vegetation. Restore the area to conditions that are equal to or
better than the original condition.

3.5.4 Geophysical Surveys

Use geophysical surveys as appropriate for the Project. Refer to ASTM D6429 for
guidance in selecting geophysical methods. Guidance is also provided in FHWA Report
No. IF-04-021 (FHWA, 2004).

Geophysical methods are typically non-destructive and are performed from the
ground surface. Success depends on factors including surface features, site activity,
subsurface conditions, and groundwater. Perform geophysical methods under the
supervision of an experienced geophysicist. Conduct all geophysical methods in
accordance with applicable ASTM standards or in accordance with widely accepted
guidelines if standards do not exist. If geophysical surveys are conducted, the results
should be calibrated using data from a nearby boring in which physical samples are

Present results in graphs, profiles, tables, or contour maps. Use U.S. Customary units.
Convert field measurements to data that is useful in engineering analyses.

3.5.5 Other Exploration Methods

Additional methods or processes for site exploration and characterization not included
in this manual are encouraged if there are estimated or measurable benefits towards
data quantity and reliability, foundation design and construction cost savings,
reductions in project delivery risk for CDOT, or other valuable criteria identified by
the consultant. Example methods include CPT, remote sensing methods, or downhole
optical surveys. The feasibility of using alternative approaches shall be discussed
with the CDOT SGSM prior to final cost estimation and submittal of the scope of work.


In-situ testing and soil sampling (with subsequent laboratory testing) is performed to
determine the index and engineering properties of soil and rock. Perform soil
sampling and testing to obtain samples that are representative of subsurface
materials and conditions. Conduct sampling and testing in general accordance with
the NHI Reference Manual Subsurface Investigations – Geotechnical Site
Characterization (Mayne and others, 2002) and the NCHRP (2019) Manual on
Subsurface Investigations.

Potential sampling methods and in-situ tests include those listed in Table 3-3 on
the next page.


Test or Sample Type Description and Typical Use Sample?

Becker Penetration Test Evaluates penetration resistance in deposits of hard and oversize Yes
material (gravels and cobbles) where SPT is less meaningful. May
obtain sample using open-ended casing.
Borehole Shear Test Simulates direct shear test in measuring pullout resistance of No
borehole sidewalls.
Cone Penetration Test Records continuous profile of soil behavior versus depth in No
soft/loose to moderately stiff/dense soils. May also be used to
measure shear wave velocities, pore pressures, etc.
Continuous Penetration Typically used to find voids in soil, determine general soil density, No
Test (Colorado or determine bedrock depth. See CDOT Form 334.
Procedure CP-L-3201)
Field Permeability Test Estimates in-situ permeability of soil for detention basins and No
similar applications.
Field Vane Shear Test Provides indication of in-situ undrained strength of soft to stiff fine- No
grained soils. Particularly useful where sampling disturbance may
reduce soil strength.
Flat Plate Dilatometer Estimates stratigraphy, lateral stresses, elastic modulus, and No
Test shear strength in sands, silts, and clays.
Geophysical Testing Typically performed from the ground surface with sensors that No
measure soil response to electromagnetic or seismic waves.
Modified California Sampler that is driven into the soil and obtains a disturbed sample Yes
Sampler contained in sampler liner tubes. Penetration resistance can be
correlated to soil density or consistency.
Plate Load Test Models resistance of soil to shallow foundation loads. No
Pressuremeter Test Provides indication of deformation characteristics of soil and rock. No
Rock Core Barrel Obtains a length of rock core for testing and visual examination. Yes
Screw Plate Load Test Measures soil response to vertical loading of plate installed at No
bottom of boring.
Standard Penetration Split-spoon sampler that is driven into the soil under specific Yes
Test requirements and obtains a disturbed sample. Significant
published data is available for correlation of penetration resistance
to density and consistency of soils.
Suspension Logging An instrument array that is lowered into a borehole or casing and No
used to obtain measurements that can be correlated to shear and
compression velocity, resistivity, and other data.
Thin-walled Tube A tube that is pushed into the soil to collect a relatively Yes
Sampler undisturbed sample. Depending on soil type may be performed
using Shelby tubes, Pitcher barrels, Osterberg samplers, or other
piston samplers.

Use in-situ testing as appropriate to characterize the subsurface materials. Attempt a

given type of in-situ testing only with a prior understanding of the applicability and

limitations of the method to be employed. Conduct in-situ testing in accordance with
the applicable CDOT, AASHTO, and ASTM standards.

Do not exclusively rely upon any type of testing that does not acquire a soil or rock
sample. Obtain representative samples for visual-manual classification and laboratory
testing. Supplement in-situ testing of strength with laboratory testing to confirm
correlated properties.

The following sections describe requirements for common methods of testing and
sampling for CDOT projects, but do not provide information on all testing and
sampling methods listed in Table 3-3. Conduct sampling and testing in accordance
with applicable CDOT, ASTM, and AASHTO Standards.

3.6.1 Standard Penetration Test

The SPT is a common sampling and testing method used for subsurface explorations
extending through soil and relatively low-strength rock. Perform the SPT in
accordance with ASTM D1586.

The number of blows to cause each 6 inches of penetration should be recorded on a

boring log (CDOT Form 1334 or equivalent). If refusal conditions are encountered (i.e.
more than 50 blows to cause 6 inches or less of penetration), the number of blows and
corresponding penetration (in inches) should be recorded on the log and the test can
be terminated.

The number of blows to cause the last 12 inches of penetration (termed the standard
penetration resistance or N-value) should be determined by adding the number of
blows from the 2nd and 3rd 6-inch increment and recorded on the Geological Boring
Log. The number of blows for the first increment should be ignored. Examples of N-
value calculations are as follows:

• Blows per 6-inch increments = 25, 45, and 30: N-value = 45+30 = 75
• Blows per 6-inch to refusal = 25, 45, and 50/3”: N-value = 45/6”+50/3” = 95/9”
• Blows per 6-inch to refusal = 25 and 50/3”: N-value = 50/3”
• Blows until refusal (less than 6 inches driven) = 50/3”: N-value = 50/3”
Use of N-values in estimating soil properties for design may require correction of the
field measured N-values. These corrections are based on hammer efficiency, borehole
diameter, sampler dimensions, and sampling rod length. Details of the hammer (size,
weight, type), rod (size, length) and sampler information (size, liners) used during
testing shall be recorded on the Geological Boring Log.

Conduct SPT sampling using hammers that have been calibrated in accordance with
ASTM D 4633 within two years of the sampling date. Obtain hammer energy transfer
measurements from the driller and report the information on boring logs or in the
associated geotechnical report.

Examine and classify the sample collected in the split-spoon sampler in accordance
with ASTM D 2488. Record the sample descriptions on the boring log. After
identification and logging, transfer the sample to air-tight jars or bags labeled with
the project name/number, boring designation, sample date, and sample depth.
Requirements for sample identification are presented in Section 3.8.1.

3.6.2 Modified California Sampler Penetration Test

Perform MC sampling and penetration testing in accordance with ASTM D3550. This
method is similar to the SPT. However, a slightly larger sampler is used, within which
brass liners are placed end-to-end to collect a soil sample. The sampler is also
typically driven 12 inches instead of 18 inches.

Determine the penetration resistance in blows per foot by adding the measured
penetration resistance for each six-inch increment (e.g. 25/6” + 55/6” = 75). Record
the penetration resistance, details of the hammer (size, weight, type), rod (size,
length) and sampler information (size, liners) used during testing on the boring log.

Conduct MC sampling using hammers that have been calibrated in accordance with
ASTM D 4633 within two years of the sampling date. Obtain hammer energy transfer
measurements from the driller and report the information on boring logs or in
associated geotechnical report.

Examine and classify the sample collected in the MC sampler in accordance with ASTM
D 2488. Record the sample description on the boring log. After identification and
logging, seal the individual brass liners with tight-fitting caps and label with the
project name/number, boring designation, sample date, and sample depth.
Requirements for sample identification are presented in Section 3.8.1.

3.6.3 Thin-Walled Tube Samples

Obtain thin-walled (Shelby) tube samples in cohesive soils where laboratory testing of
relatively undisturbed samples is required (e.g. consolidation testing, triaxial testing)
for design and analysis. Projects requiring the collection of thin-walled tube samples
include those with proposed embankments or retaining structures on cohesive soils
that could contribute to instability or post-construction settlement.

