R-2 SBC 201
R-2 SBC 201
R-2 SBC 201
903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and
structures shall be provided in the locations described in Sections 903.2.1 through
903.2.8 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system
installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be
provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area
903.2.8 Group R. In hotels, apartment buildings, dormitories, and other Group R occupancies,
occupants may be asleep at the time of a fire, and may experience delay and disorientation in trying
to reach safety. In addition, fire hazards in residential uses are often unknown to most occupants of
the building, as they are created within an individual dwelling unit or guestroom. This helps to
explain why these occupancies have a poor fire record when it comes to injury and loss of life.
Therefore, an automatic sprinkler system is required throughout any building containing a Group R
occupancy. The sprinkler requirement applies to the entire building and not just the fire area
containing the Group R occupancy.
903.2.1 Group A. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and
portions thereof used as Group A occupancies as provided in this section. For Group A-1, A-2,
A-3 and A-4 occupancies, the automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout the story
where the fire area containing the Group A-1, A-2, A-3 or A-4 occupancy is located, and
throughout all stories from the Group A occupancy to, and including, the levels of exit discharge
serving the Group A occupancy. For Group A-5 occupancies, the automatic sprinkler system
shall be provided in the spaces indicated in Section 903.2.1.5.
903.2.1.1 Group A-1.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for fire areas
containing Group A-1 occupancies and intervening
floors of the building where one of the following
conditions exists:
1. The fire area exceeds 1115m2.
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or more.
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than a
level of exit discharge serving such occupancies.
4. The fire area contains a multitheater complex.
FIRE AREA. The aggregate floor area enclosed and bounded by fire walls, fire barriers,
exterior walls or horizontal assemblies of a building. Areas of the building not provided with
surrounding walls shall be included in the fire area if such areas are included within the
horizontal projection of the roof or floor next above
HIGH-RISE BUILDING. A building with an occupied floor located more than
23 m above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access
UL = Unlimited; NP = Not permitted;
NS = Buildings not equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system;
S & S1 = Buildings a maximum of one story above grade plane equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system
installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1;
SM = Buildings two or more stories above grade plane equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1;
S13R = Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2.
FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE. The distance measured from the building face to one of the following:
1. The closest interior lot line.
2. To the centerline of a street, an alley or public way.
3. To an imaginary line between two buildings on the lot. The distance shall be measured at right angles from
the face of the wall
A fire-resistance-rated wall having protected openings, SECTION 708 FIRE PARTITIONS 3 AND R-4
which restricts the spread of fire and extends A vertical assembly of materials designed to restrict the
spread of fire in which openings are protected. 420.2 Separation walls. Walls separating
continuously from the foundation to or through the roof, dwelling units in the same building, walls
with sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to 708.1 General.
The following wall assemblies shall comply with this section. separating sleeping units in the same building and
allow collapse of construction on either side without walls separating dwelling or sleeping units from
collapse of the wall. 1. Separation walls as required by Section 420.2 for Groups
I-1, R-1, R-2 and R-3. other occupancies contiguous to them in the same
3. Corridor walls as required by Section 1020.1 building shall be constructed as fire partitions in
706.1 General. Each portion of a building separated by 4. Elevator lobby separation as required by Section 3006.2. accordance with Section 708.
one or more fire walls that comply with the provisions 708.3 Fire-resistance rating. Fire partitions shall 420.3 Horizontal separation. Floor assemblies
of this section shall be considered a separate building. have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. separating dwelling units in the same buildings,
The extent and location of such fire walls shall provide Exceptions: floor assemblies separating sleeping units in the
a complete separation. Where a fire wall separates 1. Corridor walls permitted to have a ½ hour fire-resistance same building and floor assemblies separating
occupancies that are required to be separated by a fire rating by Table 1020.1. dwelling or sleeping units from other occupancies
barrier wall, the most restrictive requirements of each 2. Dwelling unit and sleeping unit separations in buildings of contiguous to them in the same building shall be
separation shall apply. Type IIB, IIIB and VB construction shall have fire-resistance constructed as horizontal assemblies in accordance
ratings of not less than ½ hour in buildings equipped with Section 711.
706.1.1 Party walls. Any wall located on a lot line
between adjacent buildings throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
with Section 903.3.1.1.
