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Chapter I

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A. Background

English is the international language. English is the concept of the English

language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the

movement towards an international standard for the language. It is spoken all over

the world. This language is mother tongue of nearly 320 million people and

another 200 million people use it as second language. So it is very useful to

establish international relation for communication purpose and for the exchange

of views with different countries of the world. It is also referred to as Global

English, World English, Common English, or General English. Sometimes these

terms refer simply to the array of varieties of English spoken throughout the


Unlike in its neighbour countries such as Singapore, Hongkong, and

Malaysia, English is widely spoken as a second languge English. In indonesia is

more likely to be taught ans learnt only as a foreign language. This means that

learning and teaching English occurs mostly in classroom, rather than during daily

communication. English learners in Indonesia do not have ready access to using

English as a tool of communication during their daily lives outside the classroom.

As stated by oxford and shearin, a foreign language in this context is a language

learnt only during formal education. As such, English language teaching and

learning in Indonesia presents particular challenges that are not encountered in

Dr. M.F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools &
Techniques) (Jaipur: Sunrise Publisher and distributors, 2008), p. 6-7.

countries such as Hongkong, where English is more commonly used on a daily



Since English in Indonesia is taught as a foreign language and learnt

mainly in classroom, the role of teacher is especially important because they are

the main source and facilitator of knowledge and skills of this language. An

English teacher is expected to play two roles at the same time: (i) teaching English

and (ii) making the teaching-learning process as interesting as possible as in order

to engage students in learning. In an EFL context, students’ exposure to English is

limited, and the classroom is usually the only place they have the opportunity to

use English. Thus, teachers’ instructions and explanations maybe the only

language exposure during which students learn to use language for


Several factors appear to impede the success of teaching and learning EFL

in Indonesia. Teacher qualifications and low English profeciency, classroom size,

students’ motivation, classroom-oriented learning, and limited sources of learning

are factors that strongly influence EFL teaching and learning success.2

As a global language, English has become compulsory subject in

Indonesian education. Therefore, as a foreign language, in delivering subject, the

teacher and the students can’t use full English to minimize misunderstanding in

learning process, thus the teacher and the student mix and switch their language in

learning process to make understand each other.

Many teachers of English see code-switching as a communicative strategy

for with insufficient vocabulary resources, and thus as a source of concern.

Teachers employ code switching strategy as a means of providing students with

opportunities to communicate and enhance students understanding. 3 Trough code

Desri Susiyanti, “Teachers’ Difficulties in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at
SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar” Unpublish Thesis of Universitas of Makassar, 2019, p. 18-19.
Olaunju R. Modupeola, “Code Switching as a Teaching Strategy: Implication for
English Language Teaching and Learning in a Multilingual Society”, Journal of Humanities and
Social Science, Vol. 14, Issue 3, 2013, p. 93.

switching, it will help teacher easier deliver the topic. It also will help student in

getting new vocabulary.

Empirical studies have demonstrated that it is quite difficult to find

classroom discourse fully in a single language, other languages understood by the

speakers may be used. Thus, switching and mixing between the languages are


Therefore, in learning English as foreign language, L1 is still needed in

delivering the topic. It will be really useful and minimize misunderstanding in

delivering the topic. It will also help the student to get new vocabulary.5

In classroom learning activities, one thing that can drive teachers wild is

when their students are apparently unwilling to use English in the classroom,

especially during communicative activities. This is often seen as an example of

student/teacher failure. After all, if the students are not using English everyone

iswasting time. However, there are many understandable reason why students

revert to their own language in certain activities.6

Furthermore, according to Moore doing code-switching and code-mixing

in classroom helps students to understand subject content better. While,

emphasizing the use of target language help students develop their linguistic

skills. Classroom CS and CM in EFL classroom should be adjusted with the

purpose of the teaching and learning. Some problem may be raised when the

teachers mostly speak in English while delivering the knowledge about subject

M. S. Husin and Arifin K, “Code-switching and Code-mixing of English and Bahasa
Malaysia in Content-Based Classrooms: Frequency and Attitudes”, The Linguistics Journal, Vol.
5, Issue 1, 2011, p. 224.
Eka Khairani, “The Use of Code Mixing and Code Switching by Students in English
Teaching and Learning Process at SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan”, Unpublish Thesis Of University
of North Sumatra Medan, 2019. p. 17.
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of Language Teaching, Third Edition (England: Edinburg
Gate Longman), 2001, p. 131.

content. The teachers should know the teaching purpose and the functions of

classroom CS and CM in order to be able to use it wisely and positively to help

students learn English easier.

