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Naval Arc Questions

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Sketch and label the midship section of a hatch cover less cellular container vessel

Sketch and label the Mid-ship section of ro-ro vessel

Sketch and label the Mid-ship section of a Type 2 Chemical carrier.

Sketch, label & describe the construction of a midship section of an OBO carrier.
Describe salient features of this ship

Sketch and label the Mid-ship section of membrane type LNG carrier?

Sketch and label the Mid-ship section of a spherical tank type LNG carrier and enumerate
the special features of these type of ships.

a) Sketch and label Mid-ship section of a Hatch coverless Cellular container ship.
b) Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of such ships over a normal container ship.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a bulk carrier.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Ro-Ro vessel.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of an LPG ship

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a general cargo ship.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Cellular Container Ship

Sketch and label mid-ship section of double hull oil tanker

Draw the mid-ship section of large double-hull crude oil tanker.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a LNG vessel and describe its salient features.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Ro-Ro Passenger Ship.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of an LPG Tanker.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Ro-Ro vessel and enumerate the special
features of these types of ships.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Ro-Ro vessel and describe its salient features.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Double Hull Crude oil tanker.

Sketch and label the mid-ship section of Ro-Ro Vessel.

Describe with the help of a neat diagram, the cross section of a L.N.G. ship. X2

a) Sketch and label the mid-ship section of a Modern Chemical Tanker.

b) In the above sketch indicate the spacing required for these tank sides from the ship’s
side and the bottom for different types of chemical tankers are required by the IBC Code.
Sketch and Label mid-ship section of a bulk carrier. What will the provisions for panting
and pounding in the fore peak tank of this ship?

Sketch and Label mid-ship section of a double hull oil tanker?

Q. 5 THEORY ON STABILITY (Rolling of Ships/ Heel while turning/ Wind and

Weather heeling criteria/ Torsional

Describe with the neat sketch IMO wind and weather heeling criteria as required by code
of intact stability.

Master of very large container vessel, such as Post Panamax Vessels, have complained
that they have encountered very severe rolling with heavy seas from the bows or
quarters, at times losing large numbers of containers overboard. Discuss the factors
responsible for such large rolling & remedial action required to prevent it.

a) Explain what is Angle of loll and its corrective action you will take on a general cargo
b) Explain what is heel due to turning and discuss the effect of KG on direction of heel.

Explain how the rolling test is taken. What is the relationship between GMT and rolling
What precautions must be observed when using the formula?

With reference to Intact Stability Code (2008) explain with suitable diagrams, the severe
wind and weather heeling criteria to be satisfied by Cargo vessels

a) Derive the expression for the angle of heel of a vessel during turning.
b) A vessel turns in a circle of radius 100m at a speed of 15 knots. Her KG, KB and GM
(F) are 6m, 5m and 0.60m respectively. Find the heel to which the vessel will settle
during the turn.

Write short notes on the following:

a) Natural rolling period of ships.
b) Synchronous rolling
c) Symmetric parametric rolling

Explain how a rolling period test is taken. What is the relationship between GMT and
rolling period?
What precautions must be observed when using this formula?
a) Why large ships tend to roll heavier in following seas
b) Explain parametric rolling.

With reference to Intact Stability Code (2008) explain with suitable diagrams, the severe
wind and weather heeling criteria to be satisfied by Cargo ships

a) Describe body plan, sheer plan, half breadth plan and their uses?
b) Differentiate between ‘Floodable length’ & ‘Permissible length’.

With reference to Intact Stability Code (2008) explain with suitable diagrams, the severe
wind and weather heeling criteria to be satisfied by Cargo vessels

a) Describe the IMO weather criteria against wind and wave as required by code of intact
b) What do you understand by “Torsional Moment”? How do you calculate the Torsional
Moment in a container ship? How significant is Torsional Stress in a container ship.
Describe the IMO weather criteria for severe wind and rolling as required by intact

In accordance with Intact stability code 2008 what are the requirements
i) Regarding righting lever and GM for Cargo ship
ii) Regarding heeling for a Passenger ship.

