Unit 1A Theory Book (Atomic Structure Note) - EM 2 - 240520 - 213517
Unit 1A Theory Book (Atomic Structure Note) - EM 2 - 240520 - 213517
Unit 1A Theory Book (Atomic Structure Note) - EM 2 - 240520 - 213517
Unit 01A|Theory Book
Atomic structure
Chemistry is the study of the properties and beahviour of matter. Matter, is the physical substance in which
the universe is made up of. Any substance that occupies mass and space is termed as matter. In here the
discussion is about the atom, which was believed by some scientists back then as the simplest form of
Definition of atom
Smallest particle which involves in a chemical reaction.
simplest form in which an element can exist.
simplest and neutral particle in which matter can be divided into.
Consist of sub atomic particles like electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons, positrons.
Apart from electrons, other sub atomic particles (mainly protons and neutrons) are known as
Except electrons, other sub atomic particles called nucleons form a (+) charged area known as the
Electrons revolve around “energy levels” (shells) which are located around the nucleus.
Atomic radius is about 10-10 m while the radius of the nucleus is about 10-15 m - 10-14 m. That
means the atom is 10,000 – 100,000 times larger than the nucleus.
Modern atomic theory A live prototype which depicts the atom can
be studied by scanning the following QR
Symbol e p n
(𝐜 − coulomb)
Relative charge
1) Empedocles – believed that everything was made out from the four elements fire, water, air and sand.
2) Democritus – explained that materialistic world was made up from very small, invisible, indivisible
particles and used the word ‘atomos’ (atoms) for that which meant ‘indivisible’ or ‘unbreakable’. (Later,
Plato and Aristotle denied this concept. But from Dalton’s atomic theory it bounced back again.)
3) A definite explanation about the atom which we called as the indivisible building unit of matter was put
forward by an English scientist and a school teacher known as John Dalton (1766 – 1844) in 1808. Dalton’s
theory was based on four main facts.
1. Elements are made up from ‘atoms’ which are extremely small particle that cannot be divided
2. All atoms of an element are similar in mass and size while atoms of different elements are different
to each other.
3. Atom of one element cannot be converted to an atom of another element by means of a chemical
reaction. That is during a chemical reaction, atoms can neither be created nor be destroyed.
4. Two or more atoms of different elements combine together in simple numerical ratios to form
Dalton’s atomic model is known as the ‘golf ball model’.
4) In 1891, Johnstone G. Stoney (1826 – 1911) gave the name ‘electron’ for the basic particle in electricity.
But no evidence was there to prove its existence.
5) Around mid-1880s’ scientists were studying about electrical discharges happening inside air sealed glass
chambers. Sir Willliam Crookes (1832 – 1919) who was a British physicist and a chemist, invented this
chamber which was named as the crooks tube or cathode ray tube.
6) Furthermore, British scientist J.J. Thompson (1856 – 1940) was able to observe that the nature of these
rays possessed the same nature irrespective of the type of material that the cathode is composed of
and the type of gas present within the tube. Accordingly, he described cathode rays as a particle current
in 1897. Thereafter, he was able to calculate the ratio between the charge and the mass of an electron
( ratio) using experimental results based on a cathode ray tube with a hole in the middle of the anode,
and the result thus obtained was 1.76 x 108 C g-1 ^Coulombs per gram)'
Cathode rays
Cathode Anode
⊝ ⊕
Crookes tube /
Cathode ray tube
When a large voltage is supplied and pressure is decreased by removing some amount of air inside cathode
ray tube, an invisible type of ray is observed to be formed from cathode and travelled towards the anode.
When this ray was collided with some sort of surface, a colour (mostly green) was emitted. As the rays were
emitted from cathode, they were termed as cathode rays by Crookes. Further experiments on cathode rays
were conducted by J.J. Thompson.
1) Negatively charged'
a) Deflected towards the positive terminal in an electrical field'
b) In a magnetic field, it is deflected perpendicular to the field, in the direction that a negatively
charged particle is deflected'
2) Particulate (possess a momentum and the ability to do work)
3) Moves from the cathode to the anode in a straight path'
4) Produced perpendicular to the surface of the cathode'
5) Possesses a constant charge/mass (e/m) ratio'
6) Has the ability to penetrate a thin metal sheet.
7) Collide upon metals with high mass numbers and produce X rays.
