The Economic Times Wealth January 162023
The Economic Times Wealth January 162023
The Economic Times Wealth January 162023
P10 | Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune | January 16-22, 2023 | 24 pages | `8
Persistent lag in several actively managed funds cannot be ignored any
longer. Focus on investing principles no matter which path you take. P2
Persistent lag in several actively managed
funds cannot be ignored. Focus on investing
principles before pursuing either path.
By Sanket Dhanorkar passive patrons bow only to the index. They that are often overlooked. that of its benchmark index (See: Fair
scoff at the futile pursuit of alpha and be- comparison?). Sebi’s new rules on clearly
n recent years, the active versus pas- lieve the humble index holds the aces. What the numbers say defined fund mandates and investible
sive debate has intensified. On social Amidst this tussle, the truth gets lost Let us dive into the essence of the argu- universe of securities have made such a
media platforms, it’s a slugfest re- somewhere. The numbers thrown around ment—the inability of active funds to beat comparison more credible.
plete with mudslinging, half-truths favouring either argument tell a story, but the index. These funds charge a hefty fee For the purpose of this comparison, we
and outright lies. The active backers often mask perspective. One can get lost in for giving better returns than the index. considered the regular plan variant of the
swear by the wisdom and capabilities of the the statistics and risk losing sight of basic Their failure to do so consistently would respective equity funds. While direct plans
haloed fund managers. They frown upon investing principles. In this week’s cover make simple indexing the superior alterna- yield higher return, these command a tiny
indexing as lazy, and insist that better story, we distil the numbers and reveal the tive. The typical approach to gauge this is share of the retail assets. Bulk of the money
rewards await discerning investors. The true picture. We also discuss finer aspects to compare the funds’ performance with continues to be routed through regular
Large cap, mid cap and large & mid cap Large cap, focused and ELSS funds have
funds have struggled over 3 years disappointed over 5 years
Flexi cap funds are finding the large cap bias in their portfolio a drag. Only one large cap scheme has beaten its index over the past five years.
Value 19.0 17.2 67% 78% Value 9.3 11.5 22% 51%
Flexi Cap 16.2 17.2 32% 41% Flexi Cap 10.3 11.5 42% 46%
Focused 15.0 17.2 38% 31% Focused 9.6 11.5 25% 10%
Large & Mid Cap 17.4 19.9 11% 7% Large & Mid Cap 10.4 11.7 33% 44%
Mid Cap 22.1 24.6 20% 12% Mid Cap 10.7 11.2 45% 66%
Small cap 29.2 26.4 64% 79% Small cap 11.7 6.6 86% 95%
ELSS 16.0 17.2 37% 32% ELSS 9.7 11.5 19% 18%
Large Cap 13.3 15.2 17% 25% Large Cap 9.9 12.0 4% 4%
Compiled by ETIG Database. indices selected for comparison are Nifty100TRI (large cap), Nifty500 TRI (flexi cap, focused, value and ELSS), Nifty Midcap150 TRI (mid cap), Nifty Smallcap250 TRI (small cap) | Data as on 31 Dec 2022
cover story
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 03
vulnerable. Prabhu observes, “At larger run ahead of the index. But it is hard to say
sizes, the ability of flexi cap funds to move if your fund will continue to be the winning
33 32 32
29 28 30
First quarter (High) Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter (Low) First quarter (High) Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter (Low)
For period between May 2004 - May 2022. The four quartiles stand for market return quartiles | Source: Kotak Institutional Equities
cover story
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 05
outcomes you are paying for. With odds of select few schemes are driving this. Value
beating the market no better than a simple funds have faced a tough ride for several
Give exotic ETFs a miss for now toss of the coin, surely simple indexing
offers a better alternative? Yes, the time
years but have made a strong comeback of
late, with a big swing to 78% of AUM out-
has now come to make that shift in the performing the index compared with just
very heart of your portfolio. “Within ac- 15% as of December 2021. Value offerings
Nowadays, a lot of innovation is But this is the least of ETFs’ tive funds, outperformers keep changing clearly respond favourably only under spe-
happening within the realm of problems. Barring a few, trading very often. If you want to simplify matters, cific market conditions.
passive funds. AMCs are par- volumes of most ETFs are very just go with passive funds,” asserts Rohit
ticularly offering newer and more poor. This lack of liquidity often Shah, CEO, GYR Financial Planners. Most Beyond the numbers
exotic flavours in ETFs. Apart creates wide divergences between experts recommend a simple combination Now, let us take a step back. The numbers
from the flux of sector ETFs, there the fund NAV and the price at of Nifty50 index and Nifty Next50 index for have had their say. Beyond the mathemati-
are unique thematic and factor which it can be bought or sold.
60-70% of an investor’s portfolio. Venturing cal supremacy of either investing strategy,
driven ETFs on offer. In terms of What you save in expense ratio is
beyond this universe is still tricky. more critical matters deserve your atten-
expense ratio, ETFs come at even more than nullified by this impact
Meanwhile, the jury remains out on tion. Whether you buy the market (passive)
lower cost than index funds. ETFs cost. This gap is over and above
charge as low as 0.05% even as the tracking difference common to mid cap strategies. This despite a dismal or beat the market (active) is irrelevant
the average index fund charges both index funds and ETFs. There showing in recent years. There are only a if you can’t invest a sizeable amount and
much higher. Surely this must give are no such issues with index handful of funds that continue to deliver maintain investing discipline in the first
ETFs an added edge? The reality is funds. Even as indexing has its excess return with a degree of consistency. place. That 2% higher CAGR that you are
different. ETF investors must bear merits, it works better when done Prabhu argues, “There is still a lot of infor- banking on from your active fund will
additional costs apart from the via index funds and not ETFs. It mation asymmetry in the mid cap space count for little if it is not backed by a big
expense ratio. Unlike index funds, is better to identify and invest in as it is not well covered by institutional enough outlay. If you invest erratically,
ETFs are bought and sold on the ETFs with high trading volumes. research. This can be exploited to deliver constantly moving in and out of the mar-
exchange from other unit hold- Where same strategies are on of- alpha.” You still have to be picky while ket, you will experience a return gap, be it
ers. This attracts brokerage costs, fer via both index funds and ETFs, choosing funds to pursue index-beating re- an active fund or an index fund. Make your
apart from taxes and depository experts recommend sticking with turn in this space. Only five mid cap funds foundations strong before you consider
charges. index funds. boast a strike rate exceeding 70% over finer aspects like active or passive. “More
five year time frames. Small cap funds are than security selection, it is the softer
perhaps best positioned to deliver superior aspects like asset allocation, rebalancing,
outcomes to the index. Yet, size is crucial sizing of bets, holding period and discipline
in this category, Prabhu observes. Small that contribute most to investing out-
cap funds that grow too big end up with a fat comes,” insists Shah.
tail of stocks that may not have quality or Finally, what path you take is up to
liquidity hygiene. Even so, it is pertinent to your comfort and preferences. If you can
note that tapping the broader market with stick with active strategies through their
an index fund or ETF can come at a steeper natural ups and downs over market cycles,
cost than normal. Beyond frontline index perhaps you don’t need to make any shift.
based funds, the tracking difference gets If you are bewildered by the choice of ac-
bigger. The main reason is the sometimes tive funds, their differing strategies and
poor liquidity in broader markets. inconsistent outcomes, make life easier
Among other categories, focused funds by opting for index based funds. The sole
have lagged miserably in recent years. purpose of an index fund or ETF is to
Longer term data points suggest these have mimic the performance of the target index.
delivered decent outcomes, but again only It simply buys the same stocks in the same
proportion as held by the index. It carries
no lofty ambitions of beating the market.
Much of underperforming AUM Low dispersion hurts It shows no style drift. It is not waylaid by
star fund manager exits. It doesn’t need
can be blamed on index hugging active managers regular monitoring nor does it warrant
fund-hopping. Shifting your core portfolio
Industry has nearly 20-25% of AUM that is More active funds tend to underperform towards passive funds will remove many
underperforming, along with lowest active share when market breadth is narrow. of these headaches. Fetching only market-
Underperforming AUM (%) Dispersion quartile like return may not sound exciting, but
pursuing active strategies is not getting
Active share quartile 3 years 5 years % of funds outperforming % AUM outperforming you that anyway.
Do not go for index strategies thinking
these are a panacea for all evils. These are
20 45 no safer than active funds. If the markets
Quarter 1 (Low) Quarter 1 (HIgh)
fall, these will fall in line with the index.
27 75 Active funds may see a lesser or bigger fall.
While not safer, index funds or ETFs are
simpler products offering a ‘fill it, shut it,
7 37 forget it’ experience. By design, these will
Quarter 2 Quarter 2 also exhibit lower return than the index.