Write notes on a) Parametric rolling b) Free surface effect due to slack tank c) Effect of
draft and displacement on rolling

Explain how the rolling test is taken. What is the relationship between GMT and rolling
period? What precautions must be observed when using the formula

Write short notes on:-

i) Racking Stresses induced by ships Rolling Motion.
ii) Reduction of Torsional Stresses in a vessel.

Elaborate the Alternative Stability Criteria for Ships with Timber Deck Cargo with suitable
GZ Curve diagram, as per the IMO Code of Intact Stability

Discuss the effect of GMT, Draft & Displacement, Beam & distribution of weights on
board, on the rolling of ships in a seaway.

Parametric rolling is not experienced on small coastal vessels. Justify the above
statement giving reasons.

Explain following: a) Unresisted Rolling of a large vessel b) Parametric Rolling

Write short notes on:

a) Rolling motion of a vessel in still water
b) Synchronous rolling

Write short notes on the following:

a) Gross Tonnage b) Net Tonnage
c) Effect of increasing beam on GZ curve d) Sub-division Loadline

i) Write short notes on Parametric and Synchronous rolling.

ii) What action is taken to avoid Synchronous rolling?

Write short notes on the following:-

a) Calculation of approximate GM by rolling period of the ship.
b) Parametric rolling and how to avoid it.
c) Surf riding and broaching

Describe the IMO severe wind and weather heeling criteria to be satisfied on Merchant
vessels with suitable sketches.

a) What are the Intact Stability requirements of Oil Tanker Ships?

b) Write short notes on Torsional Stress on ships

With reference to ‘International Convention on Load Lines 1966’. Write short notes on
the following:
i) Length ii) Block Co-efficient iii) Watertight and Weather tight iv) How the minimum bow
height is assigned and importance of the bow height.

Write note on:

a) Free surface effect due to slack tank.
b) Multiple loadline.
c) Effect of draft and displacement on rolling


With respect to subdivision requirements of passenger ships as per SOLAS 1974 as

amended explain:
a) Flooded length b) Permissible length c) Subdivisions Loadlines

Describe the damage stability criteria for Passenger ships.

a) Write short notes on Sprinkler type fixed fire extinguishing system.

b) Explain Standard Fire test of Fire Bulkheads for Fire Integrity of Ships.

Write short notes on:

a) Non-combustible material
b) Standard Fire Test
c) Type of bulkheads

Describe the damage stability criteria for Passenger ships.

a) Describe: i) Objective of fire integrity and subdivision of ship ii) Standard fire rest

Write short note on the following:

a) Functional requirements of fire protection and detection.
b) “A” class division
c) Sprinkler type fixed fire extinguishing system.

Define the following with respect to chapter II/2 of SOLAS 74 as amended.

a) Central Control Station b) ‘C’ class division
c) Services spaces d) Main vertical zones.

Under subdivision of ships, describe any three:

i) Permeability of compartments ii) Criterion of service numeral
iii) Floodable length iv) Permissible length

With the help of suitable sketches describe:

a) The difference between ‘A-60’ and ‘A-0’ class fire division.
b) The requirements for a ‘trunk way’ passing through an A-class division

a) What is meant by ‘Subdivision Load Lines’?

b) What are the requirements as per SOLAS for assigning, marking and recording of
subdivision load lines for passenger ships?
a) What are the special measures adopted to maintain fire growth potential on ships?
b) Write short notes on the following:
i) Standard Fire test ii) Types of bulkhead iii) Special Category Spaces

Write short notes on the following:

a) Functional requirements of fire protection and detection.
b) “A” class division.
c) Sprinkler type fixed fire extinguishing system.

Write short notes on the followings: a) Standard fire Test b) Types of Bulkhead
c) Identification of the sub-division load lines on Passenger Ship.

Write short notes on the followings: a) Noncombustible material

b) Standard fire test c) Types of bulkheads.

