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Design and Analysis of Stepped Impedance Microstrip Low Pass Filter Using ADS
Simulation Tool for Wireless Applications

Article · August 2013

DOI: 10.29322 /ijsrp


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3 authors, including:

Jayasankar Thangaiyan
University College of Engineering,BIT Campus,Anna University,Trichy,Tamilnadu


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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 1
ISSN 2250-3153

Design and Analysis of Stepped Impedance Microstrip

Low Pass Filter Using ADS Simulation Tool for Wireless
K.Rajasekaran*, J.Jayalakshmi**T.Jayasankar***
Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
M.A.R College of Engineering Trichy
Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
PABCET, Anna University Trichy
Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
University College of Engineering Anna University BIT Campus Trichy

Abstract- There is an increasing demand for microwave assembly to another with minimal distortion, and avoiding high
systems to meet the emerging telecommunication challenges cross talk and radiation. A stripline circuit uses a flat strip of
with respect to size, performance and cost. This project describes metal, which is sandwiched between two parallel ground planes.
a general design technique for micro strip low pass filters that are The insulating material of the substrate forms a dielectric.
used to convey microwave frequency signals. The parasitic The width of the strip, the thickness of the substrate and the
problems of X- band can be adjusted through impedance ratio K, relative permittivity of the substrate determine the characteristic
which can enhance the performance of harmonic suppression. impedance of the strip, which is a transmission line. In the
The ADS simulation tool is used to design an X-band stepped general case, the dielectric material may be different above and
impedance low pass filter of range 8-12 GHz. This simulation below the central conductor to prevent the propagation of
results show that the filter works on 10GHz at the center unwanted modes; the two ground planes must be shorted
frequency and achieves attenuation of 60dB, which effectively together. Most communication systems require an RF front end,
suppresses the parasitic bands. To attain the filter with these where RF filters and low noise amplifiers perform analog signal
characteristics, Insertion Loss Method is performed. Compared processing. Micro strip RF filters are commonly used in
to other filter types, this design works very well with excellent receivers and transmitters operating in 800 MHz to 30 GHz
harmonic suppression performance. frequency range. In this project, a design of prototype lowpass
filter and its implementation to microstrip line is done and
Index Terms- ADS, Attenuation, Harmonic suppression responses are analyzed. Joining together two micro strip
Insertion loss, Micro strip, Stepped impedance. transmission lines with different characteristic impedances forms
fundamental micro strip low pass filter. The design is performed
in Advanced Design System software.

M icro strip is a type of electrical transmission line, which

can be fabricated using printed circuit board [PCB]
technology, and is used to convey microwave-frequency signal.

It consists of a conducting strip separated from a ground plane In microwave filters, lumped elements of the of filter circuit
dielectric layer known as the substrate. Micro strip is much less sections are simulated by means of waveguides, coaxial lines,
expensive than traditional waveguide technology, as well as strip (or) micro strip lines, cavity resonators, etc. [2].The
being far lighter and more compact. The disadvantages of micro equivalent lumped elements values of the microwave
strip compared with waveguide are the generally lower power components are themselves functions of the frequency [2].
handling capacity, and higher losses. There are two design techniques properly used.
Also, unlike waveguide, microstrip is not enclosed, and is 1) Image parameter method.
therefore susceptible to cross talk and unintentional radiation. 2) Insertion loss method. .
For lowest cost, microstrip devices may be built on an ordinary
FR-4 (standard PCB) substrate. However it is often found that A. Advantage of Insertion Loss Method
the dielectric losses in FR-4 are too high at microwave
frequencies, and that the dielectric constant is not sufficiently Insertion Loss method complete specification of a physically
tightly controlled. For these reasons, an alumina substrate is realizable frequency characteristic over the entire pass and the
commonly used. On a smaller scale, micro strip transmission stop bands from which the microwave filters are synthesized.
lines are also built into monolithic microwave integrated circuits
[MMIC] s. B. Low-Pass Design
Micro strip lines are also used in high-speed digital PCB Basic design of microwave filters of type’s low-pass, band-
designs, where signals need to be routed from one part of the pass and band-stop, operating at arbitrary frequency bands and