14 76 The fund’s expense ratio, cash position,
rebalancing hurdles, etc prevent it from
capturing index moves in entirety. But
16 37 this is to be expected, up to a reasonable
Quarter 3 gap. Finally, do not assume the lowest cost
Quarter 3
20 58 index tracker is superior to others. Many
other factors can go into creating divergent
outcomes. Just pick a fund with a reason-
24 ably low cost and stick with it for your in-
10 Quarter 4 (Low) vesting time horizon.
Quarter 4 (High)
For period between May 2004 - May 2022 | Note: Dispersion measures the spread Please send your feedback to
Note: Active share is a measure of deviation in fund portfolio from of returns within the constituents of the broader market | Source: ACE MF, Kotak
benchmark index | Source: ACE MF, Kotak Institutional Equities Institutional Equities
family finance
06 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
real estate
jay & Supriya Bajaj are both em- ASSET CURRENT
VALUE (`) Buying a car 8.48 lakh / 1 yr Cash, FD -
ployed and bring in a combined
salary of `4.4 lakh a month. Real estate 55.92 lakh
1st child’s education 52.4 lakh / 15 yrs Stocks -
They have a two-year-old child
and live in a rented house in Cash 90.01 lakh
PPF, debt funds,
Mumbai. They also own a house worth 2nd child’s education 62.4 lakh / 18 yrs -
Debt insurance
`55.9 lakh, which fetches them a rent of
`11,000 a month, and for which they have EPF 1.35 crore 1st child’s wedding 2.2 crore / 26 yrs Stocks, mutual funds -
taken a loan of `18.5 lakh, paying an EMI
PPF 21.1 lakh
of `28,710. Their goals include building 2nd child’s wedding 2.7 crore / 29 yrs PPF 31,864
an emergency corpus, buying a car and a Fixed deposits 13.1 lakh
house, saving for two children’s education Retirement 1.5 crore / 22 yrs Bonds, NPS, EPF, PPF -
and weddings, and their own retirement. Insurance 11.25 lakh
Financial planner Anup Bansal from Investible surplus
Bonds 7.52 lakh 31,864
Scripbox suggests the couple repay their needed
home loan with their cash holding. Next, NPS 3.42 lakh Annual return on corpus assumed to be 8%. Inflation assumed to be 6%.
they should build an emergency corpus
of `7.1 lakh by allocating their cash and Debt funds 2.95 lakh
investing it in a liquid fund. They want
Insurance portfolio
to buy a car worth `8.48 lakh in a year,
for which they can use a portion of their Mutual funds 42 lakh
cash and fixed deposit. In a year’s time, EXISTING
Stocks 31.45 lakh INSURANCE COVER
they also want to buy a house worth `2.65 PREMIUM PREMIUM
crore. For this they can assign their exist- (`)
Total 4.14 crore (`) (`)
ing house, a part of their cash and fixed
deposit, and the proceeds from their Ulip. Life insurance
In addition, they will have to take a loan of
`1.06 crore for 20 years, which will result Term plan (1) 1.5 crore 1,083 Continue 1,083
Home loan 18.5 lakh
in an EMI of `94,199. Traditional
For their existing and future child’s Total liabilities 18.5 lakh 8 lakh 1,750 Continue 1,750
plans (2)
higher education in 15 and 18 years, they
will need `52.4 lakh and `62.4 lakh, respec- Ulip (1) 10.1 lakh - Continue -
tively. For the former, they can allocate
Net worth `3.9 crore
stocks, and for the latter, they can use the TOTAL 1.6 crore 2,833 - 2,833
Cash flow
PPF, debt funds and insurance proceeds.
No additional investment is needed for Health insurance
these goals. For the children’s weddings in EXISTING SUGGESTED
26 and 29 years, they will need `2.2 crore (`) (`) Employer’s - - - -
and `2.7 crore, respectively. For the for-
Income 4.51 lakh 4.4 lakh
mer, they can assign their stocks and mu- Include child and raise
tual funds, and for the latter, the remain- Own 5 lakh 737 1,250
Outflow cover to `10 lakh
ing PPF corpus. Besides, they will have to
assign an SIP of `31,864 to meet the latter Household 60,833 60,833
expenses TOTAL 5 lakh 737 1,250
goal. For retirement, they will need `1.5
crore in 22 years, and can allocate their Critical illness &
Rent 27,000 -
EPF, PPF, NPS and bonds. No additional accidental - - - -
investment is needed for the goal. After us- Loan EMI 28,710 94,199 disability
ing all the existing resources and fresh in-
vestment, the couple will still be left with a Insurance 3,570 4,083 TOTAL - - - -
large investible surplus of nearly `2.1 lakh premium
a month, which can be invested in mutual Investment 65,000 2.75 lakh Insurance cost - 3,570 - 4,083
funds for wealth creation.
Premiums are indicative and could vary for different insurers.
For life insurance, Ajay has a term plan Total outflow 1.85 lakh 4.34 lakh
of `1.5 crore, two traditional plans and a
Ulip, all worth `18 lakh. Bansal suggests Surplus 2.65 lakh 5,885
they continue with these and don’t take
any more life cover. For health insurance, Write to us Looking for a professional to analyse your investment
portfolio? Write to us at
they have a `5 lakh cover. They should in-
clude their child and raise the cover to `10
Financial plan by Anup Bansal,
Chief Business Officer, Scripbox
for expert with ‘Family Finances’ as the subject. Our experts will
study your portfolio and offer objective advice on where
lakh, at a cost of `1,250 a month. advice and how much you need to invest to reach your goals.
guest column
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 07
here’s this funny T-shirt slogan in economic factors do not matter—of course
Hindi, which supposedly started they do. What I am saying is that you and
CEO, VALUE RESE ARCH as a notice in some college canteen, I gain no advantage from trying to take
“Yaha par gyan na baante, yaha those factors as inputs into our own deci-
The fixed asset turnover ratio measures first quarter of 2022-23, according to RBI that have improved asset efficiency over a
by Sameer Bhardwaj the efficiency of fixed assets like plant and data. Though there was a seasonal decline period of time. The last 10 financial years’
machinery and is calculated by dividing in the first quarter of 2022-23 compared to data for fixed asset turnover, asset turno-
he Indian economy is expected the net sales by the average fixed assets. 75.3% in the fourth quarter of 2021-22, it ver and inventory turnover ratios were
to grow faster than the world On the other hand, the asset turnover ra- remained close to the long-term average of extracted for the defined universe of 2,000
economy in 2023, shows IMF tio measures the efficiency of total assets 73.7%. companies. The latest financial year taken
projections. Factors like buoy- (fixed and current). The other ratio, inven- Capacity utilisation is an important into consideration was 2021-22. Companies
ancy in capital-intensive indus- tory turnover, measures the management indicator of the demand and investment where all three turnover ratios in 2021-22
tries, rising credit growth and PLI benefits of the inventory (stock of raw materials or prospects of an economy. Data compiled were the highest in the last 10 years were
are expected to provide support. However, finished goods) and states how many times from Thomson Reuters-Refinitiv for 2,000 extracted. By including the fixed asset
volatility will remain due to global macro a company has sold its inventory over a de- companies with a market cap greater than turnover ratio in the analysis, the study
headwinds. fined time period. `100 crore (excluding banks, financial aimed at identifying companies that have
As the markets are at a crossroads of Among these ratios, the fixed asset turn- services and insurance) shows a majority improved their capacity utilisation levels
headwinds and tailwinds, careful assess- over can also indicate the level of capacity of the sectors still need to catch up to attain over the period of time.
ment of strengths and weaknesses of a utilisation of a company or an industry, their pre-covid performance. There are 70 such companies. In the last
company is required before investing. One says the Bank of Baroda August 2022 While 22 out of 63 industries have shown one (70 companies), three (67 companies)
way of assessing a company’s fundamen- report. Capacity utilisation helps to deter- improvement in median fixed asset turno- and five years (66 companies) the group
tals is by looking at its asset efficiency. The mine the degree to which an organisation ver ratios relative to the pre-covid full year of such companies have delivered aver-
activity or turnover ratios provide strong is achieving its full production potential. 2018-19, 41 industries (out of 63) show deteri- age returns of 9.4%, 297.4% and 111.7%.
insights into the same. Generally, higher the capacity utilisation, oration in the median fixed asset turnover Comparatively, the BSE500 index delivered
Fixed asset turnover, asset turnover and the lower the costs per unit, which helps a ratio in the defined time period. 0.15%, 57.2% and 60.4% returns during
inventory turnover are some of the activity company gain an edge over competitors. Transportation infrastructure, electric the same period. All returns are absolute
ratios that are frequently used for assess- “Capacity utilisation is an indicator utilities and construction materials are point-to-point (not annualised) and based
ing the productivity of operating assets. of the optimal level of functioning of any among the three industries where median on 6 January 2023 closing prices. The num-
These ratios indicate asset efficiency by company or industry. It is hence more in- fixed asset turnover improved the most bers show that companies that display as-
determining the effectiveness of a firm in dicative of progress than growth in produc- in 2021-22 relative to 2018-19. On the other set efficiencies are adequately rewarded by
utilising its assets for generating sales rev- tion or net sales which are subject to base hand, airlines, trading and electronic com- the markets.