Explain following: a) Standard fire test b) Class A div c) Class B div d) Class C div

Explain the requirements of SOLAS convention for sub-division of a passenger ship.

Write short notes on any three:

a) Sub divisional load line b) Excluded spaces
c) Permissible Length d) Standard Fire test
e) Floodable Length

Write short notes on the followings:

i) Noncombustible material.
ii) Limitations in the use of oil as fuel.

Describe following with respect to Chapter II – 2 of SOLAS 74/78:

a) A standard fire test
b) “A” Class Divisions
c) Service Spaces

a) How is the fire integrity maintained in the construction of a ship?

b) State the difference between A-60 and A-0 Class of fire divisions.

Write short notes on the following:

a) Limitations in the use of oils as fuel.
b) Standard Fire Test
c) Non Combustible material
d) Types of bulkheads
e) Special category Spaces

List the ‘conditions of Assignment’ of Loadline of a ship as per the Loadline Convention.
Describe any three conditions of assignment

Discuss the “Conditions of Assignment” as per the International convention on Loadlines

as amended

a) Explain in detail why subdivision load lines are assigned.

b) Show with a neat sketch damaged stability criteria to be complied with by passenger

a) Draw and explain Passenger ship subdivision load lines.

b) For assignment of free board to ship explain the following:
i) Block coefficient ii) Correction for sheer profile iii) Bow Height Correction

Write short note on:

a) Multiple Loadline b) Enclosed space as per Tonnage Convention

Differentiate between enclosed spaces and excluded space as per International Tonnage

a) What do you understand by the term ‘Subdivision Loadlines’? Why is it necessary?

b) Explain: i) ‘Permissible Length’ ii) Factor of Subdivision iii) Floodable length.

List the items to be checked during the loadline renewal survey

a) Describe: i) Type A ii) Type B & iii) Type C Bulkheads

b) What changes have been brought by implementation of international tonnage
convention 1969,advantages of it.
c) With neat sketches, give two examples of enclosed and excluded space under ITC

a) Sketch and describe sheer plan and body plan.

b) Describe with the help of neat diagrams three examples of excluded spaces as per
Tonnage Convention 1969 as amended.

Define as per International Convention on Tonnage measurement:

i) Upper Deck ii) Depth
iii) Weather light iv) Excluded Space

Differentiate between enclosed spaces and excluded spaces as per International

Tonnage Convention.

a) Differentiate between a Type “A” and Type “B” – “100” ships as per International Load
Line Convention 1966 as amended.
b) With respect to International Tonnage Convention 1969 as amended, give two
examples of excluded space.

With reference to ‘International Convention’ on Tonnage of Ship’s write short notes on

the following:
i) Gross Tonnage ii) Net Tonnage iii) Excluded Spaces iv) Enclosed Spaces

Describe the importance of following for subdivision load lines as per SOLAS:
a) Uniform average permeability b) Criterion of service numeral c) Factor of subdivision

Write short notes on: a) Type B-60 ship b) Net Tonnage c) Permissible length

Write short notes on:

a) Multiple loadline
b) England space as per Tonnage convention.

As per the Tonnage Convention, draw neat diagrams for the following:
a) An excluded space with restricted end opening.
b) An enclosed space that is covered from above and below.

a) As a Chief Officer, give full details of the items that you will have checked and
prepared to ensure the weather tight integrity of the ship to present the ship for Load
Line Survey.
b) What do you understand by subdivision load line and why is it necessary on
passenger ships?

Define as per International Load Line Convention 1966. (Any five)

a) Length b) Enclosed Superstructure c) Effective Length of Superstructure d) Well e)
Side scuttle f) Sheer credit

a) What do you understand by Gross Tonnage (GT) and Net Tonnage (NT) and how are
they calculated?
b) As per International Tonnage Convention, what is an Enclosed Space? By drawing a
suitable diagram, explain an enclosed space covered from above and below.

