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Optimum-Cost-Based Renewable Energy Chart Considering Micro-Hydro, solar-PV, and Hybrid Systems Using HOMER Suitable For Eastern Himalayan Regions of India

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International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE)

Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 126~135

ISSN: 2252-8792, DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v12.i2.pp126-135  126

Optimum-cost-based renewable energy chart considering

micro-hydro, solar-PV, and hybrid systems using HOMER
suitable for eastern Himalayan regions of India

Adikanda Parida, Bikuk Lomdak

Department of Electrical Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, India

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The climatic change issues can only be addressed by adding more and more
renewable energy into the energy chart for any region. However, the criteria
Received Jan 2, 2023 for the composition of the chart shall be based on availability, cost-
Revised Mar 1, 2023 effectiveness, complementary nature, and optimally fit with the load curve.
Accepted Mar 11, 2023 Based on the geographical diversity and availability of renewable energy in
India, the energy chart is different for different regions. In this paper, an
attempt has been made to prepare a renewable energy chart based on the
Keywords: equality constraint optimization technique for economical load sharing
between the locally available renewable energy sources. The HOMER-based
Hybrid generation software platform has been utilized for cost analysis purposes. Based on
Low-cost energy locally available renewable energy sources, micro-hydro, and solar-PV are
Micro-hydro considered for analysis. In this paper, the electrical load of an educational
Renewable energy chart institution situated in the eastern Himalayan region is considered for the case
Solar-PV study. The data received from the case study has been utilized for the
preparation of an appropriate and economically viable renewable energy chart
for the mentioned region. Even though the analysis model applies to a
particular region, it can be suitably modified for other regions also.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Adikanda Parida
Department of Electrical Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology
Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Email: adikanda_2003@yahoo.co.in

𝑈𝑑𝑠 , 𝑈𝑞𝑠 : 2-axis stator voltages of the DFIG 𝐿𝑠 : DFIG stator self-inductance
𝑈𝑑𝑟 , 𝑈𝑞𝑟 : 2-axis rotor voltages of the DFIG 𝑃𝑟 : Rotor active power of the DFIG
𝐼𝑑𝑠 , 𝐼𝑞𝑠 : 2-axis stator currents of the DFIG 𝑃𝑛𝑒𝑡 : Rotor active power of the DFIG
𝐼𝑑𝑟 , 𝐼𝑞𝑟 : 2-axis rotor currents of the DFIG 𝑄𝑠 : Power at load bus
𝐿𝑚 : DFIG magnetizing inductance 𝑄𝑠∗ : Stator reactive power of the DFIG
𝑃𝑠 : Stator active power of the DFIG 𝜔𝑒 : Reference reactive power of the DFIG
𝑅𝑠 , 𝑅𝑟 : Stator and rotor resistances of the DFIG 𝜔𝑟 : Frequency of the DFIG stator flux
Supercripts: (𝑠, 𝑟, 𝑒): Stator, rotor, synchronous reference frames

Almost 70% of global energy needs have been fulfilled with the burning of fossil fuels which
significantly contributes to greenhouse carbon emissions. Emissions from thermal and gas turbine power units

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Int J Appl Power Eng ISSN: 2252-8792  127

