NBC Part 4 Fire Safety
NBC Part 4 Fire Safety
NBC Part 4 Fire Safety
2.3 Building — Any structure for whatsoever purpose 2.7 Down-comer — An arrangement of fire fighting
and of whatsoever materials constructed and every part within the building by means of down-comer pipe
thereof whether used as human habitation or not and connected to terrace tank through terrace pump, gate
includes foundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, valve and non-return valve and having mains not less
chimneys, plumbing and building services, fixed than 100 mm internal diameter with landing valves on
platforms, VERANDAH, balcony, cornice or projection, each floor/landing. It is also fitted with inlet
part of a building or anything affixed thereto or any wall connections at ground level for charging with water
enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space by pumping from fire service appliances and air release
and signs and outdoor display structures. Tents, valve at roof level to release trapped air inside.
SHAMIANAHS, tarpaulin shelters, etc, erected for 2.8 Dry Riser — An arrangement of fire fighting
temporary and ceremonial occasions with the permission within the building by means of vertical rising mains
of the Authority shall not be considered as building. not less than 100 mm internal diameter with landing
2.4 Building, Height of — The vertical distance valves on each floor/landing which is normally dry
measured in the case of flat roofs, from the average level but is capable of being charged with water usually by
of the ground around and contiguous to the building or pumping from fire service appliances.
as decided by the Authority to the terrace of the last 2.9 Emergency Lighting — Lighting provided for use
livable floor of the building adjacent to the external wall; when the supply to the normal lighting fails.
and in the case of pitched roofs, up to the point where
2.10 Emergency Lighting System — A complete but
the external surface of the outer wall intersects the
discrete emergency lighting installation from the
finished surface of the sloping roof; and in the case of
standby power source to the emergency lighting
gables facing the road, the mid-point between the eaves
lamp(s), for example, self-contained emergency
level and the ridge. Architectural features serving no
luminaire or a circuit from central battery generator
other function except that of decoration, shall be
connected through wiring to several escape luminaries.
excluded for the purpose of measuring heights.
2.11 Escape Lighting — That part of emergency
2.5 Combustible Material — The material which
lighting which is provided to ensure that the escape
either burns itself or adds heat to a fire, when tested
route is illuminated at all material times, for example,
for non-combustibility in accordance with accepted
at all times when persons are on the premises, or at
standard [4(1)].
times the main lighting is not available, either for the
2.6 Covered Area — Ground area covered by the whole building or for the escape routes.
1 1½ 2 3 4 1 1½ 2 3 4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
i) Reinforced1) cement concrete 120 140 160 200 240
(25)2) (25)2) (25) 2) (25)2) (25)2)
ii) Unreinforced cement concrete 150 175 — — —
iii) No-fines concrete with :
a) 13 mm cement/sand or gypsum/sand — — — — — 150 150 150 150 150
b) 13 mm light weight aggregate gypsum — — — — — 150 150 150 150 150
iv) Bricks of clay:
a) Without finish 90 100 100 170 170 75 90 100 170 170
b) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 90 90 90 100 100 75 90 90 90 100
gypsum plaster
v) Bricks of sand lime:
a) Without finish 90 100 100 190 190 75 90 100 170 170
b) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 90 90 90 100 100 75 90 90 90 100
gypsum plaster
vi) Blocks of concrete:
a) Without finish 90 100 100 — — 75 90 100 140 150
b) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 90 90 90 100 100 75 75 75 90 100
gypsum plaster
c) With 13 mm cement/sand or gypsum/ 75 90 90 100 140
vii) Blocks of lightweight concrete:
a) Without finish 90 100 100 140 150 75 75 75 125 140
b) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 90 90 90 100 100 50 63 75 75 75
gypsum plaster
c) With 13 mm cement/sand or gypsum/ — — — — — 75 75 75 90 100
viii) Blocks of aerated concrete:
a) Without finish 90 100 100 140 180 50 63 63 75 100
b) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 90 90 100 100 150
gypsum plaster
Walls containing at least 1 percent of vertical reinforcement.
Minimum thickness of actual cover to reinforcement.
