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Demo Teaching Doroteo

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Grade Level 8


Teaching Date Quarter FOURTH
Time Section

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the concept of a species.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to report (e.g., through a travelogue) the activities that communities
Standards engage in to protect and conserve endangered and economically important species.
C. Learning
The learners should be able to:
Competencies &
Explain the concept of a species. S8LT-IVg-19
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define biodiversity and its levels.
2. Demonstrate their understanding of the levels of biodiversity and species diversity by
performing group activities.
3. Appreciate the value of species diversity in maintaining ecosystem services.

A. References
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learner’s
Science Learning Module Quarter 4 Module 5, Science 8 Learners Material pp. 5-8
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from LR
B. Other Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqtdaIkxnQo&ab_channel=MonkeySee
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skCHK_5LrhQ&t=31s&ab_channel=FaaizahAcademy
Teaching Strategy
Differentiated instruction, Inquiry-based, Discovery Method, Learner-centered Teaching.
Subject Integration
Multiple Intelligences
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer

Everybody, kindly stand for a short prayer.

______. Kindly lead the prayer.

Please stand for a short prayer, everyone. Let’s bow our heads and feel the presence of our
Lord. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Our God and Father in heaven, we praise you this
afternoon. Thank You for this wonderful day. Please
forgive our sins and please guide us in all our
decisions. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good Morning Sir!
Good Morning Class! We’re great Sir!
How are you today?

3. Classroom Management

Before you take your seat, please pick-up

some pieces of papers around you and
arrange your chairs properly.
(the students will pick all litters and arrange their
(The teacher will roam around to check the chairs properly)
orderliness of the classroom)

You may now take your seat.

4. Classroom Health and Safety

Protocols and Classroom Rules

Please be reminded of our health and

safety protocols as well our classroom

Yes, Sir!

Is that clear?

5. Checking of Attendance

Now, let’s take a look first if everyone is None, Sir.

Ms. Secretary? Is there any absentee

That’s nice to hear! You should practice

attending school every day.

6. Checking of Assignment
Yes, Sir
Class, did you have an assignment from
your last meeting?
(the class will pass their papers forward)
If that’s so, kindly pass it forward and I will
be the one to check it.
B. Elicit You already tackled all about the
(Reviewing the previous Mendelian Genetics and to test your
lesson or presenting understanding we will be having an activity.
new lesson)
Activity 1. Roll a Die!

Mechanics of the review game:

1. The teacher will ask questions and will
roll a die and the number chosen through
the die will be the basis of whom will
answer in the class.

(possible questions) (possible answers)

Who is the proponent of Mendelian Gregor Mendel.

What plant did Gregor Mendel used in his Pea plants.


What are the four (4) laws of Mendelian Principles of Paired Factors, Principle of Dominance,
Genetics? Law of Segregation and Law of Independent

It seems that you already understand your

previous topic.
Now, class, do you have any question
regarding your last topic? Is everything
clear to you now? Yes, Sir.
C. Engage At this point let us play a game. Do you
want to play a game? Yes, Sir!
examples/instances of Before we start with our game, let me
the new lesson) check your energy first.

Energy check! Check na check!

Energy check! Check na check!
Science is fun! Fun, Fun Fun!
Science is fun! Fun, Fun Fun!
Now, it seems that you are all ready to
learn. Let’s have an activity entitled “What
Am I?”.

Activity 1: What Am 1?
Directions: Identify the organism being
referred to in the following riddles. Supple
the missing letters in each riddle.

Riddle #1: I live in the sea. I love to swim; I

am the biggest of them all. I am a mammal,
like you. What am I?
W ___ A___E = Whale

Riddle #2: My home is the sea. I look like a

star. My skin is spiny. What am I?
S___A___ ___ ___S__ = Starfish

Riddle #3: I am a bird, but I cannot fly. My

body is too heavy to carry. I lay the biggest
eggs. What am I?
__ __ __ __I__H = Ostrich

Riddle #4: I have ten legs and a shell. I am

your favorite food. I am reddish when
cooked. What am I?
C__ __B = Crab

Riddle #5: My home is wet soil. My body is

segmented. Farmers are my best friends.
What am I?
__A__T__ __O__ __ = Earthworm
Use range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and/or numeracy
Establishing Purposes Before we go deeper with our discussion.
for the Lesson Let us first read the objectives of our
today’s lesson.

(the teacher will present the lesson


Everyone, kindly read our learning

objectives (the students will read the lesson objectives)

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able

1. Define biodiversity and its levels.
2. Differentiate the three levels of biodiversity by
performing group activities.
3. Appreciate the value of species diversity in
maintaining ecosystem services.
Those are the lesson objectives that we
need to achieve throughout the whole
period of our discussion today. So please,
listen attentively and participate actively in
our discussion and activities that were
going to have later.