are significant contributors to greenhouse carbon emissions. To address the global climatic change issues, the
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention was brought up with quantified and legal
bindings to greenhouse gas emissions [1], [2]. The mentioned bindings were reflected in the form of carbon
tax and high energy bills in many developing countries where energy demand increases exponentially [3]. To
avoid the financial and legal bindings, expansion of renewable energy generation and its technology
upgradation was the only feasible option for the energy planners.
Energy cost plays a vital role in the expansion, competition, and implementation of renewable energy
generation projects. To address this issue, proper renewable energy planning is the need of the hour [4].
Therefore, nonconventional energy integration with the already existing energy supply as the distributed
generation has become the need of the hour to minimize the energy demand deficit within the Kyoto Protocol
framework [5]. Renewable energy capacity addition requires energy planning and energy management [6]–[9].
Therefore, energy planning and energy management must be operated concurrently to maximize renewable
energy generation at a minimum cost. Considering the criteria for the renewable energy composition chart, the
cost of renewable energy and its availability is the key factor that influences all other factors mentioned in the
abstract section. Therefore, renewable energy planning and its technology development must be directed by
mentioned two key factors.
Discontinuity of energy supply from renewable sources is a major limitation. However, properly
analyzing the power generation tendency, another renewable energy source that possesses the complementary
nature of the parent source shall be selected for hybridization [10]–[14]. A storage battery augmented solar-
PV based renewable energy supplied smart building energy management system has been proposed in [15].
However, the integration of a large storage battery is not cost effective and environmentally friendly [16].
Therefore, optimum sizing of integrated renewable energy systems is essential to target the load pattern of the
load [17]–[19]. In a different technological dimension, some researchers also suggest the adoption of renewable
energy not only addresses the climatic change issues but also will unburden the power sector economically as
it reduces power theft [20], [21]. This is true to some extent. However, improper renewable energy capacity
augmentation at individual load terminals as suggested in [20], [21] is not economically viable [22]. A similar
type of renewable energy architecture using multiple energy inputs has been proposed [23]. Over the last few
years, effectual research is going on to come up with appropriate integration of conventional energy input with
its non-conventional counterparts. In this track, the presented research as reported in [24]–[28] is helpful to
limit the overloading of the utility supply. However, the involvement of large storage batteries in these systems
is not appreciable. A solar-PV and micro-hydro hybrid generation-based energy system is presented in [29]. In
this case also, due to improper load matching, a large number of storage batteries are required. Therefore, the
scheme proposed in [29] is not cost-effective. For all smart systems energy efficiency must be high and energy
cost must be as low as possible [30]. While planning for the rural area energy needs, the configuration of a
smart village energy load has been taken into account and properly analyzed in this paper. The presented paper
considers the proper augmentation of locally available renewable energy sources for hybridization. The
significant contribution of this paper can be summarized as follows: i) The availability of matching optimum
cost renewable power at the load terminals with minimum battery backup; ii) Implementation of equality
constraint criteria technique for load sharing among selected renewable sources for minimum energy cost; and
iii) Moreover, the availability of low-cost renewable energy at the load center is an encouraging factor for rural
electrification in terms of consumer friendliness.


Energy charts are generally prepared through proper energy planning based on availability and cost-
effectiveness. Through field survey, it has been found that micro-hydro and solar-PV energy is abundantly
available in the location where case-study has to be carried out. Wind energy potential is almost nil over this
location. In this paper, an educational institution is considered as the case study for the preparation of an energy
chart. The organization is situated at a global positioning latitude: of 27.0844° N and a longitude: of 93.6053°
E in the eastern Himalayan region. The per day average solar radiation between January 2021 to December
2021 in the open premise of the organization can be observed in Figure 1. The average solar radiation is almost
0.3 kW/m2 throughout the year between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This level of solar insolation is best-suitable for the
generation of electrical power.
Similarly, the mentioned location is surrounded by many water bodies as shown in Figure 2 and all
can be the source of micro-hydro power generation. However, the water stream having a 43 m gradient is
considered for analysis. Practically, two parallel water lines were existing for drinking water purposes in the
organization, out of which one is on standby for any emergency. The idle water line was used as the penstock
for the proposed work. Therefore, one solar-PV unit and one micro-hydro unit of 3 kW capacity each are
considered for the analysis as shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 1. Average monthly insolation levels generated using HOMER pro-3.2

Case-Study Region

Water Resources Feasible

for Micro-Hydro Generation Source: Wikipedia

Figure 2. Potential for micro-hydro generation

Installed 3kW Solar PV System Installed 3kW DFIG Based MHGS

Figure 3. Installed renewable generation system


The existing structure of the electrical feeders in the load center that is considered for the case study
is shown in Figure 4(a). In the specified location, as per the measurement, between 9am-4pm, the available
solar radiation is suitable for usable electrical energy generation. The indicated average load at different feeders
in Figure 4(a) has been recorded on an hourly basis for the year 2021 including seasonal loads.
The daily average load at the load center is shown in Figure 4(b). At present, the total power received
at the load substation through the base feeder is distributed using Feeder-1 to Feeder-5. Table 1 shows the
feeder's load, it's rating, and the average value of the energy consumption. The feeder's common loads consist

