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OS TEE Questions

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Unit – 1

1. Explain the OS Architecture with a neat sketch

2. Explain the Services provided by the Operating System
3. Discuss the Operating System Evolution since the simple Operating Systems
4. Define the term System call and explain the different types of system class with its syntax
5. Write Short notes on memory management in operating Systems
6. Explain the Objectives of designing Operating System
7. Discuss the design issues in developing Operating System

Unit -2

1. Define the Term Process and Explain the Process State transition diagram with all possible states
of the process
2. Explain the Process Control Block(PCB) with a neat Sketch
3. Explain the operating that can be operated over a process with the appropriate system call.
4. Explain the Following i) Short Term Scheduler ii) Long Term Scheduler
5. Explain the Concept of Critical Section for Process Synchronization using Semaphore
6. Explain the following i) Binary Semaphore ii) Counting Semaphore
7. Explain the Producer and Consumer problem with Bounded Buffer and infinite buffer size with a
sample pseudo code.
8. Explain the Dining Philosopher Problem for process synchronization with a sample Pseudo code
9. Explain the Hardware Synchronization Problem
10. Discuss Peterson’s Algorithm for solving the process Synchronization


1. Discuss the possible criteria for designing the Process Scheduling Algorithm
2. Discuss Resource Allocation Graph with an example scenario
3. Discuss the possible condition for deadlock occurrence
4. Explain the various operation that can be performed over a deadlock
5. Explain the limitations in designing the Banker’s algorithm

Note: Practice the problems in the following topics

1. Scheduling algorithms (FIFO, SJF, SRTF, Round-Robin, Priority, Multilevel Queues)

2. Banker’s Algorithm
3. Resources Allocation Graph


1. Explain the concept of Swapping with a neat sketch

2. Explain the algorithms for the dynamic memory allocation ( Best/First and Worst Fit)
3. Explain the Different of memory Allocation with a neat Sketch ( Contiguous and Non Contiguous)
4. Explain Paging Technique with a neat sketch
5. Explain Segmentation with a Sketch
6. Explain Paging with Segmentation with a neat sketch
7. Explain the following i) Page Map Table ii) Segment Map Table iii) Translate Lookaside Buffer
8. Explain the Disk Scheduling algorithms with an example scenario

Note: Practice the problems in disk scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN and C-LOOK)


1. Explain the File System in Operating System

2. Explain the following
i) File Attributes
ii) File Allocation Methods
iii) File Storage
iv) File Access Methods
v) File Control Block
vi) File Security
3. Discuss on Cryptograph security Systems
4. Discuss how the security is provided by Cryptography
5. Write Short notes on Program Threats

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