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A Series-Resonant Inverter With Extended Topology and Pulse-Density-Modulation Control For Induction Heating Applications

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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)

Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2022, pp. 348~367

ISSN: 2088-8694, DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v13.i1.pp348-367  348

A series-resonant inverter with extended topology and pulse-

density-modulation control for induction heating applications

Pavlo Herasymenko, Volodymyr Pavlovskyi, Oleg Yurchenko

Department of transistor converters, Institute of Electrodynamics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper presents a series-resonant inverter (SRI) with an extended
topology using a pulse-density modulation (PDM) control method.
Received Nov 11, 2021 Theoretical analysis shows that the use of the SRI with extended topology
Revised Jan 20, 2022 and the PDM control (extended PDM-SRI) allows reducing the fluctuation
Accepted Jan 26, 2022 of the SRI output current by more than 40% at the quality factor of 5
compared to a conventional SRI with the traditional PDM control. To
eliminate drawbacks of the extended PDM-SRI, specificities of PDM
Keywords: switching sequences to ensure the zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) operation
are discussed in detail, and a solution to the voltage imbalance across the
Control method capacitors of the extended topology is proposed. Simulation analysis of the
Current fluctuation extended PDM-SRI confirmed the effectiveness of using the proposed
Induction heating solutions to eliminate the drawbacks. The feasibility of the proposed SRI is
Pulse-density modulation confirmed by testing on a 2.2 kW experimental setup.
Series-resonant inverter
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Pavlo Herasymenko
Department of Transistor Converters, Institute of Electrodynamics
03057, 56 Peremohy avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine
Email: herasymenko@ieee.org

Recently, the pulse-density modulation (PDM) control method [1]–[6] has been widely applied as a
transistor converter current control method for many applications such as induction heating [1], [2], [7]–[10]
and many others [3]–[6], [11]–[13]. In comparison with other control methods, such as pulse-width
modulation, pulse-frequency modulation (PFM), or phase-shift control, the PDM control in the converters of
induction heating equipment based on a series-resonant inverter (SRI) allows SRI transistors to operate with
zero-voltage switching (ZVS) and quasi-zero-current switching (quasi-ZCS). As a result, high-frequency
switching operation can be performed, switching losses and a surge voltage can be reduced, and the structure
of induction heating equipment can be simplified. Despite the advantages of this method for the SRI, using
the PDM control also has disadvantages; the main is that the amplitude of the SRI output current fluctuates.
The fluctuation influences the maximum current through the SRI transistors, the maximum voltage across the
resonant capacitor, and the required dead-time between the control signals of the SRI transistors. And the
lower the value of the quality factor of a resonant circuit is, the higher the fluctuation is.
The basic idea of the PDM control method is that the SRI produces injection and free-wheeling
intervals [7]–[9]. The output current is regulated by varying the duration of these intervals. In the traditional
PDM control the duration of the injection and free-wheeling intervals is an integer multiple of the SRI output
voltage period. The same pulse density and different amplitude fluctuations can be achieved with regular and
irregular PDM controls [14]–[16]. The use of the irregular PDM control compared to the regular one allows
to obtain lower fluctuations, but they are still significant.

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Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  349

In order to reduce the amplitude fluctuations and make the PDM control method more suitable for
the SRI with a low value of a load quality factor, various enhanced PDM controls have been proposed [1]–
[3], [6], [17], [18]. The general idea of these controls is that the duration of both the injection and free-
wheeling intervals or just the injection interval is an integer multiple of the half-period of the SRI output
voltage. When both the injection and free-wheeling intervals are integers multiple of half-period of the SRI
output voltage, the voltage contains a direct current (DC) component [1]–[3]. This is not very suitable if a
matching transformer is required, because a magnetizing current appears in the matching transformer due to
the DC component. To avoid the influence of this component, Esteve et al. [1] used a blocking capacitor. But
there also appears an unbalance in the inverter transistors’ switching loss. To avoid this unbalance, both half-
bridges must operate alternatively during each enhanced PDM period. The switching sequence of the
enhanced PDM can be further evenly distributed; this results in an additional reduction in current fluctuations
[6], [17]. In both cases, the sign of the DC-component will alternate depending on the voltage sequence; as a
result, the blocking capacitor will not be effective, and as a consequence, the matching transformer must be
rated for a frequency lower than the operating one. When only the injection interval is an integer multiple of
half-period of the voltage, the voltage does not contain the DC component. Still, fluctuations are not
significantly lower compared to the traditional PDM control method [18].
Combined control methods based on the PDM control have been proposed [19]–[22]. A hybrid
control method based on the PDM and PFM controls has been proposed for corona discharge treatment [19].
This method uses the regular PDM control, so if being applied in SRIs for induction heating applications, the
amplitude fluctuations of the current will be significant. Shen et al. in [20], Namadmalan [21], the authors
used the phase-shift and PDM controls for SRIs, where former acts between PDM patterns to provide more
continuous/smooth power regulation. However, the mentioned method does not allow reducing the amplitude
fluctuations. Herasymenko in [22], another combined control method based on the phase-shift and PDM
controls is proposed. In this method, the current regulation for pulse density in the range from 0.5 to 1 is
provided by only the traditional PDM control, and in the range from 0 to 0.5 – by the phase-shift control and
the constant pulse density (equal to 0.5) of the PDM pattern. Disadvantages of this approach are that the use
of the phase-shift control method increases the switch losses of the SRI transistors and besides, the amplitude
fluctuations in the range from 0 to 0.5 are not reduced.
Another control method of the SRI output current, close to the PDM control method, is the odd (3 rd
or 5 ) harmonic operation [21], [23], [24]. The advantage of this method is lower commutation losses in the
SRI transistors. But in this case, the frequency of the SRI output voltage is three, five, or more times less than
the resonance one. Thus, the size of the matching transformer is significantly larger compared to the case
when the PDM control method is used. In addition, the amplitude fluctuations are larger compared to the
irregular PDM control.
One more approach to reducing the fluctuation is the use of a modular converter, which is based on
series or parallel connection of inverters, with the interleaved or stepped PDM control methods [3], [25]–
[28]. In the case of using the interleaved PDM control, each channel of the converter has the same PDM
pattern, but there is a time-shift between them, which influences the fluctuation [25]–[28]. In the case of
using the stepped PDM control, the modulation begins to act only in one of the converter channels, and the
modulation signals of other channels are 0 and/or 1 [28]. Compared to the single-channel SRI, the modular
converter must have at least two channels, so more transistors are required; the constructions of the modular
converter and the matching transformer are more complex, larger in dimensions, and finally, the modular
converter costs more.
The SRI with extended topology and the PDM control method (extended PDM-SRI) has been
presented in our primary work [29]. The present paper expands on previous research and proposes solutions
to problems associated with the drawbacks mentioned in the primary work. The main contributions of this
paper are summarized is being as: 1) This article improves and enhances the theoretical analysis of the
extended PDM-SRI, in particular through a deeper discussion of the amplitude fluctuations of the SRI output
current. 2) Drawbacks of diodes reverse-recovery problems and voltage imbalance across capacitors
mentioned in [29] are discussed, and solutions of these problems are proposed. 3) Simulation analysis of the
extended PDM-SRI was carried out to verify the proposed solutions. The validity of the theoretical and
simulation analysis is verified by a 2.2 kW experimental setup of the discussed extended PDM-SRI.