Write short notes on: a) Sub division load lines b) Multiple load lines c) Floodable length
d) Permissible length

a) What type ‘A’ vessels assigned lesser freeboard then Type ‘B’ vessels.
b) Explain with sketches excluded spaces and enclosed spaces as per international
tonnage Convention 69 as amended

a) What are the requirements and special conditions needed for a ship to be categorized
as a Type – A ship as per load line regulations? Under what circumstances is a Load Line
Exemption Certificate issued?
b) Briefly explain the corrections to be made to Basic Freeboard to find the Summer
Freeboard of a vessel.

Describe step by step the procedures for computing the summer free board of ‘Type B’

Write short notes on any three:

a) Floodable Length b) Margin Line c) Permissible Length
d) Multiple Load Line e) Super Structure

Differentiate between enclosed spaces and excluded spaces as per the International
Tonnage Convention.

a) Describe the process of computation of freeboard on type B ships?

b) Describe additional requirement for B-60 ships.

Write short notes on any three:

a) Floodable Length b) Margin Line c) Net Tonnage d) Multiple Load Line e) Super

Explain: a) Floodable length b) Subdivision Load lines c) Type B-60 ship

Differentiate between Enclosed spaces and Excluded Spaces as per International

Tonnage Convention 1969 with appropriate sketches.

a) What are the differences between GRT, NRT and GT, NT?
b) What are the various criteria for excluding a space while calculating the volume as per
Tonnage Convention?


a) Explain in detail a test which is carried out on metals to determine its toughness.
b) Write short notes on three ways of connecting aluminum structures to steel.

Sketch and describe the following:

i) Sheer Plan ii) Half breadth plan
iii) Body Plan iv) Management of a steel stockyard.

Write short notes on:

a) Torsional stresses induced by a ships rolling motion.
b) Racking Stresses due to Heavy Rolling

a) Explain in detail a test which is carried out on metals to determine its toughness.
b) Write short notes on three ways of connecting aluminum structures to steel.
a) Sketch and describe sheer plan and body plan
b) What are the advantages of prefabrication

Sketch and describe the following:

i) Sheer Plan ii) Half breadth plan
iii) Body Plan iv) Write a short note on ‘management of a steel stockyard’.

a) What is ‘Wire frame model’ in ship building?

b) Write notes on:
i) Plate nesting
ii) Prefrabrication

With the help of suitable sketch explain the following:

a) Sheer plan b) Half breadth plan c) Body plan

Explain with reference to shipbuilding

a) Economy of scale.
b) Prefabrication

i) Describe the stress strain relationship in a metal.

ii) Compare and contrast between steel and aluminum in ship building.

With the help of a block diagram explain the general layout of a ship yard and their Inter

a) Describe the sequence of events which take place in a modern Shipyard while building
a ship.
b) With the aid of sketch, describe the procedure of impact text conducted on a metal.

a) Explain significance of different grades of steel for shipbuilding.

b) Briefly describe methods of corrosion control at joint of steel hull with aluminium
super structure?

a) Sketch and describe sheer plan and body plant.

b) What are the advantages of pre-fabrication.

a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Aluminum in ship building?
b) Explain how Aluminum is joint to steel as corrosion control methods.

a) What is prefabrication and what are its advantage? To what extent has it replaced
‘erection sequence’ in ship building?
b) Describe and sketch sheer plan.

a) What is prefabrication and what are its advantage? To what extent has it replaced
‘erection sequence’ in ship building?
b) What is a ‘wire frame model’? What are its benefits when used with hidden line
removal and ‘tendering’ applications?

a) Describe prefabrication shipbuilding techniques and it’s advantages.

b) Describe various tests for ship building steel

a) Define and describe: 1) Normalizing 2) Brittle Fracture 3) Yield point.

b) With the help of neat diagrams describe two destructive tests for steel.

a) Describe in brief the sequence of events that take place in a modern shipyard.
b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using high tensile steel in ship building
What was the traditional method of building a ship? In what ways is prefabrication
different from earlier method? What are the advantages of prefabrication

a) Describe the sequence of events which take place in a modern Shipyard while building
a ship.
b) With the aid of sketch, describe the procedure of impact test conducted on a metal.

