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Why Worry About Harmonics

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The document discusses several topics related to data analysis and modeling.

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October 2006

Why Worry About Harmonics? Because They May Be a Hidden Source of Inefficiency In Your Plant By Louis Hapeshis, P.E.

Many modern-day water and wastewater facilities are taking advantage of the advances in power electronics to improve their operations. Among the devices plant operators are employing to this end are variable frequency drives, ozone generators, and UV filtration systems. These devices offer benefits such as improved energy efficiency, reduced Figure 1. Determining characteristic harmonics maintenance and operating costs, and increased reliability. However, they all share one common operating concern that could cause many problems if not considered when designing or operating a water facility i.e., these devices are all nonlinear or harmonic producing loads on the power system. Fluid handling within water and wastewater facilities is generally the largest consumer of electricity. Most fluid handling systems include pumps that utilize variable frequency drives to optimize the pump speed while minimizing energy consumption. Since variable frequency drives produce harmonics on the power system, it is important for users to understand the negative impact harmonics can have. Harmonics

Figure 2. Harmonic components of a distorted waveform.

Current drawn by nonlinear Figure 3. Linear & nonlinear load current. loads is periodic but not sinusoidal. Periodic waveforms are described mathematically as a series of sinusoidal waveforms that are summed together. Sinusoidal components are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (60 Hz in the United States). Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency, as shown in Figure 1. Total harmonic distortion is the contribution of all the harmonic frequency currents to the fundamental. The third harmonic has a frequency of 180 Hz, or three times the fundamental frequency of 60 Hz. An example of a nonsinusoidal waveform and its harmonic components is shown in Figure 2. A true-RMS meter is required to measure current or voltage that contains harmonics. Significant error may be present in readings taken using a common averaging meter. Linear & Nonlinear Loads Figure 4. Creation of distorted current. A linear load is one in which the current is proportional to the voltage. In general, the current waveform will have the same shape as the voltage waveform. Some examples of linear loads are induction motors, resistance heaters, and incandescen lights. The current waveform of a nonlinear load is shaped differently than the voltage waveform. Some examples of nonlinear loads are gasdischarge lamps, switching power supplies, uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs), variable frequency drives (VFDs), DC Figure 5. Typical six-pulse AC drive components motor drives, and arcing equipment. An example of linear and nonlinear load current is shown in Figure 3. Harmonic Current Flow The current drawn by nonlinear loads passes through all of the impedance between the system source and load. This current produces harmonic voltages for each harmonic as it flows through the system impedance. These harmonic voltages sum and produce a distorted voltage when combined with the fundamental. The voltage Figure 6. Nonlinear load and power-supply modeling distortion magnitude is dependent on the source impedance and the harmonic voltages produced. Figure 4 illustrates how the distorted voltage is created. As illustrated, nonlinear loads are typically modeled as a source of harmonic current. With

low source impedance, the voltage distortion will be low for a given level of harmonic current. If the harmonic current increases and/or a resonant condition develops, the system impedance will increase. This increased system impedance can increase voltage distortion significantly. Often, an increase in system impedance is the result of power factor correction capacitors creating a parallel resonance at a particular harmonic frequency. How Variable Frequency Drives Cause Harmonics All variable frequency drives cause harmonics because of the nature of the front-end rectifier design illustrated in Figure 5 for a typical sixpulse configuration. This is the standard elementary power circuit for most pulse width modulated variable frequency drives sold today. Some manufacturers offer an alternative design incorporating a higher pulse order front-end, particularly in large horsepower Figure 7. Typical 12-pulse AC drive components configurations. Most common are 12 and 18-pulse designs, which extend the first characteristic harmonic to the 11th and 17th, respectively. The 12-pulse configuration is detailed further on page 9. Current distortion occurs when incoming AC voltage is rectified by the three-phase full-wave diode bridge, which charges the capacitor in the DC link. As the motor draws current from the DC bus through the inverter, the potential on the capacitors falls below the incoming line voltage. A forward-biased pair of diodes begins conducting and recharges the DC bus capacitors. Conduction takes place for each positive and negative half cycle of each phase thereby creating the familiar double-pulse current shown previously in Figure 3. If the source impedance is low, the capacitor recharges very quickly resulting in a high current peak and high current distortion. With moderate AC source impedance, the capacitor recharges over a longer period resulting in a more sinusoidal current.