Table 3 Masonry Walls: Hollow (Required to Resist Fire from One Side at a Time)
(Clause 3.3.2)
Sl Nature of Construction Minimum Thickness (mm), Excluding any Finish for a
No. and Materials Fire Resistance (Hours) of
1 1½ 2 3 4 ½ 1 1½ 2 3 4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Bricks of clay:
a) Without finish 170 170 170 200 200 75 75 90 100 170 170
b) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 100 100 170 170 170 75 75 90 90 90 100
gypsum plaster
ii) Blocks of concrete:
a) Without finish 90 125 125 140 140 150
b) With 13 mm cement/sand or gypsum/sand 190 200 200 — — 90 125 125 140 140 140
c) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate 75 90 90 100 125 125
gypsum plaster
iii) Blocks of lightweight concrete:
a) Without finish 100 100 100 — — 75 90 90 100 140 150
b) With 13 mm cement/sand or gypsum/sand — — — — — 75 75 75 100 140 140
c) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate — — — — — 63 63 63 75 90 100
gypsum plaster
Sl Nature of Construction and Materials/Timber Studs at Centres not Minimum Thickness (mm) of Protection
No. Exceeding 600 mm, Faced on Each Side with for a Fire Resistance of 1h
(1) (2) (3)
i) Plasterboard layers with joints staggered, joints in outer layer taped and filled — Total 25
thickness for each face
ii) One layer of 12.7 mm plasterboard with a finish of lightweight aggregate gypsum 13
iii) Metal lath and plaster, thickness of plaster:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster (metal lathing grade) 22
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 13
Nature of Construction and Materials/Steel or Timber Frame at Stud Minimum Thickness (mm) of Protection
Centres not Exceeding 600 mm, Facings on Both Sides of Construction for a Fire Resistance
½h 1h 1½ h 2h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
A) Dry lining with materials fixed direct to studs
(without plaster finish)
1. One layer of plasterboard with taped and filled joints Timber or steel 12.7
2. Two layers of plasterboard with joints staggered, joints in Timber or steel 19 25
outer layer taped and filled — Total thickness for each face
3. One layer of asbestos insulating board with transverse joints Timber or steel 9 12
backed by fillers of asbestos insulating board not less than 9
mm thick, or by timber
4. One layer of wood wool slabs Timber 25
5. One layer of chipboard or of plywood Timber or steel 18
B) Lining with materials fixed direct to suds, with plaster finish:
Plasterboard of thickness: Timber or steel
a) With not less than 5 mm gypsum plaster finish 9.5
b) With not less than 13 mm gypsum plaster finish 12.7
C) Wet finish:
Metal lath and plaster, thickness of plaster:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster Timber or steel 13
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster Timber 13 19 25
Steel 13
½h 1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Steel frame with an external cladding of non-combustible sheets (excluding
sheet steel), with a steel supporting framework and internal lining of:
1. Metal lath and plaster, thickness of plaster:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster (metal lathing grade) 13 13
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 10 13 15 15 15 19
2. Two layer of plasterboard with joints staggered joints in outer layer 21 32
taped and filled — Total thickness
3. Plasterboard of thickness:
a) With not less than 5 mm gypsum plaster finish 12.7
b) With not less than 13 mm gypsum plaster finish 9.5
c) With not less than 10 mm lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 9.5
4. One layer of asbestos insulating board with transverse joints backed by 9 9 12 12 12 12
fillers of asbestos insulating board not less than 9 mm thick, or by timber
5. One layer of wood/wool slabs without finish 50
6. One layer of compressed straw building slabs:
a) Without finish 50
b) With not less than 5 mm gypsum plaster finish 50
7. Aerated concrete blocks 50 50 63 63 75 100
8. Bricks of clay:
a) Without finish 75 75 90 90 100 100
b) With not less than 13 mm lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 75 75 90 90
Table 8 Framed External Walls Non-Load Bearing Required to Resist Fire only
from Inside the Building (B)
(Clause 3.3.2)
Nature of
of Construction
Construction and
and Materials
Materials Minimum
Minimum Thickness
Thickness (mm)
(mm) ofof Protection
Protection to to
Provide Sufficient
Sufficient Insulation
Insulation to
to Achieve
Achieve aa
Modified Fire
Fire Resistance
Resistance of
of Up
Up to
to 44 hh
(1) (2)
Steel frame
frame with
with an
an external
external cladding
cladding ofof sheet
sheet steel
steel fully
fully lapped,
lapped, steel
steel bolted
bolted and
fixed to
to steel
steel sheeting
sheeting rails,
rails, with
with timber
timber or
or steel
steel supporting
supporting framework
framework andand internal
lining of:
1. Metal
Metal lath
lath and
and plaster,
plaster, thickness
thickness of
of plaster:
a) Sanded
Sanded gypsum
gypsum plaster
plaster (metal
(metal lathing
lathing grade)
grade) 13
b) Lightweight
Lightweight aggregate
aggregate gypsum
gypsum plaster
plaster 10
2. One
One layer
layer of
of plasterboard
plasterboard with
with joints
joints taped
taped and
and filled
filled 12.7
3. Plasterboard
Plasterboard of
of thickness
thickness with
with not
not less
less than
than 55 mm
mm gypsum
gypsum plaster
plaster finish
finish 9.5
4. One
One layer
layer of
of asbestos
asbestos insulating
insulating board
board with
with transverse
transverse joints
joints backed
backed by
by 99
fillers of
of asbestos
asbestos insulating
insulating board
board not
not less
less than
than 99 mm
mm thick,
thick, or
or by
by timber
5. One
One layer
layer of
of wood/wool
wood/wool slabs
slabs 25
6. One
One layer
layer of
of compressed
compressed straw
straw building
building slabs
slabs 50
7. One
One layer
layer of
of chipboard
chipboard or
or of
of plywood
plywood 18
8. Aerated
Aerated concrete
concrete blocks
blocks 50
9. Bricks
Bricks of
of clay
clay 75
10. Any
Any internal
internal decorative
decorative lining
lining with
with aa cavity
cavity fill
fill independently
independently supported
supported 50
and retained
retained in in position
position ofof mineral
mineral fibre
fibre insulating
insulating material
material (excluding
glass) at
at aa density
density of
of 48
48 kg/m
½h 1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Fully exposed Width 150 200 250 300 400 450
Cover 40 40 40 40 40 40
ii) 50 percent exposed Width 125 160 200 200 300 350
Cover 40 40 40 40 40 40
iii) One face exposed Thickness 100 120 140 160 200 240
Cover 40 40 40 40 40 40
½h 1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Reinforced concrete (simply supported) Width 200 200 200 200 240 280
Cover 20 20 20 40 601) 701)
ii) Reinforced concrete (continuous) Width 200 200 200 200 240 280
Cover 20 20 20 30 40 501)
iii) Prestressed concrete (simply supported) Width 100 120 150 200 240 280
Cover 25 40 55 70 80 90
iv) Prestressed concrete (continuous) Width 80 100 120 150 200 240
Cover 20 30 40 55 70 80
Require attention to the additional measures necessary to reduce the risk of spalling.
