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2024-dlp q1 Particles of Model True

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte


GRADES 1 to School VIMZONS PILOT HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 7 Quarter 1

LESSON PLAN Teaching Date and Time

The learners shall learn that there are specific processes for planning,
A. Content Standards
conducting, and recording scientific investigations
By the end of the quarter, the learners shall recognize that scientists
use models to describe the particle model of matter. They use
diagrams and illustrations to explain the motion and arrangement of
B. Performance particles during changes of state. They demonstrate an understanding
Standards of the role of solute and solvent in solutions and the factors that affect
solubility. They demonstrate skills to plan and conduct a scientific
investigation making accurate measurements and using standard
Learning Competency

The learners shall be able to:

1. describe the Particle Model of Matter as “All matter is made up
of tiny particles with each pure substance having its own kind of
particles.”; and
2. describe that particles are constantly in motion, have spaces
C. Learning between them, attract each other, and move faster as the
Competencies/ temperature increases (or with the addition of heat).
Lesson Objectives:
The learners shall be able to:
1. Describe elements and compounds
2. Diffrerentiate elements and compounds

II. CONTENT (Subject Science of materials

Matter/Lesson) (Paticle model of matter)
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s


Materials Science Exemplar

3. Textbook
Science and Technology for the Modern World
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource Pictures of Particle Model of Matter, Worksheet
B. Other Learning

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

(Before the lesson start the teacher ask the students to up pick some pieces
of paper or anything that is on the floor which makes the room unconducive
for learning.

Show to the class a picture of the particles of matter, Then ask the

1. What do we call these representations of

the molecules of solid, liquid and gas?

2. What is the importance of using scientific representations like this

in learning science?
 What type of scientific model is shown in the image?
 How many states of matter are in the image?
A. ELICIT  How can you describe the different states of matter based
(2 min) in the image?

The students can answer in English or Filipino or any dialect you are
comfortable with.(INDICATOR #4- MTB and 7- liguistic)

engage Match Type Activity: Vocabulary Matching


“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

ou will know the answers to these questions as we go on with this lesson.

(At this point objectives of the lesson will be posted)

Note: The students can answer in English or Filipino or any dialect you are
comfortable with.(INDICATOR #4- MTB and 7- liguistic)

1. Pre-lab:
Giving of instructions and rubrics to be used in rating student’s activity;
remind policies, rules, protocols and other clarification. -(Indicator #5- secure
learning environment)

Students can suggest any modifications or adjustments in rubrics based on

their needs and capabilities. (Indicator #6- Fairness, respect , care)


(15 min) (Indicator 10- Accurate and constructive feedback)

PROJECT WATCH INTEGRATION: Before the activity, the teacher will give the
rules/ policies on how the students will do the activity. All groups have their
tasks to do, and the teacher will give the responsibilities of each assigned
task. (Reporter, timer, secretary and leader). The students are also
encouraged to observe time consciousness as they perform the activities
within allotted time. Instill in them the value of cooperation, participation and
respecting one’s ideas. These values are necessary to accomplish tasks.
Each group will have 10 minutes to do the activity. Project watch

Distribution of activity kits

2. Laboratory Proper:

Group 1—ACT MY PARTICLES (Good in acting)

Group 2— what ‘s my properties! (critical thinking skills)

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

1. Presentation of group’s output.

2. Discussion:
The teacher will facilitate the discussion of the guide questions.


Indicator 7-Established a learner - centered culture by using teaching

C.EXPLAIN strategies that respond to their linguistic, cultural, socio-economic
(15 min)


Ask the students to present their outputs. In doing this, students become
responsible with their own learning. This will develop their confidence. The
value of sharing is being promoted. Students will learn from each other. They
will learn to respect each other as they listen to others’ opinions and
presentations of group outputs.

The teacher will give this activity to further enhance the lesson.
Students may be tasked to read the situation below and answer the
questions. (Project DEAR Integration)/ Promoting Literacy- Indicator #2

Read the passage and answer the questions that follows:


Directions : Read the passage and answer the questions below.

Tom belongs to an indigenous people who lives in the

mountainous part of Jose Panganiban. He was born as an Iglesia
D.ELABORATE ni Kristo who doesn’t eat “Dinuguan”. Since it is a summer time,
(8 min) he prepares food which can refresh his feelings. He go to his
kitchen . In is in his kitchen, he prepares a cold drink. He
decides to make a refreshing iced tea and starts by filling a
glass with ice cubes from the freezer. As he watches the ice
cubes melt, he reflects on the particle model of matter:

Tom begins by taking a few ice cubes out of the freezer. He

notices that the ice cubes are solid and have a defined shape
and volume. He explains that in their solid state, the water
molecules in the ice are tightly packed together and arranged in
a regular pattern

Tom places the ice cubes in the glass and observes as they start

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

to melt. He notices that as the ice cubes come into contact with
the warmer air and the glass, they gradually begin to change
from solid to liquid. He explains that the heat from the
surroundings is transferring energy to the ice cubes. causing the
water molecules to gain enough kinetic energy to overcome the
attractive forces holding them together in the solid lattice.