enue. In other words, such ratios determine effects,” adds the report. ponents are among the industries that saw The following are six asset-efficient
the speed at which the assets are converted Looking at the macro level, the capacity the most deterioration in fixed asset turno- companies that have decent analyst cover-
into sales. The higher the turnover ratios, utilisation of the manufacturing sector of ver ratios in the defined time period. age and are currently offering double-digit
the better the asset efficiency. the Indian economy stood at 72.4% in the ET Wealth tried to identify companies share price potential:
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 09
manufacturing company is expected to company is expected to witness growth
100.93 111.25
improve due to moderation in prices 100 supported by its aggressive capex plan 100
of benzene, which is a key raw mate- for next 2-3 years, which aims at its
rial, and a jump in phenol demand amid core and high-performing regions such
its usage in everyday products such as as Bangalore, Kolkata and Cayman. It is
mouthwash, disinfectants and liquid setting up oncology capabilities across
detergents and rising production of hospitals, which is expected to improve 100.93
plywood, laminated beams and flooring APROB (average revenue per occupied
panels. The management aims to double bed) and occupancy. The company’s
its revenues in 3-4 years and expects 76.36 Cayman business is expected to remain
earnings growth to be faster, driven by robust amid higher volumes post-open- 7 Jan 2022 9 Jan 2023
backward integration projects. 7 Jan 2022 9 Jan 2023 ing of tourism and it continues to explore
According to a recent CD Equisearch opportunities in neighbouring Bahamas of machines, emphasis on digital, strong
report, the company’s focus on import phenol in the pharmaceutical industry, and Bermuda. FCF generation across businesses, improv-
substitution, the launch of derivatives new chemistries and upstream and A Prabhudas Lilladher report lists ca- ing trend in realisations and good perfor-
of phenol and acetone, the adoption of downstream projects are key positives. pacity expansion in Bangalore, upgrading mance of new hospitals as key positives.
price (`)
price (`)
price (`)
1,225 12.7%
and transmission company is set
BUY HOLD SELL to benefit from the increase in 100 100.93 BUY HOLD SELL
23 0 0 domestic gas production, which is 27 8 3
expected to improve its transmis-
sion volumes. Also, a ceiling price 88.82 CIPLA BSE 500
on domestic gas will bode well
for the company as it will lead to 100
higher demand from city gas dis-
tribution companies. Further, the
PNGRB’s new pipeline tariff will 100.93
lead to a lower tariff cut compared 7 Jan 2022 9 Jan 2023
to expectations.
A Systematix report remains and 2023-24 respectively, compared to
87.77 bullish on the company’s growth 33.9 mmscmd in 2021-22. It is connecting
prospects and estimates trans- with all major LNG terminals like Dahej,
mission volumes of 27.5 and 35 Hazira, Mundra, Jafrabad and Chhara,
mmscmd (million standard cubic which bode well for its long-term growth,
7 Jan 2022 9 Jan 2023
meters of gas per day) in 2022-23 once spot LNG becomes affordable.
7 Jan 2022 9 Jan 2023
provider is expected to benefit from THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY’S
its focus on creating a digital network POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA profitability will be supported by the
for pharmacies, doctor consultations, ANALYSTS’ RECOMMENDATIONS expansion of product categories in
12-month Current 1-yr target
clinics and diagnostics. The management forward PE price (`) price (`)
UPSIDE prescription, trade generics and consumer
has guided improved occupancy and healthcare in India. Also, differentiated
increased margins for matured and
new hospitals over the next 12 months.
10.5 209 244
16.5% 15 4 1 launches in peptide, injectables and
inhalation will help improve growth
The share of international patients is THE POWER TRANSMISSION momentum in the US business. The focus
company thrives on the power sec- POWER GRID CORPORATION BSE 500
expected to reach 10% by end of the on direct-to-market and newer geographies
second half of 2022-23 and 15% by tor regulatory tariff model which like China, Brazil and Australia is expected
2023-24, which currently contributes 6% provides strong earnings visibility. 101.90 to drive sales in the international market.
to the total revenues. It intends to engage in multiple A Motilal Oswal report expects 18%
An ICICI Securities report that was large-scale opportunities in smart earning CAGR over 2021-22 and 2023-
released after the second quarter results metering, distribution infrastruc- 24 led by 5% and 22% sales CAGR in the
was positive on the company’s long-term ture, data centres and battery stor- India and US segment and 240 basis points
outlook considering its strong brand age. Analysts expect strong growth 100.93 margin expansion. However, the report
and pan India presence in the hospital momentum, given over `50,000 believes that the current valuations offer
segment, margin expansion potential crore worth of projects pending limited upside from the current levels.
and upside from the online platform. It capitalisation. The management
has provided capex guidance of 7 Jan 2022 9 Jan 2023 Current price as on 9 January 2023. Nifty-50
expects performance to improve in the
12M Forward PE: 19 times. Source: Refinitiv.
coming quarters and estimates 12.6% `8,800 crore for 2022-23 and ex- was bullish on the company considering
revenue and 11.2% EBITDA CAGRs over pects capex to pick up in 2024-25 its decent growth outlook, healthy RoE
2021-22 and 2024-25. to `12,000-12,500 crore. and strong dividend yield. Also, moneti-
A Sharekhan report released sation of transmission assets is expected Please send your feedback to
after the second quarter results to improve dividend payout in the future.
real estate
10 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
Tips to increase
the rental value
of your house
Simple and economical ways to
spruce up your house and
negotiate for a higher rent.
by Namrata Dadwal
Quick ways to upgrade walls and flooring
hink of wooing a prospective
tenant as a marketing strategy.
You have to convince them that
your house is worth the rent you Here are some options if you just need to spruce up a few walls, part of a wall or cover damage due to seepage.
are asking, and to do this you ITEM COST BENEFIT CHALLENGE
need to showcase your property in the best
light possible. A big no-no is clutter, un- Wall tile of size They are easier to clean and You will have to pay additional
30x20 cm `25 - 40 per sq ft maintain than paint or wallpaper labour and adhesive charges
clean kitchen and toilets, broken doors or
windowpanes, and non-functioning lights Self-adhesive These are DIY, will hardly take You need to be careful while
and appliances. So, ensure that the house is wallpaper (1.5 x `350 - 1,500 any time to install, and you have a applying to avoid folds, bumps
16 ft) wide range of choices or air pockets
clean and everything is in working order.
However, some cost-effective steps can help Foam wall paper You can stick them yourself to They aren’t good to cover
sticker (2x2 ft) `220 - 500 cover small areas easily seepage and are prone to stains
you to also enhance your house, making it
more appealing to would-be renters. These are water, heat and termite
You will have to pay additional
PVC wall panels `50 - 150 per sq ft resistant, and come in a variety of
labour charges
Furnishings colours and patterns
“On an average, semi-furnished homes
command 10-12% higher rents than unfur-
nished houses across the major cities in FLOORING
India, while furnished homes command You can instantly change the look of a room by using these quick-fix methods.
about 18-20% higher rents than semi-fur-
nished ones,” says Siddhart Goel, Head of ITEM COST BENEFIT CHALLENGE
Research, Magicbricks.