More importantly, observation of inter- and intra-sentential code-switching

shows complex learning and communicative strategies. It is not our ambition here

to make a systematic comparison in code-switching strategies used in different

situations. Rather, we wish to highlight a few of the multiple functionings of

code-switches in the classroom, and to emphasise the need to understand such

strategies better and to appreciate their role in the learning process.7

Code-switching is the use of multiple languages in the words, phrases and

sentences even in a paragraph.8 Code-switching refers to the mixing, by bilinguals

(or multilinguals), of two or more languages in discourse, often with no change of

interlocutor or topic. Such mixing may take place at any level of linguistic

structure, but its occurrence within the confines of a single sentence, constituent

or even word, has attracted most linguistic attention. 9Based on these statements,

code-switching is clearly a combination of two or more languages and combines

words, phrases and sentences. Then, the structure of language in code-switching

does not violate the rules of drafting sentences for second or more languages.

Code-mixing is a widespread phenomenon in bilingual communities where

speakers use their native tongue (L1) and their second language (L2) in certain

di¤erent domains. However, it is not always the case where each distinct language

is exclusively used in one particular domain. Instead, what tends to happen is that

Daniel Moore, “Code Switching and Learning in the Classroom”, Internatioinal Journal
of Bilingual Edeucation and Bilingualism, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2002, p. 280.
Sumarsih, et.all, “Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesia: Study in
Sociolinguistics”, English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014, p. 78.
Shana Poplack, “Code-Switching (Linguistic)”, International Encyclopedia of the Social
and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, p. 1.

a mixture of the two languages is in question. The mixture usually involves one

word (or phrase) from one language in the syntax of another, with the majority of

words coming from the letter language.10

All of the above explanations are the intention of the researcher to know

the type of code switching and the type of code mixing used by teachers in

learning process at SMAN 12 BONE.

So, the researchers studied the meaning of code switching and code mixing

used by the teacher as a speaker. It is also useful to find the types of code

switching and code mixing used by the teacher to provide instruction in the

classroom. When teachers do in the learning process, they have several purposes

in giving instructions in the classroom either directly or indirectly.

By knowing this relationship, it is hoped that the researcher can find out

the code switching and code mixing that are commonly used by teachers in giving

instruction in the classroom in the learning process. Therefore, the researcher

intends to examine a problem about code switching and code mixing teacher

entitled “Code Switching and Code Mixing in EFL Classroom Instructions at

SMAN 12 Bone”.

Mehmet Celik, “Teaching Vocabulary Through Code-Mixing”, ELT Journal, Vol. 57,
No. 4, 2003, p. 361.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problem

of the study are:

1. What are the types of teachers’ code switching in classroom instruction at

SMAN 12 Bone?

2. What are the types of teachers’ code mixing in classroom instruction at

SMAN 12 Bone?

C. Definition of Terms

The title of this research is Code switching and code mixing in EFL

classroom instructions at SMAN 12 Bone. To know the definition about it, the

researcher has to mention its definition each word of it follows:

Yoko Iwai defined that EFL refers to those who learn English in non-

English speaking countries. (E.g. Japanese people who learn English in their

country are EFL learners).11 In an English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

classroom, most of the time the teacher cannot avoid the use of mother tongue

inteaching and learning activities. This happens in some countries whose English

is not their native language.12

Code-switching is the use of multiple languages in the words, phrases and

sentences even in a paragraph.13 Code switching is often applied by the lecturers

in the classroom to support students’ learning success. In teaching English as a

Yuko Iwai, “The Effects of Metacognitive Reading Strategies: Pedagogical
Implications for EFL/ESL Teachers”, The Reading Matrix, Vol. 11, N0. 2, 2011, p. 150.
Siti Sarah Fitriani, “The Influence of First Language Toward Students' Achievement in
Learning English”, Jurnal Pencerahan Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017, p. 28.
Sumarsih, et.all, “Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesia: Study in
Sociolinguistics”, English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014, p. 78-79.

