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Huul Breath 2

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Hello my friends, this is Maha David the Thunder Wizard and if you're watching this it means

that you are a Patreon subscriber, the Lightning Qigong. So what I'm going to be teaching you in
this video is the Hulbreath Level 2 Part 1. I'm going to break it up into three parts and my
suggestion is to try
each part by itself for a time. If you want to do it for a couple weeks or for 30 days or whatever
you'd like to do. And then move to the second part and then finally the third part will combine
the first two parts. And this is going to be under a new kind of meditation that I call Projective
And it's Projective because we're going beyond just simply meditating and going into a state of
tapping into the quantum field. Oftentimes, rightly so, meditation is focused on empowering
ourselves and connecting ourselves and filling up our body with energy. But Projective
Meditation is when you simultaneously fill yourself up
with life force energy, spiritual energy, and you project it out into the cosmos. And so in this first
part, what we're going to be talking about is how to bring energy into you and into the earth
and all of the people on earth. Then we're going to move into part two.
2 where we take this earth energy and we project it out into the web of weird. The quantum
field you can also think of as a web. Then we're going to in part two we're going to project it out
into the entire cosmos. Then in part three we're going to combine parts one and two. The end
result of these meditations
is that beings of light are attracted to this kind of meditation like moths to a flame. That if you
do this kind of meditation focused on these things that higher level beings of light will literally
come to you as opposed to you having to go out and look for them. So that's what we're going
to do. So let's start with part one. So part one you're going to
you remember that? Of course you do. So my suggestion, my strong suggestion is that you first
do some of the Lightning Qigong, whichever you're most comfortable with, whatever meditative
technique you have, whether it's the heaven earth meditation, whether it's the Thor's belt,
whether it's any Thirithasaj
, whatever light in Qigong you prefer, do something like that so you can get the energy flowing
and feel the energy. Then you're going to go into the hul breath. After you've built up the energy
and the energy is flowing, you've opened up your meridians, you're going to sit in the hul breath
posture again with the palms to your side. In this meditation what you are going to do,
is you are going to do the hul breath which of course will send your energy into the earth and
then you're going to inhale same as before and when you inhale you're going to bring the earth
energy up through the palms of your hands up through your feet into your whole body filling
your whole body with this energy and then when you exhale and do the hul breath sound again
you're going to imagine this combined energy as it comes up in you flowing over the whole
surface of the earth and your intention is that every human being feels this feels the bliss and
the peace of Mother Earth and gets closer to their truer most authentic self so
you and Mother Earth are going to be healing the people of Earth together and that's your only
focus what you will find is that the energy that flows through you will be much more powerful
than if you're just simply doing the cool breath by itself whenever you start to send her energy
and your energy combined out to the whole world the energy you will
than you I mean it's the ironic thing but you get far more energy doing it that way so that is part
one you do your lightning Qigong you get in the whole breath posture you inhale and you
exhale making the whole breath silent chant sending your energy deep into mother earth
empowering her and then you inhale you bring
her energy, her empowered energy up into your entire being and then when you do the whole
breath a second time you and Mother Earth her energy will come up through you and you like a
diamond will radiate that whole energy all over the surface of the earth going to every human,
every plant, every animal, every rock, every tree, every body of water, every cloud. Got it?
And you can stay in that for as long as you want. My experience is that the bliss of that sort of
just keeps going and going and going. So there's no time limit. You can just experience the love
of Mother Earth because what you're doing is you're allowing her to express her love for her
children and for her, her own self, for all the plants and all of the animals and all the people.
And this makes her very happy.
You actually are increasing her ability to send energy because you are a human. Your body is like
a magic crystal that expands the energy thousands of times.
So that's the whole breath level 2 part 1 part 2 coming up.