Collect thin-walled tube samples in accordance with ASTM D1587. In thick deposits of
cohesive soils, alternating SPT sampling with thin-walled tube sampling will provide
SPT N-values as well as sufficient sample volume for testing. Do not collect thin-
walled tube samples without also performing SPTs to determine the soil

Only the ends of the tube sample may be observed in the field. The remainder of the
sample is observed when the sample is extruded in a laboratory prior to testing. Due
to potential interbeds of sand, sample disturbance, and other issues, some samples
may not be suitable for testing. Collect enough samples to perform the proposed
laboratory engineering tests considering that some samples may not be useful for

Other types of tube samples, including Osterberg samples, Pitcher barrel samples,
and piston samples, may be used. Follow applicable AASHTO or ASTM standards for
sampling. Do not attempt to use an MC sampler or any other type of driven sample to
obtain undisturbed samples.

Seal thin-walled tube samples with rubber stoppers, plastic caps, or paraffin wax, and
transport and store in an upright position with the sample oriented in the same
direction as the borehole. Make every effort to obtain, transport, and store samples in
a manner that ensures and maintains sample integrity and quality. Avoid exposing
samples to bumps, jolts, vibrations, or freezing temperatures during transport and

3.6.4 Cone Penetration Testing

The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) consists of pushing an instrumented cone into the
ground at a controlled rate to obtain measurements of soil resistance. The cone can
be equipped with additional instrumentation to obtain measurements of pore water
pressure, shear and compression wave velocity, conductivity/resistivity, and other
parameters. Perform CPTs in accordance with ASTM D5778. The CPT method does not
obtain a soil sample and should be used as a supplement to methods in nearby borings
that acquire a sample.

Present the results of the CPT as plots including (at a minimum): the tip resistance,
sleeve resistance, friction ratio, and soil type interpretation versus depth. Use English
units. Include additional information such as pore pressures and seismic sounding
information where available. The CPT log should include the CPT designation, date
tested, ground elevation, estimated groundwater depth, and other pertinent data.

The log should also include the interpreted soil type versus depth as estimated using
published methods based on tip and friction resistance. Other test results associated
with the CPT (e.g. pore pressure dissipation tests) should also be presented as graphs
or tables.

3.6.5 Rock Coring

Rock coring should extend at least 10 feet below the top of bedrock or to depths
indicated in Table 3-2, whichever is greater. Either double- or triple-tube core barrels
may be used. Single-tube core barrels are not permitted. Select the core barrel type
considering the nature of the rock and the required quality for the retrieved core.
Utilize N-, H-, or P-size core barrels.

After the core is retrieved from the borehole, examine, log, and photograph the core.
Transfer the core to cardboard or wood boxes, and use wood or foam spacers to
prevent core pieces from being dislodged in the box. Use spacers to identify zones of
core loss and to separate and identify core runs. Do not discard rock core. All
recovered core should be placed in the box. Requirements for sample identification
are presented in Section 3.8.2. Prepare core photographs clearly indicating the boring
designation, run number, run depths, recovery, and rock quality designation (RQD) in
accordance with ASTM D6032.

3.6.6 Other In-Situ Tests

Table 3-3 includes numerous in-situ tests that have not been described in the previous
sections. Additional tests not listed in Table 3-3 may also be appropriate for the
project. Conduct all in-situ tests in accordance with applicable AASHTO or ASTM
standards, or in accordance with widely accepted guidelines if standards do not exist.

Present test results in graphs or tables, in U.S. Customary units. Convert field
measurements to data that is useful for use in engineering analysis.


Groundwater observations can be made during drilling, depending on the drilling

method used. Groundwater can also be observed in test pit excavations. However,
groundwater observations made during drilling in clay soils are not necessarily
accurate. For some projects, a groundwater monitoring instrument or observation
well may be required to obtain more accurate groundwater measurements over time
or to perform groundwater sampling, as discussed below.

3.7.1 Borings

For drilling methods that do not utilize drilling mud or added water, the groundwater
level can be estimated during drilling by noting evidence of water on the drill rods or
augers. Estimate the groundwater level both during drilling and after drilling is

In many cases, particularly in clay soils, the water level in a test hole will not
stabilize to the natural groundwater level until hours or days after drilling is
complete. Where necessary, install temporary pipe in test holes to allow subsequent
measurements of groundwater levels. Unless access restrictions are prohibitive (e.g.
in a live traffic lane), installation of a temporary standpipe, and a minimum of one
groundwater measurement at least 24 hours after completion of drilling, are required
in clay soils for any project where global stability or settlement calculations will be

If the primary drilling method does not permit reliable measurements of groundwater
levels, conduct supplementary test holes to determine the depth to groundwater or
install groundwater monitoring devices (see Section 3.7.2 and 3.7.3).

Record groundwater levels in borings, test pits, or trenches during drilling/excavation

and upon completion. Include the date and time of each groundwater level
measurement on the boring log. Note if artesian conditions are encountered.

3.7.2 Observation Wells

An observation well (sometimes termed a monitoring well) consists of a casing that is

installed in the open borehole. The casing is capped at the bottom end and contains a
screened section (typically 10 to 20 feet long) that allows water to enter the casing.
Select the screened interval of the well to correspond to the depth of interest. For
example, shallow screens may be used in areas for cuts or fills, whereas deeper
screens may be used for deep foundations.

Confirm that the well is open to the bottom cap. If any water was used during drilling,
the well should be bailed dry. Well development is not required for typical
observation wells. Protect the top of the well from damage. In areas of traffic, a
flush-mounted steel monument may be required. In all cases, a locking cap should be
placed on well casing to prevent inflow of water or debris into the well.

Wells should be installed, permitted, and abandoned in accordance with State

regulations and requirements set forth by the Colorado Division of Water Resources.

As necessary, discuss the timing and responsibility of permitting and well
abandonment with the CDOT SGSM. State regulations require that temporary
monitoring wells must be abandoned within 18 months of installation or permitted as
permanent monitoring wells with the Colorado Division of Water Resources.

3.7.3 Automated Groundwater Monitoring

Instrumentation consisting of pressure loggers or vibrating wire piezometers (VWPs)

may be installed in lieu of or in conjunction with observation wells. These
instruments can be combined with data loggers to automatically obtain and record
groundwater measurements for extended periods of time.

Where used, multiple VWPs may be installed at various depths within a single
borehole. Install VWPs in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Coil
the VWP cables at the ground surface and place them inside a steel monument or
protective system.

3.7.4 In-Situ Sampling and Testing of Groundwater

Measure groundwater levels in monitoring wells using an electronic water level meter.
Measure groundwater levels with pressure loggers or VWPs according to
manufacturer’s instructions.

Observation wells installed solely for measurement of groundwater levels do not

typically require development. However, observation wells in which sampling or
hydraulic conductivity testing will take place should be developed to remove
sediment and establish a hydraulic connection between the well and the aquifer.
Develop the well using a surge block, bailer, or other system. Perform pumping or
bailing to remove fines and suspended solids from the well casing. Development can
be considered complete when the groundwater removed from the well is clear to
slightly turbid or when there is no further improvement in groundwater clarity.

If wells are used to determine the direction of groundwater flow/seepage or to

characterize hydraulic gradient, install a minimum of three monitoring wells.


A consistent system of soil and rock classification is required for all CDOT projects.
Record all soil and rock classifications on the boring log.

3.8.1 Soil Classification

During drilling and sampling, classify soils in accordance with ASTM D2488 (visual-
manual classification). Record the basic soil profile elements in the field, including
changes in strata, relative properties of soil types in layered/bedded deposits, and
presence of cobbles or boulders. Make corrections and additions to the field
classification, where necessary, by conducting laboratory testing of the soil samples,
and prepare final boring logs using descriptions based on ASTM D2487 (Unified Soil
Classification System).