90 cm
110 cm
110 cm
(7.6) (3.8)
80 cm
1005.5 Distribution of minimum width and required capacity. Where 1005.4 Continuity. The minimum width or required capacity of the means of
more than one exit, or access to more than one exit, is required, the egress required from any story of a building shall not be reduced along the path of
means of egress shall be configured such that the loss of any one exit, or egress travel until arrival at the public way.
access to one exit, shall not reduce the available capacity or width to less
than 50 percent of the required capacity or width.
1005.7 Encroachment. Encroachments into the
required means of egress width shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this section.
1005.7.1 Doors. Doors, when fully opened,
shall not reduce the required width by more than
175 mm. Doors in any position shall not reduce the
required width by more than one-half.
1. Surface-mounted latch release hardware shall be exempt from inclusion in the 175 mm
encroachment where both of the following conditions exist:
1.1. The hardware is mounted to the side of the door facing away from the adjacent wall
where the door is in the open position.
1.2. The hardware is mounted not less than 850 mm nor more than 1200 mm above the
finished floor.
2. The restrictions on door swing shall not apply to doors within individual dwelling units
and sleeping units of Group R-2 occupancies and dwelling units of Group R-3 occupancies.
1006.2 Egress from spaces. Rooms, areas or spaces, including mezzanines, within a
story or basement shall be provided with the number of exits or access to exits in
accordance with this section.
1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance.
Two exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be provided where the
design occupant load or the common path of egress travel distance exceeds the
values listed in Table 1006.2.1.
1. In Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies, one means of egress is permitted within and
from individual dwelling units with a maximum occupant load of 20 where the
dwelling unit is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and the common path of egress
travel does not exceed 38 m
1014.2 Height. Handrail height, measured above stair tread nosings, or finish surface of ramp
slope, shall be uniform, not less than 850 mm and not more than 950 mm.
1014.4 Continuity. Handrail gripping surfaces
shall be continuous, without interruption by newel
posts or other obstructions.
1014.6 Handrail extensions. Handrails shall
return to a wall, guard or the walking surface or
shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent
flight of stairs or ramp run. Where handrails are not
continuous between flights, the handrails shall
extend horizontally not less than 300 mm beyond Handrails for stepped aisles and ramped
1015.2 Where required. Guards shall be located along open-sided walking surfaces, including
mezzanines, equipment platforms, aisles, stairs, ramps and landings that are located more than
750 mm measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 900 mm
horizontally to the edge of the open side.
1015.8 Window openings. Windows in Group R- 2 and R-3 buildings including dwelling units,
where the top of the sill of an operable window opening is located less than 900 mm above the
finished floor and more than 1800 mm above the finished grade or other surface below on the
exterior of the building, shall comply with one of the following:
1. Operable windows where the top of the sill of the opening is located more than 23 m above
the finished grade or other surface below and that are provided with window fall prevention
devices that comply with ASTM F2006.
2. Operable windows where the openings will not allow a 100 mm sphere to pass through the
opening when the window is in its largest opened position.
3. Operable windows where the openings are provided with window fall prevention devices that
comply with ASTM F2090.
4. Operable windows that are provided with window opening control devices that comply with
Section 1015.8.1
1020.1 Construction. Corridors shall be fireresistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1. The
corridor walls required to be fire-resistance rated shall comply with Section 708 for fire partitions.
2. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors contained within a dwelling unit or
sleeping unit in an occupancy in Groups I-1 and R.
1020.2 Width and capacity. The required capacity of corridors shall be determined as specified
in Section 1005.1, but the minimum width shall be not less than that specified in Table 1020.2.
1020.3 Obstruction. The minimum width or required capacity of corridors shall be unobstructed.
1020.4 Dead ends. Where more than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the exit access shall
be arranged such that there are no dead ends in corridors more than 6000 mm in length.
1. In occupancies in Group I-3 of Condition 2, 3 or 4, the dead end in a corridor shall not exceed 15 m.
2. In occupancies in Groups B, E, F, I-1, M, R- 1, R-2, R-4, S and U, where the building is equipped
throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the length of the
dead-end corridors shall not exceed 15 m.