Int J Appl Power Eng, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 126-135
Int J Appl Power Eng ISSN: 2252-8792  129

of lighting, fan, AC, PC, and motors. Except for rest days, the class hours in the institute are for 8 hours between
8 a.m., and 5 p.m. As shown in Table 1, the load on the Feeder-2 is illumination, AC, and fans and the
operational time on working days is 7 hours/day and 18 hours/day on nonworking days. The probability for
computation of time of operation is 0.8. The load on Feeder-3 is almost similar to Feeder-2. Similarly, the
working hours for administrative premises is almost 7 hours/day and 5 days/week. The load on Feeder-4 is
almost similar to Feeder-2. For the presented study, the loading time for the residential area was considered to
be 17 hours/day (6 a.m. to 11 a.m. of a day). During the analysis, the street light luminaries within the institute
complex were found to be of 80 watts capacity and the has been assigned to Feeder-5.



Figure 4. Energy demand pattern (a) single line representation of the load considered for case-study and
(b) load profile (daily average) of the organization considered for case-study

Table 1. The details of the load assigned to Feeder-1

Load distribution (considering load factor of 0.7) (kW)
S. N. Load types The capacity of devices (kW)
Load_1 Load_2 Load_3 Load_4 Load_5
1. Luminary 0.055 181.5 58.0 44.0 110.0 24.0
2. Fan 0.08 128.0 80.0 16.0 72.0 -
3. Air conditioning 2.5 125.0 - 75.0 125.0 -
4. Personal computer 0.3 300.0 - - - -
5. Motor 3.0 180.0 - - - -
6. Geyser 2.0 - - - 400.0 -
7. Other Appliances 0.3 - - - 0.3 -


The prototype proposed micro-hydro and solar-PV-based hybrid generation system augmented with
the utility is shown in Figure 5. The micro-hydro generator is realized by using a doubly fed induction generator
(DFIG). The AC load is connected to the stator of the DFIG directly and the rotor is connected to the stator
through a back-to-back converter system through the DC link. The solar-PV generation system is directly
coupled to the DC link through a buck-boost regulator. The marginal storage battery backup has also been
coupled to the DC-link but is not shown in the figure.

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During reduced water flows into the reaction turbine, to maintain 1 p.u stator power and rated stator
voltage level, the rotor side converter (RSC) will inject the additional power through the DFIG rotor drawn
from the DC-link with the help of the presented controller. Moreover, the surplus power available in the DC-
link will be delivered to the AC-link using a grid side converter (GSC) as shown in Figure 5. In the complete
model of the proposed generation system, an appropriate amount of dummy load arrangement is essential if
the system needs to be operated in standalone mode. However, for the testing purpose, the proto-type hybrid
generation system is operated in grid-connected mode and hence there is no need for a dummy load. In the
presented system, for lab experiment purposes, an arrangement for a small battery charging unit has been made
which may be utilized in the future for electric vehicle charging.
Both active and reactive power control of the DFIG which is considered to be the reference energy
source for energy planning through the energy trade-off process is accomplished through two control loops
(10). The instantaneous active power is compared with the reference active power which is the active power
rating of the DFIG set d-axis rotor current. Similarly, in the second loop, the instantaneous active power is
compared with the reference reactive power which is set equal to 0 kVAR. This is because the system is
supposed to operate at the unit power factor. For the proposed scheme, the availability of power at the load bus
is ensured through either one of the following generation schedules in a day:
i) Both micro-hydro generators and solar-PV systems feed the power.
ii) Micro-hydro generator is only feeding the power.
iii) Solar-PV system is only feeding the power.
iv) Neither the micro-hydro generator nor the solar-PV system feeds the power.
The schedule mentioned in (iv) is the rarest of rare cases. Where the backup option is either infeasible
or not economically viable. Rather, power is supplemented by the utility for the presented scheme. Similarly,
the generation schedule mentioned in (i) is a natural and definite phenomenon and occurs for 7 hours. (9.0am-
4.0pm) every day in a clear sky situation. Where excess power will be delivered to the utility if it is grid
connected system or allowed to dissipate in a dummy load for a standalone system. However, the power
schedule mentioned in (ii) and (iii) needs a very small storage battery backup. Where the capacity of the storage
battery is much less than the existing schemes.

