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ML Final

Introduction to Machine Learning (Malla Reddy Group of Institutions)

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M.Tech., II YEAR – I
SEM (2021-2022)




(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India)
(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC – ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015
Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post Via. Hakimpet), Secunderabad – 500100, Telangana State, INDIA.

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II Year M. Tech. CSE – I Sem L/T/P/ C
3/-/- 3
(R20D5803) Machine Learning
1. This course explains machine learning techniques such as decision tree learning,
Bayesian learning etc.
2. To understand computational learning theory.
3. To study the pattern comparison techniques.

Introduction Well-posed learning problems, designing a learning system Perspectives and issues in
machine learning Concept learning and the general to specific ordering Introduction,A concept learning
task, concept learning as search, Find-S: Finding a Maximally Specific Hypothesis, Version Spaces and
the Candidate Elimination algorithm, Remarks on Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination, Inductive
Bias. Decision Tree Learning-Introduction, Decision Tree Representation, Appropriate Problems for
Decision Tree Learning, The Basic Decision Tree Learning Algorithm Hypothesis Space Search in
Decision Tree Learning, Inductive Bias in Decision Tree Learning, Issues in Decision Tree Learning.

Artificial Neural Networks -Introduction, Neural Network Representation, Appropriate Problems for
Neural Network Learning, Perceptions, Multilayer Networks and the Back propagation Algorithm.
Discussion on the Back Propagation Algorithm, An illustrative Example: Face Recognition

Bayesian learning-Introduction, Byes Theorem, Bayes Theorem and Concept Learning Maximum
Likelihood and Least Squared Error Hypotheses, Maximum Likelihood Hypotheses for Predicting
Probabilities, Minimum Description Length Principle, Bayes Optimal Classifier, Gibs Algorithm, Naïve
Bayes Classifier, An Example: Learning to Classify Text, Bayesian Belief Networks, EM Algorithm.
Instance-Based Learning-Introduction, k-Nearest Neighbor Learning, Locally Weighted Regression,
Radial Basis Functions, Case-Based Reasoning, Remarks on Lazy and Eager Learning.

Pattern Comparison Techniques-Temporal patterns, Dynamic Time Warping Methods,Clustering,
Introduction to clustering, K-means clustering, K-Mode Clustering. Codebook Generation, Vector

Genetic Algorithms: Different search methods for induction - Explanation-based Learning: using prior
knowledge to reduce sample complexity. Dimensionality reduction: feature selection, principal
component analysis, linear discriminate analysis, factor analysis, independent component analysis,
multidimensional scaling, and manifold learning.

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1. Machine Learning – Tom M. Mitchell, -MGH
2. Fundamentals of Speech Recognition By Lawrence Rabiner and Biing –
Hwang Juang .Ethem Alpaydin, ”Introduction to Machine Learning”, MIT
Press, Prentice Hall of India, 3 rd Edition2014.
3. Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar ” Foundations of
Machine Learning”,MIT Press,2012
1. Machine Learning : An Algorithmic Perspective, Stephen Marsland, Taylor & Francis .

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S. No Unit Topic Page no

Introduction Well-posed learning problems
I 1
2 I A concept learning task, concept learning as search 6

3 I Find-S: Finding a Maximally Specific Hypothesis 15

4 I Version Spaces and the Candidate Elimination 17
5 I Remarks on Version Spaces and Candidate 21
Elimination, Inductive Bias
6 I Decision Tree Learning-Introduction, Decision Tree 22
7 I Appropriate Problems for Decision Tree Learning 23
I Decision Tree Learning Algorithm, Issues in Decision
8 25
Tree Learning.

S. No Unit Topic Page no

II Artificial Neural Networks -Introduction, 26

Neural Network Representation

2 II Appropriate Problems for Neural Network 28

3 II Perceptions, Multilayer Networks & the Back 29
propagation Algorithm.
4 II Discussion on the Back Propagation Algorithm 34

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S. No Unit Topic Page no

1 III Bayesian learning-Introduction ,Bayes 36

Theorem & Concept Learning maximum
2 III Maximum Likelihood Hypotheses for Predicting 42
3 III Gibs Algorithm, Naïve Bayes Classifier 46
4 III Minimum Description Length Principle , 47
Bayes Optimal Classifier
An Example: Learning to Classify Text, Bayesian
5 III 50
Belief Networks

III EM Algorithm. Instance-Based Learning-Introduction 51

7 k-Nearest Neighbor Learning, Locally Weighted
III 55
8 Radial Basis Functions, Case-Based Reasoning
III 56
9 Remarks on Lazy and Eager Learning.
III 57

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S. No Unit Topic Page no

1 IV Pattern Comparison Techniques-Temporal patterns, 58

2 IV Dynamic Time Warping Methods 61

3 IV Clustering 67
5 IV K-means clustering 69
6 IV K-Mode Clustering. Codebook Generation 70
7 IV Vector Quantization. 76

S. No Unit Topic Page no

Genetic Algorithms: Different search methods
1 V 78
for induction

2 V Explanation-based Learning: using prior knowledge to 79

reduce sample complexity.

3 V Dimensionality reduction 82

4 V Principal component analysis 84

V Linear discriminate analysis, factor analysis, 85

Independent component analysis: multidimensional
6 V scaling, and manifold learning. 86

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Machine Learning
is the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without
being explicitly programmed. ML is one of the most exciting technologies
that one would have ever come across. As it is evident from the name, it
gives the computer that makes it more similar to humans: The ability to
learn. Machine learning is actively being used today, perhaps in many more
places than one would expect.

Machine Learning is broadly categorized under the following headings:

Machine learning evolved from left to right as shown in the above diagram.
• Initially, researchers started out with Supervised Learning. This is the
case of housing price prediction discussed earlier
. • This was followed by unsupervised learning, where the machine is made
to learn on its own without any supervision.
• Scientists discovered further that it may be a good idea to reward the
machine when it does the job the expected way and there came the
Reinforcement Learning.
• Very soon, the data that is available these days has become so
humongous that the conventional techniques developed so far failed to
analyse the big data and provide us the predictions.

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• Thus, came the deep learning where the human brain is simulated in the
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) created in our binary computers.
• The machine now learns on its own using the high computing power and
huge memory resources that are available today.
• It is now observed that Deep Learning has solved many of the previously
unsolvable problems.
• The technique is now further advanced by giving incentives to Deep
Learning networks as awards and there finally comes Deep Reinforcement
Let us now study each of these categories in more details

Supervised Learning:
Supervised learning is analogous to training a child to walk. You will hold
the child’s hand, show him how to take his foot forward, walk yourself for a
demonstration and so on, until the child learns to walk on his own.
Similarly, in the case of supervised learning, you give concrete known
examples to the computer. You say that for given feature value x1 the output
is y1, for x2 it is y2, for x3 it is y3, and so on. Based on this data, you let the
computer figure out an empirical relationship between x and y. Once the
machine is trained in this way with a sufficient number of data points, now
you would ask the machine to predict Y for a given X. Assuming that you
know the real value of Y for this given X, you will be able to deduce whether
the machine’s prediction is correct. Thus, you will test whether the machine
has learned by using the known test data. Once you are satisfied that the
machine is able to do the predictions with a desired level of accuracy (say 80
to 90%) you can stop further training the machine. Now, you can safely use
the machine to do the predictions on unknown data points, or ask the
machine to predict Y for a given X for which you do not know the real value
of Y. This training comes under the regression that we talked about earlier.

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You may also use machine learning techniques for classification problems. In
classification problems, you classify objects of similar nature into a single
group. For example, in a set of 100 students say, you may like to group them
into three groups based on their heights - short, medium and long. Measuring
the height of each student, you will place them in a proper group. Now, when
a new student comes in, you will put him in an appropriate group by
measuring his height. By following the principles in regression training, you
will train the machine to classify a student based on his feature – the height.
When the machine learns how the groups are formed, it will be able to
classify any unknown new student correctly. Once again, you would use the
test data to verify that the machine has learned your technique of
classification before putting the developed model in production. Supervised
Learning is where the AI really began its journey. This technique was
applied successfully in several cases. You have used this model while doing
the hand-written recognition on your machine. Several algorithms have been
developed for supervised learning. You will learn about them in the
following chapters.

Unsupervised Learning:
In unsupervised learning, we do not specify a target variable to the machine,
rather we ask machine “What can you tell me about X?”. More specifically,
we may ask questions such as given a huge data set X, “What are the five
best groups we can make out of X?” or “What features occur together most
frequently in X?”. To arrive at the answers to such questions, you can
understand that the number of data points that the machine would require to
deduce a strategy would be very large. In case of supervised learning, the
machine can be trained with even about few thousands of data points.
However, in case of unsupervised learning, the number of data points that is
reasonably accepted for learning starts in a few millions. These days, the data
is generally abundantly available. The data ideally requires curating.
However, the amount of data that is continuously flowing in a social area
network, in most cases data curation is an impossible task. The following
figure shows the boundary between the yellow and red dots as determined by
unsupervised machine learning. You can see it clearly that the machine

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would be able to determine the class of each of the black dots with a fairly
good accuracy.

Reinforcement Learning:
Consider training a pet dog, we train our pet to bring a ball to us. We throw
the ball at a certain distance and ask the dog to fetch it back to us. Every time
the dog does this right, we reward the dog. Slowly, the dog learns that doing
the job rightly gives him a reward and then the dog starts doing the job right
way every time in future. Exactly, this concept is applied in “Reinforcement”
type of learning. The technique was initially developed for machines to play
games. The machine is given an algorithm to analyse all possible moves at
each stage of the game. The machine may select one of the moves at random.
If the move is right, the machine is rewarded, otherwise it may be penalized.
Slowly, the machine will start differentiating between right and wrong
moves and after several iterations would learn to solve the game puzzle with
a better accuracy. The accuracy of winning the game would improve as the
machine plays more and more games.
The entire process may be depicted in the following diagram:

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Deep Learning:
The deep learning is a model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),
more specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)s. There are several
architectures used in deep learning such as deep neural networks, deep belief
networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks.
These networks have been successfully applied in solving the problems of
computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing,
bioinformatics, drug design, medical image analysis, and games. There are
several other fields in which deep learning is proactively applied. The deep
learning requires huge processing power and humongous data, which is
generally easily available these days. We will talk about deep learning more
in detail in the coming chapters.

