MiniCase2 - The Jewelry Thief
MiniCase2 - The Jewelry Thief
MiniCase2 - The Jewelry Thief
catio mmuni Co
believe or feel that (someone) is guilty of an illegal, dishonest, or unpleasant act, without certain proof
Suspect (n)
a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense The police have arrested a suspect.
ATL Connections
- Communication - Information Literacy - Collaboration
Suspect (adj)
not to be relied on or trusted; possibly dangerous or false : A suspect package was found on the platform.
Step 1. Copy the above word into your Vocabulary Book. Step 2. Complete the activity on the back of this page. 1
Write a complete sentence about the cartoon above using the word Suspect. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Write your own sentence using the word Suspect, and motive. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
ATLs Informa tion Literacy
Circle the one that does not belong and explain why.
Example ! sh snake elephant dog ! ! ! The sh does not belong because it lives in the water, and the others live on land. 1. rose tulip palm daisy
Today we'll be working alone and also in groups. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1.! What do you think are the benets of working in a group?
Graphic Organizer How do the pieces ll it out by thinking about.The fit together. . Look at the graphic organizer below, and
Critter Ransom, and school.
Visual Arts
Ms Ange
3. The LAB
Evidence Sheet
1) Read the Case, and then answer the questions on the answer sheet. 2) Work alone for 10 minutes without talking to anyone in your group, that means in complete silence! 3) After the teacher has told you that 10 minutes are up, work in your groups to complete the answer sheet. note.
Forensic Science is a type of science that studies crime scenes and evidence. Evidence could be hair, fingerprints, DNA, or almost anything!
Last night at 8:45pm the Super-Bling Diamonds store in Silverville was robbed. The police arrived at 8:57pm after hearing the alarm. They found the following evidence: !!a DNA ngerprint from a cigarette !!a hair sample on the oor near a broken display case !!a shoe sole print on the oor ! a partial ngerprint on the cash register
The police also found a broken medical bracelet with the letters ia' on it. After much investigation the police have six suspects, and to each suspect they've assigned a letter. They've taken samples from the suspects (which you can see on the following page, Introductory Activity Art). They also have asked them about their medical conditions. Suspect A has no medical conditions, Suspect B has hemophilia, Suspect C has no medical conditions, Suspect D has no medical conditions, Suspect E has severe anemia, and Suspect F has hypoglycemia.
4. Post-Lab Questions
Part A: Crime Lab Questions
Answer the following crime lab questions. Remember, no talking for the rst ve minutes, so answer as many questions by yourself as you can. You can use your dictionary, if you need to. 1.! Who stole the jewels?
Part B: Vocabulary
Use the following phrases in a sentence of your own. You may want to use your dictionary to understand the words, and you can ask your group members for help (when you are allowed to talk). Example: spot of blood After Putter cut his nger, he found a small spot of blood on his favorite white shirt. 1.! work together
3.! allergy
hear condition
Part D: Reection
Analysis Questions: Working Alone 1.! What was most difcult about working alone?
2.! What did you do when you got stuck? Explain at least three things.
Analysis Questions: Working in a Group 1.! What was most difcult about working in a group?
2.! While working in a group, what did you do when you got stuck? Explain two things.