½h 1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Reinforced concrete (simply supported) Thickness 75 95 110 125 150 170
Cover 20 20 25 35 451) 551)
ii) Reinforced concrete (continuous) Thickness 75 95 110 125 150 170
Cover 20 20 20 25 35 451)
Require attention to the additional measures necessary to reduce the risk of spalling.
Sl Nature of Construction and Materials Minimum Dimensions (mm) Excluding any Finish,
No. for a Fire Resistance of
½h 1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Reinforced concrete (simply supported) Thickness of floor 75 95 110 125 150 170
Rib width 125 125 125 125 150 175
Cover 20 20 35 45 55 65
Nature of Construction and Materials Minimum Dimensions (mm) Excluding any Finish,
for a Fire Resistance of
1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
So fixed or designed, as to allow full penetration for mechanical bond.
Reinforcement shall consist of steel binding wire not less than 2.3 mm in thickness, or a steel mesh weighing not less than 0.5 kg/m2. In
concrete protection, the spacing of that reinforcement shall not exceed 200 mm in any direction.
½h 1h 1½ h 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
So fixed or designed, as to allow full penetration for mechanical bond.
Where wire binding cannot be used, expert advice should be sought regarding alternative methods of support to enable the lower edges
of the plasterboard to be fixed together and to the lower flange, and for the top edge of the plasterboard to be held in position.
Reinforcement shall consist of steel binding wire not less than 2.3 mm in thickness or a steel mesh weighing not less than 0.5 kg/m2. In
concrete protection, the spacing of that reinforcement shall not exceed 200 mm in any direction.
Concrete not assumed to be load bearing, reinforced.
Table 16 Timber Floors — Tongued and Grooved Boarding, or Sheets of Tongued and Grooved
Plywood or Wood Chipboard, of not Less than 21 mm Finished Thickness
(Clause 3.3.2)
Nature of Construction and Materials Minimum Thickness (mm) of Protection for a
Fire Resistance of
½h 1h 2h
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1½ h 1h 2h
(1) (2) (3) (4)
37 mm (minimum) timber joists with a ceiling of:
1. Timber lathing and plaster, plaster of thickness 15
2. Metal lathing and plaster, thickness of plaster for:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster (metal lathing grade) 15
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 13 13 25
3. One layer of plasterboard with taped and filled joints 12.7
4. Two layers of plasterboard with joints staggered, joints in outer layer taped 22 31
and filled total thickness
5. One layer of plasterboard not less than 9.5 mm thick, finish with:
a) Gypsum plaster 5
b) Sanded gypsum plaster 15
c) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 13
6. One layer of plasterboard not less than 12.7 mm thick, finished with:
a) Gypsum plaster 5
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 10
7. One layer of asbestos insulating board, with any transverse joints backed by 9 121)
fillets of asbestos insulating board not less than 9 mm thick, or by timber
Finished on top with 25 mm minimum thick glass fibre or mineral wool laid between joints.
½h 1h
(1) (2) (3)
37 mm (minimum) timber joists with a ceiling of:
1. Timber lathing and plaster, plaster of thickness 15
2. Metal lathing and plaster, thickness of plaster for:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster (metal lathing grade) 15
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 13 19
3. One layer of plasterboard with joints taped and filled and backed by timber 12.7
4. Two layers of plasterboard with joints staggered, joints in outer layer taped 25
and filled total thickness
5. Two layers of plasterboard, each not less than 9.5 mm thick, joints between 5
boards staggered and outer layer finished with gypsum plaster
6. One layer of plasterboard not less than 9.5 mm thick, finish with:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster 13
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 15
7. One layer of plasterboard not less than 12.7 mm thick, finished with:
a) Sanded gypsum plaster 15
b) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 13
8. One layer of asbestos insulating board with any transverse joints backed by 12
fillets of asbestos insulating board not less than 9 mm thick, or by timber
Every building shall be so constructed, equipped, 4.2.10 All exits shall provide continuous means of
maintained and operated as to avoid undue danger to egress to the exterior of a building or to an exterior
the life and safety of the occupants from fire, smoke, open space leading to a street.
fumes or panic during the time period necessary for 4.2.11 Exits shall be so arranged that they may be
escape. reached without passing through another occupied
4.2 General Exit Requirements
4.3 Occupant Load
4.2.1 An exit may be a doorway; corridor; passageway(s)
to an internal staircase, or external staircase, or to a For determining the exits required, the number of
VERANDAH or terrace(s), which have access to the persons within any floor area or the occupant load shall
street, or to the roof of a building or a refuge area. An be based on the actual number of occupants, but in no
exit may also include a horizontal exit leading to an case less than that specified in Table 20.
adjoining building at the same level.