Deep Reinforcement Learning:

The Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) combines the techniques of both
deep and reinforcement learning. The reinforcement learning algorithms like
Q learning are now combined with deep learning to create a powerful DRL
model. The technique has been with a great success in the fields of robotics,
video games, finance and healthcare. Many previously unsolvable problems
are now solved by creating DRL models. There is lots of research going on
in this area and this is very actively pursued by the industries. So far, you

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have got a brief introduction to various machine learning models, now let us
explore slightly deeper into various algorithms that are available under these

Well posed learning problems:

A computer program is said to learn from experience E in context to some

task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as was
measured by P, upgrades with experience E.
Any problem can be segregated as well-posed learning problem if it has three
traits –
• Task
• Performance Measure
• Experience
Certain example that efficiently defines the well-posed learning problems

1. To better filter emails as spam or not

• Task – Classifying emails as spam or not
• Performance Measure – The fraction of emails accurately classified as spam
or not spam
• Experience – Observing you label emails as spam or not spam
2. A checkers learning problem
• Task – Playing checkers game
• Performance Measure – percent of games won against opposer
• Experience – playing implementation games against itself
3. Handwriting Recognition Problem
• Task – Acknowledging handwritten words within portrayal
• Performance Measure – percent of words accurately classified
• Experience – a directory of handwritten words with given classifications
4. A Robot Driving Problem
• Task – driving on public four-lane highways using sight scanners
• Performance Measure – average distance progressed before a fallacy
• Experience – order of images and steering instructions noted down
while observing a human driver
5. Fruit Prediction Problem

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• Task – forecasting different fruits for recognition

• Performance Measure – able to predict maximum variety of fruits
• Experience – training machine with the largest datasets of fruits images

6. Face Recognition Problem

• Task – predicting different types of faces
• Performance Measure – able to predict maximum types of faces
• Experience – training machine with maximum amount of datasets of
different face images
7. Automatic Translation of documents
• Task – translating one type of language used in a document to other language
• Performance Measure – able to convert one language to other efficiently
• Experience – training machine with a large dataset of different types of

Design of a learning system:

Just now we looked into the learning process and also understood the goal
of the learning. When we want to design a learning system that follows
the learning process, we need to consider a few design choices. The
design choices will be to decide the following key components:
1. Type of training experience
2. Choosing the Target Function
3. Choosing a representation for the Target Function
4. Choosing an approximation algorithm for the Target Function
5. The final Design
We will look into the game - checkers learning problem and apply the above
design choices. For a checkers learning problem, the three elements will be,
• Task T: To play checkers
• Performance measure P: Total present of the game won in the tournament.
• Training experience E: A set of games played against itself.

Type of training experience:

During the design of the checker's learning system, the type of training
experience available for a learning system will have a significant effect on
the success or failure of the learning.

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Direct or Indirect training experience:

In the case of direct training experience, an individual board states and
correct move for each board state are given. In case of indirect training
experience, the move sequences for a game and the final result (win, lose or
draw) are given for a number of games. How to assign credit or blame to
individual moves is the credit assignment problem.

1. Teacher or Not:
 Supervised:
The training experience will be labelled, which means, all the board states
will be labelled with the correct move. So the learning takes place in the
presence of a supervisor or a teacher.
 Un-Supervised:
The training experience will be unlabelled, which means, all the board
states will not have the moves. So the learner generates random games and
plays against itself with no supervision or teacher involvement.

 Semi-supervised:
Learner generates game states and asks the teacher for help in finding
the correct move if the board state is confusing.
2. Teacher or Not:
 Supervised:
The training experience will be labelled, which means, all the board states
will be labelled with the correct move. So the learning takes place in the
presence of a supervisor or a teacher.
 Un-Supervised:
The training experience will be unlabelled, which means, all the board
states will not have the moves. So the learner generates random games and
plays against itself with no supervision or teacher involvement.

 Semi-supervised:
Learner generates game states and asks the teacher for help in finding
the correct move if the board state is confusing.
Choosing the Target Function:
When you are playing the checkers game, at any moment of time, you make
a decision on choosing the best move from different possibilities. You think

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and apply the learning that you have gained from the experience. Here the
learning is, for a specific board, you move a checker such that your board

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state tends towards the winning situation. Now the same learning has to be
defined in terms of the target function.
Here there are 2 considerations — direct and indirect experience.
• During the direct experience the checkers learning system, it needs only
to learn how to choose the best move among some large search space. We
need to find a target function that will help us choose the best move among
Let us call this function Choose Move and use the notation Choose Move: B
→M to indicate that this function accepts as input any board from the set of
legal board states B and produces as output some move from the set of legal
moves M.
• When there is an indirect experience it becomes difficult to learn such
function. How about assigning a real score to the board state.

So the function be V: B →R indicating that this accepts as input any board

from the set of legal board states B and produces an output a real score. This
function assigns the higher scores to better board states

If the system can successfully learn such a target function V, then it can
easily use it to select the best move from any board position.
Let us therefore define the target value V(b) for an arbitrary board state b in
B, as follows:

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1. if b is a final board state that is won, then V(b) = 100

2. if b is a final board state that is lost, then V(b) = -100
3. if b is a final board state that is drawn, then V(b) = 0

4. if b is a not a final state in the game, then V (b) = V (b’), where b’ is the best
final board state that can be achieved starting from b and playing optimally
until the end of the game.
The (4) is a recursive definition and to determine the value of V(b) for a
particular board state, it performs the search ahead for the optimal line of
play, all the way to the end of the game. So this definition is not efficiently
computable by our checkers playing program, we say that it is a non-
operational definition.

Choosing a representation for the Target Function:

Now that we have specified the ideal target function V, we must choose a
representation that the learning program will use to describe the function ^V
that it will learn. As with earlier design choices, we again have many
options. We could, for example, allow the program to represent using a large
table with a distinct entry specifying the value for each distinct board state.
Or we could allow it to represent using a collection of rules that match
against features of the board state, or a quadratic polynomial function of
predefined board features, or an artificial neural network. In general, this
choice of representation involves a crucial trade off. On one hand, we wish to
pick a very expressive representation to allow representing as close an
approximation as possible to the ideal target function V.
On the other hand, the more expressive the representation, the more training
data the program will require in order to choose among the alternative
hypotheses it can represent. To keep the discussion brief, let us choose a
simple representation: for any given board state, the function ^V will be
calculated as a linear combination of the following board features:
• x1(b) — number of black pieces on board b
• x2(b) — number of red pieces on b
• x3(b) — number of black kings on b

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• x4(b) — number of red kings on b

• x5(b) — number of red pieces threatened by black • x6(b) — number of
black pieces threatened by red
^V = w0 + w1 · x1(b) + w2 · x2(b) + w3 · x3(b) + w4 · x4(b) +w5 · x5(b) + w6 · x6(b)

Where w0 through w6 are numerical coefficients or weights to be obtained

by a learning algorithm. Weights w1 to w6 will determine the relative
importance of different board features.
Specification of the Machine Learning Problem at this time: Till now we
worked on choosing the type of training experience, choosing the target
function and its representation. The checkers learning task can be
summarized as below.

• Task T: Play Checkers

• Performance Measure: % of games won in world tournament
• Training Experience E: opportunity to play against itself
• Target Function: V: Board → R
• Target Function Representation: ^V = w0 + w1 · x1(b) + w2 · x2(b) + w3 ·
x3(b) + w4 · x4(b) +w5 · x5(b) + w6 · x6(b)
The first three items above correspond to the specification of the learning
task, where as the final two items constitute design choices for the
implementation of the learning program.

Choosing an approximation algorithm for the Target Function:

Generating training data — To train our learning program, we need a set of
training data, each describing a specific board state b and the training value
V_train (b) for b. Each training example is an ordered pair <b,v_train(b)>.


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Temporal difference (TD) learning is a concept central to reinforcement

learning, in which learning happens through the iterative correction of your
estimated returns towards a more accurate target return.

 V_train(b) ← ^V(Successor(b))

Final Design for Checkers Learning system:

The final design of our checkers learning system can be naturally described
by four distinct program modules that represent the central components in
many learning systems.
1. The performance System: Takes a new board as input and outputs a trace of
the game it played against itself.
2. The Critic: Takes the trace of a game as an input and outputs a set of training
examples of the target function.
3. The Generalizer: Takes training examples as input and outputs a hypothesis
that estimates the target function. Good generalization to new cases is
4. The Experiment Generator: Takes the current hypothesis (currently learned
function) as input and outputs a new problem (an initial board state) for the
performance system to explore.

Issues in Machine Learning:


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Our checkers example raises a number of generic questions about machine

learning. The field of machine learning, and much of this book, is concerned
with answering questions such as the following:
• What algorithms exist for learning general target functions from specific
training examples? In what settings will particular algorithms converge to
the desired function, given sufficient training data? Which algorithms
perform best for which types of problems and representations?
• How much training data is sufficient? What general bounds can be found to
relate the confidence in learned hypotheses to the amount of training
experience and the character of the learner's hypothesis space?
• When and how can prior knowledge held by the learner guide the process of
generalizing from examples? Can prior knowledge be helpful even when it is
only approximately correct?
• What is the best strategy for choosing a useful next training experience, and
how does the choice of this strategy alter the complexity of the learning
• What is the best way to reduce the learning task to one or more function
approximation problems? Put another way, what specific functions should
the system attempt to learn? Can this process itself be automated?
• How can the learner automatically alter its representation to improve its
ability to represent and learn the target function?


• Inducing general functions from specific training examples is a main issue of

machine learning.
• Concept Learning: Acquiring the definition of a general category from
given sample positive and negative training examples of the category.
• Concept Learning can see as a problem of searching through a predefined
space of potential hypotheses for the hypothesis that best fits the training
• The hypothesis space has a general-to-specific ordering of hypotheses, and
the search can be efficiently organized by taking advantage of a naturally
occurring structure over the hypothesis space.
A Formal Definition for Concept Learning:

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Inferring a Boolean-valued function from training examples of its input

and output.
• An example for concept-learning is the learning of bird-concept from the
given examples of birds (positive examples) and non-birds (negative

• We are trying to learn the definition of a concept from given

examples. A Concept Learning Task: Enjoy Sport Training Examples

A set of example days, and each is described by six attributes. The task is to
learn to predict the value of Enjoy Sport for arbitrary day, based on the
values of its attribute values.

Concept Learning as Search:

• Concept learning can be viewed as the task of searching through a large
space of hypotheses implicitly defined by the hypothesis representation.
• The goal of this search is to find the hypothesis that best fits the training
• By selecting a hypothesis representation, the designer of the learning
algorithm implicitly defines the space of all hypotheses that the program can
ever represent and therefore can ever learn.


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• FIND-S Algorithm starts from the most specific hypothesis and generalize it
by considering only positive examples.
• FIND-S algorithm ignores negative example
: As long as the hypothesis space contains a hypothesis that describes the
true target concept, and the training data contains no errors, ignoring
negative examples does not cause to any problem.
• FIND-S algorithm finds the most specific hypothesis within H that is
consistent with the positive training examples. – The final hypothesis will
also be consistent with negative examples if the correct target concept is in
H, and the training examples are correct.
FIND-S Algorithm:
1. Initialize h to the most specific hypothesis in H
2. For each positive training instance x For each
attribute constraint a, in h
If the constraint a, is satisfied by
x Then do nothing
3. Else replace a, in h by the next more general constraint that is satisfied by
x 4. Output hypothesis h
FIND-S Algorithm – Example:

1. ? indicates that any value is acceptable for the attribute.

2. specify a single required value (e.g., Cold) for the attribute.
3. Φ indicates that no value is acceptable.
4. The most general hypothesis is represented by: {?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?}
5. The most specific hypothesis is represented by: {ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ}

Steps Involved in Find-S:

1. Start with the most specific hypothesis. h = {ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ}


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2. Take the next example and if it is negative, then no changes occur to the
3. If the example is positive and we find that our initial hypothesis is too
specific then we update our current hypothesis to a general condition.
4. Keep repeating the above steps till all the training examples are complete.
5. After we have completed all the training examples we will have the final
hypothesis when can use to classify the new examples. Example: Consider
the following data set having the data about which particular seeds are

First, we consider the hypothesis to be a more specific hypothesis.