2.1. Induction heating equipment configuration
A typical configuration of induction heating equipment consists of a diode full-bridge rectifier, a
DC-filter, a transistor inverter, a matching transformer, a control system, and a current transformer (CT)
Figure 1. A load (an induction coil with a workpiece) of an induction heating system can be represented by
the series-equivalent circuit model with an equivalent inductor Leq and an equivalent resistor Req; the model
A series-resonant inverter with extended topology and pulse-density-modulation … (Pavlo Herasymenko)
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represents inductances of the workpiece, the induction coil, the gap, and resistances of the workpiece and the
induction coil [30], [31]. The values of these parameters depend on geometries and materials of the induction
coil and workpiece, and the operating frequency of the SRI. To obtain a series-resonant circuit, a capacitor Cr
is usually connected in series with the secondary winding of the matching transformer and the load.

Figure 1. Typical configuration of induction heating equipment

Typically, the PDM control method is used in inverters with the full-bridge topology, because with
this topology it is possible to obtain the injection and free-wheeling intervals [1], [2], [7]–[9]. This control
method is also suitable in inverters with the half-bridge topology [10]. In this case the PDM-SRI produces
two intervals: an injection one with a square-wave ac-voltage equal to half the SRI input voltage, and a
rejection one, when the resonant circuit energy is transmitted to the capacitors of the half-bridge topology. As
a consequence, the amplitude fluctuations of the SRI output current are higher.

2.2. Pulse-density modulation-series-resonant inverter with extended topology

To reduce the amplitude fluctuations of the PDM-SRI output current iO it is expedient to combine
operation modes of full-bridge and half-bridge inverters [29]. For this purpose, the extended inverter
topology is used, which combines topologies of full-bridge and half-bridge inverters [29], [32], [33]. The
extended inverter topology consists of switching devices (Q1-Q4) of the full-bridge topology, two capacitors
(C1 and C2) of equal values of the half-bridge topology, and an additional bi-directional switch Figure 2. The
capacitors are series-connected across the DC source (Vd), and the SRI input voltage Vd is split by these
capacitors into two equal sources with a voltage of Vd/2. The bi-directional switch is implemented with two
back-to-back connected transistors (Q5 and Q6) in a typical source configuration. This switch is connected
between the center tap of the series-connected capacitors and the center tap of the transistors Q3 and Q4; it is
used to separate the operating modes of the full-bridge and half-bridge inverters. The secondary components
of the matching transformer (inductor Leq, resistor Req, and resonant capacitor Cr) are reflected to the primary
side and represented as R, L, and C, respectively.

Figure 2. Inverter with the extended topology and the secondary components of the matching transformer
reflected to the primary side

The eight topological stages of the extended PDM-SRI are shown in Figure 3. With these stages,
four modes of operation for the extended PDM-SRI can be obtained: Mode 1–stages 1 and 2 are used to
produce the injection interval (TA) during which the inverter acts as a square-wave ac-voltage source with the
amplitude Vd for m cycles of the period TO of the SRI output voltage υO; Mode 2–stages 3 and 4 are used to
produce the injection interval (TC) during which the inverter acts as a square-wave ac-voltage source with the
amplitude Vd/2 for l cycles of TO; Mode 3–stages 5 and/or 6 are used to produce the free-wheeling interval
(TB) during which the inverter acts as a zero-voltage source for n cycles of TO; Mode 4–stages 7 and 8 are
used to produce the rejection interval during which the energy of the resonant circuit is transmitted to Vd

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2022: 348-367
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  351

Figure 3. Topological stages of the extended PDM-SRI

To reduce the amplitude fluctuations of iO, it is expedient to combine mode 1 with mode 2, and
mode 2 with mode 3, where mode 2 acts as an intermediate link between modes 1 and 3. It is not necessary to
use mode 4 because when this mode is combined with modes 1 or 2, the amplitude fluctuations are higher
compared to combining mode 3 with modes 1 or 2. Combining mode 4 with mode 3 is unreasonable; since
both stages 5 and 6 ensure a zero-voltage state, it is sufficient to use only one of them to create mode 3.
Figure 4 shows the PDM control principle for the extended PDM-SRI: case I – TA is combined with
TC; Case II – TC is combined with TB. The duration TM of the PDM sequence can be expressed is being as:

𝑇 + 𝑇𝐶 = (𝑚 + 𝑙)𝑇𝑂 (𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐼)

𝑇𝑀 = 𝑘𝑇𝑂 = { 𝐴 (1)
𝑇𝐶 + 𝑇𝐵 = (𝑙 + 𝑛)𝑇𝑂 (𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐼𝐼)

where k is the number of cycles of TO during TM. The value of k may be constant for all PDM patterns of the
regular and irregular PDM [9], [16], or it can be inconstant [12], [25].
The frequency of PDM sequences is given by:

𝑓𝑃𝐷𝑀 = 1/𝑇𝑀. (2)

For the extended PDM-SRI, the pulse density D of PDM patterns can be expressed is being as:

(𝑇 + 𝑇𝐶 /2)/𝑇𝑀 = (𝑚 + 0.5𝑙)/𝑘 (𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐼)

𝐷={ 𝐴 (3)
(𝑇𝐶 /2)/𝑇𝑀 = 0.5𝑙/𝑘 (𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐼𝐼).

Figure 4. Patterns of control drive sequences and output waveforms in the extended PDM-SRI

2.3. Analysis of extended pulse-density modulation-series-resonant inverter output current

Typically, the SRI operates slightly above the resonant frequency to provide ZVS. But to simplify
the mathematical analysis, the following two assumptions are made: the SRI operates at the resonant

A series-resonant inverter with extended topology and pulse-density-modulation … (Pavlo Herasymenko)

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frequency 𝜔𝑂 = 1/√𝐿𝐶, and the quality factor Q of the resonant circuit is high enough to neglect higher
harmonics in υO. In this case υO can be represented is being as:

𝜐𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝑉1 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) (4)

where V1 is the first harmonic amplitude of υO (V1 = 4Vd/π during TA, V1 = 2Vd/π during TC, and V1 = 0 during
TB). In a steady-state operation, when the extended PDM-SRI operates only in mode 1, the output current iO
is given by:

𝑖𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) (5)

where Im is the maximum current amplitude in the case of D = 1, and is given by:
𝐼𝑚 = ; (6)

in case I – combination TA and TC Figure 4, the output current iO is given by:

− 𝜏𝐶 𝑡
1 1−𝑒
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) (1 − 𝑇 𝑒 −𝜏 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐴 )
2 − 𝑀
1−𝑒 𝜏
𝑖𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝑇 (7)
− 𝜏𝐴 𝑡
1 1 1−𝑒 −
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) ( + 𝑇 𝑒 ) 𝜏 (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐶 ),
2 2 − 𝑀
{ 1−𝑒 𝜏

where τ is the time constant of the envelope of iO, and is given by:
2𝐿 2𝑄
𝜏= = ; (8)
𝑅 𝜔𝑂

when the extended PDM-SRI operates only in mode 3, the output current iO is given by:
𝑖𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) ; (9)

in case II – combination TC and TB Figure 4, the output current iO is given by:

− 𝜏𝐵 𝑡
1 1 1−𝑒
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) ( − 𝑇 𝑒 −𝜏 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐶 )
2 2 − 𝑀
1−𝑒 𝜏
𝑖𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝑇
− 𝜏𝐶 𝑡
1 1−𝑒 −
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) 𝑇 𝑒 𝜏 (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐵 ).
{ 2 − 𝑀
1−𝑒 𝜏

It is convenient to submit τ through the PDM parameters m, l, n, k, and the quality factor Q. In this
way, (7) is given by:
− 𝑙 𝜋
1 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) (1 − 𝜋 𝑒 𝑄𝑇𝑂 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐴 )
2 − 𝑘
1−𝑒 𝑄
𝑖𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝜋 (11)
− 𝑚 𝜋
1 1 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) ( + 𝜋 𝑒 𝑄𝑇𝑂 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐶 ),
{ 2 2 −𝑄𝑘

and (10) is given by:

− 𝑛 𝜋
1 1 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑂 𝑡) ( − 𝜋
𝑄𝑇𝑂 𝑒 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐶 )
2 2 − 𝑘
1−𝑒 𝑄
𝑖𝑂 (𝑡) = 𝜋 (12)
− 𝑙 𝜋
1 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔 𝑡)
𝑂 𝜋 𝑒
𝑄𝑇𝑂 (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐵 ).
{ 2 −𝑄𝑘

2.4. Analysis of extended pulse-density modulation-series-resonant inverter output power

The average output power is given by [1], [9]:

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2022: 348-367
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  353
1 𝑇𝑀 1 𝑇𝑀
𝑃= ∫ (𝜐𝑂 𝑖𝑂 )𝑑𝑡
𝑇𝑀 0
= ∫ (𝑉1
𝑇𝑀 0
𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜔𝑂 𝑡)𝑖𝐸 (𝑡) 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜔𝑂 𝑡 − 𝜑))𝑑𝑡 (13)

where φ is the phase-shift between the fundamental frequencies of υO and iO, and iE(t) is the envelope of the
resonant current; in case I iE(t) is given by:
− 𝑙 𝜋
1 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 (1 − 𝜋 𝑒 𝑄𝑇𝑂 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐴 )
2 − 𝑘
1−𝑒 𝑄
𝑖𝐸 (𝑡) = 𝜋 (14)
−𝑄𝑚 𝜋
1 1 1−𝑒 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 ( + 𝜋 𝑒 𝑄𝑇𝑂 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐶 ),
{ 2 2 − 𝑘
1−𝑒 𝑄

and in case II it is given by:

− 𝑛 𝜋
1 1 1−𝑒 𝑄− 𝑡
𝐼𝑚 ( − 𝜋
𝑄𝑇𝑂 𝑒 ) (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇С )
2 2 −𝑄𝑘
𝑖𝐸 (𝑡) = 𝜋 (15)
− 𝑙 𝜋
1 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑡
𝐼𝑚2 𝜋
𝑄𝑇𝑂 𝑒 (0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝐵 ).
{ −𝑄𝑘

If  1/ O , (13) changes into the following equation:

2𝑉1 1 𝑇𝑀
𝑃= 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝜑) ∫ 𝑖𝐸 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡. (16)
𝜋 𝑇𝑀 0

The average output power can be calculated through the PDM parameters and Q is being as:
− in the case of full power (D = 1), when the SRI operates as a conventional full-bridge SRI

P = Pmax = Vd I m cos( ); (17)

− in case I
𝑃 = 𝑃max ; (18)

− in the case of D = 0.5, when the SRI operates as a conventional half-bridge SRI
𝑃 = 𝑉𝑑 𝐼𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝜑); (19)

− in case II
− 𝑛 𝜋
𝑃max 𝑙 𝑄 1−𝑒 𝑄 − 𝑙 0.5𝑙
𝑃= [ + 𝜋 (𝑒 𝑄 − 1)] ≈ 𝑃max . (20)
2 𝑘 𝜋𝑘 − 𝑘 𝑘
1−𝑒 𝑄

2.5. Amplitude fluctuation

The fluctuation of iO can be estimated in two ways: by the peak-to-peak value of the envelope iE of
iO [1], and by the absolute peak-to-peak value of the amplitude of iO [29]. It is convenient to estimate the
fluctuation by the peak-to-peak value of iE since there are only one maximal value iEmax and one minimal
value iEmin of iE within TM Figure 4. Thus, the fluctuation can be estimated as the difference between iEmax and
iEmin [1]. The normalized value of the fluctuation by iE is given by:
  
 − m − l − k
1 1− e −e +e

2 
(in Case I)
− k
iE max − iE min  1− e Q
I E* = =   
Im  − l − n − k

1 1− e − e +e
(in Case II).
2 
− k
 1− e Q

A series-resonant inverter with extended topology and pulse-density-modulation … (Pavlo Herasymenko)

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The disadvantage of this approach is that the real absolute peak-to-peak value of the amplitude
fluctuation is somewhat less. That is due to the fact that the maximal and minimal amplitudes of iO are at
points that differ from the points of iEmax and iEmin Figure 4. Let’s consider the estimation of the fluctuation by
the absolute peak-to-peak value of the amplitude of iO. The maximal and minimal values of the current
amplitude can be found for both active modes of the extended PDM-SRI Figure 4. Assuming that the
exponential part of iO does not significantly affect the sinusoidal one during one half-period of TO, the
minimum amplitude value Imin and the maximum amplitude value Imax of iO can be determined for case I from
(11) and for case II from (12) at points corresponding to 0.25 TO after the beginning and until the end of the
active modes. The normalized minimum and maximum current amplitudes are given by:
− in case I
 
− m − k 
 i (T − 0.25TO ) 1e Q
−e Q
I A max = O A = 1− 
e 4Q , (22)
Im 2 − k
1− e Q

− l 
i (0.25TO ) 1 1 − e Q − 4Q
I A min = O = 1− 
e , (23)
Im 2 − k
1− e Q

− m 
 i (0.25TO ) 1 1 1 − e Q − 4Q
I C max = O = + 
e , (24)
Im 2 2 − k
1− e Q

 
− l − k 
 i (T − 0.25TO ) 1 1 e Q
−e Q
I C min = O C = + 
e 4Q ; (25)
Im 2 2 − k
1− e Q

− in case II
 
− l − k 
 i (T − 0.25TO ) 1 1 e Q
−e Q
I C max = O C = − 
e 4Q , (26)
Im 2 2 − k
1− e Q

− n 
 i (0.25TO ) 1 1 1 − e Q − 4Q
I C min = O = − 
e , (27)
Im 2 2 − k
1− e Q

− l 
i (0.25TO ) 1 1 − e Q − 4Q
I B max = O = 
e , (28)
Im 2 − k
1− e Q

 
− n − k 
 i (T − 0.25TO ) 1 e Q
−e Q
I B min = O B = 
e 4Q . (29)
Im 2 − k
1− e Q

In this way, the normalized absolute peak-to-peak current amplitude fluctuation ∆I*m is given by:

max ( I A max , I C max ) − min ( I A min , I C min ) (in Case I)

I =  (30)
max ( I C max , I B max ) − min ( I C min , I B min ) (in Case II).
m    

The disadvantage of this approach is that it is necessary to determine which of the maximum
amplitudes is higher and which of the minimum ones is lower. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the

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fluctuation and the pulse density D, as well as the effectiveness η of fluctuations reducing at various values of
Q, which are obtained for the envelope of current Figure 5(a) and peak-to-peak current Figure 5(b). The
effectiveness shows the relative reducing ∆I*E and ∆I*m when using the considered PDM-SRI with the
extended topology compared to the PDM-SRI with the full-bridge topology at the same values of D, and is
given by:
[𝛥𝐼 ∗ (𝐷) ‘full-bridgeSRI’]−[𝛥𝐼 ∗ (𝐷) ‘extended SRI’]
𝜂= [𝛥𝐼 ∗ (𝐷) ‘full-bridgeSRI’]
100% (31)

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Relationships comparing between the fluctuation and the effectiveness as functions of D for
different values of Q: (a) by envelope of current; (b) by peak-to-peak current

The effectiveness η exceeds 50% and reaches 100% at D = 0.5, as shown in Figure 5. The
combinations of the PDM parameters used to calculate ∆I* are given in Table 1. For the sake of simplicity,
the PDM patterns were chosen with inconstant values of k, since otherwise PDM patterns with the irregular
PDM and constant values of k may contain different values of the PDM parameters within one TM, which
complicates the determination of ∆I*.