4.3.1 Mezzanine
4.2.2 Lifts and escalators shall not be considered as
The occupant load of a mezzanine floor discharging
to a floor below shall be added to that floor occupancy
4.2.3 Every exit, exit access or exit discharge shall be and the capacity of the exits shall be designed for the
continuously maintained free of all obstructions or total occupancy load thus established.
impediments to full use in the case of fire or other
emergency. 4.4 Capacities of Exits
4.2.4 Every building meant for human occupancy shall 4.4.1 The unit of exit width, used to measure the
be provided with exits sufficient to permit safe escape capacity of any exit, shall be 500 mm. A clear width
of occupants, in case of fire or other emergency. of 250 mm shall be counted as an additional half unit.
Clear widths less than 250 mm shall not be counted
4.2.5 In every building or structure, exits shall comply for exit width.
with the minimum requirements of this part, except
NOTE — The total occupants from a particular floor must
those not accessible for general public use.
evacuate within 2½ minutes for Type 1 construction,
4.2.6 No building shall be so altered as to reduce the 1½ minutes for Type 2 construction and 1 minute for Type 3
construction. Size of the exit door/exitway shall be calculated
number, width or protection of exits to less than that accordingly keeping in view the travel distance as per
required. Table 22.
4.2.7 Exits shall be clearly visible and the route to 4.4.2 Occupants per unit exit width shall be in
reach the exits shall be clearly marked and signs posted accordance with Table 21.
to guide the occupants of the floor concerned. Signs
shall be illuminated and wired to an independent 4.4.3 Horizontal Exit Allowance
electrical circuit on an alternative source of supply. When horizontal exit is provided in buildings of
The sizes and colours of the exit signs shall be in mercantile, storage, industrial, business and assembly
accordance with good practice [4(16)]. The colour of occupancies, the capacity per storey per unit width of
the exit signs shall be green. exit of stairways in Table 21 may be increased by 50
NOTE — This provision shall not apply to A-2 and A-4 percent and in buildings of institutional occupancy it
occupancies less than 15 m in height. may be increased by 100 percent.
j) The exit sign with arrow indicating the way 4.10 Pressurization of Staircases (Protected Escape
to the escape route shall be provided at a Routes)
suitable height from the floor level on the wall 4.10.1 Though in normal building design,
and shall be illuminated by electric light compartmentation plays a vital part in limiting the
connected to corridor circuits. All exit way spread of fire, smoke will readily spread to adjacent
marking signs should be flush with the wall spaces through the various leakage openings in the
and so designed that no mechanical damage compartment enclosure, such as cracks, openings
shall occur to them due to moving of furniture around pipes ducts, airflow grills and doors, as perfect
or other heavy equipments. Further, all sealing of all these openings is not possible. It is smoke
landings of floor shall have floor indicating and toxic gases, rather than flame, that will initially
boards prominently indicating the number of obstruct the free movement of occupants of the
floor as per bye-laws. building through the means of escape (escape routes).
The floor indication board shall be placed on Hence the exclusion of smoke and toxic gases from
the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs the protected routes is of great importance.
and nearest to the landing. It shall be of size 4.10.2 Pressurization is a method adopted for protected
not less than 0.5 m × 0.5 m. escape routes against ingress of smoke, especially in
k) Individual floors shall be prominently high-rise buildings. In pressurization, air is injected
indicated on the wall facing the staircases. into the staircases, lobbies or corridors, to raise their
m) In case of single staircase it shall terminate pressure slightly above the pressure in adjacent parts
at the ground floor level and the access to of the building. As a result, ingress of smoke or toxic
the basement shall be by a separate staircase. gases into the escape routes will be prevented. The
The second staircase may lead to basement pressurization of staircases shall be adopted for high
levels provided the same is separate at rise buildings and building having mixed occupancy/
ground level by ventilated lobby with multiplexes having covered area more than 500 m2.
discharge points to two different ends 4.10.3 The pressure difference for staircases shall be
through enclosures. as under:
4.12.4 Where there is a difference in level between 4.16 Emergency and Escape Lighting
connected areas for horizontal exits, ramps, not more 4.16.1 Emergency lighting shall be powered from a
than 1 in 10 m slope shall be provided; steps shall not source independent of that supplying the normal
be used. lighting [see good practice [4 (17)].
4.12.5 Doors in horizontal exits shall be openable at Escape lighting shall be capable of:
all times from both sides.
a) Indicating clearly and unambiguously the
4.13 Fire Tower escape routes,
Fire towers are the preferred type of escape route for b) Providing adequate illumination along such
storeyed buildings and these shall be considered as the routes to allow safe movement of persons
safest route for escape. Their number, location and size towards and through the exits,
shall depend on the building concerned, and its c) Ensuring that fire alarm call points and fire-
associated escape routes. fighting equipments provided along the
escape routes can be readily located.