Hence, our hypothesis would be: h = {ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, ϕ}

Consider example 1:
The data in example 1 is {GREEN, HARD, NO, WRINKLED}. We see that
our initial hypothesis is more specific and we have to generalize it for this
Hence, the hypothesis becomes:
Consider example 2:

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Here we see that this example has a negative outcome. Hence we neglect
this example and our hypothesis remains the same. h = {GREEN,
Consider example 3:
Here we see that this example has a negative outcome. hence we neglect
this example and our hypothesis remains the same. h = {GREEN,
Consider example 4:
The data present in example 4 is {ORANGE, HARD, NO, WRINKLED}.
compare every single attribute with the initial data and if any mismatch is
found we replace that particular attribute with a general case (“ ?”). After
doing the process the hypothesis becomes: h = {?, HARD, NO,
Consider example 5:
The data present in example 5 is {GREEN, SOFT, YES, SMOOTH}. We
compare every single attribute with the initial data and if any mismatch is
found we replace that particular attribute with a general case ( “?” ).
After doing the process the hypothesis becomes:
h = {?, ?, ?, ? }
Since we have reached a point where all the attributes in our hypothesis
have the general condition, example 6 and example 7 would result in the
same hypothesizes with all general attributes. h = {?, ?, ?, ? }
Hence, for the given data the final hypothesis would be:
Final Hypothesis: h = { ?, ?, ?, ? }.

Version Spaces
Definition(Version space). A concept is complete if it covers all positive
A concept is consistent if it covers none of the negative examples. The
version space is the set of all complete and consistent concepts. This set is
convex and is fully defined by its least and most general elements.

Candidate-Elimination Learning Algorithm


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The CANDIDATE-ELIMINTION algorithm computes the version space

containing all hypotheses from H that are consistent with an observed
sequence of training examples.
Initialize G to the set of maximally general hypotheses in H Initialize S to
the set of maximally specific hypotheses in H For each training example d,
• If d is a positive example
• Remove from G any hypothesis inconsistent with d
• For each hypothesis s in S that is not consistent with d
• Remove s from S
• Add to S all minimal generalizations h of s such that h is consistent with d,
and some member of G is more general than h
• Remove from S any hypothesis that is more general than another hypothesis
in S
• If d is a negative example
• Remove from S any hypothesis inconsistent with d
• For each hypothesis g in G that is not consistent with d
• Remove g from G 18\
• Add to G all minimal specializations h of g such that
• h is consistent with d, and some member of S is more specific than h
• Remove from G any hypothesis that is less general than another hypothesis
in G.
CANDIDATE- ELIMINTION algorithm using version spaces
An Illustrative Example:


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CANDIDATE-ELIMINTION algorithm begins by initializing the version

space to the set of all hypotheses in H;
boundary set to contain the most general hypothesis in H, G0 ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
When the first training example is presented, the
CANDIDATEELIMINTION algorithm checks the S boundary and finds that
it is overly specific and it fails to cover the positive example.
• The boundary is therefore revised by moving it to the least more general
hypothesis that covers this new example.
• No update of the G boundary is needed in response to this training example
because Go correctly covers this example.

• When the second training example is observed, it has a similar effect of

generalizing S further to S2, leaving G again unchanged i.e., G2 = G1 =G0


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• Consider the third training example. This negative example reveals that the
boundary of the version space is overly general, that is, the hypothesis in G
incorrectly predicts that this new example is a positive example.
• The hypothesis in the G boundary must therefore be specialized until it
correctly classifies this new negative example.

Given that there are six attributes that could be specified to specialize G2,
why are there only three new hypotheses in G3?

For example, the hypothesis h = (?, ?, Normal, ?, ?, ?) is a minimal

specialization of G2 that correctly labels the new example as a negative
example, but it is not included in G3. The reason this hypothesis is excluded
is that it is inconsistent with the previously encountered positive examples.
Consider the fourth training example.


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• This positive example further generalizes the S boundary of the version

space. It also results in removing one member of the G boundary, because
this member fails to cover the new positive example After processing these
four examples, the boundary sets S4 and G4 delimit the version space of all
hypotheses consistent with the set of incrementally observed training
• After processing these four examples, the boundary sets S4 and G4 delimit
the version space of all hypotheses consistent with the set of incrementally
observed training examples.

Inductive bias:


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Decision Tre:e Decision Trees are a type of Supervised Machine Learning

(that is you explain what the input is and what the corresponding output is in the
training data) where th e data is continuously split according to a certain
parameter. The tree can be explained by two entities, namely decision nodes and
leaves. The leaves are the decisions or the final outcomes. And the decision
nodes are where the data is split.

Decision Tree Representation:

An example of a decision tree can be explained using above binary tree. Let’s say
you want to predict whether a person is fit given their information like age,
eating habit, and physical activity, etc. The decision nodes here are questions like
‘What’s the age?’, ‘Does he exercise?’, and ‘Does he eat a lot of pizzas’? And the
leaves, which are outcomes like either ‘fit’, or ‘unfit’. In this case this was a
binary classification problem (a yes no type problem). There are two main types
of Decision Trees:

1. Classification trees (Yes/No types):

What we have seen above is an example of classification tree, where the

outcome was a variable like ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’. Here the decision variable is
Inductive bias refers to the restriction2s2 that are imposed by the assumptions

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Here the decision or the outcome variable is Continuous, e.g. a number like
123. Working Now that we know what a Decision Tree is, we’ll see how it
works internally. There are many algorithms out there which construct
Decision Trees, but one of the best is called as ID3 Algorithm. ID3 Stands
for Iterative Dichotomiser3.

Before discussing the ID3 algorithm, we’ll go through few definitions.

Entropy, also called as Shannon Entropy is denoted by H(S) for a finite set S,
is the measure of the amount of uncertainty or randomness in data.

Appropriate Problems for Decision Tree Learning:

• Instances are represented by attribute-value pair
• The target function has discrete output values
• Disjunctive descriptions may be required
• The training data may contain errors
• The training data may contain missing attribute values.
• Suitable for classifications.

Hypothesis Space Search:

The set of possible decision tree, Simple to complex, hill climbing search.


• Hypothesis space of all decision trees is a complete space of finite discrete

valued functions.

• ID3 maintains only a single current hypothesis.

• Cannot determine how many alternative decision trees are consistent with
the available training data.


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• ID3 uses all training example at each step to make statistically based
decisions regarding how to refine its current hypothesis.

• The resulting search is much less sensitive to errors in individual training


Inductive Bias in Decision Tree Learning: Note H is the power set

of instances X

• Inductive Bias in ID3 – Approximate inductive bias of ID3

 Shorter trees are preferred over larger tress


Difference between (ID3 & C-E) && Restriction bias and Preference
ID3 Candidate-Elimination
Searches a complete hypothesis Searches an incomplete
space incompletely hypothesis space completely
Inductive bias is solely a Inductive bias is solely a
consequence of the ordering of consequence of the
hypotheses by its search strategy expressive power of its
hypothesis representation
Restriction bias Preference bias

Candidate-Elimination ID3

Categorical restriction on the set of Preference for certain hypotheses

hypotheses considered over others


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Possibility of excluding the unknown Work within a complete

target function hypothesis space

Issues in Decision Tree Learning:

• Determine how deeply to grow the decision tree

• Handling continuous attributes

• Choosing an appropriate attribute selection measure

• Handling training data with missing attribute values

• Handling attributes with differing costs

• Improving computational efficiency


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Artificial Neural
Networks Introduction:
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are algorithms based on brain function
and are used to model complicated patterns and forecast issues. The
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a deep learning method that arose from
the concept of the human brain Biological Neural Networks. The
development of ANN was the result of an attempt to replicate the workings
of the human brain. The workings of ANN are extremely similar to those of
biological neural networks, although they are not identical. ANN algorithm
accepts only numeric and structured data.
The ANN applications:
Classification, the aim is to predict the class of an input vector
• Pattern matching, the aim is to produce a pattern best associated with a
given input vector.
• Pattern completion, the aim is to complete the missing parts of a given input
• Optimization, the aim is to find the optimal values of parameters in an
optimization problem.
• Control, an appropriate action is suggested based on given an input vectors
• Function approximation/times series modelling, the aim is to learn the
functional relationships between input and desired output vectors.
• Data mining, with the aim of discovering hidden patterns from
data (knowledge discovery). ANN architectures
• Neural Networks are known to be universal function approximators
• Various architectures are available to approximate any nonlinear function
• Different architectures allow for generation of functions of
different complexity and power
 Feed forward networks
 Feedback networks
 Lateral networks


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Advantages of Artificial Neural Networks

Attribute-value pairs are used to represent problems in ANN.
1. The output of ANNs can be discrete-valued, real-valued, or a vector of
multiple real or discrete-valued characteristics, while the target function can
be discrete-valued, real-valued, or a vector of numerous real or discrete-
valued attributes.
2. Noise in the training data is not a problem for ANN learning techniques.
There may be mistakes in the training samples, but they will not affect the
final result.
3. It’s utilized when a quick assessment of the taught target function is
4. The number of weights in the network.
5. the number of training instances evaluated, and the settings of different
learning algorithm parameters can all contribute to extended training periods
for ANNs.

Disadvantages of Artificial Neural Networks

1. Hardware Dependence:
• The construction of Artificial Neural Networks necessitates the use
of parallel processors.
• As a result, the equipment’s realization is contingent.
2. Understanding the network’s operation:
• This is the most serious issue with ANN.
• When ANN provides a probing answer, it does not explain why or how it
was chosen.
• As a result, the network’s confidence is eroded.
3. Assured network structure:


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• Any precise rule does not determine the structure of artificial

neural networks.
• Experience and trial and error are used to develop a suitable network
4. Difficulty in presenting the issue to the network:
• ANNs are capable of working with numerical data.
• Before being introduced to ANN, problems must be converted
into numerical values.
• The display method that is chosen will have a direct impact on the
network’s performance.
• The user’s skill is a factor here.
5. The network’s lifetime is unknown: • When the network’s error on
the sample is decreased to a specific amount, the training is complete.
• The value does not produce the best outcomes.

Appropriate Problems for Neural Network Learning:

1. Instances are represented by many attribute-value pairs (e.g., the pixels of a
picture. ALVINN [Mitchell, p. 84]).
2. The target function output may be discrete-valued, real-valued, or a vector of
several real- or discrete-valued attributes.
3. The training examples may contain errors.
4. Long training times are acceptable.
5. Fast evaluation of the learned target function may be required.
6. The ability for humans to understand the learned target function is
not important.

History of Neural Networks:

1. 1943: McCulloch and Pitts proposed a model of a neuron Perceptron (read
[Mitchell, section 4.4])
2. 1960s: Widrow and Hoff explored Perceptron networks (which they
called “Adelines”) and the delta rule.
3. 1962: Rosenblatt proved the convergence of the perceptron training rule.


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4. 1969: Minsky and Papert showed that the Perceptron cannot deal with
nonlinearly-separable data sets---even those that represent simple function
such as X-OR.
5. 1970-1985: Very little research on Neural Nets
6. 1986: Invention of Backpropagation Rumelhart and McClelland, but also
Parker and earlier on: Werbos which can learn from nonlinearly-separable
data sets.
7. Since 1985: A lot of research in Neural Nets!

Multilayer Neural Network:

• A multiplayer perceptron is a feed forward neural network with one or more
hidden layers
• The network consists of an input layer of source neurons, at least one hidden
layer of computational neurons, and an output layer of computational
• The input signals are propagated in a forward direction on a layer-by-layer
• Neurons in the hidden layer cannot be observed through input/output
behaviour of the network.
• There is no obvious way to know what the desired output of the hidden layer
should be.


