07 Education Handout
07 Education Handout
07 Education Handout
Education plays a pivotal role in the development of the country. High literacy rate ensures
sustainable economic development, labour productivity and economic prosperity. Equalization of
educational levels eliminates regional inequalities and gender discrimination. It also strengthens
to meet the emerging challenges of the modern world through upgrading the intellectual level
and adoption of the new technologies. It is important for developing countries, where majority of
the world’s population exists, need to redesign educational policies in line with the advanced
nations for enhancing productivity through highly skilled manpower.
Low enrolment and high dropout have attributed to number of both out-of-school and in-school
factors. Of the out-of- school factors, general poverty, low motivation of rural people to
send their children to schools, uninviting rural conditions and socio-cultural inhibitions
towards education of the females, malnutrition of children are said to be responsible for this
situation among the in-school factors, extremely poor condition of school buildings, lack of
equipment and teaching aids, shortage and absenteeism among teachers, inadequate supervision,
poor communication facilities, and low morale of primary school teachers and the harsh
treatment towards the pupils, unattractive school curriculum and environment significantly
contribute to the present state of primary education in Pakistan.
The curriculum and the combination of the courses have lost their motivational value for lack of
relevance to the aspirations of the individual and the development needs of the country.
Their usefulness for national integration has become questionable. The delivery of school
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Current Affairs Activity Class Arooj Shahzad
curricula, that is, textbooks, teacher training and examinations suffer from a number of
distortions. For example, the textbook do not properly reflect the spirit and intentions of
the school curricula. These are generally of poor quality and contain materials which are
unnecessarily repetitive. The language in many cases is defective as is the presentation of
concept which is not in agreement with the understanding capacity of children. Apart from poor
layouts and unattractive illustration design of science books, the books in social sciences fail to
inculcate the desired national cohesion. Also, the teachers are not adequately oriented and
trained in accordance with the needs of the curriculum. And the examination questions, based
mainly on textbooks, are hardly designed to measure the competencies required to be inculcated
in students. All this promotes rote-learning.
Our society predominantly consists of conservative social class which has its own mores and
norms. At times out of these social aspects and customs the families do not tend to send their
females to the educational institutions especially in the rural and remote areas. Getting their
females admitted in the co-educational institutions is another issue. Even some families do not
let their females study for middle classes though they may be dwelling in urban societies. The
basic reason for the disparity between male and female literacy rate is the conservative social
behavior of people.
Ghost Schools
Pakistan´s poor report card comes even as the number of so-called ghost schools which receive
funding but have no teachers or students increase.
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Current Affairs Activity Class Arooj Shahzad
Eliminating Multiplicity in Education
1. Government should take an active eye and should allocate more funds for the improvement of
2. Maturate the public to financial contributions for the purpose. Modern marketing and fund
raising techniques can be adopted for the purpose.
3. Offer tax exemptions and other such incentives may be offered to private sectors to invest in
education in rural and less developed areas
The following steps may be helpful to abolish the interference of the politics/political leaders:
1. Politics must be eliminated from education department.
2. Student should pay attention much more on their studies than chalking walls in
propagation of different leaders, by doing so they are just wasting their time; nothing can be got
by immoral means.
3. In rural areas where needed, provide each school with security forces to ensure that
people face no resistance from the feudal in educating their children
A combination of broadcasts and cassettes related to the teaching of science, medicine, and
technology at the tertiary level including (a) video cassettes of the best tertiary teaching talents
especially in science subjects for distribution among universities and colleges, (b) broadcast
lectures of eminent professors in identified and selected subject areas, and (c) special
enrichment programmes broadcast on new scientific disciplines not yet generally included
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Current Affairs Activity Class Arooj Shahzad
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
All children between the ages of 3-5 should be enrolled in ECE programs
Schools must have separate ECE classrooms that are fully equipped with learning aids
Special ECE teacher training certification should be introduced
ECE teachers should be hired on a longer term basis
A greater budget should be allocated to ECE programs
Appoint education counselors who can address the special needs of younger children and
help with mental and emotional development
Secondary Education
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Current Affairs Activity Class Arooj Shahzad
Create an awareness regarding TVET opportunities and bring about a shift in the stigma
attached with TVET
Define standards for various fields – brick laying/plumbing etc
Integration of conventional/skill based trainings in schools
Create awareness about the benefits of trained/certified workforce
Accountability systems for teachers/trainers/institutes/instructors have to be introduced
Alignment of training and industry expectations so students have employment
opportunities after the training
Career counselors must be present in all secondary schools to guide children with regards
to technical and vocational training
Research based studies, reports and findings should be considered for policy making
Monitoring and evaluation tools should be put in place to ensure efficient performance
Increasing the GDP allocated to the education sector – recommended percentage was 4%
Creating attractive incentives to prevent dropout rates – scholarships, food, gifts etc.
Directing fund towards developing infrastructures – libraries, Audio Visual aids, labs,
play grounds etc.
Bring per student public sector spending to the same level as private sector spending
The Korean public education structure is divided into three parts: six years of primary school,
followed by three years of middle school and then three years of high school. In 1996 only about
five percent of Korea's high schools were coeducational. The proportion of coeducational
schools has increased by almost ten percent. However, classes in many coeducational high
schools are still divided along gender lines. The curriculum is standardized so now both boys and
girls study technology and domestic science.
The primary curriculum consists of nine principal subjects: moral education, Korean language,
social studies, mathematics, science, physical education, music, fine arts, and practical arts.
English-language instruction now begins in the third grade, so that children can start learning
English in a relaxed atmosphere through conversational exchange, rather than through rote
learning of grammatical rules as is still the practice in many middle and high schools. The major
objectives, as stated in a 1996 background report by the Ministry of Education, are "to improve
basic abilities, skills and attitudes; to develop language ability and civic morality needed to live
in society; to increase the spirit of cooperation; to foster basic arithmetic skills and scientific
observation skills; and to promote the understanding of healthy life and the harmonious
development of body and mind.”
There have been proposals to change the nature of the educational process—from focusing on
preparation for college and entrance into schools that will ensure economic success and
intellectual development, over the cultivation of attitudes and abilities needed to become
responsible citizens. Toward this end a practice-based approach to humanity education has been
implemented, with the goals of instilling values of etiquette, public order, and democratic
citizenship through experiential activities.
Along with their strong belief in the family and cultural traditions, Koreans value education and
are willing to make significant personal sacrifices to ensure that their children are afforded the
best available learning opportunities. No nation has a higher degree of enthusiasm for education
than Korea, and nowhere are children more pressured to study. Evidence of major educational
accomplishments, such as degrees from prestigious colleges and universities, strongly influence
a person’s suitability for employment, marriage, and everyday interpersonal relations.
Education needs to be delivered inclusively, effectively and equitably across the country to
ensure that it is a driver of social cohesion and resilience. The government is making all efforts
to recuperating both the quality and the coverage of education through effective policy
interventions and expenditure allocations. Provincial governments will have to take all necessary
steps towards educational reforms and delivery of educational services at gross root level.
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