Record descriptions in the boring log for every soil sample collected. Provide
descriptions that are concise, precise, and comprehensive. Additional requirements
for soil classification on boring logs are below:

• Color: Record the basic color of a soil. Assign colors in accordance with Munsell
color charts. Note staining or mottling, as this information may indicate water
table fluctuations or contamination.
• Penetration Resistance: Use different indicators for different penetration
tests/samplers (e.g. SPT, Modified California). Indicate hammer and rod type
on boring logs. Add notations where the penetration resistance may have been
affected by large gravel, debris, or other disturbance (e.g. heaving or voids)
that could affect the validity of the recorded penetration resistance.
• Consistency of Cohesive Soils: Indicate the consistency (e.g. soft, stiff, etc.)
of cohesive soils based on SPT N-values in the soil description. Also utilize vane
shear, miniature vane shear (torvane), or pocket penetrometer testing to
evaluate the consistency of cohesive soil and report test results on the boring
• Density of Granular Soils: Indicate the density (e.g. loose, medium dense,
etc.) of granular soils based on SPT N-values in the soil description.
• Structure: Describe discontinuities, inclusions and other features, including
joints or fissures, slickensides, bedding or laminations, veins, root holes, and
wood or other debris.
• Mineralogy: Note significant mineralogical information, such as cementation,
abundant mica, or unusual mineralogy such as pinhole structure, and other
information such as oxidation, ferrous minerals, calcium, organic debris, odor,
• Other Descriptors: Include other descriptors if important for the project or for
describing the sample, including particle size, range and percentages, particle
angularity, particle shape, maximum particle size, hardness of large particles,
plasticity of fines, dry strength, dilatancy, toughness, reaction to hydrochloric

acid, etc. If possible, describe the relict rock structure and identify the parent
rock for residual soils having characteristics of both rock and soil.
Where necessary for pavement design, refer to the requirements of the CDOT
Pavement Design Manual.

3.8.2 Rock Classification

Classify rock core samples in accordance with the International Society of Rock
Mechanics (ISRM) publication Suggested Methods for the Quantitative Description of
Discontinuities in Rock Masses (ISRM, 1978).

Conduct the geotechnical laboratory testing program in accordance with the
requirements of the project and this GDM. Exercise engineering judgment in
developing the testing program. Use a testing laboratory accredited by AASHTO or

The Project GEO is ultimately responsible to CDOT for the laboratory testing for the
project, but may subcontract portions of the work to an accredited laboratory. Prior
to commencing any laboratory testing, review the laboratory's policies and
procedures. Adjust policies and procedures as necessary to meet project


Conduct laboratory soil testing in accordance with the following requirements:

• Conduct shear strength tests, such as triaxial shear, direct shear, vane
shear, and/or unconfined compression, on samples from each definable soil
unit, depending on the soil type and the nature, purpose, and importance of
the project element. More information on projects for which these tests are
a requirement can be found below.
• Perform pH, resistivity, sulfate, chloride, and soluble salt tests to evaluate
potential for corrosion and deterioration of concrete and metal.
• Test to evaluate potential for collapse, swell, and other problematic
behavior. More information on projects for which these tests are a
requirement can be found below.
In selecting tests for specific project features, comply with the requirements and
guidelines of applicable AASHTO and CDOT design specifications and manuals.


Follow the applicable testing procedures outlined in the current AASHTO and ASTM
Standards specified in the CDOT Laboratory Manual of Test Procedures.

The extent of the laboratory testing program should be determined considering

factors including the scale of the project, potential impacts of soils that may
contribute to settlement or instability of structures, and subsurface variability.

4.2.1 Index Testing

Index testing consists of tests that provide useful information about the soil without
directly measuring soil properties (e.g. strength tests). Index testing requirements for
CDOT projects are listed below:

• Measure the moisture content of all samples except granular soils below the
water table.
• Perform Atterberg limits tests on selected cohesive soil samples to provide
data for correlation and identification.
• Perform gradation testing to characterize cohesionless soils.
• Conduct unit weight determination tests on cohesive soils from MC and thin-
walled tube samples.
4.2.2 Consolidation and Swell/Collapse Testing

Conduct one-dimensional consolidation testing of relatively undisturbed thin-walled

tube samples for any project where any cohesive soils that could contribute to post-
construction settlement are present. Perform an adequate number of one-dimensional
consolidation tests to determine the variation of preconsolidation pressure,
compressibility, and time-rate behavior.

Consolidation tests must be completed on relatively undisturbed thin-walled tube

samples. Modified California samples shall not be used for consolidation testing.

Test consolidation samples at loads sufficiently large to accurately determine

consolidation parameters. Record consolidation measurements versus time over a
time period sufficient to determine rates of both primary and secondary consolidation
under loads representative of the in-situ soil stresses anticipated during the project.
Present the results in English units as plots of load and settlement as well as the
settlement versus time plots where useful.

Conduct proper testing for determination of secondary settlement characteristics,

amount of surcharge to use, and the percent consolidation to achieve long-term
settlement requirements of the project.

For any project where there is a potential for swell- or collapse-susceptible soil or
rock to impact infrastructure, one-dimensional swell/collapse testing is required.
Testing should be completed in accordance with ASTM D4546 or other widely accepted
test methods. Select loading conditions that are representative of field conditions or
select appropriate loading conditions for comparison to published correlations.

4.2.3 Shear Strength Testing

Conduct laboratory shear strength tests to supplement the results of field tests and
published correlations with index properties, as necessary for design of the project

For any project where undrained stability may control the design (e.g. embankments
or retaining structures constructed on cohesive soils), obtain relatively undisturbed
thin-walled tube samples and conduct unconsolidated-undrained (UU) and/or
consolidated-undrained (CU) triaxial shear strength testing. Complete an adequate
number of tests to characterize variability in soil properties at a given site.

Characterize drained shear strength parameters using CU triaxial tests with pore
water pressure measurement, consolidated-drained (CD) triaxial tests, direct shear
tests, or torsional ring shear tests. If direct shear tests are used, ensure that the test
strain rate is determined in accordance with ASTM D3080 and is slow enough to allow
dissipation of shear-induced pore water pressures. Relatively long test times will be
required for cohesive soils (potentially up to 24 hours).

In lieu of drained shear strength testing, published correlations between index

properties and fully softened shear strengths, such as those by Stark (2021), may be
used to estimate soil shear strength. Depending on the applicability of fully softened
conditions, the use of these correlations may not be representative of conditions in
the field and could result in conservative designs with significant impacts to project
costs. In such cases, complete drained laboratory strength testing instead of solely
relying on correlations with index properties. For the determination of residual shear
strengths, utilize torsional ring shear testing to ensure that adequate deformation
occurs to develop a residual condition.

Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) testing may be used for hard clay soils,
claystone, or Intermediate Geo-Materials. Soft to medium stiff clay soils are more
susceptible to disturbance from sampling; UCS testing shall not be used for these soil

4.2.4 Compaction Testing

Perform compaction tests on soils that may be used as fill for a project or may be
compacted in place for a structure subgrade. Common compaction and related tests

• Compaction Test – soil is compacted at multiple moisture contents for a given
compactive effort to generate a compaction curve. The results are used as a
comparison for evaluating the results of in-place compaction performed during
• R-Value Test - measures the response of a compacted sample to an applied
pressure. The test results are typically used for pavement design purposes. The
CDOT region Materials Engineers also may perform R-Value tests. These tests
should be coordinated with the Material Engineer.

Conduct laboratory testing in accordance with the laboratory's quality management

plan. If samples are disturbed, contaminated, or otherwise compromised, make
special note of the condition and its potential impacts on the test results. Make every
effort to test only high-quality samples.


Retain and preserve samples in their original state until final acceptance of the
project following construction. Retain laboratory worksheets and records for
verification purposes for at least five years following construction of the project.
Consultants may retain laboratory records in accordance with applicable in-house
document retention policies.

This Chapter provides an overview of accepted practices by CDOT for analysis and
design. It is not the intent of this Chapter to provide step-by-step procedures for
analysis and design. Use expertise and engineering judgment in carrying out the
analysis and design necessary to comply with all requirements. The CDOT SGSM is
available to review design assumptions and approaches.

To properly accommodate the guidelines presented herein and to incorporate any

other project-specific requirements for design and construction, it may be necessary
to modify some CDOT standard specifications or drawing details. Submit all such items
to the CDOT SGSM prior to incorporation in the project specifications and drawings.

Additional design requirements are presented in the CDOT Bridge Design Manual.


Comply with the CDOT Bridge Design Manual and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications for all aspects of bridge design, unless otherwise specified by CDOT
Staff Bridge or the CDOT SGSM.

