Murder Farm Lab Hand Out
Murder Farm Lab Hand Out
Murder Farm Lab Hand Out
Who is Guilty?
Click through the activity called “Murder at the Farm” located on the content page. As you plan and carry
out the investigation into the murder, consider how you analyze the evidence. Ensure that you are clicking
every button and analyzing and recording every piece of evidence in the data table. By the end of it, you
should have successfully carried out the investigation to analyze the evidence, pinpoint the perpetrator,
and answer the analysis questions within this lab.
1. Access the “Murder at the Farm” crime scenario in the content of the “Analysis of Hair, Fiber and
Botanical Materials” unit in your course.
2. As you progress through the scenario, take careful note of the details given and complete the tables
below as indicated.
3. Once you have progressed through the entire scenario, proceed to the conclusion section to formally
charge the suspect with murder.
4. Once you have charged the suspect, answer the questions in the analysis section. If you are unsure of
an answer, try reviewing the scenario again to locate clues you may have missed initially.
Data Table #3
Create a table to organize any other important information you found during this activity.
2. How did you figure out who the real perpetrator was?
3. Which hair and fiber analysis methods were helpful in this case?
4. Was the suspect hair found on the victim considered class or individual evidence?
6. How could the Forensic investigators determine if the hairs found were human or animal?
11. Could the blonde hair found on the victim be positively identified as belonging to him in any way? If
so, how?
12. How do you explain the unusual characteristic seen in the hair found on the victim and in this
evidence photo?
13. Identify which of the fibers from the crime scene (below) is a natural fiber and which is a synthetic
15. A box of hair and fiber samples came into the lab in a jumbled mess. The new CSI tech that was hired
did not place the fibers in separate paper bindles as he was supposed to do. As a result, you have 5
fibers that you must sort and classify. Calculate the Medullary Index of each sample with a Medulla
present and classify them as either animal or human in origin.
Medullary Index = Medulla Diameter ÷ Hair Diameter Results less than 0.33 generally indicate human
Sample 1: Medulla Diameter: 2.8 Hair Diameter: 10 Medullary Index: Human or Animal? Why?
Sample 2: Medulla Diameter: 5.3 Hair Diameter: 9.3 Medullary Index: Human or Animal? Why?
Sample 3: Medulla Diameter: Absent Hair Diameter: 11.2 Medullary Index: Human or Animal? Why?
Sample 4: Medulla Diameter: 1.9 Hair Diameter: 9.6 Medullary Index: Human or Animal? Why?
Sample 5: Medulla Diameter: 5.8 Hair Diameter: 10.9 Medullary Index: Human or Animal? Why?
16. As you were checking the box one last time for any additional evidence samples, you notice an
additional sample in the bottom of the box just under one of the bottom flaps. It was labeled “Cotton
Sample 2”. You took the sample and viewed it under the microscope. You measured the medulla and
found that the Medullary Index was 0.57. You immediately realized that the sample had been labeled
incorrectly. Why?
Conclusion Paragraph
Write a paragraph answering the following questions. The paragraph should be a minimum of 5