Ps Transformer P = P  P ' ( )

AC Load
net s r

Reservoir Water I as , I bs , I cs U as , U bs , U cs Converter

Reaction Turbine

abc dq abc dq Pr '

Gear n1
I dss , I qss U dss , U qss
-jγ s -jγ s
Pm e e
e U dse U qse
DFIG Outlet I dse I qs
Q L = ( V qes i des − V des i qes )
n2 Water 3
Ps = ( V des i des + V qes i qes )
Pr 2
U arref
(U ) (U ) ( I qre )
e ref ref ref
r dr  1
  abc

ref Battery Charge

AC U br

jγ slip

DC Q =0 *
I qre
(I )

(U )
ref ref

e e
U crref qr dr 2 Ps
PI_4 PI_2
(U ) r ref
r Electric Vehicles
I dre Ps*


Solar PV generation Regulator

Cd DC-Link Vdc

Figure 5. Proposed renewable hybrid energy supply system

Int J Appl Power Eng, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 126-135
Int J Appl Power Eng ISSN: 2252-8792  131


5.1. If the total load assigned to the micro-hydro generation system
Assuming continuous power supply, from Figure 4(b), the average power demand was computed to be
526 kW. Considering, the fixed and variable costs involved in the installed 3 kW micro-hydro generator proto-type
system, the cost of energy (COE) as calculated using HOMER with a multiplying factor of 175, is found to be
@$0.14/kWh. However, large micro-hydro power plants are always associated with social and environmental issues
along with the duration of rainfall. Therefore, micro-hydro may not be the only option for any standalone load.

5.2. If the total load assigned to the solar-PV generation system

Similar to the micro-hydro generation system, in this case, also 3 kW solar-PV system has been installed
for experiment purposes. An appropriate multiplying factor has been used for fixed and variable generation costs
and used as the input for the HOMER. In this scheme, a rooftop solar-PV generation capacity of 1,260 kW has
been selected to cater to both the average power demand and the charging of the marginal battery backup.
Based on the average energy demand and the selected capacity of generation, the charging cycle of
the battery backup can be seen in Figure 6 by referring to Figure 4. Therefore, considering 220 V per phase of
the terminal voltage, a battery backup capacity of 1,293 Ah is required for continuous power supply to the
organization. As per the market survey on 29th March 2021, the cost of battery backup will be $1,939.5
(@ $1.5/Ah). Moreover, the life period of the storage battery is considered to be 5 years. Similarly, the cost of
the solar-PV module will be $1,26,0,000 (@$1/W) and the life of the solar-PV will be 20 years. As per the
designed capacity of PV modules and storage batteries, the HOMER Pro-3.2 software tool has been used to
forecast the cost of energy and the same has been provided below in Table 2.

Figure 6. Availability of solar radiation and status of the storage battery backup

Table-2. COE for solar-PV generation with battery back-up

Factors Solar-PV generation with battery back-up
Initial capital required ($) 41,69,325.00
Cost of energy ($/kWh) 0.175
Net present cost ($) 1,12,14,818.00
Operating cost ($/year) 5,51,146.00

5.3. If the total load assigned to micro-hydro and solar-PV hybrid generation system
Considering, 𝑝𝑔𝑖 as the total power fed from both the renewable sources selected and 𝑝𝑑𝑒 as the average
demand in the trade-off region. Therefore, the energy cost function can be defined as (1).

𝐶 = ∑2𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 (𝑝𝑔𝑖
) (1)

For meeting the load demand under the equality constraints:

∑2𝑖=1 𝑝𝑔𝑖
− 𝑝𝑑𝑒 = 0 (2)

therefore, expressing (1) using the Lagrange multiplier function (  ) can be defined as (3).

