2022-23 POM Assessment Brief
2022-23 POM Assessment Brief
2022-23 POM Assessment Brief
Intellectual/transferable skills
The coursework assignment requires students to submit a 2,500 word assignment by the
above deadline. Your work needs to show that you have accessed good quality data on your
market and product (e.g. Mintel) and that you have used the ideas and theories about
marketing from the module (e.g. from the lecture materials and from the core text)
The assignment requires students to INVENT a new product or service or ADAPT an existing
product or service and to describe and analyse marketing activities associated with the launch
of their new or improved product or service. NB Students must not analyse an existing
product or service.
• Food
• Drinks
• Automotive
• Pet
NB You must use MINTEL and STATISTA data using your library login to
access it
NB Your STP strategy should again be based on market data from Mintel
and/or Statista ie who is the key target for your new product, what are
their defining characteristics, who are the key competitors, etc
NB: Your work needs to show that you have accessed good quality information on
your market and product (e.g. Mintel and Statista) and that you have used the ideas
about marketing from the module (e.g. from the lecture materials and from the core
text: “Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age”)
Mode of submission All written assignments will be submitted and marked online via
Your assignment will be assessed against the following criteria (further details in the rubric at
the end of this assessment brief):
● Analysis of the market for this product (30%)
● Description on the new product (10%)
● Strategy for the segmentation, targeting and positioning of the product (20%)
● Marketing Mix for this product (20%)
● Reflective account of Formative group analysis and presentation (10%)
● Presentation and referencing (10%)
You MUST use the Harvard System. The Harvard system is very easy to use once you
become familiar with it.
Assignment submissions
The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must
be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word
file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be
submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation
refer to the online information via StudentZone
The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website -
Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20
days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that
students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.
● Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and
how feedback will be provided.
● Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the
assessment brief.
● Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and
marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the
mark and feedback
● Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a
sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair
● Step Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available
Principles of Marketing & Communications in a Digital World
Marking criteria
Missing Fail Marginal fail Adequate Competent Good Very Good Excellent Exemplary
No market The assignment The assignment The assignment The assignment The assignment The assignment The assignment The analysis of
Task 1: Analysis analysis present. contains very contains only a contains an contains a contains a good contains a very contains an the market for
of the market for little analysis of small amount of adequate analysis competent analysis of the good analysis of excellent analysis this product
the market for analysis of the of the market for analysis of the market for this the market for of the market for cannot be
this product this product market for this this product, market for this product. A good this product. A this product. improved on.
product though there are product. Some amount of Mintel very good Excellent use of
(30%) some definite Mintel and and potentially amount of Mintel Mintel and
weaknesses. A potentially Statista used. and potentially potentially
small amount of Statista used. Statista used. Statista.
Mintel and
Statista used.
Mark awarded*
No useful or Little useful or Only a small Some useful A reasonable A good amount of A large amount of A large amount of The description of
Task 2: relevant relevant amount of useful background amount of useful useful useful highly relevant the new product
Description on information has information has and relevant information has information has information has information has information has cannot be
been provided on been provided on information has been provided on been provided on been provided on been provided on been provided on improved upon.
the new product the new product. the new product. been provided on the new product. the new product. the new product. the new product. the new product.
the new product.
(10%) This discussion This discussion This discussion
has been has been has been
integrated well integrated integrated
into the effectively into extremely
assignment. the assignment. effectively into
the assignment.
Mark awarded*
No analysis. The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical
Task 3: Strategy Section missing. approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has
for the been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is
very poor. weak. generally competent, good, with very good, with excellent, with outstanding and
segmentation, adequate but though not all of reference to reference to the full reference to cannot be
there are some the models most/all the models in the all the models in improved on.
targeting and definite outlined in the models in the brief. the brief.
positioning of weaknesses. brief are present. brief.
Most of the
the product models outlined
in the brief are
Mark awarded*
Marketing Mix is The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical The analytical
Task 4: missing. approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has approach that has
Marketing Mix been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is been applied is
very poor. weak. generally competent. good. very good excellent outstanding and
for this product adequate but cannot be
there are some improved upon.
(20%) definite
Mark awarded*
Reflective Very poor Poor reflection Adequate Competent Good reflective Very good Excellent Outstanding
Task 5: account is reflection, with overall, with few reflection but reflection but not account of the reflective account reflective account reflection which
missing. no lessons learnt. lessons learnt. with some enough lessons group work of the group work of the group work cannot be
Reflective definite learnt. experience, experience, experience, improved upon.
weaknesses and including lessons including lessons including lessons
account of
room for learnt about learnt about learnt about
improvement. group work group work group work
Formative group processes and the processes and the processes and the
work and student’s own student’s own student’s own
strengths and strengths and strengths and
presentation weaknesses. weaknesses. weaknesses.
Mark awarded*
Very poor Poor presentation Poor presentation Adequate Competent Good Very good Excellent Outstanding
Presentation, presentation and and formatting and formatting in presentation and presentation and presentation and presentation and presentation and presentation and
referencing formatting throughout. No some areas of the formatting formatting formatting formatting formatting formatting
throughout. No use of visuals or assignment. No throughout. throughout. throughout. Good throughout. Very throughout. throughout.
(10%) use of visuals or charts. use of visuals or Limited use of Some use of use of visuals and good use of Excellent use of Outstanding use
charts. charts. visuals and visuals and charts. visuals and visuals and of visuals and
Referencing is charts. charts. charts. charts. charts.
Referencing is limited. Referencing Good referencing
extremely limited contains many Referencing Referencing is throughout. Very good Excellent Outstanding
contains some generally fine but referencing referencing referencing
or missing omissions and
throughout. throughout. throughout.
inconsistencies. omissions and certain aspects
inconsistencies. could be Cannot be
improved. improved upon.
Mark awarded*