Describe the sequence of events that take place in a shipyard during construction of a
new ship.
How the co-ordination is maintained?

a) Explain annealing, fatigue and ductility for ship building materials.

b) Describe the procedure of Impact Test during ship building.

a) What are the special measures adopted when aluminium structures are to be
connected to the steel structure?
b) Describe with sketches: i) Body plan ii) Half Breadth plan iii) Sheer Plan

a) At present a large number of ocean going ships are built with high tensile steel, in this
regard explain the advantage and disadvantages of using high tensile steel with respect
i) Initial Cost ii) Structural maintenance iii) Earning capacity
b) What are the advantages and limitations of Aluminum used as the construction
material for ship building


a) State the procedures for conducting an inclining experiment.

b) State the difference between Type A and Type B- 60 ships.
Why & when the inclining test is conducted on ships? Describe the procedure of such
test and state the precautions necessary?

a) With the help of suitable sketches explain the principle of inclining experiment.
b) List the precautions which must be taken while conducting the experiment.

a) With the help of suitable sketches explain the principle of inclining experiment.
b) List the precautions which must be taken while conducting the experiment.

a) With the help of suitable sketches explain the principle of inclining experiments.
b) List the precautions which must be taken while conducting the experiment

Describe fully the procedure for doing the inclining experiment

When inclining tests are required on cargo and passenger ships? Describe the procedure
of such tests and state the precautions necessary?

a) What are the Limitations of rolling period test?

b) What is forced rolling and synchronise rolling?
c) Explain the principle involved in inclining experiment to determine KG of light ship?

a) Which ships are required to undergo inclining experiment?

b) An inclining experiment was conducted on M.V. Hindship with all the tanks and
compartments empty except 30t of diesel oil in each of 7P and 7S tanks and also 10t of
fresh water in each of the tween deck drinking water tanks P and S. When a weight of
5.70t (Kg 10.2m) was shifted transversely through 17.1m a plum line deflected 5 cms.
Calculate her light KG and GM.

a) With the help of suitable sketches, explain the principle of inclining experiment.
b) List the precautions which must be taken while conducting the experiment

An inclining Experiment was conducted on M.V. HINDSHIP with all tanks and
compartments empty except 28 tonne each of diesel oil in No. 7 port & stbd, tanks and
also 12 tonnes each of fresh water in the tween deck drinking water tanks port & stbd.
When an inclining weight of 5.75 tonnes (Kg 10.2m) is shifted transversely through a
distance of 16.95m, a plumb line 8m in length is deflected 5 cm. calculate her light KG &

Explain the purpose of inclining test and state the procedures to be followed and
precautions that should be taken during this test.

a) Explain the principle of inclining experiment.

b) State the precautions that must be taken while performing the experiment

When and how is an inclining Test conducted on a ship? What are the precautions to be
undertaken prior doing the Test

a) Which ships are required to undergo inclining experiment?

b) An inclining experiment was conducted on M.V. Hindship with all the tanks and
compartments empty except 30t of diesel oil in each of 7P and 7S tanks and also 10t of
fresh water in each of the tween deck drinking water tanks P and S. When a weight of
5.70t (Kg 10.2 m) was shifted transversely through 17.1m, a plum line deflected 5 cms.
Calculate her light KG
and GM.

i) With the aid of suitable sketches, explain the damage stability criteria of passenger
ii) Describe the purpose of inclining test carried out on a ship

Describe fully the procedure for doing the inclining experiment.

a) Describe parametric and synchronous rolling and state what actions should be taken
when these occur.
b) Describe ‘Inclining Test’ and its purpose.

a) Differentiate between the Synchronous Rolling and Parametric Rolling of ships.

b) Describe the precautions to be taken while carrying out inclining test.

Enumerate the precautions to be taken against capsizing and intact and damage
stability criteria for
passenger and cargo ships as per IMO intact stability code

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