Series Inverter
Series Inverter
Series Inverter
In a series inverter, values of the inductor (L) and capacitor (C) are chosen in such a way that the
series RLC circuit should be underdamped since oscillations are possible in an underdamped
circuit only. For an RLC circuit to be underdamped, the condition R 2 < (4L/C) must be satisfied.
Mode I :
Mode I starts when thyristor T1 is triggered at instant t = t0 by applying gate pulses to it. As T1 is
triggered, it starts conducting and the load current flows through the path V dc+ → T1 → L → C → R →
Vdc– as shown below.
Initially, the capacitor is charged to a negative voltage -VC, but once T1 is triggered capacitor starts
charging to positive voltage with upper plate positive and lower plate negative as shown above. As
the current increases and reaches its positive maximum value, the voltage across the capacitor
becomes equal to supply voltage Vdc.
Now, the current starts decreasing after reaching its positive maximum value but the voltage across
the capacitor does not decrease. Instead of decreasing it increases further and reaches a value
higher than Vdc, and the capacitor retains this voltage for some time.
At t = t2, thyristor T1 is turned OFF when the current reaches zero by natural commutation, but still,
the capacitor holds the voltage (VC + Vdc) in it.
Mode II :
This mode starts from instant t1 when thyristor T1 is commutated and it remains in OFF state for a
sufficient period of time (t1 to t2) as shown in the below waveforms. Hence, in this mode, both the
thyristors T1 and T2 are in OFF-state and the capacitor voltage is maintained at a constant value of
(VC + Vdc), and the load current IL remains zero in this mode i.e., from t1 to t2.
Mode III :
In this mode of operation, thyristor T2 is triggered at instant t2 since the positive polarity of the
capacitor appears across the anode of T2 and it starts conducting. As thyristor T2 conducts, the load
current starts flowing in the negative direction through the path C+ → L → T2 → R → C– as shown
Now, the capacitor starts discharging and the load current IL flows in the reverse direction and
reaches its negative maximum value. Then, load current starts decreasing and becomes zero at t 3,
due to this thyristor T2 gets turned OFF at t3. Then after capacitor again charges to negative voltage -
VC as shown in the waveform. Again, after maintaining a certain amount of time delay, thyristor T 1 is
triggered and the cycle repeats.
In the above waveforms, we can observe that the positive half-cycle of the load current is exactly
equal to the negative half-cycle of load current since the capacitor stores charge during one half-
cycle and releases the equal charge in the next half-cycle. But in practice, the output voltage wave of
a series inverter is not a pure sine wave and distortions are present in it.
Load voltage waveform has distortions and harmonic contents because of time delay in turning
ON of the thyristors and the distortion increases if the operating frequency of the inverter is less
than the resonance frequency. Hence, the maximum operating frequency is limited in the
inverter as it should be less than the resonance frequency.
If the maximum operating frequency of the inverter is exceeded by the circuit firing frequency,
then the dc input source will be short-circuited.
The current flow from the supply is discontinuous because in one half of the cycle, the load
current is drawn from the supply, and in another half of the cycle, the load current is supplied to
the load by the charging of the capacitor. Hence, the peak current required is high.
As the load current is carried by the components L and C in both the cycles, high ratings are
required for the components.
Since the load current is discontinuous, ripples are present in it.
Since load current depends upon components L and C, load regulation will
be poor.
The above limitations of a series inverter can be overcome by doing some modifications to the
circuit. Let us see the circuit and working of a modified series inverter.
When T1 is triggered, an equal voltage will be induced in both the inductors L1 and L2 being closely
coupled and capacitor charges. The capacitor voltage will add up to the voltage induced in L 2 and
maintain reverse bias of the thyristor T2.