4.13.1 In high rise buildings with over 8 storeys or
24 m in height, at least one required means of egress 4.16.2 The horizontal luminance at floor level on the
shall preferably be a fire tower. centreline of an escape route shall be not less than
10 lux. In addition, for escape routes up to 2 m wide,
4.13.2 The fire towers shall be constructed of walls 50 percent of the route width shall be lit to a minimum
with a 2 h fire resistance rating without openings other of 5 lux.
than the exit doorways, with platforms, landings and
balconies having the same fire-resistance rating. 4.16.3 The emergency lighting shall be provided to
be put on within 1 s of the failure of the normal lighting
4.14 Ramps supply.
4.14.1 Ramps shall comply with all the applicable 4.16.4 Escape lighting luminaries should be sited to
requirements for stairways regarding enclosure, cover the following locations:
Fire Hose Dry Wet Down- Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Underground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Reel Riser Riser Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank Underground Terrace
gusher (see System Electric and Alarm Storage Static Water Tank Level
Note 6) Fire Alarm System Tank Storage Tank with
Systems (Fire Pump) Minimum
1) Less than 15 m in
i) Up to 15 rooms R NR NR NR NR NR R NR NR NR 5 000 NR NR
(see Note 2) (see Note 3)
Table 23 — Continued
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
c) Dormitories (A-3)
Houses (A-4)
d) Hotels (A-5)
1) Less than 15 m
in height
Table 23 — Continued
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
3) 15 m and above but not R R NR R NR R R R R 100 000 20 000 (see Note 20) NR
exceeding 24 m in height (see Note 11)
Table 23 — Continued
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
iii) Built up area more R R NR R R R R NR R 100 000 10 000 (see Note 20) 450
than 500 m2 (see Note 7)
b) Moderate Hazard
(G-2) (see Note 14)
iii) Built up area more R R NR R R R R R R 75 000 20 000 (see Note 20) 900
than 500 m2 and (see Note 7)
up to 1 000 m2
iv) Built up area more R R NR R R R R R R 100 000 20 000 (see Note 20) 900
than 1 000 m2 (see Note 7)
iii) Built up area more R R NR R NR NR R NR R 25 000 10 000 (see Note 19) 450
than 150 m2 and
up to 300 m2
iv) Built up area more R R NR R NR R R R R 50 000 20 000 (see Note 19) 900
than 300 m2 and
up to 500 m2
v) Built up area more R R NR R R R R R R 100 000 20 000 (see Note 20) 900
than 500 m2 (see Note 7)
2) Below 15 m in height
and covered area more
than 250 m2
Table 23 — Concluded
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
iii) More than ground R R NR R NR R R NR R 100 000 10 000 (see Note 20) 450
plus one floor
1) Up to 15 m in height
ii) More than one floor R R NR R R R R R R Minimum 50 000 (see Note 18) 900
building but not 4 h fire
exceeding 15 m fighting
R — Required
NR — Not Required
1 Buildings above15 m in height not to be permitted for occupancies A-1 and A-2.
2 Required to be installed in basement if area of basement exceeds 200 m2.
3 Required to be provided if basement area exceeds 200 m2.
4 Additional value given in parenthesis shall be added if basement area exceeds 200 m2.
5 Required to be provided for buildings with more than two storeys (Ground + One).
6 As per the requirement of local authority Dry Riser may be used in hilly areas, industrial areas or as required.
7 Required to be provided for buildings with height above 15 m.
8 To be installed in basement. If basement provided is used for car parking and area thereof exceeds 750 m2 then the sprinklers shall be fed water from both underground static water storage tank and
terrace tank.
9 Required to be provided for buildings with more than one storey.
10 To be installed in entire building.
11 To be installed in all floors at appropriate places and in consultation with local fire authorities.
12 Buildings above 30 m in height not to be permitted for Group B, Group C, Group D and Group F occupancies.
13 All underground shopping areas should be fully air-conditioned.
14 The requirements given in this table for Group G Industrial Buildings are for small scale industry units. For other industries the requirements will have to be worked out on the basis of relevant Indian
Standards and also in consultation with the local fire authorities.
15 Buildings above 18 m in height not to be permitted for G-1 and G-2 occupancies.
16 Buildings above 15 m in height not to be permitted for G-3 occupancies.
17 Buildings above 15 m in height not to be permitted for Group H and Group J occupancies.
-do- 4. Assembly buildings (D) 15 m or above but not exceeding 30 m and total floor
area not exceeding 500 m2/floor (above 30 m, not to
be permitted)
-do- 10. All buildings classified under 1 (v) above Above 30 m and area exceeding 500 m2
-do- 14. All storage buildings (H) Above 10 m but not exceeding 15 m
-do- 15. All Hazardous buildings (J) Above 10 m but not exceeding 15 m
Buildings above 15 m in height not permitted in case of high hazard industrial buildings.
selective sprinklering is adopted, there is a real danger of a fire cooled transformers as applicable in accordance
starting on one of the lower unsprinklered floors gathering with C-1.16 and good practice [4(23)].
momentum, spreading upwards from floor to floor through the
unsprinklered floor and reaching the first sprinklered floor as 5.1.9 Fixed Foam Installation
a fully developed fire. In such an event, the sprinklers can be
rendered useless or ineffective. Fixed foam generating system shall be provided for
2 Use of false ceiling voids for storage or as return air plenums protection of oil storage area for boilers with its
should be discouraged. ancillary storage of furnace oils in basement. Fixed
3 For areas having very high ceiling height and other special foam installations can be low, medium or high
function areas, where automatic sprinklers cannot be provided,
appropriate sprinklers/provisions shall be provided in expansion types, which can cover fire risks in oil
consultation with local fire authorities. storage areas generally. High expansion foams are used
for cable tunnels and other confined areas.
