Control and Coordination
Control and Coordination
Control and Coordination
Control and
NCERT Corner
1. What is the difference between a reflex action 6. What are plant hormones?
and walking?
Ans. Plant hormones are the chemical substances which
Ans. help in controlling plant activities such as growth,
Reflex action Walking flowering, height, fruiting, development of plants
and their responses to the environment.
This is a sudden It is a voluntary action in
involuntary, and which the information is Auxins, gibberllins, cytokinins, abscisic acid
spontaneous transmitted by nerve to and ethylene are the different examples of plant
response. muscles of the legs.
It is controlled and It is controlled by brain.
coordinated by 7. How is the movement of leaves of the sensitive
spinal cord. plant different from the movement of a shoot
towards light?
2. What happens at the synapse between two
neurons? Ans
Ans. At the synapse, a chemical substance, i.e., Movement of leaves Movement of a shoot
of sensitive plant towards light
neurotransmitter is released as electrical impulse
reaches at the end of axon of one neuron. After this, It is a nastic movement. It is a tropic movement.
the impulse is received to the other neuron through It does not depend It depends on the
on the direction of direction of stimulus
the dendrites. Thus, information is transmitted from
stimulus applied. applied.
one neuron to other neuron by synapse.
The stimulus is touch. The stimulus is light.
3. Which part of the brain maintains posture and
It is caused by the It is caused by the
equilibrium of the body?
sudden loss of water unequal growth on the
Ans. Cerebellum maintains the posture and balance of the from the swellings at two sides of the shoot.
body. the base of leaves.
4. How do we detect the smell of an agarbatti Growth does not takes Growth takes places.
(incense stick)? place.
Ans. As the incense stick burns, the odour molecules 8. Give an example of a plant hormone that
spreads in air. It is detected by olfactory receptors promotes growth.
present in the nose. This information is sent to
Ans. Auxin promotes growth.
olfactory lobe in the forebrain by sensory nerves.
Forebrain interprets the smell by putting it 9. How do auxins promote the growth of a tendril
together with information from other receptors and around a support?
information that is already stored in the brain.
Ans. When the tip of a tendril touches a support, then the
5. What is the role of the brain in reflex action? auxins present in its tip move to that side of tip which
Ans. Brain has limited role in reflex action as most of the is away from the support. Due to accumulation of
reflex action are controlled by the spinal cord which auxins, the side of tendril away from the support
occurs spontaneously without thinking of how to grows faster and becomes longer than the side which
respond to the stimuli. Auditory and visual reflex is in contact with the support and allows the tendril
are handled by some parts of brain. to bend around the support.