𝐶 = ∑2𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 (𝑝𝑔𝑖
) − 𝜆[∑2𝑖=1 𝑝𝑔𝑖
− 𝑝𝑑𝑒 ] (3)

𝜕𝐶 𝑑𝐶1 𝑑𝐶2 𝑒
For energy cost minimization, 𝑒 = 0. Therefore, 𝑒 = 𝑒 = 𝜆. Where 𝑝𝑔1 is the active power generation
𝜕𝑝𝑔𝑖 𝑑𝑝𝑔1 𝑑𝑝𝑔2
from the solar-PV unit, 𝑝𝑔2 is the active power generation from the micro-hydro generation unit, and 
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($/kWh) is the incremental cost of energy. The generation capacity from both sources must match with the
average demand between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. which is 1,260 kW. Therefore, the constraints for optimization are:

𝑝𝑑𝑒 = 1,260 𝑘𝑊; 𝑝𝑔1

𝑒 𝑒
≤ 1,260 𝑘𝑊; 𝑝𝑔2 ≤ 1,260 𝑘𝑊 (4)

The cost of energy (COE) in-case of only micro-hydro generation is 0.14$/kWh and that for solar-PV is
0.175$/kWh. Therefore, the incremental COE can be (5).
𝑒 𝑒
𝐼𝐶1 = 0.175𝑝𝑔1 , 𝐼𝐶2 = 0.14𝑝𝑔2 (5)

From (5), the maximum value of 𝜆 is 220.5. As per the constraints in (4), the optimum allocation of load
between the mentioned renewable sources of energy for minimum total energy can be seen in Table 3.
It has been observed in the Himalayan region that the water flow in the case of a micro-hydro type of
plant as proposed in this paper is highly dependent on rainfall. Therefore, micro-hydro and solar-PV generation
are complementary to each other. Therefore, for the proposed analysis, solar-PV is proposed to be integrated
with the micro-hydro generation system to supply the average power required by the load during the availability
of solar-PV power. Otherwise, the supply will be from the micro-hydro generation system. The benefit of the
proposed scheme is that it can be realized with no or minimum battery backup.
For this case study, to generate an average power of 560 kW from solar-PV, 600 kW of solar-PV
generation plant has been recommended with 100 Ah of the storage battery. The cost of energy from the solar-
PV with a marginal storage battery to supplement power between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. has been computed using the
HOMER Pro-3.2 software tool. The same has been presented in Table 4. The COE, in this case, is $0.145
which is comparable with the COE of the micro-hydro generation system. Therefore, considering the average
load profile of the load center as shown in Figure 4(b), 14 units of micro-hydro generators 50 kW each and
600 kW of solar-PV generation system are proposed for the mentioned designated load

Table 3. Load sharing among renewable option

𝑒 𝑒 𝑒 𝑒
𝜆 (𝑝𝑔1 )𝑘𝑊 (𝑝𝑔2 ); 𝑘𝑊 (𝑝𝑔1 + 𝑝𝑔2 ); 𝑘𝑊
220.5 1,260 1,575 2,835
100 571 714 1,285
98 560 700 1,260
95 543 679 1,222

Table 4. COE for Solar-PV generation without battery back-up

Factors Solar-PV generation without battery back-up
Initial capital required ($) 5,84,500.00
Cost of energy ($/kWh) 0.145
Net present cost ($) 1,44,4,245.00
Operating cost ($/year) 67,255.00


The proposed scheme as shown in Figure 5 has been simulated using the MATLAB/Simulink
platform. To simulate the micro-hydro turbine operated DFIG, a separately excited DC motor with decoupled
torque control mechanism was considered which emulates the hydro-turbine. In this paper, while capturing the
results, the emphasis was given to the active power flow in the system as per the literature objective. The
simulated outcomes of the presented scheme are depicted in Figure 7. Initially, the performance of the RSC of
the DFIG was tested by varying hydro-turbine input. It can be observed from Figure 7(a) that the RSC is
accurately either injecting or evacuating power to or from the DFIG rotor terminal. In the second step in
absentia of the solar-PV input, it has been observed that the utility is supplementing and extracting power under
the hydro-turbine power variation circumstances. The same can be observed in Figure 7(b). In the third step,
the micro-hydro turbine was stopped and the solar-PV power output was varied through a partial shedding
mechanism. It has been observed that the utility is responding appropriately to maintain the power at the load
terminals fixed for a fixed load. The utility response can be observed in Figure 7(c). It can also be observed
from Figure 7(d) that the DC-link voltage remains constant during the entire period of operation while testing
the performance of the system under the third step.
A precise experiment was conducted on the solar-PV and micro-hydro generation system shown in
Figure 3. Since the proposed system was installed near the load center and far away from the laboratory, there

