STS Finals' Reviewer
STS Finals' Reviewer
STS Finals' Reviewer
These are the following three different types of biodiversity: Economic Importance
1. Species Biodiversity – The diversity of species found in a given Resources for the production of food, cosmetics, and medications can be
location is referred to as species diversity. It represents biodiversity at found in biodiversity. Crops livestock, fishery, and forests are rich sources
its most fundamental level. It encompasses all species, from various of food. Various plant species are the source of wood, fibers, lubricants,
bacteria to plants, within a species; no two individuals are precisely fragrances, rubber, resins, poison, and cork. Tourists can visit the national
same. Humans, for instance, exhibit great diversity among parks and sanctuaries. For many, they are a source of joy and beauty.
Ethical Importance
2. Genetic Biodiversity – It speaks of the differences between an It is the right of all species to coexist. They shouldn't choose to go extinct
organism's genetic resources. Individuals within a given species are because of humans. Diversity in culture and spiritual heritage is preserved
genetically distinct from one another. That explains why each and by biodiversity. As a result, biodiversity conservation is crucial.
every human has a unique appearance. Similar to this, multiple
variations of the same species exist for barley, wheat, rice, and maize. Eight major causes of biodiversity are as follows:
3. Ecological Biodiversity – A collection of living and non-living things 1. Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: The natural home of a plant or animal
and their interactions with one another, that makes up an ecosystem. is known as its habitat. For 85% of all species classified as vulnerable or
The differences among the plant and animal species that coexist and endangered, habitat loss is the primary hazard. Urbanization, fire, overuse,
are linked by food webs and food chains are referred to as ecological and deforestation are the causes of this.
2. Over-exploitation for Commercialization: The overuse of resources has slowing down. To this is added the reality that approximately 75% of the
caused more environmental damage than benefits. For instance, shrimp world's natural resources are consumed by 25% of the population.
aquaculture degrades coastal fisheries, pollutes coastal waters, and Overconsumption is a subset of the larger problem of unsustainable use.
destroys wetlands in Ecuador, Indonesia, Thailand, India, and other
countries. According to scientific research, the costs associated with 7. Illegal Wildlife Trade: There is a massive global trade in wild flora and
environmental damage brought on by shrimp farming outweigh the money animals. Animals are captured live for the pet trade, or their components
made from shrimp exports. are exported for use as food or medicine. In addition, people harvest plants
from the wild for their medicinal or agricultural use.
3. Invasive Species: "Alien" or "exotic" species introduced by humans,
whether on purpose or by mistake, are considered invasive species. These 8. Species extinction: The process of extinction is natural. Numerous
species threaten the local biodiversity when they establish themselves in hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species have vanished over
their new habitat and expand unrestrained. After habitat loss, these the ages due to their inability to adapt to shifting environmental conditions,
invasive alien species are thought to pose the second biggest danger to according to the geological record. The current pace of species extinction,
biodiversity. however, appears to be at least a hundred to a thousand times higher than
the natural rate, according to recent data.
4. Pollution: One of the hardest issues to solve is pollution, which poses a
serious danger to biodiversity because it knows neither national or Biodiversity and its Conservation Methods
international bounds. For instance, a range of fertilizers and pesticides Biodiversity refers to the variability of life on earth. It can be conserved in
found in agricultural runoff may infiltrate into rivers and ground water the following ways:
before entering the ocean. Pollutants in the atmosphere are deposited far • In-situ Conservation
from their initial source as they drift with the dominant air currents. • Ex-situ Conservation
Capital Punishment: The state-sanctioned practice of killing someone as Social issues in information technology: Any issue relating to the usage
a punishment for a crime is known as capital punishment, also known as and advancement of technology that negatively impacts the health or well-
the death penalty or judicial homicide. Typically, this process involves being of a person, a community, or society at large is considered a social
determining that the victim is at fault for breaking laws that call for the issue in the field of information technology. Identifying and taking
death penalty. advantage of digital divisions, unprotected access to personal data,
absence of safety requirements for data processing, and online DIGITAL ECONOMY
harassment and cyberbullying are a few examples.
Broad Scope in Digitalized Economy
Racial discrimination: Any form of discrimination against a person based ➢ E-Business: refers to the utilization of digital technologies to
on their race, ethnic background, or skin color is known as racial conduct various business processes, including communication,
discrimination. People can practice discrimination against members of a collaboration, and transactions, to enhance efficiency and
certain group by declining to interact, transact business, or share effectiveness.
resources with them. When someone is treated differently or denied the ➢ E-Commerce: involves the buying and selling of goods and
same opportunities as others in a comparable circumstance due to their services over the internet, encompassing online retail, electronic
race, nationality, ethnic origin, or skin tone, this is known as racial payments, and digital marketplaces, transforming traditional
discrimination. commerce into a digital landscape.