This makes sense as it’s difficult for Professional It uses a single disc machine to get rid of
floor scrubbing `5-10 per sq ft accumulated grime, especially in grouts
tenants to lug a lot of furniture or heavy
appliances every time they move, so they
Peel & stick floor These are DIY and look similar to These may get slippery
prefer houses that come with ACs, geysers tiles (27 sq ft) `2,800 - 4,000 wooden floors when wet
and water purifiers. You can add to these
by installing curtains and a few pieces of
This can be installed quickly and give a You will have to pay
furniture like small tables or a double bed. Wood floor panel `60 - 240 per sq ft premium look additional labour charges
Curtains and blinds are always a plus,
especially if you have large or too many
windows. Go for neutral colours as those
appeal to mostly everyone. change the shutters of your cabinets or put founder of Studio Midas, an interior
It will also help if you have service pack- a self-adhesive laminate. These laminates Hard water filter: `850 - `2,900 designing company. If power cuts are
ages in place for all your appliances and let or PVC vinyl are easy to apply and can also PVC roll (45x300 cm): `300 - `1,500 common in your area, install a couple of in-
the tenants know about that. These aren’t be removed and re-applied. verter lights rather than an entire inverter
expensive but will relieve tenants that they In case some wall tiles in the kitchen or Stick-on tile (12x12 ft): `350 - `2,000 itself. If your balcony floor is damaged, you
won’t have to pay extra. It will also ensure bathroom are cracked, you can cover these Toilet seat cover: `700 - `2,200 could cover it with a water fountain, pots or
the longevity of the appliances, which will with stick-on single tiles. These are heat artificial grass, which is easy to maintain.
benefit you too in the long run. and water resistant, so suitable for both
rooms. Another way to improve the look of Lighting and balcony Inverter LED bulb: `350 - `900
Kitchen and bathrooms your bathroom is to change the seat cover Ventilation and lighting are of paramount Mesh screen (3x4 ft): `360 - `580
Most tenants are fussy about these rooms of the WC as replacing the entire equip- importance. “Opt for ceiling lights rather
the most. One way to impress them is to ment can be expensive. Just this small than wall lights as they brighten up a room Artificial grass (2x10 ft): `1,200 -
show that the chimney, exhaust fans, taps change will make the flush look newer. If more. Put screens for windows so that they `2,000 (depends on thickness)
and drains are all in good working condi- possible, install a shower rod and curtain, can be opened to let in fresh air. Adding
tion. If you have hard water in your area, or if you have the resources, a single trans- a few hardy and air-purifying plants like
install filters for showers, taps and bidets. parent panel to give your bathroom a more snake plant and ZZ plant adds to the appeal Please send your feedback to
To upgrade the kitchen, you can just luxe look. of the house,” says Shruti Maheshwari,
your queries
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 11
an inheritance
Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)
The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana
Yojana was introduced in 2019 to
provide a regular stream of income
to senior citizens. Applications
for this are being accepted till 31
Have your own saving plan because March 2023. This scheme is offered
Purchase price
This depends upon the
pension payout options
chosen: annual, half-yearly, quar-
terly or monthly. The policy can
Sujoy is a management graduate in ujoy is compromising his only at a later stage in his life. He will
be purchased at a minimum price
financial security by placing need to build assets for the short and
his late 20s and has been working with of `1,56,658 (for `12,000 annual
his dependence on a source of medium-term goals of his family.
a telecom company for the past seven funds that he neither knows Depending upon his parents for every
pension) to a maximum amount of
`14,49,086 (for `1,11,000 annual
years. Sujoy enjoys spending money on when he will receive or how much large requirement of funds will be a
pension) under the annual pension
he will receive. The assets that his difficult choice for both sides. His oth-
the good things in life and has barely er option would be to look for loans.
option. In case of the monthly one,
parents have built will first be used the price ranges from `1,62,162
any savings. He has no dependents but by them for their own needs. With But without assets against which he (`12,000 annual pension) to `15
wants to get married in the next couple longer and fuller lives, a great part can borrow, his borrowing will be lakh (`1,11,000 annual pension).
of the wealth will be used by them in at a very high cost and will further
of years. His parents live indepen- their lifetime. They may even choose weaken his financial situation.
dently in their own home in Bangalore. to not to leave their entire wealth for Sujoy must not allow his expected Online/Offline
They live an upper-middle class life him. Sujoy can neither control nor inheritance to undermine his finan-
The scheme can be
estimate what will come to him as cial independence and must have a
and have a married daughter too. inheritance and when it will come. If saving and investment plan. Since he
purchased from an LIC
registered agent or online through
Sujoy’s argument, when he is advised he waits till he knows that and then is young and yet to start on his famil- the website
to start saving some money, is that he start his own saving plan, he may be ial responsibilities, it is not too late
losing the benefit of compounding for that. The inheritance that he is
will inherit his parents’ assets and that that an early start would have given expecting should give him the secu- Benefits
is more than sufficient to fund his re- his investments. He will then have to rity to take more aggressive decisions The first instalment of
save much more to catch up or even with his investments but not stop him pension is paid after
tirement and other goals. The money he
cut back on his long-term goals. from building his wealth. When he 1 year, 6 months, 3 months or 1
earns is for him to spend as he wants. Even if Sujoy was sure of getting gets his inheritance, it can help him month from the date of purchase,
What is Sujoy missing in the way he a good inheritance, it is something accelerate his goals and leave him depending on the mode chosen.
that he will probably be able to use with surpluses that he can enjoy. Apart from guaranteed pension at
has planned his financial future? the rate of 7.4% payable monthly,
Content on this page is courtesy Centre for Investment Education and Learning (CIEL). the policy provides death benefit
Contributions by Girija Gadre, Arti Bhargava and Labdhi Mehta. of refund of purchase price to the
pensioner during the policy term.
:: Points to note
Small savings
2 They
4 z Loan can be availed on the
policy after completion of three
3 5
years, up to to a maximum of
schemes are typically Interest rates 75% of the value of the policy.
instruments used The small sav- provide for these z The policy is subject to free-
by the Central ings instruments returns that They also schemes are look period and a customer can
Government include PPF, SSY, are usually come with reviewed return it within 15 days.
to encourage SCSS, NSC, post higher than a sovereign every quar-
citizens to save office deposits bank fixed guarantee and ter by the
regularly. and KVP. deposits. tax benefits. government.
financial planning
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 13
lows: The parents open a bank account for
the minor child: grandparent invests; the
interest income is taxed in the hands of the
parent. The grandparent buys a bond, sav-
ing certificate for the minor child. Maturity
ifting to grandchildren is a mixed while investing for the grandchild. proceeds go to the child after turning major
feeling of indulgence, love, respon- First, the child is a minor incapable of mak- and completing the paperwork. The grand-
sibility and righteousness. The ing a financial decision. The law considers any parent invests in a child specific mutual
question of legacy comes in: let us contractual decisions made before the age of fund product as a third party. Can also do a
do something we will be remem- 18 as null and void. Therefore, the investment SIP with the upper limit of `50,000. The fund
bered by. Then law and procedure takes over. has to be made, managed and operated by folio is held in the name of the child with
There was a time when family wealth was someone else on behalf of the child. parents as guardians.
primarily held in land, jewellery and such Second, parents of the child are the natural The process is somewhat different if the
physical assets. Agriculture and business guardians under law. Therefore they are free parents and the child are living abroad. Tax
were the primary sources of income. The laws to open a bank account or make investments laws of the host country will apply for gifts,
UMA SHASHIK ANT then unfortunately did not allow the girl child on behalf of their minor child. Grandparents income, and clubbing. There may also be
IS CHAIRPER SON, limits on how much can be received as tax-
to get a share of the family wealth. Many tradi- are third parties. They are not natural guard-
tions in Indian society have arisen from the ians unless the unfortunate circumstances of exempt gift in a year.
use of rituals and ceremonies to pass on some passing away of the parents leads to the courts Grandparents who want to give gifts in
of the wealth to the girls on the occasion of appointing them as such. the form of money or investment have to
their wedding, the birth of the child and many Third, investments in the name of a minor operate necessarily through the parents
other such events. child can be made only in products that allow who are the natural guardians of the minor
We have long moved on from that pattern of such a facility. Not all do. The minor child’s child. There is no bypassing this. It might be
wealth accumulation. Salary, investment and birth certificate is mandatory to establish a procedurally easy to give the money to the
business incomes dominate the scene today. minority. It also shows the name of the par- parent and ask them to make the investment
Grandparents who
Daughters are now entitled to their share of in- ents, who must be registered as guardians for for the child. Many insist on their name be-
want to give gifts in ing associated with the gift, alas. It might
herited wealth. But the distribution of wealth the investment.
the form of money or still leans on rituals and ceremonies. Birth of Fourth, contributions can be made by the make sense to acknowledge that the parents
investment have to a grandchild triggers these very sentiments grandparent into specified mutual funds, post know what’s best for their child and that the
operate necessarily when wealth must be shared and distribution office saving products, bank deposits, equity grandparent comes only next in line.
through the parents must signal family wealth and status. shares and bonds. In all these cases, the prod- Grandparents can make the invest-
who are the natural Modern grandparents realise the futility of ucts must allow a third party (grandparent) ment in their own account and name the
guardians of the gifting gold ornaments and clothes. The occa- to make an investment for the child (minor) grandchild as the nominee. Even in this
minor child. There is sion demands it, they yet say, and oblige with- with the guardians (parents) that operate the case, a minor nominee registration needs
no bypassing this. out much protest. But there are many that want account. KYC and Aadhaar, PAN card linking the guardian’s details. Grandparents can
to give money and investments as gifts that al- will be required for parents as well as grand- write a Will that bequeaths a portion to
low the grandchild to use it as required, or use parents contributing the funds. their grandchild. These choices might make
it for funding life goals such as education. The product features may include a lock in sense when the grandchild lives abroad.