(discovery of X rays – Roentgen)
Identified that cathode rays possessed the same nature irrespective of the type of material that
the cathode is composed of and the type of gas present within the tube.
That is a (−) charged particle which is common in matter is present and Thompson concluded
that it is the particle that Stoney previously named as electron.
Charge of that particle wad determined by Robert A. Millikan by the oil drop test.
After the discovery of electron as mentioned above, Thompson put forward the plum pudding method to
describe the arrangement of electrons inside the atom.
After the discovery of electron, golf ball model was not sufficient to explain the atomic structure. As per a
solution, J.J. Thompson introduced the plum pudding model. According to this model, nucleus is a (+)
charged solid sphere and (−) charged electrons are embedded throughout the nucleus. This is
corresponding to a pudding embedded with plums.
⊝ ⊝
+ (−) charged
(+) charged ⊝ + electrons
+ ⊝
solid sphere + ⊝
⊝ +
German Physicist Eugen Goldenstein was experimentally abled to prove the presence of positive particles
in matter. Here a discharge tube with a porous cathode and air under low pressure was used in this
experiment. When a high voltage about 10000 V was applied, a red colour fluorescence was observed
behind the porous cathode.
When a higher voltage is applied, the electrical field accelerates the small number of ions that are present
in the air. As these ions collide with the gas molecules, they get ionized removing electrons resulting the
formation of even more cations. These cations and electrons further collide with other gas molecules
resulting in an increment in the number of cations. These cations, thus formed are attracted towards the
negative cathode while some of those cations pass through pores.
Since these rays passed through the pores in the cathode, Goldstein named these rays as ‘canal rays. Since
these rays were not produced by the anode or from the positive electrode but were produced close to the
anode these rays were termed as ‘positive rays’ or ‘anode rays.
The (+) rays that are obtained when H2 is used, possess a type of (+) particles that is common in matter. This
particle was termed as the proton by Rutherford.
Write the reactions that can occur inside a cathode ray tube filled with 𝐇𝟐 gas.
The discovery of radioactivity by the French scientist Henry Becquerel (1852-1908) in 1896 was followed
by the discovery emission of three types of radiations by radioactive materials, namely alpha ^α&" beta ^β&
and gamma ^γ& by British Physicist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1973). The characteristic features of each
of those rays are tabulated as follows.
Mass number 2 0 0
Charge +2 -1 0
Degree of penetration ③ ② ①
Ionization power ① ② ③
Speed ③ ② ①
𝛼 rays
1 1
20000 8000
The alpha ray experiment was conducted under the leadership of Rutherford with the assistance of
Johannes Hans Wilhelm Geiger and Ernest Marsden in order to deduce the structure of the atom. There
they were able to observe that a majority of the rays or particles were able to penetrate the thin gold leaf
with minimal or no deflection. Furthermore, they observed that a number of particles refracted with
considerably large angles upon incidence on the leaf while a minimum reflected back upon incidence.
Accordingly, Rutherford expressed a new model for the atom based on the deductions, that major space
of an atom is empty and all positive charges of an atom is confined to a small charged space which
is called as the nucleus.
Furthermore, he stated that for electrons to specifically exist in atomic orbitals, the electrostatic forces that
exist between the nucleus and the electrons must be equal to the centrifugal force that is exerted on that
specific electron. In other words, electrons orbit the nucleus at a constant speed while maintaining a
constant distance from the nucleus.
This atomic structure that was expressed by Bohr was later termed as the Rutherford-Bohr
structure or the Bohr structure.
Discovery of neutrons
James Chadwick discovered the neutron based on the experimental evidence that revealed the mass of the
atom to be greater than the aggregate of the masses of the protons and the electrons.
When the metal Be is collided with 𝛼 rays, neutral particles or rays are produced. Those are termed as
4Be + 2α + 10n
9 4 12
Be sheet
𝛼 rays neutrons
The mass spectrometer that was discovered by the British scientists J.J. Thompson and Francis William
Astom (1877-1945) were used during the period of 1912-1913 in order to find the isotopes of Neon'
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
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Example –
Mass Spectrometry
Relative abundance %
Atomic mass
20 21 22 ^amu&
Features of waves
i. Wavelength (𝜆)
According to the photon theory, that is used to describe certain qualities of waves, electromagnetic
waves transmit energy in the form of energy packets termed as ‘Photons’ (Quanta). Thus they are
incapable of exchanging energy continuously and thus exchange discreetly in the form of whole
number multiples of energy of one photon.
