3bleaching 181017151214
3bleaching 181017151214
3bleaching 181017151214
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+91 9450316927
To decolorize the natural coloring matter in the cotton
using bleaching agents
Material weight – x g
NaOCl/ Ca(OCl)2 – 2-3 gpl of available Cl
Na2CO3 – 0.5 % owm
MLR – 1:20
Temp – Room Temp
Time – 2 hrs
Problems in Hypochlorite Bleaching
In Ca(OCl)2 bleaching Ca(OH)2 is converted to CaCO3 by the
reaction with CO2. [Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3]
This conversion reduces the alkali content in bleaching bath and
decreases the pH, since CaCO3 is insoluble in water
In NaOCl bleaching NaOH is converted to Na2CO3 which is
soluble in water [NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3]
In both the bleaching, due to HCl formation during bleaching
pH decreases commonly
To avoid this problem buffer like Na2CO3 is required to be added
to maintain pH 9.5 to 11.0, the decrease of pH below 9 will
cause damage to the polymer
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is considered as an universal
bleaching agent, as it is suitable for all sort of textiles
Hydrogen peroxide is stable at neutral / near neutral
The pH of hydrogen peroxide solution can be modified
based on the suitability
Processing pH of cellulosic is between 9 and 11.5;
proteins 2.5 to 6.0; and synthetics near neutral acidic
For cotton bleaching, the pH of hydrogen peroxide
solution is maintained at around 11
When alkali is added the stability of hydrogen peroxide
is reduced and decomposed fastly
To control the rapid decomposition stabilizer is added
The ingredients added during peroxide bleaching are
normally; hydrogen peroxide (bleaching agent, 1-
3%owm), sodium hydroxide or carbonate (bleaching
promoters, 0.25 to 1.0%owm), sodium silicate (buffer
or stabilizers, 0.5 to 1.0%owm)
H2O2 ↔ H+ + HO2- [stable]
HO2- ↔ [OH]- + (O) [unstable]
In the alkaline condition the unstability of
peroxide is continued by the concentration
The liberation of nascent oxygen is utilized for
the oxidation reaction in a controlled manner by
selecting the stabilisers to get uniform
Advantages of Hydrogen peroxide
Application of hydrogen peroxide is simple, since
available in liquid form
Risk on textiles during bleaching is minimized, due to
its stability at near neutral pH
No solid deposits from hydrogen peroxide during
bleaching is formed
Cost of processing is considered less, because of less
sequence and less time during application
Quality of bleached textiles is high due to efficient
application and less risk of damage on material
Process conditions for peroxide Bleaching
Material weight – x g
H2O2– 3% owm
Na2SiO3 – 2 % owm
NaOH – 1% owm
MLR – 1:20
Temp – 95° C
Time – 2 hrs