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PR2 Q3 WK6

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School: Grade Level:

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: PR2

Teaching Dates &
Time: Week _6_ Quarter: Quarter _3_


A. Content Standards 1. the formulation of 1. the formulation of Content Standard: 1. the formulation of
conceptual framework conceptual framework 1. the formulation of conceptual framework
2. the research hypotheses 2. the research conceptual framework 2. the research hypotheses
(if appropriate) hypotheses (if appropriate) 2. the research hypotheses (if (if appropriate)
3. the definition of terms as 3. the definition of terms as appropriate) 3. the definition of terms as
used in the study used in the study 3. the definition of terms as used in the study
used in the study

B. Performance 1. formulate clearly 1. formulate clearly 1. formulate clearly 1. formulate clearly

Standards conceptual framework, conceptual framework, conceptual framework, conceptual framework,
research hypotheses (if research hypotheses (if research hypotheses (if research hypotheses (if
appropriate), and define appropriate), and define appropriate), and define appropriate), and define
terms used in study terms used in study terms used in study terms used in study
2. present objectively 2. present objectively 2. present objectively written 2. present objectively
written review of related written review of related review of related literature written review of related
literature and conceptual literature and conceptual and conceptual framework literature and conceptual
framework framework framework

C. Learning ‘’ Illustrates and explain ‘’ Illustrates and explain ‘’ Defines terms used in ‘’ Defines terms used in
Competencies/ the conceptual framework’’ the conceptual framework’’ study’’ study’’
( Write the code for
I. CONTENT Provide an overview of the Provide an overview of the Provide an overview of the Provide an overview of the
( Subject Matter) content to be covered, content to be covered, content to be covered, content to be covered,
emphasizing the importance emphasizing the emphasizing the significance emphasizing the
of a well-developed importance of a well- of defining terms in research significance of defining
conceptual framework in developed conceptual to ensure clarity and terms in research to ensure
guiding research. framework in guiding precision. clarity and precision.

Created by: GREG M, Et al

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Utilize the provided Utilize the provided Utilize the provided teacher’s Utilize the provided
pages teacher’s guide for teacher’s guide for guide for reference and teacher’s guide for
reference and teaching reference and teaching teaching strategies. reference and teaching
strategies. strategies. strategies.

2. Learner’s Material Distribute relevant Distribute relevant Distribute a list of key terms Distribute a list of key terms
pages materials, including materials, including used in research and provide used in research and
guidelines for developing a guidelines for developing a space for students to write provide space for students
conceptual framework. conceptual framework. definitions. to write definitions.

3. Textbook pages Refer to the textbooks that Refer to the textbooks that Refer to textbooks that cover Refer to textbooks that
cover the principles of cover the principles of the fundamental terms used cover the fundamental
constructing a conceptual constructing a conceptual in research studies. terms used in research
framework in research. framework in research. studies.

4. Additional Materials Include examples of Include examples of Include examples of research : Include examples of
from Learning effective conceptual effective conceptual studies where clear research studies where
Resource LR portal frameworks. frameworks. definitions enhance clear definitions enhance
understanding. understanding.

B. Other Learning Mention any online Mention any online Mention any online Mention any online
Resources resources, articles, or resources, articles, or resources, glossaries, or resources, glossaries, or
videos that could enhance videos that could enhance dictionaries that could aid in dictionaries that could aid in
the learning experience. the learning experience. defining research terms. defining research terms.

A. Reviewing previous Briefly revisit the key Briefly revisit the key Briefly revisit the importance Briefly revisit the
Lesson or presenting concepts related to concepts related to of a well-defined problem importance of a well-defined
new lesson presenting a written presenting a written statement and how it problem statement and how
statement of the problem. statement of the problem. contributes to the research it contributes to the
Relate the importance of a Relate the importance of a process. research process.
conceptual framework to conceptual framework to
the problem statement. the problem statement.

B. Establishing a purpose Clearly state the objectives Clearly state the objectives Clearly state the objectives Clearly state the objectives

Created by: GREG M, Et al

for the lesson for today's lesson, for today's lesson, for today's lesson, for today's lesson,
emphasizing the role of a emphasizing the role of a emphasizing the role of clear emphasizing the role of
conceptual framework in conceptual framework in definitions in enhancing the clear definitions in
guiding and structuring guiding and structuring quality of a research study. enhancing the quality of a
research. research. research study.

C. Presenting examples/ Showcase examples of Showcase additional Showcase examples of Showcase examples of
instances of the new well-constructed conceptual examples of well- research studies or articles research studies or articles
lesson. frameworks. Discuss the constructed conceptual where precise definitions of where precise definitions of
elements that make a frameworks. Discuss the terms contribute to the overall terms contribute to the
conceptual framework elements that make a clarity of the work. Discuss overall clarity of the work.
effective and clear. conceptual framework the impact of undefined terms Discuss the impact of
effective and clear. on understanding. undefined terms on

D. Discussing new Introduce the key Delve deeper into the key Introduce a list of key terms Introduce a list of key terms
concepts and practicing components of a conceptual components of a related to the research study. related to the research
new skills. #1 framework, including conceptual framework, Discuss each term, its study. Discuss each term,
variables, relationships, and including variables, relevance, and potential its relevance, and potential
the theoretical framework. relationships, and the variations in its interpretation. variations in its
Discuss the purpose and theoretical framework. Encourage students to share interpretation. Encourage
significance of each Discuss specific examples their initial understanding. students to share their initial
element. from different research understanding.