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Back propagation: Overview

• Back propagation works by applying the gradient descent rule to a feed
forward network.
• The algorithm is composed of two parts that get repeated over and over until
a pre-set maximal number of epochs, EP max.
• Part I, the feed forward pass: the activation values of the hidden and then
output units are computed.
• Part II, the back propagation pass: the weights of the network are updated-
starting with the hidden to output weights and followed by the input to
hidden weights--with respect to the sum of squares error and through a series
of weight update rules called the Delta Rule.

The Back propagation algorithm in neural network computes the gradient of
the loss function for a single weight by the chain rule. It efficiently computes
one layer at a time, unlike a native direct computation. It computes the
gradient, but it does not define how the gradient is used. It generalizes the
computation in the delta rule.
Consider the following Back propagation neural network example diagram
to understand:


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1. Inputs X, arrive through the preconnected path

• Inputs X, arrive through the preconnected path

• Input is modelled using real weights W. The weights are usually randomly
• Calculate the output for every neuron from the input layer, to the
hidden layers, to the output layer.
• Calculate the error in the outputs
ErrorB= Actual Output – Desired Output
• Travel back from the output layer to the hidden layer to adjust the weights
such that the error is decreased.
• Keep repeating the process until the desired output is achieved

Why We Need Back propagation?

• Most prominent advantages of Back propagation are:
• Back propagation is fast, simple and easy to program
• It has no parameters to tune apart from the numbers of input
• It is a flexible method as it does not require prior knowledge about the
• It is a standard method that generally works well
• It does not need any special mention of the features of the function to be

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Types of Back propagation Networks

Two Types of Back propagation Networks are:
• Static Back-propagation
• Recurrent Back propagation Static back-propagation:
It is one kind of back propagation network which produces a mapping of a
static input for static output. It is useful to solve static classification issues
like optical character recognition.

Recurrent Back propagation:

Recurrent Back propagation in data mining is fed forward until a fixed value
is achieved. After that, the error is computed and propagated backward.

Disadvantages of using Back propagation

• The actual performance of back propagation on a specific problem is
dependent on the input data.
• Back propagation algorithm in data mining can be quite sensitive to noisy
• You need to use the matrix-based approach for back propagation instead of

Back propagation: The Algorithm

• Initialize the weights to small random values; create a random pool of all
the training patterns; set EP, the number of epochs of training to 0.
• 2. Pick a training pattern from the remaining pool of patterns and
propagate it forward through the network.
• 3. Compute the deltas, k for the output layer.
• 4. Compute the j for the hidden layer by propagating the error
deltas, backward.
• Update all the connections such that
• W Newji = wjiold + wji and w Newkj = wkjOld + wkj


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• If any pattern remains in the pool, then go back to Step 2. If all the training
patterns in the pool have been used, then set EP = EP+1, and if EP EPMax,
then create a random pool of patterns and go to Step 2. If EP = EPMax, then

Back propagation: The Momentum:

• To this point, Back propagation has the disadvantage of being too slow if
is small and it can oscillate too widely ifis large.
• To solve this problem, we can add a momentum to give each connection
some inertia, forcing it to change in the direction of the downhill “force”.
• New Delta Rule:
wpq(t+1) = - E/ wpq + wpq(t)
• Where p and q are any input and hidden, or, hidden and output units; t is a
time step or epoch; and is the momentum parameter which regulates the
amount of inertia of the weights.


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Introduction to Bayesian Learning

Imagine a situation where your friend gives you a new coin and asks you the
fairness of the coin (or the probability of observing heads) without even
flipping the coin once. In fact, you are also aware that your friend has not
made the coin biased. In general, you have seen that coins are fair, thus you
expect the probability of observing heads is 0.50.5. In the absence of any
such observations, you assert the fairness of the coin only using your past
experiences or observations with coins.
Suppose that you are allowed to flip the coin 1010 times in order to
determine the fairness of the coin. Your observations from the experiment
will fall under one of the following cases:

• Case 1: observing 55 heads and 55 tails.

• Case 2: observing hh heads and 10−h10−h tails, where h≠10−hh≠10−h.

If case 1 is observed, you are now more certain that the coin is a fair coin,
and you will decide that the probability of observing heads is 0.50.5 with
more confidence. If case 2 is observed you can either:

1. Neglect your prior beliefs since now you have new data, decide the
probability of observing heads is h/10h/10 by solely depending on recent
2. Adjust your belief accordingly to the value of hh that you have just observed,
and decide the probability of observing heads using your recent

The first method suggests that we use the frequentist method, where we
omit our beliefs when making decisions. However, the second method
seems to be more convenient because 1010 coins are insufficient to
determine the fairness of a coin. Therefore, we can make better decisions
by combining our recent observations and beliefs that we have gained
through our past experiences. It is this thinking model which uses our most
recent observations together with our beliefs or inclination for critical
thinking that is known as Bayesian thinking.

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Moreover, assume that your friend allows you to conduct another 1010 coin
flips. Then we can use these new observations to further update our beliefs.
As we gain more data, we can incrementally update our beliefs increasing
the certainty of our conclusions. This is known as incremental learning,
where you update your knowledge incrementally with new evidence.
Bayesian learning comes into play on such occasions, where we are unable
to use frequentist statistics due to the drawbacks that we have discussed
above. We can use Bayesian learning to address all these drawbacks and
even with additional capabilities (such as incremental updates of the
posterior) when testing a hypothesis to estimate unknown parameters of a
machine learning models. Bayesian learning uses Bayes’ theorem to
determine the conditional probability of a hypotheses given some evidence
or observations.
The Famous Coin Flip Experiment

When we flip a coin, there are two possible outcomes - heads or tails. Of
course, there is a third rare possibility where the coin balances on its edge
without falling onto either side, which we assume is not a possible outcome
of the coin flip for our discussion. We conduct a series of coin flips and
record our observations i.e. the number of the heads (or tails) observed for a
certain number of coin flips. In this experiment, we are trying to determine
the fairness of the coin, using the number of heads (or tails) that we observe.

Frequentist Statistics

Let us think about how we can determine the fairness of the coin using our
observations in the above mentioned experiment. Once we have conducted a
sufficient number of coin flip trials, we can determine the frequency or the
probability of observing the heads (or tails). If we observed heads and tails
with equal frequencies or the probability of observing heads (or tails) is
0.50.5, then it can be established that the coin is a fair coin. Failing that, it is
a biased coin. Let's denote pp as the probability of observing the heads.
Consequently, as the quantity that pp deviates from 0.50.5 indicates how
biased the coin is, pp can be considered as the degree-of-fairness of the coin.


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Testing whether a hypothesis is true or false by calculating the probability

of an event in a prolonged experiment is known as frequentist statistics. As
such, determining the fairness of a coin by using the probability of
observing the heads is an example of frequentist statistics (a.k.a. frequentist
Let us now further investigate the coin flip example using the frequentist
approach. Since we have not intentionally altered the coin, it is reasonable to
assume that we are using an unbiased coin for the experiment. When we flip
the coin 1010 times, we observe the heads 66 times. Therefore, the pp is
0.60.6 (note that pp is the number of heads observed over the number of total
coin flips). Hence, according to frequencies statistics, the coin is a biased
coin — which opposes our assumption of a fair coin. Perhaps one of your
friends who is more skeptical than you extends this experiment to 100100
trails using the same coin. Then she observes heads 5555 times, which
results in a different pp with 0.550.55. Even though the new value for pp
does not change our previous conclusion (i.e. that the coin is biased), this
observation raises several questions:

• How confident are we of pp being 0.60.6?

• How confident are of pp being 0.550.55?

• Which of these values is the accurate estimation of pp?


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Will pp continue to change when we further increase the number of coin flip

We cannot find out the exact answers to the first three questions using
frequentist statistics. We may assume that true value of pp is closer to
0.550.55 than 0.60.6 because the former is computed using observations from
a considerable number of trials compared to what we used to compute the
latter. Yet there is no way of confirming that hypothesis. However, if we
further increase the number of trials, we may get a different probability from
both of the above values for observing the heads and eventually, we may
even discover that the coin is a fair coin.
Number of coin Number of heads Probability of observing heads
10 6 0.6
50 29 0.58
100 55 0.55
200 94 0.47
500 245 0.49
Table 1 - Coin flip experiment results when increasing the number of

Table 1 presents some of the possible outcomes of a hypothetical coin flip

experiment when we are increasing the number of trials. The fairness (pp) of
the coin changes when increasing the number of coin-flips in this experiment.
Our confidence of estimated pp may also increase when increasing the
number of coin-flips, yet the frequentist statistic does not facilitate any
indication of the confidence of the estimated pp value. We can attempt to
understand the importance of such a confident measure by studying the
following cases:

• An experiment with an infinite number of trials guarantees pp with absolute

accuracy (100% confidence). Yet, it is not practical to conduct an experiment
with an infinite number of trials and we should stop the experiment after a
sufficiently large number of trials. However, deciding the value of this
sufficient number of trials is a challenge when using frequentist statistics.
If we can determine the confidence of the estimated pp value or the inferred
conclusion, in a situation where the number of trials is limited, this will allow

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us to decide whether to accept the conclusion or to extend the experiment

with more trials until it achieves sufficient confidence.

Moreover, we may have valuable insights or prior beliefs (for example, coins
are usually fair and the coin used is not made biased intentionally, therefore
p≈0.5p≈0.5) that describes the value of pp. Embedding that information can
significantly improve the accuracy of the final conclusion. Such beliefs play a
significant role in shaping the outcome of a hypothesis test especially when
we have limited data. However, with frequentist statistics, it is not possible to
incorporate such beliefs or past experience to increase the accuracy of the
hypothesis test.

Some Terms to Understand

Before delving into Bayesian learning, it is essential to understand the

definition of some terminologies used. I will not provide lengthy explanations
of the mathematical definition since there is a lot of widely available content
that you can use to understand these concepts.

• Random variable (Stochastic variable) - In statistics, the random variable is a

variable whose possible values are a result of a random event. Therefore,
each possible value of a random variable has some probability attached to it
to represent the likelihood of those values.
• Probability distribution - The function that defines the probability of different
outcomes/values of a random variable. The continuous probability
distributions are described using probability density functions whereas
discrete probability distributions can be represented using probability mass
Conditional probability - This is a measure of probability P(A|B)P(A|B) of an
event A given that another event B has occurred.
• Joint probability distribution

Bayes’ Theorem

Bayes’ theorem describes how the conditional probability of an event or a

hypothesis can be computed using evidence and prior knowledge. It is similar
to concluding that our code has no bugs given the evidence that it has passed

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all the test cases, including our prior belief that we have rarely observed any
bugs in our code. However, this intuition goes beyond that simple hypothesis
test where there are multiple events or hypotheses involved (let us not worry
about this for the moment).

The Bayes’ theorem is given by:


I will now explain each term in Bayes’ theorem using the above example.
Consider the hypothesis that there are no bugs in our code. θθ and XX denote
that our code is bug free and passes all the test cases respectively.