But the investment options for grandpar- period or a limit on the amount that can be There are no tax implications for the child
ents are fraught with many procedural is- contributed every year. or parents until the date of bequest.
sues and paperwork, apart from requiring Fifth, the Indian tax laws allow gifts to be Grandparents are adamant that their
an understanding of product features. Many received from a specific list of relatives. These gifts are acts of love. Why needlessly com-
years ago when my child was turning one, her gifts are not taxed in the hands of the recipi- plicate this with procedures? Aren’t acts of
grandparents bought a bond that was market- ent. A grandchild receiving an annual mon- love in themselves a priceless gift? Do they
ed to make her a lakhpathi. Investing a small etary gift from the grandparent does not pay have to be monetised?
amount today would do. Many grandparents taxes on the gift itself. However, any income
bought them, only to find a few years later that arising from the gift is taxable.
these bonds had a call option and ended short For example, a grandparent can make a Please send your feedback to
of target. Let’s list the points to keep in mind deposit into the minor bank account of the
14 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
BEST TIME TO VISIT As in most hill states, the 4/5-star
APRIL-JUNE, options here are limited to bigger cities
SEPTEMBER- like Shimla and Manali. There are plenty
NOVEMBER of budget hotels, resorts, rental villas,
homestays, and Himachal tourism resorts.
Check the government website https://
result/ for various options. The costs can be
as low as `600-700 a night for homestays,
while 5-stars can cost upwards of `10,000.
COST: `36,000 for 12 nights.
The Himachali or pahari cuisine has Punjabi
and Tibetan influences and involves a lot
of spices and slow cooking. Some delicacies
include dham, or thali, with vegetables, curd,
dessert and staples; siddu or steamed wheat
bun; Kullu trout fish; madra (chickpea dish);
chha gosht (lamb in gram flour and yogurt);
babru (type of kachori); aktori (buckwheat
pancake); tudkiya bhaath (pahari pulao),
Tibetan thukpa (noodle soup), and mittha
(sweet rice with dry fruits).
COST: `500-1,000 per person, per day
This beautiful state in western Himalayas HOW TO You can reach Shimla by road, train, flight, or a combination of the- WHAT TO DO…
se. The state’s three airports are at Jabarhatti, 22 km from Shimla;
is a nature lover’s paradise, not merely due REACH FROM Bhuntar, 50 km from Manali; and Gaggal, 13 km from Dharamsala. ADVENTURE SPORTS
to its topographic diversity and wildlife, but DELHI… There is no direct train to Shimla, so go from Delhi to Kalka and from z Check the government website https://
also becaue of adventure sports. From skiing
there to Shimla. You can also go to Chandigarh via train or flight and
and para-gliding to river rafting, camping from there by road to Shimla. A direct bus from Delhi is also an option. ture-trekking/ for various activities.
and angling, you can experience it all even as
Cost by road bus: River rafting: Enjoy river rafting in the
you enjoy the snow-capped mountain ranges, Cost by air+bus: `1,924 Cost by train: `710-840 Sutlej river near Shimla, Beas river near
pristine valleys, rivers, deodar forests, and (Delhi-Chandigarh, 1 hour) (Class 2A/CC) (Delhi-Kalka/ `505-661(HRTC) Kullu, Ravi river near Chamba, and Chandra,
the cold desert of Spiti. You can easily spend Chandigarh, 4-6 hours) Spiti rivers in Lahaul & Spiti.
10 days in the state, and increase it to 12-15 `240-1,289 `950 onwards
days if you want to visit Lahaul and Spiti. (Chandigarh-Shimla, 3.5 `265-800 (Class 2A/CC) (Volvo/private bus Para-gliding: Bir-Billing in Kangra is the
(Kalka-Shimla, 4-5.5 hours) (9-11 hours) best site, while others include Bandla Dhar
hours, HRTC/Volvo)
near Bilaspur, Solang Valley near Manali, and
*One way, per person. Flight cost on Skyscanner; train cost on Ixigo; bus cost on RedBus. Junga near Shimla.
SUGGESTED ITINERARY Skiing: Ski at Kufri and even learn skiing on
You can easily spend 10 days, but if you want the slopes of Solang Nala, Rohtang Pass, and
DAY 1-3: Shimla 6 hours away. Visit the of Masrur. Also visit the
to do a leisurely trip, taking in smaller towns, Hanuman Tibba.
Visit the Mall Road, the Manikaran gurdwara and Triund Hill and waterfalls.
or visit Lahaul-Spiti extensively, increase the Angling: Fish in the streams of Pabbar in
number of days. Ridge, and Scandal Point, hot springs, and some of
DAY 9-10: Dalhousie Rohru valley, Baspa in Sangla valley, Uhl in
shop at Lakkar bazaar the waterfalls. Next day,
Drive in about 4 hours. Barot valley, and in Tirthan and Beas rivers
Himachal Pradesh and go to the Jakhu and visit the Hidimba Devi
Visit Chamera lake, Panch in Kullu, as also in Bilaspur and Kangra. NA
Sankat Mochan temples. and other temples, take
Pulla and Satdhara wa-
SHIMLA Next day, indulge in ac- in apple orchards and TEMPLES & MONASTERIES
terfalls, Dainkund peak,
DAY 9-10 tivities like ice skating, indulge in sporting ac- Temples: Hidimba Devi (Manali); Jwalamukhi
trek to Ganji Pahari,
para-gliding, rafting, etc. tivites. Visit the Rohtang (Kangra); Jakhu and Sankat Mochan (Shimla);
Start Chamunda Devi tem-
Visit the Indian Institute Pass and Solang valley Baba Balaknath (Hamirpur); Naina Devi
DAY 11-12 ple and Khajjiar. Visit
of Advanced Studies, the next day. (Bilaspur); Tara Devi (Shimla); Chintpurni
Chamba if you have time.
Army Heritage Museum (Una); Bhimkali (Sarahan), among others.
and Christ Church, or go DAY 7-8: Dharamsala DAY 11-12: Spiti Valley Monasteries: Key (Spiti); Tabo (Spiti);
DAY 7-8 up to Kufri and Naldhera. It will take 7 hours to It will take 7-9 hours but Kungri (Spiti); Dhankar (Spiti); Namgyal
DAY 4-6 You could also arrive in drive to the home of is worth a visit. Take in (Mcleodganj); Tashi Jong Khampagar
Shimla via the toy train the Dalai Lama. Visit the lovely monasteries, (Palampur); Guru Ghantal (Lahaul), Palpung
from Kalka. If you are the monasteries, taste visit Kibber village and Sherabling (Palampur), among many others.
driving, stop at Solan or Tibetan food, go trek- Hikkim, Baralacha and
Kasauli on the way. king, hiking or rock PARKS & SANCTUARIES
DAY 1-3 Kunzum passes, and
climbing, shop for handi- Chandra and Suraj taal. z There are five national parks and 26
DAY 4-6: Manali crafts, and check out the sanctuaries, including the Great Himalayan
Drive to Manali, about famous rock-cut temples DAY 13: Back to Delhi National Park (Kullu), Pin Valley (Lahaul-
Spiti), Simbalbara (Sirmaur), among others.
The Economic Times Wealth
January 16-22, 2023
In This Section
Every week we put about 3,000 stocks through four key filters and rate them on a mix of factors. The end result
of this is the listing of the top 50 stocks based on the composite rating to help ease your fortune hunt.