Hello my friends, this is Maha Dev of the Thunder Wizard and this is the Hul Breath Level 2 Part
2. So if you haven't seen Hul Breath Level 2 Part 1, please go back and watch that. If you've done
that and you've done Hul Breath Level 2 Part 1 for whatever length of time you've chosen, I
recommend a significant amount of time.
Okay, so this is Hul Breath Level 2 Part 2. So if you remember in Part 1, what you do is you do
some Lightning Qigong, get the energy built up in your body. You sit into the Hul Breath posture.
You inhale. You exhale your energy out the palms, out the feet.
you exhale. You exhale.
You exhale. You exhale. You exhale. You exhale. You exhale. You exhale.
you are a capacitor when she brings her energy up into you you actually have the power to
increase this a huge amount so by doing that you spread her love all over the earth that make
this makes her happy her energy increases you get to be the beneficiary of this increased energy
coming up through your body because she sends it to you because she knows that you are
sending it to all of her creation
so that is part one right? part two so after you've done that then what you're going to do is
you're going to inhale again you're going to inhale her energy up into your body and this time
you're going to exhale the whole breath and you're going to send it out the top of your head
and you're going to imagine that out of your head like a laser
it's going to go up into all of the universe. What I want you to imagine is that as soon as that
light comes out of you and it can be whatever color you want I sort of see it as like in this
picture I sort of see it as this light bluish energy coming out of my head coming straight up out
atmosphere and then what happens is it immediately hits the web of the quantum field and so
in my mind what I see is as the energy comes up out of my head it hits the quantum field and
then all of these filaments or strings on the web light up and the energy goes in and then you
see this whole web of energy like crystalline
light up through the whole universe and you see it expanding infinitely in all directions and your
intention in this this is where it gets really cool your intention in this is to send this power the
love of mother earth and the love of human beings to the to all of the beings in the universe
through this filament of
the quantum web this crystalline web that goes throughout the whole cosmos and you're also
sending it to all conscious beings so all conscious civilizations all over the universe you are
sending this energy to them and you're sending them your love you're not asking for anything
you're simply giving of
all of this wonderful loving powerful energy and you are giving the earth's energy she wants to
connect so you're allowing her to connect to all of the other planets all of the other stars all of
the other conscious beings in the universe and you send that out so that's part two okay so part
one is you do the Qigong you sit down into the Woole Breath
you inhale you send that lightning energy into Mother Earth this empowers her and then she
brings that back up in you on the inhale and then you exhale and you send it all around on the
surface of the planet and then let you do that for as long as you want and then level two is you
then same thing you inhale you bring her energy up into your body and you exhale the Woole
Breath you send it out the top of your head and
and it goes out like a crystalline fountain and hits this web of consciousness the quantum web
which lights up and goes throughout the whole universe to all planets to all civilizations to all
conscious beings and you just stay in that inhaling her energy up sending it out to all conscious
beings okay so that is part two
3 coming up