• P(θ)P(θ) - Prior Probability is the probability of the hypothesis θθ being true

before applying the Bayes’ theorem. Prior represents the beliefs that we have
gained through past experience, which refers to either common sense or an
outcome of Bayes’ theorem for some past observations. For the example
given, prior probability denotes the probability of observing no bugs in our
code. However, since this is the first time we are applying Bayes’ theorem,
we have to decide the priors using other means
(Otherwise we could use the previous posterior as the new prior). Let us
assume that it is very unlikely to find bugs in our code because rarely have
we observed bugs in our code in the past. With our past experience of
observing fewer bugs in our code, we can assign our prior P(θ)P(θ) with a
higher probability. However, for now, let us assume that P(θ)=pP(θ)
This term depends on the test coverage of the test cases. Even though we do
not know the value of this term without proper measurements, in order to
continue this discussion let us assume that P(X|¬θ)=0.5P(X|¬θ)=0.5.

• P(θ|X)P(θ|X) - Posteriori probability denotes the conditional probability of

the hypothesis θθ after observing the evidence XX. This is the probability of
observing no bugs in our code given that it passes all the test cases. Since we


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now know the values for the other three terms in the Bayes’ theorem, we can
calculate the posterior probability using the following formula:


We can also calculate the probability of observing a bug, given that our code

passes all the test cases P(¬θ|X)P(¬θ|X) .



We now know both conditional probabilities of observing a bug in the code

and not observing the bug in the code. Yet how are we going to confirm the
valid hypothesis using these posterior probabilities?

Maximum a Posteriori (MAP)

We can use MAP to determine the valid hypothesis from a set of hypotheses.
According to MAP, the hypothesis that has the maximum posterior
probability is considered as the valid hypothesis. Therefore, we can express
the hypothesis θMAPθMAP that is concluded using MAP as follows:
=argmaxθ(P(X|θ i)P(θi)P(X))
The argmaxθargmaxθ operator estimates the event or hypothesis θiθi that
maximizes the posterior probability P(θi|X)P(θi|X). Let us apply MAP to the
above example in order to determine the true hypothesis:


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Figure 1 - P(θ|X)P(θ|X) and P(¬θ|X)P(¬θ|X) when changing the

P(θ)=pP(θ)=p Figure 1 illustrates how the posterior probabilities of possible

hypotheses change with the value of prior probability. Unlike frequentist

statistics where our belief or past experience had no influence on the

concluded hypothesis, Bayesian learning is capable of incorporating our

belief to improve the accuracy of predictions. Assuming that we have fairly

good programmers and therefore the probability of observing a bug is

P(θ)=0.4P(θ)=0.4 , then we find the θMAPθMAP:

gmaxθ{θ:P(θ|X)=0.57,¬θ:P(¬θ|X)=0.43}=θ⟹No bugs present in
)}=argmaxθ{θ:P(θ|X)=0.57,¬θ:P(¬θ|X)=0.43}=θ⟹No bugs present in our


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However, P(X)P(X) is independent of θθ, and thus P(X)P(X) is same for all

the events or hypotheses. Therefore, we can simplify the θMAPθMAP

estimation, without the denominator of each posterior computation as shown

below: θMAP=argmaxθ(P(X|θi)P(θi))θMAP=argmaxθ(P(X|θi)P(θi))

Notice that MAP estimation algorithms do not compute posterior probability

of each hypothesis to decide which is the most probable hypothesis.
Assuming that our hypothesis space is continuous (i.e. fairness of the coin
encoded as probability of observing heads, coefficient of a regression model,
etc.), where endless possible hypotheses are present even in the smallest
range that the human mind can think of, or for even a discrete hypothesis
space with a large number of possible outcomes for an event, we do not need
to find the posterior of each hypothesis in order to decide which is the most
probable hypothesis. Therefore, the practical implementation of MAP
estimation algorithms use approximation techniques, which are capable of
finding the most probable hypothesis without computing posteriors or only
by computing some of them.

Using the Bayesian theorem, we can now incorporate our belief as the prior
probability, which was not possible when we used frequentist statistics.
However, we still have the problem of deciding a sufficiently large number of
trials or attaching a confidence to the concluded hypothesis. This is because
the above example was solely designed to introduce the Bayesian theorem
and each of its terms. Let us now gain a better understanding of
Bayesian learning to learn about the full potential of Bayes’ theorem.

Binomial Likelihood
The likelihood for the coin flip experiment is given by the probability of

observing heads out of all the coin flips given the fairness of the coin. As we

have defined the fairness of the coins (θθ) using the probability of observing

heads for each coin flip, we can define the probability of observing heads or


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tails given the fairness of the coin P(y|θ)P(y|θ) where y=1y=1 for observing

heads and y=0y=0 for observing tails. Accordingly: P(y=1|θ)=θP(y=0|


Now that we have defined two conditional probabilities for each outcome

above, let us now try to find the P(Y=y|θ)P(Y=y|θ) joint probability of

observing heads or tails:

P(Y=y|θ)={θ, if y=11−θ, otherwise P(Y=y|θ)={θ, if y=11−θ, otherwise

Note that yy can only take either 00 or 11, and θθ will lie within the range of

[0,1][0,1]. We can rewrite the above expression in a single expression as



The above equation represents the likelihood of a single test coin flip

Interestingly, the likelihood function of the single coin flip experiment is

similar to the Bernoulli probability distribution. The Bernoulli distribution is

the probability distribution of a single trial experiment with only two

opposite outcomes. As the Bernoulli probability distribution is the

simplification of Binomial probability distribution for a single trail, we can

represent the likelihood of a coin flip experiment that we observe kk number

of heads out of NN number of trials as a Binomial probability distribution as

shown below:



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Maximum likelihood estimation method (MLE)

The likelihood function indicates how likely the observed sample is as a

function of possible parameter values. Therefore, maximizing the likelihood
function determines the parameters that are most likely to produce the
observed data. From a statistical point of view, MLE is usually recommended
for large samples because it is versatile, applicable to most models and
different types of data, and produces the most precise estimates.

Least squares estimation method (LSE)

Least squares estimates are calculated by fitting a regression line to the points
from a data set that has the minimal sum of the deviations squared (least
square error). In reliability analysis, the line and the data are plotted on a
probability plot.

Bayes Op琀椀mal Classi昀椀er

The Bayes optimal classifier is a probabilistic model that makes the most
probable prediction for a new example, given the training dataset.

This model is also referred to as the Bayes optimal learner, the Bayes
classifier, Bayes optimal decision boundary, or the Bayes optimal
discriminant function.

Gibbs Sampling Algorithm

We start off by selecting an initial value for the random variables X & Y.
Then, we sample from the conditional probability distribution of X given Y =
Y⁰ denoted p(X|Y⁰). In the next step, we sample a new value of Y conditional
on X¹, which we just computed. We repeat the procedure for an additional n -
1 iterations, alternating between drawing a new sample from the conditional
probability distribution of X and the conditional probability distribution of Y,
given the current value of the other random variable.

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Let’s take a look at an example. Suppose we had the following posterior and
conditional probability distributions.

Naive Bayes Classifier Algorithm

• Naïve Bayes algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm, which is based on
Bayes theorem and used for solving classification problems.


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• It is mainly used in text classification that includes a high-dimensional

training dataset.
• Naïve Bayes Classifier is one of the simple and most effective Classification
algorithms which helps in building the fast machine learning models that can
make quick predictions.
• It is a probabilistic classifier, which means it predicts on the basis of the
probability of an object.
• Some popular examples of Naïve Bayes Algorithm are spam filtration,
Sentimental analysis, and classifying articles.

Suppose we have a dataset of weather conditions and corresponding target
variable "Play". So using this dataset we need to decide that whether we
should play or not on a particular day according to the weather conditions.
So to solve this problem, we need to follow the below steps:

1. Convert the given dataset into frequency tables.

2. Generate Likelihood table by finding the probabilities of given features.

3. Now, use Bayes theorem to calculate the posterior probability.

Problem: If the weather is sunny, then the Player should play or

not? Solution: To solve this, first consider the below dataset:

Outlook Play

0 Rainy Yes

1 Sunny Yes

2 Overcast Yes
3 Overcast Yes

4 Sunny No
5 Rainy Yes

6 Sunny Yes


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7 Overcast Yes

8 Rainy No
9 Sunny No

10 Sunny Yes
11 Rainy No

12 Overcast Yes
13 Overcast Yes

Frequency table for the Weather Conditions:

Weather Yes No

Overcast 5 0

Rainy 2 2

Sunny 3 2

Total 10 5

Likelihood table weather condition:

Weather No Yes

Overcast 0 5 5/14= 0.35

Rainy 2 2 4/14=0.29

Sunny 2 3 5/14=0.35
All 4/14=0.29 10/14=0.71

Applying Bayes'theorem:

P(Yes|Sunny)= P(Sunny|Yes)*P(Yes)/P(Sunny)

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P(Sunny|Yes)= 3/10= 0.3




So P(Yes|Sunny) = 0.3*0.71/0.35= 0.60 P(No|

Sunny)= P(Sunny|No)*P(No)/P(Sunny) P(Sunny|

NO)= 2/4=0.5

P(No)= 0.29

P(Sunny)= 0.35

So P(No|Sunny)= 0.5*0.29/0.35 = 0.41

Bayesian Belief Network:

It is a graphical representation of different probabilistic relationships among

random variables in a particular set. It is a classifier with no dependency on
attributes i.e it is condition independent. Due to its feature of joint probability, the
probability in Bayesian Belief Network is derived, based on a condition —
P(attribute/parent) i.e probability of an attribute, true over parent attribute.

Consider this example:

• In the above figure, we have an alarm ‘A’ – a node, say installed in a house

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of a person ‘gfg’, which rings upon two probabilities i.e burglary ‘B’ and fire


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‘F’, which are – parent nodes of the alarm node. The alarm is the parent node
of two probabilities P1 calls ‘P1’ & P2 calls ‘P2’ person nodes.

• Upon the instance of burglary and fire, ‘P1’ and ‘P2’ call person ‘gfg’,
respectively. But, there are few drawbacks in this case, as sometimes ‘P1’
may forget to call the person ‘gfg’, even after hearing the alarm, as he has a
tendency to forget things, quick. Similarly, ‘P2’, sometimes fails to call the
person ‘gfg’, as he is only able to hear the alarm, from a certain distance.
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
In the real-world applications of machine learning, it is very common that
there are many relevant features available for learning but only a small subset
of them are observable. So, for the variables which are sometimes observable
and sometimes not, then we can use the instances when that variable is
visible is observed for the purpose of learning and then predict its value in the
instances when it is not observable.
On the other hand, Expectation-Maximization algorithm can be used for the
latent variables (variables that are not directly observable and are actually
inferred from the values of the other observed variables) too in order to
predict their values with the condition that the general form of probability
distribution governing those latent variables is known to us. This algorithm is
actually at the base of many unsupervised clustering algorithms in the field of
machine learning.
It was explained, proposed and given its name in a paper published in 1977
by Arthur Dempster, Nan Laird, and Donald Rubin. It is used to find the local
maximum likelihood parameters of a statistical model in the cases where
latent variables are involved and the data is missing or incomplete.

1. Given a set of incomplete data, consider a set of starting parameters.
2. Expectation step (E – step): Using the observed available data of the
dataset, estimate (guess) the values of the missing data.
3. Maximization step (M – step): Complete data generated after the
expectation (E) step is used in order to update the parameters.
4. Repeat step 2 and step 3 until convergence.


