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1.What is your favorite class? That is coding. Because it

13. What is your favorite subject at stimulates my exploration and
university? thinking development
22. Are there any subjects you wanted to
study but they weren't available at your
23. Which subject is the most interesting for
you in this semester?
43. How many subjects do you have in this
semester? Which one do you like best?
2.Do you enjoy learning science at primary It's a high school science
or high school? subject. It requires self-study
48. Which subject was the most difficult for and high thinking
you at high school?
HỌC 5. How much time do you spend on learning English is a difficult subject. I
TIẾNG English? spend 1 hour every day
ANH 11. Do you think English is a difficult studying it
language to learn?
29. How often do you practice your
10. How do you learn English vocabulary? My favorite way to practice is
28. How do you practice speaking English? to watch clips with topics in
35. How do you prepare for English English, then repeat those
speaking test? clips
49. How do you practice English listening
54. What is your favorite way to practice
your English?
63. What is your favorite way to practice
English listening skill?
73. How do you practice your English
reading skill?
17. Is it necessary to learn English at your Learning English is very
university? necessary because it is a
19. Do you think it is good for children to popular language and helps
start learning English as young as possible? our lives
84. What do you think about the importance
of learning English?
25. Why do some students dislike learning I don't like learning English
English? because it's very difficult for
27. Do you like learning English? me, I can't remember
Why/Why not? vocabulary
60. Do you enjoy learning English?
58. What do you like the most about I like discussion activities, it
learning English? helps me improve my
74. Do you like discussion activities in communication skills and
English class? become more confident when
86. Which part of the English courses do speaking English
you enjoy most?
42. Which do you think are the most
important for learning English? I think it's hard work and
67. What do you think you will do to confidence
improve your English in the future? I will work hard to learn new
words and practice speaking
32. How long have you learnt English? I've been studying English for
a long time, from high school
until now, but I still can't learn
12. Have you ever spoken English on the it well
phone? I have never done this because
85. Have you ever spoken English with I am not confident in my
foreigners? communication ability
87. Do you know anyone who is excellent at
speaking English? I have friends who are very
good at English, I admire
them very much
TRƯỜNG 6. What is the name of your university in People’s police university of
ĐẠI HỌC English? technology and logistic
CỦA BẠN 8. What is the best thing about your
university? The thing I like most is
16. What do you like about your study at meeting friends in many
university? different regions across the
82. What is your favorite thing at country
7. Why did you choose to study at this Because I want to contribute
university? to the police in terms of
20. Why did you choose to study your technology
21. How many students are there in your My university has more than
university? 1,000 students, with many
different training systems
31. What are some benefits of obtaining a A university degree will help
university degree in Viet Nam? us have a stable job to take
care of our lives
46. Do you have any difficulties when The difficulty I encountered
studying at this university? was not getting used to the
military environment in time
76. Do you like your current major? I really like my major because
it is my dream I really like
my major because it is my
81. Why do many students want to become Because they want to
a police officer in Viet Nam? contribute to protecting their
14. Do you like studying online? Why/Why Studying online helps us save
not? travel time, and we can also
HỌC ONL 62. Do you like studying online or offline? review things we don't
70. Do you like studying online? Why/Why understand. However, its
not? disadvantage is that it reduces
83. What are the disadvantages of online interaction between students
studying? and teachers
LÊN THƯ 24. Do you often go to the library? Once a week I will go to the
VIỆN ĐỌC 30. How much time do you spend on library and spend 2 hours
SÁCH reading books? reading books. I like reading
47. How often do you go to the library? books because it gives me
52. Do you like reading books? Why/ why new knowledge
64. What do you usually do in the library?
DÙNG 33. Is the Internet useful for you in learning I often use the internet to
INTERNE language? study. I visit websites to find
T HỌC TA 59. How do you use the Internet for your documents and watch study
studying? guide clips
78. Do you often use the Internet to learn
HỌC KĨ 4. Do you plan to learn any social skills this I plan to learn more
NĂNG XÃ year? communication skills.
HỘI Because I'm still quite weak in
this skill
TRƯỜNG 26. What do you think the advantages of I like to go to private school
TƯ VÀ private schools are? and my high school is also a
CÔNG 55. Do you prefer public schools or private private school. Because
ones studying at a private school
65. Was your high school a good school? we will be equipped with
more modern learning tools
HỌC TẠI 36. What do you think about home- Learning at home requires us
NHÀ schooling? to search for knowledge
39. What are differences between home- ourselves, we will not have
schooling and going to a normal school? direct guidance from teachers.
That's the difference
BÀI TẬP 38. Do you think that homework is Homework is a way for
VỀ NHÀ important for students? Why/Why not? students to review knowledge
57. Do you often submit your homework or taught in class. Therefore it is
assignments on time? important for students, and I
75. What time do you often do your always spend 2 to 3 hours
homework? every night to complete
homework and submit it on
DÙNG ĐT 37. Do you prefer to study with books or a I like learning by computer.
ĐỂ HỌC computer? Because it will be easier to
50. How do you often use smartphone for look up
your studying?
DU HỌC 41. Would you consider studying abroad? There are many people who
71. Do many people in your country study study abroad but I don't like it.
abroad? I want to study in my country
72. Do you have a plan for studying abroad? because I don't want to go far
from my family
HĐ Ở 44. Are there any extracurricular activities
TRƯỜNG in this semester?
45. Did you ever win a prize at school?
TIẾP TỤC 51. Would you ever want to learn a third Maybe when I learn English
HỌC language? well, I will learn another
61. Once you graduate from a university I will graduate in 2027. After
should you stop learning? Why? graduating, I will continue to
69. When do you finish your class? study at higher levels and I
80. When do people stop learning? will never stop learning
89. Do you want to study a master’s degree? because knowledge is always
updated every day.
Pp HỌC 56. What is your favorite learning method? That is learning the focus of
79. What is the best way to study for the lesson, learning the key
exams? words. This way we will learn
less but still get the full lesson