5.1.8 Automatic High Velocity Water Spray or
Emulsifying System 5.1.10 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System
Automatic high velocity water spray or emulsifying Fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installation
system shall be provided for protection of indoor oil- shall be provided in accordance with good practice All buildings or sections of buildings in penal Every place of assembly, every tier or balcony,
and mental institutions used for manufacturing, storage and every individual room used as a place of assembly
or office purposes shall have exits in accordance with shall have exits sufficient to provide for the total
the provisions of the Code for those occupancies. capacity thereof as determined in accordance with 4.
Door width for assembly buildings shall not be less
6.3.4 Additional Precautions than 2 000 mm. No combustible material of any kind shall be a) Every place of assembly of sub-division D-1
6.5 Business Buildings (Group E) Occupancy sub-division E-1 (except office
6.5.1 In addition to the general requirements specified buildings)
in 3.4 for type of construction and occupancy group
and the exit requirements given in 4, the requirements Details of Fire Detection/Extinguishing
given in 6.5.2 to 6.5.5 shall be complied with. Occupancy System
6.5.2 Fire Detection/Extinguishing System E-1 Automatic fire alarm system {good
The requirements for occupancy sub-divisions as practice [4(17)] and [4(18)], and
specified in Table 23 and Annex C (for High Rise Table 23}.
Buildings) shall apply.
(Clauses, 4.18.2, 5.1.8, 5.2.2, 6.1.2, 6.2.3, 6.3.2, 6.4.3, 6.5.2, 6.6.2,
6.7.2, 6.8.2 and 6.9.2)
C-0 GENERAL on top of the shaft and separated from the shaft
by the floor of the room.
In addition to the general provisions given in this Part,
c) Landing doors in lift enclosures shall have a
the Authority may insist on suitable protection
fire resistance of not less than 1 h.
measures (see C-1 to C-11) in a building 15 m in height
or above. d) The number of lifts in one row for a lift bank
shall not exceed 4 and the total number of
C-1 CONSTRUCTION lifts in the bank (of two rows) shall not exceed
8. A wall of 2 h fire rating shall separate
C-1.1 All materials of constructions in load bearing
individual shafts in a bank.
elements, stairways and corridors and facades shall be
non-combustible. e) Lift car door shall have a fire resistance rating
of half an hour.
C-1.2 The interior finish materials shall not have a flame f) Collapsible gates shall not be permitted for
spreadability rating exceeding Class 1 (see lifts and shall have solid doors with fire
C-1.3 The internal walls or staircase shall be of brick resistance of at least 1 h.
or reinforced concrete with a minimum of 2 h fire g) If the lift shaft and lobby is in the core of the
rating. building, a positive pressure between 25 and
30 Pa shall be maintained in the lobby and a
C-1.4 The staircase shall be ventilated to the
positive pressure of 50 Pa shall be maintained
atmosphere at each landing and a vent at the top; the
in the lift shaft. The mechanism for
vent openings shall be of 0.5 m2 in the external wall
pressurization shall act automatically with the
and the top. If the staircase cannot be ventilated,
fire alarm; it shall be possible to operate this
because of location or other reasons, a positive pressure
mechanically also.
50 Pa shall be maintained inside. The mechanism for
pressurizing the staircase shall operate automatically h) Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the
with the fire alarm. The roof of the shaft shall be 1 m core of the building, shall be through a self-
above the surrounding roof. Glazing or glass bricks if closing smoke stop door of half an hour fire
used in staircase, shall have fire resistance rating of resistance.
minimum 2 h. j) Lifts shall not normally communicate with
the basement; if, however, lifts are in
C-1.5 Lifts communication, the lift lobby of the
basements shall be pressurized as in (g), with
General requirements of lifts shall be as follows:
self-closing door as in (h).
a) Walls of lift enclosures shall have a fire rating k) Grounding switch(es), at ground floor level,
of 2 h; lifts shafts shall have a vent at the top shall be provided on all the lifts to enable the
of area not less than 0.2 m2. fire service to ground the lifts.
b) Lift motor room shall be located preferably m) Telephone or other communication facilities
C-1.6.6 If cut outs are provided from basements to C-1.12 Electrical services shall conform to the
the upper floors or to the atmospheres, all sides cut following:
out openings in the basements shall be protected by a) The electric distribution cables/wiring shall
sprinkler head at close spacing so as to form a water be laid in a separate duct. The duct shall be
curtain in the event of a fire. sealed at every floor with non-combustible
C-1.7 Openable windows on external walls shall be materials having the same fire resistance as
fitted with such locks that can be opened by a fireman’s that of the duct. Low and medium voltage
axe. wiring running in shaft and in false ceiling
shall run in separate conduits;
C-1.8 All floors shall be compartmented with area not b) Water mains, telephone lines, intercom lines,
exceeding 750 m2 by a separation wall with 2 h fire gaspipes or any other service line shall not be
rating, for floors with sprinklers the area may be laid in the duct for electrical cables; use of
increased by 50 percent. In long building, the fire bus ducts/solid rising mains instead of cables
separation walls shall be at distances not exceeding is preferred;
40 m. For departmental stores, shopping centres and
c) Separate circuits for fire fighting pumps, lifts,
basements, the area may be reduced to 500 m2 for
staircases and corridor lighting and blowers
compartmentation. Where this is not possible, the
for pressurizing system shall be provided
spacings of the sprinklers shall be suitably reduced.
directly from the main switch gear panel and
When reducing the spacing of sprinklers, care should
these circuits shall be laid in separate conduit
be taken to prevent spray from one sprinkler impeding
pipes, so that fire in one circuit will not affect
the performance of an adjascent sprinkler head.