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The essence of Expectation-Maximization algorithm is to use the available

observed data of the dataset to estimate the missing data and then using that
data to update the values of the parameters. Let us understand the EM
algorithm in detail.
• Initially, a set of initial values of the parameters are considered. A set of
incomplete observed data is given to the system with the assumption that the
observed data comes from a specific model.
• The next step is known as “Expectation” – step or E-step. In this step, we use
the observed data in order to estimate or guess the values of the missing or
incomplete data. It is basically used to update the variables.
• The next step is known as “Maximization”-step or M-step. In this step, we
use the complete data generated in the preceding “Expectation” – step in
order to update the values of the parameters. It is basically used to update the
• Now, in the fourth step, it is checked whether the values are converging or
not, if yes, then stop otherwise repeat step-2 and step-3 i.e. “Expectation” –
step and
“Maximization” – step until the convergence occurs.

Flow chart for EM algorithm


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Usage of EM algorithm
• It can be used to fill the missing data in a sample.
• It can be used as the basis of unsupervised learning of clusters.
• It can be used for the purpose of estimating the parameters of Hidden
Markov Model (HMM).
• It can be used for discovering the values of latent variables.

Advantages of EM algorithm
• It is always guaranteed that likelihood will increase with each iteration.
• The E-step and M-step are often pretty easy for many problems in terms
of implementation.
• Solutions to the M-steps often exist in the closed form.


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Instance-based learning
The Machine Learning systems which are categorized as instance-based
learning are the systems that learn the training examples by heart and then
generalizes to new instances based on some similarity measure. It is called
instance-based because it builds the hypotheses from the training instances.
It is also known as memory-based learning or lazy-learning. The time
complexity of this algorithm depends upon the size of training data. The
worst-case time complexity of this algorithm is O (n), where n is the
number of training instances.
For example, If we were to create a spam filter with an instance-based
learning algorithm, instead of just flagging emails that are already marked as
spam emails, our spam filter would be programmed to also flag emails that
are very similar to them. This requires a measure of resemblance between
two emails. A similarity measure between two emails could be the same
sender or the repetitive use of the same keywords or something else.

1. Instead of estimating for the entire instance set, local approximations can be
made to the target function.
2. This algorithm can adapt to new data easily, one which is collected as we go.

1. Classification costs are high
2. Large amount of memory required to store the data, and each
query involves starting the identification of a local model from
scratch. Some of the instance-based learning algorithms are :
1. K Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
2. Self-Organizing Map (SOM)
3. Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
4. Locally Weighted Learning (LWL)


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K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Algorithm

• K-Nearest Neighbour is one of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms
based on Supervised Learning technique.
• K-NN algorithm assumes the similarity between the new case/data and
available cases and put the new case into the category that is most similar to
the available categories.
• K-NN algorithm stores all the available data and classifies a new data point
based on the similarity. This means when new data appears then it can be
easily classified into a well suite category by using K- NN algorithm.
• K-NN algorithm can be used for Regression as well as for Classification but
mostly it is used for the Classification problems.
• K-NN is a non-parametric algorithm, which means it does not make any
assumption on underlying data.
• It is also called a lazy learner algorithm because it does not learn from the
training set immediately instead it stores the dataset and at the time of
classification, it performs an action on the dataset.
• KNN algorithm at the training phase just stores the dataset and when it gets
new data, then it classifies that data into a category that is much similar to the
new data.

Working of KNN Algorithm

K-nearest neighbours (KNN) algorithm uses ‘feature similarity’ to predict
the values of new data points which further means that the new data point
will be assigned a value based on how closely it matches the points in the
training set. We can understand its working with the help of following steps

Step 1 − For implementing any algorithm, we need dataset. So during the
first step of KNN, we must load the training as well as test data.
Step 2 − Next, we need to choose the value of K i.e. the nearest data points.
K can be any integer.
Step 3 − For each point in the test data do the following


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• 3.1 − Calculate the distance between test data and each row of training data
with the help of any of the method namely: Euclidean, Manhattan or
Hamming distance. The most commonly used method to calculate distance is
• 3.2 − Now, based on the distance value, sort them in ascending order.
• 3.3 − Next, it will choose the top K rows from the sorted array.
• 3.4 − Now, it will assign a class to the test point based on most frequent class
of these rows.
Step 4 – End


Case Based Reasoning

As we know Nearest Neighbour classifiers stores training tuples as points in

Euclidean space. But Case-Based Reasoning classifiers (CBR) use a
database of problem solutions to solve new problems. It stores the tuples or
cases for problem-solving as complex symbolic descriptions.
How CBR works?
When a new case arrises to classify, a Case-based Reasoner(CBR) will first
check if an identical training case exists. If one is found, then the
accompanying solution to that case is returned. If no identical case is found,
then the CBR will search for training cases having components that are
similar to those of the new case. Conceptually, these training cases may be
considered as neighbours of the new case. If cases are represented as graphs,
this involves searching for subgraphs that are similar to subgraphs within the
new case. The CBR tries to combine the solutions of the neighbouring
training cases to propose a solution for the new case. If compatibilities arise
with the individual solutions, then backtracking to search for other solutions


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may be necessary. The CBR may employ background knowledge and

problem-solving strategies to propose a feasible solution.
Applications of CBR includes:
1. Problem resolution for customer service help desks, where cases describe
product-related diagnostic problems.
2. It is also applied to areas such as engineering and law, where cases are either
technical designs or legal rulings, respectively.
3. Medical educations, where patient case histories and treatments are used to
help diagnose and treat new patients.

Challenges with CBR

• Finding a good similarity metric (eg for matching subgraphs) and suitable
methods for combining solutions.
• Selecting salient features for indexing training cases and the development of
efficient indexing techniques.

CBR becomes more intelligent as the number of the trade-off between

accuracy and efficiency evolves as the number of stored cases becomes very
large. But after a certain point, the system’s efficiency will suffer as the time
required to search for and process relevant cases increases.

Some differences on eager and lazy learning

• Eager learning methods construct general, explicit description of the target
function based on the provided training examples.
• Lazy learning methods simply store the data and generalizing beyond these
data is postponed until an explicit request is made.
• Lazy learning methods can construct a different approximation to the target
function for each encountered query instance.

Lazy learning is very suitable for complex and incomplete problem domains,
where a complex target function can be represented by a collection of less
complex local approximations.
Eager learning methods use the same approximation to the target function,
which must be learned based on training examples and before input queries
are observed.


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Pattern recognition is a process of finding regularities and similarities in data

using machine learning data. Now, these similarities can be found based on
statistical analysis, historical data, or the already gained knowledge by the
machine itself. A pattern is a regularity in the world or in abstract notions. If we
discuss sports, a description of a type would be a pattern. If a person keeps
watching videos related to cricket, YouTube wouldn’t recommend them chess
tutorials videos.
Examples: Speech recognition, speaker identification, multimedia document
recognition (MDR), automatic medical diagnosis.

Before searching for a pattern there are some certain steps and the first one is to
collect the data from the real world. The collected data needs to be filtered and
preprocessed so that its system can extract the features from the data. Then
based on the type of the data system will choose the appropriate algorithm
among Classification, Regression, and Regression to recognize the pattern.
• Classification. In classification, the algorithm assigns labels to data based on
the predefined features. This is an example of supervised learning.
• Clustering. An algorithm splits data into a number of clusters based on the
similarity of features. This is an example of unsupervised learning.
• Regression. Regression algorithms try to find a relationship between variables
and predict unknown dependent variables based on known data. It is based on
supervised learning. [2]
• Features can be represented as continuous, discrete, or discrete binary
variables. A feature is basically a function of one or more measurements,
computed to quantify the significant characteristics of the object. The feature is
one of the most important components in the Pattern Recognition system.
Example: consider a football, shape, size and color, etc. are features of the


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A feature vector is a set of features that are taken together.

Example: In the above example of football, if all the features (shape, size, color
etc.) taken together then the sequence is feature vector ([shape, size, color]).
The feature vector is the sequence of features represented as an n-dimensional
column vector. In the case of speech, MFCC (Mel-frequency Cepstral
Coefficient) is the spectral features of the speech. The sequence of the first 13
features forms a feature vector.

Temporal patterns

Temporal patterns are one of the pattern comparison techniques that is defined
as a segment of signals that recurs frequently in the whole temporal signal
sequence. For example, the temporal signal sequences could be the movements
of head, hand, and body, a piece of music, and so on.
Temporal abstraction and data mining are two research fields that have tried to
synthesis time oriented data and bring out an understanding on the hidden
relationships that may exist between time oriented events. In clinical settings,
having the ability to know the hidden relationships on patient data as they
unfold could help save a life by aiding in detection of conditions that are not
obvious to clinicians and healthcare workers. Understanding the hidden patterns
is a huge challenge due to the exponential search space unique to time-series
data. In this paper, we propose a temporal pattern recognition model based on
dimension reduction and similarity measures thereby maintaining the temporal
nature of the raw data

Temporal pattern processing is important for various intelligent behaviours,
including hearing, vision, speech, music and motor control. Because we live in
an ever-changing environment, an intelligent system, whether it be a human or a
robot, must encode patterns over time, recognize and generate temporal
patterns. Time is embodied in a temporal pattern in two different ways: •
Temporal order. It refers to the ordering among the components of a sequence.
For example, the sequence N-E-T is different from T-E-N. Temporal order may


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also refer to a syntactic structure, such as subject-verb-object, where each

component may be any of a category of possible symbols
• Time duration. Duration can play a critical role for temporal processing. In
speech recognition, for example, we want rate invariance while distinguishing
relative durations of the vowel /i:/ (as in beet) and /i/ (as in bit)
The shared goal of all STM models is to make input history available
simultaneously when recognition takes place. With a STM model in place,
recognition is not much different from the recognition of static patterns.

Template Matching Using Hebbian Learning

The architecture for this type of recognition is simply a two-layer network: the
input layer that incorporates STM, and the sequence recognition layer where
each unit encodes an individual sequence. The recognition scheme is essentially
template matching, where templates are formed through following Hebbian

Wij(t) = Wij(t–1) + C si (t)[xj (t) – Wij(t–1)]

where Wij is the connection weight from unit xj in the input layer to sequence
recognizer si in the recognition layer. Parameter C controls learning rate.
Hebbian learning is applied after the presentation of the entire sequence is
completed. The templates thus formed can be used to recognize specific input
sequences. The recognition layer typically includes recurrent connections for
selecting a winner by self-organization (e.g. winner-take-all) during training or

Associative Memory Approach

The dynamics of the Hopfield associative memory model can be characterized
as evolving towards the memory state most similar to the current input pattern.


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If one views each memory state as a category, the Hopfield net performs pattern
recognition: the recalled category is the recognized pattern. This process of
dynamic evolution can also be viewed as an optimization process, which
minimizes a cost function until equilibrium is reached.
With normalized exponential kernel STM, Tank and Hopfield (1987) described
a recognition network based on associative memory dynamics. A layer of
sequence recognizers receives inputs from the STM model. Each recognizer
encodes a different template sequence by its unique weight vector acting upon
the inputs in STM. In addition, recognizers form a competitive network. The
recognition process uses the current input sequence (evidence) to bias a
minimization process so that the most similar template wins the competition,
thus activating its corresponding recognizer. Due to the exponential kernels,
they demonstrated that recognition is fairly robust to time warping, distortions
in duration. A similar architecture is later applied to speakerindependent spoken
digit recognition.

