Detail Post - Floor Details - First in Architecture
Detail Post - Floor Details - First in Architecture
Detail Post - Floor Details - First in Architecture
Concrete Floors
Fire Precautions
As a fire precaution, the spread of flame over the internal
linings of a building and the amount of heat released from
internal linings shall be restricted;
all load bearing elements of structure of the building shall
be capable of withstanding the effects of fire for an
appropriate period without loss of stability;
ideally the building should be subdivided by elements of
fire-resisting construction into compartments;
all openings in fire-separating elements shall be suitably
protected in order to maintain the integrity of the continuity
of the fire separation;
any hidden voids in the construction shall be sealed and
subdivided to inhibit the unseens spread of fire and
products of combustion, in order to reduce the risk of
structural failure, and the spread of fire.
All floors next to the ground, walls and roof shall not be
damaged by moisture from the ground, rain or snow and
shall not carry that moisture to any part of the building that it
would damage.
Protection against contaminants
All new buildings, extensions and conversions, which are
built in areas where there may be high radon emissions,
may need to incorporate precautions against radon.
(Approved Doc C)
(Approved Doc L)
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