PHƯƠNG 2. Do you prefer public transport or private I often use public
TIỆN transport? transportation to go to school.
CÔNG 4. Do you often use public transportation? I like it because it's easy to
CỘNG 7. How do you go to school? use and helps protect the
20. What type of transport do you prefer to environment
use? Why?
12. How important do you think it is to use I think so. It helps reduce
public transportation? traffic congestion and helps
protect the environment
17. What are some disadvantages of using I think it's the waiting time
public transportation? and lack of privacy
25. Is public transportation good in your city? In my city it is not very
developed but its quality is
considered good

HÌNH 6. What do you think is the safest form of I think it's a plane. Because
THƯC transportation? Why? the possibility of something
VẬN going wrong is very low
CHUYỂN 9. What do you think is the most dangerous I think it's a car. Because the
form of transportation? Why? possibility of something
going wrong is very high
THƯỜNG 18. How often do you take taxi? I sometime use it, on rainy
XUYÊN 21. How often do you take buses? days
DI 28. Do you often travel by car?
CHUYỂN 16. When was the last time you took a bus?

LOẠI XE 1. Would you like to ride bikes to work in the I don't want to, because my
YÊU future? house is very far from work
THÍCH 22. What is your favorite means of transport? I like using a motorbike,
24. What types of cars do you like? because of its flexibility and
26. Which transport do you prefer: air, sea or I like traveling by air, because
road? it doesn't take much travel

ĐI BẰNG 8. What are the advantages of travelling by I fly many times because its
MÁY planes? advantage is that it is faster
BAY 11. How many times have you travelled by and safer than other means of
airplane? transportation

DU LỊCH 23. Have you ever travelled by train? I have never used them, and I
BẰNG 27. Have you ever travelled by ship? will try them when I get the
TÀU chance

GIAO 5. What will the transportation of the future be There will be a lot of cars on
THÔNG like? the road in the future. It
TƯƠNG 15. What are the problems caused by too causes congestion problems.
LAI many cars? And this situation often
19. Does traffic jam often occur in your city? occurs in my city