Bridge foundations for CDOT projects typically consist of driven piles, drilled shafts
(also referred to as caissons and piers), or spread footings. Spread footings are
generally not considered acceptable at stream crossings.

The foundation types applicable to a given project depend on anticipated loads and
scour depths (where applicable), along with consideration of settlement, downdrag,
bearing resistance, lateral resistance, seismic hazards, constructability, and other
applicable factors.

5.1.1 Driven Piles

Driven piles generally consist of steel H-pile. Steel pipe piles may also be utilized.
Additional design requirements and considerations are presented in the CDOT Bridge
Design Manual.

5.1.2 Drilled Shafts

Rock-socketed drilled shafts are frequently used in Colorado. Determine axial

resistance for the design of rock-socketed drilled shafts in accordance with the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and FHWA Report No. FHWA-NHI-18-024
(Brown and others,2018).

For projects where drilled shafts may be proposed, rock coring is required in at least
1/3 of bridge borings (minimum of one boring). Rock coring in bedrock should be
performed in conjunction with SPT sampling between core runs or in adjacent

For sites with bedrock N-values typically greater than 100 blows per foot and where
rock coring produces suitable core recovery (i.e., samples can be recovered for
strength testing, and the rock mass can be characterized to an appropriate degree),
evaluate axial resistance using design methods based on the unconfined compressive
strength, as described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and FHWA
Report No. FHWA NHI-18-024 (Brown and others, 2018).

For sites with bedrock N-values typically less than 100 blows per foot, the “Soil-Like
Claystone” design procedure described in CDOT Research Report CDOT-DTD-R-2003-6
(Abu-Hejleh and others, 2003) may be used as appropriate to assess nominal axial
resistance. Use a resistance factor of 0.60 with the “Soil-Like Claystone” design

5.1.3 Lateral Loads for Deep Foundations

Provide the appropriate parameters for p-y lateral analysis of deep foundations using
software such as LPILE or AllPile. Coordinate with CDOT Staff Bridge or the Structural
Engineer of Record to determine what software will be used for lateral analysis and
provide the appropriate soil/rock parameters.

5.1.4 Load Testing of Deep Foundations

Static load tests may be used to justify higher resistance factors for deep foundations
in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Account for the
following factors in determining whether to use static load testing:

• Cost of testing
• Potential savings resulting from increased resistance factors
• Number of foundations to which load tests will apply
• Group effects that may control available foundation resistance
• Schedule implications and timing of testing (design or construction phase)
• Adaptability of foundation design to account for test results
Evaluate site variability and determine the required number of load tests for each site
in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.


Conduct subsurface explorations and testing for foundations of signs, lighting, and
signals, as specified in Section 3.4. Refer to the following documents to design
foundations for these structures:

• LRFD Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires,

and Traffic Signals, 1st Edition (AASHTO, 2015) and all interim revisions.
• Current versions of CDOT M & S Standard Plans.

Use earth slopes and embankments no steeper than 2H:1V (Horizontal: Vertical)
without approval from the CDOT SGSM.

Evaluate all new embankment fills, retaining walls and modifications of existing fills
for settlement, stability, and other applicable geotechnical considerations. For global
stability of embankment slopes and retaining walls, meet the requirements of this

5.3.1 Settlement

Estimate magnitudes and time-rates of anticipated settlements associated with

embankments and retaining structures in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. Address the potential for immediate settlements and both primary and
secondary consolidation.

For cohesive soils, determine settlement properties (including both elastic and
consolidation parameters) using laboratory test results and published correlations
with index properties. Consider the potential for unsaturated cohesive soils to
transition to a saturated condition and exhibit time-dependent settlement behavior
due to compression induced by increased loading from embankments or other

Design mitigation of settlements and displacements so as to not be detrimental to the

performance of facilities within and outside the project limits.

5.3.2 Utilities

Evaluate settlement impacts on new and existing utilities, and consider the impacts of
abandoned utility lines on settlements.

Design settlement mitigation as necessary to allow for effective operation through the
design life of utilities.

If any utility line is to be abandoned, coordinate with applicable design disciplines to

abandon the utility such that the utility will not detrimentally impact the
performance of the completed facility.

5.3.3 Global Stability

Evaluate global stability of embankments using widely accepted methodologies and

applicable computer software listed in this GDM.

For cohesive soils, determine shear strength parameters used in global stability
analyses based on laboratory shear strength testing and published correlations with
index properties. Evaluate stability considering undrained and drained shear strengths
for cohesive soils. Consider the potential for residual or fully softened conditions to
apply, and select appropriate shear strength parameters based on laboratory testing
and published correlations.

For granular soils, select shear strength parameters based on ring shear testing, direct
shear testing, or published correlations with index properties or in-situ test results
(e.g. N-values).

Do not utilize an artificial cohesion intercept to eliminate shallow slip surfaces for the
analysis; instead, adjust the search method to produce appropriate slip surfaces for
design and analysis.

For analysis of slope failures or landslides, use residual shear strengths and an
effective cohesion of zero for the failure surface.

Determine groundwater levels used in global stability analysis in accordance with

Section 3.7. Higher groundwater levels may be appropriate to reflect the design flood
water surface elevation of adjacent streams/rivers.

Table 5-1 lists the minimum acceptable factors of safety for global stability of
embankments and retaining walls on CDOT projects.


Category Feature Condition Minimum Factor of Safety

Slopes and walls Construction 1.3

where failure or Retaining Walls Static Long-Term 1.5
significant Pseudo-Static Seismic 1.1
deformation will
affect adjacent Construction 1.3
Embankments and
bridges or critical Static Long-Term 1.3
Cut Slopes
facilities Pseudo-Static Seismic 1.1
Construction 1.3, unless monitored
Retaining Walls Static Long-Term 1.3
All other slopes Pseudo-Static Seismic 1.1
and walls Construction 1.3, unless monitored
Embankments and
Static Long-Term 1.3
Cut Slopes
Pseudo-Static Seismic Not Required

The factors of safety in Table 5-1 were developed based on the AAHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications and recommendations contained in the Federal Lands Highway
Division (FLHD) Project Development and Design Manual (FLHD, 2018).

Exceptions to the factors of safety specified in Table 5-1 may be appropriate in some
instances. For example, it may be cost-prohibitive or infeasible to mitigate an existing
landslide to a factor of safety of 1.3. Provide justification for use of factors of safety
lower than those specified in Table 5-1. During construction, if a wall or slope will be
monitored, then a lower factor of safety may be acceptable. Monitoring in this case
should consist of adhering to a written monitoring plan, and may include methods
such as instrumentation, survey monitoring, or recurrent visual observation.

Evaluate and recommend appropriate means of meeting the factors of safety listed in
Table 5-1. Acceptable means of improving factors of safety include modifying
embankment slopes, dimensions, and materials, reinforcing embankment and
foundation soils, drainage improvements, and ground improvement. For short-term
construction-phase stability deficiencies, evaluate the potential benefits of staged fill
placement, using instrumentation to monitor stability and embankment/structure

5.3.4 Permanent Cut Slopes

For permanent cut slopes, meet the minimum factors of safety listed in Table 5-1.

Design of permanent cut slopes should consider runoff of surface water, surficial
erosion, and future slope maintenance (e.g., mowing of vegetated slopes).

5.3.5 Retaining Walls

Select and design retaining walls in accordance with the CDOT Bridge Design Manual
and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

For MSE walls, it is recommended that the wall embedment meet the requirements
specified in Table 2-2 of FHWA Report No. FHWA-NHI-10-024 (Berg and others, 2009).
The embedment depth should be selected based on wall stability, frost depth, and
subsurface conditions.

Avoid the use of acute corner MSE walls whenever possible.


Fill and geotechnical materials should be in accordance with the CDOT Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.


Swelling and collapse-prone soil/rock has the potential to adversely affect structures.
The Project GEO should adequately investigate and characterize swell-susceptible and
collapse-prone soil/rock. As necessary, the Project GEO should provide
recommendations to mitigate these hazards. Potential mitigation options include
over-excavation beneath shallow footings and retaining structures, chemical
stabilization, and the use of deep foundations.


Typical geotechnical seismic design requirements are described in this section.

