ES (3rd) May21
ES (3rd) May21
ES (3rd) May21
3rd Exam/Common/1008/Jun'2021
Duration: 1Hrs. M.Marks:25
1. The study of interactions between living and 9. In India the percentage of land under forest
non living organisms and environment is is about
called as a) 20%
a) Ecosystem b) 19%
b) Economics c) 25%
c) Ecology d) 30%
d) Sociology 10. The main cause of desertification is
2. Non-Living factors in the environment are a) harmful gas
called b) deforestation
a) biotic c) noise
b) abiotic d) heat
c) niche 11. The depletion in the Ozone layer is caused by
d) ecosphere a) Nitrous oxide
3. The pyramid of energy in any eco-system is b) Carbon dioxide
a) always upright c) Chlorofluoro carbons
b) may be upright or inverted d) Methane
c) always inverted 12. The first layer of atmosphere is -
d) None of these a) Stratosphere
4. Global warming means: b) Troposphere
a) Increase in Earth's Body Temperature
b) Increase in solar radiation
o m c) Exosphere
d) Thermosphere
c) Acid Rain
d) All the above
.r c 13. A species is said to be extinct, when it is not
seen in the wild for………….years
5. Sustainable development
a) destroys energy sources
p e a) 25
b) 50
b) saves energy sources
c) 75
.r c
c) increases pollution d) 30
r p
d) results in deforestation
6. The driving force of an eco-system is
14. Smog is combination of
a) Smoke and snow
a) input of energy
b) energy and matter e
b) Snow and fog
c) Smoke and fog
c) water
d) water and air
18. The process of burning of municipal solid 27. Biomedical waste is hazardous due to the
waste at high temperature is called presence of -
a) Incineration a) cellulose matter
b) Composting b) waste food
c) Land filing c) pathogens
d) Shredding d) chemicals
19. E-waste is generated by 28. Where was the U.N. conference on human
a) chemicals environment held
b) sewage a) Geneva
c) electronic items b) Stockholm
d) pesticides c) Madrid
20. Sewage is a source of …………pollution d) Montreal
a) air 29. The remains of dead animals and plants
b) water following their death are called -
c) soil a) Detritus
d) noise b) Decomposers
21. The largest reservoir of nitrogen on our c) Soil
planet is d) Fragments
a) ocean a) All of the above
b) atmosere 30. Which one is needed to estimate human's
c) biosphere impact on the environment –
d) fossil fuels a) Population
22. During photosynthesis, trees produce -
a) carbondioxide
o m b) Consumption
c) Affluence
b) nitrogen
c) carbon monoxide
.r c d) Both a) and b)
31. Biogas plants using cattle dung are called -
d) oxygen
23. Quinine is obtained from –
p e a) Hydro Plants
b) Gobar Gas Plants
a) Cinchona Tree
a o
c) Thermal Power Plant
.r c
b) Protein d) Gas Station
c) Carbohydrate
d) Bacteria
r p 32. During construction , green architecture
seeks to reduce waste of –
noise pollutionb
24. Among the following, which is not created by
p e a) energy
b) water
a) Deafness
b) Hypertension
p a c) materials used
d) All of the above
c) Irritation
d) Diarrhea
25. Low lying area covered with shallow water is
br 33. The area reserved for the welfare of wildlife
is called
a) National Park
called b) Forest
a) Springs c) Botanical Garden
b) Swamps d) Sanctuary
c) Esquires 34. The Taj Mehal at Agra may be damaged by –
d) Wet lands a) Sulfur dioxide
26. Out of these best solution to get rid of non b) Chlorine
biodegradable wastes is - c) Hydrogen
a) burning d) Oxygen
b) dumping 35. Sea waste contains many dissolved
c) burying compounds in which most predominant
d) recycling basic element is
a) potassium
b) calcium
c) sodium
d) magnesium
S.B. Roll No…………………………………….
36. The futuristic green buildings are to use 44. Carbon-die-oxide is essential for –
green materials such as- a) Stabilization of waste
a) Green wood b) Plants
b) Grey wood c) Burning waste
c) Natural wood d) For Animals
d) Brown wood 45. Which of the following electricity generating
37. Rising pollution level is leading to power plant releases radioactive materials?
a) Acid rain a) Nuclear
b) Global warming b) Hydroelectric
c) Ozone depletion c) Solar
d) all of these d) Thermal
38. Decomposers include - 46. Gas leaked in Bhopal tragedy was-
a) Bacteria a) Potassium thiocyanate
b) Fungi b) Methyl isocyanate
c) Both a & b c) Ethyl isocyanate
d) Animals d) Sodium isothiocyanate
39. IGBC stands for - 47. Which of the following is the indicator
a) Indian green building council of microbial quality of water -
b) Indian green wood council a) E-coil
c) Indian green cement council b) Azotobacter
d) Indian grey building council c) Rhizobium
40. White coal is - d) Bacillus
a) Uranium
b) Hydroelectricity
o m 48. Energy generated from sea water is called -
a) Solar Energy
c) Ice
d) Diamond
.r c b) Water Energy
c) Tidal Energy
of an
p e
41. Habitat can be defined as the natural locality d) Hydro energy
49. Formation of hole in ozone is maximum over
a) animal
a) India
.r c
b) plant b) Europe
c) person
d) all of these
r p c) Antarctica
d) Africa
a) ATP b
42. The source of energy in an ecosystem is –
50. Natural noise is caused by -
a) Radios
b) Sunlight
c) DNA
p a b) Televisions
c) Waterfalls
d) RNA
43. If population of a species has rapidly reduced
in the recent past, it is
br d) Loudspeakers
a) Endangered
b) Threatened
c) Extinct
d) Rare