KÌ NGHỈ 1.What kind of holiday do you like? I like vacations,
YÊU THÍCH 3. What is the most important holiday in Viet especially Tet holidays.
Nam? During Tet, I often go to
6. What do you often do during Tet holiday? meet relatives and
9. What public holidays do you like best? friends and we will talk,
12. Do you like public holidays? eat and drink together
23. What do your family often do at Tet
24. Do you prefer summer holiday or Tet
21. Do you think public holidays are I think yes, because it is
important? a time for us to rest and
return to visit our family
NGHỈ HÈ 8. Who do you want to spend this summer I spent summer vacation
holiday with? with my family. We go to
10. What do you often do in summer holiday? famous beaches for
18. What are you going to do next summer relaxation and tourism.
holiday? And I really like this
19. Do you like holiday on the beach?
20. Do you prefer to be with your family
during holidays?
LÀM GÌ 5. Do you like long or short holidays? I like long holidays,
VÀO KÌ 7. If you have a long holiday, what will you do because I will have time
NGHỈ LỄ with it? to visit my family and
15. Do you visit your relatives on your travel with them
16. What are three holidays that you like to
spend with your family?
22. What would you like to do during the next I returned home to visit
public holiday? family and friends
26. What did you do during the last public
25. Have you ever invited your friends to visit I often invite friends to
your family on holidays? my house to hang out on
GHÉT 17. What is your worst holiday memory? I don't like Halloween,
HALOWIN 27. Are there any holidays that you really don’t because on this day last
like? year, my phone was
28. Why do some people dislike Halloween? stolen while I was going
NGÀY ĐỘC 2. How is Independence Day celebrated in Viet We held a military
LẬP Nam? parade and every house
hung the national flag

ĐI ĐÂU DU 1. Are you planning on going anywhere for I will go to Ha Long,
LỊCH your next vacation? because I have never
11 Where do you want to travel next time? been here before
18. If you could choose one place to go this
weekend, where would it be?
4. Do you like to travel with your mother? Yes, because I don't have
to worry about money
22. When you were a child, did your family Yes,Up to now my
take a vacation every year? family still often goes on
24. How frequently do you go out for picnics? No, because I don't have
much time to go on a
DU LỊCH 2. Are you afraid of going abroad alone? I don't like this and have
NƯỚC 7. Have you ever been to a foreign country? never done it, because
NGOÀI 17. Do you prefer travelling abroad? my English skills are
Why/Why not? very poor
TRẢI 3. What was your best trip? On a backpacking trip
NGHIỆM 9. What has been your most memorable travel last summer, I saw many
ĐÁNG NHỚ experience? beautiful scenes firsthand
TRẢI 6. What was your worst trip? During my last holiday
NGHIỆM 12. Have you ever been in a difficult situation trip, I lost my wallet and
TỒI TỆ while travelling? had a lot of trouble with
DU LỊCH 1 5. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? I like to travel alone to
MÌNH HAY Why? places with few people to
THEO 19. Would you rather go to a place where there explore and experience
NHÓM are a lot of people or to a place where there are for myself
few people?
38. Do you prefer guided tours or independent
exploration when travelling to a new place?
KỂ TÊN ĐỊA 23. What are popular tourist destinations in There are many tourist
ĐIỂM DU your hometown? attractions in my
LỊCH 20. What are popular tourist destinations in hometown, such as:…..
Viet Nam?
31. Where is the most interesting place you That is Ma Pi Leng Pass,
have ever visited? because it has bends that
bring an interesting sense
of adventure
36. Do you like to visit historical places? yes, because I can see the
things that contribute to
the world
ĐI BẰNG 10. What do you think is the best way to It's an airplane and I like
MAY BAY travel? Why? it because of its safety
14. Do you prefer to travel by train or plane? and time savings. And I
Why? have never missed a
25. Have you ever missed a flight when flight until now
26. Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane?
LỢI ÍCH DU 16. What are the benefits of travelling Traveling helps us relax
LỊCH 21. Why do people travel? and reduce stress after
tiring work
MANG GÌ ĐI 27. What do you often bring for a short trip? That's an ID card, phone,
DU LỊCH 32. What do you think are the essential items money, medical kit and a
to bring when travelling? few clothes
THÍCH DU 13. Do you like camping or fishing? I like to go camping in
LỊCH NƠI 33. Would you prefer to travel to a beach or the the mountains with
NÀO mountains? friends