For the 1,033-year seismic event (7% probability of exceedance in 75 years,

approximate 1,000-year event) evaluated using the General Procedure (as detailed in
the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and the AASHTO Guide Specifications
for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design), determine the mapped probabilistic ground motion
parameters for the site latitude and longitude in accordance with the AASHTO Guide
Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design

Specifications. These can be obtained by using the current USGS tools found online at
Do not use PDF or paper maps, or ZIP code lookup tools, to determine ground motion
parameters for CDOT projects.


Geotechnical reports should satisfy the requirements of the report checklist provided
in Appendix B. Final reports should be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer
registered in the State of Colorado.

Submit draft geotechnical reports to the CDOT SGSM prior to finalizing the report.
Allow a minimum of 10 days for CDOT to review the report. Submit the final report to
the CDOT SGSM in electronic PDF format.


Prepare signed and sealed engineering geology sheets for inclusion in the plans for
each structure. Include pertinent boring logs and laboratory test results. Use the
drawing format provided in CDOT Drawing Worksheet B-GEO-1.

Geotechnical conditions encountered during construction may affect the design
recommendations developed by the Project GEO. Therefore, it is important for the
Project GEO to remain involved during the construction phase of the Project.


The CDOT SGSM may request that the Project GEO provide the following services
during construction of the project:

• Confirm compliance with geotechnical designs and recommendations.

• Develop and implement an instrumentation program to measure ground and
structure movement, groundwater, vibrations, or other conditions.
• Review conditions encountered during construction and revise
recommendations, as appropriate.
• Provide clarification related to geotechnical recommendations and
Provide construction-phase services (where requested by the CDOT SGSM) in
accordance with applicable standards. In some cases, these services are provided by
GEOs retained by the Contractor. In such cases, the Project GEO may be requested to
review the Contractor GEO’s work for compliance with the project contract

6.1.1 Design-Build Projects

The Design-Builder's GEO should provide and oversee construction-phase services to

ensure compliance with the contract documents.

6.1.2 Record Keeping

Maintain a log of all field visits and record all observations and recommendations on a
daily field report. If requested, submit daily field reports to the CDOT SGSM on a
regularly basis. The daily field report should include logs, data sheets, photographs,
notes, and other information collected by the field representative.


Evaluation of temporary shoring and excavations is the responsibility of the

Contractor. A Colorado licensed professional engineer must design, sign, and seal all
plans and calculations for all temporary excavations and retaining structures. Do not
incorporate temporary retaining structures or materials into permanent embankments
or retaining structures unless the incorporated structures and materials have been
designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the applicable requirements for
the permanent construction.


6.3.1 Construction Observation

Where requested, observe pile driving in accordance with the Deep Foundations
Institute (DFI) Inspector's Manual for Driven Pile Foundations (1997). Note any
observed or reported anomalies on the pile driving log.

If diesel hammers are used to drive piles, use an ESaximeter to record the hammer
blows and stroke in addition to maintaining a handwritten log. The ESaximeter data
(blow count, rate, stroke) can be used by the Project GEO to evaluate pile driving
conditions and confirm design assumptions.

6.3.2 Static Load Testing

Conduct or provide oversight of static load tests where required. Use the procedures
specified in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Submit load test results,
analyses, and conclusions to the CDOT SGSM.

6.3.3 Dynamic Pile Testing with Signal Matching Analysis

Section 502 of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
specifies procedures for driven pile installation and PDA testing with signal matching
on CDOT projects.

The CDOT Project Engineer will arrange for PDA testing with signal matching analyses
to be conducted by either CDOT Soils & Geotechnical Services or a qualified PDA
testing firm. The PDA testing firm is responsible for quality management of its work.
The CDOT Project Engineer will coordinate with the CDOT SGSM and the Project GEO
to resolve deficiencies in driving resistance determined from PDA testing.

On Design-Build Projects, unless otherwise specified by the Project RFP, the Design-
Builder is responsible for PDA testing and signal matching analyses.

Establish production pile driving criteria based on a pile for which the required driving
resistance has been verified by PDA testing and signal matching analysis. The pile
driving criteria should specify the minimum blow count and either the hammer energy
or the hammer stroke corresponding to the minimum blow count.

If any unusual or otherwise unanticipated pile-driving condition are encountered
(including not achieving the minimum tip elevation), notify the Project GEO.

Acceptance of piles based on projected setup is not allowed. Where additional setup
is anticipated and is necessary to meet the required driving resistance, conduct PDA
testing and signal matching analysis after the setup has occurred.


6.4.1 Construction Observation

Document drilled shaft construction using CDOT Form 1333. Include a log of concrete
placement volume by depth and time.

The following documents provide guidance for drilled shaft inspection:

• Drilled Shaft Inspector's Manual (DFI, 2004).

• Drilled Shafts: Construction Procedures and Design Methods, FHWA GEC No.
10, Report No. FHWA-NHI-18-024 (Brown and others, 2018).
6.4.2 Static Load Testing

Conduct or provide oversight of static load tests where required. Use the procedures
specified in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Submit load test results,
analyses, and conclusions to the CDOT SGSM or CDOT Project Engineer.

6.4.3 Integrity Testing

Requirements for integrity testing of drilled shafts, including procedures for

addressing anomalies indicated by testing, are provided in the CDOT Bridge Design


The primary objectives of a construction instrumentation program are to:

• Indicate if construction activities are producing ground movement or vibration

within specified limits.
• Provide early warning of adverse trends.
• Provide the project engineers and Contractor with sufficient data to determine
the source of unanticipated ground movement and to plan remedial measures.
• Determine when remedial measures need to be implemented to protect
structures and utilities.

• Monitor the degree to which these protective or remedial measures are limiting
damage and to provide early warning when alternative means of protection are
• Provide data for settling legal disputes either between the Contractor and
CDOT or with owners of adjacent facilities.
• Monitor the performance of temporary construction structures.
• Confirm design assumptions and provide data that could improve future
As appropriate, recommend preconstruction surveys and the monitoring of vibrations
and settlements at structures, utilities, properties, and facilities potentially impacted
by vibrations or settlement caused by construction activities. Instrumentation
programs may include monitoring of:

• Settlement of newly placed embankment fills.

• Horizontal and vertical movement of existing structures and utilities adjacent
to excavations and embankments.
• Vibration levels as result of construction activities.
• Opening of cracks in adjacent existing facilities.
• Structural condition surveys of adjacent existing facilities.
• Other measurements indicating behavior of structures or the ground in
response to construction activities.
Guidance for instrumentation programs is provided in the following sections.

6.5.1 Geotechnical Instrumentation Plan

The types, numbers, and locations of the instruments depend on the Contractor’s
proposed construction methods, sequence, and durations, as well as on the proximity,
characteristics, and conditions of adjacent facilities. As appropriate, develop an
instrumentation plan to monitor parameters including settlements, slope/wall
stability and movements, movements and vibrations of nearby structures,
groundwater levels and flows, pore pressures (as applicable), and other geotechnical
parameters during construction. Develop and implement plans to mitigate these
impacts, both within and outside the planned Right-of-Way. Where long-term
settlement of embankments or facilities may occur, provide long-term settlement
instrumentation arrays in secure locations.

The instrumentation plan may include the following:

• A description of the proposed instrumentation, including parameters to be

monitored, types of instruments to be used, their specific purposes, and typical
duration and frequency of monitoring.
• Specific criteria for identifying locations requiring each type of instrument.
• Alert, alarm, or other action levels for monitored displacements or other
critical measurements.
• Identification of the anticipated construction limits and the locations of
adjacent features that may be affected by the proposed construction.
• Typical construction drawings showing details for each type of instrument to be
• A Special Provision for each type of instrument.
• Details of the outside survey control and procedures that will be used to
monitor and account for displacements of instrumentation reference/readout
points, such as settlement platform readout boxes.
• Generalized details and location information for long-term instruments, points,
targets, or similar devices that will allow long-term monitoring of
displacements after project completion.
• Where instruments are used to monitor stability during construction, the
acceptable magnitudes and rates of change in the parameters measured by the
instruments, and details of an action plan to be implemented in the event the
acceptable levels and/or rates are exceeded.
• Construction-phase and long-term instrumentation in sufficient quantity and
type to demonstrate compliance with all requirements of the project including
replacement or redundancy in case of construction damage.
• Construction plan sheets showing the locations, types, and other applicable
parameters (e.g., depths) of all instrumentation to be installed.
• Redundancy in instrumentation of features critical to public safety.
• Transmittal and delivery of data/readings to CDOT.
6.5.2 Monitoring Frequency and Baseline Measurements

Monitoring frequency would vary widely for each of the instrument systems and for
each category of construction. Obtain initial measurements in advance of construction
so baseline data can be developed.

