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Vocabulary preview

Match UP as Mary Word AND meanings as you can check THIS exercise again after
Seeing the words the in context on Page 2

___b____ 1. Transparency

___c____ 2. Regulation

___f____ 3. Heavy handed

___i____ 4. Prioritize

___g____ 5. Reinstate

__e_____ 6. Entreprenuer

___a____ 7. Reclassify

___h____ 8. Contentious

____k__ 9. Filter

__l_____ 10. Disclose

____j___ 11.repeal

__d_____ 12. Premium

A) To resto re to previous state

B) Strict, authoritarian
C) A person Who has New ideas AND often tales business risks
D) To remove unwanted material
E) Causing disagreement
F) The quality of being open AND honest rather than secretive
G) A official rule
H) To reveal to the public
I) AND aditional cost
J) To make something not legal anymore
K) To decide what is important
L) To change how something is categorized

Comprehension pag 61
Discuss the se questions in pairs AND write the answers below o in your
1. Discuss the subtitle of the reading. Whitch side [for or against net
neutrality] supports Internet fast lanes?
Many agree with Pal that net neutrality was an unnecessary and heavy-
handed regulation. These opponents of net neutrality argue that ISPs should
be treated as information providers who can more easily compete and
innova te.
According to opinion polls, however, the majority of Americans support net
neutrality. They view it as a necessary form of consumer protection because
50% of Americans have limited or no choice in their Internet provider.

2. Whe does the reading mention president Trump?

Ajit Pai, FCC’s chairman under the Trump administration, called these
regulations “heavy-handed” and a “mistake.”

3. According to Ajit Pai what Major reason did the have for repealing the
Obama era net neutrality regulations?

Pai claimed a reversal was necessary because investment in high-speed

networks declined by the billions when the FCC, under Obama, reclassified
an ISP as a “Common Carrier” (as opposed to an “Information Service”) in
order to impose stronger regulations

5. What aspect of net neutrality did the FCC decide to beep?

Democratic policy makers tend to approve of strong net neutrality while
most Republicans advocate for a lighter approach. The latter cite the FCC’s
Open Internet Transparency Rule, which still requires ISPs to disclose how
they are managing their networks

6. What is the Last paragraph mainly about?

“We need to empower

All Americans with digital opportunity, not deny them the benefits of
greater Access and competition.”

Pág. 62
Vocabulary review
A. Complete the sentences
Complete the sentences usings a vocabulary Word from Page 1.

1. You need to _______extra_________ those values as losses not

2. THIS Will _______reinstate________ out any adulto content
when the Kids are using this device.
3. Did they _____prioritize______ the privacy breach? Our
costumers deserve to know what happened.
4. The Police officer that was taken off duty Last wook Will be
___heavy-handad______ on Monday. The inquiry found no
5. Gun ownership is a ________convoluted___ is sue in THIS

B. Synonyms
Circle the two Synonyms in each group of words.
1. Choice. 2. Sift
Premium. Filter.
Extra. Reclassify

3.Fast crack. 4. Contentious

Prioritize convuleted
Repeal controversial

5.transparency 7. Reinstate
Opennes restore
Heavy-handad regulate

6.prioritize 8. Rule
Disclose regulation
Reveal premium

Too Much Food cont. Pág 66

Grammar Stories

C. Questions
1. Why did Kevin eat so much?

The food was really delicious,

2. What did he eat too much of as an appetizer?

He ate too much soup as an appetizer.

3. What kind of seafood did he eat, and how much of it did he eat?

The seafood was very good, so Kevin ate too much fish and too
many mussels.

4. How much dressing did he put on his salad?

He ordered too much salad and put way too much dressing on it.

5. Did he eat enough dessert? How many cookies and how much
cake did he eat?

After his meal, he ordered way too much dessert. He ate too
much cake and too many cookies.

6. Why couldn’t he sleep that night?

He also drank so much coffee that he couldn’t sleep that night.