Int J Appl Power Eng, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 126-135
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was very limited scope for the extended experiment on the practical systems. However, some of the vital test
results were captured and presented in Figure 8. As shown in Figure 8, it has been observed that by varying the
water flow, the speed of the DFIG rotor varies continuously. However, the active power at the stator of the
DFIG remains constant as the power fluctuation in the DFIG is adjusted through a power exchange between
the DC-link and the rotor of the DFIG. However, the net power fluctuates at the load bus. This can be minimized
through the augmentation of appropriate dummy loads at the load bus.





Figure 7. Active power sharing (a) DFIG rotor power response to turbine power output; (b) Utility power input
variation in response to the wind turbine output variations; (c) Utility power input variation in response to the
solar-PV power output variations; and (d) DC-link voltage profile of the proposed hybrid generation scheme

Rotor Speed of the DFIG

Net active power at the load bus

Rotor power of the DFIG

Stator Active Power of the DFIG
375rpm/div.; 1.0kW/div.

Figure 8. DFIG stator and net active power variation in response to rotor speed variation

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The renewable energy chart for minimum COE has been successfully mathematically formulated and
implemented using HOMER Pro-3.2. The equality constraint criteria technique was adopted for the
mathematical formulation of the problem. The proposed renewable energy-based hybrid energy system suitable
for rural electrification was initially simulated using the MATLAB Simulink platform. During the simulation,
it has been observed that the proposed control model was appropriately participating in the energy exchange
process. The simulated model has been implemented using a proto-type 3 kW micro-hydro and 3 kW solar-PV
systems using suitable controllers. It has been observed that the COE when the load is independently supplied
with the micro-hydro system is the lowest @$0.14/kWh. However, power generation from such units is highly
dependent on rainwater as these systems are realized through small reservoirs. As the solar-PV generation is
almost commentary to micro-hydro generation in the mentioned locality as experienced, it is considered for
augmentation to overcome the above-mentioned limitations of the micro-hydro generation unit. When it is
attempted to calculate the COE for solar-PV with battery back-up to supplement the total load, it is found to
be @$0.145/kWh and without battery back-up @$0.142/kWh. Therefore, to overcome the limitations like the
continuity of power supply from both generation options, energy cost limitations of solar-PV, and demography
of the load center, micro-hydro, and solar-PV-based hybrid generation arrangement is recommended. In the
recommended hybrid generation case, the COE is found to be @$0.142/kWh. Though, the COE of the hybrid
generation system is marginally higher than the standalone micro-hydro generation system, considering the
continuity of power supply, this marginally higher energy cost is within the accepted range. However, some
more accurate economic analyses shall be considered using more advanced software platforms for more
accurate COE.

The authors are grateful to the DST, Govt. of India, for providing financial support for this research
work through the project DST/SEED/TITE/2017(G). Without their support, it would not have been possible
for us to complete this research project work.

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Adikanda Parida received the M.Tech. degree in industrial systems and drives
from RGPV, Bhopal, India, 2005, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering department
from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. His research interests include hybrid renewable
power generation, rural electrification, energy conservation, and management. He is a
member of IEEE. He can be contacted at email: ap@nerist.ac.in.

Bikuk Lomdak received the M.Tech. degree in power systems from North
Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, India, 2021, and pursuing a
Ph.D. degree in North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, India,
His research interests include hybrid renewable power generation. He can be contacted at
email: bikukupsc@gmail.com.

Optimum-cost-based renewable energy chart considering micro-hydro … (Adikanda Parida)

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