3. A dead-end corridor shall not be limited in length where the length of the dead-end corridor is less
than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end corridor.
1020.6 Corridor continuity. Fire-resistancerated corridors shall be continuous from the point
of entry to an exit, and shall not be interrupted by intervening rooms. Where the path of egress travel
within a fire-resistance-rated corridor to the exit includes travel along unenclosed exit access stairways
or ramps, the fire-resistance rating shall be continuous for the length of the stairway or ramp and for
the length of the connecting corridor on the adjacent floor leading to the exit.
STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS 1023.8 Discharge identification. An interior exit
stairway and ramp shall not continue below its level
1023.2 Construction. Enclosures for interior exit
of exit discharge unless an approved barrier is
stairways and ramps shall be constructed as fire
provided at the level of exit discharge to prevent
persons from unintentionally continuing into levels
Interior exit stairway and ramp enclosures shall have a fire-
below. Directional exit signs shall be provided as
resistance rating of not less than 2 hours where connecting
specified in Section 1013.
four stories or more and not less than 1 hour where
1023.9 Stairway identification signs. A sign shall
connecting less than four stories.
be provided at each floor landing in an interior exit
Interior exit stairways and ramps shall
stairway and ramp connecting more than three
have a fireresistance rating not less than the floor
stories designating the floor level,
assembly penetrated, but need not exceed 2 hours.
1023.4 Openings. Interior exit stairway and ramp
opening protectives shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Section 716.
1023.7 Interior exit stairway and ramp exterior
walls. Exterior walls of the interior exit stairway or 1023.11 Smokeproof enclosures. Where
ramp shall comply with the requirements of Section required by Section 403.5.4 or 405.7.2, interior exit
705 for exterior walls. Where nonrated walls or stairways and ramps shall be smokeproof
unprotected openings enclose the exterior of the enclosures in accordance with Section 909.20.
stairway or ramps and the walls or openings are
exposed by other parts of the building at an angle of
less than 180 degrees (3.14 rad), the building
exterior walls within 3000 mm horizontally of a
nonrated wall or unprotected opening shall have a
fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour.
Openings within such exterior walls shall be
protected by opening protectives having a fire
protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour. This
construction shall extend vertically from the ground
to a point 3000 mm above the topmost landing of
the stairway or ramp, or to the roof line, whichever
is lower.
SECTION 1027 EXTERIOR EXIT SECTION 1030 EMERGENCY ESCAPE 1030.2 Minimum size. Emergency escape and rescue
STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS AND RESCUE openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 0.53 m2.
1030.1 General. In addition to the means of egress required
1027.2 Use in a means of egress. by this chapter, provisions shall be made for emergency 1030.2.1 Minimum dimensions. The
For occupancies in other than Group escape and rescue openings in Group R-2 occupancies in minimum net clear opening height dimension shall
I-2, exterior exit stairways and ramps shall be accordance with Tables 1006.3.2(1) and 1006.3.2(2) and be 600 mm. The minimum net clear opening width
permitted as an element of a required means of Group R-3 occupancies. Basements and sleeping rooms dimension shall be 500 mm. The net clear opening
egress for buildings not exceeding six stories above below the fourth story above grade plane shall have at least
grade plane or that are not high-rise buildings. 1030.3 Maximum height from floor. Emergency
one exterior emergency escape and rescue opening in
escape and rescue openings shall have the bottom
1027.3 Open side. Exterior exit stairways and accordance with this section. Where basements contain one
of the clear opening not greater than 1100 mm
ramps serving as an element of a required means of or more sleeping rooms, emergency escape and rescue
measured from the floor.
egress shall be open on not less than one side, openings shall be required in each sleeping room, but shall
except for required structural columns, beams, not be required in adjoining areas of the basement. Such
handrails and guards. An open side shall have not openings shall open directly into a public way or to a yard or
less than 3.3 m2 of aggregate open area adjacent to court that opens to a public way.
each floor level and the level of each intermediate
Because so many fire deaths occur as the result of
landing. The required open area shall be located not
occupants of residential buildings being asleep at the time
less than 1050 mm above the adjacent floor or
of a fire, the IBC selectively requires that basements and all
landing level.
sleeping rooms below the fourth story have windows or
doors that may be used for emergency escape or rescue.