Table 1. Values of PDM parameters

Full-bridge topology Extended topology
m n k m l n k
16 - 16 1 8 - - 8
15 1 16 0.94 7 1 - 8
11 1 12 0.92 5 1 - 6
7 1 8 0.875 3 1 - 4
5 1 6 0.83 2 1 - 3
3 1 4 0.75 1 1 - 2
2 1 3 0.67 1 2 - 3
1 1 2 0.5 - 1 - 1
1 2 3 0.33 - 2 1 3
1 3 4 0.25 - 1 1 2
1 5 6 0.17 - 1 2 3
1 7 8 0.125 - 1 3 4
1 11 12 0.08 - 1 5 6
- 16 16 0 - - 8 8
For these D (except for D = 0.5 for the full-bridge topology) υO does not have two intervals, and the
amplitude does not fluctuate. Thus, ∆I*m is considered equal 0, and Imin equal to the amplitude of iO

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When the PDM control method is used, the current control is limited by the available combinations
of the PDM parameters. The control system monitors the change in the feedback signal between iO and the
level of the current task signal, and being based on the feedback level, selects the appropriate combination of
the PDM parameters to provide the required value of D. However, when the required value of D cannot be
realized with one of the available PDM combination, the control system will change two nearby PDM
combinations whose values of D are the closest to the desired one Figure 6. Thus, for Di < D < Di+1 (where Di
and Di+1 are two adjacent values of the pulse density which are the closest to the desired one and can be
realized by the available PDM combinations) the amplitude fluctuation level will be determined by the action
of the two PDM combinations and can be approximately defined is being as:

I m = I max
 
( Di +1 ) − I min ( Di ). (32)

Figure 7 illustrates similar charts to Figure 5, but for the case when the fluctuation is determined by (32). As
can be seen, at a low value of Q = 5, the effectiveness η of fluctuations reducing is more than 40%.

Figure 6. Output current waveform in case of cycling between two nearby combinations of the PDM

Figure 7. Relationship between the fluctuation and pulse density at Q of 5 and 20, and the effectiveness of
fluctuations reducing

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2.6. Minimal current amplitude

In order to avoid non-ZVS operations of the SRI transistors, it is necessary to set a certain value of
dead-time TDT between the control signals of the SRI transistors. The value of TDT depends, amongst other
things, on the current amplitude value [7]–[9]. Thus, on the one hand, TDT can be set constant and must be
enough to ensure ZVS under different values of the parameters on which it depends. On the other hand, it can
be changeable [31]. In the case of a low value of Q, dynamically changing the value of TDT is a complex task
and requires high-speed mathematical calculation as well as measurements of current and voltage parameters
with high accuracy. In the case of the constant TDT, the minimal current amplitude is important and the
current fluctuation influences this amplitude value.
Let’s consider how using the proposed extended PDM-SRI allows increasing the minimal current
amplitude compared to the full-bridge SRI with the traditional PDM control method. Figure 8 shows the
difference between normalized values of I*min for the same D and Q = 5 for the mentioned above SRIs. As
can be seen, if the current regulation is limited by values of D in the range of 0.25 to 1, the minimum
amplitude value can be doubled. Thus, it is possible to reduce the value of TDT, and as a consequence, the
switching losses will be lower. Or, if the dead-time value does not change, the range of D can be extended by

Figure 8. Relationship between the minimal current amplitude and pulse density at Q = 5

3.1. Drawbacks of extended pulse-density modulation-series-resonant inverter and proposed solutions
Figure 9 shows the SRI with extended topology, where CS is the total capacitance of the snubber
capacitor and the parasitic capacitances of the transistors. The main drawback of the extended PDM-SRI
presented in [29] is the problem of reverse-recovery of a transistor body-diode. This problem arises in two
cases Figure 10: 1) when mode 1 is changed to mode 2, and 2) when mode 3 is changed to mode 2. Let’s
consider it more deeply (in both cases mentioned, mode 2 is implemented using only stage 5).

Figure 9. The extended SRI with CS

3.1.1. Reverse recovery problem

In case I Figure 10 (a), the extended PDM-SRI operates slightly above the resonance frequency. In
mode 1 the SRI operates like a conventional full-bridge inverter. There is a certain dead-time TDT between the
control signals of the transistors to prevent shoot-through-current. During TDT, CS are fully recharged until the
next pair of transistors turns-on. After recharging CS, a pair of body-diodes starts to work and the switching
of the transistors occurs with ZVS. At the end of mode 1, the bi-directional switch is turned-on within TDT. At
this moment, one of the active diodes is supplied with half of the inverter input voltage from the capacitor of
the half-bride inverter topology, and as a result of this, the shoot-through-current flows through the circuit
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In case II Figure 10 (b), at the end of mode 3 we have a similar situation to the previous one. After
recharging CS a pair of the body-diodes works, and the bi-directional switch is turned-on, resulting in a shoot-
through-current flowing through the circuit D4-D5-Q6. In addition, it is possible to provide that the bi-
directional switch would be switched after a current zero-crossing. But in this case, the shoot-through-current
will flow through the circuit D3-D5-Q6. Therefore, this is not a solution to the problem.