6.5.3 Action Levels

Audible or visual alarm systems could be added to the instrumentation systems to

alert the Contractor and CDOT when displacement measurements have reached pre-
set limits. These systems can be programmed to various action levels, depending on
the established design tolerances. A clear communication chain should also be
established so that if these action levels are reached, procedures for implementation
of contingency and emergency plans can be put into action in a timely manner.

6.5.4 Pre-Construction Surveys

Before the beginning of instrumentation or construction, an inspection survey of

structures and utilities within the potential influence of the proposed construction
may be undertaken. The survey may document the existing condition of each facility
with diagrams, sketches, photographs, and video recordings. These records should
include the length and width of existing cracks, number of cracks, locations of water
marks, condition of door and window jambs, condition of paint, etc.

6.5.5 Vibration Monitoring

Use vibration attenuation relationships published by governmental agencies,

applicable equipment manufacturers, and other entities to estimate the zones where
vibrations caused by the project may impact adjacent facilities.

Background vibrations should be recorded at representative ground locations before

the start of construction

6.5.6 Settlement Monitoring

Settlement monitoring is typically performed by using monitoring points that are

surveyed using optical survey equipment. The points may consist of targets mounted
on structures, rods embedded in the ground, or other points that can be consistently
and reliably surveyed. Settlement monitoring may be implemented during staged
construction or to monitor structures located relatively closely to excavations.

6.5.7 Lateral Movement Monitoring

Lateral movement monitoring may be completed for shoring or structures in close

proximity to excavations. Potential methods for lateral movement monitoring include:

• Survey Monitoring Points: Monitoring points (e.g. targets, nails, etc.) can be
placed on shoring, utilities, structures, or in the ground to monitor lateral
movement over time (also used for vertical movement monitoring). The points

are measured using optical survey equipment at regular intervals during
• Inclinometers: Inclinometers are instruments that monitor lateral
displacements. Inclinometers may be used to monitor slope stability and
performance. Near sensitive facilities, inclinometers may also be used to
monitor ground deformation caused by construction of embankments.
6.5.8 Other Instruments

Based on the proposed construction and sensitivity of existing structures, other

instruments may also be used on CDOT Projects:

• Crack Monitors: gages that measure cracks and joint openings in structures or
rock. It is recommended that these gages be installed on existing cracks and
sensitive joints of adjacent existing structures during the preconstruction
survey or other time prior to construction. The gages can then be used during
or after construction to monitor potential change.
• Monitoring Wells/VWPs (see Section 3.7): existing or new wells/VWPs can be
used to observe groundwater level change during construction dewatering.
• Liquid Level Gages: a system used to measure deformation along a linear
feature such as a utility, tunnel, or other long structure.
6.5.9 Data Reduction and Reporting

All data should be collected, reduced, and presented in useful, legible, and well
labeled plots in U.S. Customary units. The plots should include construction
information on construction activities associated with the monitoring program. Plots
might also include geotechnical data, including soil layers and groundwater levels, or
other features which may impact the interpretation of the data.

In some instances, an automated data acquisition system (ADAS) may be used to

obtain automated readings and to transmit the data electronically. For projects
where an ADAS is utilized, coordinate with the CDOT SGSM to configure the ADAS to
transmit data to the CDOT web-based monitoring service.

AASHTO, 2011, Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2nd Edition.

AASHTO, 2020, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 9th Edition.

AASHTO, 2015, LRFD Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, 1st Edition.

Abu-Hejleh, N., O’Neill, M., Hanneman, D., and Atwooll, W.J., 2003, Improvement of
the Geotechnical Axial Design Methodology for Colorado’s Drilled Shafts Socketed
in Weak Rocks, CDOT Research Branch, Report No. CDOT-DTD-R-2003-6.

Berg, R.R., Christopher, B.R., and Samtani, N.C., 2009, Design of Mechanically
Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Slopes, Geotechnical Engineering Circular
No. 11, Report No. FHWA NHI-10-024.

Brown, D.A., Turner, J.P., and Castelli, R.J., and Loehr, E.J., 2018, Drilled Shafts:
Construction Procedures and Design Methods, NHI Course No. 132014,
Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 10, Report No. FHWA NHI-18-024.

CDOT, 2019, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, available at

CDOT, 2012, Dynamic Sign Monotube Structures, Standard Plan No S-614-60, available
at: https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety/assets/s-standard-plans/2019/s-

CDOT, 2013, Drawing Worksheet B-GEO-1, available at:


CDOT, 2020, Laboratory Manual of Test Procedures, with 2021 Revisions, available at:

CDOT, 2021, Bridge Design Manual, available at:


CDOT, 2021, Field Materials Manual, available at:


CDOT, 2021, 2021 M-E Pavement Design Manual, available at:


DFI, 1997, Inspector’s Manual for Driven Pile Foundations, 2nd Edition.

DFI, 2004, Drilled Shaft Inspector’s Manual, 2nd Edition.

FHWA, 2003, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications, Report No. FHWA ED-88-053.

FHWA, 2009, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, with Revisions 1 and 2, May

FLH, 2018, Project Development Design Manual, available at:


International Society for Rock Mechanics, 1978, Suggested Methods for the
Quantitative Description of Discontinuities in Rock Masses, ed. Brown, E.T.

Mayne, P.W., Christopher, B.R., and DeJong, J., 2002, Subsurface Investigations,
Report No. FHWA-NHI-01-031.

National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), 2019, Manual on

Subsurface Investigations, Web-Only Document 258, available at:

Stark, Timothy, 2021, Drained Residual and Fully Softened Secant Friction Angles &
Shear Stresses, Excel Spreadsheet.

Transportation Research Board (TRB), 1996, Landslides: Investigations and

Mitigations, ed. Turner, A.K. and Schuster, L.R.

Wightman, W.E., Jalinoos, F., Sirles, P., and Hanna, K., 2004, Application of
Geophysical Methods to Highway Related Problems, Report No. FHWA-IF-04-021.

Appendix A:
Example Field Forms
(For information only. See
https://www.codot.gov/library/forms for official forms.)
Drilling Checklist
Job Number: Date:
Job Name: Subcontractors:

Field Representative:
Contacts (#s): Client/Owner:
Project Confidential?

Project Management
Purpose & description of work to be performed/completed:

Sampling Schedule (top of sample interval listed) Sample Type Depth

SPT Split Spoon
California Mod
Rock Coring

Borings (detailed desrciption of work to be completed)

Drilling Method
Hollow Stem Auger TUBEX/ODEX
Solid Stem Auger Mud Rotary
Rock Coring Air Rotary
Other Other

Well Installation (quantity & description)

Slotted Casing
Slotted Casing
Hydrated Bentonite

Page 1 of 2 Last revised: 1/23/2017

Notes/Safety Concerns/Comments:

Field Checklist
Hole Completion
Type Monitoring wells, see instructions above.
Cuttings Backfill tailings borings with cuttings.
Jet Set
Asphalt Cold Patch
Utility Locate
Utility Locate? (UNCC, 1-800-922-1987 for Colorado, or 811 locally from any state)
• Ticket Number(s):
• Other:

Special Instructions

Before leaving the office did you: Before leaving the site did you:
Read/copy the proposal? Complete logs?
Have a briefing with the project manager? Measure and map exploration locations?
Research local geology? Record Water Levels?
Research site conditions? Restore disturbed areas? Asphalt? Concrete?
Arrange for site access? Lock gates?
Other? Other?

