Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping
By using the theory covered in this course you will be conducting a mystery shopping activity
for a retail brand of your choice in Singapore and developing recommendations on how to
enhance the customer experience for the target segment.
Your task is to select a retail brand/shop in Singapore and conduct a mystery shopping activity
to evaluate the marketing mix elements (7Ps)
Product/Promotion/Price/Place/People/Process/Physical evidence, customer service
standards, customer satisfaction, and the overall experience provided to customers. In doing
so, you should first identify the segmentation and target market for the chosen retail brand
and evaluate customer satisfaction and experience based on the specific needs and
preferences of the target market.
After conducting the group mystery shopping activity, you are required to develop
recommendations on how to enhance the customer experience for the target segment. Your
recommendations should be tailored to the needs and preferences of the target market and
may address, including others, the following areas:
The assignment should be 1,500 words long, (excluding appendices, diagrammes and
references). It must be a Word document, with a spacing of 1.5 lines and a font size of 12.
The assignment must have a cover page including the title, student’s name, course and
programme details, submission date, tutor’s name etc. A table of contents should follow this.
The assignment will have to cover the relevant theoretical concepts but also demonstrate the
student's ability to apply these concepts in practice. Students should tackle the report in an
analytical rather than a descriptive way.
Your submission should include a report of your mystery shopping activity, along with your
recommendations for enhancing the customer experience for the target segment. Your report
should be structured with an introduction, main body, and conclusion, and should be
supported with relevant data and examples.
The assignment must use proper scientific style and expression. Furthermore, proper use of
the English language (quality, spelling, grammar, syntax, etc.) is important.
Assignment Rubric
This rubric describes a set of components for assessing written assignment. The
measurements not being tested in the assignment are to be deleted by the instructor.
Assignment Summary:
Analysis of data/information
Articulation of thoughts
Average Score