L&T Finance Holdings 20 -- 90.95 21.00 149.00 25.65 1.12 0.54 0.16 1.77 1.86 13 4.39 Coal India 7.58
VRL Logistics 21 21 548.90 32.00 47.00 30.22 7.42 1.46 0.54 1.88 1.11 13 4.77 Manappuram
Finance 7.65
Torrent Pharmaceuticals 22 19 1,546.50 26.00 105.00 67.35 8.79 1.55 0.64 1.29 0.69 35 4.00
NTPC 23 23 165.95 24.00 11.00 9.65 1.19 4.22 0.97 1.08 0.61 26 4.81
Bharat Electronics 24 26 99.40 32.00 37.00 30.26 5.91 1.50 0.84 1.34 1.04 32 4.62 3 Best PEGs
Top 5 stocks with the least
Tata Power Co 25 22 205.70 26.00 66.00 29.57 2.91 0.85 0.17 1.65 1.59 24 3.00
price earnings to growth ratio
Reliance Industries 26 29 2,471.60 35.00 32.00 26.80 2.14 0.32 0.77 1.18 0.97 36 4.31 LIC Housing Tata Power Co
ITC 27 42 329.85 25.00 29.00 26.62 6.50 3.47 0.95 0.94 0.64 36 4.56 Finance
ICICI Lombard Gen. Ins. 28 25 1,238.45 29.00 58.00 47.67 6.66 0.76 0.77 1.18 0.84 27 4.48
0 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.18
Endurance Technologies 29 30 1,401.15 36.00 54.00 42.69 5.02 0.45 0.79 1.35 0.60 23 4.35
Greenpanel Industries 30 31 322.85 28.00 38.00 16.96 4.01 0.46 0.44 1.67 0.81 14 4.64
Blue Star 31 27 1,258.00 40.00 102.00 70.92 11.71 0.80 0.75 1.31 0.73 23 4.22 Britannia L&T Finance Oil India
Inds Holdings
Bharti Airtel 32 28 756.90 19.00 132.00 63.83 5.76 0.39 0.53 1.10 0.60 34 4.35
Mphasis 33 36 2,014.40 30.00 33.00 26.56 5.49 2.27 0.83 1.60 1.26 35 4.06
4 Income generators
DLF 34 43 374.90 25.00 62.00 61.34 2.53 0.81 0.91 1.65 1.64 23 4.65
Top 5 stocks with the highest
Coromandel International 35 34 881.85 30.00 27.00 17.09 4.11 1.35 0.61 1.37 0.90 12 4.58 dividend yield (%)
Cipla India 36 32 1,061.15 19.00 48.00 33.75 4.08 0.48 0.71 0.95 0.28 42 4.17 Coal India 21.09
Britannia Inds 37 38 4,299.25 25.00 35.00 67.75 40.38 1.31 0.00 1.02 0.65 42 3.98 Oil & Natural
Gas Corp
SBI Cards & Payment 38 33 780.25 47.00 73.00 45.52 9.50 0.32 0.62 1.33 1.18 27 4.18
Embassy Office
Oil & Natural Gas Corp 39 40 146.15 27.00 2.00 4.03 0.71 8.00 1.23 1.69 -0.10 28 4.07 Parks
Kalpataru Power 40 -- 519.40 29.00 26.00 14.10 1.78 1.24 0.80 1.33 0.97 15 4.40 Oil India 6.06
CESC 6.00
Greenply Industries 41 39 142.65 43.00 32.00 18.80 3.31 0.34 0.65 1.51 1.15 12 4.83
EPL 42 37 168.75 19.00 36.00 24.46 2.88 2.55 0.68 1.51 1.07 12 4.67
5 Least risky
BHEL 43 41 80.00 40.00 96.00 61.95 1.04 0.49 0.64 1.84 1.47 21 1.81 Top 5 stocks with the lowest
Jyothy Labs 44 44 206.30 22.00 68.00 46.00 5.16 1.22 0.68 1.16 0.87 17 4.18 downside risk
Glenmark Pharma 45 46 421.90 11.00 43.00 12.63 1.31 0.59 0.28 1.39 1.13 19 3.84 Britannia Inds
Container Corp Of India 46 45 722.10 30.00 44.00 41.44 4.06 1.39 0.96 1.44 1.11 32 3.84
Kansai Nerolac Paints 47 47 413.00 32.00 105.00 61.71 5.36 0.24 0.62 1.15 0.50 21 3.48
0.84 0.94 0.95 1.02 1.06
JB Chemicals & Pharma 48 -- 1,937.90 40.00 38.00 38.51 6.95 0.86 1.00 1.15 0.59 15 4.40
Gujarat State Petronet 49 35 278.25 18.00 3.00 9.49 1.96 0.73 0.38 1.47 1.34 25 4.72
Embassy Cipla India CESC
Eris Lifesciences 50 48 640.00 45.00 20.00 21.46 4.57 1.15 1.11 1.07 0.51 10 5.00 Office Parks
smart stats
16 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
ET Wealth collaborates with Value Research to identify the top-performing Equity: Large-cap 5-year returns
funds across categories. Equity funds and equity-oriented hybrid funds are 5.51 12.96
ranked on 3-year returns while debt-oriented hybrid and income funds are IDBI Nifty Junior Index Fund LIC MF S&P BSE Sensex ETF - Sensex
2 Top 5 MIPs
SBI Equity Hybrid Fund 57,409.31 1.27 6.33 -0.47 11.84 9.67 1.46
Next 22.5% Tax planning: Offer tax rebate under Section 80C.
(Not covered
Middle 35% in ETW Funds International: More than 65% of assets invested abroad.
Next 22.5% 100 listing) Income: Average maturity varies according to objective.
was the total number
Bottom 10% Gilt: Medium- and long-term; invest in gilt securities.
of stocks sold by equity
Fixed-income funds less than 18 months old and equity funds Equity-oriented: Average equity exposure more
less than three years old have been excluded. This ensures than 60%. diversified funds in Sunda- PGIM In- Franklin UTI Bank- DSP Bank-
that all the funds have existed long enough to be tracked for Debt-oriented aggressive: Average equity exposure November 2022, compared ram dia Bank- India ing & PSU ing & PSU
consistency of performance. Given the focus on long-term Banking ing & PSU Banking Debt Fund Debt Fund
between 25-60%. to an average of 192 stocks & PSU Debt & PSU
investing, liquid funds, short-term funds and FMPs are not
part of the list. For the same reason, we have considered only Debt-oriented conservative: Average equity exposure sold in the previous three Debt
the growth option of funds that reinvest returns instead of less than 25%. months (Aug-Oct 2022). % AS ON 30 NOV 2022
offering dividends that increase the NAV of funds. Arbitrage: Seek arbitrage opportunities between equity % EXPENSE RATIO IS CHARGED ANNUALLY.
Despite these rigorous filters, the list includes 2/3 funds of and derivatives.
each category to maximise choice from the best funds. Asset allocation: Invest fully in equity or debt as per WWW.WEALTH.ECONOMICTIMES.COM
The fund categories are: market conditions.
loans and deposits
18 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
DCB Bank 8.35 11,797
Your EMI for a loan of `1 lakh
Axis Bank 8.01 11,719 TENURE 5 YEARS 10 YEARS 15 YEARS 20 YEARS 25 YEARS
IDFC First Bank 8.00 11,717
@ 7% 1,980 1,161 899 775 707
Indusind Bank 7.85 11,682
Bandhan Bank 7.75 11,659 @ 8% 2,028 1,213 956 836 772
DCB Bank 8.35 12,814
@ 9% 2,076 1,267 1,014 900 839
AU Small Finance Bank 8.25 12,776
@ 10% 2,125 1,322 1,075 965 909
IDFC First Bank 8.00 12,682
Axis Bank 7.75 12,589
Bandhan Bank 7.75 12,589
Post office deposits Interest (%)
investment (`)
investment (`)
DCB Bank 8.10 14,932
Axis Bank 7.75 14,678 Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 7.60 250 1.5 lakh p.a. One account per girl child 80C
AU Small Finance Bank 7.70 14,642
HDFC Bank 7.50 14,499 Senior Citizens' Savings Scheme 8.00 1,000 15 lakh 5-year tenure, minimum age 60 yrs 80C
ICICI Bank 7.50 14,499
Public Provident Fund 7.10 500 1.5 lakh p.a. 15-year tenure, tax-free returns 80C
Kisan Vikas Patra 7.20 1,000 No limit Can be encashed after 2.5 years Nil
Top five tax-saving bank FDs 5-year NSC VIII Issue 7.00 1,000 No limit No TDS 80C
Interest What `10,000
TENURE: 5 YEARS AND ABOVE rate (%) will grow to
Time deposit 6.60-7.00 1,000 No limit Available in 1, 2, 3, 5 year tenures 80C#
DCB Bank 7.60 14,571
AU Small Finance Bank 7.20 14,287 Single 4.5 lakh 5-year tenure, monthly returns Nil
Post Office Monthly Income
Axis Bank 7.00 14,148 7.10 1,000
Joint 9 lakh 5-year tenure, monthly returns Nil
City Union Bank 7.00 14,148
HDFC Bank 7.00 14,148 Recurring deposits 5.80 100 No limit 5-year tenure Nil
The scope and attractiveness of alternative investments is increasing. Here’s a weekly tracker of returns from such investments. But don’t
compare these with returns from traditional investments since the proportion and purpose of alternative investments is vastly different.