Equipment/Materials Checklist
Personal Safety Gear Camera Clinometer Brass Tubes Hand Level Daily Reports
Rock hammer Compass Rangefinder Tube Caps Sunscreen Contact Lists
Screwdriver Measuring tape Markers/Pens Plastic Bags Truck Mileage Log Specs
Soil knife Flagging & stakes Compass Hand Level Engineering Plans
Rubber gloves Bucket & brush Sample Jars Survey Gear Maps (topo, geo)
Warm weather gear First Aid Kit Core Boxes Water File
Cold weather gear Spray Paint Duct Tape Rain Gear Permits
Water Level Indicator Clipboard Sampler Liners GPS Logs/Forms

Page 2 of 2 Last revised: 1/23/2017

Rock Mass Rating (RMR)
Field Data Collection

Drill Hole No:_________________________ Logged By:_______________ Project Name:_______________________________________________________________

Core Dia.:____________________________ Date:____________________ Project Number:_____________________________ RMR Ref:_________________

Drill Interval Intact Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Joint Condition Groundwater Total
(feet) Description Rating RQD Rating Spacing Rating Description Rating Description Rating RMR Remarks
From To (0-20) (percent) (0-20) (feet) (0-20) (0-30) (0-15) (0-100)
LOGGED BY: ______ SUBCONTRACTOR: ______________________

JOB NO: ______________ DATE: ________ LOCATION: __________________________

PROJECT: __________________________________________________________________

Depth, Ft.
Sketch of ___________ Pit Side Surface Elevation: Approx. ____ Ft.

% Water
SOIL DESCRIPTION Horizontal Distance in Feet
0 2 4 6 8 10 12




Diameter in.
INSTALL DATE: (indicate if several
installation dates)
ECOL. TAG NO: Distance ft.
DRILLING METHOD: (HSA, Mud Rotary, ect.)
Distance ft.
DRILLING FLUID USED: (Bentonite, Polymer, ect.)
Key No:






(include OD/ID, slot (include seal or
VWP NO. width, pipe material, filter type, size,
FROM TO schedule, etc.) BENT. GROUT BENT. CEMENT FROM TO gINT code, etc.)



Use Reverse Side if Desired


No Depths: VWP #2 ft.

CASING JOINTS: Threaded End Cap Type: SER.# / PRESSURE RATING: VWP #1 / psi
Glued How Secured: VWP #2 / psi

DEPTH TO WATER AFTER INSTALLATION: ft. VWP # and Zero Zero Date and Time Readout
Reading Type Reading Temp of Reading Box S/N


#1 Saturated
SAND: bags
CEMENT: bags #2 Unsaturated
BENTONITE POWDER: bags #2 Saturated















0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105

1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106

2 17 32 47 62 77 92 107

3 18 33 48 63 78 93 108

4 19 34 49 64 79 94 109

5 20 35 50 65 80 95 110

6 21 36 51 66 81 96 111

7 22 37 52 67 82 97 112

8 23 38 53 68 83 98 113

9 24 39 54 69 84 99 114

10 25 40 55 70 85 100 115

11 26 41 56 71 86 101 116

12 27 42 57 72 87 102 117

13 28 43 58 73 88 103 118

14 29 44 59 74 89 104 119

15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120


F-10-08 SHEET ______ OF_______

Project No.: Contract ID: Date:

Completed by: Contractor:
Geotechnical report reviewed: � Yes � No Subcontractor:
Drilling start date & time: Onsite representative:
Drilling completed date & time: Drill rig details:
Structure number:
Shaft location/number:
Caisson details (designate units (DU)) Plan As built Groundwater conditions:
� None � Intermittent � Continuous
Casing diameter Type of drilling fluid:
Top of shaft elevation Test results right before concrete placement (DU)
Bottom of casing elevation Density:
Top of socket elevation Viscosity:
Tip elevation pH:
Socket length (in bedrock) Sand Content:
Shaft length
Steel reinforcement details: (use CDOT Form #279) Bottom cleanout method:
� Yes � No
Proper # of Vertical Bars
Proper # of Horizontal Time and date of final cleanout:
Bars Ties and
Cage clearance from hole bottom=
Concrete observations (attach load tickets & test results) Shaft bottom inspection type:
Concrete placement method: Visual � Sounding �
Design volume: Time started:
Actual volume: Time finished:
Class & slump:
Placement start time and date: Record below depths to the bottom of finished shaft at 5
Placement end time and date: points along the shaft perimeter:
Water depth at start of concrete placement:
Measurement of axis variation and shaft plumb percent North is at :
3. ____
1. ____
%= _______________________
(must be <1.5%)
4. ____
Shaft conditions:
Bottom Perimeter Elevations
� Clean � Smooth 2. ____
� Clean with fragments � Rough 5. ____
� Wet � Grooved
Avg. Shaft Bottom Elev.
� Not observable � Shear rings
� Other Figure 1
Pay length=
Other comments (drilling equipment changes, contractor communication, out of roundness, change in cage elevation, weather, changes to

CDOT #1333 04/17

Depth (ft) Time Elevation (ft) Soil Description Graphic Drilled Shaft Profile
in out

Other comments (drilling equipment changes, contractor communication, out of roundness, change in cage elevation, weather,
changes to design):

CDOT #1333 04/17

Appendix B:
Geotechnical Report Checklist

The following checklists are provided to assist a reviewer with geotechnical reports concerning
CDOT projects. The checklists are only intended as guides, are not all-inclusive, and not a
replacement for a lack of geotechnical experience or knowledge. The checklists are modified
from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053,
Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and Preliminary Plans and

A. General Report Information – Outlines the general geotechnical information that

should be in all reports. If there is information missing, the report author should be

B. Foundations – Including Checklist A, the report should include recommendations

for all appropriate foundation types and provide both LRFD and ASD parameters as
applicable. If bridge approach embankments are to be raised or widened,
foundation downdrag and embankment time-dependent settlement need to be
addressed (preload, surcharge, wickdrain, etc.).

E. Retaining Structures – Including Checklist A, the report should include

recommendations for all appropriate foundation types.

F. Landslides and Slope Stability – Including Checklist A, the report should include
general exploration techniques, monitoring results, and remedial options and their
associated estimated costs.

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-1
□.......... □ ......... □
Is there a general project scope and purpose? .......................................................

Is there a project location description included or a vicinity map? ......................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is there a detailed description of the field investigation and procedures? ................ □.......... □ ......... □
Is there a detailed description of:
Soil characteristics (density, color, depth/elevation, etc.)? ........................ □.......... □ ......... □
Bedrock characteristics (hardness, jointing, depth/elevation, etc.)? ............ □.......... □ ......... □

Groundwater (depth/elevation and flow direction)? .................................. □.......... □ ......... □

Is a geology/profile sheet presented? ................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is a legend provided that is easy to use and informative? .......................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is laboratory data presented? .................................................................. □.......... □ ......... □

Does it correlate with results discussed in text?............................ □.......... □ ......... □

Are groundwater elevations presented? ................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is geologic information provided?........................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Does it correlate with boring logs (N-values, core vs. auger,
□ .......... □ .......... □
unit descriptions, elevations, numbering, etc.)? ...............................

Are exploration locations plotted (boring, penetrometer, seismic, etc.)?..... □.......... □ ......... □

Do exploration locations meet requirements in the GDM? ........................ □.......... □ ......... □

Did exploration locations go deep enough to provide the needed
□.......... □ ......... □
design information? ............................................................................

Are exploration logs (boring, penetrometer, etc.) presented? ................................. □.......... □ ......... □

Are geologic units presented visually and described in detail? .................. □.......... □ ......... □

Are sample types, labels, and depths reported? ........................................ □.......... □ ......... □

Is exploration method reported (wireline, auger, penetrometer, etc.)? ........ □.......... □ ......... □

Are testing data presented (blow counts, recovery, RQD, etc.)? ................ □.......... □ ......... □

Are laboratory results presented and discussed? ................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Were samples analyzed for gradation, Atterberg limits, and moisture
content to verify field visual descriptions? ............................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Were samples analyzed for compressive strength, shear strength,
consolidation, swell/collapse, etc., as necessary for the project type,
and are these results discussed? .............................................................. □.......... □ ......... □
Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-2
Is a recommended pile type given along with reasoning for choice? ...................... □.......... □ ......... □
Do you agree with recommended pile type? ............................................ □.......... □ ......... □

Are bearing capacities provided? ........................................................................ □.......... □ ......... □

Are bearing capacities reasonable? ......................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are estimated minimum tip elevations provided along with reasoning? ................. □.......... □ ......... □

For friction bearing piles, is a bearing capacity vs. depth chart/table provided? ...... □.......... □ ......... □
For boulder/cobble units, has driving been analyzed to verify tip
elevation and determine if there will be any pile damage? .................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Is minimum penetration into bedrock provided for end bearing piles? ................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is bedrock elevation provided? ........................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is a minimum pile spacing recommended? .......................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

For driving in difficult areas (boulders, cobble, etc.) is predrilling,
jetting, tip protection, etc., recommended? .......................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Has lateral load analysis been performed or are analysis parameters
□.......... □ ......... □
provided? ..........................................................................................................