the others. Such circuits shall be protected at
C-1.8.1 It is essential to make provisions for drainage origin by an automatic circuit breaker with
of any such water on all floors to prevent or minimize its no-volt coil removed. Master switches
water damage of the contents. The drain pipes should controlling essential service circuits shall be
be provided on the external wall for drainage of water clearly labelled;
(Clauses (a) and 6.7.5)
D-2.5 Size, Spacing and Disposition of Vents D-2.6.2 They shall be of sheet metal or any other
substantial non-combustible material strong enough to
D-2.5.1 Vents shall be correctly sited to ensure their withstand damage by heat or impact.
functional efficiency. Ideally, they shall be sited at the
highest point in each area to be covered. D-2.6.3 They shall be reasonably gas-tight, although
small openings for passage of pipes, conduits, etc, shall
D-2.5.2 They shall, as far as possible, be located be permitted.
immediately above the risk to be protected so as to
allow free and speedy removal of smoke and other D-2.6.4 They shall extend down from the roof/ceiling
combustion products in the event of fire. for a minimum depth of 2.2 m. Around specific
hazards, the depth shall be 4 m. Where roof/ceiling
D-2.5.3 The minimum dimension for an effective vent height exceeds 15 m they shall extend down to within
opening shall be not less than 1.25 m in any direction. 3 m of the floor. For pitched sawtoothed roofs, they
D-2.5.4 The spacing of the individual vents shall be shall extend down to truss level dividing the roof into
based on the principle that more number of well compartments.
distributed smaller vents are more effective than less D-2.6.5 In moderate hazard occupancies, the distance
number of badly located larger vents. between the screens/curtain boards shall not exceed
D-2.5.5 The maximum spacing between vents for the 75 m and the curtained areas shall be limited to a
three occupancy classifications shall be as follows: maximum of 4 500 m2.
a) Low heat release content — 45 m between D-2.6.6 In high hazard occupancies, the distance
centres between screens shall not exceed 30 m and the
b) Moderate heat release content — 36 to 37 m curtained area shall be limited to 750 m2.
between centres D-2.6.7 The curtained roof area shall be so arranged
c) High heat release content — 22.5 to 30 m that they effectively aid in the venting of smoke and
between centres, depending on the severity hot gases through the automatic vents provided in each
of fire potential. area.
D-2.5.6 Vents shall be placed in a sheltered situation D-2.6.8 In sprinklered buildings, the screens shall
where advantage can be taken of the prevailing wind. preferably be so located as to coincide with the
The design of the vent shall be such as to produce a individual sprinkler system areas.
suction effect. A wind blowing across a flat roof or
one with a pitch be 40° produces a negative pressure, D-3 EXPLOSION RELIEF VENTS
that is, it tends to draw gases out of the building and so D-3.1 Industrial premises where combustible dusts can
aids venting of hot gases. Wind blowing across a roof accumulate or where flammable gases, vapours or mists
of pitch greater than 40° will draw gases out on the in explosive concentrations may be present are
leeward side, but oppose outward flow on the constantly exposed to explosion hazards. Pressures
windward side of the roof. developed by such explosions may be of the order of
D-2.5.7 Low level inlets, with total area not less than 7 × 105 Pa and ordinary buildings will not be able to
the total area of vents, shall be provided to permit withstand the shock of such pressures. Hence, such
outside air to be drawn in to aid automatic venting. buildings require explosion relief vents for preventing
These inlets, which may be in the form of doors, structural damage.
windows or such other openings, shall be designed for
manual operation when desired. D-3.2 Basic Principle/Considerations
D-3.2.1 Most ordinary building walls will not
D-2.6 Roof Screens or Curtain Boards withstand a sustained internal pressure as great as
D-2.6.1 Industrial buildings with large areas and 6.9 × 10 3 Pa. Hence, explosion relief vents for
having no sub-division/separating walls limiting the buildings must be designed to operate at pressures well
area of individual compartments to 750 m2 or less, shall below those at which the building walls will fail.
be provided with roof screens or curtain boards. D-3.2.2 There is a rise in pressure during an explosion
These screens which extend from the roof downwards within an enclosure even with open, unobstructed
at specific intervals not only prevent lateral spread of vents, and any delay in opening the venting devices
heat and smoke in the event of fire below, but increases that pressure.
D-3.2.8 The maximum explosion pressure in a vented D-3.3.7 Movable sash shall be of the top or bottom
structure decreases as the size of the vent increases, but hinged or protected type. These shall be equipped with
is independent of the rupturing pressure of a diaphragm. a latch or friction device to prevent accidental opening
due to wind action or intrusion. Such latches or locks
D-3.2.9 The most effective vent for the release of shall be well maintained.
explosion pressures is an unobstructed vent opening.
D-3.3.8 Fixed sash shall be set in place with very light
D-3.2.10 Pressure required to rupture diaphragms of wall anchorages, or, if right, shall be securely fitted
the same area and material directly varies with the and glazed with plastic panes in plastic putty.
thickness of the material.
D-3.3.9 Where the process is such that the whole of a
D-3.2.11 The slower the rate of pressure rise, the more building or a room may be desirable to arrange for a
easily can the explosion be vented. lightly constructed wall or roof to collapse and thus
D-3.2.12 The degree of venting required is directly avert the worst effects of an explosion.
proportional to the degree of explosion hazard.