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153

between arbitrary resistive loads, are made from a prototype low-

pass design through: Formula to calculate LK and CK

1) Some frequency transformer,

2) Element normalization and Simulation of these elements by
means of sections of microwave transmission line,
3) Design of a prototype low-pass filter with the desired pass
band characteristics,
4) Transformation of this prototype network to the required
type (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass) filter with the
specified center and band-edge frequencies.
5) Realization of the network in microwave form by using
sections of microwave transmission lines. The values are shown in table below

C. Flow Diagram to Design a Filter Prototype element values Corresponding L and C


g1= g7=0.445 L1=L7=2.225nH

g2=g6=1.247 C2=C6=2.494pF
Fig 1 Design flow diagram
D. Filter Specifications g3=g5=1.802 L3=L5=9.01nH

Response type Butterworth (or)

g4=2 C4=4pF
maximally flat
Centre frequency 10GHz
STEP 3: By Substituting all these L and C values in the network
design, we have;
Stop band attenuation -60db

Source and load 50 ohm

Substrate height 0.63mm

Dielectric constant 9.6


STEP.1 Fig 2 Schematic diagram of LPF using L&C values in network

We choose order of the filter to be 7, N = 7.
There are two responses to assign prototype values for designing.
1) Butter worth (maximally flat) filter,
2) Chebyshev filter.
For Butterworth response we use the specific formula to
determine prototype values. The formula is
Butterworth Prototype Element Values
go= 1
g k = 2sin [(2k-1) /2n], k=1,2,…..,n
g n+1 = 1, for all n
Fig 3 Schematic diagram of LPF with S parameters
STEP.2: Filter Transformations from Prototype
In order to design actual low pass filters, the transformations
of the low pass prototype filters with normalized cut-off Schematic diagram of LPF using L&C in network with S-
frequency, Wc’=1 and having the source and load resistances of parameter. The design is being synthesized and “display
1ohm are made into the desired type with Required source and window” is being created.
load impedances using frequency and impedance Output waveform of LPF using lumped elements

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153

Z1=Z7=1.445 72.25 17.64

Z2=Z6=0.8019 40.095 57.29

Z3=Z5=3.247 162.35 31.79

Z4=0.5 25 57.29


With having the impedance and electrical length of the stub lines,
the width and length of the line can be calculated using linecalc
tool in schematic window as shown in Fig 5.

Fig 4 Output Wave form S parameters vs Frequency

This is the prototype low pass filter response where the

attenuation property is not satisfied here. Hence we go for micro
strip implementation.
Filter designs beyond 500MHz are difficult to realize with
discrete components because the wavelength becomes
comparable with the physical filter element dimensions, resulting
in various losses severely degrading the circuit performance.
Thus to arrive at practical filters, the lumped component filters
must be converted into distribution element realizations. Fig 5 Line Calculation Tool
In order to convert lumped components to micro strip lines
of various impedances should be found out hence we go for
1) Richards Transformation Thus for each inductance and capacitance line width and length
2) Kuroda Identities is calculated using linecalc as shown in table.
To accomplish the conversion from lumped and ELECTRICAL
distributed circuit designs, Richards proposed a special IMPEDANCE LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH
transformation that allows open and short circuit transmission (OHM) (DEGREE) (MIL) (MIL)
line segments to emulate the inductive and capacitive behavior of Z1=Z7=72.25 17.64 10.359 22.996
the discrete components [1].
Richards transformation allows us to replace lumped Z2=Z6=30.09 57.29 37.975 70.4118
inductors with short circuit stubs and capacitors with open circuit
stubs of characteristic impedance Zo= 1/ C.[1] Thus from Z3=Z5=162.35 31.797 0.3255 43.4755
prototype series inductance are the same and shunt capacitance is
replaced by 1/ C values. Z4=45 57.29 80.104 61.1688
Formula for Electrical Lengths