➢ Industry 4.0: or the fourth industrial revolution, integrates
advanced digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
Same-sex marriage: between partners who identify as the same sex or
artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics into manufacturing
gender is known as same-sex marriage. For instance, a union of two males
processes to create smart, interconnected, and automated
or two women. The only major distinction in the legal treatment of same- systems. Including Japan’s entertainment robots and smart
sex and heterosexual partnerships worldwide is the ability to marry. Even factories. These smart factories are equipped with advanced
though same-sex marriage is still debatable, public and political opinion sensors, embedded software, and robotics that collect and
has changed, and the topic will probably be on the political agenda. A fixed analyze data and allow for better decision-making.
marriage, sometimes referred to as an arranged marriage, is a kind of ➢ Precision Agriculture: utilizes digital technologies, including
marriage in which the partners are not the ones choosing the other person; sensors, GPS, and data analytics, to optimize farming practices by
rather, it is their families or a matchmaker. precisely managing resources such as water, fertilizers, and
pesticides, leading to enhanced productivity and sustainability.
Violence: is defined as the application of physical force to inflict pain, ➢ Algorithm Economy: involves the growing importance of
injury, death, damage, or destruction on humans, animals, or property. algorithms in decision-making processes, ranging from
Intimate partner violence, often known as domestic violence, is personalized recommendations in e-commerce to advanced
analytics driving business strategies, highlighting the value of
characterized by a pattern of coercive and assaultive behaviors, including
algorithms in the digital era. Including machine learning, artificial
physical, sexual, and psychological abuse.
intelligence, and other processes where software evolves beyond
the limits of its original programming through the use of smart
algorithm design.
E-Business ➢ Share Economy: also known as the sharing or collaborative
E-Commerce economy, involves peer-to-peer sharing of resources facilitated by
Industry 4.0 Hardware
Digital Services digital platforms, transforming how goods and services are
Precision Agriculture Software
Platform Economy
Algorithm Economy ICT/IT consumed and disrupting traditional business models.
Share Economy
B. Narrow Scope in Digitalized Economy: B. Digital Education: enhance and facilitate the learning process. It
encompasses online learning platforms, educational apps, and digital
➢ Digital Services or Service: encompasses a wide range of online tools that transform traditional teaching methods, providing accessible
or technology-enabled services, including software as a service
and interactive educational experiences.
(SaaS), cloud computing, and other digital solutions that enhance
efficiency, accessibility, and scalability.
➢ Platform Economy: revolves around digital platforms that connect C. E-Governance: signifies the use of digital technologies in government
producers and consumers, enabling the exchange of goods, processes to enhance efficiency, transparency, and citizen engagement. It
services, or information, with examples ranging from e-commerce includes the implementation of E-policies and E-services.
platforms to social media networks. ➢ E-policies: refer to digital strategies and guidelines adopted by
governments to regulate and govern activities in the digital realm.
These policies address issues such as cybersecurity, data privacy,
C. Information and Communication Technology (ICT/IT): and digital rights, shaping the legal and regulatory framework for
the digital society. (SSS new policies and agreements)
➢ Hardware: refers to the physical components of computing ➢ E-services: the digital delivery of government services to citizens.
devices, including computers, servers, and devices like This includes online platforms for tasks like tax filing, permit
smartphones, constituting the tangible infrastructure necessary applications, information dissemination, streamlining public
for digital operations. services, and increasing accessibility. (DTI Certificates)
➢ Software: comprises the programs, applications, and operating
systems that enable computers and devices to perform specific D. E-commerce: involves the buying and selling of goods and services over
tasks, emphasizing the role of coded instructions in managing
digital platforms, typically the Internet. It revolutionizes traditional
digital processes.
commerce by facilitating transactions and fostering a global marketplace.
➢ ICT/IT (Information and Communication Technology /
Information Technology): represents the broader field ➢ Cashless Society: characterized by the widespread use of digital
encompassing both hardware and software, emphasizing the use transactions, eliminating or minimizing physical currency. It
of technology for communication, information management, and involves electronic payments, mobile wallets, and digital banking,
data processing in various sectors of the economy. aiming for a more efficient and secure financial system. (Sweden
has digital wallets and cards)
➢ Cashless Travel: refers to the adoption of digital payment
methods and technologies in the transportation sector. This
DIGITAL SOCIETY includes contactless payment options for public transport, ride-
sharing services, and ticketless travel experiences.
