BSNL Switching System
BSNL Switching System
BSNL Switching System
Conducted At
A Project Report submitted for six weeks summer training for the period June - July 2010 TO
For these functions, the Base module hardware is spread over different types of units Analog Terminal Units: To interface analog lines/trunks, and providing special circuits as conference, announcements and terminal tester. Digital Terminal Unit: To interface digital trunks i.e. 2mbps E-1/PCM links. # Signaling Unit Module: To support SS7 protocol handlers and some call processing functions for CCS7 calls. ISDN Terminal Unit: To support termination BRI\PRI interface and implementation of lower layers of DSSI signaling protocol. Time switching Unit: For voice and message switching and provision of service circuits.
Base Processor Unit: For control message communication and call processing functions.
Signaling Processor (SP) Card: Signaling processes the signaling information received from the terminal cards. This signaling information consist of scan/drive functions like origination detection, answer detection, digit reception, reversal detection, etc. The validated events are reported to Terminal Interface controller for further processing to relieve itself from real time intensive functions. Based on the information received from the Terminal Interface Controller, it also drives the event on the selected terminal through scan/drive signals. Terminal Interface Controller (TIC) Cards: TIC controls the four terminal groups (TG) of 32 channels, and multiplex them to form a duplicated 128-channel, 8 Mbps link towards the time switch (TS). For signaling information of 128-channels, it communicates with signaling processor (SP) to receive/send the signaling event on analog terminations. It also uses one of the 64 Kbps channel out of 128-channels towards Time switch, to communicate with Base Processor Unit (BPU). In concentration mode, three other terminal units share this 128-channel link towards Time Switch to have 4:1 concentration. Special Service Cards: A Terminal Unit has some special service cards such as Conference (CNF) Card to provide six party conference. Speech samples from five parties are added by inbuilt logic and sent to sixth party to achieve conferencing. Terminal Test Controller (TTC) Card is used to test analog terminal interface via the test access relays on the terminal cards. Announcement Controller (ANN) card provides 15 announcements on broadcast basis. Only one service card of each card is equipped in a Base Module with provision of fixed slot for TTC and variable slots for CNF/ANNC. Time Switch Unit (TSU): Time Switch Unit (TSU) implements three basic functions as time switching within the Base Module, routing of control-message within the Base Module and across Base Modules and support services like MF/DTMF circuits, answering circuits, tones, etc. These functions are performed by three different units, integrated as time switch unit in a single frame.
CENTRAL MODULE: Central Module (CM) is responsible for space switching of inter-base module calls, communication between Base Modules and the Administrative Module, Clock distribution and network synchronization. For these functions, Central Module has a Space Switch Controller and a Central Message Switch. CM provides connectivity to 16 BMs if it is CM-L and 32BMs if it is CM-XL. Each BM interfaces with CM via two 512 channel parallel buses as BUS-0 BUS-1, each operating at 4 Mbps. These buses carry voice information of 512 terminations of the Base Module towards CM. In the reverse direction, after Space Switching has been done in the Space Switch under the control of Space Switching Controller (SSC), the same buses carry the switched voice information for 512 terminations towards BM. Thus, in a 32 Base Module Configuration, there are 64 parallel buses carrying the voice information from Base Module to the central Module, and also the switched information to the reverse direction. ADMINISTRATIVE MODULE: Administrative Module (AM) consists of a duplicated 16/32-nit controller called the Administrative Processor (APC). It communicates with Base Processor via the central Message Switch for control messages and with the duplicated Input Output Processors in the Input Output Module for interfacing peripheral devices. Administrative Processor is responsible for global routing, translation, resource, allocation and all other functions that are provided centrally in C-DOT DSS MAX. The implementation of AM is similar to the Base processor Complex of BM, using the same hardware configuration. As explained earlier, HPC instead of BPC is used to support 8,00,000 BHCA. INPUT OUTPUT MODULE (IOM): Input Output Module (IOM) consists of duplicated Input Output Processors (IOP). The Input Output Processor (IOP) is a general purpose computer with UNIX Operating System. It is used as the front end processor in C-DOT DSS. It handles all the Input and Output functions in C-DOT DSS. The IOP is connected to AP/BP via HDLC links. During normal operation, two IOPs interconnected by a HDLC link, operate in a duplex configuration. Working as Front End Processor, it provides initial code down load to the subsystem, man machine interfaces and data storage for billing and other administrative information.
MLF (Message Link Failure): When the message link the administration module fails, the MLF LED blinks while all remaining LEDs are turned off.
OMC Link: This displays the status of the link with the OMC (Operation and Maintenance Centre).
Lines faulty: This indicates the number of faulty lines in the exchange.
Trunk Group Faulty: This indicates the number of trunk group faulty and their individual status. The FTG are scrolled on the seven segment display.
Power Alarm: Alarms for the power supplies going faulty are indicated on the LED showing the BM/CM/AM consolidated status
Over Load Alarm: Alarm for overload on any of the modules i.e. Base Module / Central Module / Administration Module is indicated again on the LED showing the consolidated status.
This system is used where the total population of area is less than or equal to 256.
INTRODUUCTION: The C-DOT 256p ANRAX has been designed by configuring the basic building block used in higher capacity system of the C-DOT DSS family. The system is highly modular and flexible to the changing technique. The software is structured and clear interfaces exist between hardware and software. The redundancy of critical circuitry and exhaustive set of diagnostic schemes ensure high system reliability. TERMINAL GROUP: Analog information from the termination is first changed to digital PCM form at a bit rate of 64 Kbps. Thirty two such PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) channels from four terminal interface cards are time division multiplexed to generate one 32 channel, 2.048 Mbps PCM link. Thus from 32 terminal interface cards, eight such PCM links are obtained, which are terminated on ARC (AN-RAX Controller Card). CONFIGURING: AN-RAX Controller Card AN-RAX Interface Card Signaling Processor Card RAX Terminal Tester Card Subscriber Line Card Power Supply Card ARC ARI SPC/ISP RTC LCC/CCM/CCB PSU-1
CONTROLLER CARDS: The ARC card functions as the main controller of the AN-RAX. It performs time switching of voice/data slots between line cards. Toward the line card it gives the card select, subscriber select, clock and sync signal. It has an interface towards the SPC/ISP card for providing signaling interface the line card. It interfaces towards the ARI (ANRAX Interface) card used in slave frame to support voice and signaling interface for the line card in slave frame. This card exists in copy duplication and occupies slot 12 and 15 of the master frame in 256 p AN-RAX. It interfaces with RTC (RAX Terminal Tester) card for supporting terminal testing in AN-RAX.