foreigen language, code switching is one of the methods applied by the lecturers

in the classroom.14

Code-mixing is a symptom of language usage in which “a mixing or

combination of different variations within the same clause. 15 according to Kun

Mustain, stated that code mixing occur when conversations used both languages

together to the extent that they changed from one language to the other in the

course of a single utterance.16

Teacher is professional educators with the main task of educating,

teaching, guiding, derecting, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early

childhood education through formal education, basic education, and middle


Instruction can be defined as the bundle of "instructional events" that

create the necessary "external conditions" for learning. Instruction, then, is

everything the teacher does within the direct environment of the learner to

facilitate learning. Such a definition should be maintained. But it should now be

supplemented with all those learning-related events that are in-cluded in the

interaction of the student with the "interactive delivery systems”.18

Gratianus Silas Anderson Abaa, “Lecturers’ English-Indonesia-Javaneses Code-
Switching in English Studdents’ Classrooms”, Unpublish thesis of Sanata Dharma University
Yogyakarta, 2016, p. 1.
Sumarsih, et.all, “Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesia: Study in
Sociolinguistics”, p. 79.
Kun Mustain, “Switching and Mixing Code”, Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Politeknik
Negeri Malang, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011, p. 46.
Mentari Ocvilia Amanda, et.all, “Pengaruh Supervisi Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja
Guru di SMK Negeri 1 Bungoro Kabupaten Pangkep”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Himpunan
Sarjana Ilmu-ilmu Sosial 2, 2017, p. 149.
Fons Jaspers, “Interactivity or Instruction? A Reaction to Merrill”, Journal of
Educational Technology, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991, p. 21.

Having understood the term above, it can be known that the research

discusses about teacher code switching and code mixing in EFL classroom

instruction. In this research, the researcher analyzed the teacher code switching by

using Poplack theory and the teacher code mixing by using Chaer theory.

D. Objectives and Significant of The Research

1. Objective of the research

Based on the previous problem statements, the objectives of the research

are to find out, to identify, and to comprehend:The teachers’ code switching and

code mixing in classroom instruction in particular the eleventh grade students of

MIPA 2 and eleventh grade IPS 4 at SMAN 12 Bone.

2. Significant of the research

There are many significances can be stated as follows:

a. Theoretical Benefit

This research is expected to be useful for other research in conducing

research on code switching and code mixing.

b. Practical benefits

This research is expected to be one of the sources of knowledge and

information for people. The results of the study are contributed for:

1. The teachers

Hopefully, this research is useful for teachers recognize their type of code

switching and code mixing in classroom instruction to students.

2. The students

From this research students will understand the code switching and code

mixing used by the teacher to make it easier to understand the classroom

instructions delivered by the teacher.


3. The researcher

It can improve the knowledge about code switching and code mixing. The

researchers have an alternative source when intend to do another research

about the same subject or skill. And the researchers can develop their ideas

based on this research.

E. Previous Related Finding

According to observe of researcher that the main problem who research

take away in this research has relevance to some references below, such as:

Fithrah Auliya Ansar conducted a research about “Code Switching and

Code Mixing in Teaching-Learning Process”. According to him that In English

Language Teaching classrooms, code switching comes into use either in the

teachers’ or the students’ discourse. Generally our students whose formal learning

in Indonesia, their first language is Indonesian and learning second language just

in the class. And when talking each other in the class, in English learning they

often resort to a swithched and mixed code (Indonesian-English). The use of the

elements of English is sometimes unconscious. It is also same with the teacher.

Teacher sometimes conciously and unconciously make a switching and mixing

the languages in providing knowledges. Code-switching and code-mixing are

well-known traits in the speech pattern of the average bilingual in any human

society the world over, where both of them are the most obvious and widespread

which used at different language.19

The first previous study above only focused on the discourse of teachers

and students using code switching and code mixing in the teaching and learning

Fithrah Auliya Ansar, “Code Switching and Code Mixing in Teaching-Learning
Process”, Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Vol. 10 (1), 2017, p. 29.

process in the classroom. Meanwhile, in this research, research will be conducted

on how the teacher provides instruction in the classroom using code switching and

code mixing.

Muhammad Nadjmuddin conducted a research about “The use of code-

switching and code-mixing in English language teaching at state polytechnic of

Sriwijaya”. According to him that this article discusses the usage of Bahasa

Indonesia (BI) in EFL classrooms of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya (Polsri). The

first objective of this study was to examine the language use in the classroom

instruction, in particular, the use code-switching (CS) and code-mixing (CM) and

linguistic factors of the utterances as well as the functions of using CS and CM by

the lecturers. Another purpose was investigating the subjects’ perception on the

use of CS and CM. This case study collected data from four lecturers and their

students in English Department, Polsri. The analysis of the classroom corpus

identified seven communication functions in the lecturers’ speeches. The findings

of this study also revealed that there were different levels of agreement and

disagreement on whether a lecturer should use of CS and CM in the EFL classes.20

The second previous study investigated the difference in the level of

agreement and disagreement about whether lecturers should use code switching

and code mixing in EFL classes. Meanwhile, this research only focuses on code

switching and code mixing for teachers in giving instruction in the classroom

Martin Kustati conducted a research about “An Analysis of Code-Mixing

and Code-Switching in EFL Teaching of Cross Cultural Communication

Context”. According to her that the finding showed that tag-switching, intra-

sentential, inter-sentential, and intra-word were commonly used by EFL teachers

Muhammad Nadjmuddin, “The Use of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in English
Language Teaching at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya”, Jurnal Holistics Hospitality and
Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 8, 2012, p. 37-38.