A. Digital Community: refers to a network of individuals connected ➢ Digital Market: an online platform where buyers and sellers
through digital platforms and technologies, fostering communication, engage in electronic transactions. It includes e-marketplaces,
collaboration, and shared interests in the virtual space. It emphasizes the online retail spaces, and platforms that connect businesses and
integration of technology to create a sense of belonging and interaction consumers in the digital realm, transforming the traditional
among its members. marketplace into a virtual, borderless space. (Online Stores and
Online Marketplaces like Shopee and Lazada)
Digital World accessible on-demand, changing how people consume and
participate in the creation of entertainment content. Digital
Concepts that Transform in the Digital World: platforms redefine the concept of fan communities and the overall
➢ Brand - In the digital world, a brand undergoes a transformative enjoyment of entertainment.
shift by extending its distinct characteristics beyond physical
appearances to online platforms. Digital branding involves
creating a cohesive online presence through websites, social
media, and digital marketing, enabling global visibility and
engagement with a broader audience.
➢ Support - Digital transformation enhances support systems by
leveraging technology. Emergency services, for instance, can use
digital platforms for faster communication, location tracking, and
data analysis. Online support channels, chatbots, and digital
communication tools redefine the way individuals seek and
receive assistance, offering more immediate and personalized
➢ Learning - Digital transformation revolutionizes learning by
introducing both synchronous and asynchronous modes.
Synchronous learning, through live online sessions, promotes real-
time interaction, while asynchronous learning allows individuals
to access educational content at their own pace, breaking down
geographical barriers and providing flexibility in learning styles.
➢ Networking - Networking in the digital era is predominantly
facilitated by social media apps. Platforms like Twitter, and
Facebook transcend physical boundaries, connecting individuals
globally for professional, social, or collaborative purposes. These
digital networks redefine how people build relationships, share
information, and engage in various online communities.
➢ Social - The digital world reshapes social dynamics by influencing
political affairs, e-business, and e-commerce. Social media has
become a powerful tool for political engagement and activism. E-
businesses thrive in the online marketplace, reshaping traditional
commerce models. E-commerce platforms revolutionize the way
people buy and sell goods, providing convenience and global
➢ Fan/Fun - The entertainment aspect undergoes a digital
transformation, with the rise of online streaming services, social
media influencers, and interactive digital experiences. Fans
engage with content creators directly, and entertainment is
GEOGRAPHY ➢ Medical Geography: study the geographic distribution of disease
(including epidemics and pandemics), illness, death and health
Geography is the study of the Earth that focuses on its land, physical care.
features, and atmosphere, as well as human activities and how they are
influenced by the Earth. Geography examines the nature and relative Physical geography strives to understand the dynamics of physical
organization of physical places, locations and human societies throughout landscapes and the environment. Therefore, physical geography studies
the globe. the natural world, including the lithosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere. Hence, physical geography examines how
➢ GEO means Earth and GRAPH means writings or maps. features in the landscape are formed over time, how physical systems
Two Subdivisions develop, as well as the spatial distribution, movement, and unique
characteristics of flora and fauna.
Human geography focuses on understanding the dynamics and behavior
of humans and how they interact with the physical world around them. It ➢ Meteorology: scientific study of the Earth's atmosphere, focusing
is a branch of geography that studies the patterns and processes on weather patterns, atmospheric conditions, and the processes
responsible for shaping human societies, and focuses on economic, that govern climate.
social, cultural, political and human aspects. Human geography explores ➢ Hydrology: explores the distribution, movement, and properties of
how human beings interact with their environment over time and across water on Earth, encompassing rivers, lakes, groundwater, and their
space. interaction with the landscape.
➢ Climatology: investigates long-term weather patterns and climate
➢ Cultural Geography: investigates how culture, encompassing conditions, studying factors like temperature, precipitation, and
beliefs, customs, language, and traditions, shapes and is shaped atmospheric circulation that influence regional and global
by the spatial distribution of human activities and communities. climates.
➢ Population Geography: often equated with demography but ➢ Biogeography: study the geographic distribution of plants and
population geography is more than just patterns of birth, death, animals on the earth in the subject known as biogeography.
and marriage. Population geographers are concerned with the ➢ Geomorphology: study the landforms of the planet, from their
distribution, migration, and growth of population in geographic development to their disappearance through erosion and other
areas. processes.