Gold (995) (`) Silver (`) Platinum ($/troy ounce) WTI Crude ($/barrel)
47,751 55,872 60,831 67,963 981.38 1,074.26 82.64 77.41
12 JAN 2022 12 JAN 2023 12 JAN 2022 12 JAN 2023 12 JAN 2022 12 JAN 2023 12 JAN 2022 11 JAN 2023
X 1 WEEK 0.54% 1 WEEK 0.42% 1 WEEK 1.12% 1 WEEK 5.08%
X 1 YEAR 17.01% 1 YEAR 11.72% 1 YEAR 9.46% 1 YEAR -6.33%
Jai Mata Glass 1.65 25.00 189.47 3.41 1,613.07 16.50 Nouveau Global Vent. 1.18 -7.81 -9.23 10.93 11,839.20 21.89
Virgo Global 9.64 27.01 186.05 0.37 -30.77 10.12 Reliance Comm. 2.27 1.34 16.41 36.26 2,603.54 627.78
Vintron Informatics 4.15 26.91 178.52 0.61 667.66 32.54 Alstone Textiles (India) 2.10 -13.93 23.53 44.26 2,458.91 267.75
Adcon Capital Services 4.15 26.91 154.60 9.42 159.47 137.53 Jai Mata Glass 1.65 25.00 189.47 3.41 1,613.07 16.50
KCL Infra Projects 4.56 26.67 75.38 1.95 235.46 120.06 Premier Capital Services 5.30 -6.53 -18.08 5.24 1,030.41 19.66
Shree Global Tradefin 8.50 0.95 71.37 37.88 48.96 1,081.29 Vintron Informatics 4.15 26.91 178.52 0.61 667.66 32.54
Radaan Mediaworks (I) 2.20 18.92 60.58 0.12 -56.24 11.91 VXL Instruments 8.15 0.87 -8.43 0.03 551.99 10.86
Future Lifestyle Fash. 8.56 -22.46 58.81 2.03 -45.68 172.70 Consolidated Const. 1.38 -3.50 -19.77 1.40 455.93 54.99
Croissance 9.12 -1.94 54.84 3.08 135.50 62.47 Prime Urban Dev. 6.32 -4.53 -4.68 0.02 355.58 16.84
Mauria Udyog 4.98 17.45 53.70 1.36 129.66 66.33 Rollatainers 1.32 -2.94 3.94 5.17 330.96 33.01
mutual funds
20 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
Technology 11.04
17.00 31 MARCH 1996
16.01 15.31 Automobile 9.86
9.27 EQUITY Healthcare 8.53
7.66 7.69
0.51 -1.79 ELSS The fund portfolio boasts large
presence in financials.
`9,993 Crore
Top 5 stocks in portfolio (%)
The fund has beaten both index and peers by
a comfrtable margin over last one year. NIFTY 500 TOTAL HDFC Bank 9.78
ICICI Bank 9.54
Bharti Airtel 6.05
1-YEAR Aeronautics 5.07
16.22 NAV**
GROWTH OPTION The fund now runs a very compact portfolio
`815.32 featuring large positions in top bets.
12.51 `58.84
`500 Recent portfolio changes
`500 Oil & Natural Gas Corporation.
The fund’s long term track record indicates AS ON 10 JANUARY 2023 1.80
underperformance across time frames. Complete Exits
Note: Different benchmark is used due to non availability of stated benchmark data. Sadbhav Infrastructure Project, Zomato.
The above figures denote daily average rolling return over past decade for relevant time frames. 0
**AS ON 10 JANUARY 2023 Increasing allocation
Equity 95.99%
The tax-saving fund runs a much down sharply. It continues to in select high conviction bets towards outperformance in past
sharper large cap tilt compared retain a top-heavy skew with relative to the index. Its past two years, aided by the market
F Fundamentals
MCG company Emami reported weak numbers in the product availability across major online marketplaces as a
second quarter of 2022-23 despite decent growth of its part of its strategy to go direct to consumers. To improve ur-
ban offtake, Emami is focusing on e-commerce. It launched CONSENSUS
international business. It reported a marginal 3.2% ACTUAL
y-o-y growth in consolidated revenue while the oper- websites for Zandu, Kesh King and BoroPlus, and made its
2021 2022 2023 2024
ating profit fell 29.5% y-o-y. The performance was impacted by products available on eB2B platforms like Udaan and Jio Mart.
Revenue (` cr) 2,854.25 3,157.53 3,492.73 3,832.60
inflation-led demand pressure and a high covid base in pain Third, to support its international business, the company
EBITDA(` cr) 954.71 1,043.28 944.82 1,083.68
management and the healthcare range of products. has localised supply chain with its proprietary manufactur-
The performance is set to improve in the third quarter, ing facility in Bangladesh, and third-party engagements in Net Income (` cr) 428.22 797.56 700.20 823.07
which will lead to a decent recovery Germany, Sri Lanka, UAE and Basic EPS (`) 9.63 17.95 16.70 19.37
in sales volumes in the coming quar- Thailand. It has launched new
ters. Also, the reduction in key input
Analysts’ views products internationally and wit- Valuations PBV PE
prices bodes well for the company as nessed strong growth in MENA
2 Emami 9.15 22.79 1.86
it will help expand gross margins. and CIS regions in second quarter.
According to the consensus of
Hold 25 Fourth, Emami enjoys a success-
Tata Consumer Products 4.64 65.81 0.80
Buy Dabur India 11.52 55.90 0.95
analysts compiled by the Thomson ful track record in the acquisition
Godrej Consumers Products 8.10 58.69 0.00
Reuters-Refinitiv database, the com- 1 of brands. It acquired Dermicool
Hindustan Unilever 12.40 63.05 1.31
pany is expected to report a 12.5% y- Sell from Reckitt Benckiser in 2021-22.
o-y jump in EPS growth in the Dec
quarter. Emami is set to release its
According to a Sharekhan report,
this provides synergistic benefits Brokerage calls TARGET
third-quarter results on 3 February. and scope for margin improvement
Analysts are confident about the in the long run. 10 Jan 2023 Goldman Sachs Buy 520
long-term prospects of Emami due to Emami has maintained a sales 10 Jan 2023 Batlivala & Karani Securities Hold 550
several reasons. First, it will benefit Rising per capita income, increasing health CAGR of 9.7% over 2019-20 and 2021- 9 Jan 2023 Investec Buy 539
from the growth of the FMCG sector. awareness and growth of e-commerce will boost 22. A Motilal Oswal report believes 9 Jan 2023 Motilal Oswal Buy 520
Rising per capita income, increas- the FMCG sector, which will, in turn, improve there could be a stock re-rating if 9 Jan 2023 Axis Capital Buy 550
ing health awareness, changing Emami’s growth prospects. this trajectory leads to sustainable
lifestyle of consumers and growth of
e-commerce are the chief drivers. According to Emami’s 2022
double-digit sales growth.
Selection methodology: We pick the stock that has shown
Relative performance 108.7
100 MARKET PRICE: `429.60
annual report, the FMCG market in India is expected to reach the maximum increase in ‘consensus analyst rating’ during
`15.62 lakh crore by 2025 from `7.81 lakh crore in 2020. the past month. The consensus rating is arrived at by averag- SENSEX
Also, the sector will be supported by government initiatives ing all analyst recommendations after attributing weights to 98.9
like MSP direct payments to wheat and paddy farmers, crop as- each of them (5 for strong buy, 4 for buy, 3 for hold, 2 for sell and
sessment, digitisation of land records and Gati Shakti scheme. 1 for strong sell). An improvement in consensus analyst rating 85.2
Second, the strategy of moving the distribution model from indicates that the analysts are getting bullish on the stock.
wholesale to direct reach has improved profitability and mar- Only stocks with at least 10 analysts covering them are consid-
ket access. Emami is also continuing investments in Project ered. You can see similar consensus analyst rating changes 11 JAN 2022 ET FMCG EMAMI 12 JAN 2023
Khoj, which aims at expanding rural distribution. It enabled during the past week in ETW 50 table. —Sameer Bhardwaj Emami is compared with ET FMCG. Stock price and index values normalised
to a base of 100. Source: ETIG and Bloomberg.
Initiate with ‘Buy’ due to its potential to unlock value through the suite of interconnected products.
RateGain Travel Technologies AnandRathi Buy 307 415 35.2 Also, its presence across the value chain in tourism and hospitality sector helps customers acceler-
ate revenue generation.
Strong demand prospects of stainless steel and likely strengthening of market position through
Jindal Stainless PhillipCapital Buy 240 300 25.0 capacity augmentation. Also, economies of scale and synergy benefits likely to drive cash flows.
Recommend ‘Buy’ due to its strong liability franchise, robust credit growth, improving asset qual-
Equitas Small Finance Bank Monarch Buy 59 73 23.7 ity, increasing disbursements, operating leverage and likely reduction in cost to income ratio that
will assist RoE expansion in the future.
Consistent gains through acquisitions, turnaround of PTL business, value creation through demerg-
Allcargo Logistics Jefferies Buy 406 500 23.2 er, focus on growing cash flow from operations and likely improvement in dividend payout.
Optimum mix of superior financial and operational metrics. Also, store expansion, scaling of inter-
Metro Brands Haitong Outperform 860 1,040 20.9 national brands and expansion of product offerings are key positives.
Retain ‘Buy’ due to its strong execution capabilities, healthy balance sheet, robust order book, and
PNC Infratech Sharekhan Buy 305 360 18.0 prudent capital management. It is likely to be among the key beneficiaries from high capital alloca-
tion expected during 2023-24 in the upcoming budget.