34. Have you ever gone on an adventure trip or I have never done it and
safari? will do it as soon as
possible to satisfy my
passion for adventure
8. How do you usually find accommodations I book through the app or
when travelling? go directly to the hotel I
like to book
LỜI 35. What tips do you have for staying healthy You should pay attention
KHUYÊN while travelling? to weather changes and
strange foods

MÔ TẢ QUÊ 1. What is the best thing about your hometown? It's the weather here. It
HƯƠNG 2. What is the weather like in your hometown? is cool all year round,
7. What's your hometown like? very pleasant
22. What do you like best about your
3. What is your hometown famous for? The food is good and
5. What are some famous foods from your cheap with many ethnic
hometown? minority dishes
14. What do you miss the most about your
16. Tell me why I should visit your hometown? The weather in my
9. What are the main attractions in your hometown is cool all
hometown? year round, the food is
19. What are people in your hometown like? delicious and cheap,
20. Please describe your hometown a little and the people are
12. Where is your hometown? Describe a little
about it.
23. Are there any beautiful places in your
24. How far is your hometown from here?
6. Does anyone famous come from your
10. Are there any historical places in your
15. When is the best time to come to your
CÓ MUỐN 4. After you graduate do you want to live in I really like living in my
SỐNG Ở your hometown? Why /Why not? hometown. After
QUÊ 8. How long have you lived in your hometown? graduating, I will return
11. Do you like living in your hometown? here, because the
Why/Why not? people here are friendly,
12. Would you like to live in the countryside or the climate here is cool
in the city in the future? and suitable for me.
13. Do you think you will continue living there
for a long time?
18. After you graduate do you want to live in
your hometown? Why or why not?
SỰ PHÁT 7. Is your hometown growing? Is this a good or My hometown is
TRIỂN a bad thing? developing, which is a
21. Are traffic jams a severe problem in your good sign. However, it
hometown? causes very serious
congestion problems

ĐỒ ĂN YÊU 8. What is your favorite food? I often eat fast food. I like
THÍCH 9. Do you like fastfood? eating fried chicken and
11. What do you often have for breakfast? salad
15. What do you often have for your dinner?
22. What type of food do you like?
27. Do you eat breakfast every day?
28. How often do you eat at a fast-food

ĐỒ UỐNG 1.What is your favorite drink? I like coffee the most and I
YÊU THÍCH 5. Do you have coffee for breakfast? drink it every morning
2. Can you name some desserts? Which one
do you like best?
29. Do you drink tea every day? I drink tea every day to
purify my body
ĂN UỐNG 4. What is a healthy diet? It's about balanced nutrition
LÀNH and enough nutrients
MẠNH 6. What kind of vegetables do you like? Foods like vegetables,
10. What kind of food do you think is good fruits,... are healthy foods. I
for health? like to eat carrot and apples,
26. Do you always eat vegetables? because it's easy to prepare
14. What are some healthy foods? and so good
25. What fruits do you like?
MÓN ĂN KO 3. Is there any food you dislike? Greasy foods are very bad.
THÍCH 24. What kind of food that you think is not I really don't like eating it,
good for our health? especially fried chicken
NẤU ĂN TẠI 19. Are you a good cook? I'm not good at cooking, so
NHÀ 20. How often do you eat in a restaurant? I often eat out at restaurants
23. Do you know how to make a pizza?
BỮA ĂN 16. Do you ever eat food from other I used to eat foreign food, I
ĐẮT NHẤT countries? If so, what? didn't like it. Because of its
taste and the price is too
7. What is the most expensive meal you The most expensive meal
have ever eaten? I've ever had was Japanese
food, it was way more
expensive than I thought
ĂN J VÀO 12. What kind of food do people in your We often eat traditional
DỊP ĐẶC country have on special occasions? dishes or eat at restaurants