Figure 8. Typical harmonic trap filter configuration

The degree and magnitude of the harmonics created by the variable frequency drive is a function of the drive design and the interaction of the nonlinear load with the distribution system impedance. The power source line impedance ahead of the controller will determine the magnitude of harmonic currents and voltages reflected back into the distribution system. Figure 6 illustrates this relationship. The distorted current reflected through the distribution impedance causes a voltage drop or harmonic voltage distortion. Assuming the source is inductive, this relationship is proportional to the distribution system available fault current. High fault current (stiff system) Distribution system impedance and distortion is low. System can adsorb high levels of harmonic current.

Figure 9. Typical active filter application

Low fault current (soft system) Distribution system impedance and distortion is high. System can adsorb only low levels of harmonic current. Standards IEEE 519-1992, Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems, limits harmonic distortion at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). The PCC is generally accepted as the point where an individual utility customer shares a connection with other customers. Recognizing that voltage distortion results from harmonic currents, the standard also places limits on harmonic current injection by individual customers. Current limits vary from 5 percent to 20 percent total demand distortion (TDD), depending on the size of the customer relative to the stiffness of the utility circuit. Although IEEE 519 discusses harmonic issues that occur inside a facility, the limits only apply at the utility/customer interface. At individual equipment, general guidelines are applied. Most systems can tolerate moderate amounts of current distortion. However, continuous voltage distortion greater than 8 percent to 10 percent THD can cause damage (chronic exposure) or disruption (acute) to equipment. Effects & Negative Consequences The effects of harmonics on circuits are similar to the effects of stress and high blood pressure on the human body. High levels of stress or harmonic distortion can lead to problems for the utility distribution system, plant distribution system, and any other exposed equipment. Effects can range from spurious operation of equipment to a failure of important plant equipment, such as machines or transformers. For water facilities specifically, harmonics can cause conductor overheating, nuisance tripping of thermal devices, data faults in sensitive electronic equipment, generator faults, and reduced motor and transformer life. These issues can become expensive for facilities due to increased maintenance and operating costs, not to mention the possibility of sewage spills resulting in fines and the negative impact on the environment and community. Some of the negative ways that harmonics may affect plant equipment are listed below: Power system resonance: A power distribution system has a natural resonant frequency

determined by the inductances and capacitances in the system. Adding power factor correction capacitors in the system (or nearby on the utility) can lower the resonant frequency to the range of predominant harmonics produced by nonlinear loads. Parallel resonance results in high harmonic currents and voltages. Nuisance capacitor fuse operations and eventual failure commonly ensue. Fuses and circuit breakers: Due to the increase in the RMS value of current and higher frequency content, harmonics may cause false or spurious operations. Transformers: Winding loses are increased due to the higher frequency current components. This causes additional heating in the transformer windings. Fully loaded, a standard transformer is only rated to carry 5 percent harmonic current distortion. K factor -rated units are recommended for higher levels of harmonics. Generators: Regulators, excitation systems, and even governors can be affected by nonlinear loads. Generators typically have much higher source impedance than the utility, which limit the amount of harmonic producing load they can serve. Harmonic loads also increase winding and rotor temperatures. The alternator size may need to be increased when serving loads with high harmonic content. Motors: Harmonic voltage distortion has a similar impact on motors as voltage phase imbalance. The higher frequency components cause additional rotor heating and will shorten motor life. Drives/power supplies: Severe harmonic voltage distortion, particularly that caused by notching, can disrupt voltage sensing circuits such as those for timing, peak measurement, or synchronization. Telephones: Older hard-wired telephone networks may experience interference in the presence of power system harmonics. Evaluating System Harmonics In order to prevent or correct harmonic problems that could occur within an industrial facility, an evaluation of system harmonics should be performed if the facility conditions meet one or more of the criterion outlined below. The application of capacitor banks in systems where 20 percent or more of the load includes other harmonic generating equipment or where background distortion exceeds 2 percent. The facility has a history of harmonic-related problems, including excessive capacitor fuse operation. Large single nonlinear loads are being added greater than about 10 percent of the transformer rating. Many small identical nonlinear loads are being added that operate together. In facilities where restrictive power company requirements limit the harmonic injection back into their system to very small magnitudes. When coordinating and planning to add an emergency standby generator as an alternate power source for nonlinear load. Often, the vendor or supplier of nonlinear load equipment, such as variable frequency drives, can evaluate the effects that the equipment may have on the distribution system. This usually involves details related to the design of the distribution system similar to the data required when performing a short-circuit study. Such a study should consider all harmonic sources, including the utility background distortion. Reducing Harmonics There are many ways to reduce harmonics, ranging from variable frequency drive designs to the addition of auxiliary equipment. Following are some of the more common methods used today for controlling power system harmonics. Power system design: Harmonic problems can be kept in check by limiting the nonlinear load to 30 percent of the supply transformer rating. However, with power factor correction capacitors