Is that clear? Yes, Sir!

D. Explore I have here a video presentation about
biodiversity and its levels.
(Discussing new
concepts and practicing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
new skills)
Here are your guide questions for the video
clip viewing

a. What is biodiversity?
b. What are the levels of biodiversity?
c. Why is biodiversity important?

Now, class you should take down notes

while watching this video clip and we will
have further discussion after this.

Okay, did you understand the explanation

on the video? Who can share what they
learn from it?

What is biodiversity?
Sir, biodiversity short for biological diversity simply
Yes, ______ means that all life is different and the earth is home
to organisms that have different genes and function
in different ecosystem.


In addition to that, biodiversity describes

how varied living things are in a certain
area – plants, animals, fungi and
microorganisms as well as the community
they form and the habitat they live in. An
organism is part of biodiversity; they serve
as a source of food, medicine, clothing,
shelter, and energy.

What do we call to the group of organisms

living together? Sir, I think it is population.

That is correct.

A population is a group of organisms with

the basic unit known as species.

What are the levels of biodiversity? Sir, the levels of biodiversity are genetic diversity,
ecosystem diversity, and species diversity.
Yes, _______.

So when we say genetic diversity what

does it say? Sir, genetic diversity means that the genes within a
species vary for example all dogs belong to the same
Yes, _______. species but there are many different breeds that have
genes for different traits such as size and color.

Terrific! Thank you so much!

Genetic diversity pertains to differences in

the genetic composition of each organism
e.g. Beagle, Shih Tzu, German Shepherd,
and Doberman are all the same species but
they differ in the variety of their genes.

How about ecosystem diversity? What

does it says? Sir, based on the video clip ecosystem diversity
means that communities of living things are different
Yes, _______.
from one another. For example, some ecosystems
are warm and wet like tropical rainforests and other
are cold and dry like Artic Tundras.


Ecosystem diversity concerns the different

places where organisms live and the
interconnections that bind these organisms,
e.g., lakes, rivers, ponds, and all freshwater

Lastly, we have species diversity, what Sir, species is a group that genetically distinct
does it mean? organisms that can have offspring.
Yes, ______.

That is correct! Thank you!

Species diversity deals with different kinds
of organisms e.g., dragonflies, sunflowers,
and dogs are all the same different species.
Species diversity pertains to the number of
species and abundance of every species in
a specific community. It reflects the
richness and evenness of abundance of
species in a certain place. High-diversity
places consist of numerous kinds of
species. Low-diversity places may be
highly populated but may not be diverse.
Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order skills

Activity No.2 “Picture Analysis (Species


1. The teacher will show a set of pictures
and will ask questions.
2. The student will answer the question and Yes, Sir.
those who answer it will receive a prize.

Class, are my instructions clear?


Class, kindly look at this image.

Is the two orangutan (image B), compatible Sir, the two orangutan are compatible with each other
with each other? Will they be able to
interbreed? and they will be able to interbreed.

Yes, _________

Precisely. Thank you so much!

How about the orangutang and the dog are Sir, I think they are not compatible and they will not
they compatible? Will they be able to
interbreed? be able to interbreed because they belong to different
class of species.
Yes, _______.

Terrific! That is correct!

That belongs to the Biological Species

Concept wherein it states that it is a
species/group of members who can
interbreed and produce viable, fertile
Sir, it is the image B, the two orangutan.
So, from the two image, which one belongs
to Biological Species Concept?

Yes, ____
Yes, Sir.
Very Good!

Class, are you ready for the next image?

Class, based on the image what did you

notice? Are they similar or are they belong
to same species?

Sir, based on my observation it has the same color

and feather type but I think they do not belong to the
same species.
Yes, ____________.

That is correct!
This is what we call the Morphological
Species Concept. A species is a group of
members of the same body shape or
feature or share certain characteristics but
do not belong to the same species.

Class, how about picture no. 3?

Class, this is a phylogenetic tree. My

question is, do they share common
Sir, I think yes. Those elephants share common
Yes, ________. ancestry based on the phylogenetic tree.

This is what we call the Phylogenetic
Species Concept. A species is a group of
organisms that share a common ancestor.
Yes, Sir.
Class, can you follow? Is everything clear?
Okay, Thank you! That’s good to hear.