SỞ THÍCH 1.Are you keen on listening to music? Since childhood, I have
NGHE Why/Why not? loved listening to music,
NHẠC 3. Did you have any hobbies when you were a especially lofi music. It
child? helps me reduce stress
10. Does your hobby interfere with your and does not affect my
study? studies
13. What kinds of music do you like?
KỂ SỞ 4. What do you often do at weekend? I often play computer
THÍCH 14. Do you like playing computer games? games on weekends with
friends for entertainment
6. Are there any hobbies you would like to try? I have many dangerous
8. Are there any dangerous hobbies? hobbies and I want to try
them all, especially
2. What are three things that make you happy? That is being able to do
what you want, eat what
you like and have a
happy family
SỞ THÍCH 5. Which hobbies are the most popular with I think it's shopping,
ƯA women in Viet Nam? traveling
CHUỘNG 7. Which hobbies are the most popular with I think it's playing sports
men in your country? and taking care of the
XEM PHIM 9. What kinds of films do you like? I like watching movies,
11. Are you keen on watching movies? especially action movies
Past events & Experience
NHẬN QUÀ 2. When was the last time you got a gift? The last gift I received
5. What was your best birthday present was for my 18th
6. Did you like candies when you were a birthday. This is also the
child? best gift for family,
which is a family trip
1. Did you come back your home from your I did, but I couldn't be
university last summer? home long because I had
to go back to work early
3. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to I once made a handmade
others? gift for my lover
4. Have you ever lost something? I lost many things, but
the most expensive thing
was my phone, which I
forgot on the bus

1. Do you think fastfood is good or bad? I think it's bad. Because it not good for our
2. Do you play any sports to keep fit? Yes, I often go swimming to stay in shape
3. What can you do to protect your I can exercise and eat a healthy diet

CẢM NHẬN 1.What do your parents do? My parents are both
VỀ BỐ MẸ 4. What are your parents like? teachers. I think they are
9. What do you think of your mother and a bit strict but very
your father? friendly
20. What do your parents do in their free They often go to see
time? friends when they are
17. Do your parents let you stay out late? Yes, but there must be a
good reason
ẢNH HƯỞNG 8. Do you live in a nuclear family or an I live in a nuclear family,
GIA ĐÌNH extended family? my family has 4 people
10. How did your family influence you? including: dad, mom, me
11. Do you get along well with your family? and a younger brother.
14. How many brothers/sisters do you have? We live very happy
23. How many people are there in your together, it helps me
family? comfortably focus on
6. How many aunts and uncles do you have? studying
24. Do you live with your parents?
HOẠT ĐỘNG 12. How often do you call your parents? I often call my parents to
CHO GIA 18. Do you often share with your parents share about my studies,
ĐÌNH about your studying? because it helps them not
to worry about me
13. How often do you visit your My work is very busy so
grandparents? I can't visit them, but we
16. How do you keep in touch with your still keep in touch by
family? phone
28. How often do you see your cousins?
LÀM J GIÚP 22. Do you usually give gifts for your I often give gifts to my
BOME parents? parents on every special
TRÁCH 19. Who is the breadwinner in your family? Dad is the breadwinner
NHIỆM CỦA of the family, he is
BỐ MẸ responsible for making
21. Who often does the cooking in your Mom is the one who
family? often cooks for the
family, because she
cooks very well
CẢM NHẬN 5. Do you think it’s good to be the only child I think , this is not bad,
GĐ in the family? because each person will
15. Do you think it’s good to live in a big have different feelings
7. Do you think people should adopt children
from other countries?
27. When was your last family vacation? The last time my family
had a vacation together
was Tet

