Module Specifications
Sales management is an essential part of any company’s selling process. This course places
emphasis on major aspects of selling and sales management whilst also covering how the
marketing mix influences sales. Students will be exposed to various factors in creating a good sales
environment and how to manage it effectively. The course will also examine the use of technology
in sales and how it is related to strategic sales thinking.
Learning Outcomes
1. To comprehend the fundamentals of sales force management and its relationship towards
strategic organizational goals.
2. To identify and apply leadership qualities in sales management in order to create high
performing sales teams.
3. To relate the use of the customer relationship management process in the context of sales
management and customer satisfaction.
4. To identify the use of CRM technologies and leveraging of information technology to
streamline operational efficiency.
5. To design, organize and understand the sales force and how to recruit, train and develop
an effective sales force.
6. To understand how cultures affects the internal sales processes and discuss the
implications on the company’s customer satisfaction levels.
7. To learn how to manage sales performance and customer knowledge management to
ensure customer retention and improved company performance.
Additional Readings
● Cron & DeCarlo (2009) Sales Management: Concepts and Cases. 10th Ed. Wiley.
● Jobber & Lancaster (2015) Selling & Sales management. 10th Ed. Pearson.
● Kotler, Armstrong, Ang, Leong, Tan & Tse (2005) Principles of Marketing – An
Asian Perspective. Prentice Hall.
You are the Sales Leader of a company. Write a structured report on what you see in a great sales
leader – what qualities do sales leaders have – how they behave and what they stand for.
Sales leaders possess some values that shape them into the type of leaders they become
eventually – an effective and efficient one. The key to providing inspiration for others lies in
understanding the values and drivers of those they lead.
Having understood the above, explore the values required to be a good sales leader. Conduct a
personal SWOT analysis of yourself and determine if you have these values. Evaluate yourself after
this analysis and provide recommendations on how you would work around your current values in
order to become the preferred sales leader that people would love to work with.
21. Assignment Requirements
For group work, students will be assigned the team members. No changes will be allowed to the
All members of a team will receive the same grade for the project. Team members may be given
the opportunities to rate the efforts and participation of all other members, and these evaluations
may result in differing grades being awarded to different members.
Should a team member be highlighted as not performing adequately, and if all members
unanimously agree that he/she is not contributing to the group work, the instructor may remove
the team member from the group after a consultation between the team and the instructor.
A grade mark of zero will be given to the non-contributing team member for this assignment.
Assignments must include a cover page with your names, the title of the course
and the instructor’s name.
The use of the Harvard system of referencing is compulsory for all assignments.
Plagiarism is a breach of the Institutions regulations and may result in a mark of zero being
given for the work containing plagiarism. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying
from another source without acknowledging that source, whether it be the work of another
student, an author or of your own assignment for another unit.
If you are unsure whether what you propose to do constitutes plagiarism, consult the unit
coordinator before proceeding or refer to the student handbook for policies and
procedures for plagiarism.
All individual and group assignments should be uploaded into ‘Turnitin’ software provided by
ERC institute. All hard copies submitted must be printed from ‘Turnitin’. No marks shall be
awarded for non turn-it-in copies of coursework.