As the ice cubes continue to melt, Tom observes that liquid

water collects at the bottom of the glass. He explains that in the
liquid state, the water molecules are still close together but
have more freedom to move past one another. This illustrates
another aspect of the particle model: the ability of particles in a
liquid to flow and take the shape of their container.

o 1. What drinks does Tom prepared? _____________________

2. Based from the passage how do you describe an ice cube? It is


3. How do you describe water? _________________

o How does the behaviour of the water molecules in the ice cubes
change as they transition from a solid to a liquid state?

o Why does the temperature of the surroundings play a crucial role

in the melting process of the ice cubes?

o What evidence in Tom's observations supports the idea that

particles in a liquid have more freedom to move than those in a

o How does the process of melting ice cubes illustrate the concept of
phase transitions and the interplay between kinetic energy and

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

attractive forces among particles?

INDICATOR NO. 8- IP integration Indicator 7- culture, socio

economic and religious background


Valuing: ask the following questions: (HOTS-Indicator #3)

What is the importance of knowing the properties of matter?

Can you apply it with your everyday activities? How?

The teacher will discuss further the group output presented.

Misconceptions will be corrected by the teacher.
Revisit the answers of the students under *engage part” and check if their
answers are correct.

Answer the following (HOTS-Indicator #3

Read and understand the questions and answer it

. 1. Which of the following is true about the particles in the Particle Model of
a. Particles are stationary and do not move.
(8 min)
b. Particles are unique to each pure substance.
c. Particles are the same for all types of matter.
d. Particles are visible to the naked eye.

2. A. Make a table showing the different properties of solid , liquid and

gas. Write the appropriate answer on the table.

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

Properties solid liquid gas

Shape and

b. Compare the properties of solid, liquid and gas .Put a Check (/) it if
the statement is true about the properties of solid , liquid and gas.

____Solid has definite shape and volume.

____ Particles in liquids have more kinetic energy than in solids, allowing them
to move freely.
____ Liquids take the shape of their container, as the particles can move freely
and rearrange themselves
____ Particles are closely packed together and have a limited range of motion.
____ Particles in gases are widely spaced and have no fixed arrangement.
____ Particles move rapidly in random directions, colliding with each other and
the container walls.
____ Particles are closely packed together and have a limited range of motion.

4. Illustrate the particle arrangement of solid, liquid and gas.

5points-if all illustration is correct
2points – 1-2 illustration is not correct
0point – all are not correct

Give some examples of the situations showing the differences of solid , liquid
and gas
(2 min)


“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C.Did the lesson work?
No. of learners who
have caught up w/ the

D.No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson
C. Presenting
examples/instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing skills #2
F. Developing mastery
G. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the
H. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for
“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,
application or remediation

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

Prepared by :

Checked and Observed:

_____________________________ _____________________

Name___________________________________ Year & Section ______________ Rating______________

Act my Particle
(Acting )

I. Objectives
In this activity, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate the properties of solid, liquid, and gas
2. Make a simulation activity showing the difference arrangement and
movement of particle model of matter.
II. Materials:
III. Procedure:

1. Group Up! Each group will represent a bunch of water molecules.

GROUP 1. Ice Crystals: Imagine you're a tiny water molecule stuck in ice! Stand close together with
your group, arms linked or holding hands. Try to form a stiff structure, like a block of ice. Water
molecules in ice are packed tightly and can't move around much.
GROUP 2. Liquid Water Party! The ice has melted completely, and now you are liquid water! Break free
from your stiff formation and move around the designated area with your group. Bump gently into your
classmates from other groups, just like water molecules bumping into each other.
GROUP 3. Boiling Point! The water is getting super-hot! It's about to boil! Time to move like crazy!
With your group, take a big jump apart and move around freely in a larger space. Some of you
can even leave the designated area entirely! This represents water molecules escaping as steam when
water boils.

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

IV. Guide questions.

1. Based from your activity what properties of matter is being showed? _______________
2. How do the arrangement and motion of particles differ in the three states of matter?
Complete the table below.

Properties solid liquid gas

Shape and
2. How do the particle
models explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases?
3. What connections can you make between the Particle Model and the real-world behavior of

Draw my Particles
(Arts Inclined )

I. Objectives
In this activity, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate the properties of solid, liquid, and gas
2. Make a simulation activity showing the difference arrangement and
movement of particle model of matter.
II. Materials: any coloring materials or drawing materials
III. Procedure:
1.Using your materials draw the particle arrangement of solids , liquid and gas

. Compare the properties of solid, liquid and gas .Put a Check (/) it if the statement is true
about the properties of solid , liquid and gas.

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEdCamarines Norte

____Solid has definite shape and volume.

____ Particles in liquids have more kinetic energy than in solids, allowing them to move freely.
____ Liquids take the shape of their container, as the particles can move freely and rearrange
____ Particles are closely packed together and have a limited range of motion.
____ Particles in gases are widely spaced and have no fixed arrangement.
____ Particles move rapidly in random directions, colliding with each other and the container walls.
____ Particles are closely packed together and have a limited range of motion

Guide Questions:

1. Based from your activity what properties of matter is being showed? _______________
2. How do the arrangement and motion of particles differ in the three states of matter?

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…,

Valuing Aspirations…”

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