installed, resonant conditions could potentially limit the percentage of nonlinear loads. Use the following equation to determine if a resonant condition is likely to occur at an undesirable frequency:

If hr is close to a characteristic harmonic, such as the fifth or seventh, there is a possibility that a harmful resonant condition could occur. Multi-pulse converter design: In a 12-pulse configuration, the front-end rectifier circuit uses 12 diodes instead of six. When properly designed, this configuration practically eliminates the fifth and seventh harmonics. The disadvantages are cost and construction due to the requirement for a deltadelta /delta-wye transformer pair or three-winding transformer to accomplish the 30-degree phase shifting necessary for proper operation. This configuration also affects the overall drive system efficiency rating because of the voltage drop associated with the transformer requirement. Figure 7 illustrates the typical elementary diagram for a 12-pulse converter front end. Higher pulse orders are also possible, thereby reducing more of the lower harmonics. Pseudo 12-pulse systems: This configuration uses phase-shifting transformers to cancel fifth and seventh harmonics at the common bus. For cancellation to occur, the nonlinear loads must be operated simultaneously and have similar characteristics. One cost-effective implementation of this concept uses delta-wye isolation transformers on a few large variable frequency drives, while using smaller and less costly line reactors on smaller VFDs. Isolation transformers: An isolation transformer provides several advantages. First and foremost, it provides impedance to the drive, which reduces current distortion. It obviously resolves voltage mismatch between the supply and the load. If the secondary is grounded, it isolates ground faults and reduces common mode noise. Line reactors: A line reactor provides the impedance to reduce harmonic current, similar to an isolation transformer, but with a smaller size and cost. Line reactors (also referred to as inductors) are available in standard impedance ranges from 1.5 percent, 3 percent, 5 percent and 7.5 percent. Where system voltage is on the lower end of nominal, the greater impedance values should be avoided. Passive filters: Passive or trap filters employ passive elements (capacitors and inductors) to trap or absorb harmonics. An inherent benefit of all passive filters is power factor correction. Passive filters are generally configured to remove only one or two specific harmonics. Passive filters are generally regarded as unsuitable for filtering third harmonics. For this reason, they are best suited for applications in which third harmonics are not an issue, power factor correction is required, and specific harmonics such as fifth or seventh are creating the problem. Passive filters are ideal for systems that have a high percentage of six-pulse drives and other linear loads. However, the filters may need to be returned for changes in the power system. Filters can be designed for several nonlinear loads or for a single load (Figure 8). Broadband filters: By treating a wider spectrum of harmonics, broadband or high-pass filters can be more effective than tuned filters, but they can also be more expensive. Shunt-connected highpass filters are frequently tuned above the seventh harmonic and used in conjunction with singletuned filters to target the lower frequencies. They usually include resistors, which can be an operating problem. A series broadband filter improves upon former broadband harmonic filtering techniques and broadens the range of suitable applications. This is a conventional low pass filter created with an