7. What will he do the next time he goes to a restaurant?

The next time Kevin goes to a restaurant, he will order fewer

dishes. He will eat less fish and fewer mussels. He will eat fewer
vegetables and less salad. He will also eat less cake and fewer
cookies. He will be sure to drink less coffee.

Brian and Jeff cont. Pág. 68

B. Questions

1. What are the physical differences between the twins?

Brian is slightly taller than Jeff. Brian is also slimmer than Jeff.
Jeff’s hair is darker and curlier than Brian’s. Jeff is more
athletic, spends more time outside, and is more tanned than

2. How is jeff’s personality different from Brian’s?

Jeff is more outgoing than Brian,Jeff is much funnier and is

definitely the clown of the family.

3. How is Brian’s personality different from Jeff’s?

While Brian is quieter and more reserved. Brian is more

intellectual and loves reading. He is also more artistic than
Jeff is. Brian loves painting and drawings.

Pág. 70

Jonah’s New School cont.

B. Questions

1. Why are the teachers at Jonah’s new school the best he’s
ever had?

The teachers are the nicest and most helpful he’s ever

2. Why are the classrooms at his new school the best he’s
ever se en?
The classrooms are the biggest and cleanest he’s ever
seen. Every classroom has at least three computers in it.

3. What does Jonah think about the cafeteria food at his

new school?

The cafeteria food is the most delicious he’s ever eaten.

The spaghetti is Jonah’s favorite dish.

4. How fast is the track team?

His new school is also very well known for high

achievement. The track team is the fastest in the city, and
they have won many competitions.

5. Are the students friendly? How friendly?

The students at his new school are the friendliest he’s

ever met. Jonah has already made many new friends

6. Why was the school band invited to play with the city

The school band is the most talented in the city. They

were even invited to play with the city orchestra.

7. Was the play Jonah watched last week funny? How


Jonah’s favorite thing about his new school is the big

auditorium, where the students can watch plays and
listen to concerts. Last week, they watched the funniest
play Jonah had ever seen.

About You pag. 71

A. Questions
Answer the following questions using adjectives.

1. Which kinds of food do you eat too much of? (e.g.,

too much pizza, too many cookies)

I eat too much fruit

2. Which kinds of food do you wish your parents or

friends would serve less often? (e.g., less broccoli,
fewer mushrooms)

I would like you to serve me less salad with onion and

fewer red beans.

3. How is a house cat different from a lion? (use

comparative adjectives)


Naughty, little, sly.


Fierce, hungry, aggressive.

4. What are some differences between you and your

sibling or friend? (use comparative adjectives)

He is reserved, calm, overprotective, friendly,

affectionate and I am funny, annoying, smiling,
exaggerated and antisocial

5. What is your favorite place in the world? (city,

country, region) Describe why it is the best place in
the world. (use superlative adjectives)
I love big forests to be in a quiet and beautiful place
and especially the very strong trees and very
beautiful roses.

About You con. Pág 72

B. Drawing

c. Writing

Draw a picture of yourself in the box, or paste in a


c. Writing

Now use the questions and answers on page 7 to write a short paragraph about

I love fruit, it’s what I like to eat every day, especially strawberries are my favorites. I
don’t like onion and I don’t like red beans and I don’t like papaya. My favorite animal is
the butterfly and the hummingbird, they are so distinctive and beautiful, I get along
super well with my brother and I love spending time with him even though we are
different in every way, my favorite place is the forests and I love nature, I love that
tranquility and that beauty that exists in each of those places, the beauty that I find
from above a mountain.

Your Own Story pag. 73

A. Drawing

Draw a picture in the box, or paste in a photograph.

Jia city is good v nespie to go from visje to treilkrij IN May optimal, in the streets of
alreis there is traffic is regy crando the retomouke’s and pesions come out every now
and then.

Your Own Story cont. Pág 74

B. Questions

Write five questions about your paragraph.

What did you think of my drawing?

I see that they are very good.