and students in classroom. It was also found that the teachers used code-mixing

and switching in the process of clarifying certain issues to make them more

comprehensible to students. Teachers also do these kinds of switching during their

attempt to promote relationship with students, to switch the topic, and to persuade

or motivate students to be more engaged in learning English. Meanwhile, the

students mix and switch their language to overcome their lack of knowledge of


In the previous third findings above, the researcher learned about

determining the type of code mixing and code switching performed by teachers

and students in the classroom, and to identify the reasons for the emergence of

code mixing and code switching in the classroom. Meanwhile, in this study, what

will be studied is determining the type of code mixing and code switching

performed by the teacher in giving instructions in the classroom.

The differences between the research above with my research is nothing

yet examine spesificly about code switching and code mixing teachers in

classroom instruction during the teaching and learning process. However, it has

something to do with the research. The research above could be references to

continue this research and can be source of literature because it has correlated

with my research.

Martin Kustati, “An Analysis of Code-Mixing and Code-Switching in EFL Teaching of
Cross Cultural Communication Context”, Jurnal Al-Ta lim, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2014, p. 174.

F. The Theoretical Framework

In this part, the researcher will describe about conceptual framework that

will be standars to do this research.This matter is important to facilitate the

research to find data and information beneeded to analyze the problem according

to the scientific research.

To understand the concept, so this conceptual framework made in skema


EFL Classroom

Teacher Talk


Code Switching Code Mixing

1. Tag Switching 1. Inner Code-Mixing

2. Intrasentential Switching 2. Outer Code-Mixing
3. Intersentential Switching

The schematic above explains that in order to know the work results of

code switching and code mixing teachers in giving classroom instruction, it must

go through many stages. In providing classroom instruction, the teacher provides


material/courses to students using language, so the results will be known type of

code switching and code mixing teachers in providing classroom instruction.

G. Methodology of The Research

1. Kind and approach of the research

a. Kind of the research

This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive where the author

is describe holistically the types of code switching and code mixing used

by teachers in classroom instruction. Qualitative descriptive is used to

obtain information about real conditions during field observations.

b. Approach of the research

Approach is process works, the way to approach, the effort in the

framework of the research activity to establish a relationship with the

people studied.22 This research included to field research category by using

qualitative method.

According to Abdullah K in Tahapan dan Langkah-langkah

Penelitian that approaching method is according to the discipline studied,

highlighted according to the particular field of study, so that it may use the

approach:normative, juridical, psychological, educative, sociological,

anthropological, historical, philosophical, humanistic, naturalistic, etc.23

The approach use in this research are:

1) Phenomenology approach

The phenomenology approach is a philosophy approach which

main to the analysis of indication of human realization.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Cet. VI,
Jakarta: BalaiPustaka, 1995), p. 218.
Abdullah K., Tahapan dan Langkah-langkah Penelitian (Cet. I; Watampone: Luqman
al-Hakim Press, 2013), p. 27.

Phenomenology is a study about knowledge from the realization, or

the way to understand a object or phenomenon by means of

experience that awareness.24

2) Sosiological approach

The sociological approach is one of the efforts to understand

the social area by improving the human ability to adapt or adapt to its

social environment. So that, its mindset develops and undergoes

evolution causing social change of new society and the creation of a

greater degree of integration.25 The researcher use this approach to be

able to socialization with the teachers, students, and others informant

to get information.

2. Location of the research

The location of the research is the eleventh grade students of MIPA 2

and eleventh grade IPS 4 at SMAN 12 Bone.

