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Free Fall

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Kuwait University Course 125 Phys. Lab.

I Physics Department Experiment 5: Free Fall Acceleration due to gravity from free fall
Objectives To study the free fall motion To nd the acceleration due to gravity from free fall time(t) of bodies with dierent masses To draw the relation between falling distance and time and calculate (g) Equipment to be used Experimental setup for free fall (Figure 1) Steel balls of dierent masses Measuring devices: ruler Free fall timer References: R. A. Serway, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Section 3.5. Freely Falling Bodies. Douglas. C. Giancoli. Physics Principles with applications, (3rd edition), Chapter 2. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J.Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Chapter 16.

By a freely falling body we mean that a body that is uniformaly accelerated by the inuence of the gravitational acceleration when air resistance is negligible. In vacuum, all falling objects have the same acceleration due to gravity. In reality; however, dierent objects have slightly dierent acceletations due to air inuence on there motion. when a body is falling freely through the air, the eect of air friction depends on size, shape, density, and surface area of the falling object. This friction naturally reduces their acceleration. The equations of motion for constant acceleration can be applied to the freely falling objects near the earth's surface. The position of a falling object during its vertical ight as a function of time can be shown as: 1 y(t) = yo + vo t + gt2 2 (1)

where yo is the initial position of the falling object, vo is its initial velocity at time t = 0, the term ( y(t) yo ) is the falling hieght h whish is the distance the object has traveled from its starting point during time t, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The magnitude of g at sea level and 45o latitude is equal to 9.80665 m/s2 . This magnitude of g may by slightly dierent from one position to another on the earth's surface depending on how far are we from the center of the earth. In this experiment if we consider the falling object to start its motion from rest then equatuin 1 will be simplied to : y(t) yo = h = 1 g t2 2 (2)

you will study this relation between the heights of two falling objects (steel balls) and time, and calculate the value of g for each one of them using the relation: 2h g = 2 (3) t If your results obtained with dierent heights t the law in equation 1, then g should be constant and you can use your experimental results for the determination of g.

Experiment A: Free fall

Procedure A1. Set up the free fall apparatus as shown in Figure 1. Use the frist steel ball. A2. Set the height h to approximately 0.4 m. Measure the height and record it in Table 5.1. Press the Reset button on the timer, then loosen the thumbscrew so that the ball drops. Record the fall time t in Table 5.1. A3. Repeat step A2 four more times for the same height and record the falling time t . Repeat steps A1 and A2 for dierent heights by increasing the value of h by 10 cm each time. For each height record the fall time in Table 5.1. A4. Calculate the average value g for the dierent heights. A5. Plot the height h versus t2 and get the acceleration due to gravity from the slope. A6. Reprat steps A1 through A5 For a dierent steel ball and record your data in Table 5.2.

Kuwait University Course 125 Phys. Lab. 1 Student's Name: Physics Department Experiment 5: Free Fall Student's Number: Date: Group:

Laboratory Assignment
1. Based on your results, the acceleration due to gravity in Kuwait has the accepted value g =

2. Why the acceleration due to gravity might depend on the coordinates on Earth's surface?

3. The free fall time and nal velocity for a height of h m will be (ll the table): height h in m t= s vf inal m/s 365 m (liberation tower) 10 m (roof of your house) 1.25 m (this experiment)

4. Does the free fall time depend on the mass? explain?

Kuwait University Course 125 Phys. Lab. 1 Student's Name: Physics Department Experiment 5: Free Fall Student's Number: Date: Group:

Worksheet for Experiment 5

Table 5.1: Free fall of steel ball (1) height unit 1st meas. 2nd meas. 3rd meas. 4th meas. 5th meas. t g=
2h t2

g (from the table) = g(from the graph) =

Kuwait University Course 125 Phys. Lab. 1 Student's Name: Physics Department Experiment 5: Free Fall Student's Number: Date: Group:

Worksheet for Experiment 5

Table 5.2: Free fall of steel ball (2) height unit 1st meas. 2nd meas. 3rd meas. 4th meas. 5th meas. t g=
2h t2

g (from the table) = g(from the graph) =

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