tb6600 Stepper Motor Driver
tb6600 Stepper Motor Driver
tb6600 Stepper Motor Driver
Core Electronics
https://core-electronics.com.au/tb6600-stepper-motor-driver.html 15/5/2020
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SKU: DRI0043
7 Review(s)
Quantity Discounts:
10-50 $28.5 (exc GST)
50+ $27.6 (exc GST)
Quantity: 1
Brand: DFRobot
TB6600 is an easy-to-use professional stepper motor driver, which could control a two-
phase stepping motor. It is compatible with Arduino and other microcontrollers that can
output a 5V digital pulse signal. TB6600 stepper motor driver has a wide range power
input, 9~42VDC power supply. And it is able to output 4A peak current, which is enough
for the most of stepper motors.
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output current with 6 DIP switch. There are 7 kinds of micro steps (1, 2 / A, 2 / B, 4, 8, 16,
32) and 8 kinds of current control (0.5A, 1A, 1.5A, 2A, 2.5A, 2.8A, 3.0A, 3.5A) in all. And
all signal terminals adopt high-speed optocoupler isolation, enhancing its anti-high-
frequency interference ability.
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• Product WIKI
• Product WIKI
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If you’ve ever built a robot with wheels, or any motorised parts really, you’ll
have come across the issue of needing to drive it from your microcontroller.
Because a standard chip is only able to output a small amount of current,
Product Comments
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John113001 10 Mar
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