Β l l = g x * R0 / Z h
Β l c = g x* ZL / R 0
After substitution the Results after Richards Transformation
and Kuroda Identity as shown table below
Finally the transformation from prototype to micro strip look

Impedance with Impedance with Electrical

50 ohm not 50 ohm lengths
considered considered (Degree)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153


Fig 6 Schematic diagram of LPF using Micro strip
For the above schematic, the layout can be given as follows. Wi-Fi is a wireless LAN technology that enables laptop
PC’s, PDA’s, and other devices to connect easily to the Internet.
Technically known as IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n. Wi-Fi is less
expensive and nearing the speeds of standard Ethernet and other
common wire-based LAN technologies. Several Wi-Fi hot spots
have been popular over the past few years. Some business charge
customers a monthly fee for service, while others have begun
offering it or free in an effort to increase the sales of their goods.

In this paper, stepped impedance micro strip low pass filter is
designed. This filter provides us to achieve better harmonic
suppression. This filter not only shows a superior harmonic
suppression in stop-band, but also saves as much compact circuit
size compared with the conventional one. This design is applied
in X-band electromagnetic environments. Various steps to design
a stepped impedance micro strip filter are described. The special
calculator, linecalc of ADS is used for designing. The calculated
Fig 7 Layout of LPF using Micro strip filter parameters are applied to design a filter. The software
platform used in this designing purpose is ADS (Advanced
III. INFERENCE Design System). This software is used especially in leading
industries working on MMIC’s. A filter of mentioned
Thus we get sharpest attenuation of -60 db. using insertion loss specifications is designed. The corresponding waveforms are
method and cut off frequency of 9 GHz app. to 10 GHz. Hence, obtained. The range of attenuation achieved can be known from
the filter allows to pass the frequencies less than 10GHz and the waveform. Then the layout of the designed stepped
rejects those frequencies more than that. impedance micro strip filter is obtained using the software itself.
S (1,1),S (2,2) = scattering matrix for return loss. Thus, finally a stepped impedance micro strip filter whose
S (2,1) = scattering matrix for insertion loss. harmonic suppression is -60db is obtained.

[1] M.Pozar, “Microwave Engineering “ 4 th Ed. Wiley, Ed. pp. 388–422.
[2] Annapurna Das, Sisir K Das , “Microwave Engineering ”Tata McGraw-Hill
NewDelhi. Pp. 275-289.
[3] Binong*,QuanyuanFeng,Shuai Yang” Research and Design of X-band
SIR Microstrip Filters “ IEEE Explorer2009 .
[4] ApisakWorapishet,,Kunnthphong Srisathit, Wanlop Surakamponton,“Stepped
Impedance Coupled Resonators For Implementation Of Parallel Coupled
Microstrip Filters With Spurious Band Suppression,”IEEE Trans
Microwave Theory and Technique Volume 60 June 2012.
[5] Bin Dong*,QuanyuanFeng,Shuai Yan ,”Design of X-band SIR Microstrip
Filters”,IEEE Explorer May 2009.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 5
ISSN 2250-3153

First Author – K.Rajasekaran (Correspondent Author)
Assistant Professor Department Of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, M.A.R College of Engineering
and Technology, Email:mvkraja@yahoo.com.
Telephone: 09080009439.

Second Author – J.Jayalakshmi, Department Of Electronics

and Communication Engineering, Anna University Trichy
Email. san.jayalakshmi@gmail.com Telephone: 08695046034

Third Author – T. Jayasankar. Assistant Professor

Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
University College of Engineering , Anna University BIT
Campus Trichy. Email: san_t@sify.com
jayasankar@tau.edu.in. Telephone: 09994300720


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