LÀM J 3. What do you often do with your friends at I often go out with my
CÙNG weekend? friends. We often meet
BẠN 4. How often do you meet your best friend? at the park to play
5. Where do you usually meet your friends? soccer together and then
8. What do you often do with your best friends? eat and drink to talk to
10. What activities do you often do when you meet each other.
your friends?
13. Do you tell your best friend everything?
19. How often do you hang out with your friends?
21. What do you and your friends usually do after
class time?
22. Who do you usually like to hang out with?
23. Do you like to go out with a big group or just
few friends?
24. Where do you like to go with your friends?
GIỮ LIÊN 7. Do you often keep in touch with highschool I have many friends, we
LẠC VỚI friends? often text each other on
BẠN 9. Do you have many friends? social networks and call
12. How do you keep in touch with your old each other
15. Do you often chat online with your friends?
18. How do you keep in touch with your long-
distance friends?
20. Do you like chatting with your friends?
ĐIỀU J 2. Is it easy for you to make new friends? I make friends very
TẠO NÊN 6. What do you expect from a good friend? easily. And I think I
1 MQH 11. What do you think about a good friend? want new friends to
14. What qualities help you to have good always be happy,
relationships with others? friendly, and not
16. In your opinion, what makes a true friend? calculating with each
17. Have you ever met your online - friends in Well, that was also my
person? first meeting with my
best friend

Free time activities

CHƠI THỂ 1. What do you do in your spare time? In my free time, I meet
THAO KHI 2. Where do you often go in your free time? friends to play sports, eat
RẢNH 4. What free-time activities would you like to and talk to each other
try in the future?
7. Do you like playing sports in your free
8 What do you often do at weekend?
9. Do you like going out with your friends in
your spare time?
16. Do you like spending your free time
indoors or outdoors?
17. Where do you like spending your free
DÀNH 11. Do you think it’s important to spend your I often help family
THỜI GIAN leisure time with your family? members in my free time.
RẢNH CHO It is important to help the
GIA ĐÌNH family be happy and
13. Do you like to spend your free time alone? I like it, because
Why? sometimes I need privacy
to rest and relax
THỜI GIAN 12. How much free time do you have each I'm only free every
RẢNH CỦA week? Sunday, I feel it's a bit
BẢN THÂN 15. Would you like to have more free time? short and want to take
another day off on
SUY NGHĨ 3. Do you think people had more or less free
VỀ TGIAN time in the past?
RẢNH 6. Do you think leisure time is important for
students? Why?
14. Do you think old and young people spend
their leisure time in the same way?
18. Do you think it is harmful to spend too
much time and money on a hobby? Why/Why

CÔNG 3.How do you describe the working This job is a police job with
VIỆC environment that you like? no free time and is very tiring,
MƠ 6. What is your dream job? but it contributes to protecting
ƯỚC 7. What kind of work do you want to do in the the country so I try to study to
future? become a police officer.
9. What are you trying to do in order to find a
job that you really like?
12. Where do you want to work?
13. How many days a week do you want to
16. Do you work on weekends?
21. Why do you choose to become a public
security officer?
CÔNG 1.Can you name some dangerous jobs in Viet Some dangerous jobs include:
VIỆC Nam? firefighters, miners,....
NGUY 23. Do you think firefighter is a dangerousHowever, I think the most
HIỂM job? Why? dangerous job is being a
firefighter. Because they
rushed into the fire to save
Cv ĐC 2. Which job do you think can get high salary I think the most popular and
TRẢ in Viet Nam? well-paid jobs today are:
LƯƠNG 17. What are some common jobs for men in programmer, pilot, saler,...
CAO Viet Nam? The police salary is not high,
28. Do police officers get high salary in Viet but it is enough for them to
Nam? take care of their lives, worthy
of what they sacrifice
THÍCH 5. Have you ever done a project with a big I like working in groups, it
LÀM team? helps me learn from others.
VIỆC 14. Do you like team-working? And I've done many big
NHÓM 20. Do you like to work or study with others or projects with my team
just by yourself?
LÀM 10. Would you like to work in an office? Why I like to work indoors with
VIỆC or why not? office work related to
VĂN 11. Do you prefer working with people or with computers. Because such jobs
PHÒNG computers? can make a lot of money but
KO 29. Which do you think most people prefer, are not dangerous
indoor or outdoor jobs?
CV 8. Have you ever worked on a farm? I used to work part-time on a
TỪNG 19. Have you ever done a part-time job? dairy farm
YẾU TỐ 4.What do you think is the most important The important factor I
KHI factor of a good working environment? Why? consider is a working
CHỌN 26. What are some factors that you consider environment with complete
VIỆC when choosing a job? equipment for work
22. At what age do people usually begin to Often start working at age 18
work in Viet Nam? when they don't want to go to
25. What is the retirement age for women in They retire at age 54 but it can
Viet Nam? be earlier depending on the