D-3.4 Design, Size and Disposition of Vents
D-3.2.13 Experience has shown that most explosions
D-3.4.1 The required area of explosion vents shall
of dusts, vapours and gases do not involve a large part
ordinarily depend on the expected maximum intensity
of the total volume of the enclosure, and frequently
of an explosion in the occupancy, the strength of the
occur near the upper or lower limits of the explosive
structure, the type of vent closure and other factors.
range. Consequently, such explosions are relatively
weak compared with the optimum. D-3.4.2 Venting shall be planned in such a manner as
Any person discovering fire, heat or smoke shall E-4.2 Floor Numbering Signs
immediately report such condition to the fire brigade,
A sign shall be posted and maintained within each
unless he has personal knowledge that such a report
stair enclosure on every floor, indicating the number
has been made. No person shall make, issue, post or
of the floor, in accordance with the requirements
maintain any regulation or order, written or verbal, that
given below.
would require any person to take any unnecessary
delaying action prior to reporting such condition to The numerals shall be of bold type and at least 75 mm
the fire brigade. high. The numerals and background shall be in
contrasting colours. The sign shall be securely attached
E-3 DRILLS to the stair side of the door.
E-3.1 Fire drills shall be conducted, in accordance with
E-4.3 Stair and Elevator Identification Signs
the Fire Safety Plan, at least once every three months
for existing buildings during the first two years. Each stairway and each elevator back shall be identified
Thereafter, fire drills shall be conducted at least once by an alphabetical letter. A sign indicating the letter of
every six months. identification shall be posted and maintained at each
elevator landing and on the side of the stairway door
E-3.2 All occupants of the building shall participate
from which egress is to be made, in accordance with
in the fire drill. However, occupants of the building,
the requirements given below:
other than building service employees, are not required
to leave the floor or use the exits during the drill. The lettering on the sign shall be at least 75 mm high,
of bold type and of contrasting colour from the
E-3.3 A written record of such drills shall be kept on
background. Such signs shall be securely attached.
the premises for a three years period and shall be readily
available for fire brigade inspection. E-4.4 Stair Re-entry Signs
E-4 SIGNS AND PLANS A sign shall be posted and maintained on each floor
within each stairway and on the occupancy side of the
E-4.1 Signs at Lift Landings stairway where required, indicating whether re-entry
A sign shall be posted and maintained in a conspicuous is provided into the building and the floor where
place on every floor at or near the lift landing in such re-entry is provided, in accordance with the
accordance with the requirements, indicating that in requirements given below:
case of fire, occupants shall use the stairs unless The lettering and numerals of the signs shall be at least
instructed otherwise. The sign shall contain a diagram 12.5 mm high of bold type. The lettering and
showing the location of the stairways except that such background shall be of contrasting colours and the
diagram may be omitted, provided signs containing signs shall be securely attached approximately 1.5 m
such diagram are posted in conspicuous places on the above the floor level.
respective floor.
E-4.5 Fire command station shall be provided with
A sign shall read “IN CASE OF FIRE, USE STAIRS floor plan of the building and other pertinent
UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE”. The lettering information relative to the service equipment of the
shall be at least 12.5 mm block letters in red and white building.
The following list records those standards which are IS No. Title
acceptable as ‘good practice’ and ‘accepted standards’ 3844 : 1989 Code of practice for installation
in the fulfillment of the requirements of the Code. The and maintenance of internal fire
standards listed may be used by the Authority as a guide hydrants and hose reels on
in conformance with the requirements of the referred premises (first revision)
clauses in the Code. (7) 3614 Specification for fire check
IS No. Title (Part 1) : 1966 doors: Part 1 Plate, metal covered
and rolling type
(1) 3808 : 1979 Method of test for non-
combustibility of building (8) 12458 : 1988 Method of test for fire resistance
materials (first revision) test for fire stops
(2) 8757 : 1999 Glossary of terms associated (9) 1646 : 1997 Code of practice for fire safety
with fire safety (first revision) of buildings (general) :
Electrical installations (second
7673 : 1975 Glossary of terms for fire revision)
fighting equipment
2309 : 1989 Code of practice for protection of
(3) 15394 : 2003 Fire safety in petroleum refinery building and allied structures
and fertilizer plants — Code of against lighting (second revision)
(10) ................ Specification for fire dampers
(4) 8758 : 1993 Recommendations for fire for air conditioning ducts (under
precautionary measures in the preparation)
construction of temporary
(11) 11360 : 1985 Specification for smoke
structures and PANDALS (first
detectors for use in automatic
revision) electrical fire alarm system
(5) 3809 : 1979 Fire resistance test of structure (12) 659 : 1964 Safety code for air-conditioning
(first revision)
(13) 1649 : 1962 Code of practice for design and
1641 : 1988 Code of practice for fire safety construction of flues and
of buildings (general): General chimneys for domestic heating
principles of fire grading and appliances (first revision)
classification (first revision)
1642 : 1989 Code of practice for safety of
15103 : 2002 Specification for fire resistant buildings (general): Details of
steel construction (first revision)
(6) 9668 : 1990 Code of practice for provision (14) 12777 : 1989 Fire safety-flame-spread of
and maintenance of water products — Method for
supplies and fire fighting classification