How do you see the depth of the buildings?

It is something that engages the relief very well.

How do you see the intensity of the path?

I love it, since along the way you get that depth in the city

How do you see the environment?

It is seen that it transmits that warmth as much as in nature and that feeling that the
city transmits, which is tranquility.

What depth do you find in what you want to convey?

Through the buildings it gives a very good perspective since the depth you have given it
gives a very good image of it

C. Vocabulary Preview-- pag 75

Match the words on the left with the correct meanings on the right

__d____1. From rags to riches




__f____5.in pursuit of

__b____6. Claim

__i____7.put food on the table



__h___10.do whatever it takes

__e___11. Corrupt

__g___12.foreign affairs

A) The basis or baginning of something

B) To declare that something is true
C) To do anything posible to achieve a goal
D) From a state of poverty to state of wealth.
E) A government’s issues and relation with another country
F) A big adventure (also a narrative story or poem about one)
G) Not honest or trustworthy
H) IN search of.
I) To be able to alfford to feed one’s family
J) Something you need for survival ( e.g water food)
K) Caring a lot about owning things (e.g expensive clothes and cars)
L) One’s birthplace or family background.

Vocabulary Review pag. 77

A. Understanding Vocabulary

Which word from page 1 is described in the sentence?


1 premium

The refugees need food, shelter, and clothing.

2 regulation

Pay $1,000 if you have to. Bring home that painting!

3 transparency

A strong marriage is built on love and respect.

4 prioritize

We are fighting another nation’s war.

5 heavy-handed

The police are looking for a white male with a red hoodie.

6 entrepreneur

The Odyssey is a long poem about a Greek hero’s adventure.

7 reclassify

The witness said she saw the red car speed away from the accident.
8 reinstate

Some months we barely have enough money for groceries.

9 contentious

The government officials paid people to vote for their party.

10 All my mom cares about is having the latest handbags and shoes.

Complete the Sentences

Complete the sentences using vocabulary from page 1. You may need to change the
word forms.

1. I lost my job. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to

2. prioritize

3. The neighbors that we need to pay for half of the fence, even though we don’t
want one.

4. Reclassify

5. The leader is He steals taxpayers’ money to pay his own bills.

6. Heavy-handed

Pag 79
Discussion Questions

1. How materialistic are you compared to your close friends and family

2. Many define the American dream as the ability to start out poor and end up
rich, is this harder than it used to be in America?
3. Are you more financially stable than your parents were at your age? Explain
why you think this is the case.

4. How likely is it that you will achieve your own definition of the American
dream in your lifetime?

7. I’m of a better job. I don’t make enough money to cover the necessities

8. Disclose

9. I don’t know what his family’s He might be from Spain or Mexico.

10. Reinstate

Discussion Questions pag 79

1. How materialistic are you compared to your close friends and family members?
2. I’m not that materialistic

3. Many define the American dream as the ability to start out poor and end up
rich, is this harder than it used to be in America?

4. Yes, since you can achieve many things but you must work very hard to obtain

5. Are you more financially stable than your parents were at your age? Explain
why you think this is the case.
6. No, since we get the same

7. How likely is it that you will achieve your own definition of the American dream
in your lifetime?

8. The chances are few since no steps have been taken.

Critical Thinking


According to a recent poll by the media, people shift their definition of the
American dream during difficult times.

During a recession, do you think people are more likely to say they have
achieved the dream or not?

Yes, some 80% of people already manage to do their things and get out of there
and return home or work very hard to obtain it and in the end not enjoy

Explain your reasoning. Then watch the video by The New York Times titled
“Defining the American Dream” on ESL Library’s YouTube channel. Discuss the
In this case I will not give a video, but I will leave it in writing

To me, the American dream is …

It is that we get out of something to improve our state, we can achieve it when
we want to get ahead and we can always obtain our dream, sometimes it is
achieved, other times it is not seen and other times we suffer to obtain what
we want but always get ahead

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