E. Discussing new Engage students in a Engage students in a Engage students in a group Engage students in a group
concepts and practicing guided discussion on collaborative activity where activity where they activity where they
new skills #2. developing a conceptual they analyze a published collaborate to define the collaborate to define the
framework. Provide a research paper and terms provided. Encourage terms provided. Encourage
sample research topic and identify the conceptual discussion and clarification discussion and clarification
guide them in formulating a framework. Discuss the among students to ensure a among students to ensure a
conceptual framework effectiveness of the comprehensive comprehensive
together. framework in guiding the understanding of each term. understanding of each term.

F. Developing Mastery Provide individual or group Provide hands-on practice Provide a worksheet or Provide a worksheet or
(Lead to Formative exercises where students by having students work in individual assignment where individual assignment
Assessment 3) develop their conceptual pairs or small groups to students match each term where students match each

Created by: GREG M, Et al

framework for a given create a conceptual with its correct definition. This term with its correct
research scenario. Offer framework for a could also involve short- definition. This could also
feedback and suggestions hypothetical research answer questions requiring involve short-answer
for improvement. study. Encourage creativity students to explain the questions requiring students
and thoughtful significance of specific terms. to explain the significance
consideration of variables. of specific terms.

G. Finding practical Discuss how a conceptual Discuss real-world Discuss the real-world Discuss the real-world
application of concepts framework guides the applications of conceptual applications of precise term applications of precise term
and skills in daily living research process and helps frameworks in various definitions in research definitions in research
in organizing thoughts. fields. Explore how studies. Explore how studies. Explore how
Explore examples from researchers use misunderstanding or misunderstanding or
various disciplines to frameworks to guide their ambiguity in terms can lead ambiguity in terms can lead
demonstrate different studies and make informed to misinterpretations. to misinterpretations.
approaches. decisions.

H. Making Generalizations Guide students in Guide students in Guide students in Guide students in
and Abstraction about summarizing the key summarizing the essential summarizing the importance summarizing the
the Lesson. components of an effective components of an effective of defining terms in research. importance of defining
conceptual framework. conceptual framework. Discuss how clear definitions terms in research. Discuss
Discuss common Discuss the role of contribute to the overall how clear definitions
challenges and how to creativity and critical quality and credibility of a contribute to the overall
overcome them. thinking in developing a study. quality and credibility of a
framework. study.

I. Evaluating Learning Question 1: Question 3: Question 1: Question 3:

What is the primary purpose What does the term Why is it important for What term refers to the
of a conceptual framework "operationalization" mean researchers to define key practice of providing
in a research study? in the context of a terms used in their study? specific meanings for terms
conceptual framework? within the context of a
a) To summarize the a) To confuse the readers particular study?
study's findings a) Representing abstract b) To demonstrate their
b) To provide a visual concepts in measurable vocabulary a) Lexicography
representation of the terms c) To avoid providing clarity b) Operationalization
research design b) Providing a theoretical on the study's focus c) Definitional clarity
c) To illustrate the overview of the research d) To ensure a shared d) Rhetoric
relationships between key study understanding and eliminate
concepts and variables c) Summarizing the study's ambiguity Answer Key: c) Definitional

Created by: GREG M, Et al

d) To detail the step-by-step limitations clarity
methodology of the d) Describing the Answer Key: d) To ensure a
research researcher's personal shared understanding and Question 4:
experiences eliminate ambiguity In a study about online
Answer Key: c) To illustrate learning, why might it be
the relationships between Answer Key: a) Question 2: necessary to define the
key concepts and variables Representing abstract When should researchers term "engagement"?
concepts in measurable typically provide definitions
Question 2: terms for key terms in a research a) To showcase the
In a conceptual framework, study? researcher's vocabulary
what role does the literature Question 4: b) To confuse the readers
review play? How does a well- a) Only in the introduction c) To ensure a shared
constructed conceptual section understanding of what is
a) It serves as a summary framework contribute to b) At the end of the literature meant by "engagement" in
of the study's findings the research process? review the study
b) It helps establish the c) Throughout the entire d) To avoid providing clarity
researcher's expertise a) It makes the research research paper on the study's focus
c) It provides a foundation process more complicated d) Only in the conclusion
for identifying key concepts b) It helps justify the section Answer Key: c) To ensure a
and relationships study's methodology shared understanding of
d) It outlines the statistical c) It replaces the need for Answer Key: c) Throughout what is meant by
analyses used in the study a literature review the entire research paper "engagement" in the study
d) It focuses solely on
Answer Key: c) It provides a statistical analyses
foundation for identifying
key concepts and Answer Key: b) It helps
relationships justify the study's

J. Additional Activities for Offer additional resources Offer additional resources Offer additional resources or Offer additional resources
Application or or activities for students or activities for students activities for students who or activities for students
Remediation who may need further who may need further may need further practice in who may need further
practice. Encourage peer practice. Encourage peer defining terms. Encourage practice in defining terms.
review and collaboration to review and collaboration to peer review and discussion to Encourage peer review and
refine conceptual refine conceptual reinforce understanding. discussion to reinforce
frameworks. frameworks. understanding.


Created by: GREG M, Et al

A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

Created by: GREG M, Et al

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