TẬP 1.Do you often do exercise? I spend about1 hour to do
THỂ 3. What benefits have you experienced from exercise every day,
DỤC exercise? because it helps me
VÀ TÁC 10. Do we need to warm up before workouts? strengthen my health, I
DỤNG 11. Which one do you prefer: exercising indoors or often do outdoor exercise
exercising outdoors? and warm up before
16. Do you prefer to exercise at home or in a gym? workout.
12. Why is exercise important for students?
14. What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
20. Do you think exercising makes your brain work
22. How much time do you spend on exercising
each week?
23. What are some of the reasons that people
THÍCH 4. Do you like running? Yes, because it’s good for
MÔN 18. Which exercise would you prefer: swimming or my health
NÀO cycling? I like cycling because I
26. Which exercise would you prefer: jogging or can go sightseeing while
cycling? doing exercise
THỜI 5. What time of day is best to exercise? I think spending 1 hour a
GIAN 7. Do you wish you could exercise more? day in the afternoon is
THỜI 17. How much exercise time do you think is the best time to do
ĐIỂM appropriate? exercise. If I have time, I
TẬP would do exercise more.
YOGA 6. Which sports are the best for women to keep fit? Yoga is the best way to
13. Is it easy to keep fit? keep fit, because it’s
19. Have you ever tried yoga? good for health and it’s
24. Have you ever tried piloxing? convenient. You can
25. Do you think yoga is good for health? practice at home.

2. Which sports are the best for fitness? Every sport are good for
9. To be healthy, which is more important? Eating fitness, the importance is
well or working out? u must balance your
workout and eating.

MÔN 1.Are you good at playing any sports? Football is the most
THỂ 8. What’s the most popular sport in Viet Nam? popular sport in VN, and I
THAO 16. What sports can you play? play it everyday.
YÊU 21. Which sports do students usually play at our
THÍCH university?
XEM, 2. How often do you read sport news? -I usually watch football
ĐỌC 4. How often do you watch football games? match and read news
TIN 5. What sports do you like to watch on TV? about it.
TỨC 20. Have you ever been to the stadium to watch a -I had a chance to watch a
football match? football match in my
hometown and it’s very
LỢI ÍCH 14. When is a good time to play sport? I think spending 1 hour a
CỦA 15. What are some advantages of playing sports? day in the afternoon is the
THỂ 18. Why do some people enjoy playing sports? best time to play sport.
THAO Because it’s good for our
MÔN 6. What sports do you think will be more popular - I have never played
THỂ in the future? basketball before. But
THAO 17. What sport would you like to try next year? now it is very popular in
MUỐN VN so I will try it soon.
THỂ 7. Are you a good swimmer? Yes, I can swimming and I
THAO 10. Can you name some popular indoor sports? spend 1 hour a day to
TRONG 11. Do you play any water sports? practice.
NHÀ -Some popular indoor
sports are badminton,
swimming, …
RỦI RO 12. What are the risks of playing sports? I have never tried motor
23. Which sport do you never play? racing, because it’s

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