3. Data and Source of data

a. Data

Data is every explanation (information) about everything to be

related to object of the research. So that, not all of information or

explanation is data. Data is a part only of information, that is be ralated to

the research.26

The data is used in this research are:

O. Hasbiansyah, “Pendekatan Fenomenologi: Pengantar Praktil]k Penelitian dalam Ilmu
Sosial dan Komunikasi, Terakreditasi Dirjen Dikti SK. No. 56/DIKTI/Kep/2005”, Jurnal
Mediator, Vol. 9, No. 1, Juni 2008, p. 166.
Koko Abdul Kodir, Metodologi Studi Islam, p. 114.
Tatang M. Amirin, Menyusun Rencana Penelitian, Ed. I (Print. III; Jakarta: PT. Raja
Grafindo Persada, 1995), p. 130.

1) Primary data is the type of data extracted and obtained from the

parent source (original source), either in the form of qualitative data

or quantitative data. Primary data in this study were teachers

English of SMAN 12 Bone.

2) Secondary data is type of data extracted and obtained through

second-party processing from the result of resesarch field, either in

qualitative data or quantitative data. Secondary data is source of

data indirectly give data to the research such as society.

b. Source of data

The sources of data in this study are the subjects of the data

obtained as a teacher at SMAN 12 Bone and literature related to research.

4. Instrument of the research

Instrument is chosen and used by the researcher in activity to collect

data in order to the activity is systematic and flexibility. 27 The instrument of

the research who is used by the researcher are:

a. Guidelines for observation, is the object of observation and recording

something with systematic phenomenon investigated.28

b. Documentation tool is researchers collected data by viewing the

document is written.29 Documentation is a record of events that had

passed. Documents can be in the form of writing, pictures or

monumental works of a person.30

Junaidi, Desain Pengembangan Mutu Madrasah. Konsep Rancangan Pengembangan
Sekolah (Print. I; Yogyakarta: Teras, 2011), p. 47.
Sukandarrumidi, Metode Penelitian, Petunjuk Petunjuk Praktis untuk Peneliti Pemula
(Cet. IV; Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2012), p. 69.
Sukandarrumidi, Metode Penelitian, Petunjuk Petunjuk Praktis untuk Peneliti Pemula,
p. 69.
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Print. XIX; Bandung: Alfabeta, 2014), p.

c. Recording. In this study, the recorder was used to record the teacher’s

speech or utterance during the teaching learning process in the

classroom start from beginning until the end of class.

5. Technique of Collecting Data

a. Observation

Mechanical observations made in collecting data start from the

process observation using the senses such as sight, hearing, and noting

symptoms that are investigated in this observation. This is done to see

firsthand about code switching and code mixing teachers in providing

classroom instruction at SMAN 12 Bone.

b. Documentation

Documentation techniques is to collect data or document activities

such as notes, transcripts, books, photographs or pictures and others

related to the research conduct.

6. Technique of Analysis Data

Data analysis consists to a set of qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative data analysis used in this study were adopted from the qualitative

data analysis tecniques of Miles and Huberman which includes

four steps, namely:31

Keith F. Punch, Introduction to Research Methods in Education (Singapore: SAGE,
2009), p. 174-175.

a. Data collection

This process is perform since the start of the study investigators.

The data obtain are still in rough shapes so that they need the data

selection. The activity of data collection and the activity of data analysis

is a cyclical and interactive process. Thus, during the data collection the

researcher circulates among these four steps continually in order to grasp

all of the information needed in the next steps of data analysis. In the

other words, it is the stage where the researcher tries to find out the

“unripe” data that will be reduced, displayed, and concluded. In this

research, the writer collected the data of the teachers’ utterances in the


b. Data reduction

Data reduction is the electoral process, focusing on simplification

and transformation of raw data that emerged from the written records on

the field, in other words, researcher sort out the key things or data in

accordance with the reserach focus. After collecting the data of teachers’

utterances, the writer continued the study by selecting and simplifying

the data of the teachers’ utterances so that there is no unimportant

locution included in the data.

c. Display data

Reduced data comes in the form of short descriptions, charts,

graphs so that it is easy to read and well understood as a whole. After

collecting and Reducing data, researchers display the data collected in an

organized and compressed information that will lead to conclusions.

Shape qualitative data display includes the type of matrix, graph,

diagram, or network. This type of data display serves to display


accessible, compact, and orderly data information. The writer classify

data code switching and code mixing teacher and display it in

informative table.

d. Deduction

Data were obtained and conclusions were drawn from what

research the goal has been achieved or not, if the desired one has been

achieved, study was stopped. After the data is displayed in tabular form,

next the researcher will be able to interpret it and reach conclusions and

verification. Derived from the data shown in the table, the next step what

the author does is describe and interpret the data so that Conclusion and

verification of the use of code switching and code mixing by the teacher

can drawn.

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