Power Plant 2
Power Plant 2
Power Plant 2
a) Pressuredifferencemethod
b) Displacementmethod
c) Inferentialmethod
d) Non-Inferentialmethod
i) Orificeplates
ii) Nozzles
iii) Venturitubes
iv) Dalltubes
i) Measurement of Combustion Air Flow with Orifice Segment in Duct One potential primary
device is an orifice segments in the forced draft duct, figure. shows this type of device. It is
simple to design and install but its drawback is lower pressure recovery and thus greater
permanent pressure drop. Considering the individual nature of the ductwork, an accurate design
isimpossible. An approximate design combined with field calibration can produce goodresults.
An approximate design can be made by considering the duct as a round duct and designing an
orificeplatein a standard manner( The d/D (orifice diameter/pipediameter)isthen converted to an
area ratio (a/A), ) which will bethe square of the d/D ratio.
Using the area ratio, the opening area can be determined. This area is subtracted from the duct
cross-sectionarea to yield thearea of the oriface K, and K2 Duct cross section, C
In order to reduce the permanent pressure loss of the measuring device a venturi-type duct
segment, as shown by figure, can be installed. The design of such a duct segment should be
undertaken only by someone with good design basis information, such asa boiler manufacturer.
Further reduction in permanent pressure loss can be obtained by using an air foil design, as
shown in figure. The design of an air foil also requires background of such a design along with
empirical data that is based on the actual results of previousair foil designs.
Air foil designs are usually made by boiler manufacturers. A primary device ofthis type is also
somewhat less expensive to construct than the venturi duct section.
Another technique that requires no additional power consumption is to use the pressure drop
across the boiler parts.
One methodistheuse ofthe pressure dropacrosstheair side ofa tubular air preheater as shown in
figure. There are usually2 (or) more inches of HO availableat full boiler load.
In most such air preheater arrangements, the difference in elevation between the pressure
connections requires compensation for the chimney or stack effect due to the difference in
MeasurementofAirFlowusingDifferentialPressureacrossaTubular AirPreheater
The method of connection shown in figure will usually provide the Hot wire necessary
Inferred Measurement of Combustion Air Flow by Pressure Drop across Baffles in Flue Gas
stream Figure shows this method, which uses the pressure or drait O K, Hot air> differential
across the boiler tube passes. The use of such a measurement tends, however to0 produce a
greater interaction between the fuel and air flow control loops.
A further disadvantageis that such an air flow measurement isaffected by soot or other foreign
deposits on the boiler tubes. Another disadvantage isthe unavailability in many elevation ofthe
pressure connections is used to compensate for(the"Chimney" effect that results from
temperature difference ofthe flue gases at the two measurement points.
This heat loss changes the temperature and as a consequence resistance Fuel of the hot wire
changes. This generally changes the current through the hot wire for a constant voltage supply.
Measuringthe changeintheresistanceor inthecurrentthe flow can befound out.Therearetwo basic
techniques of Flamea Air Gas baffles drum Mud measurement of flow.
i) Bymeasuringresistancekeepingthecurrentconstant.
ii) By measuring the current keeping thetemperature constant i.e., Pressure Drop acrossBaffles
in Flue Gas stream resistance constant.
The thermo element is generally made of platinum wire having diameter of 0.0005 to 0.03 Cm
and a length of 0.1 to I cm depending on the flow channel diameter. The axis of the hot wire is
perpendicular to the direction of flow.The heat from sucha wire tothe fluid is obtained.
Thebridge circuit with appropriate supply and detector isused for measurement purpose. In the
constant current type the circuit is as shown in figure . Where R is a large resistance and R, R,
and R, is of the same order as that of R.
For oil flow measurement in recently constructed power stations8, the rotating vortex type of
flow meter is being installed as illustrated in figure the vortex-velocity principle involves a
vortex pool which has a clearances circular motion from and drives a multi-bladed rotor. The
rotor, which has ample the meter body is only used to count the vortex by means revolutions of
the ofa magnetic coupling to an integrating mechanism
Solids entrained in the fluid do not affect the operation and very little wear occurs,
the bearings being purged with clean oil or appropriate fluid from an external supply.
The error is specified as within 0.5% over a 10:l span, but with a" prover loop" on
which the flow measuring device can be periodically calibrated, it is expected that the
error can be kept within + 0.2%.
Figure is normally required. Illustrates how the vortex meter is housed in a special
pipe section provided with flanges which are connected to the pipe work arranged for
straight lengths of 10 diametersupstream and 5 diameter downstream ofBlow down
cocksthe vortex meter.
The integrating meter can be replaced at any time, whilst the rotor assembly can be
replaced without dismantling the pipework provided that Slope not less than 1:10 Air
vessels the oil has been drained.
(The method of usingg a "prover loop"is shown in figure andthis consists ofa
transportable U- section the diameter of which is known precisely and in which a
plastic ball is accommodated) shownasa block dotat
A.Theloopisconnectedtobranchesonthepipework.Sothattheoilcan flow through the
loop and vortex meter in series.