Kotak Higher wage bill, additional prior period provisioning and declining prices of imported coal are
Coal India Reduce 217 230 6.0
Securities expected to impact earnings. Higher capex cost will contain cash generation in the future.
tax optimiser
22 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
elhi-based finance pro-
fessional Ranjan Kumar
pays a moderate tax but he
can reduce it significantly
with a few adjustments. INCOME
Taxspanner estimates that Kumar
can save nearly `1 lakh in tax if he
claims exemption for HRA, his salary
structure is rejigged to include some
tax free perks and his company offers INCOME HEAD CURRENT SUGGESTED
him the NPS benefit. He also needs to
buy health cover for his parents.
Basic salary 6,45,000 6,45,000
Kumar doesn’t claim HRA exemp-
tion because he lives in this parents’ House rent allowance 3,22,500 3,22,500 Reduce this taxable
house. If he pays a rent of `25,000 per portion of the pay
month to his father, his HRA will be package.
Special allowance 2,65,000 1,10,000
exempt up to `2.35 lakh, resulting in
in a tax saving of `50,000. However, Conveyance reimbursements 1,20,000 1,20,000 Ask for higher
his retiree father will be taxed for the telecom and
`3 lakh he receives as rent after a 30% internet allowance.
Telephone 6,000 12,000
standard deduction.
Kumar should also ask his com- These perks are
Meal coupons 0 22,500
pany for the NPS benefit. Under Sec tax free subject to
actual usage and
80CCD(2), up to 10% of the basic Newspaper allowance 0 12,000 reasonable limits.
salary put in NPS is tax-free. If his
company puts `5,375 (10% of his basic LTA 0 50,000 This is tax free if
pay) in NPS every month, his tax will claimed twice in
block of four years.
reduce by around `14,000. Another Employer's contribution to Provident Fund 77,400 77,400
`10,400 can be saved if he invests
Up to 10% of basic
`50,000 in NPS on his own. Contribution to NPS under Sec 80CCD(2) 0 64,500 salary put in NPS is
Given that he also works from tax free.
home, Kumar should ask his company TOTAL 14,35,900 14,35,900
for a higher telephone allowance. He
should also ask for some common tax-
free perks such as meal coupons and
LTA. If he gets `22,500 worth of meal INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES
coupons, a newspaper allowance of Switch to debt
`1,000 per month and LTA of `50,000, Interest income 1,050 0 funds to avoid tax
his annual tax will reduce by roughly on interest.
Capital gains 0 0
Kumar should also buy a health Rental income 0 0
cover for his parents. A health insur-
ance premium of `25,000 per year will TOTAL 1,050 0
save him around `5,200 in tax. All figures are in `
parents as `25,480
TOTAL 7,000 2,67,500 well.
mutual funds
The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023 23
Anup Ramteke is saving for multiple goals. Here’s what the doctor has advised: know
1 2 3 4 whether
8 years 18 years CURRENT NEED: `1.8 crore Managing Director
PRESENT COST: `25 lakh PRESENT COST: `25 lakh (`75,000 a month) Investing in equity and Founder,
funds for past 4-5 MyMoneyMantra
FUTURE COST: `53.6 lakh FUTURE COST: `1.15 crore FUTURE COST: `6.08 crore
Education goals are
SIP (`) RECOMMENDED ACTION ambitious and take WRITE
Continue SIPs in this outstanding large cap fund and hike by 10%
up all resources. TO US
Axis Bluechip 71,855 5,000 every year. Nothing left to fund FOR HELP
Increase SIPs to `2,000 in this outperforming small cap fund and retirement.
Axis Small Cap Fund 7,978 500 If you want your portfolio examined,
hike by 10% every year. Take loan for educa- write to
tion instead. with “Portfolio Doctor” as the subject.
All Weather Investing Small Case 69,824 5,000 Continue investing in this basket of stocks. Mention the following information:
Review investments
z Names of the funds you hold.
Sukanya Samridhi Yojana 2,39,739 12,500 Continue contibuting in the scheme to build a tax free corpus. and rebalance at z Current value of the investment.
least once in a year. z If you have SIPs running in any
Switch corpus and SIPs to diversified fund for more stable returns. of them.
ICICI Pru Technology 20,754 1,500 Hike by 10% every year. Reduce risk when z The financial goals for which you
2 goal is near so that invested.
PPF (son and self) 2,48,000 12,500 Continue contibuting in the scheme to build a tax free corpus. you don’t miss the z How much you need for each
target. financial goal.
z How far away is each goal.
TOTAL `4,18,411 `37,000
your feedback & more...
24 The Economic Times Wealth January 16-22, 2023
Readers’ response, online and in print, to ET Wealth stories has been enlightening.
We pick some that add information and perspective to our articles from previous issues.
I am thankful to ET Wealth for the
detailed, useful information in your
latest cover story ‘Best ways to save tax’. Tax saving for The information about travelling in
Haryana in your feature ‘State Secrets’ was
senior citizens
It’s a timely article for readers on the quite interesting. However, it would be
various options that they can invest in to helpful if you could add photos of all the
save income tax. Great job done by you. places you have described in the story for
B.L. Hedaoo The cover story on taxation was readers to understand better.
an exhaustive guide for taxpayers. Harihar Joshi
Dhirendra Kumar always gives While the NPS and the PPF are the
constructive information in his column most prevalent due to a large inves- I read Uma Shashikant’s ‘ Simple
‘Money Mysteries’. But there are many tor base, tax-saving insurance and resolutions for 2023’ with profound
conservative investors who believe in Ulips are preferred options, con- interest. Of her 10 resolutions, the one
investing only in FDs of nationalised sidering investors’ requirements. that was very close to my heart and has
banks.They do not understand the However, the temptation of annuities become a habit is ‘making donations’. I
language of mutual funds, irrespective or pension funds are a mirage as we donate regularly to feeding cows as well
of explaining to them the growth of their don’t know how long we will get them as pay the school fee of my industrious
money, probably due to fear of risks and as the timeline of our life is uncer- car driver’s daughter every year. It’s a
losing money. The best suggestion given tain. This lowers the preference for blissful experience.
by Kumar is to follow the strategy of pension funds. Investments should S. Ramakrishnasayee
investing in FDs and diversified equity be such that they suit our long-term
funds and balanced funds through SIPs. needs and provide reasonable liquid- I wait every Monday morning for ET Wealth
N.K. Thukral ity at any point of time. to catch up on money matters. The columns
Vinod Johri by Dhirendra Kumar and Uma Shashikant
Your article, ‘Direct plans not for all’, are wonderfully scripted, educative and
was very useful. As informed therein, thought-provoking. Their selection of
only 19% of retail assets are in direct expense ratio. Also, this information story should be an eye-opener for retail topics and penning them in simple language
plans. It is because majority of the retail is not disclosed by the distributors to investors. Sebi should encourage small is a treat. The investments return monitor
investors are not aware of the higher the investors. The difference of corpus investors to invest in direct plans. and statistics pages are also good to track.
returns they get at the end due to low the investors get as per the table in your H.V.M. Rao Mukunda Rao
Supply by BHK
Whitefield, in east Bengaluru, is one of the fast-growing micro markets owing to its proximity to key employment hubs.
Locality hosts many prominent gated communities/integrated townships, IT/business parks, malls and other social infrastructure.
Enjoys good connectivity to the city via Outer Ring Road (ORR), Old Madras Road (OMR), Old Airport Road and Whitefield Main Road. 7%
Key employment hubs in Whitefield-KIADB Export Promotion Industrial Area, ITPL and Brigade Tech Park.
2 BHK 3 BHK >3 BHK
Hospitals: Sri Satya Sai Baba, Manipal | Schools: Deens Academy, Narayana E-Techno School | Malls: Nexus Whitefield, Phoenix.
Consumer preference
by budget (`)
PRICE RANGE: `3,100-12,000 psf DISTANCES: KIAL Airport : 39 km SMVT Bengaluru Railway Station: 16 km NH-44: 8 km
18% 16% Below 50 lakh
850 (sqft)
Top Capital Value 2 BHK Rent 50-75 lakh
Locality (`/sqft) (`/month) 75 lakh-1 crore
lakh (avg)
20% 28% 1-1.25 crore
Hoodi Kadugodi 3,600-10,400 9,500-25,000 Above 1.25 crore
KIADB Brigade
Whitefield Tech Park
3 BHK Varthur 3,100-11,500 10,000-50,000
Bengaluru Kundalahalli
1,200 (sqft) Consumer preference
`crore by carpet area (sqft)
Hoodi 4,100-12,000 18,000-48,000
(avg) 5%
Below 700
19% 700-900
>3 BHK
`crore Kundalahalli 4,700-9,100 20,000-45,000 27%
24% Above 1,300
Note: Map not to scale *Capital Value on Carpet Area
Schools 15+ Hospitals 10+ Restaurants 20+ Banks 10+ Grocery Stores 20+ Petrol Pumps 5+ In dia’s No. 1 P ropert y Sit e
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