E. Explain Activity No. 3

(Developing mastery) Mechanics:

1. The class will be divided into four
2. The teacher will provide each group an
envelope containing the instructions for the


Organization of the Content – 50%

Cooperation/Participation - 20%
Presentation - 30%
Total - 100%

Use range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and/or numeracy

Group 1 – they are going to make a poem

that talks about the importance of
biodiversity to life. (Literacy Skills)

Group 2 – they are going to make a

symposium proposal on the ways how to
protect and conserve endangered and
economically important species. (Literacy

Group 3 – Going to make an observation

and count the number of species and
answer the guide questions. (Numeracy

Group 4 – they are going to create a poster

campaign to protect and conserve
endangered and economically important
species. (Arts Integration)

Class, are my instructions clear? Yes, Sir.

(the student will proceed to the activity)

(the teacher will let the student present

their activity)

Apply knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
Learning Code: S7LT-IIh-10
F. Elaborate Class, after discussing biodiversity and its
levels who can now recall our topic?
(Finding practical
applications of concepts In doing this, we will be having an activity.
and skills in daily living)
Activity No.4 “Pass the Globe”

1. the teacher will provide a globe, and
students will pass the globe to the students
next to him/her along with the music.
2. if the music stops, the student who has
the globe will be answering the question.

(possible question)
(possible answers)
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity describes how varied living things are in
a certain area – plants, animals, fungi and
microorganisms as well as the community they form
and the habitat they live in.
What are the levels of biodiversity?
Genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity, and species
diversity. Genetic diversity pertains to differences in
the genetic composition of each organism.
Ecosystem diversity concerns the different places
where organisms live and the interconnections that
bind these organisms. Species diversity deals with
different kinds of organisms.
What are the different species concepts? Morphological species concepts, biological species
concepts, and phylogenetic species concepts.

What is the importance/value of different Biodiversity is essential for the processes that
species in maintaining ecosystem support all life on Earth, including humans. Without a
services? wide range of animals, plants, and microorganisms,
we cannot have the healthy ecosystems that we rely
on to provide us with the air we breathe and the food
we eat. And people also value nature itself.

G. Evaluate Let’s check what you have learned today. The teacher will give a quiz for assessment of
(5 mins) We will be having a short quiz. I will give learning.
you 3 minutes to answer this.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
You may start answering. Write your answers before each number.
1. Which describes species diversity?
A. A species that live in an area
B. An individual of each species on earth
C. The number of species that gets extinct each
D. The number of species and individuals of each
species in a given area.

2. Biodiversity is coined from the word ______.

A. Biological divergent
B. Biological diversion
C. Biological diversity
D. Biological diverting

3. Which describes ecosystem diversity?

A. variety of ecosystems in a given area
B. change in an ecosystem that affect how the
parts of it interact
C. variety of genes within a species or population in
a given area
D. variety of life in Earth’s land, freshwater, and
marine ecosystem

4. Which type of species concept refers to the

sharing of certain characteristics that distinguish
them from other species?
A. Biological
B. Ecological
C. Phylogenetic
D. Typological

5. What level of biodiversity that pertains to

differences in the genetic composition of each
A. Genetic Diversity
B. Species Diversity
C. Ecosystem Diversity
D. Morphological Diversity

6. What level of biodiversity states that it is a

species/group of members who can interbreed
and produce viable, fertile offspring?
A. Genetic Diversity
B. Species Diversity
C. Ecosystem Diversity
D. Morphological Diversity

7. If your classifying a group of individuals as a

species mainly based on a recently shared
common ancestor, you’re likely using the
A. Biological species concept
B. Ecological species concept
C. Morphological species concept
D. Phylogenetic species concept

8. The biological species concept says that

A. Organisms are part of the same species if
they breed.
B. Organisms are part of the same species if
they look the same
C. Organisms are part of the same species if
they can produce offspring that can also
D. Organisms are part of the same species if
they look the same and act the same.

9. The following are the levels of biodiversity,

A. Genetic diversity
B. Ecosystem diversity
C. Species diversity
D. Animal diversity

10. Species is a group that genetically distinct

organisms that can have offspring.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Cannot be determined
Are you done? Yes, Sir.
Let’s check it to see your scores.

Exchange paper.

Who got the perfect score? 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? (students will raise their hands)
Wow! Very good class!

Pass your papers forward.

H. Extend In your notebook, copy your assignment.

(Additional activities for

application or Everybody, please read. Direction: Create a poster of biodiversity showing all
remediation) levels of it.

You will be graded based on these
criteria. Organization of the Content - 40 %
Neatness -20 %
Presentation - 40 %
Total = 100 %

Yes, Sir!

Are you done copying? None, Sir.

Do you have any questions or clarification? Goodbye, Sir thank you.

For being none, Thank you for your
Goodbye, Class!
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require additional
activities for

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