➢ Political Geography: investigates all aspects of boundaries, ➢ Glaciology: study of glaciers and ice formations. It investigates
country, state, and national development, international the dynamics of glacial movement, ice accumulation, and the
organizations, diplomacy, internal country subdivisions, voting, impact of glaciers on landscapes.
and more. ➢ Oceanography: delves into the exploration of Earth's oceans,
➢ Economic Geography: examine the distribution of production and encompassing the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of
distribution of goods, the distribution of wealth, and the spatial marine environments. Scrutinizes ocean currents, marine life, and
structure of economic conditions. the geological features of the ocean floor.
➢ Geography of Religions: studies the geographic distribution of
religious groups, their cultures, and built environments. Fluvial = Water; Terrestrial = Land; Aerial = Air
Science, Technology, and Society Reviewer Three key components of the digital economy.
Feature Description
Web portals are the main hub for communication and information.
There are different types of web portals that provide users with the most
relevant information for their context. Below we will look at 9 The secure and easy sign-in option is a basic
different types of web portals. Single and customer portal feature. Once the user signs in, the
Secure Sign-In portal can provide a customized dashboard for all
Different Types of Web Portals other personalized functions.
Online payments are the new normal. Adding Features to Integrate with Corporate Portal
Payment multiple payment modules to your web portal Feature Description
Module facilitates the customer with multiple paying
This feature allows your organization to match
Customization services and information with the authorized
2. Corporate Portal users based on their profile and user rights.
A corportal or corporate portal is a website within the organization
that is used for passing information internally to employees, customers, In this feature, corporate portals not only
and partners. The web-based platform, an enterprise portal, is used for Integration integrate information from different sources
internal training, knowledge gateway, collaboration on business Flexibility but can also merge multiple portals and portal
processes, team engagement, and sharing interfaces. If you are looking to pages.
create a corporate portal for your business, tap into expertise of the top
web portal development company in Canada who has experience to create
custom web portals. Analytics and This feature helps managers in tracking user
Reporting behavior and peruse audit logs.
Feature Description For instance: Skullcandy sells earbuds, headphones, and accessories that
connect people to music. Their website makes it easy to see why they’re
This feature can help new employees with so popular. The entire site has its signature black background, contrasted
Onboarding and information on onboarding and other relevant by images full of bright colors.
Introduction details that HR shares with new employees. It can
Packets also be a place for the present employees to
refresh themselves.
This section would showcase reports for This feature is great for disseminating emergency
A Blog and Social
negotiated quotes, sales team performance, information. It also acts as a community portal
Analytics Media Integration
sales reports per various criteria, and balance where the audience can talk back to you easily.
and credit limits per buyer.
This feature is an important aspect of government
Contact web portal development. It will have emergency
Information phone numbers for users to quickly get in touch
with the agency.
In this feature, messaging between a doctor and Under this feature comes personal chats, video
Secure Doctor-Patient Social chats, online blogs, online polls, social media
patient, video consultations, and after-visit
Communication Engagement sharing tools, and topically structured online
patient surveys are all secure.
Payment and
This feature gives access to bills and online bill This feature includes employee onboarding,
Insurance Knowledge
payments. Also includes an insurance coverage professional development training, partner training
Management for Transfer and
cases list. programs and certifications, and marketing material
Patients Training
for partners.
This feature allows portal access to new users
and helps edit patients’ health and contact Under this feature, there are video streaming
Portal Administration Event
information. Also helps in uploading patient services to hold online events and user personal
information from vendor portals. calendars to schedule event participation.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is a web portal useful?
Web portals are essentially websites that provide access to several
applications and information available over the internet in an easy
2. Which are the examples of top web portals?
Examples of top web portals are employee web portals, partner
portals, intranet portals, financial portals, e-commerce portals, and
3. What are the types of web portals?
There are two essentially two types of web portals: Vertical portals
and horizontal portals.
4. What is a partner web portal?
A partner web portal is a custom web portal that organizations create
to engage with their existing partners.
5. Is Google an example of a web portal?
Yes, Google is a service-based portal.
6. What is a vertical portal?
A vertical portal is a unique access point to a specific industry, area of
interest, or niche market.
7. What are employee web portals?
Employee portals as a form of web development include web-based
tools through which employees can access relevant information and
conduct transactions from a central gateway.
Not all websites are portals, but all portals are websites. The
benefit of a portal is that it takes care of related tasks all in the same
corner of the internet. A web portal will always help your enterprise
become more professional. You will make it easier for your customers
and partners to have a better business experience if you create a
custom web portal. It becomes simpler for you to organize your site to
enhance your search engine optimization and sales. A custom web
portal enhances SEO, sales, and customer experience by providing
personalized content and services. It also boosts your brand image
and customer loyalty, making it a worthwhile investment.