Okay, welcome back. This is the Who'll Breath Level 2 Part 3. So if you haven't watched Part 1
and Part 2 of the Who'll Breath Level 2, please go back and watch those in order and do those
for whatever time you choose. I suggest at least a couple of weeks, maybe 30 days, to really
appreciate and enjoy each level. But it's completely up to you to do whatever the heck you
So, level one of part two, as you know, is to do the hool breath, do the lightning qigong, do the
hool breath, get in the hool breath posture. Inhale, send the lightning energy down out your
hands and out your feet into mother earth. Feel that her gets stimulated by that because she
loves that. Inhale that energy back up, combine it with yours, then send that empowered earth,
human energy of love,
the entire surface of the earth, empowering all people, all plants, all animals, all rocks, trees,
lakes, rivers, etc. And do that for as long as you want, and just fill the earth with healing energy.
Your specific intention is to target the consciousness of all humans so that they begin to wake
up to their spiritual
essence. So that's cool breath level two part one. Cool breath level two part two is you do the
same thing except this time when you inhale you inhale Mother Earth's energy up into you and
you can also imagine all of the energy of all humans because all humans deep in their soul are
loving beings. So you can channel all of their soul energy through yours and then when you
exhale you're going to
to send that energy out like a crystalline fountain at the top of your head and it's going to go out
from Earth and it's going to empower and switch on the quantum field web and like a crystalline
web this web lights up with energy and you send that through the whole universe to all stars
planets galaxies specifically
you want to feel for conscious civilizations conscious beings anywhere in the infinite universe
and let them feel the love and the power of earth and of all the people on earth and you don't
ask for anything you just simply send that out send that out to to everywhere in the world you
will be amazed at the power that flows through you be absolutely amazed and more than likely
if you're like me
your heart center will just start to explode with energy you can do this for as long as you want
for me it gets very spacey and very intense but feel free to do it for 10 minutes 2 hours all day
whatever works for you and I recommend that you do that again for a specific amount of time a
week 2 weeks 30 days something like that so that you can really get the benefit of that step now
we're moving on to part 2
2 parts 1 and 2 now we're going into part 3 part 3 I just talked to you through part 2 after you
have sent this energy out to all beings in the entire universe sending the love completely
unconditionally just sending as much love and energy as possible through you and enjoying
them you know imagine them
and being empowered by it now comes part three now after you have exhaled and sent that out
probably do it for a few minutes so you can really feel like you filled the whole universe then
what you're going to do is you're going to inhale and when you inhale this energy is going to
come back through the cosmic web of light this web of light
energy the quantum field quantum consciousness field and as it comes back it's going to be
filled with all of the colors of the rainbow and beyond and that's going to mix and twirl as it
comes back into you this is all of the loving healing energy from all of the other planets and all
of the other star systems and all of the other conscious beings because they
they will be meditating with you, I guarantee it, and they will be sending their energy back to
you. And this is going to come through the top of your head and it'll be a rainbow of colors and
as it comes in it's going to fill your body with this rainbow of colors. You literally will become
one with all of the conscious beings in the universe. And then as that comes through you, you're
going to
out the palms and out the feet. You're going to send this beautiful energy down into Mother
Earth. And this will, she will be filled with orgasmic bliss of love. She loves to connect with all
other conscious beings in the universe. And as she gets filled with that energy, she's then going
to explode in a response. And here's something really awesome. As that energy comes up in
you, you can then set
that energy, the combined energy of all conscious beings in the universe throughout the Earth's
surface to all people, plants, animals. And I mean if you're not absolutely just blissed out with
crazy energy as a result of that then well I don't know what to say. And then if you want to
intensify it even more you can take that
ind energy of the earth and all people and inhale and send it back out so that it just keeps
increasing and it'll create this connection back and forth. Now as you saw in the title the whole
purpose of this meditation is to attract higher level beings of light. So it's really important to
understand that love is
the safest protective energy there is. When you are operating from love nothing negative can
touch you. So in case you're worried about what kind of energies you're going to bring back,
don't worry about it. The only kind of energies that are going to come back are going to be
completely full of love and the level of consciousness that will come looking for you because I
guarantee you that
I've experienced it. When you do this, these conscious beings are alerted to your presence and
they go, oh my gosh, can you feel that? That is amazing. Who is doing that? I want to thank that
person and they travel through the web of light, which is in the universe and it doesn't matter
how many quadrillions of light years away they are. They will
I had this feeling I should go outside so I went outside and I looked up and I was in between my
house and another house and I just had this one little small piece of this guy that I could see and
I just simply said hey to myself I thought hey is anybody out there right now and I kid you not
a few seconds right over my head came this this bright crystalline white we would call it a UFO
and it went traveling silently in the sky above my head as if to say yes thank you and that was
the feeling I got was we saw that we felt that thank you we know who you are we know where
you are we're here if you want to connect with us so if you want to
I'm so excited I forgot you know how to go over again but you can rewind and watch this from
the beginning so that is the whole breath level two parts one two and three I give it to you and
please feel free to tell
it and practice it it literally very well may save the earth that's how wonderful and powerful this
practice is okay that's it wish you guys all the best take care see you next time

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