(a) (b)

Figure 10. Switching sequence of the extended PDM-SRI with the diode reverse recovery problem (a) case I
and (b) case II

3.1.2. Solution of reverse recovery problem

In the described extended topology, the bi-directional switch is implemented with two back-to-back
connected transistors (Q5, Q6) in a typical source configuration. A solution to the reverse recovery problem
can be found through the change in the control signal of the bi-directional switch. In this way, the control
signals Q5 and Q6 of transistors Q5 and Q6 are different, therefore the bi-directional switch will be seen below
as two independent transistors Q5 and Q6. So, Figure 11 (a) shows the switching sequence of the extended
PDM-SRI without the diode reverse recovery problem in case I, and Figure 11 (b) for case II, respectively.

(a) (b)

Figure 11. Switching sequence of the extended PDM-SRI without the diode reverse recovery problem
(a) case I and (b) case II

Both for cases I and II during the diode operation interval (at the end of mode 1 in case I and at the
end of mode 3 in case II), it is expedient to turn-on only one of these transistors–the transistor Q5. Since Q6 is
still turned-off, there is no problem with the reverse recovery of a transistor body-diode. At the end of the
diode operation interval, the current flow changes, and iO flows through Q1, Q5, and D6. As it is depicted in
Figure 11, within this interval, after CS is recharged, Q6 must be turned-on. Such a change in the control
signals of Q5 and Q6 is sufficient to avoid the reverse recovery problem caused by the common control signal
Q5,6 of the bi-directional switch.

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3.1.3. Voltage imbalance across capacitors

The second drawback mentioned in [29] is the voltage imbalance across the capacitors C1 and C2.
This is caused that during mode 2 different currents flow through C1 and C2, which leads to an increase in
voltage across one of the capacitors and a decrease across the other. In case I the envelope of iO falls during
mode 2, causing the voltage across C1 to decrease and the voltage across C2 to increase. But in case II the
envelope of iO rises during mode 2, causing the opposite situation–the voltage across C1 increases, and the
voltage across C2 decreases. Therefore, it becomes necessary to balance the capacitor voltages.

3.1.4. Voltage imbalance across capacitors

A simple solution to this problem is to use the Delon circuit (a bridge voltage doubler circuit),
because there is no need to use controlled devices. In this case it is necessary to use two diodes, a transformer
and, as an option, a resistor connected as it is shown in Figure 12. The balancing resistor is used as an inrush
current limiter and can generally be neglected due to the resistance of the transformer windings of the
balancing circuit. Thus, when the voltage across one of the capacitors is higher than the other one, the energy
of that capacitor will be transferred to the other one.
In case II during modes 1 and 2, the input voltage of the balancing transformer is half-wave
symmetrical due to the pattern sequences of the control signals, and its frequency is equal to the frequency of
υO. However, when mode 3 is implemented using only stage 5, the input voltage of the balancing transformer
will be asymmetrical and the effectiveness of the balancing circuit will be less. Thus, to avoid the
asymmetrical voltage, it is reasonable to use mode 3 implemented using stage 5 within one TM, and to use
mode 3 implemented using stage 6 within the next TM. But in this case, when mode 2 is changed to mode 3,
the reverse recovery problem arises, similar to the one when mode 3 is changed to mode 2, and the shoot-
through-current flows through the circuit Q3-D4. Thus, to avoid this current, Q3 must switch when the
direction of iO changes and D3 starts to operate. The resulting sequence of control signals Q 1-Q4 ensuring the
ZVS operation of the extended PDM-SRI transistors in case II is shown in Figure 13. In such a way, in case
II there is no reverse recovery problem, the input voltage of the balancing transformer will be symmetrical,
and its period will be (2k – 1) times more than the period TO.

Figure 12. Delon circuit connection

Figure 13. Resulting sequences of control signals to ensure the ZVS operation of the
extended PDM-SRI transistors in case II

3.2. Simulation results

The extended PDM-SRI has been modeled in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Simulations are
carried out for the two mentioned above cases of combining the operation modes of the extended PDM-SRI.
Figure 14 shows waveforms of the output voltage υO and output current iO, as well as voltages υC1, υC2 across
C1 and C2, the current through Q4, and the current iQ5, Q6 through the bi-directional switch, when the
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mentioned in section 5 drawbacks are present: Figure 14 (a) for case I and Figure 14 (b) for case II. It can be
seen in Figure 14 (a) that in case I υC1 decreases, and υC2 increases during the modeling process, but in case II
there is the opposite situation, as it is shown in Figure 14 (b). In both case I and case II the shoot-through-
current flows through the switch devices Q4-Q6. Figure 15 shows waveforms for the case when the control
signals were changed in accordance with the ones proposed in section 5, and the mentioned above balancing
circuit was used Figure 15 (a) for case I and Figure 15 (b) for case II. It can be seen that these changes in the
control signals are sufficient to ensure the ZVS operation of the SRI transistors and to avoid the shoot-
through-current. In general, there is no imbalance of the voltages υC1 and υC2 both in case I and in case II, and
υC1 and υC2 fluctuate only slightly owing to C1 and C2 charging and recharging.