Multilayer Perceptrons
A popular approach to temporal pattern learning is multilayer perceptrons
(MLP). MLPs have been demonstrated to be effective for static pattern
recognition. It is natural to combine MLP with an STM model to do temporal
pattern recognition. For example, using delay line STM Waibel et al. (1989)
reported an architecture called Time Delay Neural Networks (TDNN) for
spoken phoneme recognition. Besides the input layer, TDNN uses 2 hidden
layers and an output layer where each unit encodes one phoneme. The feed
forward connections converge from the input layer to each successive layer so
that each unit in a specific layer receives inputs within a limited time window
from the previous layer. They demonstrated good recognition performance: for
the three stop consonants /b/, /d/, and /g/, the accuracy of speaker dependent
recognition reached 98.5%.
Sounds like time traveling or some kind of future technic, however, it is not.
Dynamic Time Warping is used to compare the similarity or calculate the


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distance between two arrays or time series with different length. Suppose we
want to calculate the distance of two equal-length arrays:
a = [1, 2,
3] b = [3,
2, 2]
How to do that? One obvious way is to match up a and b in 1-to-1 fashion and
sum up the total distance of each component. This sounds easy, but what if a
and b have different lengths?
a = [1, 2, 3] b
= [2, 2, 2, 3,
How to match them up? Which should map to which? To solve the problem,
there comes dynamic time warping. Just as its name indicates, to warp the series
so that they can match up.

Use Cases
Before digging into the algorithm, you might have the question that is it useful?
Do we really need to compare the distance between two unequal-length time
Yes, in a lot of scenarios DTW is playing a key role.

Sound Pattern Recognition

One use case is to detect the sound pattern of the same kind. Suppose we want
to recognise the voice of a person by analysing his sound track, and we are able
to collect his sound track of saying Hello in one scenario. However, people
speak in the same word in different ways, what if he speaks hello in a much
slower pace like Heeeeeeelloooooo , we will need an algorithm to match up the
sound track of different lengths and be able to identify they come from the same


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Stock Market
In a stock market, people always hope to be able to predict the future, however
using general machine learning algorithms can be exhaustive, as most prediction
task requires test and training set to have the same dimension of features.
However, if you ever speculate in the stock market, you will know that even the
same pattern of a stock can have very different length reflection on klines and


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In time series analysis, dynamic time warping (DTW) is one of the

algorithms for measuring similarity between two temporal sequences, which
may vary in speed. DTW has been applied to temporal sequences of video,
audio, and graphics data — indeed, any data that can be turned into a linear
sequence can be analysed with DTW.
The idea to compare arrays with different length is to build one-to-many and
many-to-one matches so that the total distance can be minimised between the

Suppose we have two different arrays red and blue with different length:


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Clearly these two series follow the same pattern, but the blue curve is longer
than the red. If we apply the one-to-one match, shown in the top, the mapping is
not perfectly synced up and the tail of the blue curve is being left out.

DTW overcomes the issue by developing a one-to-many match so that the

troughs and peaks with the same pattern are perfectly matched, and there is no
left out for both curves(shown in the bottom top).


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In general, DTW is a method that calculates an optimal match between two
given sequences (e.g. time series) with certain restriction and rules(comes from

• Every index from the first sequence must be matched with one or more indices
from the other sequence and vice versa

• The first index from the first sequence must be matched with the first index
from the other sequence (but it does not have to be its only match)

• The last index from the first sequence must be matched with the last index from
the other sequence (but it does not have to be its only match)

• The mapping of the indices from the first sequence to indices from the other
sequence must be monotonically increasing, and vice versa, i.e. if j > i are indices
from the first sequence, then
there must not be two indices l in the other sequence, such
that index i is matched with index l and index j is matched with index k , and
vice versa.
The optimal match is denoted by the match that satisfies all the restrictions and
the rules and that has the minimal cost, where the cost is computed as the sum of
absolute differences, for each matched pair of indices, between their values.


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Introduction to Clustering:
It is basically a type of unsupervised learning method. An unsupervised learning method
is a method in which we draw references from datasets consisting of input data without
labelled responses. Generally, it is used as a process to find meaningful structure,
explanatory underlying processes, generative features, and groupings inherent in a set of
Clustering is the task of dividing the population or data points into a number of groups
such that data points in the same groups are more similar to other data points in the same
group and dissimilar to the data points in other groups. It is basically a collection of
objects on the basis of similarity and dissimilarity between them.
For ex– The data points in the graph below clustered together can be classified into one
single group. We can distinguish the clusters, and we can identify that there are 3 clusters
in the below picture.

It is not necessary for clusters to be spherical. Such as:


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DBSCAN: Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise

These data points are clustered by using the basic concept that the data point lies within
the given constraint from the cluster center. Various distance methods and techniques are
used for the calculation of the outliers.
Why Clustering?
Clustering is very much important as it determines the intrinsic grouping among the
unlabelled data present. There are no criteria for good clustering. It depends on the user,
what is the criteria they may use which satisfy their need. For instance, we could be
interested in finding representatives for homogeneous groups (data reduction), in finding
“natural clusters” and describe their unknown properties (“natural” data types), in finding
useful and suitable groupings (“useful” data classes) or in finding unusual data objects
(outlier detection). This algorithm must make some assumptions that constitute the
similarity of points and each assumption make different and equally valid clusters.
Clustering Methods :
• Density-Based Methods: These methods consider the clusters as the dense region having
some similarities and differences from the lower dense region of the space. These
methods have good accuracy and the ability to merge two clusters. Example DBSCAN
(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise), OPTICS (Ordering Points
to Identify Clustering Structure), etc.
• Hierarchical Based Methods: The clusters formed in this method form a treetype
structure based on the hierarchy. New clusters are formed using the previously formed
one. It is divided into two category
• Agglomerative (bottom-up approach)
• Divisive (top-down approach)

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examples CURE (Clustering Using Representatives), BIRCH (Balanced Iterative
Reducing Clustering and using Hierarchies), etc.
• Partitioning Methods: These methods partition the objects into k clusters and each
partition forms one cluster. This method is used to optimize an objective criterion
similarity function such as when the distance is a major parameter example K-means,
CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based upon Randomized Search), etc.
• Grid-based Methods: In this method, the data space is formulated into a finite number of
cells that form a grid-like structure. All the clustering operations done on these grids are
fast and independent of the number of data objects example STING (Statistical
Information Grid), wave cluster, CLIQUE (CLustering In Quest), etc.

K means Clustering:
It is the simplest unsupervised learning algorithm that solves clustering problem.K-means
algorithm partitions n observations into k clusters where each observation belongs to the
cluster with the nearest mean serving as a prototype of the cluster.

Applications of Clustering in different fields

• Marketing: It can be used to characterize & discover customer segments for
marketing purposes.
• Biology: It can be used for classification among different species of plants and animals.
• Libraries: It is used in clustering different books on the basis of topics and information.
• Insurance: It is used to acknowledge the customers, their policies and identifying
the frauds.
• City Planning: It is used to make groups of houses and to study their values based
on their geographical locations and other factors present.


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• Earthquake studies: By learning the earthquake-affected areas we can determine the
dangerous zones.
The algorithm will categorize the items into k groups of similarity. To calculate
that similarity, we will use the euclidean distance as measurement. The algorithm
works as follows:

1. First, we initialize k points, called means, randomly.

2. We categorize each item to its closest mean and we update the mean’s coordinates, which
are the averages of the items categorized in that mean so far.
3. We repeat the process for a given number of iterations and at the end, we have our
The “points” mentioned above are called means because they hold the mean values of the
items categorized in them. To initialize these means, we have a lot of options. An intuitive
method is to initialize the means at random items in the data set. Another method is to
initialize the means at random values between the boundaries of the data set (if for a
feature x the items have values in [0,3], we will initialize the means with values for x at

The above algorithm in pseudocode:

KModes clustering is one of the unsupervised Machine Learning algorithms that is used to
cluster categorical variables.
How does the KModes algorithm work?

1. Pick K observations at random and use them as leaders/clusters

2. Calculate the dissimilarities and assign each observation to its closest cluster
3. Define new modes for the clusters


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4. Repeat 2–3 steps until there are is no re-assignment required

Example: Imagine we have a dataset that has the information about hair color, eye color, and
skin color of persons. We aim to group them based on the available information(maybe we
want to suggest some styling ideas)
Hair color, eye color, and skin color are all categorical variables. Below is how our dataset
looks like.

Alright, we have the sample data now. Let us proceed by defining the number of
Step 1: Pick K observations at random and use them as leaders/clusters
I am choosing P1, P7, P8 as leaders/clusters

Step 2: Calculate the dissimilarities(no. of mismatches) and assign each observation to its
closest cluster
Iteratively compare the cluster data points to each of the observations. Similar data points
give 0, dissimilar data points give 1.


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Comparing leader/Cluster P1 to the observation P1 gives 0 dissimilarities

Comparing leader/cluster P1 to the observation P2 gives 3(1+1+1)

dissimilarities. Likewise, calculate all the dissimilarities and put them in a matrix as shown
below and assign the observations to their closest cluster (cluster that has the least


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After step 2, the observations P1, P2, P5 are assigned to cluster 1; P3, P7 are assigned to
Cluster 2; and P4, P6, P8 are assigned to cluster 3.

Step 3: Define new modes for the clusters

Mode is simply the most observed value. Mark the observations according to the cluster
they belong to. Observations of Cluster 1 are marked in Yellow, Cluster 2 are marked in
Brick red, and Cluster 3 are marked in Purple.

Considering one cluster at a time, for each feature, look for the Mode and update the new

Explanation: Cluster 1 observations(P1, P2, P5) has brunette as the most observed hair
color, amber as the most observed eye color, and fair as the most observed skin color.
Below are our new leaders after the update.

Repeat steps 2–4 : After obtaining the new leaders, again calculate the dissimilarities
between the observations and the newly obtained leaders.


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Comparing Cluster 1 to the observation P1 gives 1 dissimilarity.

Comparing Cluster 1 to the observation P2 gives 2 dissimilarities.

Likewise, calculate all the dissimilarities and put them in a matrix. Assign each
observation to its closest cluster.


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The observations P1, P2, P5 are assigned to Cluster 1; P3, P7 are assigned to Cluster 2;
and P4, P6, P8 are assigned to Cluster 3.

We stop here as we see there is no change in the assignment of observations.

Implementation of KModes in Python:

Begin with Importing necessary libraries


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Vector Quantization
Learning Vector Quantization ( or LVQ ) is a type of Artificial Neural Network which
also inspired by biological models of neural systems. It is based on prototype supervised
learning classification algorithm and trained its network through a competitive learning
algorithm similar to Self Organizing Map. It can also deal with the multiclass
classification problem. LVQ has two layers, one is the Input layer and the other one is the
Output layer. The architecture of the Learning Vector Quantization with the number of
classes in an input data and n number of input features for any sample is given below:


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Let say an input data of size ( m, n ) where m is number of training example and n is the
number of features in each example and a label vector of size ( m, 1 ). First, it initializes
the weights of size ( n, c ) from the first c number of training samples with different labels
and should be discarded from all training samples. Here, c is the number of classes. Then
iterate over the remaining input data, for each training example, it updates the winning
vector ( weight vector with the shortest distance ( e.g Euclidean distance ) from training
example ). Weight updation rule is given by :

wij = wij(old) - alpha(t) * (x k - wij(old))

where alpha is a learning rate at time t, j denotes the winning vector, i denotes the i th
feature of training example and k denotes the kth training example from the input data.
After training the LVQ network, trained weights are used for classifying new examples.
A new example labeled with the class of winning vector.


