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HFL PAPER Analysis

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: ˈbre-və-tē

/ shortness of duration
especially : shortness or conciseness of expression

/This interview transcript has been edited for brevity.

Bravado : brə-ˈvä-(ˌ)dō

A pretense of bravery , the quality or state of being foolhardy

Blight : ˈblīt

Disease in a plant anything that injures or destroy

Rudimentary : ˌrü-də-ˈmen-tə-rē

Basic ; limited to the knowledge , unformed or undeveloped

A sharp stone might be use as rudimentary knife .

I have rudimentary knowledge of how computers work .

Protract : prō-ˈtrakt

to make something last for a long time or last

longer than necessary .

/I have no desire to protract the process.

Redundant : ri-ˈdən-dənt

Something is unnecessary , homologous ( /having the same

relation, relative position, or structure.)
Tentative : ˈten-tə-tiv

Experimental, temporary, uncertain,

He maid a tentative o er for house , not a xed o er but one that

suggested that he might red. .

He did’t ask directly but he ask tentatively , without con dent /


Rampant : ˈram-pənt

Something spreading unchecked ,something bad.

Unemployment is a rampant in our country .

Unrestrained in action , so he has a repent dislike for this kind of

activity .

Proximity. : präk-ˈsi-mə-tē

How close somebody or something is, closeness

People live in city is in close proximity .

Vicinity : immediate area of surrounding near by not far from .

Deplete : di-ˈplēt

/to reduce something

in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.

If we continue to deplete the earth ’s natural resources we are

going to have serious problem with the environment

The holiday we want on really depleted my saving . So it reduce up

to bring down in quantity .

Replenish : to feel something up again .

Primordial : formed long ago , primitive

Frugal : careful with money ; thrifty

He lives very frugal life style. He doesn’t spend money in clothes

Avoiding unnecessary expenditure .

Fallacious : false misleading

Bumptious : ˈbəm(p)-shəs

Pushy , obnoxiously self. - assertive

Intrinsic : in-ˈtrin-zik

Inherent ; located with the nature of an objects .

/computer intrinsically based on mathematically . The essential
centre of computer is just mathematics

Fervor : ˈfər-vər

strong position
Flaccid : lacking rmness ; soft ; limp (something is falling
down ) ;

/ Look at my accid muscle

/She gave me her accid hand. , soft limp loos slack , not rm
hanging down , not sti not rigid .
/When my plant look accid then I give the water .

acquiescent : ˌa-kwē-ˈe-sᵊnt

willing to do what other people want

Chastise : ˈcha-ˌstīz

To scold.
Teacher chastise student for having badly marks in exam .

Extraneous : ek-ˈstrā-nē-əs


Very often when you’re talking to somebody you get extraneous

thought , some thought comes in about something completely
di erent .

Fickle : ˈ -kəl

A person who very changeable especially with the relationship with

other people. . it is likely to change with no obvious reason ,
unpredictable , erratic

Meander : mē-ˈan-dər

/ a winding path or course ; twisting

The road meandered up the mountain side .

Marred : ˈmär ( )

impair the quality or appearance of; spoil.

The surface of table was badly marred up

Ratify : to approved something , to con rm that it is valid

The board or the director ratify the CEO’s decision , they made the
o cial valid .

Waive. : ˈwāv

to relinquish (something, such as a legal right) voluntarily

They waived the enrolment fees , they. Didn’t charge me the

enrolment fees .

To choose not to enforce to right

Incessant : (ˌ)in-ˈse-sᵊnt

/continuing or following without interruption

It dose’t stop , it doesn’t pause , it never ending it goes on and on

Continuous , unceasing.

It has been incessant rain for the last few week .

Paragon : a model of excellence or perfection

Tantamount : ˈtan-tə-ˌmau̇ nt

Equal , comparable .

/His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt.

Lugubrious : lu̇ -ˈgü-brē-əs

excessively Mournful

Scrutinize : ˈskrü-tə-ˌnīz

To examine closely ,inspect carefully .

/I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.

Fastidious : fa-ˈsti-dē-əs

Di cult to please , (+) scrupulous , punctilious , meticulous ,

assiduous .
(-) fussy , nitpicking , Squamish , hard to please .

Close attention to details ( + ) , somebody is over concern about

small details (-)

Dilatory : ˈdi-lə-ˌtȯr-ē

Causing lateness , stalling ( intensionally obstruction )

In parliament sometimes the opposition use dilatory strategies to

make the government run out the time when passing the legislation

My wife always dilatory when using bathroom ( stalling)

Chasten : ˈchā-sᵊn

Punish , discipline , castigate

I was chasten by my mother for arriving late for dinner .

Valedictory : ˌva-lə-ˈdik-t(ə-)rē

A farewell speech

Undulate : ˈən-jə-lət

Move in a wavy manner

E ortlessly ,the dolphin seem to undulate In the water .

Wanton : ˈwȯn-tᵊn

Excessive , uncontrolled , lustful

The way man is using his fossil fuel at the movement is wanton .

Rebuttal :

Denial , contradiction , argument .

Contingent : kən-ˈtin-jənt

Dependent upon circumstances ; conditional

The earthquake is contingent .

When you go on the trip you want to take a little bit of extra money
for contingencies .
Digress : dī-ˈgres

To move away from the main topic.

Girth : ˈgərth

Distance around an object; circumference.

Homage : ˈä-mij

Respect paid to someone or something.

In this speech I would like to pay homage to the glorious leader of

our country .

Despondent : di-ˈspän-dənt

Feeling hopeless or depressed.

I felt very despondent when the teacher gave me D minus grade.

He despondently walk around the looking for the work, but he

didn't Think he was going to have any hope.

Wax : ˈwaks x wane ( decrease)

To grow gradually larger. .

The number of words in political party wax and wane as the year
go by

Compliant : following someone else ’s demand.

Emulate : ˈem-yə-ˌlāt

To imitate ( to copy , to mimic , to echo , to simulate )

You try to emulate your hero , somebody who drives you forward .

irony. : ˈī-rə-nē

An unexpected outcome .

The girls things the hero in a movie is rich but the irony is he
doesn’t have any money. .

Alineate :

To cause to separate from people

Coalesce. : unite , grow together. .

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