(a) (b)

Figure 14. Waveforms obtained as a result of the simulation when the mentioned drawbacks are present
(a) case I and (b) case II

(a) (b)

Figure 15. Waveforms obtained as a result of the simulation when the mentioned drawbacks are absent
(a) case I and (b) case II

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Figure 16 shows waveforms of the input voltage υTV(bc) of the balancing circuit transformer and υO:
Figures 16 (a) and (b) when mode 3 is implemented using only stage 5 (under (k;l;n) = (2;1;1) Figure 16 (a),
and under (k;l;n) = (3;1;2) Figures 16 (b)-(d) when within one TM mode 2 is combined with implemented
using stage 5 mode 3, and within the next TM mode 2 is combined with implemented using stage 6 mode 3
(under (k;l;n) = (2;1;1) Figure 16 (c), and under (k;l;n) = (3;1;2) Figure 16(d). Thus, when using only one of
stages 5 or 6 in case II, υTV(bc) has an asymmetrical duty-cycle. Therefore, the use of the balancing circuit is
less effective for balancing υC1 and υC2. Besides, υTV(bc) contains a DC component. So, the alternation of
stages 5 and 6 in the way described above makes it possible to ensure the symmetrical υTV(bc) and, as a result,
to increase the effectiveness of balancing υC1 and υC2 with the balancing circuit. However, owing to the shape
of υTV(bc) in case II, the balancing circuit transformer must be rated for a frequency with period (2k – 1) times
more than TO, as is shown in Figure 16 (d).
Figure 17 shows waveforms of υC1 and υC2, the currents iD(bc) through the diodes of the balancing
circuit, and the currents (iC1 and iC2) through C1 and C2, as well as the interrelationship between these
voltages and currents. In case I, only one diode of the balancing circuit diodes works; in case II, mode 2–
another one. The resistor of the balancing circuit together with the resistance of the balancing circuiting
transformer windings affects the imbalance of υC1 and υC2. On the one hand, the lower the total value of the
resistances is, the more effective the balance circuit is. But the inrush current of the balancing circuit
operating diode is higher. On the other hand, an increase in the total value of the resistances makes it possible
to reduce the inrush current. Still, this current limitation can lead to some imbalance in υC1 and υC2 owing to
transferred charge and, as a consequence, to the appearance of a DC component in υO. In general, the
simulation results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to eliminate the above-mentioned
drawbacks of the extended PDM-SRI.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 16. Waveforms of inverter output voltage and blocking transformer input voltage (a) when using only
stage 5 and (k;l;n) = (2;1;1), (b) when using only stage 5 and (k;l;n) = (3;1;2), (c) when stage 5 and 6 are
alternated and (k;l;n) = (2;1;1), and (d) when stage 5 and 6 are alternated and (k;l;n) = (3;1;2)

Figure 17. Waveforms of voltages and currents in case I when (k;m;l) = (2;1;1)

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4.1. Experimental setup
The proposed PDM-SRI with the extended topology was verified using an experimental setup with a
rated power of 2.2 kW Figure 18. The structure of the experimental setup is consistent with Figure 1.
Discrete 650 V, 21 A SiC MOSFETs (SCT3120ALGC11) in the TO-247-3 package were chosen as
switching devices of the extended PDM-SRI.

Figure 18. The experimental 2.2 kW setup

Two main tasks of the experimental setup control system are the generation of the above-described
switching sequences and phase synchronization between υO and iO for performing ZVS during the SRI
operating. Therefore, the STM32G474RCT6 microcontroller (MC) of the STM32 G4-series was chosen for
its ability to generate up to ten PWM signals by its high-resolution timer (HRTIM) [34], [35]. A schematic
depiction of the control system structure is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Control system structure based on the microcontroller of the STM32G4 series

Apart from the MC, the control system consists of a current sensor, a current zero-crossing detector,
a D-type flip-flop, a logical block, a block of measuring the average rectified value (ARV) of iO, an
operational amplifier, and drivers of the transistors. During operation, the MC changes the PDM combination
according to the error signal produced by the operational amplifier. The output signal of the current sensor is
used to determine the zero-crossing and average rectified value of iO by the zero-crossing detector and the
block of measuring the ARV, respectively. The phase synchronization is based on a phase-locked-loop (PLL)
technique that tracks the phase shift between υO and iO. For this, two signals from the zero-crossing detector
and the MC are fed to the D-type flip-flop. Based on the signal from the D-type flip-flop, the MC changes the
operating frequency. The HRTIM generates six control signals and one shifted signal for phase
synchronization. This shifted signal avoids the use of a compensator to eliminate propagation delay between
the HRTIM control signals and υO. The logical block is used to completely turn off all the SRI transistors of
the converter (in case of an inactive state or in case of an emergency).
The HRTIM has to generate six control signals, which differ depending on the operation modes of
the extended PDM-SRI and sequencing of changes in the acting PDM combinations. Figure 20 shows the
control drive sequences generated by HRTIM for various cases of the PDM combinations. In the presented

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implementation, slave timers A, B, C, E, and the master timer of the HRTIM are used. The master timer
handles the frequency control. Thus, the counters of the slave timers are reset on the master period.
To ensure all of the PDM combinations shown in Table 1, HRTIM must generate at least twelve
control drive sequence shapes: six in the case of 0.5 ≤ D ≤ 1 Figure 20 (a) and six more in the case of 0 ≤ D ≤
0.5 Figure 20 (b). A kind of shapes the HRTIM has to generate will depend on the sequence of changing the
PDM combinations. Thus, the shapes of the control drive sequence of the same PDM combination may differ.