inductor and capacitor. Series broadband filters are applied to individual loads or groups of loads in a system. They can be applied on SCR rectifiers, including phase control and pre-charge front ends, as well as six-pulse rectifiers using AC line reactors or DC chokes. The latest design accomplishes broadband harmonic filtering with about half the capacitance of previous designs. This minimizes leading current under light load conditions and improves compatibility with standby power generators. Active filters: In contrast to passive filters, active filters monitor the load current and inject a harmonic current of equal magnitude but opposite polarity to dynamically cancel harmonic load currents. The active harmonic filter can be an economical solution for applications where the harmonic load is either 30 percent of the total transformer capacity or several hundred kVA. They provide a cost-effective alternative to 18-pulse technology when several drives are installed in one location. Unlike passive filters, active filters cannot be overloaded if the level of harmonics increases. Active filter units can also be paralleled to accommodate increases in nonlinear load. An illustration of how an active filter is applied is shown in Figure 9. Avoiding Harmonic Issues in Water Facilities There are many solutions available to eliminate harmonic issues, including line reactors, active and passive filters, isolation transformers, and multi-pulse drives. Fortunately, there are many companies experienced in identifying and solving harmonic issues in existing facilities. The first step to take, if you suspect your facility has harmonic issues, is to have a power system study performed. This study should tell you how your facility compares to the IEEE519 Standard. The next step would be to evaluate the causes of your harmonic issues, and determine the most cost effective way to eliminate them. Following the installation of the chosen harmonic mitigation equipment, a final study should be performed to ensure compliance with IEEE519. New facilities should be designed with the IEEE519 Standard in mind. Designing a facility that meets IEEE519 will ensure that harmonic issues are avoided. This usually involves writing equipment specifications that reference the IEEE519 Standard. There should be a preliminary power system study performed using a software package that considers all of the proposed equipment for the facility. These specifications and preliminary studies should be followed up with an actual power system study at the new facility to ensure that it meets IEEE519. The bottom line is that it is possible to take advantage of the advances in power electronics that allow water facilities to operate reliably while reducing overall operating costs. The variable frequency drives, ozone generators, and UV filtration systems that utilize power electronics are vital components in today s water facilities. When consideration is given to harmonic issues, these facilities can benefit from the reduced operating costs and increased reliability offered by power electronic devices. Louis Hapeshis. P.E., is a senior engineer for the Square D Power Systems Engineering Group within Schneider Electric s North American Operating Division. He is responsible for power system studies, design, and monitoring services for Schneider Electric customers, as well as engineering support for the Schneider Electric Water & Wastewater Competency Center and Square D field service operations. He is knowledgeable in power distribution, control systems, network communications, automation control products, variable frequency drives, and power quality. Mr. Hapeshis earned his bachelor s degree in electrical engineering with an emphasis on power systems from Clemson University in 1995. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is a licensed professional engineer in South Carolina and Georgia. Mr. Hapeshis can be reached at louis.hapeshis@us.schneider-electric.com or 864 886-1383. www.squared.com References 1. Murphy and F.G. Turnbull, Power Electronic Control of AC Motors , Pergamon Press, Elmsford, New York, 1988.

2. Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis, ANSI/IEEE Std. 3991990, Chapter 10. 3. Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants, ANSI/IEEE Std. 141-1986, Chapter 8. 4. IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems, ANSI/IEEE Std. 519-1992. 5. John F. Hibbard and Michael Z. Lowenstein, Meeting IEEE 519-1992 Harmonic Limits , TCI (Trans Coil, Inc.), 1993. 6. In Tune with Power Harmonics , John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc., 1991. 7. Ed Palko, Living with Power System Harmonics , Plant Engineering, June 18, 1992, pages 48-53. 8. Harmonic Filtering - A Guide for the Plant Engineer , Commonwealth Sprague Capacitor, Inc., 1991. 9. An Overview of Power System Harmonics , W. Mack Grady, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. 10. Power System Harmonics , Square D Product Data Bulletin No. 8803PD9402, August, 1994. 11. Effects of Harmonics On Equipment , IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 1993, V.E. Wagner, Chairman. 12. Electrical Power System Harmonics Design Guide, R.C. Dugan, M.F. McGranaghan, McGrawEdison Power Systems, P.O. box 440 Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, Second Edition, Sept., 1988. 13. Harmonic Distortion Accelerates Fuse Aging Failures, Maintenance Tech. Online.

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