Cdi3 SLM 2
Cdi3 SLM 2
Cdi3 SLM 2
- It is the science of measuring traffic and travel.
- The study of the basic laws relative to traffic laws, rules and regulations.
- It is the application of this knowledge to the professional practice of
planning, deciding, and operating traffic system to achieve safe and
efficient transportation of persons and goods.
- It is the foundation of traffic, without which the flow of traffic will be
disastrous or hazardous.
- It deals with the planning and geometrical designs of streets, highways
and abutting lands and with the operation thereon for the safe,
convenient and economic transportation of person and goods.
Areas of work of Traffic Engineering
1. Safety 6. Highway
2. Convenience 7. Planning
3. Economy 8. Design
4. People 9. Operations
5. Vehicle
b. According to Functions
1) Feeder road – intended for farm to market road
2) Local collector road –intended as major arteries to
collect inter locality traffic to municipal road.
3) Major collected road – intended as major arteries to
collect inter locality provincial road.
4) Major highway –serve as main artery that caters on big
volumes of vehicular traffic on national roadways.
5) Expressways – a through traffic for free flow of vehicular
6) Tunnel road – a passage of wide section cut through a hill
or sea to shorten circuitous roadway.
7) Subway – an underground conduit running entirely
under the ground for fast travel route of commuters.
8) Skyway – a modern urban system of roadway above
street level for free flow of traffic.
b. Traditional Instruction
- This type of instruction depends on instructor-student
1.2.6 Simulator
It is a static machine with all the important features of a used in
driving method or driving training.
The theory which asserts that man exhibits a constant variation of
life energy and mood states.
According, when the curve is above the center line, the biorhythm
value is said to be a “high” or a person has more energy to spare, i.e.:
When the curve is below the center line, the biorhythm is said to
be “low” or in recharge period, i.e.:
1. Physical law – we tend to tire quickly and succumb to illness
2. Emotional low – we feel moody, irritable, or depressed.
3. Intellectual low – concentrating or remembering is difficult or
we are likely to use poor judgement when any of the curves
crossed the center line. This is called a critical day wherein our
system seems to be in a state of transaction.
During a critical day, people tend to get sick easily, seem to lack
coordination and tend to be accident prone.
5. Evidence gathered
6. A new law or not
1.4.2 External Factors that Influence the Existing and Future Behavior of
1. Rapidly increasing population growth
2. Rapidly increasing urbanization
3. Rapidly increasing motorization
4. Industrialization and technical modernization
5. Improvement of the transportation network that is the street
network and the public transportation facilities.
Elementary Requirements
1) It should compel attention.
2) It should convey a simple, closer meaning at a glance.
3) It should allow time for response.
4) It should command respect.
Fundamental traits
1) Design and outward aspect of the device.
2) Position of placement with respect to the normal line of vision of the
road users.
3) Maintenance of the condition, appearance and visibility.
1. Unsignalized intersection
2. Signalized intersection
3. Between intersections
Compiled by: Merari Halino Payay
2) Presentation
1. Command or Traffic
a) Stand where you can be seen normally in the middle of
b) Postures and Stances
1) Show that you mean business
2) Weight should be the same on each foot.
3) When not signaling, hands hang at the slides
4) Do not face vehicles you authorize to move.
Stand sideways.
- Help motorist along the way in the simplest and direct method.
- Round or rectangular, white markings, blue background.
a. Bus Stop
b. Jeepney stop
c. Pedestrian Crossing
d. Distance or Destination Sign
2. Prohibitory Signs
- These signs can be used as specified section of the road,
which will be easily seen by motorist you indicate
regulation, which is prohibitive or restrictive in nature.
3. Mandatory Signs
- These signs are intended to notify the road users of
special rules in which they must comply for the safety,
convenience and smooth flow of traffic.
1. Stop 7. No U-Turn
2. Yield 8. No Overtaking
7. Directional Arrows
- Indicates directions of permitted traffic movement.
- When approaching intersections where pavement arrows are used,
you should enter the lane where the arrow points in the direction
you want to go.
- Some have doubled headed arrows that mean the lane is for traffic
going in the two directions indicated.
8. Stop Lines
- These are painted across pavement lanes at traffic signs or signals.
- Where these lines are present, you should stop behind the stop line.
9. Barrel Lines
- A new concept in reducing the seriousness of accidents.
- These are engineered to act as impact cushion usually installed in
front of a solid obstacle or traffic island at an area of high accident
b. Steady GREEN
- Go
- It is the turn of the vehicles on the other side to stop.
- Pedestrian are not allowed to cross the pedestrian lane in front of
- Unless specified, you can move up to the middle of the intersection
and make a left turn when clear.
- Vehicles going straight have the right of way.
- Do not anticipate a green light.
e. Flashing RED
- This is the same as a stop sign.
- Stop at the designated line.
- Vehicles will be crossing from the other sides.
- Expect pedestrian to cross at the pedestrian lane.
- Proceed when clear.
2. Traffic Island
- These are raised portion in the middle of the traffic way
constructed to separate the streams of motor vehicles
traversing on opposite directions and at the same time
preventing motorists from using the opposite lane for
This is another enforcement activity where it involves the conduct of
actual inspection of vehicles, and motorists on the road.
Considerations to be taken
1. Minimum delay to motorist
2. Thorough checking procedure
3. Protection of safety of both motorist and officers
4. Timing, location and frequency
In case thorough checking of vehicles will be conducted, take note of
the legalities of searches or the instances that validates the search, i.e., search
incidental to lawful arrest, consented search of moving vessel, and search by
It refers to the observation of road conditions, the behavior of the drivers and
other users of vehicles for the purpose of traffic supervision and law enforcement
and providing authorized traffic-connected services to the public.
2. Area patrol
- This involves the conduct of observation either by moving patrol
observation of a certain area which included a number of streets, road
or sections of a highway.
- This is usually the job of mobile police officers as well as those
motorcycle cops.
The main references of this lesson are the following:
Course Hero. (2022). Traffic Management and Accident Investigation. Retrieved on March 11,
2022 from (2022). The Pillars of Traffic. Retrieved on March 11, 2022
Studylib. (2022). Pillars of Traffic Management. Retrieved on March 11, 2022
from (2018). The importance of Traffic Engineering. Retrieved on March 11, 2022
SWOV. (2022). Traffic Education. Retrieved on March 11, 2022 from figures/factsheet/traffic-education
Educatenepal. (2021). Traffic Education. Retrieved on March 12, 2022 from
Philmotorlaw. (2022). What Are The Two Major Functions Of Traffic Law Enforcement? Retrieved
on March 12, 2022 from
rti cipating%20in%20transportation.
Course Hero. (2022). Traffic Management and Accident Investigation with Driving. Retrieved
on March 6, 2022 from
movement-of-persons-goods-or-vehicles-either-powered-by/ (2022). (CDI 2) Traffic Management AND Accident Investigation. Retrieved on
March 9, 2022 from
drawing-1/cdi-2-traffic-management-and-accident-investigation/13244252 (2016). Traffic Management and Accident Investigation Reviewer. Retrieved on March
9, 2022 from
Scribd. (n.d.). Cdi 2 Traffic Management and Accident Investigation. Retrieved on March 9, 2022
investigation-1 (2022). Traffic Management and Accident Investigation. Retrieved on March 9,
2022 from
Quizlet. (2022). Traffic Management and Accident Investigation. Retrieved on March 9, 2022 from