Steps involved are :

• Weight initialization
• For 1 to N number of epochs
• Select a training example
• Compute the winning vector
• Update the winning vector
• Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 for all training example.
• Classify test sample


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Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms(GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithms that

belong to the larger part of evolutionary algorithms. Genetic algorithms
are based on the ideas of natural selection and genetics. These are
intelligent exploitation of random search provided with historical data to
direct the search into the region of better performance in solution space.
They are commonly used to generate high-quality solutions for
optimization problems and search problems.

Genetic algorithms simulate the process of natural selection which means

those species who can adapt to changes in their environment are able to
survive and reproduce and go to next generation. In simple words, they
simulate “survival of the fittest” among individual of consecutive
generation for solving a problem. Each generation consist of a population
of individuals and each individual represents a point in search space and
possible solution. Each individual is represented as a string of
character/integer/float/bits. This string is analogous to the Chromosome.

Different search methods for induction

In the field of machine learning, an induction algorithm represents an
example of using mathematical principles for the development of
sophisticated computing systems. Machine learning systems go beyond a
simple “rote input/output” function, and evolve the results that they supply
with continued use. Induction algorithms can help with the real-time
handling of sophisticated data sets, or more long-term efforts.

The induction algorithm is something that applies to systems that show

complex results depending on what they are set up for. One of the most
fundamental ways that engineers use an induction algorithm is to enhance
knowledge acquisition in a given system. In other words, with the
algorithm in place, the set of “knowledge data” that end users get is
somehow improved, whether that’s regarding the quantity of data, the
filtering of noise and undesirable results, or the refinement of some data
Machine Learning R20D5803

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Although the technical descriptions of induction algorithms are largely the

territory of mathematical and scientific journals, one of the basic ideas
about using the induction algorithm is that it can organize “classification
rules” according to the induction principle and separate corollary results
from different kinds of

system noise or exceptions. Filtering out noise from a domain is a

prominent use of the induction algorithm in general. There is the idea that
in real-world data filtering, induction algorithms can compose different
sets of rules for both the legitimate results and the system noise, in order to
distinguish one from the other.

By setting up induction algorithms according to certain training examples,

stakeholders are looking for the ability of these systems to identify and
assess consistent rules and data that represents exceptions to these rules. In
a sense, the use of an induction algorithm uses the induction principle to
“prove” certain results that can aid knowledge, because they provide more
marked delineations in a data set (or multiple data sets) – distinctions that
can drive all sorts of end user capabilities.

Like other kinds of machine learning software, induction algorithms are

often thought of as a form of “decision support.”

“We consider the principal task of a real-world induction system to be

assisting the expert in expressing his or her expertise,” write the authors of
a Turing Institute paper on induction in machine learning back in the
1980s. “Consequently, we require that the induced rules are highly
predictive and are easily comprehensible to the expert.”

With this in mind, induction algorithms can be part of many kinds of

software products that seek to refine data and produce evolving results for
human users. In general, machine learning and the use of visual
dashboards is generating new tools through which users can more rapidly
develop in-depth knowledge about any given system, whether it's related
to marine research, medical diagnosis, e-commerce, or any other kind of
data-rich system.

Explana琀椀on-Based Learning (EBL)


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In simple terms, it is the ability to gain basic problem-solving techniques

by observing and analysing solutions to specific problems. In terms of
Machine Learning, it is an algorithm that aims to understand why an
example is a part of a particular concept to make generalizations or form
concepts from training examples. For example, EBL uses a domain
theory and creates a program that learns to play chess. EBL involves 2
1. Explanation — The domain theory is used to eliminate all the unimportant
training example while retaining the important ones that best describe the goal
2. Generalization — The explanation of the goal concept is made as
general and widely applicable as possible. This ensures that all cases are
covered, not just certain specific ones.

EBL Architecture:
• EBL model during training
• During training, the model generalizes the training example in such a way that
all scenarios lead to the Goal Concept, not just in specific cases. (As shown in
Fig 1)


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• EBL model after training

• Post training, EBL model tends to directly reach the hypothesis space
involving the goal concept. (As shown in Fig 2)


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Dimensionality Reduction
An intuitive example of dimensionality reduction can be discussed through
a simple e-mail classification problem, where we need to classify whether
the e-mail is spam or not. This can involve a large number of features,
such as whether or not the e-mail has a generic title, the content of the e-
mail, whether the e-mail uses a template, etc. However, some of these
features may overlap. In another condition, a classification problem that
relies on both humidity and rainfall can be collapsed into just one
underlying feature, since both of the aforementioned are correlated to a
high degree. Hence, we can reduce the number of features in such
problems. A 3D classification problem can be hard to visualize, whereas a
2-D one can be mapped to a simple 2 dimensional space, and a 1-D
problem to a simple line. The below figure illustrates this concept, where a
3-D feature space is split into two 1-D feature spaces, and later, if found to
be correlated, the number of features can be reduced even further.


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Components of Dimensionality
Reduction There are two components of dimensionality
• Feature selection: In this, we try to find a subset of the original set of variables,
or features, to get a smaller subset which can be used to model the problem. It
usually involves three ways:
1. Filter
2. Wrapper
3. Embedded
• Feature extraction: This reduces the data in a high dimensional space to a
lower dimension space, i.e. a space with lesser no. of dimensions.
Methods of Dimensionality Reduction The various
methods used for dimensionality reduction include:
• Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
• Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
• Generalized Discriminant Analysis (GDA)
Dimensionality reduction may be both linear or non-linear, depending
upon the method used. The prime linear method, called Principal
Component Analysis, or PCA, is discussed below.


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Principal Component Analysis

This method was introduced by Karl Pearson. It works on a condition that
while the data in a higher dimensional space is mapped to data in a lower
dimension space, the variance of the data in the lower dimensional space
should be maximum.

It involves the following steps:

• Construct the covariance matrix of the data.
• Compute the eigenvectors of this matrix.
• Eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues are used to reconstruct a
large fraction of variance of the original data.
Hence, we are left with a lesser number of eigenvectors, and there might
have been some data loss in the process. But, the most important variances
should be retained by the remaining eigenvectors.
Advantages of Dimensionality Reduction
• It helps in data compression, and hence reduced storage space.
• It reduces computation time.
• It also helps remove redundant features, if any. Disadvantages
of Dimensionality Reduction • It may lead to some amount of data loss.
• PCA tends to find linear correlations between variables, which is sometimes
• PCA fails in cases where mean and covariance are not enough to define


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• We may not know how many principal components to keep- in practice, some
thumb rules are applied.

Factor analysis.
Factor analysis is a statistical method used to describe variability among
observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of
observed variables called factors. For example, it is possible that variations in
six observed variables mainly reflect the variations in two unobserved
(underlying) variables. Factor analysis searches for such joint variations in
response to unobserved latent variables. The observed variables are modelled
as linear combinations of the potential factors plus "error" terms, hence factor
analysis can be thought of as a special case of errors-invariables models.

Here,There is a party going into a room full of people. There is ‘n’ number of
speakers in that room and they are speaking simultaneously at the party. In the
same room, there are also ‘n’ number of microphones placed at different

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distances from the speakers which are recording ‘n’ speakers’ voice signals.
Hence, the number of speakers is equal to the number must of microphones in
the room.
Now, using these microphones’ recordings, we want to separate all the ‘n’
speakers’ voice signals in the room given each microphone recorded the voice
signals coming from each speaker of different intensity due to the difference in
distances between them. Decomposing the mixed signal of each microphone’s
recording into independent source’s speech signal can be done by using the
machine learning technique, independent component analysis.
[ X1, X2, ….., Xn ] => [ Y1, Y2, ….., Yn ]
where, X1, X2, …, Xn are the original signals present in the mixed signal and
Y1, Y2, …, Yn are the new features and are independent components which are
independent of each other.

Restrictions on ICA

1. The independent components generated by the ICA are assumed to

be statistically independent of each other.
2. The independent components generated by the ICA must have non-
gaussian distribution.
3. The number of independent components generated by the ICA is equal to
the number of observed mixtures.

Multidimensional scaling
Multidimensional scaling is a visual representation of distances or
dissimilarities between sets of objects.
“Objects” can be colors, faces, map coordinates, political persuasion, or any
kind of real or conceptual stimuli
(Kruskal and Wish, 1978). Objects that are more similar (or have shorter
distances) are closer together on the graph than objects that are less similar (or
have longer distances). As well as interpreting dissimilarities as distances on a

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graph, MDS can also serve as a dimension reduction technique for high-
dimensional data (Buja et. al, 2007).

The term scaling comes from psychometrics, where abstract concepts

(“objects”) are assigned numbers according to a rule (Trochim, 2006). For
example, you may want to quantify a person’s attitude to global warming. You
could assign a “1” to “doesn’t believe in global warming”, a 10 to “firmly
believes in global warming” and a scale of 2 to 9 for attitudes in between. You
can also think of “scaling” as the fact that you’re essentially scaling down the
data (i.e.
making it simpler by creating lower-dimensional data). Data that is scaled down
in dimension keeps similar properties. For example, two data points that are
close together in high-dimensional space will also be close together in low-
dimensional space (Martinez, 2005). The “multidimensional” part is due to the
fact that you aren’t limited to two dimensional graphs or data. Three-
dimensional, four-dimensional and higher plots are possible.

MDS is now used over a wide variety of disciplines. It’s use isn’t limited to a
specific matrix or set of data; In fact, just about any matrix can be analyzed with
the technique as long as the matrix contains some type of relational data
(Young, 2013). Examples of relational data include correlations, distances,
multiple rating scales or similarities.
Manifold learning
What is a manifold?

A two-dimensional manifold is any 2-D shape that can be made to fit in a higher
dimensional space by twisting or bending it, loosely speaking.


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What is the Manifold Hypothesis?

“The Manifold Hypothesis states that real-world high-dimensional data lie on

low dimensional manifolds embedded within the high-dimensional space.”

In simpler terms, it means that higher-dimensional data most of the time lies on
a much closer lower-dimensional manifold. The process of modelling the
manifold on which training instances lie is called Manifold Learning.

Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)

Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) is a Manifold Learning technique that is used

for non-linear dimensionality reduction. It is an unsupervised learning
algorithm that produces low-dimensional embeddings of high-dimensional
inputs, relating each training instance to its closest neighbor.

How does LLE work?

For each training instance x(i), the algorithm first finds its k nearest neighbors
and then tries to express x(i) as a linear function of them. In general, if there are
m training instances in total, then it tries to find the set of weights w which
minimizes the squared distance between x(i) and its linear representation.

So, the cost function is given by

where wi,j =0, if j is not included in the k closest neighbors of i.

Also, it normalizes the weights for each training instance x(i),


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Finally, each high-dimensional training instance x(i) is mapped to a low-

dimensional (say, d dimensions) vector y(i) while preserving the neighborhood
relationships. This is done by choosing d-dimensional coordinates which
minimize the cost function,

Here the weights wi,j are kept fixed while we try to find the optimum coordinates


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