HFL PAPER Analysis
HFL PAPER Analysis
HFL PAPER Analysis
: ˈbre-və-tē
/ shortness of duration
especially : shortness or conciseness of expression
Bravado : brə-ˈvä-(ˌ)dō
Blight : ˈblīt
Rudimentary : ˌrü-də-ˈmen-tə-rē
Protract : prō-ˈtrakt
Redundant : ri-ˈdən-dənt
Rampant : ˈram-pənt
Proximity. : präk-ˈsi-mə-tē
Bumptious : ˈbəm(p)-shəs
Intrinsic : in-ˈtrin-zik
Fervor : ˈfər-vər
strong position
Flaccid : lacking rmness ; soft ; limp (something is falling
down ) ;
acquiescent : ˌa-kwē-ˈe-sᵊnt
Chastise : ˈcha-ˌstīz
To scold.
Teacher chastise student for having badly marks in exam .
Extraneous : ek-ˈstrā-nē-əs
Fickle : ˈ -kəl
Meander : mē-ˈan-dər
The board or the director ratify the CEO’s decision , they made the
o cial valid .
Waive. : ˈwāv
Incessant : (ˌ)in-ˈse-sᵊnt
Continuous , unceasing.
Equal , comparable .
excessively Mournful
Scrutinize : ˈskrü-tə-ˌnīz
Fastidious : fa-ˈsti-dē-əs
Dilatory : ˈdi-lə-ˌtȯr-ē
Valedictory : ˌva-lə-ˈdik-t(ə-)rē
A farewell speech
Undulate : ˈən-jə-lət
Wanton : ˈwȯn-tᵊn
The way man is using his fossil fuel at the movement is wanton .
Rebuttal :
Contingent : kən-ˈtin-jənt
Girth : ˈgərth
Homage : ˈä-mij
Despondent : di-ˈspän-dənt
The number of words in political party wax and wane as the year
go by
You try to emulate your hero , somebody who drives you forward .
irony. : ˈī-rə-nē
An unexpected outcome .
The girls things the hero in a movie is rich but the irony is he
doesn’t have any money. .
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