Figure 20. Shape variants of the control drive sequences (a) in case of 0.5 ≤ D ≤ 1 and (b) in case of 0 ≤ D < 0.5

4.2. Experimental waveforms

Figure 21 shows the experimental υO and iO waveforms of a full-power (D = 1) in the steady-state
operation obtained by the setup. Experimental waveforms of υO and iO in case of using the extended PDM-
SRI versus the full-bridge PDM-SRI for different D values are showed in Figure 22 (seen in Appendix).
Figures 22 (a)-(c) on the left side show experimental waveforms for the extended PDM-SRI in the case of
combining modes 1 and 2, when D = 0.83, D = 0.75, and D = 0.67, respectively. Figure 22 (d) on the left side
shows experimental waveforms in the case of modes 2, when D = 0.5 (the SRI operates as a conventional
half-bridge inverter). Figure 22 (e) on the left side shows experimental waveforms for the extended PDM-
SRI in the case of combining modes 2 and 3, when D = 0.33. On the right side of Figure 22 experimental
waveforms for the full-bridge PDM-SRI, respectively for the same D value of the extended PDM-SRI, are
shown. The operating frequency of the SRI was close to 34 kHz. Figure 23 shows the relationship between
the current amplitude fluctuation and the output power when using the proposed PDM-SRI versus the full-
bridge SRI with the traditional PDM. The fluctuation was calculated from the waveforms of iO. The Q value
during the experiments was close to 6.
The resulting waveforms are fully in line with expectations. Since different shapes are required based on
the sequence of changing the PDM combinations, different sequences have been stored in the MC memory for
the same pulse density, and MC choses the appropriate sequence being based on the change of D. So, there is no
problem with changing the sequence. Through ongoing experiments, the TDT value was kept constant. To reduce
the switching losses in the inverter transistors, the TDT value must be changeable [31]. Owing to fluctuations,
changing the TDT every TO is challenging. On the other hand, the required TDT value can only be determined for
the minimal current amplitude. But calculating it correctly and promptly at a low Q value is a complex task. To

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avoid inrush current during start-up, the initial frequency of the extended PDM-SRI was 50 kHz. During the
start-up process, it is possible to obtain the non-ZVS operation of the extended PDM-SRI if the time shift in the
control signals of Q3 and/or Q6 is too small, as shown in Figure 24(a). On the other hand, in a wide range of
operating frequencies, it is also possible to obtain non-ZVS if the time shift is too large. Therefore, the time shift
was set dynamically variable and equal to a quarter of the actual TO. For this case, in Figures 24(b) and 24(c) the
waveforms of υO and iO within the start-up process and in the steady-state operation, respectively, are shown. In
both cases, the extended PDM-SRI operates with ZVS.

Figure 21. Experimental waveforms of υO and iO in Figure 23. Relationship between the fluctuation and
case of full-power operation (D = 1) the output power

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 24. Waveforms of υO and iO at a low input voltage of the extended PDM-SRI (Vd = 70 V) (a) within
start-up process and under non-ZVS condition; constant time shift in Q6/Q3, (b) within start-up process and
under ZVS condition; dynamically variable time shift in Q6/Q3, and (c) in steady-state operation and under
ZVS condition; dynamically variable time shift in Q6/Q3

In general, the experimental results confirm the feasibility and performance of the proposed
extended PDM-SRI. It is also worth noting the significant size of the balancing transformer due to the low
frequency of its input voltage at low values of D. In the experimental setup, the size was close to half the size
of the matching transformer. To reduce the dimension of the balancing transformer, it is possible for D < 0.5
to use the PFM control method instead of the PDM one. In this case, the input voltage frequency of the
balancing transformer will be equal to that of the matching one. Furthermore, one diode of the balancing
circuit will be needless. Moreover, there will be no amplitude fluctuations of the SRI current. On the other
hand, the dynamic losses in the SRI transistors will be higher.

The extended PDM-SRI for induction heating applications which is proposed and analyzed in the
paper, has serious advantages in comparison with other types of PDM-SRIs. Such kind of the extended PDM-
SRI allows to reduce the fluctuation of the SRI output current compared to the traditional PDM-SRI or
reduces the number of required switching devices compared to a modular converter, which is based at least
on two inverters connected in series, with an interleaved or a stepped PDM control method. A PDM control
method and soft-switching operation of the proposed SRI were theoretically analyzed, explained, and verified
with simulation. The experimental setup of a 2.2 kW extended PDM-SRI has confirmed its feasibility.

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Figure 22. Experimental waveforms of υO and iO in case of using the extended PDM-SRI versus the
full-bridge PDM-SRI (a) in case of D = 0.83, (b) in case of D = 0.75, (c) in case of D = 0.67, (d) in case of
D = 0.5 and (e) in case of D = 0.33

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Pavlo Herasymenko is a senior researcher in the Institute of Electrodynamics,

Kyiv, Ukraine. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine, in 2004
and 2006, respectively, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, in 2010. His main research interests are the
design and application of high–power converters for induction heating equipment, digital
control, and custom power devices. He can be contacted at email: herasymenko@ieee.org.

Volodymyr Pavlovskyi was born in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, on January, 16, 1947.
He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in radio engineering from the Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute at Kyiv, Ukraine, in 1971, and the Ph. D. degree in signal processing in 1980. From
1982, he was a Senior Research Worker with several research institutes, where he studied
electromagnetic interferences in power converters. Since 1993, he has been a Senior Research
Worker with the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
His current research interests include electromagnetic compatibility problems in power
inverters and converters. He can be contacted at email: vopvl.2012@gmail.com.

Oleg Yurchenko is the head of the department of transistor converters of the

Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He graduated
from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1986. He received the qualification of an electronics
engineer in the specialty “Industrial Electronics”. He received Ph.D. degree from the Institute
of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv in 1991, Senior
researcher – in 1998, Doctor of Technical Sciences–in 2008, and Professor degree in 2019.
The main areas of research – power supply systems, which are characterized by a wide range
of changes in load parameters (primarily technological and transport purposes) in order to
improve their energy, technical and economic efficiency and electromagnetic compatibility.
He can be contacted at email: ol.nik.yurchenko@gmail.com.

A series-resonant inverter with extended topology and pulse-density-modulation … (Pavlo Herasymenko)

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