Is PDA required per CDOT Standard Special Provision 502? ............................... □.......... □ ......... □
Are resistance factors provided per AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
□ .......... □ .......... □
Specifications? .........................................................................................................

Is hammer size/driving criteria provided? ............................................................ □.......... □ ......... □

Is predrilling recommended and does evidence support it? ................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Are materials testing results for corrosion provided (sulfate, resistivity, pH,
□.......... □ ......... □
chlorides)? ........................................................................................................

Do you agree with corrosion protection recommendations? ...................... □.......... □ ......... □

For piles in scour areas, have the piles been designed so the full pile
capacity is below scour depth? ........................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
For large projects, is a load test recommended? ................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Do you agree? ....................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Have pile driving effects been considered (damage to homes and noise in
urban areas, environmental impacts)?.................................................................. □.......... □ ......... □

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-3
Has the site been analyzed for AASHTO Specifications for LRFD
Seismic Bridge Design? ..................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Is the site classified (letter) along with a seismic zone (number)? .............. □.......... □ ......... □

Do you agree? ....................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are spectral acceleration parameters provided? ....................................... □.......... □ ......... □

For large projects, is a load test recommended? ................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-4
Is bedrock elevation provided? ........................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Based on materials and drilling, is casing or slurry required to maintain hole
stability? ........................................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Based on groundwater data, could dewatering or tremie concrete placement
be required per CDOT Standard Specification 503? ............................................. □.......... □ ......... □
Are capacities (end bearing and side shear) provided? ......................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are capacities reasonable? ..................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are estimated minimum tip elevations provided along with reasoning? ................. □.......... □ ......... □

Will boulders be encountered and is this addressed? ............................................ □.......... □ ......... □

If yes, are shafts appropriate for site? ...................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

For friction bearing shafts, is a capacity vs. depth chart/table provided? ................ □.......... □ ......... □

Is minimum penetration into bedrock provided for end bearing shafts?.................. □.......... □ ......... □

Has lateral load analysis been performed or are analysis parameters provided? ...... □.......... □ ......... □

Are resistance factors provided per AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design

Specifications? .................................................................................................. □.......... □ ......... □
Are materials testing results for corrosion provided (sulfate, resistivity, pH,
□.......... □ ......... □
chlorides? .........................................................................................................

Do you agree with corrosion protection recommendations? ...................... □.......... □ ......... □

For shafts in scour areas, have the shafts been designed so the full shaft
capacity is below scour depth? ........................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
For large projects, is a load test recommended? ................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Do you agree? ....................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Has the site been analyzed for AASHTO Specifications for LRFD Seismic
Bridge Design?.................................................................................................. □.......... □ ......... □
Is the site classified (letter) along with a seismic zone (number)? .............. □.......... □ ......... □

Do you agree? ....................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are spectral acceleration parameters provided? ....................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-5
Is bearing capacity vs. depth/elevation vs. footing size provided? ......................... □.......... □ ......... □
If not, is there a recommended depth/elevation, footing size, and
□.......... □ ......... □
bearing capacity? ...................................................................................

Are bearing capacities reasonable?.......................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is base sliding resistance provided?

Are materials testing results for corrosion provided (sulfate, resistivity, pH,
□.......... □ ......... □
chlorides)? ........................................................................................................

Do you agree with corrosion protection recommendations? ...................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are subexcavation and replacement recommendations provided?.......................... □.......... □ ......... □

Based on groundwater data, is construction dewatering required and discussed? .... □.......... □ ......... □

Is a minimum depth of embedment recommended for frost protection? ................. □.......... □ ......... □

Has settlement been evaluated using parameters based on lab testing, and
□ .......... □ .......... □
estimated values and time reported? ..........................................................................
Are settlement values reasonable?........................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Has global stability been evaluated using shear strengths based on lab testing? ...... □.......... □ ......... □

Have excavation parameters (shoring, sloping, sheeting, etc.) been discussed? ...... □.......... □ ......... □
Has the site been analyzed for AASHTO Specifications for LRFD Seismic
□ .......... □ .......... □
Bridge Design)? .........................................................................................................

Is the site classified (letter) along with a seismic zone (number)? .............. □.......... □ ......... □

Do you agree? ....................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are spectral acceleration parameters provided? ....................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-6
Is recommended wall type appropriate based on site conditions? .......................... □.......... □ ......... □
Has settlement been evaluated using parameters based on lab testing, and
□ .......... □ .......... □
estimated values and time reported? ..........................................................................
Are settlement values reasonable, i.e., within limits of wall design? .......... □.......... □ ......... □
Has groundwater been considered (drainage, fluctuations, stability, etc.)?

Are materials testing results for corrosion provided (sulfate, resistivity, pH,
□.......... □ ......... □
chlorides)? ........................................................................................................

Do you agree with corrosion protection recommendations? ...................... □.......... □ ......... □

For cut walls, have excavation recommendations been provided (shoring,
sloping, sheeting, dewatering, ripping, etc.)? ....................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Have backfill parameters been discussed (class, compaction, lift
placement, etc.)?................................................................................................ □.......... □ ......... □
Are values provided for bearing capacities, earth pressures, and base
□.......... □ ......... □
sliding resistance?..............................................................................................

Are foundation base elevations provided? ........................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is foundation type appropriate based on site conditions?........................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is a bearing capacity vs. depth elevation vs. footing size provided? ....................... □.......... □ ......... □

If not, is there a recommended depth/elevation, footing size, and

□.......... □ ......... □
bearing capacity? ................................................................................
Are bearing capacities reasonable?.......................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Soil parameters provided (unit weight, friction angle, cohesion, etc.)? ................... □.......... □ ......... □

Has global stability been evaluated?.................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are shear strengths based on lab testing?................................................. □.......... □ ......... □

Is the factor of safety acceptable? ........................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

For soil nail and tieback walls, are estimated bond strengths reasonable?............... □.......... □ ......... □

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-7
Is a scaled cross-section provided showing slide characteristics (soil profile,
water table, soil unit weights, inclinometers, failure plane, etc.)? .......................... □.......... □ ......... □
Were sufficient monitoring points (inclinometers, piezometers, etc.), installed
to properly characterize the slide? ....................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Is history of the slide area summarized including movement, maintenance
work and costs, and any corrective measures taken?............................................. □.......... □ ......... □
Has modeling been performed to evaluate triggering mechanisms and
possible remedial measures?............................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
Are detailed slide features (ground surface cracks, headscarp, toe bulge,
etc.) shown on the site plan? ............................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □
For an active slide, was soil strength along the slide failure plane back-
calculated using a F.S. = 1.0 at the time of failure? .............................................. □.......... □ ......... □
For an existing slide, are residual shear strengths used? ............................ □.......... □ ......... □

Were remedial options discussed?....................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Cross-section of each proposed alternative?............................................. □.......... □ ......... □

Estimated safety factor of each proposed alternative? ............................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is the safety factor at or above 1.3? ......................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Estimated cost of each proposed alternative? ........................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Advantages and disadvantages of each proposed alternative?.................... □.......... □ ......... □

If horizontal drains are proposed as part of slide correction, has subsurface

investigation located definite water-bearing strata that can be tapped with
horizontal drains? ....................................................................................................... □ .......... □ .......... □
If a toe berm is proposed to remediate the slide, has field exploration
confirmed that the slide toe does not extend beyond the proposed toe
berm? ............................................................................................................. □.......... □ ......... □
Where proposed remediation requires excavation into a slide, has the
construction backslope safety factor with open excavation been determined?......... □.......... □ ......... □
Have seasonal fluctuations of groundwater table been considered? ....................... □.......... □ ......... □

Is stability of excavation backslope to be monitored? ........................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Are special construction features, techniques, and materials described

and specified? ................................................................................................... □.......... □ ......... □

Modified from the FHWA Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053, Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and
Preliminary Plans and Specifications.
Rev. 06/2021 Page B-8

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