The spectrum obtained when the electromagnetic waves are arranged in the ascending order of their
frequencies is termed as the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Here, conditions are supplied to allow H atoms to absorb and emit energy and the spectra thus obtained
are analyzed.
Emission spectrum of H
Dark Background
Absorption spectrum of H
White Spectrometer
Dark Lines
Conclusion: Atoms are capable of emission and absorption of energy. However this occurs only in
the form of specific discreet quantities'
Fund series
Brackett series
Paschen series
C1 E3
Balmer series
B1 B5
Lyman series
A1 A6
The electron transmissions occurring at above energy levels can be expressed in a spectrum as follows.
Energy ↑
C4 C1 B5 B1 A6 A1
When the H2 emission spectrum is fractionated further, presence of a collection of lines placed in close
proximity to each other forming a single line can be observed. This is termed as the Siemen Effect.
Conclusion : Each energy level has sub energy levels and they are energy fractions of the energy of
the main energy level
Energy Quantization
In 1900 German Physicist Max Planck (1958-1947) stated that energy is quantized. Accordingly, electrons
in an atom absorb and emit energy in the form of discreet quantities, i.e. a whole number multiple of the
energy of a photon/quantum (energy packet) (𝑒 = ℎ𝑓).
When electrons are not under observation, they exist in a state called as ‘Super Position’ where electrons
show both particle and wave properties. But when they are under observation, they switch the state to
either particle or wave nature so we can observe it. Likewise electrons can show both particle and wave
properties but only one property can be observed per once.
This explanation is applicable for any matter even though it has presented for electrons.
λd = h − Planck’s constant
P − Momentum
λd =
Atomic Orbitals
𝑒̅ exist in sub energy levels within “orbitals”. A maximum of two electrons can exist within one such orbital.
Orbitals can also be rephrased to be some form of energy packets. There are 4 sub-energy levels as s,p,d
and f. The number of orbitals within each of those sub-energy levels and the maximum number of electrons
that could be contained within them are tabulated as follows.
Shapes of orbitals
The shape of an orbital can be termed as the maximum area that is permitted or allocated for the movement
of the electrons that are contained within them.
The shape of an orbital is obtained by integration of the equation provided by Erwin Schrödinger in the
description of the wave nature of electrons.
s orbitals – Spherical
p orbitals – Dumbbell shaped
s orbital
p orbitals
Quantum Numbers
Principal Quantum Number (𝒏) - Depicts the main energy level in which the electron exists.
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (𝐥) - Depicts the sub energy level within the energy level in which
the electron is housed.
l = 0 → s Sub-energy level
l = 1 → p sub-energy level
l = 2 → d sub-energy level
s → → ml = 0
p →
-1 0 +1
d →
-2 -1 0 +1 +2
Spin Quantum Number (𝐬/𝐦𝐬 ) - Depicts the spin direction of the electron within the orbital.
↿ → ms = + 2
⇂ → ms = − 2
"The quantum number set that is provided for an electron in an atom is unique to that electron."
"There are no two electrons in an atom which are totally identical to each other. "
When considering the electron structure of atoms, for a multi-electron atom of given n , the orbital energy
increases with the number. For example for orbitals of n = 3 , the energy increases in the order of 3s <
3p < 3d. The energies of all orbitals in a given sub shell (example the five orbitals in 3d) are equal.
Orbitals containing equal energies are termed as degenerate orbitals.
2S2 2p6
3S2 3p6 3d10
4S2 4p6 4d10 4f14
5S2 5p6 5d10 5f14
6S2 6p6 6d10 6f14
7S2 7p6 7d10 7f 14
When writing the configurations of cations, the configuration of the atom is written and electrons are
removed from the last orbital.
When writing the configuration of anions, it is written according to the configuration of an atom containing
a number of electrons equal to the total number in the anion.
"When electrons are filled into orbitals with same energy (orbitals in same sub energy level) it is
filled one per orbital until the number of unpaired electrons are maximum and then paired in a
manner such that their spin directions are opposite to each other"
Ex -: 2p1 ↿ 2p4 ↿⇂ ↿ ↿
2p2 ↿ ↿ 2p5 ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿
2p3 ↿ ↿ ↿ 2p6 ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